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On-Page SEO
Complete Book on
Practical Information of On-Page SEO.
I. What is SEO?

II.Forms of SEO

III.On Page SEO Checklist

Page naming / URL Structure / Permalink
Alt Tags and Optimizing Images
Anchor Text
URL Canonicalisation
Creation of XML / HTML /ROR Sitemap & it’s implementation
How to implement google analytics on the website.
Social media icons
Custom 404 Implementation Web page
Meta Tags – Title, Description, H1 and Keywords tags
Internal and External links
Content Optimization
Broken link analysis
Errors 301, 302, 403 and 404
Important Places where the keyword has to be inserted
Keyword cannibalization and
Keyword Density
Keyword Proximity,
What is Bread Crumbs?
Difference Do Follow & No-follow
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Search Engine Optimization is nothing but increasing the visibility of the website
in the Google organic results i.e SERP

The main thing in SEO is that if you start today, then it will take 6 to 8 months to
rank top on SERP. Always tell your client that it will take 6 to 8 months.

Forms of SEO
1)On-page SEO - 2)Off-page SEO

On Page SEO Checklist
Page naming / URL Structure / Permalink
Alt Tags and Optimizing Images
Anchor Text
URL Canonicalisation
Creation of XML / HTML /ROR Sitemap & it’s implementation
How to implement google analytics on the website.
Social media icons
Custom 404 Implementation Web page
Meta Tags – Title, Description, H1 and Keywords tags
Internal and External links
Content Optimization
Broken link analysis
Errors 301, 302, 403 and 404
Important Places where the keyword has to be inserted
Keyword cannibalization and
Keyword Density
Keyword Proximity,
What is Bread Crumbs?
Difference Do Follow & No-follow
First will start with……

Page Naming / URL Structure / Permalink

Page Naming
Here some of the do’s and don’ts we need to keep in mind whenever you are
creating a page. These points are only applicable for your internal pages not for
your home page.
When you are naming a page the URL of that particular page should contain one
keyword. Ex:- For your reference the page is
about missions of ISRO. So there will be a keyword for the particular page i.e
Mission. Like this, for every page, you need to create a name that should be
relevant to that particular page..

1. When you are using this there should be always a short tail keyword. The long
tail is not recommended.
2. If the keyword length is too long don’t give space there should be a hyphen in
3. Keyword should be always in small letters

Avoid using capital 1) letters, 2) symbols, 3) numbers, 4) space, 5) underscore.
There 5 don't you have to ignore it.
Consider these dos and don't then you can come up with the name for your
particular page. Either you have one page or ten pages.

URL Structure & Permalinks

Settings ---> Permalinks --> Select the 6th option i.e Post Name.
Now the format of your URL structure is changed. According to standards.

To add a keyword
Pages --> All Page --> Now select any one page for which you want to insert
the keyword. --> Edit that particular page
For Ex:- Contact me page. You have an option to use WordPress editor. Are you
finding the term permalink? Just click on that. Now you can see the link then
insert the keyword and update. Once you update the URL will remain the same
what you have typed.
Page --> Edit --> URL --> chage the name of url with keyword.
Alt Tag and Optimizing Images

Every image you add in your website make sure it is optimized. Mention the alt
tag and then you upload in the website. Optimizing is all about you have reduced
the size of the image.

Image --> Right click --> click on properties --> check the size

Reduce the image to 10kb to 100kb max. Once when you reduce the size

Resized image --> right click --> Properties -->details--> In title write the
keyword--> In tag write the keyword. (Pick the image that is of JPG and not
PNG. Because in JPG you will get the option to edit the title and tag which PNG has
After doing this add to your website. While adding you need to fill the Title and
Alt text while uploading the image.

( Only one keyword you should add if it is more than one keyword then it is called
Black hat SEO, against the standards. You have the option to add but always add
only one keyword)
Alt tag helps Google to find the image in image search.

( When you mention Caption while uploading the image then the caption will
show below the image. You can use if it required. But alt text is compulsory.)

How it comes in HTML?

This is mainly for crawling part.
<img src=”name.format” alt=”keyword”/>
Ex - Type in notepad <img src=”abc.jpg” alt=”instagram”/> save as .html

How to check on the website.

Ctrl + Shift + I then Ctrl + F find the term “img src” or only img.
Anchor Text

When adding HTML tags to particular text that text will act as an anchor text.
These are clickable text. The user can click on it he/she can redirect to another
page within the same website or redirect to a different website. When you adding
the anchor text let that be a keyword. Anchor text are the hyperlink text.

How do you create Anchor text?

While editing the page you can see the option as shown in the fig.

