A Study On The Parenting Skills and Experiences in The Urban Poor Community To Create A Responsive Parenting Education Towards Community Development

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“The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any.

That’s what makes it so difficult”
-Ewan McGregor

Parenting is a very difficult but important task to any parent around the world.

Especially when the future generation is shaped without specific rules or encompassing

guidelines to follow as mentioned above by Ewan McGregor, rules that transcends

cultures, socio economic, political and social issues. Being a parent myself for more than

twelve (12) years and immersed in the social service and development sector through a

non-government organization that works in the urban and rural poor communities that

deals with children and families for more than eighteen (18) years, this statement is

validated despite the several good efforts of the government and non-government

organizations. Parenting in the urban poor community in Bataan Shipment and

Engineering Corporation (BASECO) is not an exemption to this dilemma.


BASECO community is situated along the reclaimed area of Port Area Manila

under the jurisdiction of Philippine Ports Authority, classified as urban poor. It was

during the incumbency of Former President Ferdinand Marcos that the place was known

as Engineering Island of NASCO. Former first lady Imelda Marcos, then Governor of

Metro Manila, ordered the dredging an island thus formed adjacent to NASCO compound

and employees of it where the first inhabitants of the island.

In 1998, the former Congressman Amado S. Bagatsing donated to the barangay,

materials and financial assistance for the construction of faucets, which was then

managed by the Barangay Water Association of Barangay 649 and electrification

program thru Depressed Area Electrification Program (DAEP) was also realized in

1988, followed by the construction of school buildings.

Important events came in the area. Last August 21, 2001, the community was

declared as of the KALAHI area – (Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan) by the Department

of Socail Welfare and Development. Hence, census was conducted last September 2001

thru the creation of Task Force Baseco with four departments involved, the Manila

Department of Social Welfare (MDSW), Urban Settlement Office (USO), City Planning

Office and Engineering Office of Cot of Manila. The survey was successfully

undertaken January 2002. Furthermore, Barangay 649 was proclaimed by former

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Presedential Proclamation 145, declaring Baseco

open for disposition to actual residents of the community January 18, 2002, Ordinance

7931 declaring the 52 hectares land be awarded to actual Baseco residents.

BASECO or Bataan Shipyard Engineering Corporation is a home to around

13,276 families or a population of 56, 380 individuals (Community profile as of

December 2013) excluding renters and other unregistered transient relatives and

individuals from other provinces and slum communities in and around Manila.

This community is a very diversed, multi-cultural and highly politicized area

which also one of the reason why there a lot of petty to serious crimes being committed

inside and outskirts of the community. From simple crimes like malicious mischiefs,

theft, gang wars, domestic violence to serious crimes like drug pushing, serious physical

injuries to murder. Different territorial and violent groups and sub-groups are present

within the Muslim community such as Tausug, Maranao and other ethnic minorities

while other groups are by geographic location and is more organized. Groups like

Grupong Ilocano, Sputnik, Tao Gamma and gangs others are present which made the

community a dangerous place to walk at night.

In the urban poor community where a diverse and problematic families from

different parts of the country and slum areas come together, such as BASECO, it is not a

surprising to know the blatant incidence of crimes, violence, suffering and abuses are

happening due poverty and lack or absence of parental guidance. Parents lack of

adequate parenting knowledge and skills to rear their children, communicate with their

spouses, manage resources, access government services and know their rights and

responsibility as parents. These are the some of the causes of poor parenting. This is

validated not only by the report of DSWD that abuses are on the rise nationally but also

within the community as reported by the BCPC or Barangay Council for the Protection

of Children office.

According to Presidential Decree 603, the foundation of a country is the family.

If this is true according to the intelligent minds of the ones who crafted the decree,

parenting then is given utmost importance in building a nation. According to an Indian

proverb, “It takes a village to raise up a child” taken into Philippine context, “it takes

healthy families to build up a nation.” But what if the problem is the family? How can a

child, individual or even an entire community develop if the smallest unit that builds our

nation is dysfunctional?

Statement of the problem and Objectives

Since biblical period parenting plays a key role in the formation of the Jewish

community. From the examples of the first man Adam, the patriarchs Noah, Abraham,

and Jacob, King David and even the earthly father of Jesus, Joseph the carpenter we can

learn principles and see examples of good and bad parenting. Parenting is such a vital

role in the formation of a child that will eventually become adult that will in turn

become part of a larger group that forms a community. Sadly, it has been an informal

profession which is gravely neglected that affects not only the child and family, but the

community as a whole. Dysfunctional families are breeding grounds of abuse, pain and


Presently, social workers, psychologist and development workers face a similar

social problem in their efforts to help and contribute change in the community so

children, parents and families will develop. Statistics shows a rise on child abuse cases

according to the recent study and from the former DSWD Secretary Taguiwalo, as well

as the abuses to women. According to internal organizational studies conducted by

HOPE worldwide Philippines by its program HOPE Mobile Pupper Theater (advocacy

questionnaire sheets 2003-2007), says that every four (4) seconds a child is abused, and

one (1) every three (3) Filipino children suffers a form of abuse before he or she reaches

the age of twelve (12). Types of abuses such as verbal, physical, emotional, sexual and

economical abuse are present in any family whether rich or poor. Most recorded abuses

happen in the poor families and communities in need. Abuse to children and families are

like a vortex of continuous pain and suffering. Without proper understanding and

intervention, pain, trauma and sufferings in the family goes on from generation to


The general objective of this research is to advocate and raise awareness on the

necessity for a comprehensive parenting education in the urban poor communities, in the

hope to see a more develop, prosperous and harmonious community where every child

and family can thrive. This can be achieved by:

1. Looking into the essences of the lived experiences of parents and childrens

views on parenting in the urban poor community of BASECO;

2. Formulating a “common baseline or essentials” of parenting training to

enhance knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA);

3. Encourage parents to enrol or participate voluntarily in the program

regardless of religion, educational attainment and economic standing within

the community of BASECO.

Research questions

Parenting in especially difficult circumstances such as parenting in the urban

poor community is definitely a challenge, what can be done to better

understand and help support the parents in the urban poor community of

BASECO. Parents generally described their parenting experience as a

challenge and unsure if their pareting style or ways and approach is on the

right track especially in child rearing and relationship among spouses. Most of

the parents in the community wonder and asks “Why is there no formal

parenting school available for the poor?”

Scope and Limitations of the Research

The scope and limitations of this research study are:

1. The parent- respondents are all beneficiaries of HOPE worldwide Philippines

under its Kindergarten Program in the urban poor community of BASECO.

2. Children of respondents are not consulted or interviewed in view of the

parenting of their parents.

3. The data to be presented in this research is based only on the written lived

experience of the parent respondents.

Definition of Terms

For purposes of clarity, key terms used in this study are defined.

Eidetic Insight – are formed and being constructed by the researcher upon

thorough studying of the stories provided by the co – researchers lived experience. It is

the ultimate learning, reflection of the researcher based on the stories obtained.

Eidetic Reduction – is about analyzing essences: what makes the thing you're

contemplating what it is. "This is done by theoretically changing different elements

(while mentally observing whether or not the phenomenon changes) of a practical object

to learn which characteristics are necessary for it to be it without being something else."

Epoche – is the process of suspending ones judgment and judgement thereby

getting a neutral position. In view of phenomenology it is also called bracketing.


Experience - in a phenomenological sense, includes not only the

relatively passive experiences of sensory perception, but

also imagination, thought, emotion, desire, volition and action. In short, it includes

everything that we live through or perform. Thus, we may observe and engage with other

things in the world, but we do not actually experience them in a first-person manner.

What makes an experience conscious is a certain awareness one has of the experience

while living through or performing it (Mastin, 2008).

