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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) February/March 2016
1 hour 45 minutes


This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: Ladakh

In this passage, the writer describes his experiences while travelling in Ladakh in Northern India
to make a television travel documentary about the city of Leh.

Ladakh, meaning ‘many passes’,

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perhaps just the power and influence that came from living
on the Silk Route.

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: How to trek to Everest Base Camp

The following passage is an extract from a travel guide written for tourists planning to trek to the Everest
Base Camp.

Today, the trek to Everest Base Camp

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or be prepared to blister.

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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
* 5 4 7 1 2 4 2 0 9 3 *


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) February/March 2016
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on this Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages, 1 blank page and 1 Reading Booklet Insert.

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Read carefully Passage A, Ladakh in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions 1 and 2
on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1

(a) Give two details that the writer mentions about the style of building in Ladakh (paragraph
one, ‘Ladakh, meaning ‘many passes’…’).

• ................................................................................................................................................

• ............................................................................................................................................[2]

(b) The writer suggests two possible uses for the ‘hair pieces’ (line 5) on the rooftops.
Using your own words, state one of these possible uses.


(c) Using your own words, explain, as fully as you can, the meaning of one of the warnings
mentioned on lines 14–15 ‘Peep Peep…the Late Mr’.





(d) In paragraph three, the writer describes the good condition of the road (‘As we drive…’).

Using your own words, explain:

(i) why the writer is surprised by this (lines 15–16).


(ii) the reason why the road is so well-maintained (lines 16–18).


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(e) Re-read paragraphs four and five (‘The scenery…after them’).

Using your own words, explain:

(i) what the stupas are used for (lines 25–27).


(ii) the writer’s thoughts and feelings as he wanders amongst them (lines 28–32).




(f) What detail of the location of Ladakh does the writer refer to in both the first and last
paragraphs (‘Ladakh, meaning ‘many passes’… and ‘I have the feeling…’)?


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(g) Complete parts (i) and (ii) to answer Question 1(g).

(i) Re-read paragraphs two, three and four (‘The run-down…their possessions.’)
Explain using your own words, what the writer means by the words underlined in three of
the following phrases:

1. ‘The run-down palace that dominates the centre’ (line 7)

2. ‘The streets of Leh are busy, in a low-tech way ’ (lines 8–9)
3. ‘the slim green band of cultivation ’ (line 13)
4. ‘The scenery has a gaunt and minimal beauty ’ (line 19)

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4: …

Meaning of the word underlined : ...................................................................................[1]

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4: …

Meaning of the word underlined : ...................................................................................[1]

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4: …

Meaning of the word underlined : ...................................................................................[1]

(ii) Explain how the writer conveys the landscape of Ladakh through the use of language in
each phrase you have chosen in 1(g)(i).

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the words underlined.

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4: …

Explanation .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4: …

Explanation .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4: …

Explanation .......................................................................................................................


[Total: 20]

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Turn to page 6 for Question 2

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Question 2

Imagine that you are the writer of the article. Before you leave the Ladakh area, you are
interviewed on the radio about your recent travels.

Write the words of the interview.

In your interview you are asked the following three questions only:

• Could you tell us about your journey so far?

• What was most memorable about your visit to Ladakh?
• Who might enjoy going to Ladakh and why should they visit?

Base your interview responses on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful
to use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

You should begin your interview with the first question: ‘Could you tell us about…?’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.

















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[Total: 15]
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Read carefully Passage B, How to trek to Everest Base Camp, in the Reading Booklet Insert and
then answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3

Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What advice does Passage B give to people planning to trek to Everest Base Camp?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Advice given to people planning to trek to Everest Base Camp:

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

3 ..........................................................................................................................................

4 ..........................................................................................................................................

5 ..........................................................................................................................................

6 ..........................................................................................................................................

7 ..........................................................................................................................................

8 ..........................................................................................................................................

9 ..........................................................................................................................................

10 ........................................................................................................................................


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(b) Summary

Now use your notes from Question 3(a) to write a summary of what advice Passage B gives
to people planning to trek to Everest Base Camp.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.





















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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 0500/12/F/M/16

Cambridge International Examinations
International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2016
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the
Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading
Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Read Passage A carefully and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: The House in the Mist

In this extract from a mystery story, the narrator describes what happens when he comes across
a lonely house in a remote part of the countryside.

My path to the house was by no means an easy one. After confused wanderings through
tangled hedges, struggling with obstacles that looked strange to me in the surrounding
gloom, I arrived in front of a long, low building. There, to my astonishment, I found doors
and windows open to the pervading mist, except for one square window through which
a light shone from a row of candles on a long mahogany table. 5

The quiet and apparent emptiness of this odd and picturesque building made me pause.
I am not much affected by the appearance of things, but this silent room, with its sinister
atmosphere, made me feel uneasy. I was about to reconsider and go back to the road,
when a second look at the comfortable interior I was leaving, convinced me that I was
being foolish and sent me straight back to the door which stood open so invitingly. 10

But half-way up the path, my progress was halted by the sight of a man coming out of
the house that I had wrongly assumed to be empty. He seemed to be in a hurry and,
at the moment when I first saw him, was busy putting his watch back in his pocket. He
did not shut the door behind him, which I thought odd, especially as he had been looking
behind him. He seemed to take in all the details of the place he was so hurriedly leaving. 15

As we met, he raised his hat. This also struck me as unusual, for he displayed more
respect than that usually shown to strangers. I was further puzzled that he showed little
surprise at bumping into another person in these remote, misty surroundings. Indeed,
he was so little impressed by my being there that he nearly passed me without a word
or any other hint of greeting, except the raising of his hat. But this did not satisfy me. I 20
was hungry, cold, and eager for creature comforts, and the house before me offered
not only warmth, but gave out an inviting smell of food being cooked which was difficult
to ignore. I therefore spoke to the man.

‘Will a bed and supper be available for me here?’ I asked. ‘I am tired out after a long
hike over the hills, and hungry enough to pay anything within reason—.’ 25

I stopped, for the man had disappeared. He had not paused when I spoke and the mist
had swallowed him. However, when I paused, his voice came back in a friendly tone
and I heard:

‘Supper will be ready at nine, and there are beds for all. Please enter; you are the first
to arrive, but the others cannot be far behind.’ 30

A peculiar greeting, certainly, but when I tried to ask him to explain, his voice returned
to me from so far away that I doubted if my words had reached him with any more clarity
than his answer reached me.

I thought to myself, ‘Well, it isn’t as if a place to stay has been denied me. He invited
me to enter, and enter I will.’ 35

The house, which I now scrutinised more carefully, was no ordinary farm building, but
a rambling old mansion. It had been made even larger by extensions that jutted out

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here and there and several out-buildings. Although it was furnished and lit by candles,
it had about it an air of disuse which made me feel like an intruder, despite the welcome
I had received. But I could not wait any longer. I quickly entered the great room and 40
stood before the blazing logs; their glow lit up the doorway and made the room seem
even more inviting.

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Hadrian's Villa

This passage is an extract from a tourist guide to Rome and gives details of a grand villa built for
the Emperor Hadrian in the second century CE.

Built as a private residence between CE 118 and 134, Hadrian's Villa was a vast open-air museum
of the finest architecture in the Roman world. The grounds of the Imperial Palace covered an area
of 120 hectares and were filled with full-scale reproductions of the emperor's favourite buildings
from Greece and Egypt. Although excavations on this site began in the 16th century, many of the
ruins lying scattered in the surrounding fields have yet to be identified with any certainty.

The grounds of the villa make a very picturesque site for a picnic, with scattered fragments of
columns lying among olive trees and cypresses. For an idea of how the whole complex would have
looked in its prime, visitors can study the scale model in the building beside the car park. The most
important buildings are signposted and several have been partially restored or reconstructed. One
of the most impressive is the so-called Maritime Theatre. This is a round pool with an island in the
middle, surrounded by columns. The island, reached by means of a swing bridge, was probably
Hadrian's private studio, where he withdrew from the cares of running an empire to indulge in his
two favourite interests: painting and architecture.

There were also theatres, Greek and Latin libraries, two bathhouses, extensive housing for guests
and the palace staff, and formal gardens with fountains, statues and pools. Hadrian also loved
Greek philosophy. One part of the gardens is thought to have been Hadrian's reproduction of the
Grove of Academe, where Plato lectured to his students. The most ambitious of Hadrian's replicas
was the Canopus, a sanctuary of the god Serapis near Alexandria. For this a canal 119 metres
long was dug and Egyptian statues were imported to decorate the temple and its grounds. This
impressive piece of engineering has been restored and the banks of the canal are lined with statues.

Another picturesque spot in the grounds is the Vale of Tempe, the legendary home of the goddess
Diana, with a stream representing the River Peneios. Below ground the emperor even built a fanciful
re-creation of the underworld, Hades. This was reached through underground tunnels, of which
there were many linking the various parts of the villa. The villa fell into disrepair after it was plundered
by barbarian hordes in the 6th and 8th centuries.

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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2016
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the
Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading
Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: The Old Stone House

In this extract from a mystery story, the narrator, who is a journalist, describes finding a deserted
house in the middle of a forest.

One autumn day I was travelling through a remote countryside area, when suddenly I
saw an old stone house. Its marks of age contrasted so sharply with its unfinished
condition that I stopped and looked closely at the deserted structure. It was sheltered
by a forest which had greatly expanded since the construction of this building. The
branches of some of the tallest trees almost met across its decayed roof. At first, it gave 5
the appearance of picturesque solitude almost approaching desolation. However, I saw
that moss was clinging to the roof, which was still supported by scaffolding. I also noticed
that of the ten large windows in the blackened front of the house, only two were fitted
with frames. A feeling of some tragic mystery from the past began to creep over me,
and my curiosity made me take a closer look at the place. 10

The heavy front door which had endured years of dripping rain, but which had never
been fitted, leaned against the side of the house. Close beside it yawned the entrance,
a large black gap through which nearly a century of storms had rushed with their winds
and rain. The woodwork was green with moisture and slippery with rot. I instinctively
glanced at the scaffolding above me, and noticed with surprise that it had partially fallen 15
away. It was as if time were weakening its supports and making the collapse of the
whole structure a threatening possibility. Worried in case it might fall while I stood there,
I did not wait long beneath it. With a shudder I stepped into the house and began to
inspect its rotting, bare and unfinished walls. I found them all in a similar condition. A
fine house had once been planned and nearly completed, but it had been abandoned 20
before the fireplaces had been tiled, or the woodwork painted. The staircase which ran
up through the centre of the house was without banisters but otherwise finished and
fairly well preserved. Not being able to resist the temptation to explore the rest of the
house, I climbed the stairs.

Here the doors were fitted and the fireplaces completed, and as I wandered from room 25
to room I wondered more than ever what had caused the desertion of so promising a
building. If, as appeared, the first owner had died suddenly, why was an heir not found?
What could be the story of a place so abandoned and left to destruction that its walls
gave no indication of ever having offered shelter to a human being? As I could not
answer these questions I allowed my imagination to run free, and was just forming 30
some weird explanation of the facts before me when I felt my arm suddenly seized from

Was I then not alone in the deserted building? Was there some solitary being who
inhabited this desolate place and who had intruded within its mysterious walls? I had
scarcely the courage to ask, but when I turned and saw what it was that had alarmed 35
me, I did not know whether to laugh at my fears or feel increased wonder at my

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Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Great Zimbabwe

This passage gives information about Great Zimbabwe which over 500 years ago was a great city
and the home of the Shona people, some of the original inhabitants of Zimbabwe.

The impressive ruins of Great Zimbabwe cover an area of some 80 hectares and lie
30 kilometres from Masvingo. Scientific studies have proved that Great Zimbabwe was
founded in the 11th century on a site which had been sparsely inhabited in the prehistoric
period by the Shona people. In the 14th century, it was the principal city of a major
state, extending over the gold-rich land; its population was more than 10,000 inhabitants. 5
In about CE 1450, this capital was abandoned, not as a result of war, but because the
surrounding area could no longer provide food for the overpopulated city, and
deforestation made it necessary to go further and further to find firewood.

The ruins of Great Zimbabwe are a unique testimony to the lost civilization of the Shona
people. A unique artistic achievement, this great city has struck the imagination of 10
African and European travellers since the Middle Ages, as can be seen by long-standing
legends. The entire Zimbabwe nation has identified with this historically symbolic group
of buildings. It has adopted the steatite bird, possibly a royal symbol, as its emblem.

From the 11th to 15th centuries, the wealth of Great Zimbabwe was associated with
gold trading, which was controlled by Arab merchants, and extensive trade activities 15
on the east coast of Africa. In addition to jewellery, archaeological excavations in Great
Zimbabwe unearthed glass beads and fragments of porcelain and pottery of Chinese
and Persian origin. This is an indication of the extent of trade within the continent. A
14th century Arab coin from Kilwa (an island off Tanzania) was also found; it was
reissued in 1972. 20

The territory includes the three main areas of Great Zimbabwe. Firstly, there are the
Hill Ruins, which form a huge granite mass facing north-east/south-west and are
generally considered to have been a royal city and the residence of successive chiefs.
Next comes the Great Enclosure which lies below the hill to the south and dates from
the 14th century and is where families lived. Finally, the Valley Ruins are a series of 25
dwellings scattered throughout the valley. Discoveries made in these areas have given
us precise information about the farming activities and cultural life of the inhabitants at
the time of Great Zimbabwe’s heyday and about earthenware and other craft activities.

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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2016
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the
Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading
Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: The Open Window

In this extract from a mystery story, the narrator is caught in a rainstorm in the middle of a forest
and finds an apparently empty house with an open window which might offer shelter.

