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Program start:

At the start the program COSIMIR we will close this window

will appear clicking on OKAY.

Then the following window will appear, which will

before starting the program.

The next step is to create a new project with the project wizard ( Project Wizard):

File > Project Wizard

Fill out the required fields lowercase And then click

In the next window that appears select us robot Type
RV-2AJ and the
pulled apart Programming Language
select the option MELFA BASIC
press Finish.

press okay to close the pop-up window that appears to us in 1st


Working window:

The screen has been divided into 4 windows we work.

When we want to work in one of them we must first

click on top so that in this way we activate the tools
available for that particular window.

Thus, at the top of the window click 1 where the robot, we activate the display options.

Display options:

3 buttons located inside the red ellipse serve to:

- shift / frame the image of the robot in the display

- rotate / rotate the image of the robot in the display
- zoom lens

4 buttons located inside the red ellipse used to select the

various display options:
structure wireframe Y
Movements with the robot:

Extras> Teach-In

In the pop-up window appears we will select one of the


- XYZ Jog ( hand position)

- JOINT Jog ( positioning joints)
- TOOL Jog ( positioning the tool)

Through this window you can also adjust the speed of movement with the option Jog Override and open
/ close the hand with the option Open / Close Hand.

Once we have located the robot in the desired position, the

program memorizes the position (angle joints) clicking on the

Current Position → Pos. List

The list of points recorded appears to us in the working

window 2.

After completing the entry of a number of positions of the robot, run the wizard programming to write
us program lines. To perform this action will proceed as follows:

one- We will place the mouse pointer on the

working window 3 and we will click (so we activate
the options available to the window 3). two- Edit>
Programming Wizard after pressing

okay in window 3 we activated the editor of the

Now you have to compile the program, for which
clicaremos button displayed on the image ( Compile
+ Link).

For the robot to automatically run the program, we

use the 4 buttons marked in the picture:

- The two on the right are to run the

program step by step.
(Next Step) - ( Previous Step)

- The two on the left are for the whole sequence run and stop the program. ( Start) - ( Stop)

If we change the order of execution of the movements of the robot: 1. Edit the program in

the working window 3. So if we have these instructions: ... ... modify them by these:

2nd. compile ( Button Compile + Link)

3rd. We execute the sequence ( Button Start)

Robot-tool connection:

With the button Model Explorer

access a window where you show us,
among other things, objects loaded into
the simulator. In the case shown in the
picture we see that at the moment we
have two objects:

Gripper Y RV-2AJ.

In the display menus Gripper and RV-2AJ can see, among other things,
the inputs and outputs ( Inputs / Outputs) governing the communication
between different objects. If we display the menu inputs from Gripper, It
appears us
Input Close. At the top of it we click displays information to the right of
the window, where we can see how this
Input It is connected to the Output HCLOSE1 of the object RV- 2AJ.

If we display the menu outputs from

RV-2AJ, It appears us Output HCLOSE1. A
click on the information he will see to the right
of the window, where we can see that this Output
It is connected to the

Input Close of the object Gripper.

If we remove the connection between

Gripper Y RV-2AJ then the Gripper not act and
therefore not able to open / close the clamp.
We can eliminate the connection of two ways:

1. We place the mouse pointer over

Objects / Gripper / Inputs / Close Y
we right mouse button. In the drop-down menu
we selected
the option Remove
connection. We see the right part of the window
disappears information about the object to which
the Gripper is connected.

If now we place the mouse pointer over

from Objects / RV-
2AJ / Outputs / HCLOSE1, we see that on the right
side of the window is no longer displayed
information of the object to which it is connected
that outlet.

2. We can also delete the connection by placing the mouse pointer over
Objects / RV-2AJ / Outputs / HCLOSE1 and we right mouse button. In the drop-down menu appears
we select the option Remove connection.
We see the right part of the window disappears information about the object to which it is connected
to the output HCLOSE1 of the object RV-2AJ.

After removing the connection (following steps 1 or 2), we can see that it is not possible to open /
close the clip: Extras> Teach-In> Close / Open Hand
We'll have to disable Model Explorer to display the window Teach-In.

If we want to restore the connection between

objects Gripper Y RV-2AJ we will: In the window Model
Explorer deploy the inputs of the object Gripper and
the outputs

of the object RV-2AJ. We click on RV- 2AJ / Outputs

so that in the right part of the window we all
relationship appears Outputs. We click and drag the
Output HCLOSE1 and we release above Gripper /
Inputs / Close.

It is already restored the connection. Now we can

already see that Open / Close clamp.
Gripper change:

1. Select Gripper

With the button Model

Libraries we access the
library where
find, between other
things, everybody the grippers

We display the menu Miscellaneous Grippers, select

Gripper Pliers and then click in Add.

Once this is done we close this window by

clicking on Close.

a portion of the two clamps of the new Gripper us

appears at the base of the robot. We can interpret
that we have taken the new Gripper store and we
have prepared, at the base of the robot, to mount
and connect.

In the Listing of available objects shown in the

Model Explorer we see that now appears a new
object called
Gripper pliers.

Then we must mount and connect the new Gripper.

2. Mount gripper

In the Model Explorer deploy the object RV-2AJ

and click in
RV-2AJ> Roll> Gripper points.

On the right side of the window we can

see that we only have one
Gripper Point called Flange.

We right mouse button above Flange and in the

drop-down menu we selected You properties.

In the window that appears, displaying paragraph Grips

grip point We see all available grippers to be mounted.

Select the new Gripper Flange

pliers and immediately
appears mounted on the robot.
A riding the new gripper, the former has
fallen and is now at the base of the

If we activate the opening / closing

grippers Extras> Teach-In> Close /
Open Hand,
we find that we are acting on the
clamps that are at the base.

operating the button Collision

Detection the program warns us that there is an
element in the base that may collide with the
robot. It is the previous Gripper. To solve this
we will Model Explorer, we right mouse button
the object Gripper and in the drop-down menus

what us appears
select You properties.

Now change the position of the gripper at the base to avoid collisions. I will move, for example,
100 units down.

Once this is done we can see,

with the button
Collision detection, that there are no
problems of collisions. We can also
check that the opening and closing of
grippers is still performed in the gripper
2. Gripper connection

First remove the existing connection between robot

and gripper:

We place the mouse pointer over

Objects / Gripper / Inputs / Close and we right mouse
button. In the drop-down menu appears we select the
option Remove connection.

now we will establish the new one

connection between objects Gripper Pliers Y RV-2AJ:

In the window Model Explorer

deploy the inputs of the object
Pliers Gripper and the outputs of the object RV-2AJ.
We click on
RV-2AJ / Outputs so that in the right part of
the window we all relationship appears Outputs.

