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Unit 1 1 Zsellesteem 3 alotof practice 4 your interests 5 thewillto succeed. 6 training 7 specific goals @ feedback 9 results 10 experience 2 saying anything new 3 logical & makes; sense 5 convinced & persuasive 7 hard;follow 8 don't get F simplistic 10 whole picture 2 2 'wo/have spoken / been speaking 3 have worked 4 haven'thave not lived / boon ting 5 ‘s/has helped 6 ‘velhave earned /been earning 7 have you ever wanted, 8 ‘sfhas been preparing 2 endurance 3 reflexes 4 balance 5 eyesight & numbers 7 lagiealy 8 focused 9 well-organised 10 sell-ciscplined 11 communicator 12 campromise 13 delegate 14 manage 15 sonsive 5 2g 3a 4e Si bb 7F BC Oh {6 [ts for people whe want to write and sing their own songs. 2 bv cv dv ev Iv ov 410 Lam writing in response to your advert. (Paragraph 1) has allowed me to develop the skis. [Paragraph 3) sm 3 goed commmunicator.. Paragraph 3) have been unemployed sine... [Paragraph 3) lam sure this would be useful. [Paragraph 3) Thank you in advance for considering my application. (Paragraph ‘and look forward to hearing from you. [Paragraph 4) 2 Clare: cake decorating Yes Caries: writing Yes 31 About three years ago. 2 She goes ta college one night a week, 2 birthday cakes, wedding cakes, christening cakes, cakes for hen parties 4 Awedding cake, becouse it was quite a complex design /ithad quite delicate flowers. 4 1 tookup 2 doactually 3 sofar 4 allsorte 6 takes up 5 1 F (He dosen't remember exactly when he started) 2 F (He learned to find this at school} 3T ar 5 F (He separated the story into three points of view!) 6 F itwas az a result of presenting the novel in a contest.) {6 Meaningful collacations are: apply toa school: express yourself study aval skills / techniques; improve 2 novel / skills! yourself /a school echniques; publish a novel / yourself Carlos uses: eppl to a school, express yourself, study techniques, Improve skils. publish a novet 4 Itold herd nearly finished it that explains it «I thought you'é done that report {© Another option i to text everyone {The lgical thing ste print tout 4g she told me you'd sent us all a copy fh What send it now i That's not what she said 29 3b 4a Si bc 7h Bt ve 2 2 Ithad already finished when he heard about it 3 He didnt read my email. because he'd been away for a few days, By the time they contacted us we'd sold it Wie assumed they'd decided not to buy it ‘When | got to the station my train had already lft. Then realised I'd taken the wrong one. ‘nobody noticed that | hadn't arrived on time. ‘ahad been 2 ‘dihadreserved 3 gotcut & handed ‘dad printed out & hadn'vhad not booked 7 explained ‘dihad slept 9 told 10-had taken carelessly 2 gradually 3 reluctantly / enthusiastically deliberately / accidentally § calmly furiously enthusiastically 2 reluctantly 3 carefully & carelessly suddenly & gradually 7 deliberately 8 accidentally furiously 10 calmly Enthusiatically | suggested / | suggested enthusiastically We carefully selected / We selected carefully Eventully people started / People eventually started was returning 2 ‘d been cutting down 3 was resting hhad been caling 5 wos slllsitting 6 had been carrying became 2 had been Killing 9 washiding 4 fnally got had been trying 6 had taken 7 created. & hed been fighting were looking wastold 2 said they'd 3 would 4 stillhadn't § I'd been 6 they'éalready 7 theysaid 8 had 9 goto the trouble of 10 ended up 11 That cost me waked? c3dB eS fl gb HZ 13 take care fit, put an end to, del with it, sort the problem out 1&1 predicament 2 cutoff 3 overdue 4 debt 5 statement 6 bounced 7 files elaim 8 harassment INTERVIEW A holiday to fe 2 Emma:2and5 2 When Emma was seven years old she went on a caravan holiday with sx seven ather people. They set off in two cars, and an hour {ater before they arrived one cf the children was sick, so they had to stop to clean up. By thesimesheyerrivedat-the caraversite {our 0clock the following morning, sx people in the group had the sickness bug, ané by the end af the holiday, everyone inthe group had had it. While they ware ther, the people whe were wel slopt inthe one caravan, and those who were il leptin house the other one, Tget 2 get 9 get 4 getigetting 5 got 1 Twoweeks 2 Because the town they were going to had a beach. 