Parenting – the process of taking care of children until they are old enough to

take care of themselves: the things that parents do to raise a child (Mirriam Webster


Phenomenology - Phenomenology is the study of experience and how we

experience. It studies structures of conscious experience as experienced from

a subjective or first-person point of view, along with its "intentionality" (the way an

experience is directed toward a certain object in the world). It then leads to analyses of

conditions of the possibility of intentionality, conditions involving motor

skills and habits, background social practices and, often, language. Experience, in a

phenomenological sense, includes not only the relatively passive experiences of sensory

perception, but also imagination, thought, emotion, desire, volition and action. In short, it

includes everything that we live through or perform. Thus, we

may observe and engage with other things in the world, but we do not

actually experience them in a first-person manner. What makes an

experience conscious is a certain awareness one has of the experience while living

through or performing it (Mastin, 2008).


Phenomenon – is the occurrence of experiences in events or objects in the context


Transcendental Insight – is about analyzing all the esseces that surfaced from

the eidetic reduction, transcendental reduction, traditional views and personal lived

experience arriving to the pure essence of the subject.

Transcendental Reduction – is "examining experience in general and dissecting

in it what is supplied by the mind from what is supplied by the given intuitions."

Urban Poor Community – An urban poor community is an area in the region

surrounding a city. Most inhabitants of urban areas have nonagricultural jobs.Urban

areas are very developed, meaning there is a density of human structures such as houses,

commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways. "Urban poor community" can refer to

towns, cities, and suburbs where mostly poor families like informal settlers live.



Related Literature

Parenting without proper knowledge, skills and attitude can lead to abuse; pain

and suffering that can last from one generation to another. Parents especially in the urban

poor community usually parents how they were raised up regardless if its right or wrong,

abusive or not.

Numerous and volumes of books, articles, and training materials on parenting are

available in the bookstores, internet, and government agencies. Like most books drawn

from life experience and research, these books are continuously improving and evolving.

From developmental approach on parenting book written by psychologist John K.

Rosemond the director of the Center of Affirmative Parenting (CAP) in Gastonia, North

Carolina where he focuses on an individual’s development stages, what to expect and

how to handle different issues in lieu of a person’s developmental age (Parenting Power

A Common Sense-Approach to Parenting in the 90s and Beyond, John K. Rosemond

1990) to topical approach by Dr. Josh McDowell, speaker, author and writer. A graduate

of Wheaton College and Talbot Theological Seminary and Bob Hostetler, speaker, editor

and writer of numerous books where they listed down different parental issues and

problems of youth in the context of relational, emotional, familial, sexual, abuse,

addictions, disorders, educational, physical and vocational issues where he gave a case

summary, background introduction of each problem its history, cause and effects, biblical

perspective while suggesting proper intervention and response to address the problem

(Handbook on Counselling Teenagers by Josh MacDowell & Bob Hostetler 1996, A

comprehensive guide for equipping pastors, teachers and parents) , specific need by Dr.

James Dobson the founder of Focus on the Family and America’s foremost authority on

family in his book Bringing up Boys he teaches on the difference of the gender and its

development and reactions to environment (Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson,

2001), therapeutic approach in the book Good Enough Parenting – A Christian

Perspective on Meeting Core Emotional Needs and Avoiding Exasperation 2012 by Jonh

Phillip Louis and Karen McDonald Lois both of whom have almost three decades of

ministry experience, professional counselor and therapist and are member of International

Society for Schema Therapy (ISST) where they combined clinical research and study

with biblical perspective. They identified five core emotional needs such as connection

and acceptance, healthy autonomy, reasonable limits, realistic standards and spiritual

values and community this to prevent and avoid “schemas or life traps”(p.13, 2012), and

practical and legal basis in eight (8) training modules (Population Commission Parenting

Education on Adolescent Health and Development, Philippines 2008)

While all these literatures have significant contribution in understanding what it is

and how to be a “good enough” parent, they have limitations. Just as listed above, some

of the limitations observed are: they have a particular approach they use, gender

limitations, religious affiliations, mostly western family context, and lastly not in an

urban poor community context.

In the effort of the previous government to eradicate poverty it started the 4Ps

program or Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, where needy families where given

financial assistance provided they abide to certain requirements and conditions. One of

which, is to attend the family sessions. The sessions are usually topical in nature and

being implemented by local partner identified by the city link officer. Sadly, most of the

parents see this as an attendance to be checked in compliance to the requirement by the

government thru DSWD or Department of Social Welfare and Development. Parents

don’t see the value and are often uninterested to whatever topic is being conducted. That

is why abuses against women and children such as domestic violence, physical and

sexual abuse in the community are on the rise as recorded by BCPC or Barangay Council

for the Protection of Children.

By educating parents which is the link between the child and community, we can

be assured of a healthier and connected family. This in turn will build a better,

harmonious and developing community, thus making the foundation of an entire nation

strong. As shown in the illustration below, the parent is the center of a community that

links the past (formed community), the present (parents or family) and the future (child).

By educating the parents (present) in the context of the urban poor community of

BASECO, is currently the weakest link in a developing community we can hope for a

better and more developed society in BASECO.

Guiding Framework

This research observes a particular conceptual framework, where I focused

primarily on the lived experiences of parenting in the urban poor community, as shown

in the illustration below.


Conclusion & Recommendation



Transcendental Reduction
Method and
Eidetic Reduction Process


Lived Experience
of Parenting

Child/ Parents



To achieve the goal and objectives of this research, I used an integral method,

using process of qualitative phenomenology approach one of the rigorous study of

experiences or essence of a conscious person wherein mind and feelings are included,

focus group discussion (FGD) and quantitative approach using surveys as a process to

meet this research objectives.


Phenomenology is a broad discipline and method of inquiry in philosophy,

developed largely by the German philosophers Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger,

which is based on the premise that reality consists of objects and events ("phenomena")

as they are perceived or understood in the human consciousness, and not of

anything independent of human consciousness.

It can be considered a branch of Metaphysics and of Philosophy of Mind,

although many of it proponents claim that it is related to, but distinct from, the other key

disciplines in philosophy (Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic and Ethics), and that it

represents more a distinct way of looking at philosophy which has repercussions on all of

these other fields. It has been argued that it differs from other branches of philosophy in

that it tends to be more descriptive than prescriptive. It is only distantly related to

the epistemological doctrine of Phenomenalism (the theory that physical objects do not

exist as things in themselves but only as perceptual phenomena or bundles of sense-

data situated in time and in space).

Phenomenology is the study of experience and how we experience. It

studies structures of conscious experience as experienced from a subjective or first-

person point of view, along with its "intentionality" (the way an experience is directed

toward a certain object in the world). It then leads to analyses of conditions of

the possibility of intentionality, conditions involving motor skills and habits,

background social practices and, often, language.

Experience, in a phenomenological sense, includes not only the

relatively passive experiences of sensory perception, but

also imagination, thought, emotion, desire, volition and action. In short, it includes

everything that we live through or perform. Thus, we may observe and engage with other

things in the world, but we do not actually experience them in a first-person manner.

What makes an experience conscious is a certain awareness one has of the experience

while living through or performing it.

The mind and feelings of the people for this research are extracted from the

experiences and conscious experience of seventy eight (78) parents living in the

community of Baseco for a least six (6) months and above (also a requirement time of

residency to legally vote), with one or more children, man or woman, married or common

law, single parent which can be due to spouses death or their respective partners left

them. After all the informal interview and questioning as a resident of the community of

BASECO, I selected freely (purposive selection) all their experiences that are suited for

their research. The said parents freely answered the simple questions about their general

idea and feelings on parenting. Questions were asked and written in Tagalog language so

that it is easier to be understood by the parent respondents. Questions such as (1) Bilang

magulang ako ay? (As a parent I am?) (2) Anong mga dahilan ng di ninyo

pagkakaunawaang mag asawa at bakit? (What are the reasons of your misunderstandings

and why?) (3) Anong katangian, ugali o asal ang nagustuhan mo sa iyong asawa at bakit?

