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Arranged By:
Sulyan Andre Permana (17130017)


1.1. Background
In the context of interior design, it is very closely related to various
ergonomic space programs. Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary science / approach
that optimizes the human system and its work. All space programs must be
ergonomic to make it easier for users. Space programs that are important in the
context of a residential home are the bedroom, family room, bathroom and
kitchen. All space programs in a building are closely related to one another. Space
programs should be made as economical as possible, especially if there is
a lot of activity in the space. Everything must be designed so that users are
comfortable doing their activities. In the context of a residential home, compared
to other space programs, the kitchen is where the most activity takes place. The
kitchen must have a healthy space layout because the kitchen is the heart of the
activities of the occupants of the house.
In the kitchen space program, much must be considered. Starting from the
size of the kitchen that must match the users, to the distance for the circulation of
users to be able to move comfortably in the kitchen. In the kitchen there are
always 3 important activities, such as food storage, preparing food, until providing
food. Everything is interconnected and must be highly considered in designing it

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the problem, the author will discuss this
report with the following formula:
• What is the definition of kitchen and its type?
• How to design a kitchen to be ergonomic?
• Kitchen research / analysis that is used daily, is it ergonomic or not?
1.3 Writing Purpose

Based on the background and arrangement of the problems above, the

purpose of writing this report is as follows:
• Know the meaning of the kitchen and its type.
• Know how to design an ergonomic kitchen.
• Know whether the kitchen that is used daily is ergonomic or not.

1.4 Limitation of Problems

The issues to be discussed in this report are limited in terms of what must
be considered in making an ergonomic kitchen. The author limits the problem to
the scope of the residence.

1.5 Writing Benefits

The benefit of this writing is to provide information about the type of

kitchen and make it ergonomic so that it is comfortable for its users.

2.1 Definition of Kitchen

The kitchen literally means a place, usually in the house, where someone
does an activity to process and provide food or food. Activities like this are called
cooking activities. On the other hand, the word kitchen can also refer to this
cooking activity as well as the results of this activity.

a village kitchen in the priangan area in the 1920s

The kitchen is one of the few rooms that must exist in a residence. The
kitchen is the room that is arguably the busiest at home. Saving, mixing and
processing food is done here, three times a day. Work in the kitchen is carried out
from morning till night, starting from preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner. This
activity is estimated to take around eight hours a day. Cooking activities are
routine activities every day. The kitchen is not just a place to prepare food, but
can also be used as recreation, a place to communicate for family members.
An example of a modern kitchen
2.2 Kitchen Relationship with Ergonomics

The kitchen is an important point in a house, traditional kitchen has

changed a lot along with the development of technology and knowledge of
ergonomics. A good plan to create an ergonomic kitchen depends on your
lifestyle, eating habits and family intertain habits. Ergonomic kitchen is a kitchen
that is easy to be taken care of / cleaned, beautiful to look at, saves energy, and
makes the wearer save time in cooking (circulation).
Ergonomic kitchen design offers comfort and efficiency in the work area.
The kitchen is also a symbol of the family culture that uses it because it is the
center of various activities and the heart of a home. Each kitchen has a different
uniqueness. With an ergonomic kitchen, it can make the kitchen more functional,
efficient, comfortable and enjoyable.
Cooking activities can be categorized as half-heavy work. Working in the
kitchen is a tiring job. The attitude of forced labor due to using equipment that is
not suitable with ergonomic requirements will cause the body to feel tired which
can interfere with health. To overcome this, improvements were made by
adjusting the height of the work area by raising the work floor according to the
anthropometric size of the workers. The height of the work plane is 10 cm below
the height of the worker's elbow. This improvement is expected to change the
work attitude that is not ergonomic to ergonomic.
By using a pre-test and post-test group design, this study was carried out
and a sample size of 21 subjects, selected by simple random technique. Work
pulse is measured by the ten-beat method and subjective complaints on the
musculoskeletal skeletal muscular system are recorded with the Nordic Body Map
and forced attitudes are proven by recording workers' anthropometric
measurements and the dimensions of the work documentary equipment. The
statistical test used by the student t test.
The results of this study indicate that improvement in work attitude
reduces complaints on the skeletal muscle system by 23.96 percent (p less than
0.05) and decreases work pulse by 23.13 percent (p greater than 0.05). From this
study it can be concluded that by improving work attitudes it can reduce workload
in the form of additional burden, meaning that using an ergonomic kitchen will
get comfort for its residents.

