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Knowing Your Rights as a Woman

1. Women are empowered by society as well as legally, simply speaking some
basic rights that are universal applied to both genders but specifically for
women include the following:-

2. Rights as a woman for dignity and respect that implies no male of any age
has the right to make advances at a woman tease or sexually harass her.
3. A privilege to respect under all circumstances. No one has the rights to
make women uncomfortable, whether at work place, home or on the streets,
whether in school, college or in a social gathering.
4. Rights to physical and mental security. No one has the rights to use physical
force, torture physically or mentally, or coerce women in any way, no matter
relationship with that person.
5. Privilege to complain. Women have all the rights to complain when violated
even in the smallest way. Take advice and adopt the correct course under
such circumstances, whatever is the status of the individual, be it boss,
relative or a neighbourhood bully.
6. Rights as a women employee for security by the organization as per Visakha
guidelines for prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace.
7. Violence physical or mental against women is not her fate as is made out to
be in some cases. Dominant behavior is not anyone’s right and not a
women’s destiny, thus complaining against the same is in perfect order.

Common Tips – Applicable at all Times

1. Whatever be the situation or circumstances, there are some constants that
are applicable to women’s safety and security these are as follows:-
2. Women should be highly concerned about own security especially during
vulnerable time as at night and at sensitive locations.
3. Mental strength may be more important than physical power, develop a
strong will to resist male advances. As noted female activist, Malala
Yousafzai said, “If 10 men stare at me in the market I just stare back at them
(and they wilt away)”.
4. Develop an instinct for trouble and take evasive measures.
5. Inclement weather, night, darkness or odd hours are vulnerable times for any
woman as much as but more so than others are.

6. Isolated places increase level of vulnerability. These can be secluded

buildings, parking lots, staircases or even lifts.
7. Cyber space has created a new set of challenges for women, be fully
cognizant of the threats in use of social media and internet fraud.
8. Getting away or escaping from a situation is more sensible than confronting
it, remember a cat has nine lives because it skillfully escapes death the other
eight times.
9. Take a self defence course if possible and at least some form of exercise that
will help keep fit and active thereby evading force.
10.Nobody is immune to being violated there are examples of women violated
in the most affluent homes.

Do’s for women

1. Do be aware and accept that women are more vulnerable and the
phenomenon is not restricted to India.
2. Seek information and develop awareness of local security and safety
situation for women in the city, town and the locality in which you live.
3. Do be culturally sensitive in your behavior or while dressing, based on the
place you are visiting or time of day. This is plain common sense.
4. Do wear clothes and footwear that help in running or escaping quickly
especially when going to an outdoor event or at night where you are likely
to be vulnerable.
5. Do keep an eye for suspicious men or women lurking around, avoid taking
lifts offered by stranger(s) and avoid traveling in near vacant public
transport system.
6. Do alert the security or raise alarm in case you encounter a suspicious
person or vulnerable situation.
7. Do save emergency numbers on your phone and ring these regularly to
check that they actually work especially when you travel from one city to
8. Do download application that sends distress messages from your cell
phones, test it a number of times including reaction of the people on the
other side so that they are prepared to help you in an emergency.
9. Do inform your travel routine particularly at night and odd hours; ask for
call back from relatives or friends at fixed times without having to call up.
10.Do inform office security staff and home in the case of a breakdown of an
office cab or when you are the last passenger to be dropped.