(What traits, characteristics or values do you like most with your spouse and why?) (4)

Anong katangian, ugali o asal ang ayaw mo sa iyong asawa at bakit? (What traits,

characteristics or values do you dislike most with your spouse and why?) (5) Anong mga

bagay ang nakapagpapaligaya sa iyo at bakit? (What are the things that makes you happy

and why?) (6) Anong mga bagay ay nakapagpapalungkot sa iyo at bakit? (What are the

things that makes you sand and why?) (7) Nasasaktan mo ba ang iyong asawa o anak

kapag ikaw ay nagagalit? Anong mga dahilan at bakit? (Do you hurt your spouse

whenever you are angry? What are the reasons and why?) (8)Anong mga paraan ang

iyong ginagawa para magkasundo kayo bilang mag asawa? (What are the ways to resolve

conflicts?) (9) Ano- ano ang mga responsibilidad at karapatan mo bilang asawa,

magulang sa iyong anak at sa iyong komunidad? (What are your roles and responsibility

as a parent and to your community?)

From the collected answers of the parents using a set of questionnaire, informal

talks and interviews the objective is attained through the methodology and processes of

qualitative phenomenology which is a rigorous review of essences of the experiences of

the people on parenting. For this study, I used the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, a

German philosopher and the foremost personality in the movement of philosophical

phenomenology together with Martin Heidegger, Maurice Marleau-Ponty, Jean-Paul


Satre, and others, was given credit in developing phenomenology as a method in studying

person by means of the personal structure of experiences which includes mind, feeling

and lived-experiences (Smith 2003). He is known as the modern phenomenology (Calarco

& Atterton 2003, p.11).


To adhere to the method of phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the first step is

the ‘epoche’, I’ve set aside and suspend all the datas gathered and I bracketed any

personal knowledge and clear understanding about the topic of this research. I did this so

that the datas will achieve it essences and by that way, I will be in the position of

neutrality and without biases (Dy 2011, pp. 40, 70).

Eidetic Reduction and Insight

The second step in the phenomenological process, is the eidetic reduction, I

reviewed all the datas for the first time in a rigorous reflection of its ‘essense’ (eidos)

(Drummond 2007, p.65), so that I arrive to specific and most important essense (a priori

essence), or the psychology behind the need to have a comprehensive parenting education

for the urban poor community of BASECO which is the topic of this research, that would

eventually lead to a specific essense (eidetic insight) that is written as a formal reflection.

A big help in achieving the specific essense is open coding. Using this method, I focused

on the repetitative theme or topics that came out from the data gathered and transcripted

all the answers of the co-researchers using questions from the questionnaire.

Transcendental Reduction and Insight

The third step of the phenomenological method, is the transcendental reduction,

where views, insights and personal experience of the researcher about the topic and the

the views, insights and personal experience are combined based on their own experience

(inter-subjectivity), then for the second time, I examined carefully all the combined lived-

expereince of both the researcher and co-researchers (whole essense) (Dy 2011, p.75).

Because of this, a transcendental insight will be revealed where I achieved a view that

may differ from traditional views or psychology from this study can be considered as

specific insight of the lived-experience of co-researchers of this study (Santander 2017).

Furthermore, informal talks is held about the results and its relation to the

personal teachings of traditional parenting and what does Filipino culture views and

issues of changes in the society. Finally, a conclusion is written about the need to have a

comprehensive parenting education.


The co-researchers are the parents living in the urban poor community of BASECO

which are part of the Kindergarten Program of HOPE worldwide Philippines. To qualify

and be selected as respondents for this research, the following criteria’s for the parents

and the children needs to be adhered. For the parents the criteria’s are: 1. Parents living in

BASECO for at least six (6) months, 2. Can read and write, 3. Can articulate and

communicate their clearly in writing and discussions, 4. Parents with one (1) or more

children, 5. Parents under the supervision of HOPE worldwide Philippines (purposive

selection) this is to have a controlled, conducive and safe environment to conduct the

research. For the children the criteria’s are: 1. Able to read and write, 2. Can articulate

and communicate their ideas clearly, 3. Living in the urban poor community of

BASECO, 4. Living with his or her parent/s, 5

Table 1. Age Distribution of Respondents

Age Father Mother Total %

Below 20 years old 0 2 2 3
21-25 4 7 11 14
26-30 6 13 19 25
31-35 12 8 20 26
36-40 9 7 16 20
41-45 3 3 6 8
46-50 1 1 2 2
51-55 1 0 1 1
56-60 1 0 1 1
TOTAL 37 41 78 100
Mean 4.1 4.5 8.6 11.1

Age. The youngest parent is a mother 20 years of age while the oldest is 46 years old.

The age implies that some got pregnant at the age of 15 years old which age is still young

to carry out the responsibilities and duties of a mother. While the oldest respondent is a

father aged 58 years old. This age implies that the respondents already have grown

children that are professionals or a family of their own. Some of respondents stated that

its their second family. Which is also the reasons why most of the respondents marital

status are common law or live-in. The age range of the respondents is between mid-20s to

mid-30’s which is part of the Generation X era.


Table 2. Gender and Civil Status of Respondents

Profile Number %
Male 37 47
Female 41 53
Total 78 100

Civil Status
Single Parent 0 0
Married 13 17
Separated 2 2
Common law 35 45
Widowed 0 0
Not specified 28 36
Total 78 100

Gender and Civil Status. As seen in Table 2, the total respondents are 78. Respondent

fathers are 37 which represent 47% of the respondents while 41 respondents are mothers

which represent 53% of the total respondents. Out of the 78 respondents two (2) are

separated, thirteen (13) are married, thirty five (35) are common law, and twenty-eight

(28) did not specify their marital status. This may be attributed to the respondents feeling

of shame since most of the parents are live-in while others stated that the current family

they have, is their second. In effect, there are seventy-six (76) individuals or thirty-eight

(38) couples that represent 97.4% of the total respondents and two (2) mothers who are


Table 3. Educational Attainment of Respondents

Educational Attainment Father Mother Total %

Not specified 0 1 1 1.3
Elementary 3 5 8 10.25
High School 27 29 56 71.79
College 7 6 13 16.66
Total 37 41 78 100

Mean 9.25 10.25 19.5

Educational Attainment. Thirty-seven (37) or 47% of the respondents are fathers while

forty-one (41) or 53% are mothers. Most the respondents reached or finished secondary

level totalling to fifty-six (56) or 72% (rounded) of the total respondents while thirteen

(13) reached college level. The highest educational reached by the respondent is finishing

tertiary level (one (1) of the mothers). This implies that the respondents can articulate and

has gone formal schooling. Comparing the father’s to the mother’s education, most

mothers are more educated and achieved a higher level of educational attainment. Despite

having a higher education, most of them are unemployed. Fathers are mostly the one

either employed or self-employed to take care of the financial needs of the family.

Table 4. Monthly Income of Respondents

Income Father Mother Total %

Monthly Income
Below 1,000 1 26 27 35
1,001 - 5,000 13 9 22 28
5,001 – 10,000 11 6 17 22
10,001 – 15,000 11 0 11 14
15,001 – 20,000 1 0 1 1
20,001 – 25,000 0 0 0 0
25,001 – 30,000 0 0 0 0
30,001 – and up 0 0 0 0
Total 37 41 78 100
Mean 4.6 5.1

Average Monthly Family Income. Majority of the respondents are below minimum

income earning an average of Php 5,000.00 per month. Forty –nine (49) or a total of 63%

of the all the respondents. This means that majority of the respondents are impoverished

and are prone to high level of stress due to financial challenges to meet the family’s basic

needs such as food, shelter and clothing.

Table 5. Occupation of Respondents

Occupation Father Mother Total %

Government employee 1 0 1 1
Private employee 11 6 17 22
Self-employed 11 9 20 26
Contractual/ Irregular 13 0 13 17
Unemployed 0 25 25 32
Not specified 1 1 2 2
Total 37 41 78 100

Occupation. Most of the mothers, 25 of them or 32% of total respondents are

unemployed and stays home to take care of the children while some of them help their

spouses by vending or being involved in direct selling. Thirteen (13) fathers work as

contractual employee for construction, private company while twenty (20) of them are

self-employed working as vendors or tricycle drivers.

