3rd Long Test

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Long Test in English 10

(3rd Quarter)


A. Direction: Choose the syllable that is stressed from each word. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. consultation
A. con B. sul C.ta D. tion
2. contribution
A. con B. tri C. bu D. tion
3. operation
A. o B. pe C. ra D.tion
4. horizontal
A. ho B. ri C. zon D.tal
5. evaporate
A. e B. va C. po D. rate
B. Identify the intonation pattern of the following sentence. Write the letter your answer.
6. Bring the books to the office
A. Rising B. Falling C. Rising-Falling
7. Let’s eat pizza, pasta and bacon.
A. Rising B. Falling C. Rising-Falling
8.Do you have a car?
A. Rising B. Falling C. Rising-Falling
9.Who is the new student?
A. Rising B. Falling C. Rising-Falling
10. Are you ok?
A. Rising B. Falling C. Rising-Falling
Direction: Unlock the meaning of the italicized word used in each sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer.
11. After practice the girls football team stated, “We’re famished!”
A. fatigued B. hungry C. excited D. ready
12. The newborn baby was enamored with the rattle.
A. fascinated B. happy C. sad D. aggravated
13. When having a problem, it is best to dissect the situation.
A. control B. discuss C. ignore D. analyse
14. The bouncers’ countenance discourage brawls.
A. message B. presence C. expression D. strength
15. The child apprized her father’s authority and behaves herself.
A. appreciated B. compromised C. defied D. noted


Direction. Read the following passages then answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Justin was always prepared. His motto was “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.”
His bedroom was full of flat bicycle tires, bent tennis rackets, deflated basketballs and games with missing pieces that you could
barely get in the door. His parents pleaded with him to clean out his room.

“What use is a fish tank with a hole in the bottom?” his father asked. But Justin simply smiled and repeated his motto,
“Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.”
16. What does Justin’s motto mean?
A. Being organized is a good trait
B. Keeping old things might help you become rich.
C. It is always nice to keep things of no use already
D. Things that you think are useless may be of use again in urgent cases
17.Justin’s parents are
A. Happy with Justin’s ingenuity.
B. Annoyed with Justin’s untidiness
C. Proud with what Justin has in his room
D. D. worried with the junk that Justin stored in his room.
18. What character trait does Justin show?
A. Carefulness
B. Frugality
C. Perseverance
D. Resourcefulness
Six major concepts try to steer our way of life so as to unite the present with the past and future and make us collaborate
with one another.
Solidarity is in fact the key to start the new way of life. Past generations and generations to come need to respect each
other and the planet, and care for the community of life. One should never benefit from something now, which will eventually
have a problematic effect on future generations. A practical example is that of genetic engineering. This technology opens up a
new dimension for the world. It makes alteration of DNA possible. The immediate effects are very positive as they, for example,
can make a plant produce more seeds and furthermore, no pests will feed on them. Yet, the downside to all these will only be seen
in the future. Once the structure of DNA is altered, it would be impossible to change. Another negative impact that future beings
will face is the fracture of feeding cycle. Therefore, it is essential for all to protect one another, as all generations are interrelated
which means that whatever happens today speaks about the relationship of the present with past and future generations.
19. The paragraph suggests that
A. The future is uncertain
B. One has nothing to do with the past
C. One’s failure can never be recovered
D. Whatever decision and action one does has an effect on the future.
20. Genetic engineering has a
A. negative result only
B. favorable effect only
C. favorable and unfavorable effect
D. a promising innovation for mankind
21. Fracture of the feeding cycle means that
A. Feeding cycle is dangerous for humans
B. Feeding of beings can alternately done
C. There is hunger and poverty among all entities
D. Change in the natural feeding cycle
22. The paragraph emphasized the necessity to
A. Interact or socialize to build relationship
B. Conserve energy and natural resources
C. Protect one another in order to survive
D. Keep food and friendship survival


A. To Build a Fire
Direction: Analyze the following questions and write the letter of the correct answer.
23. What is the goal of the man at the start of the story?
A. to reach the campsite C. to look for food
B. to travel alone D. to go back home
24. What happen to the man at the ending?
A. He reached the campsite C. He was lost
B. He died D. He went back
25. Who accompanied the man through his travel?
A. a dog C. horse
B. fellow campers D. a cat
26. What is the message of the story?
A. Always be prepared C. Pride should not precede
B. No man is an island D. Know your weaknesses
27.In the story, “To build a Fire”, how was the concept of survival shown?
A. When the man tried to kill the dog, it ran away
B. The man continued to try all the means to avoid being frozen and reach the camp
C. The man wants to reach the camp to see his friends and eat hot food
D. The man jumped up and began to run

