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Brettnia Angela V.

Arado October 14, 2019

Grade 9- Paulo Campos

Over the past few days, Statistics had been my favorite topic. It really enlightened me and
expanded my knowledge about topics in lined with mathematics. This topic includes graphs,
computations and interpretation of the data gathered. The discussion was started by introducing
the meaning and importance of statistics in our daily lives and how it gives an impact to our
ongoing research investigations of this school year 2019-2020. Then, it was followed by stating
the types of statistics, namely: Descriptive Statistics (under this we have two different ways, the
Ungroup Frequency Distribution and Group Frequency Distribution) and Inferential Statistics. It
also mentioned the way to interpret the gathered data easily, which is making a graph out of it, it
may be a histogram, a bar graph, Frequency Polygon and Cumulative Frequency also known as
Ogive. The lessons that has been taught was really delightful and breathe-taking.
This topic was very lit and astonishing, it makes me want to learn more about it. It’s waking my
eagerness to work harder and understand the concept of Statistics more to be able to improve my
skills in this particular field. So that I can also help others with their investigatory projects about
the how their flow of their research study is going to be. It is giving me the feeling of excitement
and extreme euphoria. It is inspiring me to be a good example for those people who look up to me
and motivate them also to be tenacious and be persistent in achieving their goals and dreams in
life. With Statistics, I was able to gather more information about the things that helps us use the
proper methods to collect the data, employ the correct analyses, and effectively present the results.
Encouraging people to learn more about Statistics will be surely be my next goal.
It was quite a long journey and throughout that journey, I would like to give myself a gold
medal for being able to understand the topic clearly, because of this I was able to comprehend and
gained more knowledge about this certain topic. My statistical skills have been fur ther enhanced
while studying Biology through the use of equations such as standard deviation. I had practiced
my ability to solve difficult problems independently and efficiently. Statistics was one of the
reasons that brought me to the world unique talents, gifts, and abilities, and some of mine include
my strong will and my determination to be able to give something back to the communities in
which I was raised. My plans are to not only use education as a tool to prepare me for a vocation,
but also to help me become a self-sufficient individual who is fully prepared for life.
I can say that Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis,
interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data. It is classified into two types,
descriptive and inferential. With Statistics, we would be able to interpret out gathered data easily
through graphing. First step, make an array of scores, construct an ungroup frequency distribution
table and lastly make a group frequency distribution table, where you should get the range, the
class interval and class size. Graphing will be the next step to do. With these steps, surely it will
help you a lot. Through the discussion given, I can say that Statistics is really important because it
is process behind on how we make discoveries in science, make decisions based on data, and make
predictions and the one that allows us to understand a subject much more deeply.
Statistics may seem hard and very tiring but if you try to listen and understand it, you’ll get
the hang of it. Looking to the brighter side, we can get a lot of advantages in studying Statistics.
Yes, it’s true that it takes time, patience and perseverance, but still it will be very useful to us in
some ways. It may not be easy for everyone, especially those who don’t really like the concept of
mathematics, but this shouldn’t be a hindrance to learn Statistics, you should try your best to
understand, just take it slow and then the day will come that this will be just “Easy-Peasy.” For
me, Statistics is great and I find no problem about studying about it at all, because I know that by
improving my knowledge about this, it will help me for future purposes and for molding me as a
successful business woman.
As a learner, I am eager to learn more about Statistics. To fulfill this hunger that my brain
is asking me, I am going to use the power of technology to feed my brain with more information
about Statistics that will be helpful for our research investigation. I will also read articles and books
in connection to this particular subject, so that I can compare and contrast the information that I
had gathered from the internet and from the published book. If I might have questions, I am going
to ask help and guidance from my teachers to help me understand the concepts that I am getting
trouble with. I will also share the informations that I have collected to everyone through the use of
social media.
Brettnia Angela V. Arado October 14, 2019
Grade 9- Paulo Campos

