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Cam-Follower Displacement

Diagram, Analysis of Follower

Motion and Cam Profile
Prepared and compiled by Engr. Alexander
Hamilton S. Atienza

Learning Outcomes
LO7: Define cam follower displacement diagram. (CO3)
LO8: Analyse the displacement diagram for each type of follower
motion. (CO4)
LO9: Solve problems involving the different types of follower
motion using graphical method (drafting activity). (CO4)
LO10: Analyse the different types of follower motion. (CO4)
LO11: Solving problems involving the different types of follower
motion using analytical approach. (CO4)
LO12: Define cam profile. (CO3)
LO13: Enumerate the step-by-step procedure of cam profile
construction. (CO3, CO5, CO7)
LO7- Displacement diagram of
the following follower motion

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions
Displacement is the distance that a follower moves during one
complete revolution (or cycle) of the cam while the follower is in
contact with the cam.
A displacement diagram is a graph of flat-pattern drawing of the
travel (displacement) of the follower on the cam.
A period is a part of the cam cycle and it includes the following:
Rise – the upward motion of the follower caused by cam motion.
Fall/Return – the downward motion of the follower caused by cam
Dwell – the stationary position of the follower caused by cam motion.

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions
Follower motion
Uniform velocity/Modified uniform velocity
Uniform acceleration and deceleration
Simple harmonic motion
Cycloidal motion
Polynomic motion

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions
Constant Velocity

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions
Constant Acceleration

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions
Constant Acceleration

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions
Harmonic Motion

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions

LO8-Dispalcement diagrams of
follower motions

LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower
Kloomok and Muffley method of combining displacement curves
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions

LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions

LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
SVAJ Diagrams
 Unwrap the cam
 Plot position (s), velocity (v),
acceleration (a) and jerk (j)
versus cam angle
 Basis for cam design

LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
Any cam designed for operation at other than very low
speeds must be designed with the following
 The cam function must be continuous through the
first and second derivatives of displacement across
the entire interval (360°).
 The jerk must be finite across the entire interval

LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
 Connect points
using straight
 Constant velocity

 Infinite acceleration
and jerk
 Not an acceptable
cam program
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

Sine function has continuous
derivatives h

h   
s 1 - cos   
2  
ds h   
v  sin  
dθ 2    
dv h 2   
a  cos  
d 2  2   
da h 3   
j  sin   
d 2 3 ∞
  ∞
 Acceleration is discontinuous
 Jerk is infinite (bad cam design)
Polynomial Functions
 We can also choose polynomials for cam functions
 General form:

where x=/ or t
 Choose the number of boundary conditions (BC’s) to
satisfy the fundamental law of cam design

s  C0  C1x  C2 x 2  C3 x3  C4 x 4    Cn x n

3-4-5 Polynomial
 Boundary conditions
 @=0, s=0,v=0,a=0
 @, s=h,v=0,a=0
 Six boundary conditions, so order 5 since
C0 term
 Similar in shape to cycloidal
 Discontinuous jerk
   
s  C0  C1   C2  
 
3 4 5
     
 C3    C4    C5  
     
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
3-4-5 Polynomial
2 3 4 5
         
s  C0  C1    C2    C3    C4    C5  
       
1   
2 3 4
     
v  C1  2C2    3C3    4C4    5C5   
         

1    
2 3
   
a  2 2C2  6C3    12C4    20C5   
        

@=0, s=0=C0 v=0=C1/ a=0=2C2/2

C0=0 C1=0 C2=0
@=, s=h= C3+C4+C5, v=0=2C3+3C4+5C5
a=0= 6C3+12C4+20C5
Solve the 3 equations to get    
 
  
s  h 10   15       6   
        

4-5-6-7 Polynomial
4-5-6-7 Polynomial

 4-5-6-7 polynomial: set the jerk to be

zero at 0 and 
 Has continuous jerk, but everything
else is larger

4-5-6-7 Polynomial
4-5-6-7 Polynomial

 4-5-6-7 polynomial: set the jerk to be

zero at 0 and 
 Has continuous jerk, but everything
else is larger

   4  
 
  
s  h 35   84   70   20  
          

LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
Problem previous problem Find s if h = 20 mm and β= 120◦

   3  
 
s  h 10   15   6  
        

LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

If w=15 rad/s and =1800 – 450 = 1350; h=1”,

What is the velocity and acceleration at the beginning

of the return?
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower
motions Example 5-6
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
A cam that is designed for C-5 cycloidal motion drives a flat-
faced follower. During the rise, the follower displaces 1 in for
180° of cam rotation. If the cam angular velocity is constant
at 100 rpm, determine the displacement, velocity, and
acceleration of the follower at a cam angle of 60°.
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
Using Kloomok and Muffley method of combining
displacement curves
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

For a cam-follower system, below described the

displacement of its follower motion
Segment 1: Lift 3 cm in 1.3 s,
Segment 2: Dwell for 0.4 s,
Segment 3: Fall 1 cm in 0.8 s,
Segment 4: Dwell 0.5 s, and
Segment 5: Fall 2 cm in 1.0 s.
Find the displacement diagram and
determine the required angular velocity of
the cam
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

1. Solve for the period
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

2. Compute for the angular velocity
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

3. Compute for the angular displacement β for
each segment using β=ωt
LO10,LO11-Analysis of follower

4. Plot the displacement vs angular
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
A constant-velocity cam is designed for H5 simple harmonic
motion. If the flat-faced follower displaces 2 in for 180° of
cam rotation and the cam angular velocity is 100 rpm,
determine the displacement, velocity, and acceleration when
the cam angle is 45°.
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
A cam drives a radial, knife-edged follower through a 1.5-in
rise in 180° of C-5 cycloidal motion. Give the displacement at
60° and 100°. If this cam is rotating at 200 rpm, what are the
velocity (ds/dt) and the acceleration (d2s/dt2) at θ = 60°?
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
LO10,LO11-Analysis of
follower motions
Determine the relation of cam angles β1 and β2, and the lifts
L1 and L2 to match
a. C1 Cycloidal motion with H2 Harmonic Motion
b. H3 Harmonic Motion with C4 Cycloidal Motion
c. H1 Harmonic Motion with C2 Cycloidal Motion
d. C3 Cycloidal motion with H4 Harmonic Motion

A follower is to be driven from a dwell position through a
total lift (rise) L of 100 mm and return (fall) completely to a
second dwell. The rise and fall motions take place during π/3
and π/2 of cam rotation, respectively. The rotational speed is
uniform. The types of motion in these
rises and falls are specified as follows:

Establish all conditions of displacement, velocity, and

acceleration to ensure smooth motion and obtain actual lift
equations for each interval of motion.

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