Table 6. Number of Children and Family Size of Respondents

Number of Child %
0–1 19 24.35
2–3 37 47.43
4–5 16 20.51
6–7 5 6.41
8–9 0 0
More than 10 1 1.28
Total 78 100

Number of Children. Thirty-seven (37) or 47 % of the total respondents have 2-3

children while others have 4-5 children or 20 % of the respondents. It is observed that

24% or 19 respondents have only one (1) child, this trend is recently observed in families

living the urban community especially those parents who came from big families. The

decrease in number of children can be credited to the intense advocacy and training being

conducted by the local government thru the community health centre’s and community

based NGO’s working in the area.

Table 7. Religious beliefs and affiliation of Respondents

Religion Number %
Catholic 29 37
Christian 1 1.2
Islam 5 6.4
Iglesia ni Cristo 3 3.8
Not specified 1 1.2
Others 1 1.2
Total 39
Mean 6.5

Religious Belief and Affiliation. Among the thirty-eight (38) couples, majority of the

respondents came from the Roman Catholic religion, while there is five (5) couple that

represents 6.4% or five (5) from the total respondents. Third among the rank of religious

affiliation is the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) which is 3.8% of the total respondents. And

lastly, there is one (1) born again Christian and one (1) from the Latter Day Saints or

LDS. The data shows that majority and top three most influential religions in the

community are the Roman Catholic, Islam and Iglesia ni Cristo. These religions are a

great influence in parenting style and approach in the urban poor community.

Data Gathering Procedures

In gathering information and datas for this study, the following activities and procedures

were conducted. The first step was identification of problems or gaps that is evident in

the urban poor community of BASECO, after identification, it was validated by other

NGO and development workers and parents through informal talks conducted last July. A

meeting with Center of HOPE Officer in Charge followed to get approval and consent to

conduct the study. After approval was attained, formulation of questions on parenting

conceptualized based on discussion with HOPE worldwide Philippines teachers, social

worker, therapist and parents last August also a meeting was conducted in the same

month with parents distributing questionnaires and getting their informed consent. While

questionaires are being accomplished by the parents, I started to review related literatures

such as several books and modules written pertaining to parenting in different context

and approaches. This gave me as a researcher a better grasp of different cultures,

perspectives and parenting methods. As the questionaires comes in by batch, I analyzed

the datas such as the demographics of the respondents using descriptive qualitative

methods by Schatzman and Strauss (1973) also analyzing and interpreting the written

statements of the parents in the questionnaire using phenomenological approach. After

the datas was processed from the parents, I conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

with 10 randomly selected couples to verify and further understand the datas that was

analysed afterwhich I conducted FGD with selected children as well using non-

threatening and child friendly approach using art through drawing where children can

better express their ideas and communicate their feelings as well in relation to parenting

experience they have. Statements and ideas articulated by both parents and children are

then collected, analysed and processed. All data collected and analysed are then

compared to other related literatures and written journals in the Philippine context such as

Parenting in the Philippines by Liane Pena Alampay and Child Rearing Practices among

Families in Countryside Philippines by Marilyn G. Lanzarrote, Sheerie Ann Labid, Elmer

Irene and Jocelyn Macapanas.

Explication of the Data

All the datas gathered are then analyzed using integral approach using a

combination of phenomelogical approach and descriptive qualitative analysis. The

respondent’s demographics are analyzed using using descriptive qualitative methods by

Schatzman and Strauss (1973). The questionnaire given to the parents are then processed

and analysed using phenomenological approach wherein the lived experiences of parents

in the urban poor community are reflected upon using eidetic reductions. The content of

the lived expriences of parents contains themes that are common or similar to most of the

respondents in the community as shown in the eidetic reductions method. This is then

further reinforced and validated or substantiated by selected children who can articulate

and explain their views on parenting using artistic expression using drawings.

Ethical Consideration

This research practices and adheres good ethical considerations, ethics on confidentiality,

non-discrimination and respect for every individual. Parents and children are considered

co-researchers as they impart their experiences and answered the questionnaires. They

have at any point of the research, have the right to withdraw, retract and stop

participating in the study. Together with the partner local organization HOPE worldwide

Philippines, this study will protect the children and their parents. Informed consent is

acquired from parents for children participation while parents before any activity related

to this project are also informed. For publication and presentations, identity of the

participants shall be protected by not using identifiable names, marks and photos without

the consent of those concerned. See appendix for consent form agreement.



The result of this research shows the different essences from the answers of the

parent-co-researchers. Aside from this, I will freely share eidetic insight in a reflective

formal form based on experiences that formed the essence of lived-experience. Also, I

will discuss the transcendental insight in the reflective form as well. The data gathered

are originally written in Tagalog, the immediate language of the community. This is done

to allow the parents-co-researchers express themselves better. I intentionally did not

translate the original data in English language to adhere to the process of ‘epoche’ and

avoid ‘eisegesis’ or to put into personal views in interpreting and translating the lived-

experience. Only after the data’s was subjected to the phenomenological process when

the essence was achieved, the data was translated.

Eidetic Reduction

The essences that arise from the data gathered are the following statements, based

on lived-experience of the parent-co-researchers for this research after it is subjected to

the first method of phenomenology which is eidetic reduction.

(1) Sa Usapin Bilang asawa o magulang (As a parent I am):

The themes that arise on the mind of the co-researchers on their personal view

about parenting are the following:

Tagapag alaga sa pamilya, responsable at masikap, madisiplina, maalaga at

strikto mapagmahal, mapagbigay sa mga asawa at anak, haligi ng tahanan, maunawain


at mapagkakatiwalaan, mapagmahal na ama, isang mabuting ina, mapagmahal at

maalaga, maalaga sa pamilya, nagsisikap para sa aking pamilya, responsable at

mapagkalinga sa pamilya, repsonsable at mapagmahal sa pamilya, mapagmahal,

maalaga, responsable at mapagmahal, maalaga at mapagmahal, mabuti at pagsisikapan

ko ng maayos ang aking pamilya, maging mabuti at pagsisikapan ko na maayos ang

aming pamilya, responsable, masipag at mapagmahal, masipag at mapagmahal,

maunawain, responsable at may paninindigan, nagpapasakop sa asawa, mapagmahal at

mapag aruga, mapagmahal at maunawain sa aking pamilya, mapagmahal at maunawain

na ama, maasikaso, maalaga, mapagmahal, mapagmahal na ama, mapagmahal na ina at

maalagain, responsable, mapagmahal na ina at asawa, mapagmahal at maalalahanin sa

aking mag ina, mapagmahal at maalaga sa aking anak at asawa, mapagmahal,

mapagmahal, sasagot sa katotohanan, nagsasabi ng katotohanan, bilang asawa

ginagawa ko ang paraan para maalagaan sila, hinahalagahan ko ang aking mga anak at

asawa, mabuting ama at haligi ng pamilya, isang mabuting ina sa anak ko at pamilya ko,

responsable, mapag-alaga, masipag at responsable, masipag, mabait at maalalahanin,

patuloy na magsusumikap, nag aalaga at nag aasikaso sa bahay, mabait na ama,

masunurin, maging halimbawa ng mabuting ama sa mga anak ko, isang anak din na

kailangan matulungan ang aking ina sa tustusin niya sa pagbili ng kanyang gamot,

mabait, masunurin, responsable, responsable, masipag, responsable, maghahanap buhay

para sa king pamilya, tagapag alaga ng aking pamilya, isang magulang para magsilbi

habang buhay, nag aasikaso sa lahat ng gawain ng bahay, bilang isang ina ako ay dapat

maging malakas para sa aking anak, responsable at determinado, mapagmahal at

maalaga sa pamilya.

The essence and feelings that arise from the parent-co-researchers about their

view as a parent are: loving, responsible, caring, understanding, kind and persevering.

(2) Sa Usapin ng mga dahilan ng di pagkakaunawaan ng mag asawa? Bakit?