I looked closely, and mentally photographed all the little details of the house in front of
which I was standing. An instant earlier, the world swam before my eyes. Then, I had
seen nothing, but now I saw everything, with a clearness which was shocking.

More than anything, I saw the open window. I stared at it, aware as I did so, of a curious
tightening of my throat caused by a sense of uneasiness. It was so near to me, so very 5
near. I only had to stretch out my hand to thrust it through the opening of the window.
Once inside, my hand would at least be dry. How it rained out here! My thin clothing
was soaked; I was wet to the skin! I was shivering. Each second, it seemed to rain still
more heavily. My teeth were chattering. The damp was chilling the very marrow in my
bones. 10

Inside that open window, it was, it must be, so warm, so dry!

There was not a soul in sight. Not a human being anywhere near. I listened; there was
not a sound. I alone was at the mercy of the rain-soaked night. Of all living creatures I
was the only one unsheltered from the sky which had been opened. There was no-one
to see what I might do; no-one to care. I had no need to fear being spied upon. Perhaps 15
the house was empty. It was clearly my duty to knock at the door, wake the inhabitants,
and call their attention to the open window. The least they could do would be to reward
me for my trouble. But, suppose the place was empty, what would be the use of
knocking? It would be to make a useless clatter. Possibly to disturb the neighbourhood,
for nothing. Even if they were at home, I might go unrewarded. 20

Leaning over a low wall I found that I could very easily put my hand inside the room.
How warm it was in there! I could feel the difference of temperature in my fingertips.
Very quietly I stepped right over the wall. There was just room to stand comfortably
between the window and the wall. The ground felt to my foot as if it were cemented.
Stooping down, I peered through the opening. I could see nothing. It was pitch black 25
inside. The blind was drawn right up; it seemed incredible that anyone could be at home,
and have gone to bed, leaving the blind up, and the window open. I placed my ear to
the opening. It was so still there was no doubt, the place was empty.

I decided to push the window up a few centimetres, so as to enable me to look round.

If anyone caught me in the act, then there would be an opportunity to describe the 30
circumstances, and to explain how I was just about to raise the alarm. Only, I must go
carefully. In such damp weather it was likely that the window frame would creak as I
opened it further.

However, it gave no sound at all. It moved as easily and as noiselessly as if it had been
oiled. The silence gave me such confidence that I raised the window more than I 35
intended. In fact, as far as it would go. It did not betray me – not even by the slightest
sound. Bending over the sill I put my head and half my body into the room. But I was
no further forward. I could see nothing. Not a thing. For all I could tell the room might
be unfurnished. Indeed, the likelihood of such an explanation began to occur to me. I
might have found an empty house. In the darkness there was nothing to suggest it 40
wasn't empty. What was I to do next?

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Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Ggantija

The following passage gives information about Ggantija, two ancient remains on the island of Gozo
in the Mediterranean.

The Ggantija Temples are two prehistoric temples on Gozo, the second largest island in Malta.
One of them is the oldest stone structure in the world, pre-dating the Great Pyramids by hundreds
of years. Round in shape and containing statues of goddesses, the Ggantija temples were dedicated
to the Great Earth Mother and probably included an oracle where a priestess would give predictions
of the future. The site was a place of pilgrimage for the ancient inhabitants of Malta and even for
pilgrims from North Africa and Sicily.

The two temples of Gjantija are estimated to be 5,800 years old (built between BCE 3600 and
3000). According to an ancient legend, the temple walls were built in one day and one night by a
female giant named Sunsuna, who did it while nursing a baby. Ggantija is Maltese for ‘giant's grotto’.

According to archaeologists, the Ggantija Temples were dedicated to the Great Earth Mother, a
goddess of fertility. Evidence indicates there was an oracle here, as at the much later Temple of
Apollo at Delphi. A priestess prophesied while in a trance, possessed by the spirit of the goddess.
Ggantija also seems to have been a place to pray for the sick to be healed.

In addition to being the oldest, the Ggantija temples are the most complete complex of shrines on
Malta. The two temples cover a total area of 3,000 square metres. They are surrounded by a wall,
which reaches up to two metres, and they share a courtyard at the front.

As with many ancient sites built with large stones, it is hard to imagine how the builders were able
to hoist stones weighing several tonnes into place. However, the slabs may have been rolled into
place on ‘roller stones’ about the size of cannon balls, which have been found on the site.

Each temple consists of five arched alcoves connected by a central corridor that leads to the
innermost section. The first temple is larger and has niches with altars decorated with carvings.
The second has none of these features. The large shared courtyard may have been where
congregations gathered to attend rituals, while the inner rooms of the temple were reserved for the

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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21

Cambridge International Examinations
International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2016

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


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Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, The House in the Mist, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

1 (a) Give two reasons why the narrator found it difficult to get to the house (paragraph one, ‘My
path to the...’).

• .........................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by ‘this odd and picturesque building
made me pause’ (line 6).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Why did the narrator decide not to go back to the road (paragraph two, ‘The quiet and apparent ...’)?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) Re-read paragraph three, ‘But half-way...hurriedly leaving’. What was unusual about the way
the man left the house?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(e) Re-read paragraph four, ‘As we the man.’. Explain as fully as you can, what caused
the narrator to feel ‘puzzled’ about the behaviour of the man.




........................................................................................................................................... [3]

(f) Explain as fully as you can, what the narrator says about his attempt to speak further with the
man (paragraph eight, ‘A peculiar greeting...’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18


(g) (i) Re-read paragraphs one, two and ten (‘My path to invitingly.’ and ‘The
house...more inviting.’). Explain using your own words, what the writer means by the
words underlined in three of the following phrases:

1. ‘I found doors and windows open to the pervading mist’ (lines 3—4)
2. ‘this silent room, with its sinister atmosphere’ (lines 7—8)
3. ‘I now scrutinised more carefully’ (line 36)
4. ‘it had about it an air of disuse which made me feel like an intruder’ (line 39)

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 ..................

Meaning of the word underlined: ...........................................................................

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 ..................

Meaning of the word underlined: ...........................................................................

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 ..................

Meaning of the word underlined: ........................................................................... [3]

(ii) Explain how the writer conveys the nature of the house and the narrator’s feelings about
it through the use of language in each of the phrases you have chosen in Question

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the word underlined.

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 ..................

Explanation ............................................................................................................


Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 ..................

Explanation ............................................................................................................


Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 ..................

Explanation ............................................................................................................



[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18 [Turn over


2 Imagine that you are the narrator of the story. You enter the house and after waiting a few minutes,
other people begin to arrive. It is now the afternoon of the following day...

Write a letter to your older brother or sister describing your impressions of the house and your
experiences since you discovered it.

In your letter you should:

• describe how you first discovered the house

• describe your thoughts and feelings when you met the man leaving the house
• explain what you discovered after you entered the house.

Base your letter on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your letter, ‘Dear...’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality
of your writing.



















© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18































.................................................................................................................................................. [15]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18 [Turn over


Read carefully Passage B, Hadrian's Villa, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

3 Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the structure and main features of Hadrian’s Villa and grounds and
the reasons why it was built, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the structure and main features of Hadrian’s villa and grounds and
the reasons why it was built:










10....................................................................................................................................... [10]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the structure and
main features of Hadrian’s Villa and grounds and the reasons why it was built.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.





















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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Additional Page

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must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_11_2016_1.18

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2016

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
The Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 10 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, The Old Stone House, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

1 (a) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by, ‘Its marks of age contrasted so
sharply with its unfinished condition’ (paragraph one, ‘One autumn day...’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Give two details from paragraph one that tell you that the house was unfinished and abandoned
(‘One autumn day...’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) The narrator says he instinctively glanced at the scaffolding (lines 14-15). Why does the narrator
do this?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) Give two details that the narrator mentions about the condition of the staircase (lines 21-24).

• .........................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [2]

(e) Using your own words, explain the narrator’s reasons for climbing the stairs (lines 23-24).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21


(f) Re-read paragraph three (‘Here the doors...from behind’). Using your own words, explain
as fully as you can, the narrator’s questions about the mystery of the house.



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21 [Turn over


(g) (i) Re-read paragraphs one, two and four (‘One autumn day...climbed the stairs’ and ‘Was
I surroundings’). Explain using your own words, what the writer means by
the words underlined in three of the following phrases:

1. ‘it gave the appearance of picturesque solitude almost approaching desolation’

(lines 5-6)
2. ‘my curiosity made me take a closer look’ (line 10)
3. ‘The heavy front door which had endured years of dripping rain’ (line 11)
4. ‘Was there some solitary being who inhabited this desolate place’ (line 33-34)

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........

Meaning of the word underlined:............................................................................

Phrase selected:1, 2, 3 or 4 .........

Meaning of the word underlined:............................................................................

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........

Meaning of the word underlined:............................................................................ [3]

(ii) Explain how the writer’s use of language in each of the phrases you have chosen
in 1(g)(i) helps to suggest the nature of the house and the narrator’s feelings about it.

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the words underlined.

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........



Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........



Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........




[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21



© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21 [Turn over


2 Imagine that you are the narrator of Passage A. It is two days after the events described in the
passage and you are writing an account of your experience for your newspaper.

Write your newspaper report.

In your newspaper report you should:

• describe how you first discovered the house and your impressions of it
• describe your thoughts and feelings while you were exploring the house
• say what happened after your arm was grabbed.

Base your newspaper report on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be
careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your newspaper report with the headline ‘Mysterious events at the Old Stone House’.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality
of your writing.

















© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21






























© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21 [Turn over





.................................................................................................................................................. [15]

Read carefully Passage B, Great Zimbabwe, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 3(a) and 3(b) on this Question Paper.

3 Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the structure and history of Great Zimbabwe, according to Passage

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.
You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the structure and history of Great Zimbabwe:










10....................................................................................................................................... [10]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the structure and
history of Great Zimbabwe.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.

















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_12_2016_1.21

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2016

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, The Open Window, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

1 (a) Explain what the narrator means by the phrase ‘mentally photographed’ (line 1).


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Using your own words, explain fully the narrator’s thoughts when looking at the window
(paragraph 2 ‘More than anything...’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) From lines 16 to 20, give two reasons why the narrator is persuaded not to knock on the door
of the house (‘It was clearly...unrewarded.’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Using your own words, explain the narrator’s reasons for thinking that the house was definitely
empty (lines 26-28).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(e) What answer did the narrator plan to give in the event of being caught climbing through the
window (lines 30-31)?


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21


(f) State two of the narrator’s thoughts while climbing through the window (lines 32-41, ‘In such
damp weather...What was I to do next?’).

• .........................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21 [Turn over


(g) (i) Re-read paragraphs one, two and seven (‘I looked bones’ and ‘
next?’). Explain using your own words, what the writer means by the words underlined
in three of the following phrases:

1. ‘An instant earlier, the world swam before my eyes’ (line 2)

2. ‘a curious tightening of my throat’ (lines 4-5)
3. ‘caused by a sense of uneasiness’ (line 5)
4. ‘It did not betray me – not even by the slightest sound’ (lines 36-37)

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........

Meaning of the words underlined:..........................................................................

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........

Meaning of the words underlined:..........................................................................

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........

Meaning of the words underlined:.......................................................................... [3]

(ii) Explain how the writer’s use of language in each of the phrases you have chosen
in 1(g)(i) helps to suggest the narrator’s thoughts and feelings.

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the words underlined.

Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........



Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........



Phrase selected: 1, 2, 3 or 4 .........


................................................................................................................................ [6]

[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21



© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21 [Turn over


2 Imagine that you are the narrator of Passage A. It is the morning after the events described in the
passage and you are writing a journal entry. In your journal entry you describe the events of the
day before.

Write your journal entry.

In your journal entry you should:

• describe how you first discovered the house and your impressions of it
• describe your thoughts and feelings while you were standing in the rain
• give an account of what happened after you climbed through the open window.

Base your journal entry on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful
to use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your journal entry, ‘I am still trying to understand exactly what happened yesterday...’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality
of your writing.



















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© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21 [Turn over


Read carefully Passage B, Ggantija, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and 3(b) on this Question Paper.

3 Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the building structure of Ggantija and the activities that took place
there, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.
You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the building structure of Ggantija and the activities that took place












© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the building structure
of Ggantija and the activities that took place there.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.

















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 06_0500_13_2016_1.21

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes


This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading Booklet
Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

DC (LK) 111864/4
© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: The Mountain Pass

In the following passage the narrator describes a dangerous journey by car along a mountain road to
help a friend who is in danger.

For a little time I drove cautiously, for the road had many twists and the snow was confusing to
the eyes. Then there was a sharp drop and I speeded up. It grew colder, and I shivered a little.
The snow became a wet white fog around the glowing arc of the headlights; always the road fell,
now in long curves, now in steep short dips, until I was aware of a valley opening towards the
south. As I had lived in this remote area for many years I had some sense of the landscape and 5
knew where the ravine narrowed or widened, though it was black darkness.

In spite of my restlessness I had to go slowly, for after the first rush downhill I realised that,
unless I was careful, I might wreck the car and spoil everything. The surface of the road on the
southern slope of the mountains was far worse than that on the other. I skidded and side-slipped,
and once grazed the edge of the gorge. It was far more exasperating than the climb up. That had 10
been a straightforward grind with the car trying its best to reach the top, whereas going down, I
had to hold it back because of my own lack of skill. I consider that time crawling down from the
summit as some of the weariest hours I ever spent.