B. Direction: Read the following sentences and write the letter of the correct answer.
28. Analyze the speaker’s tone/attitude of the given statement. “Fyokla, a little beggar girl of six, is running through the village,
looking for Terenty the cobbler. Her eyes are wide-open, her lips are trembling.”
A. Calm B. Hopeful C.Anxious D. Excitement
29. The bright boy who became the ruler of the village at a very young age.
A. Jack B. Danilka C. Keesh D. Frollo
30. Why was Danilka’s hand stuck in the hole of a tree?
A. He was playing B. He was curious C. Fyokla harassed him D. he wanted to get the cuckoo’s egg.
31.In the poem, “Song of Autumn”, what line suggests death?
A.Farewell, vivid brightness of our short-lived summers!
B. My heart will be no more than a frozen red block
C. That somewhere they’re nailing a coffin, in great haste
D. All winter will possess my being: wrath, hate, horror, and shivering, hard, forced labor
32. How does the idea of hope exemplified in the poem “Song of Autumn”?
A. Autumn is in between summer and winter so there is still a chance to change course
B. The seasons are a cycle of events, so nothing is permanent
C. Autumn is associated with leaves which symbolizes life
D. The seasons represent the cycle of life and when there’s life, there is hope
33.Why color green associated with nature?
A. It symbolizes life B. It is cool to the eyes
B. It represents the color of leaves D. It is refreshing
From the choices given, select the word which properly completes each set of relationships. Shade the letter of the correct answer.
34. Keesh: protagonist: polar sea:______
A. Setting B.Theme C. Conflict D. Setting
35. The story of Keesh: Jack London: A Day in a Country:_________
A. Rudyard Kipling Robert Frost C. Anton Chekhov D.John Milton
A. Write the case of the underlined pronoun. Write the letter of the correct answer.
A. Objective B.subjective C.possessive
36. Terenty shook his head and spat deliberately.
37.They were flying looking for a home
38. It seems to him that he is seeing all that he has seen in a day.
B. Choose the best pronoun to use in each sentence. Write the letter of the correct answer.

39. The football team members have been awarded______ letters.

A. Their B. Its C. There D. Him
40.Neither John nor Andy has finished ______ English test.
A. Their B. Her C. They’re D. His
41. Keesh is a boy ______ lived long ago on the rim of the polar sea
A.Which B.Who C.Whose D.Whom
42. The mystery of Keesh began, a mystery _______ deepened with the passing of the days.
A.Where B.That C.Those D.This
43. Was it Gladys or_____ lost the turtle?
A.He B.Him C.They D.We
44.Norman is a photographer _______ does a great work.
A. Who B.Which C. Where D. Whose
45.Both of the magazines featured the President on______ covers.
Its B. His C. Her D.Their
Direction: Develop your own concept map, composed of 5 different words or phrases, showing how you can contribute to the
preservation of the earth. ( 5 pts.)

Prepared by:


Noted by:

Principal I
Listening Text
Polar bears live in Arctic. It is a land of ice and snow. Polar Bears have a layer of fat. It is called
blubber. Blubber helps keep them warm. They also have thick fur. The fur looks white, but the hairs are
actually clear. Polar Bears have a good sense of smell. Some people call them “noses with legs.” They use
their sense of smell to hunt for seals. Seals are their favorite food. Polar Bears are tiny when they are born.
Their eyes are closed. They have short, fine fur. Polar Bear’s mothers feed their babies and keep them

Polar bears live in Arctic. It is a land of ice and snow. Polar Bears have a layer of fat. It is called
blubber. Blubber helps keep them warm. They also have thick fur. The fur looks white, but the hairs are
actually clear. Polar Bears have a good sense of smell. Some people call them “noses with legs.” They use
their sense of smell to hunt for seals. Seals are their favorite food. Polar Bears are tiny when they are born.
Their eyes are closed. They have short, fine fur. Polar Bear’s mothers feed their babies and keep them

Polar bears live in Arctic. It is a land of ice and snow. Polar Bears have a layer of fat. It is called
blubber. Blubber helps keep them warm. They also have thick fur. The fur looks white, but the hairs are
actually clear. Polar Bears have a good sense of smell. Some people call them “noses with legs.” They use
their sense of smell to hunt for seals. Seals are their favorite food. Polar Bears are tiny when they are born.
Their eyes are closed. They have short, fine fur. Polar Bear’s mothers feed their babies and keep them

Polar bears live in Arctic. It is a land of ice and snow. Polar Bears have a layer of fat. It is called
blubber. Blubber helps keep them warm. They also have thick fur. The fur looks white, but the hairs are
actually clear. Polar Bears have a good sense of smell. Some people call them “noses with legs.” They use
their sense of smell to hunt for seals. Seals are their favorite food. Polar Bears are tiny when they are born.
Their eyes are closed. They have short, fine fur. Polar Bear’s mothers feed their babies and keep them
26 D 51-60
2- *Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
27 C
3- * Shop at environmentally friendly
28 A grocery stores and markets.
4D *Plant trees
29 B
5B *Minimize water consumption/ conserve
30 A water
6C * Walk, Bike or Take Public Transit
31 C
7C * Live Energy Wise
32 A * Eat Sustainable Foods
8C * Give Up Plastics
33 C
34 C
10 B
35 D
11 Falling
36 C
12 Falling
37 A
13 Rising
38 A
14 Falling
39 A
15 Rising
40 C
16 B
41 C
17 A
42 B
18 D
43 A
19 C
44 A
20 A
45 B
21 D
46 B
22 D
47 B
23 C
48 B
24 D
49 A
50 D

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