We click and drag the Output

HCLOSE1 and we release above
Pliers Gripper / Inputs / Close.

We have operational the new Gripper.

Introduction of a box:

With the button Model Libraries

access the library where we will find, among
other things, the boxes are available. We
display the menu Miscellaneous Primitives, select
Box and then click in Add. the box located at
the base of the robot we appear in window 1.

Once this is done we close this window by

clicking on Close.

In the Listing of available objects shown in the Model

Explorer We see that now appears a new object
called Box.

What deploy and click in Box / Base,

so that we displayed on the right side of the
window Box1.
we click box1 with the right mouse button and we
open a window that will allow us to change the
position, color and dimensions of the box.

We set the new dimensions of the box

(50x50x50) and assign a new position (300,
100, 0)

Selecting View> Show Workspace, we will check the

box located within the workspace of the robot.
To take the box with the gripper must assign a Grip
Point. To do this we deploy the object Box and click
in Box / Base with the right mouse button. In the
drop-down menu we selected New> Grip Point

In the Model Explorer deploy the Box object and click

in Box / Base / Grip Points so that on the right side of
the window Grippoint_1

We right mouse button above Grippoint_1 and the

drop down menu appears to us put the following
values: X = 325, Y = 125, Z = 25 This assigned as
Grip Point center part, since we placed in the position
(300, 100, 0) and it has dimensions of 50x50x50.

Then run Extras> Teach-In and we found that we can now take the piece with the robot.

Introduction to Programming:

Let's make a small program that will: Starting the robot from a given initial position P1
(355,0,550) will catch measures 50x50x50 box, located at the point P2 (300,100,0), wait 1s
and return to the position initial P1 where it will wait 3 seconds, will release the box at point P3
(100, -
200.0) and wait 1 s, passes through the starting point P1 where it will wait 3 seconds, return to point P3 to
catch again the box (wait 1 s.), Will pass through the point P1 where it will wait 3 seconds, it will go to point
P2 to release the box and wait 1 s, will return to the point where wait P1 3s and end the cycle. When the
robot carry case, its speed is 10% and when you do not take your speed is 100% To perform this exercise
we will use the following instructions:

HOPEN 1: clamp opening JOVRD 50: speed 50%

HCLOSE 1: closing clamp GOTO 10: go to line 10
DLY 2: waits 2 seconds GOSUB 300: go to line 300 and back
Step 1:

We place the robot and the box in the position indicated in the
statement. press Current Position → Pos. list to store the point P1.
We point P1 appears with its coordinates in the display window 2
(355, 0, 550)

Step 2:

We place the robot in the image position by acting on the

Shoulder and Pitch joints.

Step 3:

We place the robot in the image position giving the following

coordinates: X = 325, Y = 125, Z = 25. press Current Position →
Pos. list memorizing the point P2. In the display window 2 point
P2 appears us with coordinates (325, 125, 25) close below the
clip to take part.

Step 4:

We place the robot in the image position giving the following

coordinates: X = 125, Y = -175, Z = 25. press Current Position →
Pos. list to store the point P3. the point P3 appears to us with their
coordinates in the display window 2.

Then we open the clip to release the workpiece.

Step 5:

Click in the display window 3 (for we activate the options)

Edit> Programming Wizard

the program editor appears to us in window 3.
Step 6:

edit the Program

fulfilling the conditions that marks the
statement of the exercise.

Step 7:

To the Finalize the edition

to rename program lines are
correlative. To do this click in the
window 2 and execute the instruction

Edit> Renumber.

Now we compile and see if there are

errors in editing.

we can run the program

Yes we want the robot repeat sequence

indefinitely (until you press STOP) should add the GOTO instruction
30, thereby indicating that the program should jump to line 30.

To simplify the program can create a subroutine using the command GOSUB.

The subroutine that we must end with the command

Color sensor and LED:

Then add a color sensor capable of detecting the case, a red LED that lights up when it detects the
box and a green LED lighting up when the sensor no box.

With the button Model Libraries access the library where we will
find, among other things, all available LED. We deployed

the menu Miscellaneous LEDs,

select LED, green and then click in
Add. In the same way we add the LED, red.

LEDs have been placed at the base of the robot and we

have to move to the desired position. To do this, in the
window Model Explorer we click the right mouse button
over the object LEDGreen and in the dropdown that
appears select
You properties. We enter the tab Position and give the

desired position. (X = 400, Y = -500). We do the same in

order LEDRed.
We pe position (X = 190, Y = -500).

With the button Model Libraries access the library where

we will find, among other things, all available sensors.
We display the menu Miscellaneous Sensors,

select Color Sensor and then click in Add.

The sensor is placed at the base of the robot and we have

to move to the desired position. To do this, in the window Model
we click the right mouse button over the object SensorColor
and in the dropdown that appears select You
properties. We enter the tab Position and give the
desired position. (Pe values ​image →).

Once placed the LEDs and the sensor at the indicated positions, we
must establish communication between them.
Then connect the Output of the sensor with Input LED. In the Model Explorer we display menu items SensorColor,
click in Objects / SensorColor / Outputs / out_red, and we let it drag on
Objects / LEDGreen / Inputs / On.
click in Objects / SensorColor / Outputs / out_red, and we let it drag on
Objects / LEDRed / Inputs / On.

A the make this connection, if the sensor is detecting the red part, the two LED lights.

If we want the red LED lights up when do not

have piece clicaremos right mouse button on Objects /
LEDRed / Inputs / On and activate the option Invert.

A jogging this option we see how, if the sensor is detecting the

red piece, the red LED turns off

Running the program we had done previously, we observe

alternations of the two power LED.
Conveyor belt:

1. We will open a new project.

2. We access to Model Libraries> Miscellaneous
Primitives, We import a box ( Box) the resize (50x50x50), the positing
(300,200,0) and define a grip Point in (325,225,25).

3. We access to Model Libraries> Miscellaneous

Mechanisms, We import a conveyor ( Conveyor Belt 1) and resituamos at (475, -800, -480) clicking
right mouse button above O bjects> ConveyorBelt and selecting Properties from the dropdown that
appears us.

