Polscie Sinulog Semi

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Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Score: ___________

I. GUESS WHO? The following is a list of powers, duties, and functions associated to the three branches
of the government, namely, the executive, legislative, and judiciary. Identify whether it is the President,
the Senate, the House of Representatives, or the Supreme Court that is mandated to exercise such powers
or perform such duties or functions. Write answers on the second column.

1. Legislative power
2. Executive power
3. Judicial power
4. Appoints officers whose appointments are vested in
him/her by the Constitution.
5. Rules on the constitutionality or validity of any
treaty, international or executive agreement, law,
presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, or
6. Commander-in-Chief
7. “Power of the purse”
8. Judicial review
9. Veto power
10. Initiates impeachment cases
11. Tries and decides all cases of impeachment
12. Certifies bills as urgent for immediate enactment
13. Presidential Electoral Tribunal
14. Approves treaties and international agreements
15. Grants reprieves commutations, and pardons

II. Match the items in Column A with items in Column B. Write the letter of your answer at the
Column A Column B
1. Introduction of the proposed bill in Congress ( ) a. Senate of the Philippines
2. Period of interpellation and plenary deliberation in b. House of Representatives
congress ( )
3. Voting to accept or reject a bill as the final phase c. First Reading
( )
4. Convenes to reconcile Senate and House versions of d. Second Reading
a bill ( )
5. Represents specific (district) constituencies ( ) e. Third Reading
6. Members are popularly elected like the Philippine f. Power of the purse
President ( )
7. Usually done through legislative inquiries and g. Legislative oversight
investigation ( )
8. Power to propose all appropriation ( ) h. Impeachment
9. Way to remove the president, vice-president, i. Amendment to or Revision of the Constitution
members of the supreme court, members of the
constitutional commissions, and the Ombudsman ( )
10. Constitutional Convention ( ) j. Bicameral conference committee
k. Philippine President

III. Choose the correct answer @ the box, and write it on the space provided for.
appoint popular
Philippine President presidential
Supreme Court parliamentary
Senate checks-and-balances

1. The President’s power to ____________ officers requires the consent of the Commission on Appointments.
2. By virtue of his/her power as Commander-in-Chief the ________________________ can suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.
3. The ____________________ may rule on the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or
executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation order instruction, or regulation.
4. No treaty or international agreement that the President has concluded shall be valid without the concurrence
of at least two-thirds of all the members of the ____________________.
5. The President can ___________________ any particular item or items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff
6. The president (and vice president) and members of the legislative branch are elected separately by
_______________ vote.
7. Under a _________________ system of government, the president is directly accountable to the people.
8. Under a _________________ system of government, the executive must maintain the support of a
parliamentary majority to remain in office.
9. The system of _______________________ ensures that the three branches of government exercise their
respective mandated powers and functions.
10. The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides for a _______________________ system of government.

IV. Explain in 3-5 sentences the following. (15 pts. each #.)

1. Executive and special powers of the Philippine President

2. Legitimation and impeachment functions of the Philippine Congress



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