3. She was trightened that Emma's car was going to crash inte hers 1 Steep means rising ata sharp angle, and Emme describes the hills ‘one ofthe steepest hills in England! 2 A banger isa very old car in bad condition. She describes her car as ‘an old banger of a car: 2 Grab means to take hold of something suddenly or rough. Her friend grabbed a cushion to cover her face 4 Petrifed means extremely tightened. Her friend was petrifed in the ear behing hers, 5 Smash inte moans bit with great force, causing damage. Her friend thought Emma's car was going to smash int hers. 6 Leap means make a large ump or sudden movement. The three ‘men apt out oftheir cars to help them. 1 2 like the sound of 3 Uke to give: try & narrowed t down to 5 i's choice between: or & be happy with either 17 can'tmake up her mind 8 in we minds about 14 foetings about 10 isn't really my thing Fm. 12 doesn't relly appeal to me 2 T give up 2 signed up 3 carry on (keep on is possible, but keep is needed in number 4) 4 keep up 5 drop out & take on 7 workon 8 sign up 9 work towards 10 carryon 3 Across 1 evening 4 on-campus 10 seminar 11 face-to-face 12 lecture 14 final exam 16 postgraduate 17 full-time 18 ontine Down 2 vocational 3 assignment 5 experience 6 coursework 1 apprenticeship & distance 9 dissertation 12 hands-on 15 part-time 4&1 areatways getting 2 both are possible 2 hardly ever come 4 suffers bothare possible & thought 7 bothare possible 8 both are possible? both are possible 1 did your family use to live 2 Was the weather 3 would you and your friends play 4% does your family eat will your family eat 5 dayou do /willyou do. & Are you alnays sending 6 1 wascne of those people who 2 He’datways 3 I've never known anybody/anyone so {4 was a really postive influence on 5 was the mast postive person I've/'d ever met 6 would never 7 made a very big impression on 8 taught mea otabout 7 owe ec 10 1 always, invariably, constantly 2 just how much, far more 3 my ovn echoat days, in those daye, Nowadaye, the days when fs rightly 5 surely. timely INTERVIEW Pass it on 2 Carlos’ work: football coaching Liu's work: teaching Chinese, art and handcraft “They both teach something to children 3 pass © brush pen L dribble C ink drawings L ‘aribble/control. 2 pass 3 ink drawing & brush pen 4% community 2 Victoria 3 hard; challenge 4 developing 1 Whhen she was four yeas old, onthe wall of her hue). 2 No, they did't she says they didn't tell her of. They sent her to art school 43 Art and Design. 4 She studied for a degree in architecture at Liverpool University. 5 In Manchester, 4 Their namesin Chinese Unit 4 1 1 realistic 2 amuse 3 make people think & signify 3 monuments commemorate 7 traditional 8 honour 9 abstract 10 modarn 11 sculpture 12etatues 13 celebrates 2 1 erected 2 abigimpression 3 a tourist attraction 4 tomake oft 5 alotof controversy £ heavily ericises 7 aneyesore 8 toloveit 9 alandmark 10 the urban landscape 3 1 was putup 2 was badly received by 3 were baled by 4 warmed to 1 he was probably the most famous /he probably was the most famous 2 he had his test breakthrough 3 His first single came out & One of his techniques was He was Jimi Hendrix 5 she started out as a nurse 6 she had her frst eal success 7 One ot her most famous works is 8 she won a Grand Masters Award for She was Agatha Christie, 5 I made 2 was known 3 wasisken 4 encouraged 5 came. Swasinvted 7 wasn'treccived 8 left 9 was ven 10 has not been forgotten t1 was named 12 be-seen & 1 isknown 2 isseid 3 canbefound 4 was published 5 Wtisestimated 6 iestil reac 