Ethnicity, Equity and Quality: Lessons From New Zealand (Nga Ma Tawaka, Nga A Hua Tika Me Nga Painga: Nga A Koranga No Aotearoa)

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Ethnicity, equity and quality organisers and community leaders.

................................................................................... Partnership is a core component of the
Treaty of Waitangi, the original agree-

Ethnicity, equity and quality: lessons ment intended to protect the interests of
both the original inhabitants and the

from New Zealand (Nga mātawaka, incomers. The Treaty has not always
been honoured by the New Zealand

nga āhua tika me nga painga: nga

government or pakeha, and examples of
institutional and personal racism are
well documented.7 Over the last few
ākoranga no Aotearoa) decades the responsibilities of leader-
ship have been challenged and many
K M McPherson, M Harwood, H K McNaughton steps taken towards redressing the lack
demonstrated throughout the 19th and
20th centuries. Experience from other
Shorter life expectancy and poorer outcomes associated with countries suggests that, without the
Treaty, New Zealand may well not have
ethnicity are important issues for many countries. Some tackled much of the implicit and explicit
approaches to this problem in New Zealand are described. discriminatory practice. Things are by
no means perfect and, without contin-

ife expectancy for indigenous people handling of biological specimens. It is ued effort, those improvements made so
in colonised countries is shorter than increasingly understood that failure to far may well be transitory. However,
it should be. In New Zealand, Māori take such things into consideration may healthcare policy, clinical practice and
die on average 10 years younger than well lead to interventions that fail in the research processes are now all
people of Anglo-European descent.1 The short term and that build suspicion in influenced by the Treaty, and attention
usual suspects of poverty and poor socio- the longer term as people lose their trust to the impact of ethnicity on health is
economic opportunities contribute to in healthcare providers. While cultural growing.
inequity, but failures in service organis- safety began as a movement within The final issue highlighted here con-
ation and delivery are part of the picture. nursing, it is now being introduced cerns how service effectiveness is evalu-
New Zealand is not the only colonised within the other undergraduate cur- ated. Most measures of process and out-
nation where higher rates of illness and ricula and professional development pro- come are based largely on Eurocentric or
premature mortality exist, but it is a grammes. US perspectives.8 While there is a place
country making concerted efforts to Difficulties in accessing services have for such approaches, they may well fail
address the disparity. been identified for Māori and other to address issues which matter most to
The starting point in identifying in- ethnic groups in New Zealand.1 Result- people of different ethnic origin. A recent
equality in health outcomes is ensuring ant delays in initiating treatment may model which explicitly addresses a
accuracy of data. New Zealand is a well contribute to the significantly Māori perspective of health and well-
diverse country; the 2001 census indi- worse outcomes found in patients with being is the Whare Tapa Wha model
cates that 14.1% of the population are stroke, cancer, cardiovascular disease, developed by Durie, visualised as a “four
Māori, 6.2% are Pacific people, and 6.4% diabetes, and mental illness.4–6 While sided house” where each construct is
are Asian.2 Each of these groups is actu- services that use the principles of required for health (table 1).9 Durie
ally growing at a faster rate than pakeha cultural safety can reduce barriers and suggests that the link between these four
(the white descendants of colonial set- encourage access, a number of culturally components is fundamental: “A person’s
tlers). However, until recently, documen- specific services have been successfully synergy relies on these foundations
tation of ethnic origin in relation to introduced. Among developments are being secure. Move one of these, however
health was not routinely collected. Even GP services based within marae (local slightly, and the person may become
when ethnicity was recorded, it tended meeting houses), specialist outreach unwell.”9
to be based on health workers’ assess- clinics for young people with mental Although expert derived, this model is
ment of the appearance of the service health problems, and culturally specific quite different from many others used in
user. Addressing health needs and plan- health education programmes.1 Making health care in being very definitely
ning appropriate levels of service clearly decisions about where and when “cul- owned by the community. It makes the
requires a more accurate and sensible turally specific services” versus “cultur- interconnectedness between different
approach. Self-identification of ethnicity ally safe generic services” are most aspects of life and wellbeing explicit, has
is now established as “best practice” in appropriate is difficult and complex. It is been the basis of new services, and
New Zealand1 and, as a result, knowl- likely that each is required if high qual- underpins an outcome measure now
edge about health and the incidence and ity services are to be provided across the used in mental health.10
prevalence of certain conditions is im- country. Life expectancy and poorer outcomes
proving. Developing appropriate and respon- in association with ethnicity remain
A second step in enhancing respon- sive services requires dialogue and important issues for many countries,
siveness to cultural needs of patients is partnership between health service including New Zealand. National and
“cultural safety” introduced by Irihapeti
Ramsden.3 Cultural safety goes further
than learning factual information re- Table 1 Whare Tapa Wha model
garding dietary or religious needs of dif-
ferent ethnic groups. Rather, it means Taha Wairua Taha Hinengaro Taha Tinana Taha Whanau
(Spiritual) (Mind) (Physical) (Extended family)
engaging with the sociopolitical context
of beliefs about whanau (family) and of Capacity for faith and Capacity to communicate, Capacity for physical Capacity to belong,
what is tapu (forbidden) in a range of wider communion think and feel growth and development to care, and to share
healthcare practice, from washing some-
one through to physical examination or

