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College of Allied Medicine

Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027

Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974


Public transportation is one of the main commodities of Filipinos in transportation.

The most common modality is tricycles, side cars which can accommodate up to 5
passengers, for its convenience and by having less expensive fares. As a result, tricycles
remain to be one of the most popular and accessible modes of public transportation in the
Philippines. It is the only public transportation whose operation was devolve to the local
government unit since it is widely used for intracity/municipality local travel among the
motorized land- based transportation mode. It is known as the most convenient means in
travelling around the metropolis, narrow roads and even substitute for taxis in the provinces.

On the other perspective, as commuters gain convenience and ease, Tricycle drivers
experiences the complete opposite. As they are faced with environmental hazards such as
heat, dirt and pollutants they are also prone to illnesses, most common are respiratory
illnesses such as lung cancer and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

It is important to look and address the vulnerability and the current status of the
tricycle drivers that inhales vehicular smokes in Darasa TODA as they are greatly affected
by respiratory illnesses. The plan aims to address the problem by conducting a seminar about
the common respiratory illnesses acquired by tricycle drivers and on how to prevent and
cure such; by providing free check- ups to asses their current health ; by giving medicine and
vitamins to give aid to the illnesses and protection to them; by having free x-ray examination
as a necessary action plan and mitigating measure.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
Balahadia, Mark Peter M.

I am ready! This word reflects my own knowledge and attitudes that make me grateful by
almost completely knowing those responsibilities of being a person, human and Filipino. In
my first day of class I have no idea what really meaning of NSTP subject. Is there important
to know or to teach to us this course? I guessed no, but while the day and time are coming, I
reminisce that this course help me on how to keep my path in the right way by having a huge
knowing not just the politics like law but also to have a great and huge good behavior when
you are in all situation of your life, on the situation that you are only the person that signifies
the true essence of importance of NSTP course in our life.

I learned that NSTP course is not just a course that you can analyze and memorize that
information inside in the document but by applying in our daily life to ensure and assure our
life to improve and to be safe. I remember the first discussion of Mr. Pacuno that what is the
essentiality of NSTP in our studying, this day I found myself that there’s a lot of information
that will opens our mind to come up to those event that we cannot experience. I learned also
that NSTP provide a good relationship to everyone by being altruistic, I can say that it helps
to build and improve myself esteem to be make my own self not perfect but making myself
right and just. NSTP course provides to me wisdom in terms of political, cultural and social-
economic aspects by knowing the different problems and things that I myself hard to adjust.
I remember every situation when Mr. Pacuno shared his experienced in his life by telling his
story to us. I remember the laugh trip and the idea of some factors that create in my own
insights holistically and creatively. He always shared his memorable and remarkable
experiences not just to express but to share his knowledge that me as a student get that I can
apply when I am in that situation. I can say that NSTP course with our professor are good
enough to emphasize the essentiality of that experienced. The most unforgettable story that
he shared to us is when he got award in his old school a great award and how he shared his
award in those people, teachers and student that he joined and handling. Mr. Pacuno opened
our mind that to assure that those thoughts and ideas are we can digest and applied in every
situation of our lives. I have also learned many in his tactics in his teaching by having a
sharing in every NSTP class because I get some information and ideas that can be plausible
fit in my ideas too. There has one topic that I will not forget and this topic is all about the
rights of many people. I learned that there’s a lot of rights that we can be conquer but there
are some rights that even it is small we cannot get this by knowing and having crab
mentality in our society, by pulling down the other just to know their selves.

NSTP has a lot of opportunities to make our lives live in a better place by pursuing the
limitations that we cannot stop. Those limitations are the negativity that provided to us
sarcasm to ruin our life constantly. NSTP helps to hone my personality by knowing and
applying those skills and knowledge that makes me fit in any aspects of task. Another thing
that I learned is the possible effect of terrorist that maybe come to our country, the point is as
a student that have concern to our country there has many possible sources that may help to
avoid this kind of dilemmas in a certain thing. We should help our country in many ways by
knowing some regulations that will be provide a solid wisdom that can apply to that kind of
matter. As a student, NSTP gives me a background support that may teach me on how to be
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

good leader and citizen just putting our task in right way. NSTP builds ourselves in the sense
of that we as a youth must need to come up to many things inside and outside of our world
for gives us knowledge and experienced that we can apply in our future life. Just remember
that when we are conducting some ideas that we need to force to others we must know if this
certain ideas are capable to those other people that have lack of ideas in this kind of suction.

I remember the day when Mr. Pacuno teach me on how to apply those things in life by
having an idea about Civic Welfare Training (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS),
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) that provides us ideas on how to developed and
improve social welfare services. Also to train students like me in teaching literacy and
numeracy skills to youths to improve their skills. Also to provide a military education and
training to the youth to mobilize them for national defense preparedness. Another thing is to
a glimpse for young people to see how military life is and encourage them into service. The
main point is it is not actually looks like in the literal NSTP program because in our
programs connects to our profession which is allied medicine. It connects to our profession
by knowing what are the things that we can do in our society to support and how create and
help to build a harmonious relationship to everybody. NSTP also provides to our profession
huge impacts because as a youth we will know that we can make a plan that makes our
future better to live in with no doubt. It also provides to our profession a long lasting
experience on how to deal in other people. It is nice to have not totally experience but your
goal to achieve in terms of having an idea even you have your own perspectives because the
important thing is we have our own idea and they have their own to but the most good thing
is when we combine our idea to create a great and best outcome.

I understand this course to promote and symbolize hope, happiness. It represents life; energy,
force, power, rebirth and strength to make the youth like me have a better life that makes
individual characteristics to have their own identity in the sense of servicing to our country. I
can say that having a NSTP course in our curriculum is very helpful for me because it
maintains my knowledge to do and apply in my everyday life to support and to be best.
NSTP course help me to endure what are my negative thoughts about on action of some
people in our society on how they reacted and how they move towards in their position. I
can say that NSTP will help me to be a good model to others and to be a good servant of our
society. To Mr. Pacuno who the professor of our course, thank you for teaching and sharing
your wonderful and grateful experienced that I will apply in my personal experience. I will
never forget that knowledge that you provides to us. Also your “Mantakin” word that gives
us a new vocabulary word. NSTP course will identify myself to be a matured enough to
surpassed those matters that I will encounter.

Through community immersion, the students display the attributes of the youth values,
always setting in mind and heart the general welfare and betterment of life of the member of
the community. That in every program implemented, there’s the assurance that they are
devoted to improving the health of the community in various aspects of service- enhanced
facilities, better education, clean environment, risk reduction, peace advocacy, safety,
recreation and morals of the citizen.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

De Asis, Chester Alan M.