(What are the causes of misunderstanding between spouses? Why?)

This question aims to understand the causes of misunderstanding and conflict

between spouses to have a harmonious relationship. The statements of the parent-c0-

researchers are the following:

sa pagkain di nya gusto ang nais ko gaya ng manok, sa pagdedesisyon sa

pamamahay, minsan kasi gusto nya na pagsinabi nya, gusto nya gawin ko agad, kapag

ginagabi sya umuwi, kapag nagdesisyon siya walang abiso sakin at ganun din ako sa

kanya, pinansyal, dahil walang natitirang sahod ko at tama lang sa pambayad sa mga

utang, sa pinansyal, at minsan sa asaran kapag pikon ako di na nagkikibuan, minsan

naman sa mga anak, pag iinom ng alak at pagbabarkada, minsan kami nag aawaysa

maliit lang nga bagay tulad ng pabubudget sa bahay, pera dahil masyadong magastos

hindi marunong magbudget, pera, kasi pagwala siyang trabaho ayoko maging kawawa

ang mga anak ko, pagbubudget sa mga gastusin, pagkain, damit, dahil sa on call work

dumadating ang money problem, pinansyal dahil di po sya regular sa trabaho, paguwi

dahil lumalampas kami sa paguwi galing trabaho, kapag naiinom dahil makulit at

maingay di nakikinig sakin, nagdedesisyon mag isa at pabigla-bigla o padalos dalos sa

buhay, nagdedesisyon ng padalos dalos ng di sinasabi sakin, pinansyal na

pangangailagan, pinansyal dahil di sapat ang kinita nya, minsa usapang walang kwenta

at dahil doon ay nagkakapikunan hanggang di na nagpapansinan at nag uusap, mga


desisyon, nawawalan ng oras sapagkat gabi na umuwi at ako naman sa anak, di

pagsunod sa kagustuhan ng isa’t -isa, di pagsunod sa bawat isa, madalas sa pera kasi

minsan sabay sabay upa sa bahay at pang allowance, madalas sa pera kapag bayaran na

ng bahay minsan kasi gipit, kapag nagkakasakit din ang anak namin kasi sabay sabay,

kapag may gusto sya bilin na bagay na ayaw ko, kapag may bibilin na di ko gusto, bisyo

dahil sa pagsasabong, pagsasabong, bahay at no money, pera, kasi po minsan hindi

maiwasan magkulang budget upa sa bahay, tubig -kuryente, pag uugali, pag uugali,

gastusin sa bahay dahil minsan walang maitabi at walang naiipon para sa

pangangailangan sa oras ng kagipitan, pagdating sa budget at mga gastusin sa bahay

dahil lagi ako hinahanapan, tungkol sa mga bata, madalas sa mga bata at minsan sa

pinasyal din, kapag napapadalas ang paglalaro ko sa cellphone, kapag may ginagawa

ako mabilis uminit ang ulo sa paglalaro niya ng cp, pag iinom ng alak at pag susugal at

paggala gala kasama ng barkada na wala sa oras, pag susugal, pag iinom, barkada at

pinansyal na suporta kulang ng tapos mababawasan pa sa bisyo nya, gawaing bahay,

pinansyal na problema sa pang araw araw, matigas ang ulo ng asawa ko at kapag

sinasabihan niya ang mga anak ko may kasamang mura, ang pagiging tahimik nya,

parang laging malaki ang problema at minsan hindi nagsasabi ng nararamdaman nya,

tungkol sa gawain sa bahay, pera! Normal na naubos ang suplay at may kailangan ak

medyo nakakabugnot, pera at may mga ugali na parehas ayaw namin sa isa’t-isa,

maglihim ng desisyon, magsinugaling at nasa isip ko ay niloloko ako “selos”, malapait

sa kapwa inuuna pa ang pagtulong sa iba, pag aalaga ng anak, kasi may kanya kanya

kaming paboritong anak, tungkol sa pamilya ko pag may sinasabi siya na di ko

sinusunod at kinokontra ko, kapag maraming problema at nagkaton na sa oras na yon


walang wala kami, hindi pagkakaunawaan sa maraming dumarating na problema, kapag

kapos sa budget, pag-iinom dahil halos araw araw at di makabangon sa hang over, pag-

iinom dahil minsan ang pera na naiipon naipambabayad sa alak, pag inom ng alak,

pagsama sa barkada at kulang ang budyet, pagiging selosa, tamang hinala sa cellphone,

pagiging maingay, kapag pinapalo niya ang among mga anak, kapag hindi nakapapasok

sa trabaho, hindi pagpapaalam at pag inom ng alak, kapag umalis ng di pagpapaalam,

kapag walang trabaho, pera at paglalasing, pagseselos, pinansyal at problemang

pampamilya, pag aalaga ng mga bata, pera minsan walang inaabot sakin, budget,

pagiging sumpungin, maiiitin ang ulo at iresponsable, pagkain at luto.

The distinct essences that are in the minds of the parents on the issue of parenting

and reasons of conflict and misunderstanding are: finances, vices, child rearing, jealousy,

irresponsible and impatience. It is not worthy to mention that savings, helping in

household chores (service) and use of technology (cellphone) are also some of the

reasons of misunderstandings.

(3) Sa usapin ng kung ano ang mga katangian, ugali o asal na nagustuhan sa

kanilang asawa. (What traits, charater or values do you like of your spouse?)

The essences of what traits do you like the most in your spouse are the following:

mabait, masipag, responsable, mapagmahal, mapagsumikap, maalaga, maasikaso,

mapagmahal, mapagkumbaba, maaalahanin, hindi pabaya, matiyaga, masaya at payapa,

matulungin, mapagkakatiwalaan, hindi madamot, masayahin, tahimik, walang bisyo at

barkada, marunong mag tiis, may takot sa magulang, may takot sa Diyos at maunawain,

maalaga sa anak, malapit sa diyos, mapag aruga, pagiging masungit, gumagawa sa

panahon ako ay pagod, mapagtimpi, maagang magluto at gawain upang maipakita ang

kanyang pagmamahal, mapagbiro, mapagpatawad, mapagbigay, hindi palamura,

malambing (sweet), maganda boses totoong tao-nagsasabi ng mga dapat sabihin,

mahaba ang pasensya, maalaga sa asawa at anak, laging may dalang pasalubong,

mahinahon, marunong makisama, iunuuna ang pangangailangan sa bahay, gumagawa

ng paraan di lang magutom ang pamilya, makadiyos, masunurin, gumawa ng gawaing

bahay, tapat, masipag magtrabaho, hindi na kailangang sabihan sa kanyang tungkulin

bilang asawa, matulungin sa magulang.

The obvious essences are caring, industrious, giving, no vices, and understanding

are the ones in the minds of the parent-co-researchers on the question to what character,

values and traits in your spouse that you like. Additionally essences like God-fearing,

helping extended family and doing chores (service)

(4) Sa usapin ng kung ano ang mga katangian, ugali o asal na hindi nagustuhan

sa kanilang asawa. (What traits, character and values of your spouse you don’t like?)

Parents of the urban community have views about the traits, character and values

that they don’t like about their spouse are as follows:

mabunganga, hindi nagpapatalo, pala utos, nakakatakot kapag galit, madaling maasar,

mataas ang pagtingin sa sarili (pride), maingay, masyado matanong, mainitin ang ulo,

pag inom, sumpungin, pabago bago ang isip, madaling magalit, pag uwi ng gabi,

pinalalaki ang kaunting bagay at sobrang matampuhin, tahimik kapag nagtatampo,

lasenggero, makulit, maharot, mahilig mang asar, di sumusunod, mahiyain, sobrang

pasaway, pagsasabong, palasagot, madaldal masyado, laging nauuna (advance) mag

isip, masakit magsalita, mapagsisi, hinahanap ako ng pera, masungit, paninigarilyo at

paglalaro ng c.p. (cellphone), pagsisinungaling, pagloloko, mahilig manira ng gamit,


mahilig matulog, ayaw tumulong sa bahay, palamura, masyadong tahimik, mapili sa

pagkain, sobrang matapang, malakas ang boses, bossy, mataas ang boses, malihim,

sinosolo ang problema, hindi pagpapaalam sa oras ng pag uwi, pagiging uto-uto

(madaling maloko), tsismosa, nanggugulo at pala away, palasigaw, topakin (mood

swings), pakielamera, pag alis ng hindi pagpapaalam, laging paghihinala, walang hilig

sa pagsimba, laging abala, hindi pagbibigay ng pera sa akin, babaero, mabarkada,

lasenggo, mayabang, walang kwenta, walang suporta, adik, iresponsable, at antukin.