2.3 Standard Ergonomic Kitchen Sizes

The number of activities carried out in the kitchen, making the kitchen
should be made as comfortable as possible. The trick is to make an ergonomic.

Example of an ergonomics kitchen

The surface of the work table must also be considered how wide. The
reach of human hands, especially women, is 85 cm in the future, while to the side
between 42cm - 62cm.
Talk size means talking numbers. Many people are lazy to pay attention to
it. In fact, to make an ergonomic kitchen, we can't help but talk about size, height,
low, length and width.
Maybe, you often feel uncomfortable working at a working table in your
home kitchen. Or, you find it difficult to reach objects stored in a cupboard or
hanging cabinet. Could be, this is because your kitchen is designed without regard
to ideal sizes.
The ideal size of a kitchen might seem trivial. But, you as a user can feel
the consequences yourself. Indiscriminate measurement can make working in the
kitchen uncomfortable. If you want more comfort, the size of the cupboard,
working table, and kitchen set should be adjusted to the height, even the size of
the elbows, from people who often do activities in the kitchen.
Some books about kitchens explain about the standard sizes of various kitchen
furniture, which we often neglect. The essence of the standard measures includes:

• The size of the work table

According to Gilly Love in her book Making the Ideal Kitchen, ideally the height
of this work area is the same height as the waist. In fact, it could be even lower if
used for heavier jobs than just concocting seasonings, for example cooking.
In this activity, the height of the table that is low enough will make the arm easier
to work when stirring or flipping food in a frying pan or pan.
• Coverage
The surface of the work table must also be considered how wide. The reach of
human hands, especially women, is 85 cm in the future, while to the side between
42cm - 62cm.
• Cabinet height
Storage cabinets are also often made without calculating the right size. In the
Kitchens That Work written by Martin Edic and Richard Edic said, that the height
of a storage cabinet that can still be reached by hands is 2m. The height of each
shelf in the cupboard also needs to be considered, the ideal size is around 65cm -
• Circulation
The distance of the corridor circulation between one work area and another, also
needs to be considered. Too narrow will make the kitchen feel cramped and
uncomfortable. Still from Kitchens That Work mentioned, that the optimal
distance that should be applied is 94cm.
• Washtub height
The next area is the kitchen sink. Imelda Akmal in his book Menata Rumah
Series: Dining Room writes that the height of the sink should be between 70cm -
80cm from the floor. So, users do not need to bend to reach the bottom of the tub.
Presumably, taking into account the size, height, low, length and width you are
more ready to design an ergonomic kitchen.

2.4 Aspects to Look For When Creating an Ergonomic Kitchen

Many things must be considered in making an ergonomic kitchen. Starting

from the arrangement of the kitchen set, the selection of kitchen sinks, to the size
of the work table and cabinets. the right storage for the kitchen owner. Do not
miss the circulation path and various standard sizes of kitchen furniture.
There are four aspects to think about:
1. Comfort
This one aspect can be related to adequate lighting, adequate circulation paths,
smooth air exchange, and so on. Besides being comfortable to cook, as much as
possible the kitchen is also comfortable to interact with the whole family.
2. Health
Kitchens that are made haphazardly, usually do not pay attention to the height of
the work table or storage cabinet. A desk that is too high or too low will make
your back work unnaturally. Similarly, the storage cabinet is too high, so we have
to stand on tiptoe to reach the object we need.
3. Security
The kitchen must be made as safe as possible for all family members. For
example, the ends of the table, island, or kitchen set are blunted to avoid severe
injuries if they are hit. One thing that is still rarely done is to place a fire alarm in
this area.
4. Productivity and work efficiency.
This has to do with the placement of furniture and the selection of kitchen
designs. We must be smart to organize the kitchen so that working in it becomes
more practical.

2.5 Types and Kitchen Zones

Along with the development of culture and technology, the shape of the
kitchen is also changing. Modern kitchen planning today follows the principle of
the triangle which states that the 3 main functions of a kitchen are storage (such as
a refrigerator), preparation, and cooking. This principle emphasizes that between
the three functions, they do not obstruct each other but also the distance between
the three is not too far.

