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DAO 2000-
Signed 14 March 2000
Published 08 April 2000

Implementing guidelines
on Engineering
Geological and
Geohazard Assessment
as additional requirement
for ECC application
covering subdivision,
housing and other land
development and
infrastructure projects
August 1999
DENR AO 2000-28
Section 1. Rationale

(Paragraph 1)

The Philippines, by reason of its

geographic, geologic and tectonic
setting, is prone to several geologic
and natural hazards. The
recognition of such hazards,
however, is often overlooked by land
developers / planners, project
proponents and the general public
except when a dramatic and
devastating incident occurs, such as
a strong earthquake, massive
landslide or heavy flooding event
that causes great loss of life and
destruction to property.
DENR AO 2000-28
Section 1. Rationale

(Paragraph 2)
To therefore adequately and
comprehensively address and mitigate the
possible effects/ impacts of geologic
hazards, it is hereby required that, in
addition to the requirement for the issuance
of an Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC) as provided for under
Presidential Decree No. 1586, Presidential
Proclamation No. 2146 and its
implementing rules and regulations, all
proponents of subdivision development
projects, housing projects and other land
development and infrastructure projects,
private or public, shall undertake an
Engineering Geological and Geohazard
DENR AO 2000-28

Section 2. Definition of terms

• Engineering Geology – geologic fundamentals and

principles applied to civil works
• Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
• Geologic Hazards or Geohazards – natural and man-
induced geological processes that can cause destruction

• Geotechnical Engineering – principles of soils and rock

mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and design of
civil works: herein only limited to the assessment of
physical and index properties of soils.

• Structural Geology - architecture of the earth’s crust

• Structure
• Form and geometry
• Deformation processes
• Mechanical properties of crustal materials
Section 3. Types of Geological DENR AO 2000-28

• Geological Site Scoping (GSSR)

• licensed gov’t (MGB) geologist
• recommendation for the scope of work in terms of the
detailed engineering geological, structural geological,
geohazards assessment and geotehnical engg tests..

• Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment

• licensed geologist (5 yrs exp.)
• private proponent – private geologist
• gov’t proponent – MGB geologist (MOA)
• qualified engineer (5 yrs exp. + appro. Trng.)
• submit to MGB

• Geological Review and Verification (GRR / GVR)

• MGB-TRC review process
• endorsement to EMB
• Malacanang Memo Order 45 (2002)
• - Geohazard Identification Report (GIR)
• For Housing Projects under IEE
DENR AO 2000-28

Section 4. Fees and Charges

(DAO 2000-71)

• GSSR: PhP 6,000.00

• GVR/GRR: PhP 6,000.00

Section 5. Creation of Urban

Geology Units
DENR AO 2000-

Who can conduct the EGGA

3.2 Engineering Geological and Geohazard


This shall be undertaken by a licensed professional

Geologist with a minimum experience of five (5) years or by a
licensed Engineer with the same number of years of experience
and with training or post-graduate diploma in Engineering
Geology / Structural Geology.
24 October 2000 U G S
DENR MC 2000-

Clarifying Memo
1. Coverage (who is covered?)
All private or government subdivision and housing projects are required to
undergo EGGA as additional requirement for ECC applicationsapplications.. Other land
development and infrastructure projects shall likewise undergo EGGA in connection
with their ECC applications should this be required by the EMB
EMB.. In this connection,
guidelines shall be prepared by EMB, in consultation with MGB

2. Qualifications (of EGGAR preparer)

a. Licensed Geologist with a minimum of 5 yrs yrs.. as a practicing
geologist, or
b. Licensed Engineer with the ffff:: qualifications
 minimum of 5 yrs
yrs.. experience in land
development and/or infrastructure development
 (either) at least 6 mos mos.. training in Engineering Geology /
Structural Geology
Geology;; or
or,, post
post--graduate diploma in
Engineering Geology / Structural Geology
Signed 24 March 2000

Guidelines and outline /

checklist for the
preparation of an
AO 2000-28.
MGB MC 2000-33 2.1 General Information
 Project Description (with site plan that is
properly located on a topographic map)
 Location with inclusive coordinates
(longitude, latitude), size of project area
and its general setting with respect to
major landmarks (e.g., major highway,
volcano, lake, etc.)
 Methodology
 Nature and source of information. Suitable
explanations should provide any technical
reviewer with the means for assessing the
probable reliability of such data.
MGB MC 2000-33
2.2 Regional Setting
 Tectonic setting
 Geologic setting
 Stratigraphy
 Structural Geology
 Geomorphology
 Climate and vegetation
 Distribution of exposures
 Geology MGB MC 2000-33
 Topography
 Hydrology
 Structural Geology
2.3 Site Geology
 Bedrock Lithology
 Surficial Deposits
MGB MC 2000-33