According to the statements of the parent-co-researcher the essence of the traits,

character and values that they do not like about their spouse are impatience, vices,

nagger, at not getting permission. Also essence such as communication (being silent)

(5) Sa usapin ng kung ano ang mga bagay ang napakagpapaligaya sa iyo? bakit?

(What are the things that make you happy? Why?)

The essences that the parents revealed on what makes them happy and why are:

cellphone upang makapag text at laro, makitang masaya ang pamilya, makita silang

masigla at nagkakasundo, telebisyon dahil dito nalalaman ang nangyayari sa paligid at

bansa, sama-sama at nagsisimba ang pamilya, kapag naibibigay ang hiling ng anak at

makita silang masayang masaya, payapa at may sapat na pagkain, kapag walang sakit sa

pamilya, mga damit, pamamasyal kasama ang buong pamilya, pagkakaroon ng sapat na

pera, maayos na pamumuhay, kapag kasama ang pamilya, pagmamahalan at

pagpapahalaga sa bawat isa, malusog na pamilya, kapag nakikita silang naglalaro at

masaya, kapag naglalambing ang mga anak, makitang makapagtapos ang anak, kapag

nakikitang masipag mag aral ang anak at nagkakasundo, kapag mataas ang marka ng

anak, kapag kumakain ng sabay sabay, hindi mawalan ng trabaho, kapag nakikitang

nagsisikap at tumutulong sa gawaing bahay, lumaking may takot sa diyos, respeto at

disiplinado ang anak, kapag busog, kapag nakakakain ng tatlong beses isang araw,

kapag sama samang nag uusap, kapag nakakatulong sa kapwa, kapag maayos ang

pamilya, makita ang asawa at anak, buo ang pamilya, kapag nilalambing ng asawa at

ang mga anak, family bonding at musika.

From the statements of the parent-co-researchers, the essences that are distinct

are: happy and healthy family, able to provice family needs, togetherness, loving and

caring. Another is the role of technology such as use of cellphone and watching

television that gives information and entertainment to their lives.

(6) Sa usapin ng kung ano ang mga dahilan ng nakapagpapalungkot sa iyo? At

bakit? (What are the things that makes you sad? Why?)

The essences of the things that make parenting sad in the urban poor community

are as follows:

pagkawala ng cellphone, pagkakasakit ng pamilya, kapag hindi maibigay ang

mga pangangailangan ng pamilya, pag aaway ng mga anak, di pantay pantay na

pagtingin, di pagsunod ng mga anak, kapag walang pera, walang makain at sapat na

damit, kapag nasasaktan ang pamilya, kapag nagkakatampuhan, kapag hindi kasama

ang pamilya ko, kapag di mabilhan ng laruan ang anak, kapag may sakuna, kapag nag

aaway kaming mag-asawa, kapag tumutulo ang bahay kapag umuulan, wasak ang

dingding, kapag naglalasing at nagsususugal ang asawa ko, nagwawala at naghahanap

ng away asawa ko, kapag walang kagamitan sa bahay, hindi makatulong sa kapwa,

kapag may inaapi dahil nakikita ko ang aking sarili inaapi, kapag naisip ang ginawa ng

pamilya ng di maganda sakin, kapag nagkakasagutan kaming mag asawa, kapag naalala

ko ang nanay kasi hindi ako napuntahan ng namatay sya, kapag naalala ang anak ko sa

probinsya, mawalan ng trabaho ang asawa ko, kapag di magampanan ang tungkulin

kapag nawalan ng trabaho, kapag naalala ang masaklap na kahapon, kapag inaaway ng

ibang bata ang anak, kapag may nanakit na ibang tao sa anak ko, kapag gipit sa pera,

mga utang, nang mawala ang motorcycle, kapag nagkasagutan kaming mag asawa

mabigat sa kalooban, at pagkawala ng cellphone.

According to the statements of lived-experinces of parents in the urban poor

community of BASECO, the essences that make parenting sad are: sickness, lack of

resources, marital conflict, traumatic past, children being bullied and loss of property.

(7) Sa usapin ng kung nasasaktan mo ba ang iyong asawa o anak? Kung oo, ano

ang mga dahilan? (Do you abuse or hurt your spouse or child? If yes, what are the


The parents-co-researchers mentioned their lived-experience if there are instances

that they abuse their spouse and child/ren and its reason behind. The following are the

parents responses:

kapag nag aaway at makulit ang mga bata, kapag pagod at nangungulit mga

bata, kapag dinisiplina ang anak, kapag may pagkakamali ang anak, kapag di

nagkakaintidihan kaming mag asawa, napagsasalitaan, napapagalitan lang, napapalo sa

kamay at puwit kapag sobrang kulit, kapag matigas ang ulo, para maitama ang

pagkakamali, kapag hindi nila sinusunod ang mabubuti na gusto kong mangyari, kapag

naubusan ng pasensya, kapag di nagkakasundo ang mga bata, kapag ayaw kumain ng

anak, kapag di sinusunod ng asawa ko ang gusto ko, kapag minumura ako, kapag di

nakikinig sa sinasabi ko, nasasaktan ko mga anak kapag di sila nag aaral, kapag may

ginawang hindi maganda ang mga bata, pinipitik ko ang kamay kapag may di

magandang gingawa, dahil sa kawalan ng pera, dahil sa selos nasasaktan ko asawa ko,

kapag punong-puno na ako at di na makontrol ang sarili, kapag lasing at makulit ang

anak, kapag ginagabi ng pag uwi, kapag ma hindi magandang lumalabas sa bibig ng

asawa ko, para makitaan ako ng takot ng mga anak ko, kapag sobrang pagod sa gawaing

bahay at masama ang pakiramdam, sobrang lasing, sarap bugbogin kasi pakialamera,

kapag sumasabay sa dami ng mga gawain, kapag may regla ako mainit ulo ko.

Based on all the statements mentioned of the parents in the urban poor community

based on their lived-experiences, the essence of the reason behind abuse are:

disobedience, disrespect and lack of resources. Some parents have different views of pain

or abuse since it is not only physical but also in the aspect of economical and emotional

while others never physically hurt their spouses.

(8) Sa usapin ng kung anong paraan ang iyong ginagawa para magkasundo

bilang mag asawa? (What ways do you do to resolve conflicts as parents?)

The parents-co-researchers have different ways to resolve their conflicts such as:

paglalambing, tulugan ang problema, pag uusap ng mahinahon, respeto at

pagpapaubaya, pagbibigay ng kahit ano sa aking asawa, pinagluluto ang asawa at

pamilya, pagsuyo sa asawa, pakikinig sa bawat isa, pagbili ng paborito ng asawa,

pagpapahaba ng pasensya, pagiging kalmado, pagpapatawa ng aking kabiyak,

panalangin sa panginoon, papapadaan sa joke o biro, pananahimik, pagpapakumbaba,

pag aasikaso sa pamilya at pagyakap.

The lived-experience essences of parents in resolving conflict are: being

charming, making jokes, pleasant talks, being quiet (reflective) and prayer.

(9) Sa usapin ng kung ano-ano ang mga responsibilidad at karapatann mo bilang

asawa at magulang sa iyong pamilya? (What are the roles and responsibilities as a

spouse and parent?)

