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Your Guide to a Successful Interview

Congratulations on making it to the interview! This guide shares information

about our interview formats and questions, tips on how to prepare and more.
We’re excited that you’re one step closer to joining our team. Best of luck!


We’ll ring you, ping you or bring you in to say hello.

The interview stage of the application process between 30 minutes to two hours, depending
is a time for us to meet “you” beyond words on how many people you’re meeting. WHAT IS A SUPER DAY?
on a page. Each of our businesses interview Some programs conduct a Super Day for
We conduct one-way and two-way virtual
differently, so make sure you understand the final round of interviews. The day
interviews. You may either receive a video
the requirements. entails 3-5 interviews over several hours
interview, which you will record your
with various business representatives.
Generally, we conduct one to three rounds responses to or you may have a live online
of interviews. You’ll start by meeting with interview with a hiring manager. For virtual
hiring managers, peers and leadership. interviews, you’ll receive a link to some WHAT IS HIREVUE?
practice questions. After this practice HireVue is a virtual interview tool
Interviews may either be in-person, on round, you’ll have between 90 seconds and used to record video responses.
the phone or held virtually. In-person 3 minutes to respond to each question. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions
interviews may take place one-on-one or Don’t rush your answer. And remember, for more information.
in a group environment. They can range you don’t have to use the entire time either.

“OK, Google. Take me to the JPMorgan Chase website.”

Start preparing for your interview as soon WHAT ARE INTERVIEWERS
as it’s scheduled. Dedicate some time to LOOKING FOR?
reading and researching the specifics • Analytical and quantitative skills
of the job, our firm and our people. Our
• Effective communication skills
careers website is a good place to start:
• Commitment to leadership,
teamwork and inclusion
You can also find us on Facebook,
LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. • Ability to organize and multi-task
• Intellectual curiosity and
Set up a mock interview with friends or family
problem-solving skills
so you can practice your responses. Also
seek out your campus career services office • Strong work ethic and results orientation
because many provide mock interview • Industry knowledge and market awareness
sessions and interviewing workshops.


A little about you. A little about us.

We ask a mix of competency, situational, • Describe a situation when you worked with • Tell me about a time when you were
technical and behavioral questions so that others on a project and your teammates confused about details of a request.
we can better understand your academic disagreed with your ideas? How did you What steps did you take to clarify things?
and professional experience. respond? What were some of your (collective)
challenges and how did you resolve them?
Sample interview questions • How would you coach someone else on
• How do you prioritize tasks and projects
when scheduling your time? Give some
building trust?
• Describe your experiences with creating ANALYTICAL SKILLS • Have you ever had a project not go
presentations for school, internships • Tell me about a time when you had a according to plan? What happened?
or volunteer activities. How did you know positive impact on a project. How did you What did you do to get it back on track?
your presentation was successful? measure your success? • Describe a time when you received
• What are a few of your key considerations • Describe a task that really tested your difficult feedback. How did you respond?
when creating a presentation? analytical abilities.
• How do you prepare to present informal
and formal presentations?
Interviews are a great opportunity for us to get to know you, but you
• Describe a project you previously
should also get to know us. Here are some questions you should ask us:
orked on with a team. What made
the team successful? • What professional growth opportunities do you offer?
• What has been the most rewarding experience for you at JPMorgan Chase?
• Do employees have the opportunity to volunteer and give back to the community?

A few finishing touches and we are in the home stretch.

SEND A THANK YOU NOTE. Write a short BE “REAL” WITH YOURSELF. Do a gut check AND, NEXT... A recruiter will be in touch
email thanking your interviewers for their after your interview and make sure the within two weeks of your last interview.
time. Mention one or two conversation role and team are a good fit for you. If Finding the right teammate is a difficult an
points that stood out to you during the you’re not entirely sure this is the right role important decision and we appreciate your
interview and why you’re interested in the for you, that’s okay. Let your recruiter know patience in the process.
position. and he or she will guide you.


Well-said. Well-done. Celebrations are in order!

Congratulations — this is what you’ve worked your recruiter and negotiate a timeline Accept before you announce.
so hard for. Take a moment to celebrate that suits both of your needs. You should
It can be tempting to announce your job
your success and the accomplishment that feel comfortable asking other employers
offer right away on social media, but
comes with working for a top employer in for more time so you can make the right
make sure you communicate your
financial services. career decision.
acceptance to your recruiter first — then
SALARY IS NOT YOUR NORTH STAR. friends and family. Make sure you follow
The wonderful dilemma of While compensation is important, you through the onboarding process and meet
managing multiple offers want to consider company values, culture, all pre-employment deadlines.
Receiving multiple offers can be people and how they will help you build a
Once you’ve been cleared for employment,
stressful, but remember, this is a good successful, long-term career.
keep in touch with your program manager
problem to have! Here are a few tips: COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR RECRUITER. about logistics for your first day.
DON’T LET DEADLINES DRIVE YOUR Be open and honest about your thoughts.
DECISION. Take the time you need to make You don’t need to make this decision alone,
an informed decision. Be transparent with so it’s okay to talk through pros and cons
with your recruiter.

For more information about our programs, upcoming events

and more, visit

IC3241 ©2019 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved.

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