Here are the kitchen zones according to the kitchen triangle principle:
Cooking zone
The area that accommodates the activities of preparing ingredients, concocting,
cooking, and serving food. This zone includes a work table (counter), stove, oven,
microwave, mixer, grill, and so on depending on the needs of its users.
Storage zone
Area to put food, both wet and dry. Wet foodstuffs are usually stored in the
refrigerator, while dry foodstuffs can be placed in a cupboard / other storage area.
For example, putting rice in the place of rice.
Clean water supply zone (washing zone)
The food zone and all cooking utensils, tableware, and food ingredients are
washed and dried.
In addition to the different zones, there are now also two types of kitchens that are
developing today, namely:

• Wet Kitchen
Wet kitchen is a type of kitchen that functions as a place to do cooking and
washing activities, including activities to warm food and drinks before serving.
Wet kitchen usually has a complete kitchen equipment, starting from the table top
as a work table, cabinet as a storage area, sink, and stove. Some are even equipped
with an island, cookerhood, and refrigerator.
There are three important things that need to be considered in the design of a wet
kitchen, namely the physical building, plumbing, and ventilation. This relates to
activities that occur in a wet kitchen.
• Dry Kitchen
Dry kitchen is usually only used to carry out food and beverage processing
activities that are practical and easily served, such as preparing bread and milk for
breakfast. For modern families, dry kitchen also functions as a gathering place for
family members, while enjoying small dishes and chatting.
Dry kitchen also known as pantry, kitchen equipment contained in this kitchen is
usually in the form of a pantry table equipped with chairs or bar stools, as well as
practical cooking tools such as microwaves or toasters to warm or bake bread. in
some cases, there are also stoves, especially those of induction cookers.
However, the two types of kitchen can also be applied at once. The choice of type
of kitchen that will be used will certainly affect the choice of kitchen set design.

2.6 Kitchen Setup

The kitchen is an inseparable part of the food industry, both commercial
and non-commercial. But the arrangement of the kitchen is sometimes only made
improvised, without careful planning by thinking about various aspects other than
the aspects of benefits such as aesthetics, work culture / flow chart and the
convenience of activities in it.
Determining the location of the equipment is one of the important steps to
do when planning the design / layout of the kitchen construction. The location of
the equipment is very supportive of an efficient, effective and energy-efficient
production process. This of course will also affect the profit you get, especially in
commercial kitchens.
There are no specific rules about how to arrange equipment in commercial
kitchens. It all depends on the available space and your specific needs related to
the type of menu produced and its capacity. In general, there are four types of
arrangement commonly used including:

• Ergonomic configuration

Ergonomic arrangement will consider the most comfortable and efficient position
for chefs and kitchen workers and is usually less energy efficient. For example, an
ergonomic kitchen should have a container / counter at the bottom of the freezer
located directly next to the commercial deep fryer or frying pan. Although it is
less energy efficient, this will make it easier for workers to take frozen food that
must be fried immediately, without having to go far.
• Assembly-Line Arrangement
This design is ideal for restaurants that produce the same food on a large scale,
such as pizza and sandwiches. In the assembly-line arrangement, the kitchen is
arranged according to the order of use, and each item of equipment is arranged
sequentially, in one straight line. For example, a kitchen in a pizza restaurant will
start with a refrigerator, move to the bread dough forming area, then to the pizza
preparation table, then to the pizza oven, and finally to the pizza storage or
packaging rack.
• Zone-style structuring
In the Zone-style arrangement, the kitchen is divided into zones or blocks.
Generally, there are food preparation blocks, processing blocks, cold storage
blocks and ice machines, sanitation and washing equipment blocks, and transition
blocks between kitchen and serving. It is even possible that there are many blocks,
for example a large kitchen may require two preparation blocks, near the
refrigerator and near the processing block.
• Island-style arrangement
Island-style kitchens are very popular both in residential kitchens and commercial
kitchens. Similar to zone-style arrangement, but there is a main block in the
middle. Usually commercial kitchens with island arrangement place processing
equipment in the middle with food preparation, storage and serving transitions on
the edges or walls. The reverse arrangement is also widely chosen, namely
preparation in the middle, and processing in the periphery.

2.7 Shape of the Kitchen

By referring to the zoning / arrangement above, several common kitchen

forms are implemented including:
• Kitchen in one linear line (Single Line Kitchen)
This layout is in the form of a linear line, meaning that all kitchen activities are
attached to one wall. This type is suitable for narrow spaces / elongated or a small
kitchen. Sinks are usually placed in the middle flanked by a stove and refrigerator.