local developments such as those de- Correspondence to: Dr K McPherson, Reader in 5 Sporle A, Pearce N, Davis P. Social class
scribed here are making a difference, but Rehabilitation, School of Health Professions and mortality differences in Maori and non-Maori
Rehabilitation Sciences, University of men aged 15–64 during the last two decades.
ongoing and expanding effort is required Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK; NZ Med J 2003;115:127–31.
if significant improvements in health are 6 Brinded PM, Simpson AI, Laidlaw TM, et al.
to occur. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in New
REFERENCES Zealand prisons: a national study. Aust NZ J
Qual Saf Health Care 2003;12:237–238 Psychiatry 2001;35:166–173.
1 Ministry of Health, New Zealand. Reducing
7 Reid P, Robson B, Jones C. Disparities in
inequalities in health. Wellington: Ministry of
..................... Health, 2002. health; common myths and uncommon truths.
2 Statistics New Zealand. 2001 census of Pacific Health Dialogue 2000;7:38–48.
Authors’ affiliations 8 McPherson KM, Brander PM, McNaughton
population and dwellings.
K M McPherson, M Harwood, Wellington H, et al. Living with arthritis: what is
census 2003 (accessed 19 May 2003).
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, New 3 Ramsden I. Cultural safety in nursing important? Disabil Rehabil 2001;23:706–21.
Zealand education in Aotearoa (New Zealand). 9 Durie MH. Whaiora-Maori health
K M McPherson, School of Health Professions Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 2003;8:4–10. development. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of 4 McNaughton H, Weatherall M, McPherson 1998.
Southampton, UK K, et al. The comparability of community 10 Kingi Te Kani, Durie MH. Hua Oranga: a
H K McNaughton, Capital Coast Health, outcomes for European and non-European Maori measure of mental health outcome.
Wellington, Medical Research Institute of New survivors of stroke in New Zealand. NZ Med J Palmerston North: Massey University, School
Zealand 2002;115:98–100. of Maori Studies, 2000.

High reliability organizations events in medicine is significant8 9 and

................................................................................... should be a priority for any comprehen-
sive error reduction strategy. Conversely,

High reliability organizational human variability should be viewed as a

defence barrier to prevent error if indi-

change for hospitals: translating viduals and teams are properly trained to
support the tenets of a high reliability
organization (HRO).
tenets for medical professionals HROs embrace (1) a preoccupation
with failure avoidance, (2) a reluctance to
M J Shapiro, G D Jay simplify interpretations, (3) sensitivity to
operations, (4) commitment to resilience,
and (5) deference to expertise.10 The ten-
Health care will continue to struggle to improve patient safety ets of an HRO have not been translated
into healthcare industry terms to enable
until the medical industry and hospital leaders understand that caregivers to initiate the cultural changes
the tenets of high reliability organizations can be translated for necessary to assist healthcare organiza-
physicians and nurses. tions function like HROs. We believe
these tenets need to be distilled for appli-
cation at the point of care delivery—the

