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Lawa National High School

English X
Second Quarter Examination
Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________
I. Read carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following lists the parts of a persuasive text?
a. Introduction, audience, conclusion
b. Introduction, argument, conclusion
c. Introduction, facts, opinions
2. Which of the following will serve as basis in writing persuasive text?
a. Rhetorical question b. argument c. purpose
3. If you are to write your persuasive text, which of the following should you consider first?
a. The language, because it will carry my message.
b. The audience, because it’s them I want to persuade.
c. The message, because I can’t persuade without it.
4. Which of the following states the use of transitional words in writing persuasive texts?
a. It makes reading easy.
b. It establishes connectedness among ideas in the text.
c. It aids understanding texts and remembering details.
5. Which of the following phrases states counterargument?
a. “I agree to banning social media sites in schools.”
b. “You might say that we are already in the 21st century…”
c. “Social media distract students especially during class hours.”
6. Which of the following is true for the word RECORD?
a. If it’s a noun, the stress is on the first syllable.
b. If it’s a verb, the syllable is on the second syllable.
c. The word isn’t stressed at all.
7. Do stress and juncture in Standard English apply in other languages?
a. Yes. B. No. c. Neither.
8. Why do stress, intonation, pitch, and juncture vary?
a. To help us express what we mean to say.
b. To set difference from other statements.
c. To make things clear.
9. Which of the following describes a formal definition?
a. It is prescribed by a dictionary.
b. It can be interpreted figuratively.
c. It is how people understand and use a word.
10. Which of the following figuratively interprets the sentence, “Can you give me a bread”?
a. The speaker asks for money.
b. The speaker asks for bread.
c. The speaker asks for a baked food out of flour.
11. If you are to informally define LOVE, how will you define it?
a. It is like a bubble gum…
b. It is an emotion for a person
c. It is a feeling of strong or constant affection for someone or something.
12. If you are to formally define LOVE, how will you define it?
d. It is like a bubble gum…
e. It is an emotion for a person
f. It is a feeling of strong or constant affection for someone or something.
13. What is the formal definition of the underlined word: piece of cake?
a. Very easy b. a kind of dessert c. idiom
14. What tense of verb should be used when the action is habitual?
a. Simple present b. Present Perfect c. Present progressive
15. Which of the following is in present progressive tense?
a. She loves to read Spanish Epics.
b. The Spanish Literature enthusiast has explored a variety of Spanish poems and
novels for the last ten years.
c. The sales of Spanish epic is surging significantly at the moment.
16. Which of the following is in Past Perfect Progressive Tense?
a. Cantar del mio Cid of the Lay of Cid was written in the mid-twelfth century.
b. The librarian was arranging the books yesterday when she noticed she was missing
a copy of epic.
c. She has been reading about the life of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar when her teacher
announced that their reading text for the week was “The Lady of Cid”.
17. What is the verb for the sentence below if it is in simple future tense? The epic
__________ an important piece of Spanish Literature.
a. Will remain b. remained c. remains
18. Who wrote the article “Rising above Disability”?
a. James Jue b. Jonathan Due c. Jonathan Jue
19. When the teacher uses graphs in presenting information, what type of reading path does
she use?
a. Linear b. Non-linear c. Quadratic
20. Which of the following describes a linear text?
a. It is fused visuals and texts.
b. It is based on grammar and stylistics.
c. It is non-sequential.
21. Which of the following best explains the benefit of non-linear texts?
a. It helps people who don’t prefer lengthy passages.
b. It helps in understanding better and more accurately.
c. It helps in shortening rather lengthy texts.
22. You are asked to plot similarities and differences of Spanish and Italian literature. What
will you do?
a. Use Venn Diagram b. Use Pie Graph c. Use Bar Graph
23. To whom does Non-sequential/ non-linear text suit most?
a. Auditory b. Visual c. kinaesthetic
24. Which of the following refers to the author’s perspective towards the theme of a poem?
a. Mood b. tone c. Scheme
25. Which of the following sentences could be the meaning of the line “When I consider how
my light is spent”?
a. It talks about the author’s questions to God why he lost his eyesight.
b. It talks about the author thinking of how his light was spent while it was yet there.
c. It talks about how a person may only be of use when everything is going well.
26. Which of the following sentences could be the meaning of the line “Doth God exact day
labour, light denied”?
a. It talks about the author’s questions to God why he lost his eyesight.
b. It talks about the author thinking of how his light was spent while it was yet there.
c. It talks about how a person may only be of use when everything is going well.
27. Which of the following sentences could be the meaning of the line “God doth not need
either man’s work or his own gifts who best bear his mild yoke, they serve him best”?
a. It could mean that the God needs to be served only with our best.
b. It could mean that the God only needs willingness to serve.
c. It could mean that the God needs only the best to serve.
28. What might be the author’s intent in writing the poem?
a. To give light b. To encourage c. to share his sad story
29. What do you think is the attitude of the writer in the poem “When I consider how my Light
is spent”?
a. Regretful b. insightful c. dismayed
30. Who is the author of the poem “When I Consider How My Light is Spent”?
a. John Donne b. John Milton c. John Lloyd

God bless!

Prepared by
Alena Kryzshelle Cambalon-Catalan

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