To govern the conveyor with the robot we connect inputs

from the band ( BELTON, BeltBackw) with outputs of
the robot.

Clicaremos right mouse button on Objects>

RV2AJ> Outputs> [inactive000]
and in the dropdown select Rename
and rename the output as BandaOn.
Clicaremos right mouse button on Objects>
RV2AJ> Outputs> [inactive001]
and in the dropdown select Rename
and rename the output as BandaInv.

Then click in the output of the robot BandaOn and

drag & drop above the entrance of the band BELTON.

Also we click in the output of the robot

BandaInv and drag & drop above the entrance
of the band
By simultaneously pressing the "Shift F9" key a window appears where you show us the outputs of
the robot.

Now let's check the operation of the conveyor belt. Click in the window 3, and then

select the menu bar Edit> Programming Wizard.

We will open the program editor with lines 10 and 20 →→, and we write
lines 12, 14 and 16.

A compile then run the program and we can see the moving box. Press STOP to stop the execution
of the program. To reverse the direction of rotation of the band change the line 14 by the following: 14
M_OUT (1) = 0.

Compile, we run the program and see the reverse movement of the band.
Connections conditions:

Then we will include an application conveyor belt, color sensor and moving robot. Will include a color
sensor to the system so that the box will move above the conveyor to reach a point where it is
detected by the sensor. Then the band will stop and start the robot movements programmed

1. We access Model Libraries> Miscellaneous Mechanisms, We import a conveyor ( Conveyor Belt 1), the
positing (475, -800, -480) and connect as indicated in the previous section.

2. We import a box and place it in the World coordinates (300,200,0) and Grip Point (325,225,25). open the Teach
Pendant and we give the robot the following points P1, P2 and P3: P1 (355,0,550); P2 (325,225,25); P3
(325, -225.25). P2 and P3 have roll 0and Pitch 180. We place the box P3 to see the point where the sensor

3. We access Model Libraries> Miscellaneous Sensors, select Color Sensor

and then click in Add.
The sensor is placed at the base of the robot and we have to move to the desired position. To do this, in
the window Model Explorer we click the right mouse button over the object SensorColor and in the
dropdown that appears select You properties.
We enter the tab Position and place it in the position (450, -250.25) roll - 180and Pitch 90.

As in this case will detect single red box, only we use the output out_red of the sensor. We connect
this output with a Input of the robot, which we will qualify for this particular signal.

To do this clicaremos right mouse button on Objects>

RV2AJ> Intputs> [inactive000] and in the dropdown select Rename
and rename the output as Sensor.

Then click in the output of the sensor

out_red and drag & drop above the entrance of the robot Sensor.

Now we can do the program, which will be as follows:

After writing the program, we click

Edit> Renumber.

To finish compile and run.

Parts feed:

Then we will include an application conveyor belt parts feeder, color sensor and moving robot. To
make the new project will:

1. We access Model Libraries> Miscellaneous Mechanisms, We import a conveyor ( Conveyor Belt 1), the
positing (475, -800, -480) and connect assigning their inputs with O utputs of the robot.

2. We access Model Libraries> Miscellaneous Mechanisms, We import a parts feeder ( Parts Feeder
1) and positioned at the point (300, 800.0) entering the window Model Explorer and clicking the right
mouse button on
Objects> Feeder1 and selecting Properties from the dropdown that appears.

For connect the feeder

we will enable a new Output of the robot,
drag and release you over the Input of the
Feeder 1.

clicking on I / O Connections ( in the Model Explorer) we can see the connections made at the

Now we place a color sensor at the position (425, -250.15) roll 180and Pitch 90; and connect the output out_red
a new entry that we will enable the robot, for example connect it to the input 000.
We enter the points:

P1 (355,0,550), P2 (300, -240.0), P3 (-200, -300.0).

We run this program: This is another program equivalent using

instruction GOSUB.

Reset feeder:

Once the program is executed, to return the parts to

the feeder clicaremos in
Edit> Reset workcell. (Is instruction
only available when you have finished running the

We see how the disks automatically have returned to

their initial position and can run the program again.
Below we will include two new lines for the robot program position orderly collecting parts of the
conveyor belt, for which use the instruction IF THEN ELSE.

Now we carry out a similar exercise but placing four feeders, one above the other, which have a total
of 16 disks. Destination will place the disks on a table (box), and we should be arranged in a matrix
(pallet) 5x3. Furthermore directly connect the output of the sensor ( out_red) with the input of the band BELTON
( thus no longer we need to enable the robot Output BandaOn) and the input of the robot ( SensorRed).

1. We will place the band, the sensor and the feeder Feeder2 in the positions shown in the previous

2nd situate feeders 2, 3 and 4 (Feeder2_1, Feeder2_2, Feeder2_3):

- X and Y coordinates like the feeder 1,
- Z coordinate is 120, 240 and 360 respectively.

3rd post a brown box dimensions 300x200x200, at position (-250, -350.0)

4th We will enable the following entries in the robot: Input 0: SensorRed
We will enable the following outputs: Output 0: BandaInv, Output 1: 5th AlimentadorOn will perform the

following connections: (* = invert)

Output Object Input Object

BandaInv RV-2AJ BeltBckw ConveyorBelt
AlimentadorOn RV-2AJ NextPart Feeder2
AlimentadorOn RV-2AJ NextPart Feeder2_1
AlimentadorOn RV-2AJ NextPart Feeder2_2
AlimentadorOn RV-2AJ NextPart Feeder2_3
out_red SensorColor BELTON * ConveyorBelt
out_red SensorColor SensorRed RV-2AJ

6 With the Teach Pendant give the following points to the robot:

P1 (355,0,550), P2 (300, -240.0), P3 (-200, -325.200, 180 Pitch, Roll 0))

- We access the programming assistant
Edit> Programming Wizard, and write program

- We compile and found no errors.

- We run the program

This another program does the same as above, but this time we used two loops FOR NEXT Nested.

There is a function specially designed to do what we just did in the previous two years. It is the
function DEF PLT ( defines pallet).
Here we introduce some additional instructions that will define us a little more

MVS P1: It will move to the point P1 in a straight line.

MOV P1, -50: It will approach point P1 stopping at a distance of 50mm.
MVS P1, -50: It will approach point P1 moving straight and stopping at a distance of 50mm. If the
robot was already in point 1 to the receiving instruction, then it will move away from the point P1
moving in a straight line and stopping at a distance of 50mm.

