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Student Name:______________________

School System:______________________

Technology Integration Assessment

Adopted from the National Forum on Education Statistics under the National Center for Education Statistics'
(NCES) Cooperative Education Statistics System,

1: Technology Planning and Policies

• Are there technology policies?

• Is there a technology plan?

• Is the plan being implemented?

• Is the plan being evaluated?

2: Finance
• How does your school district compare in technology expenditures
with others in your region/state?
BJ – does Vogitle provide any of these funds??

3: Equipment and Infrastructure

• Does your school use media labs, mobile labs, or in-class computers?
Mobile labs – one for each grade level
In class computers
Media center access
What exactly is a media lab?

• How many desktop computers, laptops, or servers do you have in your classroom?
4 student desktops, 1 teacher desktop, 1 teacher laptop provided by special services

• Is equipment available for use by students?

Are students allowed to use any other equipment other than the computers? I know Brogan used
some microphones for the students to use to do a presentation. Anything else?

• Is equipment available for use by teachers?

Yes – check out in media center

• Does the school have high-speed internet?

Yes and wireless access

• Does the infrastructure have the capacity to support the school’s

technology needs?

• What is the ratio in your classroom of computers to students? (Ex. 3:1 three students to every
My sped classroom is 2 students: 1 computer
General education classroom is approx 7 students: 1 computer (is this correct ???)
• List below any additional technical equipment available in your classroom or to your class?
[networked printers, scanners, digital cameras, camcorders, televisions, video microscopes,
interactive Smart Boards, LCD projectors/panels, Fax machines, PDA’s, iPods, GPS, Tablets,
Assistive technology, Science probeware, other technology]
All is available except video microscopes (?), fax machines, PDA’s (?), GPS (?), Tablets (?), Science
probeware (?)

4: Technology Applications
• Do the school or district’s instructional applications support
teaching and learning standards across the curriculum?

• Are the applications in use evaluated for effectiveness?

5: Maintenance and Support

• Are resources and processes in place to maintain school

• Are personnel available to provide technical support?

Yes – one IT to each school, IT director at the BOE

6: Professional Development
• What technology-related training and/or professional development
do staff receive?
Promethean board training

• How many technical professional development hours per year are available for faculty/staff?

7: Technology Integration
• Are teachers proficient in the use of technology in the teaching/
learning environment?

• Are students proficient in the use of technology in the teaching/

learning environment?

• Is technology integrated into the teaching/learning environment?

Select a Scale To Assess Levels of Technology Integration

Beginning in January 2009, the Georgia Department of Education discontinued using the ISTE LOTI
scale to measure the levels of technology integration, although a number of states continue to use this
scale. The GA Dept of Ed uses item I-2.7 in the Education Keys to Quality found in pdf format from the
link below. You may use either scale to assess both your school’s level of technology integration and
your level as teacher.

8: LOTI Scale (

a) At what ISTE Level of Technology Implementation Framework (0-6) would you describe your
school at in the use of technology? [See chart ISTE-LOTI Framework below]
b) At what level would you describe your level of integration? (0-6)

Level 0 Nonuse I do not find computers to be a necessary part of classroom

Level 1 Awareness I prefer that my students go to a school computer lab for
instruction without me.

Level 2 Exploration I primarily use drill and practice or tutorial software programs
in my classroom (excluding fundamental keyboarding
Level 3 Infusion I seek out activities that promote increased problem-solving
using the classroom computer(s).

Level 4a Integration I use prepackaged curriculum units that place emphasis on

(mechanical) complex thinking skills, computer use, and relevancy to the
real world.
Level 4b Integration I use my students' interests, experiences, and desire to solve
(routine) authentic problems when planning computer related activities
in my classroom.
Level 5 Expansion I integrate the most current research on teaching and learning
when using the classroom computer(s).

Level 6 Refinement My students have immediate access to all forms of cutting

edge technology and computers at any time during the
instructional day to pursue their authentic problem-solving
surrounding an issue or problem of importance to them.

Georgia Department of Education Keys to Quality

Georgia Department of Education (2008) Keys to quality. Retrieved from:
(Georgia Department of Education, 2008, p. 24).


Operational Descriptors for This Standard

a) Research-based – Teaching - learning - assessment strategies and practices proven by educational research to
make a statistically-significant difference in overall and disaggregated student achievement results. Such strategies
can include compare/contrast, summarizing and note-taking, providing feedback that is criterion based, using cueing
tools, higher-order questioning, and advance organizers.
b) Differentiated instruction - Differentiated instruction is provided to support students according to their
instructional needs, including modification of content, process, product, and learning environment based upon
students’ readiness levels, learning styles, and interests as well as background knowledge.
c) Higher order thinking skills - Higher order thinking skills are emphasized for students, including such discrete,
observable skills as comparison, classification, analysis of perspectives, and induction.
d) Higher order thinking processes - Higher order thinking processes are reinforced for all students, including
such processes as investigation, problem solving, decision making, and systems analysis.
e) Habits of mind - Teachers reinforce students’ life-long dispositions to become effective learners, including their
ability to use critical thinking, creative thinking, self-regulation and metacognition.
f) Relevance and authenticity - Whenever possible, instructors attempt to reinforce students’ understanding of the
purpose of what they are learning and its connection to the world beyond the classroom.
g) Sequence of the instructional period - Learning is supported by predictable, logical presentation of content and
ideas in a conducive environment with a variety of instructional delivery modes including technology. Students
begin by activating prior learning, including experience-based activities, followed by spiraling and scaffolded tasks
that move them toward conceptual understanding and independent use of what they are learning.
h) Instructional grouping practices - The school and/or instructor encourages flexible grouping and sub-grouping
of students based upon ongoing diagnosis and formative assessment related to readiness levels, interests, and
learning style preferences. This flexible grouping approach is fluid and constantly changing, allowing for student
movement within and across groups based upon GPS and related learning goals.
i) Additional instructional assistance - Students receive additional assistance from a variety of sources to master
GPS and address their individual learning needs and strengths (e.g., Pyramids of Intervention).
j) Technology-based instruction - Teachers design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply
technology-enhanced instructional strategies and processes to support the diverse strengths and needs of all learners.
(Georgia Department of Education, 2008, p. 25).

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