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Second Trimester Formal Test (2019-20)


SUBJECT: English Compulsory Class: XI AKUEB

Paper: 2 Time: 90 mins


Write your name on all the work you hand in.

Write in dark blue or black pen.

Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The total of the marks for this paper is ___

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.


This document consists of _____printed pages

The Froebel’s School
High School Campus
@Second Formal Test 2019-20
[Turn Over]
Q 1 CLOZE PASSAGE (Total 10 Marks)

Read the passage carefully and fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word.

It was a cool and windy day. Willie, Jim, Laura and I were ___1___ our way to East Coast Park to fly
a kite. On our way ___2___, Jim ___3___ something stuck to his shoe.

"Must be a ___4___ of chewing gum or something," he muttered as he ___5___ down to remove the
object. What he removed ___6___ his shoe was a dirty fifty dollar ___7___ !

"Wow! What good luck! ___8___ go and celebrate with this ___9___," said Willie. "I happen to know
a good restaurant ___10___ we can go for a nice meal."

"All you can ___11___ of is food, Willie. No ___12___ you need to go on a diet," I said. "I think we
should invest the money ___13___ a few good books."

"You boys can ___14___ think of yourselves," Laura chipped in. "I imagine that the owner of this fifty
dollar note ___15___ be anxiously searching for it ___16___ over the place. So I suggest we look
around to see ___17___ we can find the owner."

For the next few minutes, the three of ___18___ agreed about what we ___19___ do with the money.

"Er, there's something you guys ___20___ to know," Jim interrupted suddenly.

We all turned to him. In ___21___ heat of our argument, we had forgotten all ___22___ him. "What is
it, Jim?" Laura asked impatiently. Jim was the most quiet ___23___ of our group.

"Well, ___24___ all of you were busy arguing, a big gust of wind ___25___ the money out of my
hand," Jim said.

Q 2 CLOZE PASSAGE (Total 10 Marks)

Read the passage carefully and fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word.

Long ago people knew very little about the world. The ___1___ was thought to be flat. Hence, if a
person ___2___ long enough in one direction, he would finally ___3___ the edge of the world and
___4___ off.

Today, we ___5___ that the earth is not a flat rectangular block; it is round. We owe ___6___
knowledge to the explorers who made long voyages to find ___7___ routes and discover new lands.
They ___8___ accurate records of the oceans they ___9___ and the strange lands they visited. From
these records, they drew up a map ___10___ the world. In this way, they ended ___11___ belief of a
flat world.

Though we know the earth ___12___ better today, the spirit of exploration has not as a result come to
an end. The ___13___ for adventure, the urge to set foot ___14___ a wild shore and the curiosity for
far-flung ___15___ are still alive. Besides, not all places on earth have been fully ___16___. Places
like deserts, mountains, oceans and polar regions ___17___ have secrets and mysteries to amaze
___18___ surprise us. It is fortunate for us that ___19___ are still many things to be discovered which
___20___ that the earth remains rich and wonderful.
Q.3. Write a formal letter of around 300-350 words. (Total 15 Marks)

As the intensity of winter increases, the students of rural and sub-urban areas face severe trouble, as
they do not have adequate heating facilities in their schools and colleges located in nearby cities.
Most of the colleges and schools don’t have their own premises; however, the proper heating facility
is available to the students of elite class only.

Write a letter to the Editor highlighting the issue stated above. In your letter, discuss:

• why this issue is important.

• reasons and examples to support your stance.

• what should be done about the situation.

Q.4. Write a formal letter of around 300-350 words. (Total 15 Marks)

Careem and Uber are one of the largest online ride service providers in Pakistan that deal with
simplifying and improving the lives of people through a myriad of commuting products and services.
According to an online survey conducted by an NGO, 75% of the drivers on Pakistani roads are
recklessly breaking the law and 24% survey participants drive without license.

Write a letter to the Editor highlighting the issue presented above. In your letter, discuss:

• why this issue is important.

• reasons and examples to support your stance.

• what should be done about the situation.

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