DDBMS Question

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Chapter – 09

Summer 2019

Write a short note on Shadow Paging. 07 4Times

Explain different types of failures in DDBMS. 03, 07 2Times

Explain Write-ahead logging Protocol. 03 3Times

Explain two-phase commit protocol. 07 3Times

List down and explain any one condition that leads to a deadlock. 03

Winter 2018

Discuss wait-die and wound–wait deadlock avoidance algorithm for distributed system. 07 4Times

Explain Transaction Failures in Distributed DBMS. 03

Define Reliability and Availability. 04 2Times

Write down step for backward error recovery. 03

Summer 2018

Explain Three Phase commit protocols. 07

Explain Communication Failures in Distributed DBMS. 03

Explain Deadlock Avoidance Techniques. 07

Explain Fuzzy Check Points. 03

Winter 2017

Repeated Questions

Summer 2017

 Repeated Questions

Winter 2016

 Compare and Contrast Centralized and Hierarchical Deadlock Detection Methods. 07

 Describe the Two-phase Commit Protocol. What are the Disadvantages of this protocol? 07
Chapter – 07
Summer 2019

 Discuss join ordering in query optimization. 07 3Times

 Explain search strategy in Query Optimization. 04 2Times

Winter 2018

 Explain Cost Function of Query Optimization. 03 2Times

Summer 2018

 Discuss Join versus Semi Join for Query optimization. 03

Winter 2017

 List distributed Query optimization algorithms. Write two comparison between join and semi join ordering. 03

 Explain search space generation in Query Optimization. 04

Summer 2017

 Discuss query optimization in brief. 07 2Times

Winter 2016

Repeated Questions

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