JOVRD 80: when we use the MOV command the robot will move at a rate of 80%.

SPD 10: when we use the MVS command the robot will move at a rate of 10%.

DEF INTE L: We define an integer variable L.

An output (output) can be connected to as many inputs (inputs) as you want, but only one input can
be connected to an outlet.
Working with multiple robots: (Example 3 robots)

COSIMIR we started, we started the project wizard Project

Wizard and we create a new project we call "robotic cell."
open the Model Libraries and within the Mitsubishi-Robots
section, select the RV-2AJ robot. We click 2 times Add to
add two robots.

In the list of available objects shown in the Model Explorer we will see that in addition to the initial robot
RV-2AJ, Two new objects now appear to us: RV-2AJ_1 Y
RV-2AJ_2. The new robots have been placed in the same position as the initial robot and we have to move
to the desired position.

To do this, in the window Model Explorer we click the right

mouse button over the object RV-2AJ_1 and in the dropdown
that appears select
You properties. We enter the tab Position and place it in the
position (0, 400.0). Similarly we place the robot RV-2AJ_2 in
the position (0, -400.0).

Placing on robot gripper RV-2AJ_1 : We access Model Libraries, we display the menu Miscellaneous
Grippers, select Gripper Pliers and click in Add.
The gripper is automatically placed us on the robot RV-2AJ_2.

To move it to the robot RV-2AJ_1 we agree to the Model

Explorer, deploy the object RV-2AJ_1 and click in RV-2AJ_1>
Roll> Gripper points. On the right side of the window we can
see that we only have one Gripper Point called Flange_1.

We right mouse button above

Flange_1 and in the drop-down menu we selected You
properties. In the window that appears to us,
clicking on the tab general and deploying paragraph Grips grip point We see all available
grippers to be mounted. Select the new Gripper Flange pliers and immediately appears mounted on
the robot RV-2AJ_1. After mounting the gripper, we have to connect: in the window Model Explorer deploy
the inputs of the object Gripper Pliers and the

outputs of the object RV-2AJ_1. We click on RV-2AJ_1 / Outputs so that we appear in the right part of
the window the entire relationship Outputs.
rename the Output257 as HCLOSE1. We click and drag the Output
HCLOSE1 and we release above Pliers Gripper / Inputs / Close.
Placing on robot gripper RV-2AJ_2 : We access Model Libraries, we display the menu Miscellaneous
Grippers, select Threee gripper jaw and click in
To mount the robot RV-2AJ_2 we agree to the
Model Explorer, deploy the object RV-2AJ_2 and click in RV-2AJ_2>
Roll> Gripper points. On the right side of the window we can
see that we only have one Gripper Point called Flange_2.

We right mouse button above

Flange_2 and in the drop-down menu we selected You
properties. In the window that appears, displaying the General
section> Grips grip point We see all available grippers to be

Select the new Gripper Grp3BackFlange and immediately appears mounted on the robot RV-2AJ_2.

After mounting the gripper have to connect:

in the window Model Explorer deploy the inputs
of the object Gripper Pliers and the outputs

of the object RV-2AJ_2. We click on RV-2AJ_2

/ Outputs so that we appear in the right part
of the window the entire relationship Outputs.
rename the

Output257 how HCLOSE1.

We click and drag the Output
HCLOSE1 and we release above
Chuck3Gripper / Inputs / Close.

To check the operation of the Gripper will access EXECUTE /

Controller Selection and a window pop we allow you to select the
robot that we use will appear. Now with the Teach Penant we will
check the grippers.
Then we create a new project for each robot further added. To do clicaremos in EXECUTE /
Project Management ...

emerging appears to us in the dropdown select the robot in the window RV-2AJ_1
and we click on the icon Add New Project ( located on the top left).

In the new window that appears to us:

- select the folder robotic cell ( c: \ Program Files \ COSIMIR Educational \ Projects \ robotic
cell), that is the name we had given to our project;

- we name the new project: cell robotica_1

- click in Open, and in the new window that appears we click OKAY.

Now we repeat the process to create the new project cell robotica_2:
With the window Project Management open the drop-down select the robot
RV-2AJ_2 and we click on the icon Add New Project.
In the new window that appears to us:
- select the folder robotic cell ( c: \ Program Files \ COSIMIR Educational \ Projects \ robotic
cell), that is the name we had given to our project;

- we name the new project: cell robotica_2

- click in Open, and in the new window that appears we click OKAY.

Now we see that on the left side of the window Project Management us a total of three projects
appear (one for each robot): robotica cell, cell robotica_1 Y robotica_2 cell.

When the drop-down select the robot RV-2AJ_2, the project cell robotica_2 It appears in bold.

When the drop-down select the robot RV-2AJ_1, the project cell robotica_1 It appears in bold.

When the drop-down select the robot RV-2AJ the project cell robotica It does not appear in bold, which
means we have to link this robot with your project. We selected the drop-down robot RV-2AJ, click in
the project
robotic cell, and then click in the button having the drawing of a hammer ( Set as Active Project). Can I
assign project the active robot RV-2AJ? OK ¿compile the project now? DO NOT
Clicking first cell robotics and then Files,

we see the archive from

positions (.POS) and the
program file (.MB4) associated
with the project robotic cell.

clicking in draft
robótica_1 and then
Files, we do not have associated
The same applies to the project robótica_2.

To create the file where we store the list of positions and program the robot RV-2AJ_1 will:

- first we click cell robótica_1 and then Files,

- we right mouse button on the blue bar (located where they should be associated files)

- we click on Add Files,

- in Type Select (* .MB4).
- In the window that appears, copy the file
cell robotics and paste it into the same window. Rename the
file Copy of robotic cell
how robotica_1 cell. Now we click on the new file so that in
the field Name
appears robotica_1 cell, and once this is done click in Open.

File and associated program appears to us robotica_1 cell.

In the section compile mode must be selected Main Program.

To generate the file position of the robot RV-2AJ_1 will:
- first we click cell robótica_1 and then Files,
- I we right mouse button on the blue box (located under the file robotica_1.MB4 cell),

- we click on Add Files,

- in Type Select (* .POS).
- In the window that appears, copy the file cell robotics and paste below. Rename the file Copy
of robotic cell how robotica_1 cell. Now we click on the new file so that in the field

Name appears robotica_1 cell, and once this is done click in Open.

Repeat the process to generate the files associated with the project robotica_2 cell,
copying and renaming files as robotica_2 cell.
Do not forget to put Main Program in section Compile Mode.

