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1. Recruitment
2. Panel Interview = background screening
3. Baptism = 6 slaps on the face while blind-folded then watering of the head.

By the power vested upon me, I baptized you (real name of neophyte) alias (code name of neophyte) as a
neophyte of the Tau Gamma Phi/Sigma Triskelions’ Grand Fraternity/Sorority (1 slap), I love TAU (1 slap), I
love GAMMA (1 slap), I love PHI/SIGMA (1 slap), I love TAU GAMMA PHI/SIGMA (1 slap), I love Chapter name
(1 slap).

4. Submission of neophyte’s class schedule (if student), contact information, signing of waiver, etc.

Dress code should be plain white T-shirt tucked-in and neophyte must have a black tickler notebook
with black ink pen.

5. Service hours (minimum 50 hours)

- Full orientation is 30+ hours

- Community service is 20+ hours
- Review is 10+ hours

6. Public humiliation is done before last supper and initiation rites

7. Last Supper = 30 seconds group rumble vs. 1 blind-folded neophyte
8. Initiation rites (minimum of 42 full-swing paddles on the thigh of the blind-folded neophyte without

- 6 Traditional paddles (6 trads)

I love TAU = 1 full-swing paddle

I love GAMMA = 1 full-swing paddle
I love PHI/SIGMA = 1 full-swing paddle
I love TAU GAMMA PHI = 1 full-swing paddle
I love TAU GAMM SIGMA = 1 full-swing paddle
I love Chapter = 1 full-swing paddle

- 3 Dynamic Forces

FORTIS – Fortitude of Strength = 1 full-swing paddle

VOLUNTAS – Voluntary & Freewill = 1 full-swing paddle
FRATERNITAS/SORORITAS – Game of Brotherhood/Sisterhood = 1 full-swing paddle

- 3 Pillars of Defense = 3 full-swing paddles

Rise to defend the name and honor of the fraternity/sorority whenever it is unjustly criticized. A Triskelion
may sacrifice one’s life so others may live. If they started the trouble, a Triskelion will finish it.

- TENETS = 8 full-swing paddles


fraternity/sorority the supreme fraternity/sorority.
2. PRIMUM NIL NOCERE. First of all do not harm. Let alone in defense of self, for whatever cause man
has come into being, to whatever reason he exist, kin to all living creatures around him. Man is a
brother unto man.
3. DEGUSTIBUS NON DESPUTANDUM EST. Of likes and dislikes, there should be no disputing. Live and
let live.
4. Preserve yourself brain, brawn, and blood.
5. Brother/Sister I shall love and respect. Their counsel, I shall heed.
6. The (Chapter Name) Chapter is my Alma Matter. To love, to cherish, and to honor by its rules and
regulations. Be governed and guided.
7. The GRAND TRISKELION/GRAND LADY TRISKELION is righteous, just, and strong. He/She shall be
8. A TRISKELION is brother/sister unto his/her fellow TRISKELION.

9. The TAU GAMMA SIGMA was made for the TAU GAMMA PHI because the TAU GAMMA SIGMA is for
everybody. (OPTIONAL)

- Codes of Conduct = 10 full-swing paddles

T-Treat others as you would have them to treat you.

R-Rise to defend the name and honor of the fraternity/sorority, whenever it is unjustly criticized.
I-Inform and orient your fellow brothers/sisters in every matter which you consider vital to the
S-Salute and address your fellow brothers/sisters in a proper manner.
K-Keep decorum on all fraternity/sorority meetings and act accordingly inside and outside of the
E-Excel in your chosen field of interest and endeavor.
L-Live a life of moderation. Avoid gluttony, drunkenness, and other vices less you forget your health,
family, studies/work, and the fraternity/sorority.
I-In your everyday life, be careful of what you say, do & write. Avoid misinterpretation and lasting
O-Obey all fraternity/sorority rules and regulations and be guided in your daily ventures by the TENETS
and CODES OF CONDUCT of the fraternity/sorority.
N-Never reveal to anyone not to your family nor to your friends any concerns of the fraternity/sorority.

- Founding History


Talek Pablo = 1 full-swing paddle

Roy Ordinario = 1 full-swing paddle
Rod Confessor = 1 full-swing paddle
Vedasto "Tito" Venida = 1 full-swing paddle

FOUNDING DATE/PLACE - October 4, 1968 University of the Philippines (Diliman Campus) = 2 full-swing

1ST TRISKELION HERO - Hernando Guevarra of Adamson University chapter.

TRISKELION HANDSHAKE - Mike Molino of UST chapter

- Chapter History = 3+ full-swing paddles depending on the number of chapter founders and special
- Break and Intermission

Neophyte eats hot and spicy chili bagoong in pandesal and drinks a cup of egg white mixed in tap water,
saliva, urine, and vinegar while dancing or singing to his/her lord/masters.

- Review = reviewing the tenets, codes of conduct, history etc.

- Belting = 30 seconds belt whipping on the back of the neophyte.

- Candling = 30 seconds candle burning (engraving the Triskelion logo) on the back of the neophyte.

- Final judgement of the neophyte also known as acceptance session.

- Excalibur = singing of the fraternity/sorority hymn while the neophyte embraces the paddle.

- Handshake = handshaking of the neophyte now as new members.


New member is placed under 6 months probation to ensure active participation in the
fraternity/sorority. New member should also recruit at least 1 neophyte during this period.


A one peso coin is burned on to the middle chest region (older traditions included the stomach area
and the right shoulder area) as a sign of submission of forever lasting loyalty and allegiance to the
fraternity - only for male members!


1. Enroll at AMA because this chapter has the reputation of having the worst record of colorums and
non-pure members and they have not taken any action about it yet because of mere laziness.

2. Find a Triskelion member preferrably a new one who is searching for his/her 1st recruit.

3. Introduce yourself as a Triskelion from a distant province and when asked for any proof then that is
the time that you recite the tenets, codes of conduct, history, etc. as shown above.

4. Make up yourself your own copy of the tenets, codes of conduct, history, etc. (with the Triskelion
logo) typewritten in a piece of bond paper or better yet in a black tickler using a black ink pen with
different fake signatures from your imaginary masters and lord (GT).

5. One good thing about pretending that you are a Triskelion is that it will only take 6 trads (6 paddles)
plus the option to add the chapter history (3+ paddles) to welcome you to their chapter. This is based
from the new Triskelion constitution implemented on all recognized chapters during Kris' term as
secretary general of the MMRC.

6. Now that you are a newly-welcomed Triskelion from a college/university-based chapter a.k.a.
Seniors. It's time to drop school or unenroll in the next semester to avoid getting caught when met
with Triskelions from other chapters. You can now venture your daily life like a true Triskelion without
being governed by any chapter rules and regulaions because such rules and regulations are for
residents only.

7. If you were required to show a document certifying you as a Triskelion then just message me so I
can Email you a digital signature of a high-ranking Triskelion official taken from one of the scanned
certificates of a Bicol-based Triskelion website.

“A TRISKELION firmly believes in the power of reason and not the use of force as a reason”

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