espite the significantly increased Reluctance to adopt lessons learned in
attention to patient safety, it re- other industries, some of them in the physician, nurse, and patient relation-
mains unclear what role health- form of qualitative data, is partly what ship. We also believe that (1) attitude
care professionals—both individually fuels the controversy between the change, (2) metacognitive skills, (3)
and collectively—should play in support- evidence-based camps and healthcare system based practice, (4) leadership and
ing organizational change. Concurrently, safety experts who feel there is an teamwork, and (5) emotional intelli-
the model of error is shifting away from urgency to act.4 5 For example, the Insti- gence and advocacy and assertion are the
the individual towards the system to tute of Medicine (IOM) recommen- respective caregiver instruments which
search for solutions, which has left a void dation 8.1 to adopt crew resource man- would help to drive the healthcare indus-
in the area of human performance. agement (CRM) and proven training try towards a high reliability organiza-
Medical industry leaders at the chief methods (simulation) and to train teams tional change (table 1).
executive level have a vision which in the units where they actually function A preoccupation with failure builds on
focuses on information systems and (IOM principle 3) has received limited the primum non nocere which every physi-
streamlined system improvements. application in large healthcare systems.6 cian and nurse is familiar with and gen-
These tangible technological solutions, Without such training it is highly un- erally accepts. First “do no harm” is ever
such as Computerized Physician Order likely that loosely organized working present in the lexicon of care providers
Entry (CPOE), share specificity to fix an groups will ever make the transition to and is very much in keeping with a pre-
identifiable problem, making them com- superior performing teams.7 As in avia- occupation of failure. Unfortunately,
fortable targets for patient safety initia- tion, the human contribution to adverse some care providers have the illusion
tives. While this approach will yield
positive results, it is important to re-
Table 1 Relationship between high reliability organization (HRO) tenets
member that up to 75% of information
and individual competencies
technology solutions are likely to fail.1
Complementary behavioral solutions HRO tenet Corresponding behavior of care provider
such as teamwork should therefore be Preoccupation with failure avoidance Attitude
recognized for their potential to mitigate Reluctance to simplify interpretation Metacognitive skills
error and increase system resilience.2 3 Sensitivity to operations Systems based practices
These human performance interven- Commitment to resilience Leadership and teamwork skills
tions, because of their broad adaptability, Deference to expertise Emotional intelligence; advocacy and assertion
may have the potential to produce a
greater reduction in adverse events.