Once generated the associated files, we open for them visible on the desktop.

On the left side of the window

Project Management select
RV-2AJ_1 Y robotica_1 cell.
Double click on the two files associated with
the right side of the window.

On the left side of the window

Project Management select
RV-2AJ_2 Y robotica_2 cell.
Double click on the two files associated with
the right side of the window.

Resize the
four new windows that we have
opened so that the desktop is
us like image.
Now let's make the list of positions of each robot:

- Open the selection control robot ( Execute>

Controller Selection)
- Open the Teach Pendant ( Extras Teach-In)
- Select a robot and give the different positions.

We repeat for the three robots.

Now let's make a program for each robot:

- We click on the window where you write the program the robot RV- 2AJ to activate it.

- We begin the programming assistant Edit> Programming Wizard.

- We write the program. We repeat for the

three robots.

To finish compile as follows:

- We open the Project Management

(Execute> Project Management)
- In the dropdown select the robot RV-2AJ
- Right mouse button click in the project robotic cell.

- In the dropdown that appears to us we we click the option compile-cell

robotics Project Y
We check that there are no errors.

We repeat the operation for the three robots with their respective projects. Now we can

run the program and see all three robots moving.

Modeling feeder trays:

We open the program and start a new project with the project wizard
File <Project Wizard. We access Model Libraries and carry the following items:
- 2 parts feeders - Mechanisms Miscellaneous> Parts Feeder 1
(We click twice Add to add two feeders).
- 9 boxes - Miscellaneous Primitives> Box.
(We click nine times Add to add nine boxes).
unfolding the Model Explorer and clicking on each object
with the right mouse button, we will place the different
objects in the following positions:

- Feeder Feeder1: position (300, -300.0).

- Aliment. Feeder1_1: position (300, -300.120).
- Box Box: position (0,100,0).
- Box Box_1: position (200,0,0).
- Box Box_2: position (200,150,0).
- Box Box_3: position (200,300,0).
- Box Box_4: position (200,450,0).
- Box Box_5: position (450,0,0).
- Box Box_6: position (450,150,0).
- Box Box_7: position (450,300,0).
- Box Box_8: position (450,450,0).

Also through Model Explorer,

We modify the dimensions of the boxes to suit our

- Box Box:
Measures (100, 200, 200) - Color: Blue. This box will
be a table where we leave the pieces that are
currently within the feeders.

- Boxes Box (1 to 8):

Measurements (200, 100, 10).
These boxes are trays where the robot will leave the
pieces to be subsequently transported and continue
the process.
To get the 8 pieces of the feeder and leave them on the table, we define 8 Points Gripper on the
surface of the table. A Gripper Point It is a mooring point where we set Grip Points.

To do this clicaremos right mouse button on

Objects> Box> Base, and in the dropdown that appears we click
in New> Gripper Point.
We see that has appeared to us the gripper point

We right button up
Box> Base> Gripper Points and in the dropdown that
appears click in New> Gripper Point.
We see that has appeared to us the gripper point
Gripper_2. We repeat the process to generate a total of 8
points gripper (one for each piece that we want to store in
the table).

Having defined the Gripper Points, we rename. We right button up Gripper_1 and in the dropdown that
appears select Rename.
The rename as Mesa_1, Mesa_2, Mesa_3, Mesa_4, Mesa_5 ... and Mesa_8. Following, the situate

in the required position.

We right button up Mesa_1. In the dropdown that appears we click in You properties, and the
"Position" tab will give you the coordinates. We repeat the operation for the 8 Gripper of the table. We
give them positions are as follows ( Coordinate system: Section):

Mesa_1: (25,25,200); Mesa_2: (25,75,200); Mesa_3: (25,125,200); Table _4: (25,175,200); Table _5:
(75,25,200); Mesa_6: (75,75,200); table _7: (75,125,200); Table _8: (75,175,200). Now we will draw the
disks that are inside feeders and should be on the table. In the Model Explorer, the object M1Discs

4 disc contains the Feeder1. click in

M1Discs> M1Disc1> Base> Grip Points, and the right
window we click the right mouse button on the Grip
Point M1Disc1 and in the dropdown that appears we
You properties.

In the "General" tab, under " Initialization - Gripped by "

select Mesa_1.
See how the Disc1 It has placed us at the table.
We repeat for the remaining three discs the Feeder1.

We repeat for the discs 4 Feeder1_1 contained in the

M1Discs_1 object. We see how the two feeders are left

Before placing the trays inside Feeder1 and Feeder1_1, we will make two modifications to the trays:

- let's define a Grip Point at the base of each tray (so that the tray can be attached to the
- let's define a conveyor surface on the upper surface (to which the tray can then take pieces),

Define grip Point at the base of each tray:

box1: We right button
Objects> Box1> Base and in the dropdown that appears we
select New> Grip Point.
In the right window we click the right mouse button above Grippoint_1,
Rename and rename as Tray1. Tray1 again we click on the right mouse button, select Properties and
tab Position we give the following coordinates (Coordinate system: Section): (100,50,0).

We repeat the operation for 8 boxes, renaming as Tray1, Tray2, ..., Bandeja8. The coordinates
(coordinate system: Section): (100,50,0) will be the same for all trays.

Define Conveyor surface:

box1: We right button Objects> Box1> Base and in the dropdown that appears we select New>
Conveyor surface.

We repeat for 8 trays.

Now put 8 in the feed trays Feeder1 and Feeder1_1, for which we shall proceed as follows:

Tray1 placement:
click in Objects> Box_1> Base> Grip Points. In the right window we click on Tray1 with the right mouse
button, and select the dropdown that appears You properties. In the "General" tab, under " Initialization
- Gripped by " select M1Top1.

See how the Tray1 It has placed us in the Feeder1.

We repeat the operation for all trays selecting the following Gripper Points for each tray:

Tray1: M1Top1 Tray2: M1Top2 Tray3: M1Top3 Tray4: M1Top4 TRAY5: M1Top1_1; Bandeja6:
M1Top2_1; Bandeja7: M1Top3_1; Bandeja8: M1Top4_1

We have modeled a feeder with 8 trays.