7 have been published 17 1 think: right; saying 2 heard that _3 They say 4 remember rightly 5 read somewere 6 lar as; remamberfrecall, Te 2h 3e 6a 54 6) 71 8199 1d onto 1 Pew 2 the Incas 3 Iwas builtin the 15° contury, and so is somewhere between 500 and 600 years ol, [This snot answored on the website] aim 5 Hawaian-born explorer Hiram Bingham 17 2 F lt had never been lst to those who lived round it) 3 F (Bingham didnt find Machu Picchu, he was taken to) aT ST 6 F (Other people had grown crops at Machu Picchu befere the peasant farmers that Bingham met. 12 1 remarkable 2 the Conquest 3 colonial rule 4 stumbled upon § Quechua 6 ruins 7 granite @ masonry 19 Suggested answers 1 The ruins at Machu Picchu are very big and impressive, so its ‘surprising thatthe Spanish didnt fing them during hundreds of years of colonial rue 2 The writer is saying that Bingham didn’t discover Machu Picchu ‘because local people always knew it was there. However unlike Bingham, the local people had no way of telling the rest ofthe worts about INTERVIEW Come to my country 2 Rezarta comes from Albania, She mentions the lonian Sea and the Adriatic. Liu comes from China, She mentions Bejing and the Forbidden City TL 2R3R GR SBOTH GRIL ER 4% I unknown 2 undergone 3 point & encourage 5 pleasantly 6 experience: 51 F [Me's flying rom Australia} 2 F (He has never been betore} 37 & Filius going to take him to her hometown to meet them after being in Bejing) 5 T ray " 2 1 portrays 2 seems 3 implies 4 highlights ‘ 1 seems 2 highlights 3 implies portrays Tcantsee 2 shape 3 size 4 style 5 colours & nice 7 make;feel 8 would eck 9 could go 10 car/could imagine 11 wouldn't suit 12 could put 2 environmentally 3 attractive; aesthetic 4 long-lasting; durable 5 novel: innovative 6 straightforward 7 meaningful: purposeful a2béchd3 e517 91 ‘The zip. whieh is known as 2 zipper in US English is fastening device thot ysed on clothes, bags and camping equipment. ewes first patented in 1891, tit dct Become a practical alternative to buttons uni years ater. Carly versions, whiehwere made only ‘of metal, Used hooks and eyes, but they came apart easly. zipper thats based on interlocking teth was invented by the Swedish engineer Gideon Sundback in 1914 and this isthe system thats used in zips around the wor'd toda 1 The World Wide Web, used by millions of people aroundtne lobe, i considered a design classic. 3 Developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee, the Web revolutionised ‘ur seareh fr information 5 The first-ever web brawser, called the World Wide Web, couldn't how graphics in web pages. Suggested answers: 5 1 First launched in 1985, san operating system installed on millions of computers, Product: Microsoft Windows 2 This abject, called a biroin English, isa popular pen invented by ‘a Hungarian newspaper editor Product: ballpoint pen 23 Designed by Harry Beck in 1931, this map was a revolutionary concept, used today by transport systems around the word ‘ Product: the London Underground (Tubel map 2 Let's eliminate 9 we allagreed on & are out 5 Would that work for & allin favour of . T tochange your mind 8 going with the iPhone isit cen; YouTube 2 is; Wikipedia 3 does: Skype For instonce, such 2s, tke, For example 2 which has revolutionised the way we look fr information; which have helped milions of people to keep in touch wih riends ~ ‘and make new ones; which means you can easily teach yourself touseit 3 designed for people (like mel who are not reli into technology DOCUMENTARY The sculptors 1 They are all occupations, Student could be ferent because it ign'ta paid occupation 2 They ate all types of or examples of at, Sculpture could be different because the others are al two-dimensional 4 They are all materials, Papler-méché coud be different because it's paper, whereas the others are metal or made of metal. Metal could also be diferent because the others aro material ina