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A book guide about how to get rid of

Cellulite and stretch marks


Beauty and Health

24/09/2015 0
Lia Gonzaga

Cellulite and stretch marks… How to

get rid of them?

Nowadays more than a half of women across the

world have a problem with cellulite and stretch
But what are they?
Why do they get logged in our body?

What can we do get rid of

These are some questions
that I will try to respond to
this small book about
cellulite and stretch marks.

In a recent study around the world was documented that

more than 90 percent of women around the globe has a
problem with cellulite and stretch marks, and most of case
both of these problems.

Cellulite and stretch marks are not harmless but they are
not good for our appearance indeed. Women of all sizes
and nations can get them, no matter your age or color.

You may probably think that cellulite and stretch marks a

woman’s thing but it is not true. Men do suffer with this
problem but in lesser percentage.

 Cellulite

Cellulite is a connective tissue disorder caused by fat that

collects below the surface of skin and manifest as a dimpled
skin, and is for sure something not good to have.

Cellulite favorite’s places in the body are the thighs,

buttocks, abdomen and hits.

Medical experts in this area advise us to fight this plague

with a healthier eating, daily exercises and avoiding

Stretch marks

Stretch marks or streaks

are indented marks that
usually appear on the
surface of the skin, in
general during puberty,
pregnancy, and in some
cases due intense
exercises that can
overwhelm the skin
causing it to stretch.

Its favorite’s places at the body are breasts, stomach, hips,

buttocks, thighs and upper arms.
These streaks in the first stages are pink, red, brown or
purple and over and as the time is passing over they go to
white and in the later stages, they develop a scar-like
There are indeed many other factors that affect the rising up
of streaks at our body.

Stretch Marks Causes

Rapid growth
Weight gain
Medicines (cortisones)
Cushing’s syndrome
Adrenal gland diseases

The importance of exercising

However genetics factors are pointed like the great villains

in determining whether or not you will have cellulite and
streaks, specialist are all one in saying that a sedentary life
is also the one responsible for the storage of fat.

Indeed more actively life will burn away all the fat and
strength your skin avoiding lack of elasticity.

The importance of food and
However, even the thinnest of women can have cellulite;
the fact is that excess fat is definitely turning this problem
ever more visible.

First step on how to reduce this imperfection is be a

watcher with your weight. A yo-yo diet increase greatly
cellulite and stretch marks.

Watch the weight can be very hard, mainly; in the

pregnancy period weight gain comes as part of the
package, and can be even harder put your weight in a

A very well balanced diet alongside with

exercises will be your best strategy!

Emma Hobson from the International Institute explains that

Cellulite is in fact a connective tissue disorder in which the
structure of the body’s fat cell chambers break down and
cause cellulite appear.

Doctor Robson also explains that this reason for this break
down in connective fibers is a poor circulatory system.

‘’Loss of circulation to an area is caused by lack of exercise

and nutrient deficiency can increase cellulite formation.
It is widely spread that some food and drinks have the
property of burn fat and clean your body.

 Water

Being well hydrated is the most effective way in reducing

the cellulite. Drinking water will clean your body. One good
and effective idea is start your day with a glass of water.

 Fruit juices/ Green Juices

Fruits and water combined will hydrate your body and will
provide you with vitamin and fibers you need. Some green
leafy vegetables have luteins, luteins are antioxidant that
increase hydration and elasticity.

Some excellent fruit and vegetables juices are: pineapple

juice, cucumber juice, apple juice, green leafy juices, etc...

 Fruits and vegetables

Some fruits are high in fluid and low in calories like for
example watermelons, pineapples, apples, coconut. While
others are well known because they are rich in potassium.

Potassium decreases water rentention and helps in

lymphatic drainage. Fruits rich in potassium are bananas, at
the other hand cranberries and other berries are

 Plants based proteins /Nuts and seeds

Plants based proteins build muscles and strengths tissues

skin. Quinoa, bulgur, beans and beas are good examples of
plants base proteins.

Cellulite Treatments

All those actions that I have talked about are indeed very
good actions to fight against cellulite, but they are not so
effective alone.

Revolutionary Creams

Creams are a very available option against cellulite.

Dr Esra Ogru, molecular biologist from Phosphagenic

developed a cream that promises smoot out cellulite.
enhance skin hydration and improve elasticity.
Elixia Body Shaper Cellulite is cream based in true three
cellulite actives.

 Caffeine –release fat

 Forskolin-convert fat to muscle
 Peptide – stops fat from going into storage

The cream was tested and its effectiveness was proved, on

reducing appearance of cellulite in just 21 days of use.

In salon treatments /SPA

Injections and substance applications

That is a very effective treatment in which vitamin and plant
extract are injected in order to improve circulation and

Spa treatments


An innovation of traditional massage, Endermologie is a

French method of mechanized massage therapy.


This treatment involves the applications of a substance that

can melt away the fat cells.

Velasmooth is said a non-invasive device that uses at the
same time radio frequency, infrared light and vacuum
suctionwith the purpose of break down fat cells.

Lymph drainage
The one of most effective way of get rid of cellulite. Lymph
drainage is a manual massage that stimulates lymph flow.
Dry body brushing

Lesser expensive than lymphe dranage, dry body massage

is done with natural-bristle brush. Experts advise make dry
body brushing every day morning to see good results in just
a few days.

Strecht marks treatment

Streaks are more a cosmetic concern than a health

concern. No matter stretches are very undesirable and we
will do everything at our reach to get rid of them.

There are many treatments available around but you have

to know that they are just palliative.

The following treatments are indeed very helpful they will

not eliminate streaks at all but will for sure improve the
appearance of stretch marks.


Tretinoin cream

Contains in its formula Retin-a,

Renova, Avita, these substances
are celebrated because they have
the property of rebuild collagen.

However negative points are that

Tretinoin can irritate

your skin and are not effective in treating old marks.

Laser therapy
This method use waves lengths of light in order to stimulate
the growth of collagen, elastin or melanin production in your

This treatment depends on your age,
your skin color and the affected

This technique is very useful to treat old stretch marks. It is
done in order to abrade and polish your skin’s surface. A
hand-held device blows crystals in your skin and a vacuum
tube removes the crystals and cells at the skin’s topmost

Some variations involves Hyaluronic Acid Infusion,

Factors that influences in this treatment are:

 Age of the stretch marks

 Costs of the treatment, once this medical
procedure is not covered by medical insurance.

‘Este material foi produzido pela equipe Insight Criativo

para o senhor Rafael Storti.’’


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