that we have accomplished this hyper- for US residency programs, a recognition cultural change possible. Further explo-
vigilance but, in reality, we have actually that graduate physician training must ration and research is needed to clarify
suppressed this tenet because it does not encompass a broader perspective. How- the interplay between the tenets of HROs
seem acceptable. An attitudinal change ever, the true meaning of system based and the individual caregiver-patient re-
required to move forward is already practice remains elusive, and it is diffi- lationship.
underway with anonymous medical cult to identify which improvement Qual Saf Health Care 2003;12:238–239
error reporting systems, more open efforts require prioritization. Technically
discussion regarding error, and new competent care providers cannot be
requirements for error disclosure. In completely successful in delivering safe .....................
addition, care providers must internalize and efficient care without a better work- Authors’ affiliations
teamwork concepts consciously to cross ing knowledge of the complex system in M J Shapiro, G D Jay, Center for Safety in
Emergency Care, Brown Medical School/Rhode
monitor the actions of other providers, which they practice. Island Hospital, Providence, RI 02903, USA
expand their responsibility beyond their A commitment to resilience is evident
individual tasks, and be accountable for in nursing practice by the recent debate Correspondence to: Dr M J Shapiro, Center for
Safety in Emergency Care, Brown Medical
the broader concern of safe delivery of on mandatory overtime. Both nurses and School/Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
patient care. While system change is the physicians are committed to never aban- 02903, USA;
new mantra for medical error reduction, doning a patient as a principle, and are
individual practitioners need to remain sensitive to its perceived occurrence. This
accountable for specific types of errors
value is truly a commitment to resilience
1 Willcocks L, Lester S. Evaluating the feasibility
such as cognitive error or procedural and is translatable across all caregivers of information technology research. Discussion
competency, but it is imperative that as emotional intelligence12 13 which is paper DDP 93/1. Oxford: Oxford Institute of
these frontline caregivers be supported formed in part from leadership and Information Management, 1993.
2 Morey JC, Simon R, Jay GD, et al. Error
by a team structure to make them teamwork. Deference to expertise is reduction and performance improvement in
successful in a complex system. intertwined in these skills, which is best the emergency department through formal
Metacognitive skills are learnable manifested as advocacy and assertion on teamwork training: evaluation of results of the
MedTeams Project. Health Serv Res
skills which, when coupled with case the level of the individual caregiver. Phy- 2002;37:1553–81.
based learning, provide experiential sicians, in particular, have been trained 3 Morey JC, Simon R, Jay G, et al. A transition
learning which will help physicians and as individuals and practice in that way. from aviation crew resource management to
hospital emergency departments: The
nurses to avoid numerous human biases The physician’s value system prefers not MedTeams story. In Proceedings of the Twelfth
known to create and perpetuate chains to admit mistakes and to appear both International Symposium on Aviation
of error.11 Physicians in training are erudite and correct most of the time. Psychology. Columbus, OH: The Aviation
Psychology Laboratory of the Ohio State
instructed to arrive at a diagnosis which However, the increasing burden placed University, 2003: 826–32.
fits the available data without an under- upon healthcare systems, coupled with 4 Leape LL, Berwick DM, Bates DW. What
standing of how cognitive biases affect the explosion of new information for practices will most improve patient safety?
their decision making. Medical training which physicians and nurses are respon- Evidence-based medicine meets patient safety.
JAMA 2002;288:501–7.
needs a formalized structure for teach- sible, should override these concerns. 5 Shojania K, Duncan B, McDonald K, et al,
ing cognitive error recognition and forc- Caregivers, regardless of rank, should eds. Making health care safer: a critical
ing strategies to prevent diagnostic and advocate and assert corrective positions analysis of patient safety practices. Evidence
Report/Technology Assessment No. 43.
treatment errors. Even experienced phy- and actions when error is observed or AHRQ Publication 01-E058. Rockville, MD:
sicians and nurses who appreciate the anticipated. More importantly, the re- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
benefits of bias awareness and the ceiver of such a challenge should defer to (AHRQ), 2001.
6 Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, eds.
hypervigilance necessary to prevent this momentary expertise and do so in To err is human: building a safer care system.
error chains can benefit from a more an emotionally intelligent way. These Washington, DC: National Academy Press,
comprehensive understanding of their skills are also learnable in the context of 1999.
7 Fried BJ, Topping S, Rundall TG. Groups and
cognitive processes. training for teamwork and leadership. teams in health services organizations. In:
A sensitivity to operation would be We believe that the end user HRO trait of Shortell SM, Kaluzny AD, eds. Health care
manifested by clinical treatment guide- commitment to resilience and deference management: organization design and
behavior. 4th ed. Albany, NY: Delmar, 2000:
lines and judicial use of computerized to expertise can be learned in this way. 154–90.
information services which provide a Health care will continue to struggle 8 Kumar V, Barcellos WA, Mehta MP, et al. An
shared exchange of clinical information to improve patient safety until the medi- analysis of critical incidents in a teaching
for all caregivers on a team. This extends cal industry and hospital leaders under- department for quality assurance: a survey of
mishaps during anaesthesia. Anesthesia
to ergonomic redesign of clinical envi- stand that the tenets of HROs can be 1988;43:879–83.
ronments to foster interchange. This is translated for physicians and nurses. 9 Chopra V, Engbers FHM, Geerts MJ, et al.
also true for other technological innova- Curricula need to be developed and pro- The Leiden anaesthesia simulator. Br J Anaesth
tions, including the use of portable com- vided in a manner which serves as an 10 Rochlin GI. Defining “high reliability”
puter systems which enable clinicians to educational foundation for individual organizations in practice: a toxonomic
document and review patient charting in responsibility and accountability to other prologue. In Roberts KH, ed. New challenges
to understanding organizations. New York:
the highly mobile environment in today’s care providers. Specific interventions Macmillan, 1993: 11–32.
hospitals. Existing policies and proce- such as improved information technol- 11 Croskerry P. Achieving quality in clinical
dures attempt to define system based ogy have their place in improving patient decision making: cognitive strategies and
detection of bias. Acad Emerg Med
practices but most are too narrowly safety, but there needs to be a more bal- 2002;9:1184–204.
defined, overcomplicated, and not con- anced portfolio of solutions which will 12 Goleman D. Working with emotional
sistently applied. Systems based practice include training to improve human intelligence. New York: Bantam, 1998.
has only recently become an Accredita- performance. At the same time, physi- 13 Goleman D, Boyatzis R, McKee A. Primal
leadership: realizing the power of emotional
tion Council of Graduate Medical Educa- cians and nurses must also understand intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business School
tion (ACGME) competency requirement that their efforts are needed to make Publishing, 2002.