You can use it in a right way or wrong way. If the link redirects to what it is
stating then it is white hat if the link redirects to something else then it is black
hat SEO.
Ex- If the word states “SEO course in Banglore” then the upon clicking the link
should redirect to page or website which gives details about the SEO course in

4 Types
Exact match - If the link relevant for what the user is searching. This is known as.
Backlink - When our website received the traffic from another website.
External Link - When from our website the link redirects to some other website.
Backlink Anchor Text - If receiving traffic from anchor text then that is backlink
anchor text.
Spammy - If the link redirects to the irrelevant website.
Naked link anchor text - It shows the full website address. Here instead of
keyword we directly add the URL.
URL Canonicalization
Canonicalization is the process of picking the best URL when there are several
Choices, and it usually refers to home pages. Multiple URL for the same page


How to optimise URL canonicalization in WordPress?

Dashboard --> Settings --> General --> Wordpress url and site address
Make sure the URL is “ or if the
website is not in this format then change it and save changes. After this you will
be logged out and logged in then you can see the website URL has updated.

Optimisation through HTML

HTML fix : <link
Character “/” indicates home page in HTML


HTTP :- hypertext transfer protocol ( easy to be get hacked, don’t do the

monetary transaction in this type of websites)
HTTPS :- hypertext transfer protocol secured

2 ways to get HTTPS

A)At the time of purchasing the hosting, the hosting provider will give it for

B)Separately purchase the SSL(secured socket layer) certificate. After purchase,

it will take 12 to 24 hours for activation.
Once you are done you can see the https:// in your web URL.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the
protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you
are connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all
communications between your browser and the website are encrypted.
August 2015 Google officially announced that switching website over to HTTPS
will give you a minor ranking boost. Why? Google prefers sites that are trusted
and certified.

Creation of XML / HTML /ROR Sitemap

This is the root map of website.

Setting Up Your HTML Sitemap

An HTML sitemap allows site visitors to easily navigate a website. It is a bullet-ed
outline text version of the site navigation.

HTML Page Sitemap - This simple plugin adds an HTML sitemap of your pages
by entering the shortcode [html_sitemap] in page content.
This is for User.

Setting Up Your XML Sitemap

What is XML?
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML was designed to store and
transport data. This is for search engine. If the XML site map missing then there
might be chances that the search engine may miss some pages.
Ex - TOI(times of India) sitemap

There are two methods for the implementation of the XML site map.
A.Plug in B. Manual Process

In plugin process the plugin will take care of the XML settings. That is when
adding new page deleting the page it will automatically update. Whereas in the
manual process we need to update the site map manually each and every time the
change happens in the website. Otherwise, if you miss then search engine may
not crawl the updated page.
Manual process for implementation of XML

1)Copy paste the website URL and start. It will scan your complete website.
2)After scanning it will give the option to download the command report.
(with this tool you can generate a maximum of 499 pages as it is a free tool. If you
want more then go for the premium.)
3)Once the command report downloaded open cpanel
4)Login to your website cpanel ( it will be provided while hosting)
5)Goto File manager
6)Public_html(double click)
7)Then upload the report
8)Refresh the site
9)Then it will be visible on your website (type you
can check any websites XML just by typing sitemap.xml after the domain name.

Again when you add a new page to your site then delete the old sitemap file and
upload the new sitemap file.

If it is a blog website then you have to do it every time you upload a page.
Otherwise, the crawler may skip your page.

Plugin process for XML sitemap implementation.

Before that you need to delete the existing manual sitemap file from the cpanel
{ cpanel -> file manager ->public_html -> delete sitemap.xml file). Then refresh
once. If you keep both then it will be like overwriting.

Plugin Yoast SEO --> Install and Activate. It will be on the website once you
activate. By default, it will be on.
After activation, you can see the Yoast SEO on the left side of the Dashboard

Yoast SEO -> General --> Features --> Scroll down there you can see the
sitemap option and it is ON. It means it will reflect.
After adding this plugin go to the site and check. The format may vary. If there is
an error then uninstall the plugin and reinstall.


This is only for the user. The plugin for the HTML site map implementation is
“wp-sitemap page” Install and activate. Once you download
Wp sitemap Page
Copy the shortcode which is displayed
Goto pages
Add new Page
Name the page as Sitemap
Select the HTML text editor (in the (+) symbol in the edit page)
Paste the shortcode
Publish the page
Goto the website
You can see the Sitemap option in the menu select it
You can see the sitemap of the website.

If this does not appear then delete the plugin delete the page and then reinstall
the plugin and recreate the page.