particular form, ane nt 2 primary material ‘The verbs all refer tothe way things are connected. Cut could be the diferent one because itreers to separating, and not joining, things. '5 They all reer tothe form ofan abject Bit could be the diferent ‘one because itrefers toa small piece of something and the other words refer tits overall form 1 sculpture (shape, structure and metal are also possible] 2 weld [sculptor and metal are also possible) 3 cut sculptor and metal are aso possible 1 Jayne 2 Tory 3 Both 4 Tony 5 Both 1 F [He moved to Cambridge from Biminghar.1 2 Fe retired as a university lecturer about ten years ago) 3 F (He has been painting and drawing his whole lie. aT 5 F (He and his wife cycled about a thousand miles ont.) 6 Tle wanted her to make something with him.) Age: 37 Family: two ehitren Studies: she studied illustration First profession: she became a social worker How she got into sculpting she saw some of Tony's sculptures and contected him ‘Step 1: He makes a very small drawing ofthe sculpture ‘Step 2: He bends the rod into the shape he needs Step 3 He joins the bits of rod together by welding them, 1 Howto break down the process of making 2 sculpture into manageable pieces. 2 He worked alone. 4 Yau ean share the enjoyment a the creative process with someone else 4 He's kind, gente, pationt, gives clear explanations, and is, positive and encouraging, 5 Thatartis about people, community and an enjoyment of tie 6 Jayne wants to make same money fram her work, and Tony gives his work to public places 7 Stimulate people, sve people an enjoyment of life and bring people together {8 A supply of metal, his time and his expertise. Because this has given her the opportunity a start a career asa sculptor 1 going tobe the next one 2 to produce perfection 3 alitie boy and his grandad 4 an adult taking the child seriously as a person 1 into; back 2 up; back into; eutfor 3 together & down 5 out 6 out;out; together 1 0 2 1" “ I besuspected 2 bearrested 3 he accused 4 besentenced 5 gotoprison fine 2 law 3 arrested 4 suspected 5 accused 6 sentenced 7 community 8 prison 9 sentence Include letters and numbers. That way, your password will, be harder to guess. Include letters and numbers, Then your password wil be harder to guess CChange your password regularly. Otherwise, comeone could Seeand remember it / Change your password regularly, o else someone could see and remember it. 3 Memorise and destroy your password. Then nobody wil find it / Memorise and destroy your password. That way, nobedy wil find it 4 Its impertant to sign out alter overy session, or others could access your information. / Is important ta sign out after every session. Ifnot, others could access your information. 2 They't tellyou that 3 As faras they're concerned 4 There's also the argument that 5 Ontne ther hand, you have people who say that & Many new groups will say that 17 What they soy is that B Alot of people think that / People think that alot of 2abd 3e 4c Sabd Suggested answers: 1 If somecne is caught sharing files online, they should lose their internet connection. 2 | wouldn't watch an illegal copy ofa film even ita friend gaveit to 3 People will/ would pay to read entine newspapers as long as the costis/ was reasonable. 4 | won't / wouldn't upgrade my computer unless my current one stops / stopped working. 5 Fado / ll do all my banking onthe Internet provided it was /is completely safe. 1b 2e 32 4 oxtraverh 5d be 1 movolshif 2 lnkleonnect 3 swaplewtch 4 leave 5 placelstick 6 cutiérop Tifits 2 (probably 3 Hits 4 1detintely 8 a 6 wouldn't dream of 7 There's no way Td. 8 I'd always. 