The following are the statements and responses in their view of the roles and

responsibilities as a spouse and parent are the following:

disiplinahin at pangalagaan ang aking pamilya, magbuhay ng anak at asawa, mapag

aral at mahalin, palakihin ng maayos ang mga anak, alagaan at palakihin ang mga anak,

matapagtapos ang mga anak sa pag aaral, alagaan ang mga anak, malagay sa ayos ang

anak ko, makatapos sa pag aaral ang mga anak at malagay sa ayos na buhay ang

pamilya, hindi magtapon ng basura kahit saan lang, maghanap buhay para may

pangtustos sa gastusin sa bahay, gabayan at turuan sila ng magagandang ugali at asal

para maging mabuti sa lipunan, alagaan sila sa abot ng aking makakaya, mabigyan ng

edukasyon, mapakain at tirahan ang mga mahal na anak, mabigyan ng damit, tirahan at

makapag aral ang aking mga anak, itaguyod sila at mapasaya, alagaan ang anak at

asawa at maging maayos ang pagsasama, mabigyan ng magihawang buhay ang pamilya,

ipakita sa komunidad na isa akong responsableng ama, maging mabuting ina, asawa at

mabuting tao, itaguyod ang asawa at anak, asikasuhin at mahalin, nasa akin lahat ng

karapatan bilang ina at hanggan ngayon nakikinig pa din sa mga magulang, maging

tapat sa asawa, mabigyan gn magandang edukasyon ang anak at igalang ang karapatan

ng iba, pagkakaroon ng disiplina, marunong makisama, respeto at paggalang sa iba,

buhayin ang pamilya, pagtulong sa paghahanap buhay ng asawa ko, pagsabihan ag

gabayan sila sa lahat ng bagay at sa komunidad, maging haligi ng tahanan, buhayin ang

pamilya, at sundin ang batas, makinig at makilahok sa gawain sa komunidad, masugiro

na may makakain araw araw, pagdisiplina at gabay upang di maligaw ng landas,

pagbiagay ng respeto sa asawa, maging huwaran sa mata nila at laging ipaalala ang

mgq payo, mabigyan ng magandang asal at may takot sa diyos at makinig sa

nakakatanda, pag aalaga at pagpapalaki tulad ng ina naming, maglinis ng bahay,

magluto at iba pang gawaing bahay, maging mabuting huwaran sa aking pamilya at

komunidad, igalang ang asawa, anak at kapwa, protektahan sila sa masasamang bisyo,

protektahan at pagsilbihan ang asawa at pamilya, turuan ng magandang asal gaya ng po

at opo, punan ang pangangailan ng pamilya at pag ipon sa kinabukasan, ipagtanggol

ang mga anak kapag may nanakit sa kanila, at sundin ang batas na ating lugar.

The essences of lived-experience of paretns in their views and feelings of the role

and responsibilities of spouse and parents are: providing needs, taking care, provide

guidance, obey the law and be a good example.

Eidetic Statement

Based on all the important essences of the mind, views and feelings of the parent-

co-researchers from the questionnaire on different aspects of parenting, an eidetic insight

was formed in view of parenting in the urban poor community.

It is clear from the essences of the mindset behind parenting of the parent-co-

researchers in the urban poor community that there is a big difference of views and

understanding on parenting. As well as the various feelings on parenting are observed.

The parents’ views and feelings are largely influenced by the way they were raised up

and the environment, geographic and ethnic group they live during their formative years.

This is substantiated through informal talks and the statements written in the

questionnaire. In absence of a comprehensive parenting education, parents are ‘parenting

in wilderness or by means of ‘trial and error’. As parents they did not take foregranted

their inadequacy as paretns but received with humility, consideting their socio-economic

status in life, their need of help to improve themselves in different aspects of their life

such as social, economical, political and cultural. As long as a person lives, one will

always have strengths and weakness the need for continuous study and develop as a

human. In the aspect of parenting, they realized the essential need of comprehensive

parenting education. In the need to be a fully developed human, this can be considered a

primary idea as well.

The essence that was formed was deep and rich, that meets the emotions behind

the role of the parent-co-researchers in the need to have a comprehensive parenting

education. An emotion has its own language that cannot be explained or fully understood

even by the mind. Nevertheless, every lived-experience is true and is part of every

parent-co-researcher. That is why it should not be disregarded and be given sufficient

consideration all the feelings contained in performing as a parent.

Emotions are diversed and aspiring experiences of parenting are evident, feelings

of love, care, self control and perseverance. However, behind this lived-experiences are

the true feelings such as lack of resources, loneliness, strife, hatred, anger and fears. It is

not surprising to know that anyone from the parent-co-researcher experiences these

pleasant feelings.

Transcendental Reduction

After the data is subjected to third process of phenomenological method, the

transcendental reduction, the essences that arise from the first reflection and analysis

based on data’s gathered, here is the second essences presented in the table below based

on second analysis. The table shows the traditional views on parenting and my personal

lived-experience on parenting based in simple observation, association, listening at

inquiries. After transcribed, it is subjected to the process of eidetic reduction and open

coding or focusing on the recurrence/ repetition of essences that result from the gathered


Essences from Essences from First Analysis Traditional or

Second Analysis Common Views

Mind/Views Emotion/ Feelings

 Confusing  Happy  Peaceful  Lifetime

 Disconnected  Struggles  Regrets  Challenging

 Responsibility  Fulfilling  Peaceful

 Trouble  Guilt  Strife/ troubles

 Shame

 Anger

 Distrust

 Generous

 Fear

Transcendental Insight

Trancendental insight normally contains an essence more than the traiditional or

customary to a certain issue. This aims to present a deeper understanding to a topic. Here

is the transcendental insight for this research on the philosophy of parenting in a form of

a personal reflection. Usually, parenting is based on data gathered and informal talks is

viewed as a lifetime responsibility and providing needs for the family. As a parent, each

one is unique, has personal different views, raised up in a certain parenting style,

introduced to different means of disciplining, good and bad experiences and various ways

to communicate. This only shows that being a parent is a hard informal profession that

has big impact in a community where a family resided. These ideas have positive and

negative effects, such as misunderstanding, abuse and strifes. According to the datas

collected, it goes beyond from the traditional views and meaning of the statements from

the true meaning of the essences that is obtained from the minds and feelings of the

parent-co-researchers in their lived-experience as a parent.

In the second analysis, in my personal reflection, I arrived on the ideas that

transcended the essesnces from the ived experiences and personal reflection as a parent, I

arrived with the words confusing and disconnected. These words are the essence or

insight on parenting in the urban poor community of BASECO. It is confusing due

different views, opinion and meaning of what parenting is all about since parents in the

urban poor community came from different areas of the country and merged in the

community of Baseco, while the word disconnected which came from the words connect,

connector, or connected has a rich meaning, it means interaction, to get in touch and

relationships (Depinisyon, 2016). In the context of this research, the ideas of confusing

and disconnected are the reasons for the need to have a comprehensive parenting

education in the urban poor community

Symbolic representation

The appropriate symbol of parenting in the urban poor community is the flower called

Arctic Willow. This flower is a short and wide shrub that grows very close to the ground

in order to avoid the extreme cold winds of the arctic. It has adapted to the permafrost by

growing shallow and wide – resembling a carpet cover. In the late summer, the leaves of

the willow turn a beautiful deep red, making the ground cover glow with the deep hue of

the grandest of roses. Like the parents of the urban poor who is close and often is at the

bottom of the society (ground) who experiences the usual harsh and cold treatment

(elements) of the people in the upper class of the society. They grew short (vertically) but

wide (horizontally) signifies that they have humble in nature but grew stronger together

and thrives in the harsh conditions and challenges. As the cycle of life (summer)

revolves, which is more conducive for them, they paint the ground red that signifies love.

They together bring not only love but life itself as they cover the ground and influence

others to also be a blessing of love.





Summary of Findings

Presented below is the summary of findings from the collected data drawn from

the questionnaire on parenting in the urban poor community using phenomenological

processes and methods.