Implement Google Analytics

Assume that your website totally set and you want to see the report to check that
you need the Google analytics. This is in the Google where you have to interlink
your website. You will get to know the visitors per month per week per day.
Gender-wise age etc.

Process to implement
Open the new tab
All you have to do is sign up or sign in( use your personal Gmail)
Towards the left side, you have signed up click on it
Log in with your Gmail
You will get a form start filling the form,( Website name then website URL
category of website country and account name is your name.)
Next, accept the terms and conditions with country India
Click on get tracking code and tracking ID ( you need to copy paste this within
your website.)
Copy the code (paste in the header section of your website and save)

Now go to your website

Ad new
Insert Header & Footer ( Install and Activate )
Header & Footer
Paste the code in header section after 2 to 3 enter

Open the website refresh once click on home page press ctrl+U ctrl+F search with
“google analytics” you will see the code. This means the code has been
implemented successfully.
Open the tool towards the left side you have home button click on it. Then you
can see the number of active users on your website. To reflect it will take 15 to 20
sec not immediately.


This robot.txt allows the crawler which pages to scroll and which pages not to
scroll. It is only for robots which is search engine.
How do you check? open any website after the domain name type /robot.txt
If the page is confidential then you can block the page and crawler won't crawl
that page. It will block only to the crawler and not the user. The pages like
Payment page usually blocked for the robots. And some times, if you copy some
content from another website Google, will know that this is a copied content by
date and time of the update. So in such case, you can block that particular page
from crawling. In this case, it doesn't crawl then it will be dead content to you.

There are 2 ways to generate this

1) Manual Process
Then copy the URL of your website
Paste it in this website
Here you have the option to allow or disallow
Then you have which search engine to crawl. Either you can stop any search
engine to crawl or ( * )is the command to block all the search engine. “/” (slash)is
for disallowing. You can block a complete website or a specific page.
Then add -> Export -> download the file
Then upload the file in the c panel -> file manager -> public_html
It should be uploaded in every single e-commerce website Mandatory in the
payment section.

2) Plug in method
Plugin -> Add new -> Virtual robot txt -> Install and activate -> setting ->
virtual robot -> check the file

Social Media Icons

[ In the interview they may ask question relating to the competitor. Like my
competitor has around 5 lakh followers. My website and Facebook page are new.
How soon can you increase it.? you can't tell directly 6 months. You need to tell
the strategy. You need to check the competitor's page How many followers they
have? What posts doing good? Which all the posts they get more engagement?
Like this check for all the competitors and get ideas from it.]

You need to add the social media profile to your website page. You can link your
LinkedIn facebook instal profile. This is also one way to increase traffic. The best
place to add this is in the widget area. Towards the right side of the portfolio

Manual Process

Linked in

Profile -> view profile -> edit profile -> create a batch -> you need to copy
paste both the code

In Elementor you need to select the HTML and custom HTML to paste the code
there. If you don’t need the plugin then you can do it.
First paste the first code and then the second code. Then mention the width you
want to display. Here the code 2 is for the adjustment of the size.


Copy the actual URL of your facebook page

Goto ->
Copy paste the facebook page URL
Click the additional option (width 300 to height 150)
Get code
First code -> paste it in header or footer
Second code -> paste it anywhere you want

Plug in Method
Dashboard -> plugins -> add new -> social media icons -> Install and
The plugin is beneficial for you, you can easily add social media sharing button
also, you can use social icons, different colours different fonts. If you go with the
paid version you get more option.
Towards the left side, you click the ultimate social icon
It is a 9 step process you need to set up one by one.

Custom 404 Implementation

The custom 404 implementation benefit is when you customize, let us see a
particular post and you want to share it with your friend. The link you copied
there might be chances that some letters in the link may be mistakenly added or
deleted. When such links are searched in Search engine then it will show that the
page does not exist. But the user still on the website. This is because of the
custom 404 implementations. If this is not implemented then it will show the 404
error outside the website. It means you are losing the customer.
If the page display at least the website home page when the URL wrongly typed
then chances they may browse int he website. If it doesn't then all the people
close. To avoid losing the customer you need to implement the custom 404 in the

What is 404? It is Page File Not Found.

For that, We use the plugin. Type 404 error plugin and activate.
In this plugin, the benefit is, it will ask you where do you want the user to redirect.
Whether the Home page or another page. If the URL is invalid then the user can
redirect to the home page.

Appearance -> 404 Error page -> Then mention where do you want the
error page to be redirected -> then click on save changes.

Now if you type invalid URL then you can see the page is directing to the home
page or the page you mentioned.
This must be implemented all websites particularly product based websites.
This plugin you get for free underpaid theme no need of installation of separate
plugin. If you have a free theme then use this plug in.