After almost four months of NSTP class, I have learned a lot about our country through our
great professor, Mr. Nestor Pacuno. Although we have had a delay in formally starting the
discussion, he was still able to provide sufficient, adequate and necessary knowledge which
we might use in the near future as professionals and as a citizen of the Philippines.

On the prelim term, we tend to know each other first to build a rapport and to not feel
awkward all throughout the semester. I actually liked the way on how our professor wanted
us to introduce because from that, it can be seen that he is a jovial person. Remembering that
time, I was the first one to introduce and I told my unforgettable and funny experience.
Afterwards, he told his own experiences and the class just started to laugh. On the following
days, I have learned so many things about the history of National Training Service Program
(NSTP). I knew that NSTP was added to the college curriculum as the students here are
matured enough to be aware and to act for the betterment and improvement of the nation.
Furthermore, since when I was a child, I often hear the term Civic Welfare Training Service
(CWTS), they pronounce it as “si-wats”, that time, I did not know its purpose but it is
actually about helping the community by catalyzing, helping, and providing their needs in a
way that the students can. Moreover, I also heard of the word Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC) when I was in elementary and I knew that it is like a military training so it is
not new to me but I am thankful I was able to verify if it is true through our NSTP class.
Lastly, the last branch of NSTP which I had no idea since then is Literacy Training Service
(LTS), but from the word itself, it gave me clues on what it is about which is it focuses on
teaching the youth.

Additionally, there was this story which will I never forget, it was about Mark Welson Chua
who is an epitome of bravery. He was the perfect example of what an ROTC student should
be because he tried to correct the problem regarding their school system concerning the said
training program. Besides all of these, I also had an idea about my basic rights as a human
and as a Filipino citizen. With this, I would be able to defend myself from the deceitful acts
committed by those who abuse their fellow countrymen in order to benefit from them in a
bad way. Truly, from the very start of our discussion, I have instilled a lot of lessons and
topics in my mind. This just implies that Mr. Pacuno is an efficient and a good teacher.

On the midterms, we focused on disaster management, environmental protection, Philippine

natural resources, and national security which are all interconnected to one another to help
the students acquire the ideas which might be helpful in times when inevitable events could
happen. Also, it refreshed our knowledge as some of the topics were already taught before so
in case we need to apply it, we will never have difficulty doing so. On this term, I have also
witnessed how genuine and kind Sir Nestor is because he let us have the exam as a take-
home type as it is convenient for all.

On the final term, we worked so much for the Participatory Community Development
Program (PCDP) because it is our final exam. Thus, we share various ideas on what we
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

should do and thankfully, my own concept was chosen as our main plan in forming the said

To sum up, despite all the delays and problems that we have faced on our schedule, we were
still able to attain the standards and requisites of this subject with a happy, positive and
joyful state. In addition, with the knowledge I have gained through this subject, I would be
able to help the Philippines in the best possible way I know which is to be a good,
responsible student and an obedient, disciplined citizen.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
Ilagan, Dannica A.

We all know that there are many general education subjects before we take our professional
subjects and National Service Training Program is one of it. I know that it is a kind of
subject that the most of the students take for granted and don’t give much importance and
they don’t even attend NSTP classes but in the past months that I have attend the class of
National Service Training Program I’ve come to see what is the importance of this subject to
me. There are no times that our discussions is not fruitful I must say that every meetings are
a good one I gained so many lessons as a student and also as a citizen of the Philippines.
First, Philipines Politics way back then I don’t care about the politics and I don’t know
anything about it but when Sir. Nestor M. Pacuno shared his knowledge about the politicians
here in the Philippines I realized how messed up our country to the presidential of Pres.
Rodrigo R. Duterte his ways to diverse his issues by putting up another issue so that the
filipinos will forget about it but it seems that many filipinos still idolizing him without even
knowing the current situation of our country under him because of this I told myself that if I
will vote I will choose who is deserving and will take care of our country and the citizens
were the priority not their personal personal benefit. Also, his drug on war campaign that
killed thousands lives of many filipino and I remembered that Sir Nestor tasked us to do a
essay if we are in favor or not if his campaign was successful or a failure and I realized that
his campaign is only for those who is less fortunate many called his campaign a “drug on
poor” because the poors were the only killed and not the big fishes of drugs. The case of
Mark Welson Chua through the documentary that we have watched I came to discover the
history of ROTC or Reserve Officers' Training Corps here in the Philippines and he exposed
the alleged irregularities in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit of the University of
Santo Tomas but because of this he received many death threats and he was killed and his
body were found floating in the Pasig river and it was wrapped with a carpet his death was
the way to removed completion of mandatory ROTC as a precondition for graduation for
male college students in the Philippines. Performing an First Aid we learned how to do a
basic first aid because of NSTP through this I gained knowledge how to do give an first aid
care whenever I will have burns, bleeding, blisters, bee stings and when my nose bleed and it
was my first time to a demo of first aid and I will not forget it because it is very useful to us.
The Basic Human Rights and there are classification of rights the natural, constitutional,
statutory, civil, economic, and political and becaue of this I learned on what are my rights as
a citizen of the Philippines and it is really helpful to us and taking care of our National
Resources in the Philippines. There are many simple ways that I’ve learned on how I should
take care of it like simply not throwing my wastes to everywhere like in the oceans and
rivers because it may cause harm to the marine bodies. My NSTP experience is not boring
because for me Sir. Nestor M. Pacuno is one of the great professors I’ve met because he
have a lot of knowledge that he is willing to share to us the one thing that I will not forget
from the lessons that he taught us is about our president Duterte about his diversionary
tactics that made filipinos blind abou the current situation of our country it really marked my
mind because at first I like duterte as a president because of his straight forward words about
the drugs here in the Philppines but I realized that many filipinos were victim of extra
judicial killings even the lives of innocents. The PCDP program that allowed us to help to
those who in need, for me it is always better to give than to receive the program also helped
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
us to have a group work that lead into unity to create this program well organized. The
NSTP subject must not be took for granted because it is really beneficial to us it molds us as
a student and also an ordinary people because there are many lessons that will gave us better
understanding about our life in different aspects of it.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
Laserna, Gian Gabriel B.

My NSTP did not really start out great for me, don’t get me wrong, the whole journey and
experience was wonderful, it only did not start good. The classes started early January, but I
was not able to attend class for a few days to to having a medical condition that required me
to rest, go for check ups, apply medications and so forth. Then after those days were over, I
was finally able to attend class. I really liked the professor for our NSTP class, my first
impression of him was great, he did not ask me questions about why was I absent and
interrogated me like some professors would do. It was just a normal class, after the class I
got up to him and asked him that I would give him a photocopy of my Medical Certificate,
he said that he will be going and I can give it to him next week on our next class, and that I
did. When that day came, I gave him my Medical Certificate, and he immediatley pulled out
my records and adjusts my absents to excused. I liked his attitude and the way he teaches
ever since my first day of attending his class. He is a jolly person, he likes to make jokes and
say fun things, he also shares his life experiences which I like listening to because they are
all so very interesting.

