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Police Regional Office –Cordillera

“Tamang Timbang Challenge”

A Shape up Program

Concept of Operation

I. Objective:
The “Tamang Timbang Challenge” aims to encourage creative ways to exercise and start
diet modifications to reach a healthy weight loss. Further, it fosters camaraderie among team
members to achieve a common goal and inspire them to adhere to and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

II. Duration:
The program will be processed in eight (8) weeks February 3 – March 23, 2020) with close
monitoring by the program management committee

III. Program Management Committee:

(RPMD Letter Order # 687)

IV. Program initiation:

The “Tamang Timbang Challenge” shall officially commence on February 3, 2020 (Monday)
after the following measures have been undertaken:
 Initial weight profiling
 Medical screening and selection
 Program orientation
 Formal opening

V. Composition of Participants:

The “Tamang Timbang Challenge” shall be administered through a friendly team competition
(female personnel only).
1. PRO Cordillera personnel and National Support Units
2. Five (5) members each team
3. Total – Nineteen (19) teams (95 individuals)

 Two (2) teams each PPOs Mt. Province, Kalinga, Apayao, Ifugao, and Abra
 Three (3) teams each - Benguet PPO and Baguio City Police Office
 One (1) team - PRO HQS Admin group (DRDA, R1, R4, R6, R8, RHSG)
 One (1) team - PRO HQS Operations group (DRDO, R2, R3, R5, R7,R9)
 One (1) team – National Support Unit (NSU)
VI. Eligibility:
Participants shall be determined by the program management committee based on the Body
Mass Index (BMI) and initial profiling of the RHS.

VII. Prohibition:
Weight loss process shall only be through balance diet and increased physical activity. The
following shall be prohibited in this program:
 Surgical intervention for weight loss
 Cosmetic procedures resulting in weight loss such as liposuction or a tummy tuck
 Currently undergoing commercial diet regimen for weight loss, eg. Herbalife, Amway.
VIII. Weight Loss Tools:
The “Tamang Timbang Challenge” participants are highly encouraged to make a personal
commitment to learn their healthy BMI range, make changes towards a more nutritious diet and
adopt daily routine exercise of one hour or more for a healthy weight loss.
All resources available to them to help adopt a healthy diet and exercise program including
the use of local fitness centers, cycling club, marathon training, yoga, walking, and fitness classes
shall be arranged by the team.

IX. Baseline Weigh-In:

 The baseline weight shall be taken immediately after the formal declaration of the “Tamang
Timbang Challenge”
 An official weighing scale (Detecto) shall be used throughout the competition.
 Participants must weigh at the designated venue wearing only a shirt (no jacket, coat, and
sweater), pants or skirt, and socks/hose (no shoes) and with empty pockets (no keys, cell
phones, etc).

X. Progress Monitoring:
 Periodic weigh-ins for each participant will be obtained and recorded by the program
committee in a designated venue.
 Each participant should weigh before breakfast between 6am – 8am. For exceptions to this
time, participants should weigh within a range of time of the day for each weigh-in
throughout the competition.
 Weights should be recorded to the nearest 1/10th of a pound (e.g. 159.2).

XII. Weight Gain Rule:

 For every percent weight gained, it shall be multiplied by two (2), and subtracted from the
total weight loss during the final weigh in

XIII. Rankings and Prize Determination.

 Final weigh-in will be on March 23, 2020 (Monday).
 The recorded weight of each participant shall be used in the computation for the final result.
 “Tamang Timbang Challenge” Weight Chart spreadsheet shall be employed.
 The four (4) highest weight loss percentage from the group will go towards your team
rankings. This rule will allow teams that lose a member during the competition due to illness,
injury, or other issues to finish the challenge without penalty or having to find a replacement
 HOWEVER, when determining prize ranking for teams finishing with five (5) participants, the
team member with the lowest percentage of weight loss must have at least 8% loss in BMI
by the end of the challenge in order to be dropped.

XIV. Computation of weight loss:

 Computation shall be based on the percentage of BMI loss or gain

 BMI = weight in kilograms

Height in meters X Height in meters

 Previous BMI– Current BMI X 100%

Target BMI (22)

XVI. Extra Challenge:

An “amazing race” shall be conducted on the 24th of June 2016 coinciding with the
conclusion of the program. It shall be a team competition as a final test for fitness and endurance.
 Prices will be provided to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd team winners

XV. Prize and Incentives - Everyone WINS!

Along with participation incentives, periodic rewards, and invaluable health benefits, there
will also be cash prizes at the conclusion of the challenge.
(See attached Program Cost Matrix)

XVI. Program timeline:

Date Activity description

February 3, 2020 Launching of “Tamang Timbang Challenge”
o Formal Opening
o Program orientation
o Nutrition and diet seminar
o Baseline weigh in
May 27, 2016 Mid-stream weigh in
o Wellness/fitness seminar
o Awarding of incentive price for the highest BMI
percentage loser team
March 23, 2020 Program Closing
o Final weigh in
o Amazing Race (Team competition)
o Closing ceremony (awarding of winners)
o Fellowship program

Prepared By:

Program Management Committee

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