“No fault” compensation do make specific errors, recent

................................................................................... approaches to understanding adverse
events emphasise that there is usually

Compensation as a duty of care: the a chain of events leading to an

adverse outcome, each of which may
be influenced by a wide range of
case for “no fault” contributory factors.5 There is therefore
a tension—in fact, a fundamental
C Vincent incompatibility—between a judicially
orientated enquiry and the systemic
................................................................................... investigations required for improving
safety. Furthermore, fears of litigation
An optimal compensation system should compensate injuries are a frequently voiced obstacle to open
when they occur, but also reduce errors and harm. The tort reporting of errors and adverse events.
system used in most countries is increasingly anachronistic and While some clinicians’ fears can be
offset by confidential or anonymous
an obstacle to progress on patient safety. A “no fault” system reporting, in a tort system there is
of compensation such as that used in New Zealand may result always a trade off between the interests
in better quality of care. of patients and patient safety and the
interests of clinicians and healthcare

etrospective medical record reviews adverse events. However, the findings
An optimal system must act to
suggest that 4–16% of hospitalised of Davis and colleagues, while not
reduce errors and harm and yet also
patients suffer harm, which is a direct test of the impact of tort,
compensate injuries once they occur.
judged preventable in about half of cases. suggest at the very least that such an
Studdert and Brennan3 argue that such
In the study by Davis et al1 published in effect is fairly marginal—if it exists
a system should have five broad charac-
this issue of QSHC, 5.2% of admissions in at all.
New Zealand led to a preventable in- Tort systems may have had some
positive effects. The rise in litigation, • the programme should encourage
hospital event, a similar rate to that in
and reflection on its causes, was cer- healthcare professionals to report
the UK and within the broad range of
tainly one powerful driver towards errors;
other studies. Clearly these results are
important for New Zealand health care, assessing the full extent of harm • it should send strong quality improve-
but they also have a special significance to patients. Arguably, the threat of ment signals with financial incentives
because of New Zealand’s “no fault” litigation has promoted better for safety and quality;
compensation system. To understand communication with patients and more
• it must include mechanisms to deal
this it is necessary briefly to consider the collaborative decision making. In
with the small number of rogue or
basis and justification for different ap- Britain the NHS Litigation Authority
reckless clinicians who harm patients;
proaches to compensation for medical requires hospitals to appoint risk man-
agers with some responsibility for re- • the compensation programme should
injury. act to reinforce rather than under-
ducing risk as well as managing claims.
In most countries compensation for mine the honesty and openness of
There are, however, many negative con-
medical injury is based on the tort the clinician-patient relationship;
sequences to set against these positive
system or other “fault based” models. and
The claimant—the injured patient—
With the rise of patient safety and • where appropriate, patients should be
must take legal action to prove duty of
systems thinking about the causes of compensated in a manner that is
care, injury, causation, and negligence.
adverse events, the tort system is look- speedy, equitable, affordable, and pre-
In a “no fault” compensation system an ing increasingly anachronistic and an
expert panel will assess whether the dictable.
obstacle to progress on patient safety.3
injury has indeed been caused by health The system has been criticised as costly, Studdert and Brennan consider that a
care, but the patient does not have to go slow, inequitable in various respects, “no fault” system can achieve all five
to court and does not have to prove and blame orientated. It can be goals, and argue that such systems
negligence in order to be eligible traumatic for those involved—patients should now be piloted in the United
for compensation. Most “no fault” and professionals alike—inducing States.
systems do not compensate all injuries much bitterness on both sides. The Several “no fault” compensation
from health care. For instance, the system is inherently adversarial and, systems with different characteristics
New Zealand system compensates for although much of the trauma can be operate internationally in Denmark,
injuries caused by medical error reduced by sympathetic and effective Sweden, Finland, and New Zealand. The
and rare mishaps, but generally not for lawyers on both sides, patients still have Swedish approach, for instance, has
injuries deemed not to result from to fight for compensation at a time when proved to be efficient and affordable,
error. they really need to be looked after. although backed by a strong social secu-
The tort system, however, is not Reforms being considered in Britain rity system. Physicians in Sweden ap-
simply a system of compensation but is include fixed tariffs for specific injuries, pear to regard assisting with compensa-
also intended to emphasise accountabil- alternative dispute resolution, struc- tion claims as a continuation of the duty
ity of individuals and institutions and to tured payouts instead of large “one off” of care and as a natural part of their
be a deterrent to substandard care.2 lump sums, as well as “no fault” responsibility to their patients. Studies
Simply put, the likelihood of being sued systems.4 by Brennan and colleagues suggest that
is supposed to inject a certain caution Tort is built, in practice at least, on the implementing the Swedish system of
into clinical practice and decision mak- notion of individual fault. Typically, compensation, which employs a crite-
ing which is supposed to improve specific lapses in the standard of rion of avoidability of injury as grounds
patient care. If this were so, one might care provided by individuals are for compensation, would not lead to
think that countries operating tort identified as the grounds for compensa- greatly increased overall costs in the
systems would have a lower level of tion. While not denying that clinicians United States, but would compensate