At first before I attended my first class, I thought that NSTP would be boring because I
somehow find rules a bit boring, but boy was I wrong. Ever since first day I liked the topics.
It was all so interesting, it all got me curious, all the rules, the history, the government,
everything, every topic tackled. We talked about almost everything that has to do with
Philippines. Who would not be, It was all about the country that I was born in and currently
residing and studying at. Although even though I am very interested in this subject, I wont
deny that there are days, when I am sleepy in class, sometimes I dont even know if Sir
Nestor catches me go for quick snoozes, sometimes I just fall asleep while looking at the
board, wake up every few seconds or minutes, I wont deny this sometimes I just feel sleepy
and I think it is because the class starts out so early.

Every Wednesday our NSTP class starts at 7:30 AM. I live in Sta. Rosa. It is far away from
our university. I take the jeep from the terminal which sometimes takes too long to get full
before it goes. More often there ks traffic before the jeep can enter the express way. It is
kinda a hassle everyday, so every Wednesday, I get up 4:00 AM and leave the house before
or a little after 5:30 AM, because this is the only way I could get to class in time without
being late or consuming some, if not all of the grace period. Everytime I get to class early,
when I still have atleast 10 minutes before classes starts, I go to the cafeteria and grab some
food so that I can have some breakfast before classes starts. Sometimes I bring the food that
I bought with me to class, so that I wont have a problem and still be at class on time. So that
is pretty much how I start my day for every Wednesday for our NSTP class.

Over the course of a few weeks we discussed many things ranging from rules and
regulations, to drugs, to filipino traits. Like I said before, it is a very interesting subject.
What makes it more interesting is our professor, he always makes it fun. He tells jokes. For
me, what makes it fun and intersting is his sharing of his own life experiences. I find out and
learn many things. I learn about rules and things that you can only learn from experience,
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
found out things that most filipinos do, like some of the corrupt things the Police does. I
remeber most especially about the check point thing. Sir Nestor said, if it not labeled check
point, it is not a real checkpoint, if you get stopped, ask for the officer incharge and their
mission statement stating that they were really assigned there. This is just one of the many
things I learned in this subject.

Aside for discussions we also had homeworks and activities such as reporting. I cant say I
like doing homeworks so much, I mean, its normal for a student to not like homeworks.
although I still do it. Sometimes I do it last minute because I forget to do it. I like reporting
though because it gives everyone a chance to show how they act in discussing by themselves
in public speaking, you can also voice out your own thoughts on topics and such.

Before I forget, I really liked the topic about first aid and national defense. That was the
reporting part. My group got the national defenseand I was tasked with the history kf the
national defense in the Philippines, I found out so much and it was also interesting, like
when past presindent Quirino signed national defense a few years after the events of the
world war. For me this is interesting

The other group was tasked with discussing first aid, although I already know some of the
becuase in highschool I was doing basic frist aid especially in campings. I still find it
fascinating that anyone with basic knowledge of first aid can be of big help to everyone who
needs it. First aid is preventing further injuries and helping alleviate pain and if in severe
cases, help the pastient so that when the ambulance comes he or she is atleast still alive.

This are just a few topics we discussed in our NSTP class, all of it were interesting and gave
us valuable knowledge on our home country, I enjoyed this subject, as I have said in my
earlier words, mostly because of our prifessors shared life experiences with us, we learn
things that we can carry throught our lives here staying in the Philippines.

Every topic is not just interesting but is also very important, we learn many things ranging
from the rules we need to follow, actions we mast take, things we need to know so as to not
get taked advantage of, and the help we can provide our government. I am thnakful for
having taken this class, even though it always starts with the tiring mornings, early wake ups,
exhausting travels or commute, it is all for eduction. NSTP does not just discuss about us as
a single citizen, it also teaches us about being together and helping each other as a
community in our own home country. As I said before, I like this subject.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
Lasugo, Joan Loraine M.

In college, students are facing a tough phase of their life. There are bunch of subjects that
has several requirements to accomplish in all the same time. And that brings so much stress
and anxiety to us in which one we should do first and to do last. But you know what, the
class of my NSTP 1-1 is very different. Although there’s something need to pass of course,
that’s required, it made me a better individual. Why did I say so? Here’s the answer. Every
Wednesday, 7:30 in the morning at JPL Building, Room 408, that’s where the magic
happens. And the greatest magician of all is our proctor in NSTP 1, Mr. Nestor G. Pacuno.
Let me told you how it mold be to become an improved version of myself. So, I belong to
the Generation Z where modernity is evident. It is something that you can’t remove from us.
If you take that we will feel like there’s nothing else to do, we will fell like the half of our
lives are now dead because #GadgetsandSocialMediaisLife. I use social media in order to be
updated in the news around the world, especially here in the Philippines. I always believe in
what I see about our nation in Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc. in the internet. However,
I was wrong. Not all that I see in social media is real. Countless fake news are spreading into
whole wide world. There are a lot of fake users of facebook that will post good and bad
about an issue or person to bring their names up and others down and they are paid as much
as ₱40, 000 every month, it’s a job. I learned that we must be looking information in a
factual source. We must check and investigate if it is really the truth, look for the deep
reality. It is a way to not be fooled by anyone. Also, I am educated now in politics here. At
first, I just know about some allegations to them that they’re corrupt using the money of the
country just for their personal gain but I don’t really care. Then I realize it when we are
talking about that why I am like this? I need to be concerned on what’s happening because it
is our country, it is where my future family will leave and it is where our future will be build,
not only me but all the Filipinos. Thus, how can we sure the bright future for next generation
if it is still continues? As a citizen, we must do something. We should go to the battle
against them to fight for our rights. It is our duty to make sure that our country is in good
hands. We should commit ourselves for it. If we want change, give your all. Assure that you
will fight until the end. And we can use our superpowers. It is our right to vote. If you know
that politician who is running for a certain position is a dishonest being that will just get the
money of the people, don’t vote them anymore. Don’t be deceived by the sweet words that
they’re saying now because later on, it will just be a promise that will never happen. Look
for a person that is worthy for your vote. It is very important to know each candidate to see
if there agenda is to help the country to develop and not their own pocket to grow. And if
you know something regarding those politicians, reveal it to everybody. They owe the truth.
We should unmask the thief in our land. Another one is I understand what a Filipino is. We
have positive and negative traits. Let’s talk about first is the negative one. Filipino time, it is
when you say the meet up is 10 o’clock in the morning your companion will arrive 1 o’clock
in the afternoon. We have our own time. Even though that is a set time for everybody, we
still don’t follow it. And it shows disrespect to your colleague or friend. You agree in that
certain time but you don’t show up in that moment. What will your buddy would feel? That
he or she is not significant because you are late. You don’t invest your precious time with
the people like them. Next is Filipinos are judgmental. Yes, being judgmental is running our
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
blood. For example, the gossipers. Every barangay, they have a group of gossipers. They
start it early in the morning. All the news in the barangay they know it until to the smallest
detail. They are the reason why the whole people barangay know it also. They tell the news
to every person that they met in the road. And that’s not good. We are destroying the
reputation of our race. We are damaging each other’s names. What if the news that they
heard is a bogus? How can you able to bring the up the moral that you remove from his or
her? And Filipinos are professional crammers. Take this as a sample, the teacher gave you a
project that will be summited after one month, she or he gave a plenty of time so you can
make an incredible task. But instead you do it early, you will do it if the deadline is
upcoming. “If tomorrow is not the deadline, then today is not the do date.” This is a quote
that Filipinos also believe in. This is the reason why we are always tired. We have given
time so that it will not cause too much stress but rather we just do first our pleasure. And in
the end, we suffer. These are just some of the bad characteristics we have. Of course, if we
have those sides we also have good sides. First is Filipino has a great sense of humour.
Although we are facing lots of obstacle in our lives, we still choose to smile, we still choose
to be optimistic. For an instance, they’re a typhoon who destroy the agriculture and houses.
Then the media will go there to give update about the tragedy and the people you will see in
the back waving their hands like there’s nothing happen. See? And also, the memes that
exhibit the wit of the Filipinos. One more is Filipinos are hospitable. When you are going to
your classmate’s house, the host family will surely tell to you that to be at home and you
should not be shy if you need anything. You will not leave their home with an empty
stomach. They will accommodate you as if you are in a first class hotel. And Filipinos are
hard-working. All over the world, the industrious attitude of the Filipinos are known. Other
countries want Filipinos to work for them. They properly finished what the task assigned to
them and they do it with excellent.