Meta Tags
Meta tag includes 4 points. Title, Description, Keyword and Heading tag. All
these 4 points together is a meta tag.


Keywords:- When it comes to the keyword you know about how to find the
Keyword out of different tools. Here keyword for SEO When you have a website
for every page you can add the keyword. But there is a limitation. Every page the
keyword can be minimum 5 maximum 7. Not more than that. you have an option
to add even 100 suggested min 5 max 7. Analyze the competitor's keyword.
For example, it is home page then view page source by clicking ctrl+U then ctrl+F
if you find keyword then it will show the keyword of that page. It will be
mentioned as a meta link keyword. In keyword, it can be a short tail keyword or a
long tail keyword. All together it should be 5 to 7. same every page has the
If the website has 10 pages then the keyword would be 50 to 70 ie 5 to 7 per page.
this 50 to 70 keyword should not be repeated.

Keyword cannibalization:- When the same keyword is repeated in the multiple

pages of the website then it is keyword cannibalization.


Heading tag
H1:- Here H refers to heading tag It had 6 hierarchy H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6.

For example, you have a page/post right click and view page source then ctrl+F
then h1 next h2 like this you can check all the heading of the page.
Come to the site and compare the heading with actual page. Here you can see that
the heading 1 is of bigger the size whereas the heading 2 smaller than the h1
similarly the below heading will gradually reduce their size.
How many heading can be there in one page? If it is H1 then there should be
only one. If you use it more than once then it is against the standers. But there is
no restriction for the other headings.
H1 (Only One)
H2, H2, H2……(Multiple)
H3, H3, H3…….(Multiple)
H4, H4, H4……….(Multiple)
H6,, H6, H6…….(Multiple)

For example
H1:- SEO
H2:- On page SEO H2:- Off-page SEO H2:- White hat H2:- Black hat
H3:- Robot.txt H3:- Meta tag H3:-404 error page
H4:- Keywords H4:- Headings


Title and description

You can see this in every page. Ctrl+U then Ctrl+F and find Title same search for
Description. Need to search meta name description. Every page the title describes
it will be displayed on the Google SERP.
Now on every page title description keyword and heading tag all this should be
different it should not be same. When it comes to your home page mix of all.
The character limit for the title is up to 70
 Every page has a unique title only keyword you can copy.
 Whenever writing the title every character should be caps
 Always start with one important keyword, not with the sentence.
 Sentence formation not required
If you want to target multiple keywords there should be a break with the
pipeline ie “|”. When you add a pipeline there should be a space before and after.
You will be loosing 3 characters
If competitors wrote the keyword in the title then you can't write the same
keyword in the title but you can write the same keyword in the meta. Avoid full
stop, Comma, You can put the pipeline in the title. It's a breakage. Of two
keyword If the character limit exceed then it will not show

The description character limit is 160. here also you can't exceed the character
How to write the description?
The description you write as you normally write. Sentence formation. You can
use full stop and comma don’t use the pipeline in the description. Make sure it is
informative. You can highlight the one which is more important. For every page,
the description should be about that page only. Helps in SEO. If the page is about
Digital marketing then write about Digital marketing in the description. Don’t put
the misinformation.
For the home page you can club all.

To implement the title and description you need 2 plugin

1)Yoast SEO
2)Meta tag manager(this is for adding the Keywords)

Process:- Install and activate the plugin in your dashboard

Then open any page edit with WordPress not with elementor
Then scroll down. There you can see the Yoast SEO. Here you need to write the
title and description which is to be displayed on the Google SERP. The plugin will
show you the preview of the title and description. You can edit according to your

Then upon further scroll down, you can see the meta tag manager. This is for
the keyword. This is an additional plugin you have added. Now click on “add meta
Meta as name, Value as keyword
Content attribute as the keywords. Key1, Key2 ….. up to Key 7.

Internal & External Links

Internal links:- If you navigate from one page to another within your website
then it is called as internal links
One can create the internal links by a) Menu b) Footer c) Sidebar d) Call to action
e) Through Anchor text

External links:- If the user navigates from your website to another different
website then that is called the external link.
If you are getting the user from some other website then that kind of link is called
the backlink. Or if the user navigates from your website to the other website that
link is called backlink for the other website.
When we receive the traffic from another website then that is the backlink, and if
you are losing the traffic then that link is called an external link.
Content Optimisation

Whenever you are writing content make sure the following points
 Content must always unique. Don’t ever copy from the competitors.
 Write in paragraphs and add some bullet points if required. The paragraph
can contain up to 100 words. In between, you can add the bullet points.
 Add call to action button in the content. So that people can take action while
reading the content.
 The content can be a Text, Image, Video or combination of all these. Make sure
all the media and text relevant to each other
 Keep updating the content. Update the latest news or trending things
regarding the content must also be updated. Whatever you have written in
the past and got some more content about that particular article then instead
of creating a new post update the old post only. Add more and more content
to it. The more the content better will be the rank.
 To check the content is copied or not you can use this tool

Broken Link Analysis

This is mainly to find out the list of errors present On your website. It might be
one error or 10 error you get to know.