2.3 Site Geology

 Geology
 Topography
 Hydrology
 Structural Geology
 Bedrock Lithology
 Surficial Deposits
MGB MC 2000-33

2.4 Hazard Assessment

 Geologic Hazard
 Fault-related / seismic hazards
 Mass movement
 Volcanic hazards

 Hydrologic Hazard
 Fluvial / riverine
 Coastal
MGB MC 2000-33
 ground rupture Geologic Hazards
 ground acceleration
 liquefaction Fault related / Seismic hazards
 differential settlement Awaji Island, Japan
 landslides (Kobe 1995 earthquake)
 fault creep
 lateral spread
 tsunami
 seiches
MGB MC 2000-33 Geologic Hazards
Fault related / Seismic hazards
 ground rupture
Baguio Park Hotel
 ground acceleration
 liquefaction
 differential settlement
 Landslides
 fault creep - tsunami
 lateral spread - seiches

Maribojoc Church, Bohol Bohol, 2013

MGB MC 2000-33

Geologic Hazards
Fault related / Seismic hazards
 ground rupture
Loon, BOHOL, 2013
 ground acceleration
 liquefaction
 differential settlement
 landslides
 fault creep
 lateral spread
 tsunami
 seiches
Dagupan, Pangasinan
MGB MC 2000-33
Geologic Hazards
Mass Movement
 Fall
 Topple
 Slump
 Slide
 Spread
 Flow
 Complex
 Creep MGB MC 2000-33
 Subsidence Movement
 Settlement
Geologic Hazards

Tilted House
San Pedro, Laguna

MGB MC 2000-33
July 1994

Geologic Hazards

Volcanic Hazards
June 1991

 pyroclastic surge
 ash fall
 lava flow
 debris flow
September 1995
 debris avalanche
 pyroclastic flow
 bombs and ballistics
 lahar
 lateral blast
 tsunami
 volcanic earthquake
 flooding
MGB MC 2000-33
 scouring  Flooding (overflow)
 bank erosion  flooding (sheet flow) Hydrologic Hazards
 sedimentation  rill erosion
 channel erosion  gully erosion Fluvial
MGB MC 2000-33
 Coastal erosion
 flooding Hydrologic Hazards
 storm surge
 coastal subsidence
 sea level rise
 tsunami Coastal
 submarine landslide
Shoreline Changes from 1977-2013
Candelaria, Zambales

2013 Shoreline
(Actual DGPS Survey)

2003 Shoreline
(2003 Google Earth Imagery)

1977 Shoreline
(NAMRIA Topo Map)

NOTE: Image from 2010 Google

Earth Imagery
MGB MC 2000-33
2.5 Conclusions and Recommendations
(Paragraph 1)
Further assessment work or specialized studies needed (such as, geophysical
characterization of bedrock for sinkholes/caverns, microseismic zoning or seismic risk
assessment, flood frequency assessment, slope stability/liquefaction potential studies,
geotechnical evaluation and engineering tests, erosion and sediment transport/budget
studies, hydrogeologic modeling, etc.)

Tagaytay, Cavite
MGB MC 2000-33

2.5 Conclusions and Recommendations

(Paragraph 2)

Mitigating measures (for site planning/realignment of structures, during construction,

excavation, earthquakes, for the design of engineered structures, drainage and slope
stabilization controls, selection and rehabilitation of spoils disposal/dump sites, etc.)

Before Failed


Mitigation Measure
MGB MC 2000-33

2.5 Conclusions
and Recommendations

(Paragraph 3)

Monitoring (such as
regular inspections or
measurements during the
construction stage-
excavations/ earthworks
and grading activities to
detect any soil creep,
slumping, sedimentation,
flooding, landsliding,

Ortigas Ave. cor. EDSA

Outline and Checklist for EGGAR (MGB MC 2000-33)

2.1 General Information

A. Project Description (with site plan that is

properly located on a topographic map)

B. Location with inclusive coordinates (longitude, latitude),

size of project area and its general setting with respect to
major landmarks (e.g.,major highway,volcano etc.)