These are some of the learnings that I grasp from the class of NSTP 1. It is such a great
experience of everybody. Because of that, I am better than before. I am now more open
minded on the happenings around me. I’m not just an ordinary girl who will listen and
believe in everything that she hears but rather I’ll be an eagle who will fly above all to
foresee the truth within. Also, I will never forget the idea that if we want change to our
country, let’s start it with ourselves. We should eliminate the depraved mind-set and
everything will follow. We will grow as individual, together and as a country. Still, I am
proud to be a Filipino!
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

Legisma, Cayerhonne Adam

Hi sir Pacuno first of all I want to thankyou for you because you are a good professor who I
met so by the way sorry for the late and absent I even know that you are sorry to be sorry. So
by the way first day of our class I will not forget what you taught us about radtech about
ROTC because I learned about life in a ROTC life and I can not forget the story of you who
was once skinny yet when you were in ROTC it was now a long time ago that it was so fat
that I really appreciate the video you watched with us about the ROTC with a massacre that
occurred on a campus where three men worked with a male member of ROTC and it caused
serious tears and covered his face with sack and thrown in the river and after the video you
gave us a recitation about the texture of the child who is studying the UST in Espana Manila.
that's it. For the 2nd meeting you have tackled the rights in the philippines such as human
rights, and natural rights and to do it in the Philippines that is not illegal in the Philippines
you also teach us what to do and the ACTs. NO. laws and violations, and tell us about the
pork barrel that has to be punished who has made the government money stolen for the
filipino citizens the number that makes non is the leila pomegranate who is a senator and
The senator bong revilla, which you told us is the example of those who violate the law and
also what you teach us what is different from the Warrant of arrest and search warrant, so I
can not forget that because of you sir now i know what the difference between the two is that
I even want to be a policeman. so that the Search warrant is a Search Warrant is a court
order that a magistrate or judge issues to authorize law enforcement officers to conduct a
search of a person, location, or vehicle for evidence of a crimeand to confiscate any evidence
they find. In most countries a search warrant can not be issued in aid of civil process. and the
warrant of arrest is an archeent warrant is a warrant issued by a judge or magistrate on behalf
of the state, which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual, or the search and
seizure of an individual's property. note that I also remember the meaning of two police laws.
So after that you gave us the assignment to find the meaning of human rights and other laws.
So in the past you gave us a topic and asked about the law and we asked each other about the
laws of the Philippines as a recitation.

Midterm exam week did you discuss about first aid, what to do or tips for people who are
injured and other injuries to be done in case of accident you first pointed out is stopping
bleeding what to do if Once there is such injury next is burn or burn in our skin how it can
be avoided or how to give a first aid to a patient even if it is so. next is dislocate bone is one
of those serious discussions that I can not forget because because I experienced that when I
was a boy because of the bike .that you taught me now an idea how to do it or give first aid
Such injury is especially among basketball players most of whom have broken bones so
please give us an idea how to do this way to survive and why we should take care of
ourselves because you say sir better to take care of yourself and be careful not to cause us
this injury, so after that You have a task for our report as performance task about first aid so
you assign five groups to present the demonstration of what to do when there is this injury.
so my member is ilagan, nuevas, sydiangco, and de asis and also me. So we have time to talk
about what our plans for our presentation in the next meeting, and my groupmate decided to
demo us how we would do the first aid and what to do when there was a injury.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

So next week we will perform our presentation about how to prevent and what are the tips
for the injury. So the day has come for our performance in the front. So I'm ready for my
performance about stopping the blood so Ilagan was the first to perform was burned, So I'm
the next performer so im ready before I first told my topic before I did my performance I
called a volunteer when I do a demo and he is a janine so I put the gauzes in his forearm and
inside betadine is my performance is realistic and later there is a blood glucose and that is
how to explain how to stop the blood I said to give pressure to a part of bleeding wound and
gauze until the blood stopped. so after that sir pacuno he captured my performance that
although I was late at the time he was still able to perform because of the reason I bought
gauzes on mercury drugs. so that's it

For the finals we have appointed sir pacuno about our final exam at NSTP we will make a
research that will display a medical mission and we apply our course in the research so Sir
Pacuno gives us time to plan what to do about NSTP so we've got to think about it and we've
been planning. so we went to hope for paperwork for our final exam and somehow we did
and it will be successful yun for sure for our NSTP so that's it THANKYOU :)
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