Quite suddenly I came out of the bad weather into a different climate. The sky was clear above
me, and I saw that dawn was very near. The first pinewoods were beginning, and at last came a 15
straight slope where I could let the car accelerate. I began to feel more positive and to estimate
the distance I had still to travel. Then, without warning, a new world sprang up around me. Out
of the blue dusk, indistinct white shapes appeared, peaks and needles and domes of ice, their
bases fading mistily into shadow, but their tops glowing like jewels. I had never seen such a
sight, and the wonder of it for a moment made me feel less anxious. Moreover, it gave me a 20
sense of victory. I was in full daylight, and surely, in this clear air, my fears that had arisen during
the night would be defeated.

And then I saw, a short distance ahead, the little square red-roofed house that was the home of
my friend, Geoffrey.

I had grown careless and looked at the house instead of the road. At one point the hillside had 25
slipped down onto the road and I did not notice the landslide until it was right in front of me.
I swerved too far to the right and, before I knew it, the car went over the edge. I slammed on
the brakes, but too late. The car slithered down the steep bank into a meadow and ran into a
fallen tree trunk with a jolt that shook me out of my seat and nearly broke my arm. Even before
examining the car, I knew what the damage would be. The front axle was bent, and the front 30
wheels badly buckled. I had no time to curse my stupidity. I clambered back to the road and
started running down it towards the house.

There was a man at the door who, catching sight of my approach, rushed to meet me. I saw that
it was Geoffrey, but his face was pale and terrified. He looked gaunt and haggard like one who
had not slept for several nights, and his eyes were hot coals. 35

‘Richard!’ he cried. ‘Help me, please!’

© UCLES 2016 0500/11/INSERT/O/N/16


Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: A Guide to Surviving Hurricanes

A hurricane is a tropical weather system with winds that have reached a sustained speed of
100 kilometres per hour (kph) or more. Hurricane winds blow in a large spiral around a relatively calm
centre, known as the ‘eye’. The eye is generally 30–40 kilometres wide, and the storm may extend
outward from it for 600 kilometres. Walls are torn from concrete buildings, five-metre-tall trees ripped
from the earth and six-metre-high waves crash to shore. The power of hurricanes is awesome.
Hurricanes can create tornadoes. Floods and flash floods are generated by torrential rains that
accompany hurricanes. Even more dangerous is the storm surge – a dome of ocean water that, at its
peak, can be nine metres high and 80–160 metres wide. The surge can devastate coastal communities
as it sweeps ashore.

As a hurricane approaches, the sky darkens and winds strengthen. As it nears land, it can bring torrential
rains, high winds and storm surges. A hurricane can stretch the entire length of a country’s coastline,
with winds extending inland for hundreds of kilometres. Hurricanes are classified into five categories
according to wind speed. Category 1 is the mildest, with winds from 120 to 150 kph. Category 5 is the
strongest, with winds above 240 kph.

Fortunately, there are measures that can be taken by individuals and communities before a hurricane
strikes to reduce vulnerability to hurricane hazards. Simple construction measures, such as placing
storm shutters over exposed glass or installing hurricane straps on roofs, have proved effective in
limiting damage when hurricanes strike. Communities can improve protection from hurricanes by
adopting and enforcing building regulations for wind and flood resistance. Sensible land-use planning
also can ensure that structures are not built in high-risk areas. The hurricane season lasts from June to
November, and August and September are the peak months.

© UCLES 2016 0500/11/INSERT/O/N/16



Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 0500/11/INSERT/O/N/16

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes


This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading Booklet
Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

DC (RW) 111862/3
© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: A Disturbed Night

Isaac is on a journey in an unfamiliar place as night is approaching.

Just as it was getting dark, the rain started and the wind began to rise. Isaac found himself, to
make matters worse, in a part of the country he had not been to before, though he knew he was
only twenty kilometres from home. The first house he found to inquire at was a lonely road-side
hotel, standing on the edge of a dense wood. Solitary as the place looked, it was welcome to a
lost man like Isaac, who was also hungry, thirsty, wet and had sore feet. The landlord seemed 5
polite and respectable, and the price for a bed was reasonable enough. Isaac, therefore, decided
on staying there in comfort for that night.

Isaac’s supper simply consisted of a slice of home-made bread, some cheese and a cup of
tea. He did not go to bed immediately after this moderate meal, but sat up with the landlord. He
talked about his journey and his long run of bad luck. Isaac was by nature a mild-mannered man. 10
Nothing was said by his host, or the few visitors who strayed into the dining room, which could
have excited Isaac’s limited imagination.

When the hotel closed, Isaac went round with the landlord and held a candle to give light while
the doors and lower windows were being locked. He was surprised to observe the strength of the
bolts, bars, and iron shutters. It was half past eleven by the clock in the passage as they went 15
upstairs to the bedroom, the window of which looked onto the woods at the back of the house.

‘You see, we are rather lonely here,’ said the landlord. ‘We have never had any attempts made to
break in yet, but it’s always as well to be on the safe side. The hotel is very isolated. There’s just
my wife and daughter here and you’re the only guest tonight. Here’s where you will sleep. I think
you’ll see we’ve done our best to make you comfortable. Goodnight.’ 20

Isaac locked the door, set his candle on the chest of drawers, and wearily got ready for bed.
The bleak autumn wind was still blowing. Its solemn surging moan in the woods was dreary and
awful to hear through the stillness of the night. Isaac felt unusually awake. He resolved, as he
lay in bed, to keep the candle lit until he became sleepy. He thought there was something deeply
depressing about lying awake in the darkness, listening to the dismal, ceaseless sound of the 25
wind. Exhaustion overcame him, his eyes closed and before he could extinguish the candle, he
fell into a deep sleep.

The first sensation of which he was aware was a strange shivering that ran through him suddenly
from head to foot. Then he experienced a dreadful sinking pain in his heart, such as he had
never felt before. The shivering only disturbed his sleep, but the pain woke him instantly. In one 30
moment, he went from being soundly asleep to being fully awake. His eyes were immediately
wide open, his mind was suddenly clear and alert.

The candle had burnt down to the end, but the light in the little room was bright and full.

Between the foot of his bed and the closed door, there stood a woman with a knife in her hand,
looking at him. 35

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Surviving Bitter Winter Weather

Extremely cold weather can pose serious health risks, doctors have warned.

‘It’s best to limit your outdoor activity as much as possible in this type of weather. Prolonged exposure
can lead to frostbite and hypothermia,’ said Dr John Marshall, a government health advisor. ‘Both of
these conditions can become serious, even life-threatening, if untreated.’

When temperatures drop, there are many simple safety measures you can take. Wearing several layers
of clothing provides the best insulation and helps retain body heat. Hands and feet are at greater risk
of frostbite because body heat is naturally diverted to protect vital organs. An extra pair of socks and
some mittens provide good protection. Be sure to wear a hat. You lose about 30 per cent of your body’s
heat from your head.

Another survival tip for cold weather is to wear properly-fitted winter boots. Choose insulated boots
with gripping soles which provide traction on ice and snow. The body uses a lot of energy to keep itself
warm. Drinking plenty of fluids is important because your body will need to be frequently rehydrated
when fighting off the cold.

Outside, in the cold, the part of your skin that’s exposed will chill rapidly. This causes decreased
blood flow and your body temperature can drop, leaving you susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia.
Frostbite starts with tingling or stinging sensations. The face, fingers and toes are the first body parts
to be affected. Then muscles and other tissues can become numb. Additional symptoms of frostbite
include redness and discolouration of the skin.

Hypothermia can affect the brain, making it harder to think clearly and to make sensible decisions.
Warning signs of hypothermia include shivering, confusion, slurred speech and drowsiness; if any of
these symptoms become noticeable, you should protect the exposed skin, get to a warm place and
seek immediate medical treatment.

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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes


This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading Booklet
Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

DC (RW) 111814/2
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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: Stranger in the Snow

In this passage the narrator describes an unexpected meeting while on a journey through remote

The wind was blowing east; the month, December; the place, a bleak wide moor in the far north
of the country, and I had lost my way. It was not a pleasant place in which to lose one’s way, with
the first feathery flakes of a snow storm just fluttering down upon the heather, and the heavy grey
evening closing in all around me. I shaded my eyes with my hands, and stared anxiously into the
gathering darkness, where the landscape melted into a range of low hills in the distance. Not 5
the faintest wisp of smoke, not the tiniest cultivated patch, neither fence nor sheep track met my
eyes in any direction. There was nothing for it but to walk on, and take my chance of finding what
shelter I could on the way. So I picked up my gun, and pushed wearily forward, for I had been on
foot since an hour after day break, and had eaten nothing since breakfast.

Meanwhile, the snow began to come down with ominous steadiness, and the wind increased. 10
After this, the cold became more intense, and the night descended quickly. As for me, my
prospects darkened with the darkening sky, and my heart grew heavy. I thought how my young
wife was already watching for me through the window, and thought of all the suffering in store
for her throughout this lengthy night. We had been married four months and were very happy.
We were then living in a remote little village situated just on the verge of the moor. This morning, 15
when we parted, she had begged me to return before dark, and I had promised her that I would.
How I wished I could have kept my promise! Even now, weary as I was, I felt that with a supper,
an hour’s rest, and a guide, I might still get back to her before midnight, if only guide and shelter
could be found.

All this time, the snow fell and the night became darker. I stopped and shouted every now and 20
then, but my shouts seemed only to make the silence deeper. Then I started to feel a vague
sense of uneasiness, and I began to remember stories of travellers who had walked on and on
in the falling snow until, exhausted, they could not go on any longer and would lie down and
sleep their lives away. Would it be possible, I asked myself, to keep going through all the long
dark night? Would there not come a time when my limbs must fail, and my resolution give way? I 25
shuddered. How hard not to be able to return home when my future seemed so bright before me!
How hard for my loving wife – I tried not to think about it. I shouted again, louder and longer, and
then listened eagerly. Was my shout answered, or did I only imagine that I heard a far-away cry?
I called again, and again the echo followed. Then a wavering speck of light come suddenly out of
the dark, shifting, disappearing, growing momentarily nearer and brighter. Running towards it at 30
full speed, I found myself, to my great joy, face to face with an old man carrying a lantern.

‘Thank goodness!’ I exclaimed.

Blinking and frowning, he lifted his lantern and peered into my face.

‘What for?’ he growled.

‘Well, thank goodness for meeting you. I began to fear I should be lost in the snow.’ 35

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: A Catastrophic Winter Storm

Americans across the country found their plans made more complicated as wind, snow, and icy rain
whipped through the southern states and then moved north in a blizzard that meteorologists predicted
could affect some 100 million people. 28 centimetres of snow were measured in Central Park in New
York, with 32 centimetres covering much of New Jersey and a record-breaking 37 centimetres in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Snow covered the ground in 49 out of 50 US states, with Florida the only exception. Maryland and
Virginia declared emergency warnings before much of the snow had fallen. As the east coast recovered
from the snow and freezing rain, meteorologists forecast record low temperatures for the end of the

The National Weather Service issued the following warning: ‘High levels of ice will make travel
impossible. This has the potential to be a catastrophic event; widespread power cuts are possible as
ice accumulates on power lines and brings them down. Limit any unnecessary travel during the storm.
Take proper precautions, stay indoors and have emergency supplies available. Be ready in the event
that power in your area is cut off. Check that you have a supply of candles, that emergency heating
systems are functioning and look out for any elderly neighbours who may be at risk of hypothermia.’

Across the nation, flights were cancelled in anticipation of the ice. Mark Wiebke, an assistant aviation
director at Charlotte airport, said the weather had become so unpredictable in recent years that crews
now rely on a ‘snow desk’, a wall of screens keeping them informed on air patterns and on aeroplane
de-icing procedures.

‘In this part of the country, it changes all the time,’ he said of the forecast. ‘You think it’s going to happen
and it doesn’t. Then, next morning, you get up and you have three metres of snow.’

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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
* 6 0 7 9 9 4 2 0 3 9 *


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on this Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages, 1 blank page and 1 Reading Booklet Insert.

DC (LK) 111863/6
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Read carefully Passage A, The Mountain Pass, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1

(a) Using your own words, give two reasons why the narrator decides to drive carefully
(paragraph one, ‘For a little time…’).




(b) Which one word in line 7 suggests the narrator wants to drive more quickly?


(c) (i) Using your own words, give two details that make driving easier for the narrator
(lines 14–16).

• ........................................................................................................................................


• ........................................................................................................................................


(ii) State two ways in which the narrator’s feelings change (lines 16–22).

• ........................................................................................................................................


• ........................................................................................................................................


(d) Using your own words, explain what the narrator means by: ‘…and surely, in this clear air,
my fears that had arisen during the night would be defeated’ (lines 21–22).




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(e) Give two details that the narrator suggests led to his crash (paragraph five, ‘I had grown…’).

• ................................................................................................................................................


• ................................................................................................................................................


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(f) Complete parts (i) and (ii) to answer Question 1(f).

(i) Re-read paragraph two (‘In spite of my … I ever spent’).

Using your own words, explain what the writer means by the word underlined in three
of the following phrases:

(a) ‘skidded and side-slipped’ (line 9)

(b) ‘grazed the edge of the gorge’ (line 10)
(c) ‘It was far more exasperating’ (line 10)
(d) ‘the weariest hours I ever spent.’ (line 13)

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ...........

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ...........

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ...........

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................


(ii) Explain how the writer conveys the difficulty of driving down the mountain road through
the use of language in each of the phrases you have chosen in Question 1(f)(i).

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer.

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ...........

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ...........

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ...........

