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Project Proposal

Object Oriented Programming in JAVA

Quiz System on GUI

Concerned Faculty: ABC

Group Members:

Name Registration no.

-- BTE-SP10-

-- BTE-SP10-0

This project is not only limited to the simple GUI based Quiz System, but it can also be
extended to its online versions in bonus, and can be enhanced and improved according to the
needs. It will introduce to us the vast features and facts of Java language.

We will make a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which will show a login page at start up, just
like an online application, the login window will take username and password of a student or
faculty, where most access is given to the faculty members. Then the next window will
depend on the previous actions performed i.e. on the previous window. Each window will
come up like a new web page. The quiz will be created by putting in the questions and their
right answers, the marks will be allotted, then it will calculate and show result after quiz
being taken. It will be a timed quiz, which may include the option of pausing in bonus.

This will be done by using the GUI frames, panels, text fields, text areas, buttons, radio
buttons and labels etc. The project will consist of different classes for ease and re-usability, it
will be coded according to the Java conventions, and action listeners will be used on buttons.

Objective of Java Projects on Online Quiz System

This is Java Projects on Online Quiz System, which provided a lot of facility to their user.

The objective and scope of our Project is to make a user friendly quiz taking tool for
examination purposes. It will simplify the task and reduce the paper work. During
implementation every user will be able t easily understand what step follows the current step.

At the moment we are in the very early stages, so it is difficult to put a specific time on the
completion, and determine the complexity we may face, but we will keep putting are efforts
and consult for guidance. The system is very user friendly and it is anticipated that functions
of the system will be easily accessed by administrators, and applicants that is faculty and
Proposed work

In this project we are going to make a GUI based online Quiz System, which can serve as
examination software for teachers. It will work in the following stepwise manner when its

 Enter for username and password

 Select an option from
o Add Questions/ edit quiz (able only for faculty members)
 Questions in the form of MCQs are entered, with the correct answers
o Prepare Quiz (able only for faculty members)
 Marks are allotted (only for faculty)
o Take Quiz (for teachers and students both)
 Result shown in the end

- Customizable Examination System.
- Auto-submit when time ends up. And auto show result
- Support single selection.
- Easy navigation.
- Support text. (And images in bonus)
- Configurable (even question per page)
- Performs user actions.
- Support pauses for 5 min.
- Background music with play pause option
The project will use appropriate methods and attitudes as per the convention of Java. Some of
the pre defined methods might also be used for example from action listener class.
Inheritance will also be used.
The software used for compilation is Netbeans IDE. The further tools that will be used are
within the libraries of JDK.

Individual task allocation

Mr/Miss ABC: Main class, MakeQuiz class, Result class and Algorithm
Mr/Miss XYZ: AddQuestions/TakeQuiz class

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