many more injured patients. Incentives need to look more directly at the .....................
for enhancing quality and safety of care operation of “no fault” systems, both in Author’s affiliation
can be built into “no fault” systems in terms of compensation arrangements C Vincent, Smith & Nephew Foundation
several ways, usually in the form of Professor of Clinical Safety Research,
and their impact on quality of care. Department of Surgical Oncology and
“enterprise liability” by which a hospital There is, for instance, an assumption Technology, Imperial College School of Science,
or other healthcare organisation be- that “no fault” systems encourage re- Technology and Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital
comes liable for the costs of compensa- Campus, London W2 1NY, UK;
porting of errors but there is little
tion, rather than individual clinicians. In evidence to support this view. The most
addition to providing incentives to safe important criterion for assessment of REFERENCES
care, this approach is also consistent 1 Davis P, Lay-Yee R, Briant R, et al.
any compensation system should be its Preventable in-hospital medical injury under
with a systems approach to the the “no fault” system in New Zealand. Qual
impact on injured patients and their
understanding and prevention of ad- Saf Health Care 2003;12:251–6.
families, not just in providing appropri- 2 Fenn P. Compensation for medical injury: a
verse events.
ate financial recompense where neces- review of policy options. In: Vincent CA, Ennis
sary but in ensuring that explanations, M, Audley RJ, eds. Medical accidents. Oxford:
“the idea that [the tort system] acts Oxford University Press, 1993: 198–208.
apologies, and long term support and 3 Studdert DM, Brennan TA. No-fault
as an effective deterrent is now compensation for medical injuries: the
care are regarded as the expectation
bankrupt” prospect for error prevention. JAMA
rather than the exception.6 Compen- 2001;286:217–23.
sation would ideally be a gesture of 4 Gaine WJ. No-fault compensation systems.
While the tort system can still be BMJ 2003;326:997–8.
reconciliation and an acknowledgement 5 Vincent C. Understanding and responding to
defended in some respects, and might be adverse events. N Engl J Med
that a healthcare organisation has a
more acceptable in some countries than 2003;348:1051–6.
special duty of care to those it has 6 Vincent CA. Caring for patients harmed by
others, the idea that it acts as an
harmed. treatment. In: Vincent CA, ed. Clinical risk
effective deterrent is now bankrupt. As management. Enhancing patient safety.
Davis and colleagues suggest, we now Qual Saf Health Care 2003;12:240–241 London: BMJ Publications, 2001: 461–79.

3rd Asia Pacific Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care

3–5 September 2003, Auckland, New Zealand

We are delighted to announce this forthcoming conference in Auckland, New Zealand.

The themes of the 3rd Asia Pacific Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care are:

• Agenda for quality: Improving equity in health care delivery

• Improving safety
• Leadership for improvement
• Measuring quality and benchmarking for change
• Evidence based knowledge and education for quality improvement
• Improving health systems
• Patient/consumer centred quality improvement

Presented to you by the BMJ Publishing Group (London, UK) and Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Boston, USA),
supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Health, ACC, and Standards New Zealand.

For more information about the Forum or to register contact: or go to:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 6409 Fax: +44 (0)20 7383 6869

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