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


[Total: 20]

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[Turn to page 6 for Question 2]

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Question 2

Imagine you are the narrator of the events in Passage A. When you return home you are
interviewed by a local radio station about your experiences on the journey to help your friend.

Write the words of the interview.

In your interview you are asked the following three questions only:

• What was particularly difficult about your journey through the mountains?
• Can you explain how the car crash happened?
• What did you do to help your friend?

Base your ideas on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your answer with the first question: Interviewer: What was particularly difficult…

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.

















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[Total: 15]

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Read carefully Passage B, A Guide to Surviving Hurricanes, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then
answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3

Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the characteristics of hurricanes and how to protect yourself against
them, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

The characteristics of hurricanes and how to protect yourself against them:

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

3 ..........................................................................................................................................

4 ..........................................................................................................................................

5 ..........................................................................................................................................

6 ..........................................................................................................................................

7 ..........................................................................................................................................

8 ..........................................................................................................................................

9 ..........................................................................................................................................

10 ........................................................................................................................................


© UCLES 2016 0500/11/O/N/16


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the characteristics
of hurricanes and how to protect yourself against them.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question
number(s) must be clearly shown.


























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be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2016 0500/11/O/N/16

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
* 9 2 3 2 8 0 2 6 0 4 *


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on this Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 9 printed pages, 3 blank pages and 1 Reading Booklet Insert.

DC (RW) 111861/4
© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, A Disturbed Night, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1

(a) Give two reasons why Isaac needs to find somewhere to stay for the night (lines 1 to 3).

• ...........................................................................................................................................

• .......................................................................................................................................[2]

(b) Give two reasons why Isaac thinks the hotel is a suitable place to stay (paragraph one, ‘Just
as it was…’).

• ...........................................................................................................................................

• .......................................................................................................................................[2]

(c) Re-read paragraphs three and four (‘When the hotel…Goodnight’).

(i) Using your own words, explain what Isaac thinks is unusual about the landlord’s



(ii) What reasons does the landlord give for his actions?




(d) What does the phrase ‘solemn surging moan’ suggest about the wind (line 22)?



(e) Why does Isaac keep the candle lit when he goes to bed (paragraph five, ‘Isaac locked…’)?




© UCLES 2016 0500/12/O/N/16


(f) Complete parts (i) and (ii) to answer Question 1(f).

(i) Re-read paragraphs five and six (‘Isaac locked…clear and alert’).
Explain using your own words, what the writer means by the word underlined in three
of the following phrases:

(a) ‘Exhaustion overcame him’ (line 26)

(b) ‘dreadful sinking pain’ (line 29)
(c) ‘shivering only disturbed his sleep’ (line 30)
(d) ‘his mind was suddenly clear and alert.’ (line 32)

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Meaning of the word underlined: ...................................................................................[3]

(ii) Explain how the writer conveys Isaac’s feelings during the night through the use of
language in each of the phrases you have chosen in Question (f)(i).

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer.

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2016 0500/12/O/N/16 [Turn over


Question 2

Imagine that you are Isaac in Passage A. The day after these events you write a letter to a friend
in which you explain what happened on that night.

Write your letter.

In your letter you should comment on:

• your feelings about the hotel

• your difficulty in getting to sleep
• the landlord’s explanation of who the woman is.

Base your ideas on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your letter: ‘Dear…’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.

















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[Total: 15]
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Read carefully Passage B, Surviving Bitter Winter Weather, in the Reading Booklet Insert and
answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3

(a) Notes

What are the effects of cold weather on the human body and how should you protect yourself,
according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

The effects of cold weather on the human body and how you should protect

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

3 ..........................................................................................................................................

4 ..........................................................................................................................................

5 ..........................................................................................................................................

6 ..........................................................................................................................................

7 ..........................................................................................................................................

8 ..........................................................................................................................................

9 ..........................................................................................................................................

10 ........................................................................................................................................


© UCLES 2016 0500/12/O/N/16


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the effects of cold
weather on the human body and how you should protect yourself.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
* 4 4 8 8 5 2 2 5 1 5 *


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) October/November 2016
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on this Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 9 printed pages, 3 blank pages and 1 Reading Booklet Insert.

DC (RW) 111813/4
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Read carefully Passage A, Stranger in the Snow, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1

(a) Give two reasons why the narrator is worried about his situation (paragraph one, ‘The wind

• ...........................................................................................................................................


• ...........................................................................................................................................


(b) Why does the narrator decide he has to keep walking (paragraph one, ‘The wind was…’)?


(c) Which two details suggest the weather conditions are getting worse (paragraph two,
‘Meanwhile, the snow…’)?

• ...........................................................................................................................................


• ...........................................................................................................................................


(d) Why does the narrator think his wife will be concerned if he does not return that night
(paragraph two, ‘Meanwhile, the snow…’)?



(e) Using your own words, explain what the narrator means by: ‘…my prospects darkened with
the darkening sky’ (lines 11–12).




(f) What is unexpected about the old man’s response to the narrator’s greeting (lines 32–34)?



© UCLES 2016 0500/13/O/N/16

(g) Complete parts (i) and (ii) to answer Question 1(g).

(i) Re-read paragraph three (‘All this time…carrying a lantern’).

Explain using your own words, what the writer means by the word underlined in three
of the following phrases:

(a) ‘seemed only to make the silence deeper’ (line 21)

(b) ‘a vague sense of uneasiness’ (lines 21–22)
(c) ‘my resolution give way’ (line 25)
(d) ‘I shuddered.’ (lines 25–26)

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Meaning of the word underlined: ...................................................................................[3]

(ii) Explain how the writer conveys the narrator’s feelings about the situation he is in through
the use of language in each of the phrases you have chosen in Question (g)(i).

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer.

Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


Phrase selected: (a), (b), (c) or (d) ….

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................


[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2016 0500/13/O/N/16 [Turn over


Question 2

Imagine you are the narrator of Passage A. Eventually, you are offered accommodation for the
night by the old man and the following morning you write an entry in your journal.

Write your journal entry.

In the journal entry you should comment on:

• the situation you found yourself in before you met the old man
• your reaction to the old man and how he treated you when you first met him
• what happened at the old man’s house.

Base your ideas on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your journal: ‘Last night I had a very strange experience…’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.

















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[Total: 15]
© UCLES 2016 0500/13/O/N/16 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage B, A Catastrophic Winter Storm, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then
answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3

(a) Notes

What are the problems caused by extreme winter weather and how should people stay safe,
according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

The problems caused by extreme winter weather and how people should stay safe:

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

3 ..........................................................................................................................................

4 ..........................................................................................................................................

5 ..........................................................................................................................................

6 ..........................................................................................................................................

7 ..........................................................................................................................................

8 ..........................................................................................................................................

9 ..........................................................................................................................................

10 ........................................................................................................................................


© UCLES 2016 0500/13/O/N/16


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the problems that
are caused by extreme winter weather and how people should stay safe.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) February/March 2017
1 hour 45 minutes


This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: A Moorland Lesson

In this passage, the narrator describes a journey across a moor (an expanse of uncultivated land)
which taught a valuable lesson. The narrator’s brother and sister usually live in the city but on this
occasion choose to accompany the narrator across the moor.

Although I have lived happily on the moor all my life, I know that its charm is not universally
appreciated. My brother and sister enjoy living and working in the city, preferring a life of busy
streets, chatter-filled restaurants and dizzying skyscrapers to my isolated world. I love the moor’s
grand views, the vast range of wildlife and the whirling wind that makes your skin tingle. All around
you are expanses of purple heather and sunburst yellow gorse, two plants that are characteristic of 5
any wild landscape. Raw beauty of this sort demands total respect. One February I discovered why.

We were emerging from a particularly cold winter; a few courageous wild flowers could be seen
making a tentative appearance. I even cleaned my car to share in the joyful mood filling the
moorland. My brother and sister were visiting me that weekend. We had all been invited to a
friend’s birthday party in a neighbouring village and, determined to enjoy the sudden improvement 10
in the weather, they hastily agreed to dress in lightweight cotton rather than our warmer winter
clothing. As the sun was beginning to set, I drove my ancient car with its erratic heating system
over bumps and potholes, to meet the main road across the moor and tried to ignore the chorus of
complaints from my passengers.

The skies promised rain, but I was sure we could reach my friend’s house before the weather 15
became too threatening. It was when I saw the ‘Road Closed’ sign blocking our way that I
remembered a letter I had received previously, stating that the main road would be closed for
essential repairs. As I took the road indicated by the brightly-coloured diversion sign, I felt a twinge
of unease. This minor road was unfamiliar to me. I had travelled down it only a handful of times in
bright daylight, never when the evening sky scowled with such ominous intent. I then recalled that 20
my map, torch and blanket were nestling cosily on the kitchen table next to my water bottle, high
visibility jacket and petrol can. I had removed these essential items from the car in order to clean
the interior and, in my haste to get to the party, had forgotten to return them. Our original route
took us past my local petrol station where I had intended to fill up with fuel, but I was now travelling
along a strange road and had little idea of where, or even whether, I would find somewhere to 25
do so. Peering nervously at the fuel gauge, I realised with horror that finding a petrol station had
become my priority.

It started to rain heavily but worse was to follow as, worryingly, this soon turned to sleet and then
snow. My flimsy shirt offered little protection as the temperature began to plummet. We shivered
as we continued our slow progress along unfamiliar roads. Then the inevitable happened. With a 30
spluttering cough, my car shuddered to a halt: it was out of petrol. Worse still, none of our phones
could get a signal. Feeling thoroughly miserable, we prepared ourselves for a long, cold night,
overwhelmed by the prospect of finding our way through the lace-like labyrinth of moorland roads.

The insistent blaring of a car horn brought me sharply back to the present, followed by a gentle
tapping at my window. 35

It was my neighbour.

‘You look as if you need some help,’ she grinned as she handed us three welcome woollen blankets.

Using her sturdy tow rope, I attached my car securely to hers and soon arrived at the party, a little
warmer and definitely much wiser.
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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Avocados in Andalusia

In this passage, the writer describes how and why avocados are grown in Andalusia, a region in
southern Spain.

The traditional orchard in Andalusia used to contain, almost exclusively, an assortment of orange and
lemon trees, but times and tastes are changing. Now you are equally likely to see rows of avocado
trees. The reason for this change is chiefly commercial: avocados are a valuable crop. Avocados
are sub-tropical; they require a frost-free climate and are, therefore, well-suited to the hot summers
and mild winters of Andalusia. The high winds experienced regularly in Andalusia, however, can
limit avocado production as they can affect pollination, dehydrate the flowers and reduce humidity.
Adequate hydration is central to the successful cultivation of avocados so crops must be watered at
least once every four days to prevent the tree’s shallow roots drying out. Andalusian farmers employ
traditional methods to water their orchards, still using the system of irrigation channels constructed
over ten centuries ago.

‘Hass’ is the preferred avocado variety as it is the only one that is largely disease-resistant. Avocados
provide one crop a year but are prone to ‘biennial bearing’ which means that if a tree yields a good crop
one year, it will produce little the following year. Another concern for farmers is the decline in the bee
population. They rely on bees to help with pollination as avocado trees are only partly self-pollinating.

The fruit matures on the tree and only ripens once it is picked. After harvesting, the ripening process
usually takes one or two weeks. This means that all avocados do not need to be harvested at the same
time but can be left on the tree (sometimes for several months). This can be useful for farmers who are
trying to get the best prices for their produce. Nonetheless, if the fruit remains unpicked for too long, it
falls to the ground and is worthless commercially.

Green-skinned and fleshy, avocados are also a valuable source of nutrients and monounsaturated fats
which can help to lower cholesterol and improve heart health. They are a welcome addition to many
dishes. The benefits of avocados are not felt by all, however: avocado skin and leaves can be harmful
to grazing animals like goats, donkeys and horses.

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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
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Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) February/March 2017
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


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Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on this Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages, 1 blank page and 1 Reading Booklet Insert.

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Read carefully Passage A, A Moorland Lesson, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1

(a) State two features of city life that the narrator’s brother and sister enjoy, in preference to
living on the moor (paragraph 1, ‘Although I have lived happily…’).





(b) In paragraph 2 (‘We were emerging…from my passengers.’), the narrator explains that the
weather had recently improved. Which two-word phrase in paragraph 2 tells you that the
atmosphere was cheerful?


(c) Using your own words, describe the behaviour of the narrator’s brother and sister and
their feelings as they prepare to go to the party (paragraph 2, ‘We were emerging…from my





(d) Using your own words, explain what the narrator’s feelings are on seeing the diversion
sign and why the narrator reacts in this way (paragraph 3, ‘The skies promised…become my







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(e) Re-read the following sentence:

‘Peering nervously at the fuel gauge, I realised with horror that finding a petrol station had
become my priority.’

Using your own words, explain why the narrator is concerned and how the narrator reacts
to this concern (lines 26–27).







(f) Explain why the narrator is ‘a little warmer and definitely much wiser ’ at the end of the
passage (lines 38–39).







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(g) Complete parts (i) and (ii) to answer Question 1(g).

(i) Re-read the passage. Using your own words, explain what the writer means by the
words in italics in the following phrases:

a. ‘the whirling wind that makes your skin tingle’ (line 4)

b. ‘With a spluttering cough, my car shuddered’ (lines 30–31)

c. ‘lace-like labyrinth of moorland roads’ (line 33).

a. ....................................

Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................................................................................


b. ....................................

Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................................................................................


c. ....................................

Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................................................................................


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(ii) Explain how the language in each of the phrases in (g)(i) helps to suggest the narrator’s
thoughts about the sights and sounds on the moor.

a. ....................................






b. ....................................






c. ....................................






