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Emma Rosendale

English 3H, block 1

Mrs. Storer

October 25, 2019


Almost 640,000 lives are taken a year through abortion in the Unites Stated alone, and

this number only continues to grow. Those are 640,000 lives that can could have been the

people to educate the next generations, the ones to save the world from global warming, or find

the cure for cancer. The possibilities are endless of what those lives could have been, but they

were never given the chance to reach their potential. Abortion should not be legal because it is

the killing of innocent lives and it causes both physical and psychological problems for the

woman getting the abortion.

A man was on trial for killing his pregnant wife. After all the evidence was presented, he

was charged with the double homicide of his wife and unborn child, implying that the fetus was a

human with rights. Life starts at conception and is a human being all throughout the mother’s

pregnancy even though they are not present. The law acknowledges this with laws like the one

calling the murder of a pregnant woman a “double murder”. As of right now, “38 states that

recognize the unlawful killing of an unborn child as homicide” (“State Homicide Laws That

Recognize Unborn Victims”). Our government acknowledges that an unborn child is still a living

being that has rights that need to be protected, yet abortion is still legal in 41 states with no

restrictions. One might say that an abortion is affecting the body of the woman who is carrying

the baby, which makes it her decision. Although, who is going to stand up for the fetus when
they can’t speak for themselves. The government needs to stick to the same principles as its other

legislations and protect the lives of these unborn children by abolishing abortion.

A girl gets pregnant at sixteen and is not ready to have a child. She gets an abortion

because she thinks it’s her only option and she doesn’t know the physical and emotional

consequences that will follow. She feels emotionally distressed ever since she gets the abortion

and when she gets older and is ready to have a child, she can’t because of the abortion she got

when she was sixteen. She was unaware of the consequences that will face after making this

decision. Researchers have found that abortions cause great phycological effects on the women

that abort their babies. "278 women of reproductive age (15-49) interviewed as study

population...The results revealed that at least one-third of the respondents have experienced

psychological side effects. Depression, worrying about not being able to conceive again and

abnormal eating behaviors were reported as dominant psychological consequences of abortion

among the respondents. Decreased self-esteem, nightmare, guilt, and regret..." (Pourezza,

Batebi). This goes to show what toll an abortion can take on your body, not to mention the

physical damage you can face. Two to four weeks after you get an abortion you can experience

the following side effects: “Abdominal pain and cramping, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea,

Spotting and bleeding” (“Possible Physical Side Effects After Abortion”). Some of the more

serios and long-term effects of abortions are “Heavy or persistent bleeding, infections or sepsis,

damage to the cervix, scarring in the uterine lining, damage to other organs, and death”

(“Possible Physical Side Effects After Abortion”). These side effects of the procedure are yet

another reason why abortions should not be legalized. It not only affects the life of the unborn

children, but they affect the women that are carrying the child.

Life begins at conception.

Work cited

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