Then we will check the operation, for which incorporate our workcell the following additional

- ConveyorBelt - Position: (100, -100, -355) ( roll 180, Pitch 0 Yaw 0)

- ConveyorBelt_1 - Position: (450, -500, -480) ( roll 90, Pitch 0 Yaw 0)
- Alimentador1 (Feeder2) - Position: (-1000, -250.120)
- Alimentador2 (Feeder2_1) - Position: (-1000, -250.240)
- Alimentador3 (Feeder2_2) - Position: (-1000, -250.360)
- Alimentador4 (Feeder2_3) - Position: (-1000, -250.480)
- Alimentador5 (Feeder2_4) - Position: (-1000, -250.600)
- Alimentador6 (Feeder2_5) - Position: (-1000, -250.720)
- Color1 sensor - Position: (0, -400.140) ( roll - 90, Pitch 90, Yaw 0)
- Color2 sensor - Position: (150,100,8) ( roll 0 Pitch 90, Yaw 0)
- Robot RV-2AJ - Position: (600,100,0) - ( roll 180, Pitch 0 Yaw 0)
- Vacuum Gripper (to install and connect to the new robot)

As the soil is too small, the

redimensionaremos clicking on Extras> Settings> Floor,
and field size We give the following values:
X = 3000; Y = 3000
connections: We enable inputs and outputs connect.
(*) = Invert

Robot RV-2AJ:

Input Output connected Object

(0) SensorRed out_red SensorColor
(1) SensorRed1 out_red SensorColor_1

Output Connected to Input Object

(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder2
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder2_1
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder2_2
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder2_3
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder2_4
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder2_5

(1) BandejaOn NextPart Feeder1

(1) BandejaOn NextPart Feeder1_1

(2) BandaInv BeltBackw ConveyorBelt

(3) BandaInv1 BeltBackw ConveyorBelt_1

Output Connected to Input Object
out_red (0) SensorRed RV-2AJ robot
out_red (*) BELTON ConveyorBelt

SensorColor_1: Output
Connected to Input Object
out_red (1) SensorRed1 RV-2AJ robot
out_red (*) BELTON ConveyorBelt _1

Input Output connected Object

Feeder2 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot

Feeder2_1 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot
Feeder2_2 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot
Feeder2_3 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot
Feeder2_4 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot
Feeder2_5 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot

Feeder1 NextPart (1) BandejaOn RV-2AJ robot

Feeder1_1 NextPart (1) BandejaOn RV-2AJ robot
Robot RV-2AJ:

Run the program the RV-2AJ robot to see that, for

now, does its job properly.

But this is not yet the final program for this robot.

So that there are no collisions we make the two robots work synchronously, ie one begins not to act
until the other has finished its part of the work and vice versa.

To achieve this we will enable a new input and output in each robot (eg i / o 10) and connect them as

Robot RV-2AJ:

Input Output connected Object

(10) Robot1 Robot2 Robot RV-2AJ_1

Output Connected to Input Object

(10) Robot1 Robot2 Robot RV-2AJ_1

Robot RV-2AJ_1:

Input Output connected Object

(10) Robot2 robot1 Robot RV-2AJ

Output Connected to Input Object

(10) Robot2 robot1 Robot RV-2AJ

Once this is done both programs robots would be as follows (to fill and move the first tray):
Once the execution of the program is complete we click 2 times in
Edit> ResetWorkcell so that we are properly reset the feeder tray.
And finally we will make the necessary modifications in the program so that the cycle is repeated for the
other trays.

What if we remove the DLY 2 instruction

program lines 310 of the RV-2AJ robot and
the robot RV- 160 2AJ_1?

For the simulation function properly we must also make a

change in the parameters of the Grip Point Tray 1:

we will post the Grip range 25

We can vary the number of disks that are housed in each tray changing the variables "L" and "A"
on lines 170 and 180 of the program the RV-2AJ robot. So by L = 2, compiling and running the
program again, we'll see how we stacked trays 2x2 discs.
Modeling a pusher cylinder:

We open the program and start a new project with the project wizard
File <Project Wizard. We access Model Libraries and carry the following items:
- 2 boxes - Miscellaneous Primitives> Box.
(We click twice Add to add 2 boxes).
- 2 parts feeders - Mechanisms Miscellaneous> Parts Feeder 1
(We click twice Add to add two feeders).
- 1 pusher cylinder - Mechanisms Miscellaneous> Push Cylinder

unfolding the Model Explorer and clicking on each object with the right mouse button, we will place the
different objects in the following positions:

- Box Box: position (-200,200,0).

- Box Box_1: position (200, -400.0).
- Feeder Feeder1: position (300, -150.200).
- Feeder Feeder1_1: position (300, -150.320).
- Push Cylinder: position (300, -200.200) ( roll 90, Pitch 0 Yaw 0).

Also to through Model Explorer,

We modify the dimensions of the boxes:

- Box Box: Measurements (200, 100, 200)

Color blue.
This box is the table where the robot will leave the parts
that are currently within the feeders.

- Cajas Box_1: Measurements (200, 400, 200)

Color blue.
This box will be the table where the robot will pick up the pieces.


Robot RV-2AJ:
Output Connected to Input Object
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1_1

(1) PusherOn pushforward PushCylinder

PushCylinder: Input
Output connected Object
pushforward (1) PusherOn RV-2AJ robot

Input Connected to output Object

Feeder1 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot
Feeder1_1 NextPart (0) PiezaOn RV-2AJ robot
Modeling of a rotary actuator:

We open the program and start a new project with the project wizard
File <Project Wizard. We access Model Libraries and carry the following items:
- 2 boxes - Miscellaneous Primitives> Box.
(We click twice Add to add two boxes.
- 2 parts feeders - Mechanisms Miscellaneous> Parts
Feeder 1 ( we click twice Add to add two feeders).

- 1 pusher cylinder - Mechanisms

Miscellaneous> Push Cylinder
- 1 rotary actuator - Mechanisms
Miscellaneous> Turning Move

unfolding the Model Explorer and clicking on each object with the right mouse button, we will place the
different objects in the following positions and with the following measures:

- Box Box: position (-200,200,0) - Measurements (200, 100, 200) - Color: blue.
- Box Box_1: position (200, -400.0) - Measurements (400, 400, 200) - Color: blue.
- Feeder Feeder1: position (500, -150.200).
- Feeder Feeder1_1: position (500, -150.320).
- Push Cylinder: position (500, -200.200) ( roll 90, Pitch 0 Yaw 0).
- Turning Move: position (430, -30.200) ( roll 90, Pitch 0 Yaw 0).

