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After Prometheus stole the fire from Zeus and gives it to the man, Zeus started to plan on
how to punish man for accepting the fire. To fulfill this, he ordered Hephaestus to mold a girl
made of clay, and to have Aphrodite’s pose to copy her beauty and then, he summoned the gods
to give her a gifts. One of it was a beautiful golden box from Hermes which she must never
Hermes took Pandora and lend her to Epimetheus the brother of Prometheus as a gift that
Zeus made for him to show that he was blameless from his brother’s offense. Pandora became
Epimetheus’ wife and thought herself the happiest young bride in the world. But there’s only one
thing that bother her – the golden box. So, she kept it in the table and polish it every day but the
sunlight made the box sparkled and seemed to be winking at her. Pandora thinks that Hermes
must have been teasing her, she became curious of what’s inside the box but still decided to keep
her promise to Hermes not to open it.
Finally, she took the box and hid it in a dusty little storeroom but realized that it seemed
to be burning in the shadows. That’s why she took it and locked it in a heavy oaken chest and
buried it in her garden. But she could not sleep that night. She arose quickly and tiptoed from the
She went out into the garden and took a shovel and dug down to the chest. Her curiosity
grew higher that she must look upon it or die. She took the little golden key from her tunic, fitted
it into the keyhole, and gently open the lid. As she held it up in the moonlight, a swarmed small
scaly lizardlike creatures with bat wings and burning red eyes flew out of the box and then flew
off into the night, hissing and cackling.
The half-fainting Pandora sank to her knees and with her last bit of strength, clutched the
box and slammed down the lid – catching the last little monster as it just as it was wriggling free.
Those deathly creatures that flew out from the golden box were the ills that beset
mankind. After they flew out of the box, they scattered and bring pain, sorrow and death. And
the creature that Pandora shut into the box was the most dangerous of all. It was foreboding, the
final spite. If it had flown free, no hope would have been possible, and so there would have been
an end to man.

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