[Total: 20]

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Question 2

Imagine that you are either the brother or the sister of the narrator in Passage A. You have been asked
to write an article for a magazine, describing your experience on the moor. Write your magazine

In your magazine article you should:

• describe the sights and sounds of the moor and your responses to them
• explain what happened when you travelled to the party and your reactions to this
• explain what you have learned from the experience and what advice you would offer to
anyone as a result.

Base your magazine article on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to
use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your magazine article: ‘It felt strange seeing the moor again…’.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.

















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[Total: 15]
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Read carefully Passage B, Avocados in Andalusia, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3

Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What facts do you learn about avocados and the farming methods involved in growing them,
according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Facts about avocados and the farming methods involved in growing them.

1. ........................................................................................................................................

2. ........................................................................................................................................

3. ........................................................................................................................................

4. ........................................................................................................................................

5. ........................................................................................................................................

6. ........................................................................................................................................

7. ........................................................................................................................................

8. ........................................................................................................................................

9. ........................................................................................................................................

10. ......................................................................................................................................


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(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about avocados and the
farming methods involved in growing them.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.






















[Total: 15]
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must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 0500/12/F/M/17

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2017
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading Booklet
Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: Flannan Isle

In December 1900 three lighthouse keepers on the uninhabited rocky outcrop of Flannan Isle, off
the coast of western Scotland, disappeared without trace. The lighthouse had been constructed in
the 1890s on the island known as Eilean Mor in the wild Atlantic Ocean.

On the night of December 15th, 1900 a sudden storm broke out in the vicinity of the
islands. The crew of a passing ship, the Fairwind, were angry and disturbed that no
guiding light from the newly built Flannan Isle lighthouse appeared to be in operation.
Nothing appeared to have been done about it. Perhaps the authorities felt that it was
best to wait a few days, as the relief ship, the Hesperus, was due to sail out to the 5
islands on December 20th.

Bad weather delayed the sailing and the Hesperus didn’t set out until dawn on December
26th. On the Hesperus were fresh supplies for the lighthouse and Joseph Moore, who
was due to relieve one of the other keepers on watch duty. Moore was anxious about
the mystery of the dead light. He knew that it was virtually unheard of for lighthouse 10
keepers to allow a light to go out like that. On the short voyage to the islands he was
restless, filled with foreboding, pacing the deck and refusing any breakfast.

Things were mysterious on the lighthouse island from the moment they arrived. There
was no welcoming committee from the three men, no provisions boxes had been put
out to be restocked, and the flag wasn’t up on the flagpole. The Hesperus anchored in 15
silence, and Joseph Moore headed for the lighthouse, calling out as he did so, trying
to break the eerie silence that enveloped the island.

Inside the lighthouse nothing looked out of the ordinary. The oil lamps were ready to
use, the beds were untidy, as if the men had just got up, the washing-up done, and cold
ashes were in the fireplace. Other reports state that a chair was overturned in the kitchen 20
– although some observers believe this was a later, journalistic, exaggeration – and
the clocks had all stopped. What is agreed is that two sets of outdoor clothing were
missing, and only one set of oilskins remained. This meant one of the men had gone
out without his protective weather gear on – something that would have been virtually
unheard of. Not only was this wholly impractical, but for all three men to leave the light 25
unattended at once went against the rules laid down by the Northern Lighthouse Board.

So much myth and folklore has grown up over the mystery of Flannan Isle that some
have reported that when Joseph Moore first opened the main door, three strange birds
flew out. As the lighthouse tower was searched, odd strands of seaweed were found
both on the stairs and in the little cupboard where the lighthouse logbook was kept. 30

A comprehensive search was made of the island. At the landing stage they found
extraordinary damage. Iron railings were bent grotesquely out of shape as if by some
unearthly force and some of them were completely wrenched out of the concrete. The
conclusion was that the damage had been caused during the terrible storm.

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: The Kraken

In this passage the writer describes a legendary sea creature that was thought to be a danger to
sailors and their ships.

Probably no legendary sea monster was as horrifying as the kraken. According to stories this huge
creature, with its many tentacles, could reach as high as the top of a sailing ship’s main mast. A
kraken would attack a ship by wrapping its tentacles around the hull and capsizing it. The crew
would drown or be eaten by the monster. Of all the greatest sea monster tales, those concerning
the kraken are the best evidence that such a creature was based on something real.

Tales of huge horned sea creatures with many heads and tentacles exist from ancient times. In
1555, Swedish Archbishop, Olaus Magnus, described a sea creature ‘about 2 metres long, very
black, and with huge eyes...’.

Although the term ‘kraken’ is first found in print in 1735, stories about this monster date back to
twelfth century Norway. These often referred to a creature so big that it was mistaken for an island
or series of islands. As late as 1752, the Bishop of Bergen (in Norway) described the kraken as
‘incontestably the largest sea monster in the world’ with a width of up to two kilometres. The Bishop
also noted that it had tentacles like an octopus: ‘It seems these are the creature’s arms, and, it is
said, if they were to take hold of the largest fighting ship, they would pull it down to the bottom.’
Despite this, the Bishop said that the greatest dangers the kraken presented to ships were the
disturbance it made as it came to the surface and the whirlpool created as it descended below.
Because fish were attracted to where the kraken was, Norwegian fishermen would often fish directly
above the creature, despite the risk to their ship and their lives.

Recent research suggests that the legendary kraken was a giant squid. A colossal octopus might
also fit the description but a squid is thought to be much more aggressive and more likely to come
to the surface where it might be seen by the human eye. Although giant squids are considerably
less than two kilometres across, some are thought to be large enough to wrestle with a whale. On
at least three occasions in the 1930s giant squids reportedly attacked ships.

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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.27

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2017
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading Booklet
Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 4 printed pages.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: El Dorado

Europeans of the sixteenth century presumed that somewhere, deep in South America, was a vast
city called El Dorado that contained unimaginable riches. Many European adventurers made perilous
journeys to find it but without success.

Europeans first learned of El Dorado through rumours that circulated among South
American peoples. There was a small grain of truth to the story: high in the eastern
range of the Andes, in what is now Colombia, the local people mined gold and emeralds
freely, and built a highly organised and developed society. When they appointed a new
chief, they covered the man in balsam gum and then blew gold dust all over his body 5
through cane straws until he resembled a statue of pure gold. Although this practice
had died out by 1480, the story of the ‘gilded one’ became part of the legends of South
America, and in its retellings, the tale became embellished. The golden, or gilded, one
supposedly ruled over a vast kingdom where nearly everything was made from gold,
silver or precious stone. 10

The Spanish explorers became increasingly certain that El Dorado, their translation of
‘the gilded one’, really existed and assumed that this fugitive empire was flourishing
somewhere in what is now Venezuela. Between 1536 and 1541, the Spanish sent out
five major expeditions in search of El Dorado. After the journeys proved unsuccessful,
they became certain that El Dorado must lie in the jungle basin between the Orinoco 15
and Amazon rivers into which they had not yet ventured.

Meanwhile, the mysterious appearance of a man who spoke of a city of gold, he called
‘Manoa’, only fuelled their desire. The man’s name was Juan Martinez, and he had
been an officer, responsible for looking after the gunpowder, on board a Spanish ship
exploring the Orinoco River. His group headed deep into the jungle, but the journey 20
came to an end when its gunpowder stores exploded. Martinez was left behind in an
open canoe as punishment for the accident. He claimed to have met friendly local
people who blindfolded him for days and led him to the city of ‘Manoa’, where everything
in the royal palace was made of gold. Martinez said that riches had been given to him
as a departing gift, but they had been stolen on his way back. 25

This story was told to Sir Walter Raleigh in England, around 1586. Raleigh set sail for
South America. After arriving in March of 1595, Raleigh and his party spent weeks
sailing along the Orinoco River, but found nothing apart from a massive Spanish anchor,
which had been lost when Martinez’s ship had exploded.

Raleigh brought back to England some strange plants, animals and also some 30
blue-tinged rocks that suggested there was copper which could be mined. He also wrote
an account of his travels including mention of a tribe of headless, club-wielding warriors
with eyes and mouths on their torsos.

Raleigh’s claims failed to interest Queen Elizabeth I, or other potential investors, who
might finance a further search for El Dorado. However, he remained convinced that 35
vast gold mines existed close to the Orinoco River.

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The name ‘El Dorado’ has become linked with a place of fabulous wealth and has fed
the romantic imaginations of writers throughout the centuries. However, it is most likely
that El Dorado was an excuse used by the European adventurers who were eager to
discover the quickest path to riches. 40

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Unicorns

This passage explores the folklore surrounding the mythical creature, the unicorn.

One of the oldest mythical creatures is the unicorn. It has been part of Chinese folklore for thousands
of years. Its most familiar form is a beast with the body of a deer, the tail of an ox, a horse’s hooves,
and a single horn growing from the centre of its forehead. To the Chinese the unicorn was a symbol
of good, but to the Japanese it represented fear. It was said that the unicorn could recognise guilt,
and could carry out an execution by spearing the guilty party with its horn. Karkadann, an Arabian
unicorn, supposedly had magical qualities. Its horn was a good-luck charm against scorpions.

Ctesias, a Greek physician and historian, told stories that came from India about a creature the
size of a horse with a white body, red head, blue eyes, and a 45 cm-long horn on its forehead.
Ctesias portrayed the unicorn as very swift, untameable and almost impossible to capture. Leonardo
da Vinci wrote that the unicorn’s love for beautiful women caused it to forget its natural fear of
humans. It would, for example, go up to a seated girl, fall asleep in her lap, and could then be

This beast was said to have special attributes. Ground unicorn horn was claimed to cure many
ailments including fever, plague, epilepsy, rabies and gout. Unicorn leather made into shoes would
assure healthy feet and legs, and worn as a belt would ward off plague and fever. Jewellery made
from the horn would protect the wearer from evil. Belief in the unicorn’s power was widely accepted
in England until the mid-1700s.

Unicorn horn was so expensive that only royalty or the very rich could afford it. Needless to say,
many such horns were actually made from bull, goat or more exotic animals. Complete unicorn
horns often turned out to be the long spiral tusks of the male narwhal (a large marine animal). The
only known land animal to have a single horn is the rhinoceros, so some people believe that the
legend comes from European explorers of the African continent. Another theory is that the oryx,
an antelope with two long, thin horns on its forehead, which appears to have only one horn when
seen from the side, was mistaken for a unicorn.

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.16

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2017
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning. This Reading Booklet
Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 4 printed pages.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: El Dorado

Europeans of the sixteenth century presumed that somewhere, deep in South America, was a vast
city called El Dorado that contained unimaginable riches. Many European adventurers made perilous
journeys to find it but without success.

Europeans first learned of El Dorado through rumours that circulated among South
American peoples. There was a small grain of truth to the story: high in the eastern
range of the Andes, in what is now Colombia, the local people mined gold and emeralds
freely, and built a highly organised and developed society. When they appointed a new
chief, they covered the man in balsam gum and then blew gold dust all over his body 5
through cane straws until he resembled a statue of pure gold. Although this practice
had died out by 1480, the story of the ‘gilded one’ became part of the legends of South
America, and in its retellings, the tale became embellished. The golden, or gilded, one
supposedly ruled over a vast kingdom where nearly everything was made from gold,
silver or precious stone. 10

The Spanish explorers became increasingly certain that El Dorado, their translation of
‘the gilded one’, really existed and assumed that this fugitive empire was flourishing
somewhere in what is now Venezuela. Between 1536 and 1541, the Spanish sent out
five major expeditions in search of El Dorado. After the journeys proved unsuccessful,
they became certain that El Dorado must lie in the jungle basin between the Orinoco 15
and Amazon rivers into which they had not yet ventured.

Meanwhile, the mysterious appearance of a man who spoke of a city of gold, he called
‘Manoa’, only fuelled their desire. The man’s name was Juan Martinez, and he had
been an officer, responsible for looking after the gunpowder, on board a Spanish ship
exploring the Orinoco River. His group headed deep into the jungle, but the journey 20
came to an end when its gunpowder stores exploded. Martinez was left behind in an
open canoe as punishment for the accident. He claimed to have met friendly local
people who blindfolded him for days and led him to the city of ‘Manoa’, where everything
in the royal palace was made of gold. Martinez said that riches had been given to him
as a departing gift, but they had been stolen on his way back. 25

This story was told to Sir Walter Raleigh in England, around 1586. Raleigh set sail for
South America. After arriving in March of 1595, Raleigh and his party spent weeks
sailing along the Orinoco River, but found nothing apart from a massive Spanish anchor,
which had been lost when Martinez’s ship had exploded.

Raleigh brought back to England some strange plants, animals and also some 30
blue-tinged rocks that suggested there was copper which could be mined. He also wrote
an account of his travels including mention of a tribe of headless, club-wielding warriors
with eyes and mouths on their torsos.

Raleigh’s claims failed to interest Queen Elizabeth I, or other potential investors, who
might finance a further search for El Dorado. However, he remained convinced that 35
vast gold mines existed close to the Orinoco River.

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3


The name ‘El Dorado’ has become linked with a place of fabulous wealth and has fed
the romantic imaginations of writers throughout the centuries. However, it is most likely
that El Dorado was an excuse used by the European adventurers who were eager to
discover the quickest path to riches. 40

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3 [Turn over


Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Unicorns

This passage explores the folklore surrounding the mythical creature, the unicorn.