Tool to check the broken link in your website.

You get to know the health of the website that how many errors are there. Just
copy the domain name and paste it on that website. This website will crawl
the full website and display the broken links.
There should not be any broken links on your website. Broken links should be
zero. A number of pages and the error page it will display separately.
 301 :- If the Web page is moved permanently
 302 :- If the web page is temporarily redirected
 303 :- If the web page is Forbidden
 404 :- If the web page file not found

Important Places Where Keywords Have to be

Inserted in the Website

The places where you should insert the keyword is called keyword prominence
The places where one must insert the keyword is
B)Heading:- Every heading there must be a keyword
D)Anchor text
E)Alt tag
H)Meta tag

Keyword Cannibalization
The same keyword repeats multiple times within your website is called keyword

Keyword Density
A tool to check how many time you repeated every single word

Keyword stuffing:- Writing the same word again and again. This is against the
standard of google.

The density can be calculated by

Density = (total keyword/ total words)*100
The density of the keyword must be less than or equal to 3%. Make sure it is not
more than that. If it is more than 3 then it is called Keyword Stuffing.
Tools to check the keyword density

Just copy paste the URL of the page or the full website. It will check from every
word to full sentence. Make sure everything is less than 3%

Keyword Proximity

Keyword proximity is the total distance between the search term's, that is
individual keywords.
If website contains the keywords “digital marketing course” in the heading then if
you search for “What is Digital Marketing? Are there any professional course with
certification offered in Bangalore”. Then the Google will show the search results
of your page.

Bread Crumb
Bread Crub Navigation or Bread Crumb trail helps the visiter in navigation of the
website. It helps to keep track of their location

Home -> Interior page -> Subsection of interior page

Do Follow No Follow
When you want to insert an external link then you can do it in 2 ways Do follow
and No follow
If the link is Do follow then when a search engine crawls, for example:- if the
search engine crawls the Quora, if the Quora contains you website link then the
crawler will crawl in your website too if the link in the Quora is Do follow the link.
If you put it as No follow then the crawler won't crawl the link.

The Do follow link will provide free traffic from your website to the external
website. Whenever you are pasting the backlink then-No follow link must be
pasted more compared to the do follow the link.
How to generate the Do-follow/No follow link
Do follow there is no command

To generate No follow link ---> Page -> edit page -> select the text which you
want to be it as anchor text -> copy paste the URL/link. Now click on edit
next to the enter button Here you can tick mark the No follow option. Then
the link will become the no-follow link.

Now to check whether the link became No follow

Ctrl+U then Ctrl+F search for “no follow”

Plug in method
All In One SEO Pack install and activate. You can use either the Yoast SEO or All
in one SEO Pack but not he both plugin. All in one SEO pack has more option than
the Yoast SEO.
After installing you will get an option to make it no follow.
Every post you can create No follow.

Question and Answer

Q:-How do you check whether there is XML sitemap present on the website?
Ans:- By typing sitemap.xml after the domain name.

Q:-What do you find in XML sitemap?

Ans:- We will be finding all the links of your website pages

Q:- What is the benefit of having an XML site map?

Ans:- The search engine collects all information on the website if it has the XML
sitemap. If it doesn't then there is a chance of skipping of some of the links which
are present on the website. It helps the search engine, not to the user.

Q:- What is the tool for XML sitemap?


Q:- What is the process to update XML sitemap?

Q:- What is HTML sitemap?
Q:- how do you create HTML sitemap?
Q:-What is the benefit? (helps the user to navigate easily)
Q:- What is the alt tag? How do you optimize an image? What is the benefit of
optimising an image?
Q:-What is anchor text? (its a hyperlink added with URL)
Q:- What are the types of anchor text? Explain.
Q:- What is permalink?
Q:- What is the page name? ( Naming the internal pages)
Q:- What is the structure of URL or what are the points to remember while
creating URL?
Q:- What is URL canonicalization?
Q:- How to correct the URL canonicalization? How do you check after the
update(ctrl+F rel=canoni)?

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