C. Methodology

D. Nature and source of information. Suitable explanations

should provide any technical reviewer with the means for
assessing the probable reliability of such data.
2.2 Regional Setting

A.Geologic setting (with map of 1:50,000 scale & representative

cross-sections passing through the project site)
1. Tectonic setting (with map of appropriate Scale showing
all relevant tectonic features)
2. Stratigraphy
3. Structural Geology


C.Climate (including rainfall data) and Vegetation

D.Abundance, distribution and general nature

of exposures within the area
2.3 Site Geology
(with appropriate index map and base map (1:100 to
1:10,000) showing existing
topography, slopes, elevation, drainages, roads,
and excavation plan)
1. Distribution and occurrence
2. Relations to topography
Relations to geologic features (e.g., pervious strata,
fractures, faults);
Sources and permanence of water (e.g. permanent
streams and rivers, canals, floods);
Evidence of previous occurrence of water at the site
(e.g., buried stream channel, diverted channel)
3. Effect of water on the materials
4. Depth to water table
C.Bedrock Lithology

1. Identification as to rock type outcrop breadth, vertical

2. Relative age, and where possible, formational name
3. Distribution
4. Dimension features, where applicable (e.g.,
5. Physical characteristics (e.g., color, grain size,
nature of stratification, hardness*, coherence,
calcareous or siliceous cement, concretions,
mineral deposits, alteration other than weathering)
6. Degree of weathering*
7. Response to surface and near surface processes
8. (e.g., gullying, erosion, mass movement)
D.Surficial deposits (e.g., topsoil, artificial fill,
stream-laid alluvium, swamp accumulations, etc.)

1. Identification of material as to general type;

2. Distribution and occurrence and stratigraphic position
3. Relationship with present topography;
4. Dimensional characteristics, where applicable (e.g.,
thickness, variations in thickness);
5. Physical characteristics (e.g., color, alteration,
presence of moisture, cracks and fissures, mineral
deposits, evidence of expansible clays and/or free
draining soil);
6. Response to surface and near surface processes (e.g.,
gullying, erosion, mass movement)
E. Structural features

1. Types of structures

2. Occurrence and distribution

3. Relative ages (where pertinent)

4. Characteristics * (e.g., orientation, dimension, spacing,

continuity, persistency, roughness, thickness and
of in-fill);

5. Specific features of faults (e.g., nature and timing of

movement, zones of gouge and breccia, activity)

* Based on ASTM/AASHTO standards

Possible Geohazards

A. Geologic Hazard

1. Fault related/Seismic hazards

a. ground acceleration
b. ground rupture
c. liquefaction
d. differential settlement
e. landslides
f. fault creep
g. lateral spread
h. tsunami
i. seiche
2. Mass Movements 3. Volcanic Hazards
a. Landslides a. Lava flow
a.1. Fall b. Debris flow
a.2. Topple c. Pyroclastic flow
a.3. Slump d. Debris avalanche
a.4. Slide e. Lahar
a.5. Spread f. Lateral blast and pyroclastic surge
a.6. Flow g. Bombs and ballistic projectiles
a.7. Complex h. Ash fall
b. Creep i. Tsunami
c. Subsidence j. Flooding
d. Settlement k. Volcanic gases
l. Volcanic earthquakes
B. Hydrologic Hazards
1. Fluvial
a. Flooding (Overflow)
b. Flooding (Sheetflow,concentrated run-off)
c. Scouring of riverbed
d. Channel erosion and migration
e. Rill erosion
f. Gully erosion
g. Sedimentation

2. Coastal Hazards
a. Flooding
b. Coastal erosion
c. Tsunami
d. Storm surge
e. Coastal subsidence/sea level rise
f. Submarine landslide
Map Requirements (minimum)
Regional Geologic Map
Site Geologic Map
Stratigraphic Column
Relevant Hazard Map
Engineering Geologic Map
Private Government MOA

MGB geologist


Review Internal

Revision to EMB


to EMB
May 22, 2000

Memorandum of Agreement
(Implementation of DENR AO 2000-28)

 Environmental Management Bureau

 Mines and Geosciences Bureau

 Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board


Management Bureau
 require all housing and land development
projects to submit EGGAR
 inform HLURB of projects already with ECC
but may need to undergo EGGAR
 issue certification as to compliance of or
exemption from EGGAR

Mines and
Geosciences Bureau
 provide expertise on request
 conduct GSS
 evaluate / verify pre-DAO 2000-28 EGGAR
 expenses by requesting party

Housing and Land Use

Regulatory Board

 require pre-DENR AO 2000-28 projects

with certification of compliance of or
exemption from EGGAR

 inform EMB and MGB on monitoring of

projects that may need EGGA


 Peter Anthony A. Abaya

Environmtal Management Bureau

 Horacio C. Ramos
Mines and Geosciences Bureau

 Romulo Q. Fabul
Housing and Land Use Regulatory

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