Nuevas, Jomari

The National Service Training Program (NSTP), is a civic education and defense
preparedness program students instituted by the Government of the Philippines on 5 January
2000 by virtue of Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the "National Service Training
Program On my First day I felt really nervous with excitement I really don’t know what is
all about. I Thought it’s a boring and stressful subject in College because when I heard the
Service, I feel not good at all but when I saw the teacher, all the feelings are gone, I feel
excitement. At the point when the class and the professor introduce himself when a know
her I feel happy because he live in the Batanes City and he was also a government officer
that I know the Batanes is a beautiful places in the Philippines and know on how to have a
clean and sustainable city is to have segregation of garbage or trash, started it was interesting
because they will teach give important facts, how to know yourself and to know what you
really want in your life. That time I have learned many things about myself that time. I
discovered the real meaning of selfless service and simplicity. When I was hiking, I was
reflecting and I realized that what I was doing at that moment, will not only benefit me as a
future teacher because my skills are being practiced but also those children who are living as
simple as they can. I became be the role model for them and they also became a role model
for me. We are mutually benefitting from each other. As we all know self-awareness is to be
aware of who you are, and to know your self-personality, strengths and weaknesses, likes
and dislikes and of course your ability as an individual person. It’s been a long day that we
have a National Service Training Program NSTP together with Mr. Nestor Pacuno. We have
a Great teacher that give me inspiration, important facts, strengthen and molding our minds
to see the real world. We meet our first teacher in NSTP we tackle the different problems in
the Philippines, Importance of Being knowing ourselves and most of it how to do a First Aid
to suffering from injured. Mr. Nestor Pacuno is one of my favorites and have an intelligent
teacher that give as a important details and facts about the politics, these kind of teacher help
me to know everything around me. To the activities quiz and paper we made without these
we can’t apply it to the real situation. This self-awareness can cause you to know yourself
more and to challenge the difficulties throughout your life which you think can be
impediment of your accomplishment throughout everyday life. Self-awareness can be
identifying with self-administration since this self-authority has an incentive for you by and
by as a pioneer or similarly as a person. Which means you are an individual that equipped
for being a pioneer of yourself. This brings an effect all part of your life, your wellbeing,
your vocation and your connections. Why? since you know about your identity and when
you know yourself you can truly endure those difficulties that may cut you down. To
understand this in your very own life, consider something you are endeavoring to
accomplish right now, for example, getting solid, expanding your riches or building up a
relationship. Decision making, I learned in NSTP on how we decide in our daily living. With
come up these decisions making I really know myself and then, one of important learning
that I don’t really forget is to value and respect our families that they provide us food every
morning and giving them, all support and also our basic needs in our daily living. In politics
i really don’t know what’s happening in our country with the help of Sir Nestor I know
everything about to our new elected president Duterte. With the information he gave I know
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

what’s really happening in our country. The NSTP for me is serve as to change the country
because is open our minds to look arounds us. We should also aim for the change of the
country not rather to corrupt people taxes is to balance everything have a unity and peace,
where is the change will lead to improvement and healthy relationship with peoples.

For me the important of NSTP is to make our self-aware and discipline I believe that these
memories help me to learn my efforts and may apply in there near future, to the smallest
teachings and lesson you gave us is the effects it had on me and what it like to help and go
out and let out my boundaries. It actually the idea of heling which is weighing on my mind
and hearts. I promised to take it upon myself lessons, friendship, teamwork that I learned in
the subject far and to experience to build our own dreams. This efforts and hard work you
gave us is will be our own lessons to us.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

Pecaña, Marthe R.

Let’s define what NSTP means, The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a Law
otherwise known as Republic Act 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001, refers to the program
aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth, by
developing their ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the
three (3) program components, the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), the Literacy
Training Service (LTS) and the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), especially
designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare. The law was
implemented effective school year 2002-2003 in all HEI’s, (Filamer, 2019). In other words,
it helps the student build his/her attitudes toward the people they encounter every day. It
taught a wide range of knowledge on how we participate in our community.

We all know that the subject NSTP is kind of boring. My NSTP during this semester was
quite challenging and taskful. Challenging because I am not really a patient person and I’m
not that good when it comes to serious topics. Taskful because there were lot of things to do
and accomplish that made me tire every wednesday. On the contrary from what I had
expected, it gave me fun and bit of excitement all throughout.

My first impression on my NSTP teacher (Mr. Nestor G. Pacuno) is someone that is very
strict and serious, but after all those impressions I changed my mind when he started to
speak. Because his tone of voice is very good in discussion, you tempt to listen carefully
because of that. Not only that, another one is he is very jolly when he started to teach a
lesson to us. You get a lot of ideas, knowledge on him because he is very smart when it
comes to the social issues, economic issues, etc.

I want to tell you what my experienced on my subject NSTP with my professor Mr. Nestor
G. Pacuno. First day of my class in NSTP it is full of happy and joyful discussion about the
past. You give your example on what is your unforgettable moment in your life whether it is
good or bad. Then when sir Nestor called my name, I arguably speak “I think my
unforgettable moment in my life is when me and my classmate having fun playing bato bata
and suddenly my teacher crossed, and she hit by the ball”. For me the lesson on that even if
it is bad or good it’s given me an awesome childhood and I’ve enjoyed on what am I doing.

I’ve realized that NSTP served as an eye opener to us students, as we become aware of the
current situation of our country-poverty. I have learned the value of having a family who can
provide their basic needs. I’m very fortunate that I am going to a school with quality
education. I realized the blessings that I have right now, that I’m indeed fortunate enough to
own the things that I own right now. I also felt gratitude with the kind of different families in
that community because even though their condition is not that good and they encounter
problems in their daily living, they are still happy and fighting in every challenges of life.

NSTP gave me an opportunity to bring back something to the community. It taught me how
to give importance to the environment and to help others. It was a quite difficult and tiring,
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

but it was all worth it because I knew that my simple action will help many people. NSTP is
somewhat where a person will be exposed to the lifestyle of other people, which also tends
to make us students to be more aware of the needs of the less fortunate. NSTP taught me to
give what I have. It is better to give than to receive. It is the most common saying that I can
relate to my subject NSTP. I’ve realized that even the smallest things, we can make this
world a better country. Your simple actions can make everyone’s life easy. You can do such
actions that will benefits the people. NSTP helps us to exposed to the lifestyle of other
people especially in the field of government. You will know different kinds of person,
attitudes, beliefs, stands, etc. I learned a lot to my teacher. Big 5 for his excellence.

But before I end my reflection on what I’ve learned in NSTP I want to give an honor to my
teacher Mr. Nestor G. Pacuno for a wonderful class you’ve given to us. I learned a lot to you,
especially when dealing in the people. You’re not hesitating to teach us many good lessons.
You’re a great teacher for me, so let me give you a heart warming thank you for the short
period time you’ve shared to us your knowledge and your perseverance to teach me in a way
that we can digest all of your lessons. I’ll chersish all of that prior to you. Thankyou sir for
that wonderful semester. Godbless.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

Samiano, Janine L.