One of the oldest mythical creatures is the unicorn. It has been part of Chinese folklore for thousands
of years. Its most familiar form is a beast with the body of a deer, the tail of an ox, a horse’s hooves,
and a single horn growing from the centre of its forehead. To the Chinese the unicorn was a symbol
of good, but to the Japanese it represented fear. It was said that the unicorn could recognise guilt,
and could carry out an execution by spearing the guilty party with its horn. Karkadann, an Arabian
unicorn, supposedly had magical qualities. Its horn was a good-luck charm against scorpions.

Ctesias, a Greek physician and historian, told stories that came from India about a creature the
size of a horse with a white body, red head, blue eyes, and a 45 cm-long horn on its forehead.
Ctesias portrayed the unicorn as very swift, untameable and almost impossible to capture. Leonardo
da Vinci wrote that the unicorn’s love for beautiful women caused it to forget its natural fear of
humans. It would, for example, go up to a seated girl, fall asleep in her lap, and could then be

This beast was said to have special attributes. Ground unicorn horn was claimed to cure many
ailments including fever, plague, epilepsy, rabies and gout. Unicorn leather made into shoes would
assure healthy feet and legs, and worn as a belt would ward off plague and fever. Jewellery made
from the horn would protect the wearer from evil. Belief in the unicorn’s power was widely accepted
in England until the mid-1700s.

Unicorn horn was so expensive that only royalty or the very rich could afford it. Needless to say,
many such horns were actually made from bull, goat or more exotic animals. Complete unicorn
horns often turned out to be the long spiral tusks of the male narwhal (a large marine animal). The
only known land animal to have a single horn is the rhinoceros, so some people believe that the
legend comes from European explorers of the African continent. Another theory is that the oryx,
an antelope with two long, thin horns on its forehead, which appears to have only one horn when
seen from the side, was mistaken for a unicorn.

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2017

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, Flannan Isle, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions
1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1
(a) The crew of the Fairwind are described as being ‘angry and disturbed’. Explain why they felt
angry and why they felt disturbed (paragraph 1, ‘On the night of...December 20th.’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Why is it thought that the authorities did not act straightaway (paragraph 1, ‘On the night
of...December 20th.’)?



........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Why was Joseph Moore on the Hesperus and why was he restless (paragraph 2, ‘Bad weather
delayed...any breakfast.’)?


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) State two unusual things that the crew of the Hesperus noticed when they landed on Flannan
Isle and before they entered the lighthouse (paragraph 3, ‘Things were mysterious...the island.’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(e) Explain why the crew of the Hesperus were so concerned about the missing clothing and the
one set of oilskins that they found in the lighthouse (lines 22–24).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.2


(f) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by: ‘So much myth and folklore has
grown up over the mystery of Flannan Isle’ (line 27).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(g) (i) Re-read paragraphs two, three and six of Passage A. Using your own words, explain
what the writer means by the words in italics in the following phrases:

a. ‘filled with foreboding, pacing the deck and refusing any breakfast’ (line 12)

b. ‘the eerie silence that enveloped the island’ (line 17)

c. ‘Iron railings were bent grotesquely out of shape as if by some unearthly force’
(lines 32–33).

a. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................



b. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................



c. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................


................................................................................................................................ [3]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.2 [Turn over


(ii) Explain how the language in each of the phrases in (g)(i) helps to suggest the
atmosphere of mystery on the island.

a. Explanation: .......................................................................................................





b. Explanation: ......................................................................................................





c. Explanation: .......................................................................................................




................................................................................................................................ [6]

[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.2


Question 2

Imagine that you are Joseph Moore from Passage A. You decide to stay on at the lighthouse and
investigate what has happened. It is the next morning.

Write your journal entry for the events of the previous day and night.

In your journal you should:

• describe your thoughts and feelings on the way to the island

• describe what you found when you landed and entered the lighthouse
• say what you think might have happened to the previous keepers and why they cannot be found.

Base your journal entry on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it.
Be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullets.

Begin your journal entry: ‘This was the most disturbing experience...’.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.



















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© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.2


Read carefully Passage B,The Kraken, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the appearance and behaviour of the kraken and the explanations
given for what it was, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the appearance and behaviour of the kraken and the explanations
given for what it was:












© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.2 [Turn over


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the appearance
and behaviour of the kraken and the explanations given for what it was.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.






















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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must be clearly shown.


























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must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_11_2017_1.2

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2017

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, El Dorado, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions
1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1
(a) Using your own words, explain why the writer says ‘There was a small grain of truth’ in the
rumours about the existence of El Dorado (line 2).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) What is the meaning of the Spanish phrase, ‘El Dorado’?



........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Give two details about the Spanish exploration of South America (paragraph 2, ‘The Spanish
explorers...not yet ventured.’).


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Explain why Juan Martinez was punished by his companions (paragraph 3, ‘Meanwhile...on
his way back.’).


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(e) (i) Which two-word phrase in paragraph 3 (‘Meanwhile...on his way back.’) suggests that
the writer questions the truth of Juan Martinez’s account?

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Which piece of evidence later in the passage suggests that at least some of his story
was true?


................................................................................................................................ [1]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.3


(f) Explain what is meant by ‘potential investors’ (line 34).



........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(g) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by ‘it is most likely that El Dorado was
an excuse used by the European adventurers who were eager to discover the quickest path
to riches.’ (line 38–40).


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(h) (i) Re-read paragraphs one, two and seven of Passage A. Using your own words, explain
what the writer means by the words in italics in the following phrases:

a. ‘and in its retellings, the tale became embellished’ (line 8)

b. ‘assumed that this fugitive empire was flourishing somewhere’ (lines 12–13)

c. ‘a place of fabulous wealth and has fed the romantic imaginations of writers throughout
the centuries’ (lines 37–38).

a. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................



b. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................



c. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................


................................................................................................................................ [3]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.3 [Turn over


(ii) Explain how the language in each of the phrases in (h)(i) helps to suggest how the
writer presents the story of El Dorado.

a. Explanation: .......................................................................................................




b. Explanation: ......................................................................................................




c. Explanation: .......................................................................................................





[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.3


Question 2

Imagine that you are Juan Martinez from Passage A. You are interviewed by an official about your

Write the words of your interview.

In your interview you are asked three questions:

• tell me exactly why you were cast adrift in the jungle

• explain what happened to you before you mysteriously reappeared
• why should I believe anything that you are telling me?

Base your interview on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it.
Be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullets.

Remember your interview is formal; you should begin with the first question: ‘Tell me exactly why you
were cast adrift in the jungle...’.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.
















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.......................................................................................................................................................... [15]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.3


Read carefully Passage B, Unicorns, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the appearance and behaviour of unicorns and of the qualities they
possessed, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the appearance and behaviour of unicorns and of the qualities they












© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.3 [Turn over


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the appearance
and behaviour of unicorns and of the qualities they possessed.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150
Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.






















[Total: 15]

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must be clearly shown.


























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be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_12_2017_1.3

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2017

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, El Dorado, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions
1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1
(a) Using your own words, explain why the writer says ‘There was a small grain of truth’ in the
rumours about the existence of El Dorado (line 2).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) What is the meaning of the Spanish phrase, ‘El Dorado’?



........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Give two details about the Spanish exploration of South America (paragraph 2, ‘The Spanish
explorers...not yet ventured.’).


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Explain why Juan Martinez was punished by his companions (paragraph 3, ‘Meanwhile...on
his way back.’).


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(e) (i) Which two-word phrase in paragraph 3 (‘Meanwhile...on his way back.’) suggests that
the writer questions the truth of Juan Martinez’s account?

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Which piece of evidence later in the passage suggests that at least some of his story
was true?


................................................................................................................................ [1]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3


(f) Explain what is meant by ‘potential investors’ (line 34).



........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(g) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by ‘it is most likely that El Dorado was
an excuse used by the European adventurers who were eager to discover the quickest path
to riches.’ (line 38–40).


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(h) (i) Re-read paragraphs one, two and seven of Passage A. Using your own words, explain
what the writer means by the words in italics in the following phrases:

a. ‘and in its retellings, the tale became embellished’ (line 8)

b. ‘assumed that this fugitive empire was flourishing somewhere’ (lines 12–13)

c. ‘a place of fabulous wealth and has fed the romantic imaginations of writers throughout
the centuries’ (lines 37–38).

a. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................



b. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................



c. Meaning of the word in italics: ...........................


................................................................................................................................ [3]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3 [Turn over


(ii) Explain how the language in each of the phrases in (h)(i) helps to suggest how the
writer presents the story of El Dorado.

a. Explanation: .......................................................................................................




b. Explanation: ......................................................................................................




c. Explanation: .......................................................................................................





[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3


Question 2

Imagine that you are Juan Martinez from Passage A. You are interviewed by an official about your

Write the words of your interview.

In your interview you are asked three questions:

• tell me exactly why you were cast adrift in the jungle

• explain what happened to you before you mysteriously reappeared
• why should I believe anything that you are telling me?

Base your interview on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it.
Be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullets.

Remember your interview is formal; you should begin with the first question: ‘Tell me exactly why you
were cast adrift in the jungle...’.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.
















© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3 [Turn over





















.......................................................................................................................................................... [15]

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3


Read carefully Passage B, Unicorns, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn about the appearance and behaviour of unicorns and of the qualities they
possessed, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the appearance and behaviour of unicorns and of the qualities they












© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3 [Turn over


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the appearance
and behaviour of unicorns and of the qualities they possessed.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.





















[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 06_0500_13_2017_1.3

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) February/March 2018
1 hour 45 minutes


This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

DC (LK) 145204/2
© UCLES 2018 [Turn over

Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: The mountain lake

In this passage, the writer describes a remote mountain lake in Ireland and tells what happened on a
family trip to fish for brown trout.

There is a lake, halfway up a mountain, where my family and I spend a day or two fishing each
year. The climb, over waterlogged ground, drains the energy from our legs and makes us pause
every now and then to catch our breath. During these short breaks we turn our backs on the
mountain, and face, instead, the open country beneath us. There is plenty to see. The flat green
country is divided by the River Shannon. There are lakes everywhere. Some of the larger ones 5
we can name, but the small ones are too many to count; each one a jewel nestled into a fold in
the velvet landscape. All around us the air carries the sound of the tiny streams which gather the
water from the mountain and begin to steer it, well beyond our vision, towards the ocean.

The mountain lake is not easy to find. It seems unusual to locate a lake by climbing upward and,
in many ways, we were lucky to find it at all on our first trip. It is very small and seemingly invisible 10
until you arrive at a ridge and discover it, quite suddenly, at your feet. Sometimes it is not there at
all. The dark clouds that graze the mountaintops here may decide to throw a protective fog around
it, and steal it back. On such days we are forced to turn away and leave the local fish, the brown
trout, to cruise the dark waters undisturbed.

This isolated lake is fed only by a stream which gathers rainfall from the mountain ridge above. 15
How did the trout get here? They are not big fish: the heaviest we have caught is probably just
under half a kilo. With their black backs, copper sides and two rows of red spots, they are all
very similar in appearance. It seems to me that their strict conformity to a shared dress code
might say something about their history. Scientists suggest that fewer physical differences are
to be expected in a small population long isolated from others. In my imagination, they are the 20
descendants of ancestors which colonised these waters in prehistoric times; ancestors which
swam through channels long since vanished in a landscape of ice and glaciers and a wilderness
unseen by human eyes.

I had taken my son, Leo, on a short fishing trip and had decided to go to the mountain lake as
its eager fish might offer him the greatest hope of an early catch. Here the brown trout always 25
rise freely, as though to reward us for the effort we have made to reach them. Would these bold
trout oblige us by rising to the water’s surface as we had hoped? I need not have worried. Sure
enough, within ten minutes or so of our arrival, a swirl distorted the mirror of the mountain lake’s
surface. A few moments later, we were admiring the varnished scales of Leo’s first trout before he
gently lowered it into the lake once more and let the black water reclaim it. 30

To celebrate Leo’s first trout, I painted a watercolour picture of it. It is framed now and hangs on
his bedroom wall. It is not a good painting. While its proportions are approximately correct and
its colours resemble the original, I could no more capture its beauty using paints than I now can,
using words. If you wish to see for yourself how beautiful these trout really are, you must go there
– and hope that, for a few hours at least, the clouds will surrender the mountain lake to you. 35

© UCLES 2018 0500/12/INSERT/F/M/18


Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: A life-changing decision

In this passage the writer describes the solitary life of John Treagood, a former teacher who decided to
change his lifestyle.

John Treagood used to work as a teacher. One day he made a life-changing decision. He decided to
go for a walk and hasn’t stopped travelling since. He trekked all the way from the north to the south
west of England, bought a horse and then built a caravan, based on a traditional design. That was 40
years ago. Nowadays, John can regularly be seen travelling around roads and lanes, in that same
handbuilt caravan, pulled by his even-tempered horse, Misty. For him, home is now his one-room
caravan, parked on a piece of wasteland, and his chief companion is his horse.

Despite often facing sub-zero temperatures, John, 76, believes that life gets better every year. He says
he doesn’t feel the cold, adding that winters in the south west of England are mild, one of the reasons
why he chose it as his destination all those years ago.

John does not claim a government pension, even though he is entitled to receive it. He makes money
from odd jobs such as pruning hedges; he collects water from streams and food from the land. In total,
John collects about 70 litres of water each day. He drinks approximately 2 litres of water a day while his
horse drinks about 50 litres.

Although he occasionally supplements his diet with fish from the nearby river, he generally eats any
berries and vegetables he might discover along the way, always taking care to cut up carrots and
apples for his horse. John is rarely ill. One particularly frosty morning, however, he slipped and fell,
breaking his arm. He didn’t seek help until three days later, having walked nearly 7 kilometres to a
friend’s house.