Proper construction of our Review of Related Literature of our scientific research is really
important because it helps you build your knowledge in your field. You’ll learn about important
concepts, research methods, and experimental techniques that are used in your field.
You’ll also gain insight into how researchers apply the concepts you’re learning in your unit to
real world problems. So how do we construct our RRL? We got several ways to arrange our RRL,
it may be in Chronological Order (Past-Present Studies), Study Site (Foreign or Local Studies),
Nature of Review (Legal Basis), Thematic (Variables), Degree of Relatedness (Most Related- Not
so Related) and lastly based on the Research Design. Just by simply following these ways, you
will be able to create or make a pulchritudinous Review of Related Literature. With this being
discussed, I have learned that by making an RRL, we, the researchers, would be able to credit those
authors who supported our study, in this way we could avoid plagiarism.
I am passionate and spirited to learn more about the ways of creating our RRL because I
know that by learning and studying more about this, will be very beneficial for me and will help
me enrich my skills and capabilities in writing and in defending my opinions in a logical way. I
want to evaluate the ways of creating a Review of Related Literature for it helps you create a sense
of rapport with your audience or readers so they can trust that you have done your research paper
accurately. I am not only eager in learning about this particular topic, but I want to also spread my
knowledge about this to be able to give assistance to those researchers who are having trouble in
making their RRL. I promise to learn more about this and continue doing great. I will conduct
more investigations to answer the questions that this world haven’t answered yet.
Another chapter was completed, it was all about writing the best research paper I could
make. I am really proud of myself and being overwhelmed seeing my improvements through the
years. It is giving me joy and making me feel so proud of myself that I was able to develop my
skills in writing. For me, it is a big achievement to gain more knowledge in this field. It sharpened
my research focus and taught me that it is important to give appreciation and credits to those people
who had made a great impact in your life. I have learned that through making a Review of Related
Literature I will have enough evidence to support the data that I have gathered. I will continue to
do great and improve myself more to become the researcher I have been longing to be for how
many years.
To succeed in creating your RRL, you need to follow several rules and know the coverage
of what you are going to write. This is important so the readers would be able to understand the
message you are implying in your research paper. You need to write it in ways such as in
Chronological order, in Degree of Relatedness, etc. You have to write there informations in
connection with what you are studying. You should be able to define your topic and provide an
appropriate context for reviewing the literature. Provide insights into the relation between your
chosen topic and the wider subject area. Link and identify significant flaws or gaps in existing
knowledge. We conduct a literature review to identify the areas of a topic that have not yet been
researched in detail. We, the researchers, then go and do the research to fill the research gap.
It is not easy to make an RRL because you need to research and read tons of articles related
to your study. You need to make sure that the source of the article you are reading is reliable and
helps defend or support your study starting from the making of introduction up to the end, which
is your conclusions. But, despite all of these, I was able to widen my horizon about the concept of
my study, which will be very useful to me when Oral Defense is going to arrive. It is also quite
difficult in stating the authors of the related studies since you need to follow some styles, it may
be APA, MLA, or Chicago depending on what kind of research investigation you are conducting.
But overall, it was delightful and fun to be able to read and write a Review of Related Literature
for your respective scientific investigations.
As a student, I may not be an expert in a given field; however, by listing a thorough review
in our research paper, I am already telling the readers, in essence, that I know what I am are talking
about. As a result, the more books, articles, and other sources we can list in the literature review,
the more trustworthy our research paper will be. To be able to continue developing my skills I will
search for more related studies, I will condense, evaluate, synthesize, and paraphrase the gist of
outside sources in my own words. Through this process of winnowing, I will be able to place the
relevance of our research in the larger context of what others researchers have already done on our
topic in the past. I will apply the things that I have learned and will surf more information about
making a Review of Related Literature. With this attitude that I have, I know that I will succeed in
doing my objective for this particular field.
Xaviery U. Borres October 14, 2019
Grade 9- Paulo Campos

In the past few days, Statistics was one of the topics that made me think rationally and
widen my knowledge about topics in lined with mathematics. This topic includes graphs,
computations and interpretation of the data gathered. The discussion was started by introducing
the meaning and importance of statistics in our daily lives and how it gives an impact to our
ongoing research investigations of this school year 2019-2020. Then, it was followed by stating
the types of statistics, namely: Descriptive Statistics (under this we have two different ways, the
Ungroup Frequency Distribution and Group Frequency Distribution) and Inferential Statistics. It
also mentioned the way to interpret the gathered data easily, which is making a graph out of it, it
may be a histogram, a bar graph, Frequency Polygon and Cumulative Frequency also known as
Ogive. The lessons that has been taught was really delightful and breathe-taking.
This topic was very lit and astonishing, it makes me want to learn more about it. It’s waking
my eagerness to work harder and understand the concept of Statistics more to be able to improve
my skills in this particular field. So that I can also help others with their investigatory projects
about the how their flow of their research study is going to be. It is giving me the feeling of
excitement and extreme euphoria. It is inspiring me to be a good example for those people who
look up to me and motivate them also to be tenacious and be persistent in achieving their goals and
dreams in life. With Statistics, I was able to gather more information about the things that helps us
use the proper methods to collect the data, employ the correct analyses, and effectively present the
results. Encouraging people to learn more about Statistics will be surely be my next goal.
It was quite a long journey and throughout that journey, I would like to give myself a gold
medal for being able to understand the topic clearly, because of this I was able to comprehend and
gained more knowledge about this certain topic. My statistical skills have been further enhanced
while studying Biology through the use of equations such as standard deviation. I had practiced
my ability to solve difficult problems independently and efficiently. Statistics was one of the
reasons that brought me to the world unique talents, gifts, and abilities, and some of mine include
my strong will and my determination to be able to give something back to the communities in
which I was raised. My plans are to not only use education as a tool to prepare me for a vocation,
but also to help me become a self-sufficient individual who is fully prepared for life.

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