What is NSTP? The National Service Training Program (NSTP), is a civic education and
defense preparedness program students instituted by the Government of the Philippines on 5
January 2000 by virtue of Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the "National Service
Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001. Under the NSTP Program, both male and female
college students of any baccalaureate degree course or technical vocational course in public
or private educational institutions are obliged to undergo one of three program components
for an academic period of two semesters. The three NSTP Program components are: Civic
Welfare Training Service (CWTS) this is a program component is designed to provide
students with activities contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life of the
members of the community especially those developed to improve social welfare services.
Next is the Literacy Training Service (LTS) is a program component is designed to train
students in teaching literacy and numeracy skills to schoolchildren and out-of-school youths.
The hope is to continue learning on a peer - to - peer interaction. The third is the Reserve
Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) and this program component is designed to provide
military education and training for students to mobilize them for national defense
preparedness. This is also a glimpse for young people to see how military life is and
encourage them into service.

About the subject of NSTP, at first I thought it was boring and I don’t know why we need to
study this subject. I thought that NSTP was just an extra baggage in our curriculum for
which students were required to attend but I was wrong, I’ve learned many things from
NSTP and it served as an eye-opener not just for me but also for the majority of my fellow
schoolmates and classmates. Then our NSTP professor explained NSTP and its importance
to us then I suddenly realized that it is really very important for us to know and to have a
knowledge about NSTP.

My first impression and experience to our NSTP professor, Mr. Nestor G. Pacuno, at first I
thought he’s very strict person so I get really nervous when we first met in the class. I am
really afraid of strict and terror professor but then I was wrong. It was the second day of our
meeting then after that I realized that he’s the most kindhearted and jolly person and his tone
of voice is very charming that makes me to listen to him during class. I really pay attention
to his lecture because sometimes he ask question which is our graded recitation so you
should really listen of what he is teaching the class. Another thing about what I like most of
Mr, Pacuno is that he allow students to use their phone whether he is teaching or not, he said
he doesn’t care about using of phone in class but use it not always or not the whole time of
the class and we are allowed to eat during the class hours but I was shy to eat in class
because for me I thought it was a disrespectful, but when my classmates bring out some food
padukot-dukot lang ako minsan. Also about his discussion, I have learned a lot of political
issues that I may not know because sometimes I don’t usually watched some news reports in
the television or some news article online and Mr. Pacuno fulfilled me because he always
says about the current and past political issues which I think that we really need to know
about and how we open our minds to the political issues here in the Philippines. I realized
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

that I really don’t have that much knowledge about the political issues in my country which
is I should really need to know more about especially that I am a now registered as a voter
for this election 2019. And for now on I realized that it is very important to know not the
political issue but the other issues that are happening in my country so I should need more
about some news updates, news articles and watched news report in the television to get
involved or to have the knowledge of what the current issues are happening in the
Philippines. He also told that we should vote wisely and we should know the background of
the candidate in the election because he said that we are the ones who can change not the
world but the future of our country. To sum it up, our NSTP professor is very good at
teaching no only our lessons but also the real life situations and life lesson that we need to be
the best version of our self and change for the better future.

National Service Training Program is practiced in many countries all around the globe. The
purpose of this is to determine the effectiveness of the NSTP for the students, its influences
along self-improvement, performance, community involvement, and demonstration of
abilities and skills, and the difficulties encountered by the students in their respective NSTP
courses. The NSTP is significant for us to be more competent, more creative, living by the
Christian spirit, and more socially involved citizens of the country.

The NSTP experience was both challenging and rewarding. It was challenging because we
need to go to class at 7:30 in the morning but it was quite fun experience and a lot of
learning and task that we have experienced and learned about and we can go home early at
10 in the morning which is a good thing. It is rewarding because as a student they really
fulfill the needs of a student to teach life lesson and delivered well the lectures that we really
need in our life. So I just want to thank my professor for all the good times that you have
given to us and the moments and life lesson that we will all cherished and treasured. Thank
you so much Sir Nestor Pacuno!
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

Sydiangco, John Rafael C.

“Heading to the registrar to see the NSTP (National Service Training Program) schedule, I
shrugged as I saw the class schedule: 7:30 am to 10:00 am. It is my only class the whole
Wednesday. I told myself, How would two hours and 30 minutes be essential in my life? I
am a scholar, I should comply.”

Entering the room my head was filled with questions on what is really the essence of NSTP
in my first year college experience. I have acquired information that it is required to
memorize lots and many laws in the Philippines, and it is mostly concern with politics. I
shrugged again as I heard “Politics”, I never liked Politics for it just brings negativity and
headache to me personally. Politics is only concerned with corruption, laws that are not good,
and politicians that do not serve by heart but uses the government as a tool for personal gain.
Nevertheless, since, NSTP is encoded and it is a requirement in order for me to pass and for
me to be enrolled in the next year, I should have high grades and learn to enjoy the class. I
took the risk and I started to change my perspective towards the subject.

As I am indulged by, the stories filled with fun and excitement by our professor, Mr. Nestor
Pacuno. I have realized that Politics is not that horrible as I it seemed. There are these sides
of the coin that makes negativity, positivity and turns my headaches into joy and laughter. I
will never forget what Mr. Pacuno have said, “ Tatay digong, tatay digong… Mga punyeta!
Tatay na walang ginawa kundi pataasin ang inflation sa Pilipinas.” It serve as a turning point
as I get indulged with the problems that deals with politics, I began to realize my rights and
what a student can do for one’s country. He would also tell stories about Batanes and how
government officials manage the community to be disciplined and build an eco-friendly
place so that the people and nature could benefit. There comes this realization that if people
in Batanes can be disciplined so do the people of our nation.

It also came to the point that I always am excited to learn more about NSTP as I have known
the history and core reason why NSTP is implemented rather than ROTC (Reserve Officers
Training Corps). As Mark Chua was killed for he might spill the dirty secrets that concerns
with ROTC. It made my interest go deeper as injustice prevails and made me realize that if
Mark Chua is not killed then ROTC’s injustices will still prevail and I might experience such.
I will also never forget what Mr. Pacuno have said, “Mantakin mo yon? Pinatay siya dahil
alam niya ang mali”. I laughed as I am amazed how our teacher uses mantakin in phrases
with injustices.