His only items from modern life are a radio to listen to music and a mobile phone. He explains, ‘A friend
said I’d need one for emergencies, but I haven’t switched it on for six months.’

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
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Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) February/March 2018
1 hour 45 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on this Question Paper.
The Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages, 1 blank page and 1 Insert.

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Read carefully Passage A, The mountain lake, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer
Questions 1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1

(a) State two features of the walk which made it difficult for the narrator to reach the mountain
lake (paragraph 1, ‘There is a lake … ’).

• .................................................................................................................................................


• .................................................................................................................................................


(b) Using your own words, explain what the narrator can see as he faces the open country
(paragraph 1, ‘There is a lake … ’).




(c) Which four-word phrase in paragraph 1 suggests that the water in the tiny streams cannot be
seen by the narrator (paragraph 1, ‘There is a lake … ’)?


(d) Re-read paragraph 2. Using your own words, give two reasons why the narrator says the
mountain lake is difficult to find (paragraph 2, ‘The mountain lake is not easy to find … ’).

• .................................................................................................................................................


• .................................................................................................................................................


© UCLES 2018 0500/12/F/M/18


(e) Re-read the sentence, ‘Scientists suggest that fewer physical differences are to be expected
in a small population long isolated from others.’ (lines 19–20).

The brown trout are similar in appearance. Using your own words, explain what reasons
scientists give for this similarity (paragraph 3, ‘This isolated lake is fed … ’).




(f) Re-read paragraph 5, ‘To celebrate Leo’s first trout … ’

Using your own words, explain what the narrator says about his experience of painting the





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(g) (i) Re-read the passage. Using your own words, explain what the writer means by the
words underlined in the following quotations:

1. ‘ … the brown trout, to cruise the dark waters undisturbed.’ (lines 13–14)

2. ‘ … the brown trout always rise freely, as though to reward us for the effort … ’
(lines 25–26)

3. ‘ … admiring the varnished scales of Leo’s first trout … ’ (line 29)

Word underlined: ...............................................................................................................

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................


Word underlined: ...............................................................................................................

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................


Word underlined: ...............................................................................................................

Meaning of the word underlined: .......................................................................................


(ii) Explain how the language in each of the quotations in Question (g)(i) helps to
suggest the appearance and behaviour of the brown trout. You should refer to the whole
quotation in your answer, not just the word underlined.










[Total: 20]

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[Turn to page 6 for Question 2]

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Question 2

Imagine that you are Leo, the narrator’s son in Passage A. You have decided to write a journal entry,
describing the fishing trip to the mountain lake with your father.

Write your journal entry.

In your journal entry you should:

• describe the sights and sounds of the mountain and lake
• describe how you felt when you caught your first trout
• explain how these experiences have influenced your attitude to the natural world.

Base your journal entry on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your journal entry: ‘I didn’t know what to expect when I first saw the mountain lake … ’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.

















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[Total: 15]
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Read carefully Passage B, A life-changing decision, in the Reading Booklet Insert and answer
Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3

Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What are John Treagood’s essential daily needs and the difficulties he faces in maintaining
his lifestyle, according to Passage B?

Write your answers using short notes. Write one point per line.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

What are John Treagood’s essential daily needs and the difficulties he faces in
maintaining his lifestyle?

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................

• ..........................................................................................................................................


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(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about John Treagood’s
essential daily needs and the difficulties he faces in maintaining his lifestyle.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to
150 words.

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.






















[Total: 15]

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2018
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: Snow

In this passage, the writer remembers the experience of an unusually heavy snowfall.

The snow had started the day before. The sun was bright in a clear sky and it snowed!
Each flake caught the sun. Sparkles swam in the air, carried by the wind. People passing
on Cottage Street looked up into the clear air to let the cold colours hit them in the eye,
or on their glasses. They smiled, admiring their shadows, as they walked in the sunny,
sunny snowstorm falling around them. A genuine curiosity, Grandpa called it. 5

Soon, though, the sky turned grey and the snow continued into the dark. This was more
like it. The falling snow stopped the litter that blew and rolled down the streets and
pinned it to the ground. Everything, the litter, fire hydrants, the bins that stood at street
corners and in house yards, was transformed into mysterious white lumps.

It snowed all through supper and after. It snowed through the radio and Grandpa’s 10
reading. It snowed even harder when I went to bed. All night, I’d wake and go to the
window to wish for more; I pressed my face against the cold glass to peer at the sky
above the roof. I wanted there to be more snow to come. And there was. The sky was
black but the air was lit by the streetlight at the end of the alley. Flakes of white day fell
through the night and brushed against the glass. I thought the wet chill would crack my 15
cheek when I smiled.

In the morning the world was new. Yesterday’s lumps were now smooth and the spaces
between them were even and white. In the yard, the snow had rolled in on waves of
wind from over the far fence and dropped quietly and deeply. It filled the space from
the back of the house to the alley, then buried the fence and the alley. Then it buried 20
Aunt and Uncle Erby’s fence across the way; then it buried their yard, too. Then
everything was all the same.

The wind blew hard enough to make the electricity pole at the corner of the street sway.
The wires clacked and chattered, their icy silver loads that had been building through
the storm, trembling. Grandpa looked up and down the alley. He shook his head, 25

‘We’d best stay in,’ he said.

‘All of us. Falling wires,’ he said.

‘Electrocution,’ he said.

Grandma looked into the cupboards and shook her head. 30

‘Food’ll never last,’ she said.

When the wind howled, the snow rose alive, spinning and swirling, and the world went
white. So big a thing as Mount Amos disappeared. So too, did Aunt and Uncle Erby’s
house across the alley. Our yard began, now, at the back door and went on forever,
around other houses and on forever. The world was just our place, just our house and 35

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the smoothly shaped mounds of snow stretching forever. A few black lines crossed
above, or rose from it. A pole down the way had fallen across the path. Dead black
vines were hanging in tatters from the back fence. Then nothing. The end of the world.
Our place only; we could only wait.

Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: The Viking explorer who beat Columbus to North America

In this article, the writer describes the Viking discovery of North America.

Nearly five hundred years before the birth of Christopher Columbus, a band of European sailors
left their homeland behind in search of a new world. The high prows of the Viking ships sliced
through the deep, blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean as winds billowed the boats’ enormous sails.
After crossing unfamiliar waters, the Norsemen, led by Leif Erikson, spied a new land, dropped
anchor and went ashore. Five hundred years before Columbus ‘discovered’ America, those Viking
feet may have been the first European ones ever to have touched North American soil.

Icelandic legends, called sagas, recounted Erikson’s exploits in the New World around C.E.1000.
These Norse stories were spread by word of mouth before being written down in the 12th and 13th

Two sagas give differing accounts as to how Erikson arrived in North America. According to the
‘Saga of Erik the Red’, Erikson crossed the Atlantic unintentionally after sailing off course on his
return voyage from Norway following his conversion to Christianity. The ‘Saga of the Greenlanders’,
however, recounts that Erikson’s voyage to North America was no accident. Instead, the Viking
explorer had heard of a strange land to the west from Icelandic trader Bjarni Herjólfsson, who more
than a decade earlier had overshot Greenland and sailed by the shores of North America without
setting foot upon it. Erikson bought the trader’s ship, raised a crew of 35 men and retraced the
route in reverse.

After crossing the Atlantic, the Vikings encountered a rocky, barren land to which Erikson gave a
name as uninteresting as the surroundings – Helluland, Norwegian for ‘Stone Slab Land’.
Researchers believe this location could possibly have been what is now known as Baffin Island.
The Norsemen then voyaged south to a timber-rich location they called Markland (Forestland),
most likely in present-day Labrador, before finally settling in a base camp most likely on the northern
tip of the island of Newfoundland. The Vikings spent an entire winter there and benefited from the
milder weather compared to their homeland. They explored the surrounding region abounding with
lush meadows, rivers teeming with salmon, and wild grapes so suitable for wine that Erikson called
the region Vinland (Wineland).

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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2018
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: The Telegram

This passage is set in a town in North America during the Second World War.

I said once that, by the time the telegram came, I already knew. Here’s what happened.

It was in the snow. Mother and I were on the front porch. A tram passed the house and
rumbled slowly, wheels slipping and spinning uphill toward the end of town. A man
came up the pathway. Through the snow I heard him whistling. I laughed. Snow was
blowing in front, behind, around him. It was climbing his legs and wrapping his face. It 5
looked as if you could see right through him, as though pieces of him were being carved
away by the wind. He looked alive inside with snow.

I laughed some more. He heard me laugh and looked up. He saw me on the porch with
my mother. He looked at the door behind me then at the envelope in his hand. Mummy
was buttoning me into the wool snowsuit, already wet from the blowing snow. I laughed 10
and she turned to see. She saw the man coming and stopped, with her fingers at the
button by my mouth. I could smell cold, wet wool and my mother's warm skin, smooth
and fragrant.

The street was empty. The hill was white all the way to where it disappeared. Black
sticks stuck out, here and there: trees; a skeletal fence; telephone poles. The tram 15
tracks were black lines along the way, then they glazed over white, then vanished. The
wind howled and, for a minute, the street faded into white, then vanished, too. The man
disappeared with the rest of the world. I thought, ‘Good. He’s gone. Daddy’ll be alright.’
Then the wind dropped its voice; the man stepped onto our porch and shook the snow
from his hat vigorously. 20

He wiped his glasses with his finger like a windshield wiper. They fogged up again and
he took them off and squinted at the paper.

'Mrs. Er-ness-toe De Angel ... ?’

Mother nodded. ‘DeAngelo, yes. Ernest. It’s just Ernie. His name is. Yes. Ernesto. But
he's just Ernie.’ 25

He brushed the snow off the envelope, gently. She reached for it, took it, held it, turned
it over in her hands. He said, ‘Sign here,’ and gave her a book and a pen. It would not

‘Sorry,’ she said. He took back the pen and blew on it, then rolled it between his two
hands, shook it and gave it back. It worked and Mummy wrote in the man’s book. She 30
put the cap back on the pen and handed it to him. Then he was gone toward town.
Another blast of wind rolled the snow, but I could still see him. A tram slid downhill on
the rails. Sparks showered into the snow. It stopped. Silent for a moment. The tram
and the man were all we could see in the world. The man got into the tram. The bell
clanged, sounding very close in the woolly snow and the silence. The tram disappeared 35
toward town, its wheels growling against the tracks. Mother held the envelope. I had
been forgotten. The button at my mouth was still undone.

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Franklin and the North-West Passage

In this article, written for a newspaper, the writer describes the disastrous attempt to find the
North-West Passage, between the North Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.

It remains one of the greatest mysteries of polar exploration. In 1845, a well-provisioned Royal
Navy expedition, commanded by Sir John Franklin, embarked to find the North-West Passage
between the North Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. A total of 129 men set sail on Franklin’s two
ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror. No-one returned.

The disaster was the greatest single loss of life suffered by any polar expedition. Only a few scattered
remains – papers and bones – have since been found of Franklin’s men on Northern Canada’s
frozen islands. These testify to the dreadful hardships suffered by the men as they made a vain
attempt to reach safety.

In the intervening years, there have been many attempts to explain why Franklin’s well-provisioned
expedition failed, with one recent idea finding particular popularity. Analyses of the skeletons of
three Franklin crew members, whose graves were found on Beechey Island in Northern Canada,
showed they had suffered from severe lead poisoning that would have had ‘catastrophic’
consequences for themselves and for their fellow crewmen.

Lead poisoning causes abdominal pain, confusion, headache, anaemia and, in more serious cases,
seizures, coma and death; it could be traced to the ships’ canned food which was contaminated
by its lead containers. This theory has achieved widespread acceptance.

Not every scientist agrees, however, and several studies have since argued that the support for
the idea is poor. High levels of lead were common in men and women at the time of the expedition.
Drinking water and food were often contaminated and some medicines also contained lead. The
lead found in the men’s bones could easily have come from food eaten at home.

As to the real cause of the loss of the expedition, that remains open to speculation. ‘However, it
was probably ice, not lead, that killed them,’ one writer argues. Extreme cold trapped the expedition
for two winters near King William Island in Northern Canada. ‘By the following year, provisions
would have been running short. By then, Franklin and 23 others had died. We don’t know why. The
surviving men had no option but to desert the ships and trek south to the mainland. But they were
ill-equipped, and probably in poor health, so escape was beyond them. Their plight was desperate
and all died in the attempt.’

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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2018
1 hour 45 minutes



This Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all the questions on the
Question Paper.

You may annotate this Reading Booklet Insert and use the blank spaces for planning.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Part 1

Read Passage A carefully, and then answer Questions 1 and 2 on the Question Paper.

Passage A: Memories

In this passage, the writer remembers her experiences as a small girl in a rural wilderness.

An eleven-year-old girl is standing alone, miles from home, in one of the last great
wildernesses on earth. She has no idea where she is because, spread over the
wilderness, is a veneer of main roads, grain fields, farmyards, dilapidated shacks and
abandoned schoolhouses. A square, blue sign with a golden sheaf of wheat shows the
road number and a standard green sign the distance to the nearest town. The girl has 5
ridden six kilometres on gravel. Fifteen to go. She wonders if her legs can pedal all the
way to town and turns back to the road.

The crunch of bicycle wheels on gravel. The distant roar of a heavy truck coming down
the highway. The wind. These are the only sounds. When the girl stops and listens
closely, the rustle of barley in the fields and the buzz of an occasional bee add detail 10
to the texture of the afternoon. She walks her bike into the old schoolyard.