Configure the displacement angle of the rotary actuator: in the Model

Explorer we right mouse button on TurningMover> Joint1 and in
the dropdown that appears select You properties. Tab general we
set the following values:

Lower axis limit: -12 °; Upper axis limit: 192nd

We repeat for TurningMover> joint2 and we give the same values:

Lower axis limit: -12 °; Upper axis limit: 192nd

Robot RV-2AJ:
Input Output connected Object
(0) EnPosicionA AtPositionA TurningMover
(1) EnPosicionB AtPositionB TurningMover
(2) PiezaDisponible PartAvailable Feeder1
(3) MaximaExtesion MaxReached PushCylinder

Output Connected to Input Object

(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1_1
(1) PusherOn pushforward PushCylinder
(2) Position ToPositionA TurningMover
(3) PosicionB ToPositionB TurningMover
(4) AgarraPieza grip TurningMover
(5) SueltaPieza Release TurningMover
First we will run this simple program to observe the
operation of the rotary actuator. (File does not lack of
positions, since by the time the robot does not move).

Then the program will complement the robot we put the

pieces on the table.

(Now we need to file positions).

Before running the program we

Edit> Reset workcell.
Modeling of a turntable:

Through the Model Libraries We incorporate the following elements:

- Rotary table: Miscellaneous Mechanisms> Turn Table.

Through the Model Explorer We are situating it in the position (300,300,0).

- Box: Miscellaneous Primitives> Box.

(Later we will position and redimensionaremos)

The turntable consists of two parts:
- Base (cylindrical foot)
- MoveSegment (circular board) Dimensioning of the cylindrical
foot: in the Model Explorer click in TurnTable> Base, and the right
window we click on the right mouse button on the item Cylinder 1 and in
the dropdown that appears us

select Properties ( eyelash General).

Modifying variables Radius Y heigth modify the radius and height.

We'll set, for example, the radio 30 and height 250. Dimensioning circular

board: the Model Explorer click in TurnTable> MoveSegment,

and the right window we click on the right mouse button on the item Cylinder
2 and in the dropdown that appears we select Properties ( eyelash General).

changing the variables Radius Y heigh

Radio and modify the thickness of the board. We'll set, for
example, radio 150 and the thickness at 20.

Clicking on the tab Position we can give a new position on the

board, for example World coordinate system ( 300,300,250).

By modifying the dimensions and position of the board we also

modify the dimensions and
position of adherent surface Conveyor Surface 1 clicking on
TurnTable> MoveSegment and the window right
clicking on the item
Conveyor Surface 1 We see where is located. To
modify its properties clicaremos Right above

Surface Conveyor 1: through the General tab will

give the new measures (Length X: 300, Length Y:
300), and through the Position tab the new
World coordinate system ( 150,150,270).

clicking with the button right of the mouse in

TurnTable> MoveSegment and in the dropdown that appears choosing us Properties
eyelash General, we can set the degrees that will turn the table whenever you
get the drive signal.

- Upper limit axis: marks the starting point of rotation (in principle will always 0)
- Lower axis limit: indicates the rotation angle (always negative: -30, -45, -90, ...).
- Max. Axis speed: indicates the speed and direction of rotation (+ or -)

To observe the movements of the turntable will place the box (Box) at
position (300,300,270), the redimensionaremos (10100100) and will give
you a grip point that will locate in position (305,350,300).

To signal to the turn table we rename an output of the robot (eg

rename output 000 as "Rotate") and connect the input table
"TurnOnce". As we have seen before the connection is clicking
(output) and dragging and dropping (at the entrance).

Then we will check the operation of the turntable running the

following program:

Stop the execution (by pressing STOP), change the grade configuration and direction of rotation,
and will run the program.

We can relocate the Box PushCylinder box and put on the turntable (position
375 300 270), but for this turn jointly with the box we define him one point
Modeling robotic cell

Modify measures the soil of our modeling to fit the reality: Extras> Settings> Floor. size X:
1000 Grid Lines X 20
Y: 1500 Lines Y: 0

- Robot RV-2AJ: Position (0, 0, 8)

- Box (base of the robot): Position: (-175, -120.0) Measures: (270, 240, 8) Color: Gray

- 5 Parts Feeder 1 (cap feeder):

Position: (85, -245.30) (85, -245.150) (85, -245.270) (85, -245.390) (85, -245.510)

- Push Cylinder: Position: (40, -245.30)

- Box_1 (extension cylinder push basis):

Position: (115, -280.0) Measurements: (120, 70, 30) Color: Light cream

- Box_2 (inductive and capacitive sensors support):

Position: (235 -280.0) Measurements: (50, 70, 60) Color: Light cream

- Capacitive proximity sensor:

Position: (215, -245.50) 180 Roll Pitch Yaw 90 0 Color: Dark Blue Measurements (Base) radius
10, height 80
SensorCapacitive> Properties> Sensor> Hysteresis: <100 mm>

- Inductive proximity sensor:

Position: (265, -201.50) -90 Roll Pitch Yaw 90 0 Color: Purple
Measures (Base) radius 10, height 80

- Box_3 (palletizing tray):

Position: (205 -105.0) Measurements: (200, 200, 5) Red color

Holes tray: add 9-cylinder (base> new cylinder)

cylinders: Measurements: radius 20, height 6 Color: Green
Positions (World): C1 (245, -60.0) C2 (245, 0.0) C3 (245, 60.0)
C4 (305, -60.0) C5 (305, 0.0) C6 (305, 60.0) C7 (365,
-60.0) C8 (365, 0.0) C9 (365, 60.0)

- Box_4 (conveyor structure):

Position: (107, 270, 0) Measurements: (46, 400, 120) Color: Medium Blue

- Conveyor Belt (Conveyor Belt):

Position: (146, 270, 121) Roll 90 Color: Light gray (Fill surface)

Belt> Conveyor surface: Measurements: (400.30) Speed ​100 mm / s

- HN24MGV sensor (sensor installed at the entrance of the conveyor belt):

Position: (105, 300, 140) Pitch Roll 0 0 90 Yaw
- Color sensor (mounted on the gripper): (Coordinates with the robot at the point P0)

Color Sensor: Position (World): (300, -40.558) Pitch Roll 0 0 Yaw element 90 in the sensor

base, zero (0.01) dimensions of Box1, Box3 and Box4 elements. Resize Box2: (Length X: 25, Y

Length: 40, Z 20). In the Gripper define a point Gripper (Gripper> Base> New> Gripper Point), place

it in the (World): (300, -40.558) 0 Yaw Pitch Roll 0 0 GripperSensor and rename it. (If disconnects the

Gripper, reattaching it to the end of the process). Color sensor defining a grip point (SensorColor>

Base> New> GripPoint), position (World): (300, -40.558) Roll 0 0 Yaw Pitch 0. Set the grip range in

10mm. Attach it to the point Gripper called GripperSensor.