Example single line kitchen

• Corridor type kitchen (Double Line Kitchen)

Kitchen layout like this can be placed on both sides of the facing wall, or on one
wall with an area in the middle of the room. The second layout makes different
areas in the middle accessible from two directions. As an alternative, the kitchen
arrangement can be arranged into a cooking zone and clean water for one side,
while on the other side for a storage zone. Another alternative is that the kitchen is
designed with a separate cooking zone, while the clean water and storage zones
are placed on one side.
Example double line kitchen
• L type kitchen
This type of kitchen creates an optimal circulation area / space for users. This
kitchen is placed on 2 walls that intersect (in the corner). Very suitable for large
and small kitchens. As an alternative arrangement, use the longer side for the
cooking zone and clean water, while for the storage zone on the other side. But if
the L shape is very long side, put the three zones in the corner so that it makes it
easy for users.

Example of type L kitchen

• U-type kitchens
U shape kitchen occupies 3 walls. This type creates a storage area that is quite a
lot and effective. The three sides can be used as storage. The arrangement of the
zones can also be more flexible depending on the needs of its users.
Example of type U kitchen

• Island Kitchen
This type of kitchen in accordance with the above island-style arrangement. The
layout is usually formed from a single line kitchen or type L kitchen with an
additional island (center table). Besides being a permanent table, the island can
also be a trolley-shaped work table that is easily moved. This kitchen is preferred
because of the many types of design and flexible. The function of the island itself
is not only as a work table or stove, but can also function as a kitchen and room
separator with an open plan.

Island kitchen

Sometimes, the kitchen also has a place that serves as a dining room too.

2.8 Kitchen Analysis

Ergonomics aspects in an interior design process is an important factor in
supporting the comfort of its users. Especially in terms of spatial planning and
facility activities. The need to pay attention to the ergonomics factor in the
process of designing space programs in the current decade is something that
cannot be delayed anymore. This will not be separated from the discussion of
anthropometric measurements of the body and the application of anthropometric
data. In this case, the work facilities, which are dish washing, cooking and storage
zones, are discussed whether the planning has been ergonomic so as to provide
comfort, health, and safety for its users so that the user can work effectively and
User anthropometry data:
Average height: 158cm.
Waist height to foot base: 92cm.
Sleeve length: 70cm

Cooking zone
Height from floor: 79cm
Length: 72 cm
Width: 42 cm

Washing zone stand up

Height from floor: 82cm.
Length: 84 cm
Width: 44 cm

Squat washing zone

Length: 121 cm
Width: 115 cm
The kitchen as a whole

Desain Ergonomi interior

The height of the cooking counter is made shorter than the others because
it uses a gas stove that is bought on the market. For users, the height of the
cooking and washing zone is suitable for the user because the kitchen user's height
is not too high so it does not require a higher kitchen counter.
Squat washing zones are added because users like to have parties and cook
a lot of dishes at home, so it requires more extensive washing tepa like that in
order to facilitate users when washing a lot of cooking utensils.
The view from the kitchen triangle, is less efficient because the storage
area (refrigerator) is located somewhat away from the other 2 zones.
Judging from the form of the kitchen which is a type U kitchen, because
users like to buy a lot of cooking utensils from tv or other places, so it requires a
lot of storage. The kitchen is not pleasing to the eye because everything is not
neatly arranged (messy). Because it is not specifically designed and may not be
made kitchen sets (storage cabinets) that at least cover and store all cooking

• The kitchen is an important space program in a house, a center of activity in a
• The kitchen must be made as economical as possible so that users are
comfortable working in the kitchen, because of the many activities that occur in
the kitchen.
• The kitchen zone is divided into 3 namely washing, cooking and storage zones
• Types of kitchens are clean kitchens and dirty kitchens.
• There are 5 kinds of kitchen shapes, namely single line kitchen, double line
kitchen, L shape, U shape and island kitchen.

Mathen, Rymala. 2011. Application of Ergonomics in Kitchen Designing. LAP
Lambert Acad. Publ
Soewarno, Aik. 2001. Ergonomic Residence Residential Kitchen for the
Occupants. ITB Cental Library

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