After all the experiences are considered and was subjected to phenomenological

process of eidetic reduction using open coding (frequency), a eidetic insight was

achieved. Various essences surfaced and were gathered from the questionnaire in view of

parenting in the urban poor community by the respondent or parent co-researchers. These

are: loving, responsible, caring, understanding, kind and persevering. Finances, vices,

child rearing, jealousy, irresponsible and impatience. Caring, industrious, giving, no

vices, understanding, god-fearing, helping extended family and doing chores (service).

Impatience, vices, nagger, at not getting permission. Happy and healthy family, able to

provice family needs, togetherness, loving and caring. Sickness, lack of resources, marital

conflict, traumatic past, children being bullied and loss of property. Disobedience,

disrespect and lack of resources. Charming, making jokes, pleasant talks, being quiet

(reflective) and prayer. Providing needs, taking care, provide guidance, obey the law and

be a good example. After all were considered an eidetic insight was achieved. Behind the

lived-experiences are the true feelings such as insecurities due to lack resources,

loneliness, strife, hatred, anger and fears that are in conflict to their initial perceptions

and feelings of parents-co-researchers written statements in the questionnaire.

After all the experiences are considered combined with personal experience as a

parent, and compared to traditional views on parenting, a transcendental insight was

achieved. Confusion and disconnection are the two essences that represent the need to

have a comprehensive parenting workshop in the urban poor community.

Trancendental essence opened idea from all the gathered data form the

questionnaire and informal talks that there is a crucial need for parenting education not

only because there is a rise of child abuse and domestic violence in the area but there is a

big confusion of the meaning orf parenting and disconnection of mind from feelings and

from reality.

It can be considered a huge social problem the present ways of parenting since we

form the future today by having a healthy family brought about by good parenting.

On the issue of social change and development, having a comprehensive

parenting can possibly contribute. If there are awaremenss and skills on effective

parenting and acknowledging personal strength and weaknesses as well as others, in

humility and hope to improve not only one self but also others. We can prevent any

activities that can destroy the family, society and environment.


The goal of this research is to reveal the need of a comprehensive parenting

education in the urban poor community of BASECO in the the hope to see a prosperous,

developing, and peaceful community where every child and family thrives. This study

does not include issues on morality, religion or sect where the families in community

belong that is also the co-researchers. The datas gathered are subjected to methods and

processes of qualitative phenomenology and I arrived in two essences that need attention,

the philosophy behind the need to have a comprehensive parenting education.

The idea of parenting has a deep theme, lived-experience and thinking where

views and feelings of every parents are diverse that led to each parent has their own ways

of parenting based on their experience. It is observed and evident; the presense of

confusion and disconnection’s of what the parents think and feels to their lived-

experiences. In view of this, a comprehensive parenting education in the community is

needed to achieve a healthy family and a more developed community. A common

baseline of trainings can be developed that involves the primary needs, knowledge and

skills on parenting regardless of race, religion or educational attainment.

Therefore, if given attention, understanding at implementation there will be a

clear baseline or basic standard of knowledge and skills on parenting for the community

of BASECO. By this, a community that is progressing, developing and peaceful where

healthy families live in harmony can be achieved for generations to come.

Recommendations and Future directions

After all the insights gained in this research, the following directions are


1. Increase the awareness on the need of comprehensive parenting by involving

the barangay, non-government organizations, people’s organizations and other

groups providing social service within the community.

2. Have an outline or baseline of training parenting essentials such as:

a. Understanding Oneself (personality and commumication)

b. Building Self -Esteem

c. Managing Resources (financial literacy with emphasis on savings and


d. Role and responsibilities as a parent (legal bases)

e. Positive Discipline and Child protection (child rearing)

f. VAWC (Violence Against Women and Children)

g. Health and Nutrition (affordable but nutritious)

3. Look for philanthropies and funding agencies to provide grants that support

the development of families in the urban poor communities in developing



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McDowell, J & Hosteller, B (1996) Handbook on Counselling Teenagers

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National Geographic Society. (2017) Urban Area.


Population Commission (2008) Parenting Education on Adolescent Health and

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Rosemond, J (1990) A Common Sense-Approach to Parenting in the 90s and Beyond

Smith, D. W. (2013). Phenomenology. Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved

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Santander, N. (2012). Sikilohiya ng 3Ps ng mga Kabataan sa mga Relihiyosong Imahen.

San Beda College.

The WikiAnswers Community, Eidetic Insiight in Phenomenolgy research


Yap, D. (July 25, 2016). Child Abuse on the rise. Philippine Daily Inquirer.


Date: _______________________


Ako si _____________________________________________, nasa hustong gulang ay

boluntaryong magbibigay at makikilahok sa pag sasaliksik na gagawin ni Melchor D.
Vipinosa Jr. dating manager ng HOPE worldwide Philippines at kasalukuyang mag aaral
ng St. Joseph College of Quezon City sa kursong Community Development, tungkol sa
pagiging magulang ng mga maralitang taga lungsod sa komunidad ng BASECO.

Na ako, bilang kalahok sa pananaliksik na ito ay may karapatang huminto, tanggalin ang
mga salaysay at umalis anumang oras sa pagsasagawa ng pananaliksik na ito. Gayundin,
ang pakikilahok ng aking anak na nasa aking pangangalaga.

Anumang impormasyon na ililimbag sa pahayagan o anumang uri gaya nito, ay

ipagbibigay alam muna ng mananaliksik sa mga kalahok sa pag aaral na ito. Nilagdaan
ngayong ______ ng Hulyo 2017 sa Barangay 649 Zone 68 Bagong Lupa Port Area

Ladga sa ibabaw ng pangalan

Parenting Questionaire

Pangalan: _________________________________ Bilang ng Anak: _______________

Edad: ____________________________________ Pangalan ng asawa/ edad: ________
Naabot na edukasyon: __________________________ Lugar na pinagmulan: _____
Estado ng pagsasama: _____________________________________________________
Tirahan/ taon naninirahan:__________________________________________________
Hanapbuhay: ____________________________________________________________


1. Bilang asawa o ama ako ay:


2. Anong mga dahilan ng di nyo pagkakaunawaan mag asawa? Bakit?

3. Anong katagian, ugali o asal ang nagustuhan mo sa iyong asawa? Bakit?
4. Anong katangian, ugali o asal ang ayaw mo sa iyong asawa? Bakit?
5. Anong mga bagay ang nakapagpapaligaya sa iyo? Bakit?

6. Anong mga bagay ay nakapagpapalungkot sa iyo? Bakit?


7. Nasasaktan mo ba ang iyong asawa o anak kapag ikaw ay nagagalit? Anong mga
dahilan at bakit?

8. Anong mga paraan ang iyong ginagawa para magkasundo kayo bilang mag

9. Ano – ano ang mga responsibilidad at karapatan mo bilang asawa, magulang sa

iyong anak at sa iyong komunidad?


Melchor D. Vipinosa, Jr. was born 1979 in Guadalupe Viejo, Makati from a

poor family that is composed of seven (7) boys. He had other siblings who died at birth

(1-boy) while others lived for a few months (twin girls). His parents have to work abroad

during his early years as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) to make ends meet for the


He studied Associate Industrial Technology in Makati University, and finished a

Certificate in Biblical Studies at Asia Pacific Leadership Academy (APLA). He has been

working in the development and social service sector for the past eighteen (18) years

implementing and managing various programs for children and families in the urban and

rural poor communities. Delivering various programs that provides quality education,

family services, health and nutrition, disaster risk reduction, response and rehabilitation,

community organizing and other enabling services.

He is active in networks of NGOs like MetroWest Network and Metro Quezon

Network both are under the National Council for Social Development (NCSD), Council

for the Welfare of Children (CWC), Dela Salle College of Saint Benilde Social Action

Office and other coalitions that are organized to synthesize efforts and resources to create

a greater impact for the society.


He is also involved in religious and civic activities being a Youth Minister and

Board of Trustees of International Churches of Christ - Cavite from 2009-2017 and

President of Homeowners Association in La Terraza Subdivision from 2009-2012.

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