The next meeting, he discussed to us the importance of knowing one’s right. He stated the
Article I of the constitution of the Philippines, which tackles the basic rights of the Filipinos.
I am amazed because as we get involved and knowledgeable with such topic, we solidify our
ground and know when to fight back, especially if we were deprived of the rights. I also like
to emphasize the Right to Love of the Philippine constitution. When Mr. Pacuno discussed it,
a thought pops into my head, when would the Philippines be open to same-sex relationship
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

and when would it reconstruct the constitution: the Right to Love regardless of the gender.
Thus, it influenced me socio-politically and socio-economically.
He also assigned us to report the topics about first aid and national security, it is filled with
excitement, as we always like to do tasks such as reporting as it hones us verbally and
mentally as a students. He let us enjoy as we are reporting and would often acknowledge us
for the good efforts that we are exerting and have had done. I would also like to reminisce
whenever we are stressed due to the acquisition of dozens of information, he would tell
stories of his daughter. We always laugh whenever he talks about “BABY DOG!” the short
statement that his daughter yells to their neighbour’s baby. It sets the mood and elevates our

I am always smiling whenever I remember the day he thought us to love ourselves and be
the best of us. The day when he discussed self-discovery and management and how Filipinos
would often have this same response especially in dealing with nerve-racking situations.
“Pumunta kami ng Manila sobrang init at sobrang haba ng pila pasakay kami ng taxi biglang
sumingit ung mga Koreano. Hindi ko napigilan ung galit ko nagmura ako at dahil don
umalis sila pumila sila hanggang dulo”, this was the story that I will never forget, as we
laughed so hard because of what Mr. Pacuno did to the Koreans. We can truly relate as we
are in the same kind of the situation our response would most likely be the same.
As days goes by, I am saddened with the fact that the second semester would end and that
we might not get learning and knowledge from Mr. Pacuno himself. It saddens me as I am
enjoying and as I am learning a lot the time flies so fast. However, I will never forget the
memories that BSRT1-1 and Mr. Pacuno had made. Last, I will be eternally grateful for
what we have learned and how can we apply it in our lives. I would like to say in gratitude
of how NSTP influenced me to be an active citizen of the Philippines that because of Mr.
Pacuno’s teaching I realized that we are really the hope of our country. In a simple gesture
that we do, we may contribute to the pollution experiencing by the whole world. In such
ignorance, corrupt politicians may still be corrupt and our well-being and rights as a Filipino
may be continuously deprived. I am proud to say that NSTP honed my skills and changed
my mind set about Politics. Thank you Sir Nestor Pacuno, although it was just a short period,
I really enjoy your company with us. Thank you for all the memories, it will surely be
cherished; please do not stop inspiring your students as it inspired me to be a disciplined and
responsible citizen, till we meet again.

“Heading again to the registrar to see the NSTP (National Service Training Program)
schedule one last time. I shrugged as I saw the class schedule 7:30 am to 10:00 am. It is my
only class the whole Wednesday. I told myself, the whole two hours and 30 minutes is truly
essential in my life. I am a scholar and I have an obligation to make my country right.”
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974


A. Objectives

The main goal of this program is to provide services which will suffice the
needs of the tricycle drivers. More specifically, it aims to
1. prevent serious respiratory diseases,
2. stop the spread of contagious lung diseases,
3. improve the overall health of the community; and
4. give awareness about certain lung complications like lung cancer and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

We as a group conducted a study about tricycle drivers and the diseases they
get from their situation wherein they inhale smoke and polluted air from the
environment. Study and spreading of awareness about this topic will give insight
about the problems and diseases our dear tricycle drivers could be facing
throughout their daily lives. Everyday they go around travelling, providing public
transportation and as we all know, here in the Philippines the air is not that clean
and we can say that it is polluted due to many factors such as dirty smokes from
vehicles, smokes from cigarettes and other things.

Studies show that inhaling polluted air contributes to lung disease. Based on
the research done by the Physicians for Social Responsibilities, air pollution
causes serious damage to the respiratory tract and that this exposures can trigger
cases such as asthma, COPD and lung cancer. Here in the Philippines, tricycle
drivers are at risk of these diseases. Asthma as we know is a chronic disease that
causes the person to have shortness of breath, tightness of chest, wheezing and
coughing. COPD on the other hand is another condition but the changes this
disease bring are permanent. Leading to more severe diseases such as chronic
bronchitis and emphysema. All these diseases can lead to Lung cancer. There are
multiple risk factors on encountering this and this especially includes air
pollution. With all this conditions that can be encountered through inhalation of
smoke and polluted air, and with our tricycle drivers, given their working
environment. We as a group will conduct a medical mission and offer our help
while also providing awareness.

We will provide free seminars and check ups, and also x-ray if necessary.
We will also be providing basic protections and provisions such as hygiene kits
and masks in order to help prevent and give awareness about the possibilities of
encountering such diseases. Our goal is to provide services which will suffice the
needs of the tricycle drivers specifically to prevent and stop the spread of these
lung diseases.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

B. Title

The title of our program is “Oplan SB (Sagip Baga)”, which means to save
the lungs of the tricycle drivers from any serious, chronic and fatal illnesses.

C. Place

The chosen place for the said program is at RadTech Laboratory, 5th floor
of PHL Building, LPU-St. Cabrini for it is much more convenient for everyone.
Furthermore, the main instrument which is the x-ray machine is located there.

D. Beneficiaries

The target beneficiaries of our program are the tricycle drivers of Brgy.
Darasa, Tanauan City because as we all know the drivers are more prone to
serious lung illnesses because of the smokes they inhale from different vehicles.

Our program will make them more aware about the simple ways on how
they will take care of their lungs through our seminar. We will also be
distributing them free face masks to prevent inhaling polluted air from the
environment and second-hand smoke from people who surround them. Also, our
program will give them a chance to have a free checkup, if necessary, a chest x-
ray will be done and medicines will also be provided so it might help them to
lessen their expenses and treat the disease completely.

E. Transportation

The tricycle drivers will be fetched by two vans at Jollibee Tanauan so that
they will surely arrive safely at the said medical mission. On the other hand, the
volunteers have separate van and some who have their own cars will just go
directly at LPU-St. Cabrini. The target time of arrival is before 9:00 am so that
the schedule will be followed appropriately.

F. Volunteers

Health services Seminar

2 Physicians 1 Head organizer
5 Nurses 1 Event coordinator
2 Radiologists 2 Teachers
5 Radiologic Technologists 10 Students

These volunteers has their personal task to make this event possible.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
There are two physicians who check the health of those people who are
involved in seminar program who want to determine if there have a particular
lung diseases.

There are five nurses that help the physicians to assist those tricycle drivers
who are involved in this seminar program.

Two radiologists are involved in this program to support the physicians in

providing a high quality healthcare. The radiologists also read the result of the
patients’ x-ray if the physicians request some radiographic examination.