11.Do keep your car or scooter in the best condition to avoid a breakdown
particularly if you are likely to travel at night. In case of a doubt take
alternate means of transport.
12.Do have a hammer or rod in the glove compartment to break open the
window in case of a being locked in the car in the case of an emergency.
13.Do equip your car with emergencies when you are going long distance
14.Do ensure you lock your car from inside while traveling at night.
15.Do take the elevator instead of stairs unless the elevator is occupied by a
suspicious person(s).
16.Do get off from the elevator in case a suspicious person gets in and you are
17.Do lock and latch your house at all times and do not open the door to
strangers. Install electronic alarms amongst other safety devices.
18.Do plan your outstation travel in such a way that you arrive at the
destination even if it is your hometown during day light hours. In case you
are arriving late call a relative or friend to pick you up, do not hesitate to
cause them inconvenience.
19.Do hire cabs from standard travel companies who rent radio cabs with GPS.
If staying in a hotel, hire a cab from the hotel renting service.
20.Do check the safety and security arrangements when staying in a hotel
room. Prefer rooms with electronic keys and check who holds duplicates.
21.Do be cautious in making new friends while traveling particularly male
22.Do have only relatives, well-known and reliable friends on Facebook, who
are long time acquaintances, scrupulously avoid making, “friends,” with
strangers on social media.
23.Do use social media as Facebook and Twitter for keeping your friends
informed of your whereabouts.
24.Do travel in women only compartments or buses where these are provided.
Avoid common facilities.
25.Do keep items as a whistle to raise an alarm, pepper spray and strong flash
light in your purse. You can also use your purse as a weapon in an
emergency. Practice using these.
26.Do keep your visiting card in your purse so that in case of an accident, your
identity can be established.
27.Do know vulnerable points of the male anatomy in case you have to use
force, these are mainly groin, throat, eyes and knees.

28.Do learn to use your elbow, knees and fingernails these are strong points of
women and can hurt when it strikes the right spots.
29.Do keep a pet dog, if fond of pets and if you have to move out of the house
take the pet where feasible especially at night.
30.Do educate your female children to reject physical contact by strangers and
report the same immediately on occurrence.
31.Do ensure proper lighting of entrance to your house or flat. The exit side
should be at least 60 percent more luminous than the entrance so that you
are able to clearly see a person outside without exposing yourself.


1. Do not hesitate in strongly objecting to misbehavior the first time it happens,

if you ignore it once it will only encourage the person towards more
objectionable conduct later.
2. Do not visit a suspicious location alone and never at night or in the evening
3. Do not travel alone at night as most Indian cities are unsafe, single travel at
night in suburbs should be particularly avoided.
4. Do not travel in public transport alone, in case you find yourself alone it is
better to get down at a safe place rather than continue the journey especially
at night. Ring and seek help.
5. Do not join protests or crowds unless you are in a strong multi gender group,
molestation is a common complaint at such events whatever be the cause as
anti socials may take advantage.
6. Do not make unnecessary eye contact with strangers, but when doing so
display confidence. Exchanging frequent glances with strangers can be
7. Do not engage in conversation with a strange man; discourage small talk
particularly if you are alone.
8. Do not show unnecessary sympathy for a stranger and beware of a ruse,
sometimes women decoys are used by criminals to lure female victims.
9. Do not establish routine in terms of timings or route while going for work or
for a walk, change your timings and routes frequently as far as possible.
10.Do not hesitate in reporting a suspicious person, activity or object or raising
an alarm as loudly as possible and call for help to dissuade a potential
attacker. It is better to end being sheepish then sorry. Shout ‘Bachao bachao’

or words to this effect

11.Do not give up if under threat or attack, look for the earliest opportunity to
12.Do not show fear, assailants are encouraged by persons who panic.
13.Do not use ATMs to draw money at night or in early morning hours when
14.Do not carry large number of credit cards at any one time, loss of purse may
lead to compromise of your accounts.
15.Do not wear expensive jewelry especially chain or heavy gold bangles when
alone or display it. If you have to wear jewelry remove it after the event
rather than displaying it while traveling especially at night.
16.Do not carry jewelry while traveling, artificial trinkets can serve the same
17.Do not accept food or drinks from strangers especially while traveling.
18.Do not consume excessive alcohol or allow your male companions to do so
at social events which can expose you or create vulnerability.
19.Do not drive after consuming alcohol or allow your male companions to do
20.Do not allow your social behavior to be mistaken as making advances by

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