(Now it is when we will make the connection between Robot Gripper and renaming the Output 257 of
the robot as HCLOSE1 and connecting it to the Input Close of the Gripper).
- Box_5 (guiding caps with color sensor):
Position: (155, 130, 0) Dimensions: (50, 115, 20) Color: Dark Gray

Add two cylinders: one for position and one for the cap orient. Cylinder positioner:

C1- Measurements: radius 20, height 21 Color: Light gray Position

(World): (180, 155, 0)

Guiding cylinder: C2- Dimensions: 1.50 radius, height 52 Color: Dark Blue Position
(World): (180, 170, 0)

- Color_1 sensor (mounted in Box 5):

Position: (180, 240, 21) Roll 90 Color: Medium gray

In the base element of the sensor, zero size of Box1, Box3 and Box4 elements. (Box2: Length X: 40,
Y Length: 40 Length Z: 20).

The robot guide any plug (red, black, metal) having coiled blue cap, since the function of the guiding
base is unscrewed plugs blue lid. To do this we simulate (in plugs) the three existing holes in them
and the blue cap. Here are the steps to follow in the M1Disc1 album, but when you run the program
can perform this simulation (cap with blue cap and three holes) in any of the disks feeder, but only
one (because in the real base unscrewing we are simulating just be a plug).

- Simulation of 3 holes at 120 ° in the cap:

Add 3 cylinder (C2, C3, C4) inside the disc M1Disc1: (M1Discs> M1Disc1>
Base> New Cylinder) Measurement - Radius: 3, Heigth: 33
Green color
Positions (Section): C2 (15, 0, 29) - C3 (-7.5, -12.99, 29) - C4 (-7.5, 12.99, 29) color_1 sensor

(properties> sensor) must define him this green, but will not detect "holes".

- Simulation blue cap on the cap:

Add 1-cylinder (C5) inside the disc M1Disc1: (M1Discs> M1Disc1>
Base> New Cylinder) Measurement - Radius: 20 Heigth: 2
Color blue
Position (Section): (0, 0, 59)

Color_1 the sensor must define him blue elected, but will not detect the "cap".
2 Parts Feeder 2 (vertical tank caps):

- Feeder2: Position (World): (290, 230, 0)

- Feeder2_1: Position (World): (290, 230.90)

Placing table (Box_6) to remove discs inside the feeders, for which define eight points on it gripper
( BOX6> Base> New> Gripper Point) to rename as Mesa_1, Mesa_2, ..., Mesa_8:

Box_6: Position: (-100, 200, 0) Dimensions: (100, 200, 100) Color: Brown

Gripper Points: (Section positions)

Mesa1 (25, 25, 100); Mesa2 (25, 75, 100); Mesa3 (25, 125, 100); Mesa4 (25, 175, 100) Mesa5 (75,
25, 100); Mesa6 (75, 75, 100); Mesa7 (75, 125, 100); Mesa8 (75, 175, 100) Once defined 8 points
Gripper, let each of the points grip of the 8 discs (4 M2Discs + 4 M2Discs_1) and assign them 8
points Gripper previously defined in Box 6 Mesa .

We have modeled the robotic cell school classroom.

To simulate metal caps and black polypropylene caps to pass to the inductive sensor we incorporate
materials which subsequently assign the plugs we want.

This operation will make through Model Libraries> Miscellaneous Materials, and incorporate the
following materials: Polypropylen (PP) Y Iron.

- Simulation of metal plug:

Select (for example) the cap M1Disc2:
Click in M1Discs> M1Disc2> Base. Then we click with the right mouse button over the Cylinder 1
item (shown in the right window) and in the dropdown that appears select You properties:

- Tab General, We click on Material: Material >> << No, and at the bottom of the pop-up
window change the material by selecting
- Tab Visualization change the red on white. Yes

We repeat this operation (in addition to the disk M1Disc2) with disks M1Disc2_3 and
M1Disc3_4, we simulating 3 total metal plugs.

- Simulating black polypropylene cap:

In this case if we simply change the material of the disc, this we remain transparent and not make it
out. To resolve this create another concentric cylinder to the black cylinder, but with a diameter of 1
mm larger. Select (for example) the tapon M1Disc3 and add 1 new cylinder: (M1Discs> M1Disc3>
Base> New Cylinder) and we are created in the right window the Cylinder2 element:

Measurement - Radius: 21 Heigth: 29 Material: Polypropylen (PP) Positions

(Section): (0, 0, 30.28)
Then let the inner cylinder Cylinder 1 (the we had before) and we changed the red into the black.

If we repeat this operation (in addition to the M1Disc3 disk) with

M1Disc3_1 discs, M1Disc1_2, M1Disc2_2, M1Disc4_2, M1Disc4_3,
M1Disc2_4, 7 will simulating black polypropylene caps total.

In our simulation we have 5 feeders (Feeder 1) with 4 blocks each. We

modified the plugs 20 as follows: 1 red cap blue cap, red without blue cap
9, 3 and 7 metal caps black polypropylene.
Then we proceed to make the connections between the robot and the various elements
(sensors, feeders and conveyor belt).

Robot RV-2AJ:
Output Connected to Input Object
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1_1
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1_2
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1_3
(0) PiezaOn NextPart Feeder1_4

(1) DepositoOn NextPart Feeder2

(1) DepositoOn NextPart Feeder2_1

(2) BandaOn BELTON ConveyorBelt

Input Output connected Object

(0) GripperSensorB out_blue SensorColor
(1) GripperSensorR out_red SensorColor

(2) SensorCapacitivo output SensorCapacitive

(3) SensorInductivo output SensorInductive

(4) Orienting out_green SensorColor_1

(5) SensorBanda Detect HN24MGV

PushCylinder: Input
Output connected Object
pushforward PartAvailable Feeder1

List of positions:
With this program the robot does the following: Place any piece with

blue cap on the guiding base. Placed on the pallet red caps without

blue cap.
Stored in the black vertical tank caps propylene without blue cap. Placed on the conveyor
without the metal plugs blue cap.
Lluis Soriano: 644137768

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