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An academic research paper must begin with finding sources that support the thesis.

A research paper
does not give opinions. It is required to have sources that are reliable such as those from journals,
educational cites or dependable internet sources.

Thesis is compose of chapters. First is the introduction which deals with the background of the study,
statement of the problem where the researcher seek to answer the following questions, the scope and
limitation of the study conducted, hypothesis and significance of the study. Second is the related studies
and literature of the study. The third one talks about the survey use or the materials and methods. Next
is the interpretation of the study and the last would be the summury, findings, and reccomedations of
the study. In the summury of the study it explains mostly about the research and it also implies the
findings of the study.

Therefore, doing research and writing it up required different skills. You need them both to do your job
as researchers though you can have a preferences, a gift or whatever you want to call it for the one or
the other

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