The pale grass is knee-high and the yard is choked with dandelions and other weeds.
Shrubs form an overgrown square, open and facing the road. In the middle sits the old
school. Still white from its initial coat of paint, it’s a standard one-room school building.
The girl wanders around it, stopping at the bottom of steps that lead up to the door. 15
She thinks better of walking up – even of sitting on the steps for a rest – and turns again
toward her bike and the road. Who knows what animals or insects have made their
home inside? Who can say what rotted old thing inside might disturb the appearance
of a perfect summer’s day?

She remembers a previous occasion when she had picnicked on a rock pile, which was 20
more of an outcrop of untouched prairie than the other man-made rock piles dotted
randomly through the fields. Sitting down on the ground, she began to spread out the
picnic blanket and food when a glint of light shining off a smaller, red rock at her feet
captured her attention. She reached down to dig it out of the ground with her hands.
She didn’t mind the dirt. She picked it up, admiring the flecks of gold in red catching 25
the sun, but turning it over found the underside crawling with huge ants. Fear, rather
than disgust, made her throw down the rock, gather up her things and ride back to the
house. She remembers how stupid she felt for thinking she could picnic there.

I was, at that time, maybe three or four years old, but I recall things clearly. I was walking
with my mother in the meadow across the road. I remember the excitement of doing 30
something new and the thrill that came with the sense of trespassing. In reality, the
meadow was community land, but I did not know that. I had the sense, probably false,
that we should not be walking there – but we were. Mum and I picked some flowers to
carry home and put in a vase on the table. I felt this was what my life was going to be
like. I had no idea that we would never walk to the meadow again. We would never pick 35
wild flowers there again. But the memory remains.

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Part 2

Read Passage B carefully, and then answer Question 3 on the Question Paper.

Passage B: Mary Kingsley

In this article, the writer describes the life of explorer and scientific writer, Mary Kingsley.

Mary Henrietta Kingsley was born in 1862 in Islington, England. Her father spent much of his life
travelling around the world, documenting his journeys. Her mother was an invalid, which led to
young Mary assuming the roles of her mother in the household. Although she had little formal
education, Kingsley had a strong intellectual curiosity. She was particularly interested in tales of
voyages, reading about many different ones in her father’s large library. In 1891 Mary’s father
returned from one of his voyages with rheumatic fever. With both of her parents invalids, Mary
continued to take care of the household. In 1892, after the deaths of her parents, Kingsley was
freed from her domestic responsibilities. She remained unmarried; she was an independent woman
with an annual income of £500. At the age of thirty she decided to travel to West Africa. Before
departing, she studied as much about the region as she could.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Kingsley’s voyages to West Africa was her gender. She
was travelling at a time when women seldom took such dangerous trips to exotic locations. Few
men even went on the kinds of trips she did. Kingsley did more than most of her gender, and more
than other Europeans as a whole, had ever done in the interior of West Africa. She spent a long
time going through dangerous rivers, river rapids, and mangrove swamps during her trip. She
climbed to the top of Mount Cameroon. It was unheard of for women of this period to engage in
any of these activities.

Kingsley’s scientific research was also something women did not often conduct during this time.
She not only carried out huge amounts of research on the way of life of the African people, but also
recorded a vast amount of data on the geography of West Africa and collected samples of local
flora and fauna. In England, at that time, geography was considered to be a male-only subject.
Kingsley, as a woman, recorded large amounts of geographical information on areas that were
poorly known by Europeans.

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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2018

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Read carefully Passage A, Snow, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions 1
and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1
(a) Using your own words, explain why Grandpa calls the event described in paragraph 1, ‘A
genuine curiosity ... ’ (line 5), and how people reacted to this event.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Using your own words, explain the effects of the falling snow on the surrounding environment
(paragraph 2, ‘Soon, though, the sky ... ’).




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Give one detail from paragraph 3, ‘It snowed all ... ’, that tells you the narrator was excited by
the falling snow.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) Give one detail mentioned by the narrator in paragraph 4, ‘In the morning ... ’, that tells you
that the snow was very deep.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(e) (i) Which one word in paragraph 5, ‘The wind blew hard ... ’, tells you that Grandpa was
concerned about the possible effects of the snowfall?

................................................................................................................................ [1]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_11_2018_1.21


(ii) Using your own words, explain why Grandpa had cause for concern (paragraph 5,
‘The wind blew hard ... ’)?


................................................................................................................................ [2]

(f) From the final paragraph, ‘When the wind howled ... ’, explain:

(i) How have the weather conditions changed from the first paragraph?

(ii) What do the final three sentences of the passage tell you about the effect of the snow
on the family’s situation?




................................................................................................................................ [2]

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(g) (i) Re-read paragraph 3, ‘It snowed all ... ’, and the final paragraph, ‘When the wind ... ’.
Using your own words, explain what the writer means by the words underlined in
each of the following quotations:

• ‘Flakes of white day fell through the night and brushed against the glass.’ (lines
• ‘... the snow rose alive, spinning and swirling, and the world went white.’ (lines
• ‘Dead black vines were hanging in tatters from the back fence.’ (lines 37–38).

Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of word underlined: .................................................................................


Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of word underlined: .................................................................................


Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of word underlined: .................................................................................

................................................................................................................................ [3]

(ii) Explain how the language in each of the three underlined words in Question 1(g)(i)
helps to convey the effects of the snow on the surroundings.

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the words underlined.

Explanation: ...........................................................................................................



Explanation: ...........................................................................................................



Explanation: ...........................................................................................................


................................................................................................................................ [6]

[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_11_2018_1.21


Question 2

Imagine that you are Grandma, from Passage A. It is two weeks later and the snow has finally gone.

Write a letter to your sister who lives in another part of the country, telling her about all that has happened.

In your letter you should cover the following points:

• what happened during the first few days of the snowstorm
• how the people in your household and the neighbours reacted to the snow
• the problems caused by the snow and how you and your family coped with them.

Base your letter on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it. Be careful to use your
own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your letter, ‘My dearest ... ’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.


















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Read carefully Passage B, The Viking explorer who beat Columbus to North America, in the
Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn from Passage B about the Vikings’ discovery of North America and what
they found there?

Write your answers using short notes.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the Vikings’ discovery of North America and what they found there.












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(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the Vikings’
discovery of North America and what they found there.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.

















[Total: 15]

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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_11_2018_1.21

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2018

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 10 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

© UCLES 2018 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, The Telegram, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions
1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1
(a) Using your own words, explain the effects of the snow on the man on the pathway
(paragraph 2, ‘It was in ... ’).


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) What caused the man to notice the narrator (paragraph 3, ‘I laughed some ... ’)?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Using your own words, explain the contrast the narrator describes in the final sentence of
paragraph 3 (lines 12–13).




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) What caused the narrator to think that everything around him had disappeared (lines 17–18)?


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(e) Using your own words, explain why the narrator was relieved that the man had disappeared
(lines 17–20).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

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(f) In line 23 the man has difficulty with the father’s name. Using your own words, explain as
fully as you can:

(i) how the mother responds to this

(ii) what this suggests about the mother’s state of mind.




................................................................................................................................ [3]

(g) Complete parts (i) and (ii) to answer Question 1(g).

(i) Re-read paragraphs 4 (‘The street was ... ’) and 9 (‘“Sorry”, she said ... ’). Using your
own words, explain what the writer means by the words underlined in each of the
following phrases:

• ‘The hill was white all the way to where it disappeared. Black sticks stuck out, here
and there: trees; a skeletal fence; telephone poles.’ (lines 14–15)
• ‘The tram tracks were black lines along the way, then they glazed over white, then
vanished.’ (lines 15–16)
• ‘The bell clanged, sounding very close in the woolly snow and the silence. The
tram disappeared towards town, its wheels growling against the tracks.’ (lines

Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of the word underlined: ...........................................................................



Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of the word underlined: ...........................................................................



Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of the word underlined: ...........................................................................


................................................................................................................................ [3]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_12_2018_1.18 [Turn over


(ii) Explain how the language in each of the three underlined words in Question1(g)(i)
helps to convey the effects of the snow on the surroundings.

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the words

Explanation: ...........................................................................................................



Explanation: ...........................................................................................................



Explanation: ...........................................................................................................


................................................................................................................................ [6]

[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_12_2018_1.18


Question 2

Imagine that you are the narrator’s mother in Passage A. It is the day after the events described in the
passage. Write an entry for your journal in which you describe what happened the day before.

In your journal entry you should cover the following points:

• the weather conditions and how they affected the surrounding environment
• the visit of the man, and the telegram
• your thoughts and feelings about the content of the telegram.

Base your journal entry on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it.
Be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Begin your journal entry: ‘I can remember so clearly ... ’

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.


















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.......................................................................................................................................................... [15]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_12_2018_1.18


Read carefully Passage B, Franklin and the North-West Passage, in the Reading Booklet Insert
and then answer Question 3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn from Passage B about Franklin’s attempt to find the North-West Passage
and what may have happened to him and his crew?

Write your answers using short notes.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about Franklin's attempt to find the North-West Passage and what may have
happened to him and his crew:

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................................

4 ........................................................................................................................................

5 ........................................................................................................................................

6 ........................................................................................................................................

7 ........................................................................................................................................

8 ........................................................................................................................................

9 ........................................................................................................................................

10 ...................................................................................................................................... [10]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_12_2018_1.18 [Turn over


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about Franklin’s attempt
to find the North-West Passage and what may have happened to him and his crew.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.















........................................................................................................................................... [5]

[Total: 15]

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Additional Page

If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.

























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_12_2018_1.18

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Reading Passages (Core) May/June 2018

1 hour 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Reading Booklet Insert.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions in the space provided. If additional space is required, you should use the lined pages at
the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must be clearly shown.

Dictionaries are not permitted.

The Reading Booklet Insert contains the reading passages for use with all questions on the Question Paper.
This Reading Booklet Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

© UCLES 2018 [Turn over

Read carefully Passage A, Memories, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Questions
1 and 2 on this Question Paper.

Answer all questions using your own words as far as possible.

Question 1
(a) Using your own words, explain why the girl ‘has no idea where she is’ (paragraph 1, ‘An
eleven-year-old ... ’).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) State one sound the girl hears before she stops and one sound she hears when she listens
more closely (paragraph 2, ‘The crunch of bicycle ... ’).



........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) What details in paragraph 3 (‘The pale grass ... ’) suggest that the schoolyard had been
neglected for a long time?



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Using your own words, explain why the girl does not walk up the steps to the school building
(lines 17–19).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(e) Using your own words, explain the change in the girl’s feelings after she picks up the rock
(lines 25–27).



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_13_2018_1.14


(f) Using your own words, explain what the girl felt about walking in the meadow (paragraph 5,
‘I was, at that time ... ’).


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(g) (i) Re-read paragraph 2 (‘The crunch ... ’) and paragraph 4 (‘She remembers ... ’). Using
your own words, explain what the writer means by the words underlined in each of
the following phrases:

1. ‘When the girl stops and listens closely, the rustle of barley in the fields and the
buzz of an occasional bee add detail to the texture of the afternoon.’ (lines 9–11)
2. ‘In the middle sits the old school. Still white from its initial coat of paint, it’s a standard
one-room school building.’ (lines 13–14)
3. ‘...more of an outcrop of untouched prairie than the other man-made rock piles
dotted randomly through the fields.’ (lines 21–22)

Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of word underlined: .................................................................................


Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of word underlined: .................................................................................


Word underlined: ...................................................................................................

Meaning of word underlined: .................................................................................

................................................................................................................................ [3]

(ii) Explain how the writer conveys the quiet and emptiness of the surroundings through
the use of language in each of the three underlined words in Question 1(g)(i).

You should refer to the whole phrase in your answer and not just the words underlined.

Explanation: ...........................................................................................................


Explanation: ...........................................................................................................


Explanation: ...........................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................ [6]

[Total: 20]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_13_2018_1.14 [Turn over


Question 2

Imagine you are the writer from Passage A and that you are now a senior student. Your school magazine
has a regular feature called ‘Childhood Memories’.

Write your article for the magazine, describing your earlier life and what happened after the events
described in the passage.

In your article you should cover the following points:

• your thoughts as a child about where you lived
• your memories of your life with your mother
• how your life changed and why you never walked to the meadow again.

Base your article on what you have read in Passage A, but do not copy from it.
Be careful to use your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 5 marks for the quality of
your writing.


















© UCLES 2018 06_0500_13_2018_1.14




























.......................................................................................................................................................... [15]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_13_2018_1.14 [Turn over


Read carefully Passage B, Mary Kingsley, in the Reading Booklet Insert and then answer Question
3(a) and (b) on this Question Paper.

Question 3
Answer the questions in the order set.

(a) Notes

What do you learn from Passage B about the life of Mary Kingsley and her achievements?

Write your answers using short notes.

You do not need to use your own words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer.

Information about the life of Mary Kingsley and her achievements:

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................................

4 ........................................................................................................................................

5 ........................................................................................................................................

6 ........................................................................................................................................

7 ........................................................................................................................................

8 ........................................................................................................................................

9 ........................................................................................................................................

10 ...................................................................................................................................... [10]

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_13_2018_1.14


(b) Summary

Now use your notes to write a summary of what Passage B tells you about the life of Mary
Kingsley and her achievements.

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should include all 10 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 100 to 150

Up to 5 marks are available for the quality of your writing.












........................................................................................................................................... [5]

[Total: 15]

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If you use the following lined page to complete the answer(s) to any question(s), the question number(s)
must be clearly shown.


























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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will
be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2018 06_0500_13_2018_1.14

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