2018 Mtap

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2018 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge

Grade 2

Score: ______________

Name: __________________________________ School: ___________________________

Directions: Write the correct answer for each of the following in the blank before
each number. Use scratch papers for your computation, when necessary.

__________________________ 1. 67 + 81 + 23 + 69 + 33 + 27 = ?

__________________________ 2. Dan has 3 play cards. Liz has 3 play cards more
than Dan. How many play cards do they have

__________________________ 3. Find the missing digit in the following sequence:

91, 1___0, 129, 148, 167, …

__________________________ 4. There is a group of children standing in a circle. To

the left of Peter, between Peter and John, there
are 5 children. To the right of Peter , between
Peter and John, there are 8 children. What is the
total number of children in the circle?

__________________________ 5. We have a string with a length of 54 cm. How

many centimeters should we cut off the string, so
that there would be 3 decimeters left?

__________________________ 6. It is 10:00 p.m. at the moment. What time is it

going to be in 20 hours?

__________________________ 7. The figure below is made of 3

squares, each with a side of 2 cm.
Two such figures have been used to
make a rectangle.
How many centimeters is its perimeter?

__________________________ 8. In 10 years, Claire will be three times her current

age. What will be Claire’s age 8 years from now?

__________________________ 9. What number should be placed on the blank

below so that the following mathematical
sentence would be true?

__________________________ 10. Roland has a rope of length 15 cm. He wants to

cut the rope so that he can form the biggest
possible square, where the length of each side, in
cm, is a whole number. What is the length of the
rope that he must cut to form the square?

__________________________ 11. Mother baked cookies and put them in 10 small

boxes. She placed 8 cookies in each box and 3
cookies left over. How many cookies did she
__________________________ 12. What is the tens digit in the sum of 528 and 875?

__________________________ 13. What number multiplied by itself equals the

product of 6 and 24?

__________________________ 14. A box holds 5 dozen glasses. One-third of the

glasses were broken. How many glasses were

__________________________ 15. How many numbers between 325 and 564 end
with 0?

__________________________ 16. A group of kids sit in a stadium to watch a

basketball game. Counting from the aisle, Juan is
the 6th , and Pedro is the 18th. How many kids are
there between Jan and Pedro?

__________________________ 17. Andrew has 4 boards. Each board is 5 m long. He

needs 3 m of board to make a bird feeder. How
many bird feeders can Andrew make?

__________________________ 18. A total of 37 candies are placed in 7 jars. Each jar

has a different number of candies. No jar has
exactly 4 nor 6 candies. No jar is empty. What is
the greatest number of candies that any one jar
can have?

__________________________ 19. The perimeter of a rectangle is 30 meters and the

measure of each side is a whole number. How
many rectangles with different shapes satisfy
these conditions?

__________________________ 20. Four monkeys ate a total of 17 bananas. Each

monkey ate at least one banana. The first
monkey ate more than all the others. The second
and third ate a total of 10 bananas. How many
bananas did the fourth monkey eat?

__________________________ 21. In a list are two-digit numbers that have 4 tens

each. If we are to add 4 to each of these
numbers, how many would result to a number
with 5 tens?

__________________________ 22.What is the number equal to 20 ones + 4 tens – 5


__________________________ 23.Paula has 20 pencils and Mika has 6 pencils less

than Paula. What is the total number of Paula
and Mika’s pencils?

__________________________ 24. Nick has 18 pencils. Pete has half as many pencils
as Nick and Clark has 2 pencils more than Pete.
by how many are Nick’s pencils more than
__________________________ 25. Choose two numbers between 9 and 13 and
add them. How many different sums would you

__________________________ 26. How many two-digit numbers are there which do

NOT contain the digits 0 and 1?

__________________________ 27. A glass of water has a mass of 210 grams. When

one half of the water is poured away, the
remaining glass of water has a mass of 130
grams. What is the mass of the glass?

__________________________ 28. Linda has 2 snails in her tank at the end of the first
week. At the end of the second week , she had 4
snails. At the end of the third week, she had 8
snails. If this pattern continues, how many snails
will she have at the end of the fifth week?

__________________________ 29. Pete had 50 candies. He gave 5 each to his 8

friends. How many candies had he left?

__________________________ 30. Mrs. Dela Cruz needed chairs in the covered

court for 90 children. The school janitor set up 9
rows of chairs with 9 chairs in each row. How
many children would not have chairs?

1. 300
2. 9
3. 1
4. 15
5. 24 cm
6. 6:00 PM
7. 20 cm
8. 13 years old
9. 16
10. He must cut 3 cm
11. 83
12. 0
13. 12
14. 20
15. 24
16. 11
17. 6
18. 10
19. 7
20. 1
21. 4
22. 10
23. 34
24. 7
25. 7
26. 64
27. 50 gm
28. 32
29. 10 candies
30. 9

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