There are five radiologic technologists who will support the needs of the
radiologists. They are the persons who are specialized in the imaging of the
patients to view and to know the health concern of the tricycle drivers.

In terms of organizing the event, there are persons who ensure the successful
flow of the seminar, making it efficient and effective.

There is head organizer who spearheads this health program not just to be
possible but to be successful. Event coordinator will be the person who manage
the flow of the event.

Teachers are the persons who will provide a knowledge regarding the lung
diseases. Moreover, the students that have idea in lungs diseases can also share
to those patients.

G. Services


Tricycle drivers are prone in lung diseases because of their job that involves
inhaling of smoke from different transportation vehicles, simply the air pollution.
That’s why students and volunteers will conduct seminar to discuss and give
information about common lung ailment like COPD or Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer. They will tell facts about it and how will
you know if you have such disease. If you have it already or they know someone
who has it, they will teach them the proper treatment in curing it. And of course,
preventing the disease. Prevention is always better than cure. So, they will
present some tips on how the tricycle drivers will protect themselves in order to
be healthy.

Free Check-Up

The tricycle drivers of Darasa TODA is constantly expose to air pollution.

So, there are Radiologists who will check-up them for free to see their present
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
condition or the status of their health. Radiologists will assess each tricycle
drivers and they will conduct some testings to them. If the doctor see nothing
then the tricycle driver is doing well. But if the doctor notice wrong, the free x-
ray and consultation with radiologist will come in.

If necessary:

Free X-Ray

Chest X-Ray will be given to the tricycle drivers who are in need. Registered
Radiologic Technologists will assist them in the X-Ray lab and do the required

Consultation with radiologists

After getting the results, the doctor will read it to them. It is to know the real
situation of his health. They will talk about on what he must do to improve the
well-being of his body.

Distribution of Freebies (Face Mask, Hygiene Kit, Vitamins and Medicines)

The students and volunteers will spread freebies to all participants. They will
receive face masks that they can use in driving to protect them from the smoke.
hygiene kit, to be clean all the times. Vitamins and Medicines that will help them
to prevent and cure Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer.

H. Duration of the project

The project will be conducted annually to achieve its objectives.

Furthermore, it will consume 2 days per year, one for the first batch and another
for second batch. In addition, everything will be performed on the specific day.

I. Partners and industry linkage

The different hospitals in Tanauan City, Batangas, namely Daniel Mercado

Medical Hospital (DMMC), CP Reyes Hospital, and Laurel District Memorial
Hospital, and the affiliate hospital of LPU which is St. Frances Cabrini Medical
Center, Inc. are the primary partners and industry linkages in the said program.
These industries help us provide a high quality patient care, have modern
facilities to make sure the patients are safe and secured, and have advance
technologies to provide an accurate x-ray results to the tricycle drivers. Also,
radiologic technologists, radiologist, physicians and nurses are specialized and
professionally trained to take manage our tricycle drivers efficiently.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
J. Donors
Lung Center of the Philippines

Since Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP) is a government tertiary hospital

specializing in the cure and prevention of lung and other chest diseases, it would
be able to help in the said program as it is part of their mission and vision.

Institute of Pulmonary Medicine

St. Luke's Institute of Pulmonary Medicine is equipped with state-of-the-art

facilities capable of performing the most advanced and comprehensive diagnostic
examinations. The Institute’s roster of highly trained medical staff complements
its cutting-edge technology in treating a wide range of lung ailments, from the
common cough to the most complicated pulmonary disorders.

Gov. Dodo Mandanas

Gov. Dodo Mandanas formulated plans and programs geared towards

uplifting the lives of the people of Tanauan specifically the tricycle drivers who
have a condition concerning lung ailments. He defined the goals, principles and
projects that will improve the lives of the people of Tanauan. Part of this
program is strengthening coordination and cooperation with agencies within the
province, particularly in providing more assistance to a greater number of the
less fortunate including the residents of Brgy. Darasa, Tanauan City, Batangas
TODA. The said mission aims to develop sustainable comprehensive health care
system concerning the lungs and gives everyone access to the best possible
standard of lung health which will also help to ensure the best possible health
care for the residents of Darasa and thereby improve their quality of life.

Lilibeth M. Maravilla , MD

She is specialized in cardiology at Daniel O. Mercado Medical Center in

Tanauan City, Batangas. She is also the new president of the Philippine Society
of Vascular Medicine Inc. She believes in the benefits of having a good health
condition and how it could improve their quality of life. It is through the said
mission with his support that the residents of Darasa will have an ample chance
to avail free lung treatment services.
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
K. Funding


X-ray films and other equipment Php 120,000.00

Vitamins and medicines Php 80,000.00

Foods and drinks Php 20,000.00

Transportation Php 20,000.00

TOTAL Php 240,000.00

III. Program for the PDCP

DAY 1 (Batch 1)
8:00AM - 9:00AM Fetching of the Participants
9:00AM - 9:10AM Arrival and Briefing
9:10AM - 9:30AM Registration
9:30AM - 10:30AM Snacks
10:30AM-12:00PM Seminar: Introduction to Lung Cancer and
12:00PM - 1:00PM Lunch Break
1:00PM - 2:00PM Seminar: Ways to Prevent and Cure Lung
Cancer and COPD
2:00PM - 4:00PM Consultation/Assessment of Tricycle
4:00PM - 5:00PM Chest X-Ray and Reading of Radiograph
5:00PM - 6:00PM Giving of Freebies (Vitamins, Medicines
and other stuffs)
6:00PM - 6:30PM Closing Remarks
College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

DAY 2 (Batch 2)
8:00AM - 9:00AM Fetching of the Participants
9:00AM - 9:10AM Arrival and Briefing
9:10AM - 9:30AM Registration
9:30AM - 10:30AM Snacks
10:30AM-12:00PM Seminar: Introduction to Lung Cancer and
12:00PM - 1:00PM Lunch Break
1:00PM - 2:00PM Seminar: Ways to Prevent and Cure Lung
Cancer and COPD
2:00PM - 4:00PM Consultation/Assessment of Tricycle
4:00PM - 5:00PM Chest X-Ray and Reading of Radiograph
5:00PM - 6:00PM Giving of Freebies (Vitamins, Medicines
and other stuffs)
6:00PM - 6:30PM Closing Remarks


A. Class/group picture during planning

College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974

B. Documentation/picture of the target place of the beneficiaries

Radiologic Technology Laboratory

College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974





*Located at 5th flr., PHL Building of LPU-St. Cabrini, SHSI

College of Allied Medicine
Km 54 National Highway, Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Tel. No. (049) 502-8946 loc 211 Telefax No. (049) 502-0974
C. Other related picture of the activity

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