Teach For India Essays

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Please tell us about a time when you were in a position of leadership and led a

team, group of people or another person. The example you give can either be of a
formal or informal position and from any context, but it should be a recent example
(ideally within the last 3-4 years). We recommend that you state examples from your
graduation period and beyond and refrain from stating examples of high school. 1)
What was your role/position? Who were you leading and for how long? 2) What was
the goal you were trying to achieve, the responsibilities you had and how did you go
about achieving it? 3) What was the outcome? Please ensure that your essay is a
minimum of 250 words and answers all of the prompts above.

Please tell us about a time when you set an ambitious or challenging goal or took up
an ambitious task and persevered through challenges in order to meet it. Your
commitment must be of at least one month and should be from a professional or
extracurricular context only. (Do not share personal examples or achievements such
as preparing for an exam, trying to settle in a new city or committing to lose weight).
It should also be a recent one (within the last 3-4 years). We recommend that you
state examples from your graduation period and beyond. Please refrain from stating
examples of high school. 1) What goal or commitment were you trying to achieve?
2) How long did you have to achieve it? 3) What challenges did you face when trying
to achieve this goal? 4) What did you do to overcome these challenges? 5) What
was the final outcome? Please ensure that your essay is a minimum of 250 words
and answers all of the prompts above.

Goal was to manage a process – 6 – 12 months

A national report (2014 ASER report) revealed that 52% of class 5 children cannot
read a class 2 level text, and that around 75% of class 5 children are unable to do
simple division. In our experience nothing drives individual and collective impact like
passion for and commitment to a shared vision. Teach For India’s vision is "one day
all children will attain an excellent education". In this essay, we’d like to understand:
1) Why do you want to lead approximately 40 students for 2 years as a full-time
teacher at a government/low-fee private school as a Teach For India Fellow? 2)
What is your understanding of an excellent education? 3) Based upon your
understanding of an excellent education, what goals would you set for your students
to achieve in these 2 years, and how would you achieve these goals? 4) How do you
see yourself contributing to our vision after these 2 years as an Alumni of Teach For
India? Please ensure that your essay is a minimum of 250 words and answers all of
the prompts above.

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