9 Kyou 10 realy important 11 incressingly common 12 the proper thing todo 13 unheard of 14 expected to 1 Suggested answer: Computer hacking involves geting into someone else's computer system without permission in order to Find out information or do something legal Suguested answers: 1 Because they allow them to do training coursasin ethical hacking without having to take time off work 2 You can study it four ways ina classroom, studying online, offline with study material, and using mobile phone dovmiceds ~ the last three ways are relatively new. ‘An increase in the numberof news stories about hacking and Its inclusion in popular TV series. ‘The fact that they work very quickly and are able to steal data Without you knosting about it ‘They bath know how to break into computer systems, how to make computer viruses, and how sacial engineering works, ‘They hope to get an offical qualification in ethical hacking ‘This qualification is impertant because it has the support ofthe industry's most important organisation Because the skills students learn coulé be used for illegal purposes, They all work fora legitimate company. 4b3c2 at onthe rise 2 in the workplace 3 on the move inconstant demand 5 in employment 6 inthe ela INTERVIEW Virtual wortd 2 1 usay 2 Neither speaker 3 Gusay & Neither speaker 3 They both tatk about special clothes, but Qusay talks about real clothes, and Ekapop talks about clothes you can buy ina virtual online world 4 1 impact 2 window 3 sethities 4 wadding 5 dress 6 design 51 Aspart ofa research project organised by a friend on his master's course. 2 They buy their cheracter online 3 They walk around, interact with other users, shop an view products in iferent stores. 4 Because more and mare users are taking part in it 5 He didn't spend any money on clothes 6 Because they want to look different from the other people in Second Lite 6 1c 2e 3a sb Sd Unit 7 1. 1 solve 2 ignoreit 3 mullover 4 sorting out 5 put off {6 come up with 7 finding the answer to 8 concentrate onit 9 work out 10 give uponit 11 tackleit 12 figured out 2 1 biggest big’ would also be possile] problem was 2 found i; dificult 3 presented me with 4 what; decided; do wes 5 way of solving 4 Wha: learned was 3 Firstpot: 1e 24 a bt 5b be Secondpart: 139 26 35 42 51 46 4 1 Ita statue ofa woman halding 2 torch, 2 Its a collection of short stories written in Arabic. 3 It's a fim about an ex-CIA secret operative running fom the CIA 4 It’s a book about a sailor hunting a white whale, 5 Its a building in india made of white marble. 6 It a painting of stars shining inthe night sy. 5 calling 2 chasing 3 hidden 4 waiting 5 token 6 covered 7 moving 8 going 9 beating 10 made & 1 worth 2 tricky 9 Another 4 considering 5 different 6 approach 7 practical 8 wouldn't 9 recommend 10 Alternatively 11 feasible 12 something 9 2 such+noun phrase that 9 Asa result 5 the results 6 so + adjective + that wb {11 asyou suggest; Am I right in thinking; l imagine; My feeling fad be tempted to; Who knows, she might 12 150 2 Thatmeans/Asaresult,/The resultis 3 such 4 so; that INTERVIEW An inspired biog 2 av bvev dv ov 3 te 2b 3a 4b © 1 Mancunians 2 evolves all the time 3 November 4 awall in Manchester (in Oxtord Road) 5 Memoir of 2 Francunian 40 5 The corrected errere are: 3 It. bitof an informal website where you can get some information for what's happening, 4 Iinked it toa lovely Mancunian poet called Lemn Sissay who thas nice poem writen onthe wallin Manchester ” a “ mayfmight/could 2 can'eouldn’t 9 must maylcould/might 5 coulcn'vcan't mayfmight/could 7: must “They mayimight/could have abandoned the ship in search cf provisions Ie can'/eouldn't have been the result ofa pirate attack But they might/couldimay well have lt the ship through fear of an explosion ‘The people on board must have been abducted by aliens. ‘They couldn t/ean't have die out slowly. fs, the esteroid must have been enormous {An asteroid might/could/may well have caused the dinosaurs to ieout. ‘They could/mightimay have been wiped out by @ massive volcanic eruption. fascinate, intrigued 2 out of place. isolated horrified, appalled 4 batted, mystiied humiliated, mortified & thrilled, delighted fascinated 2 delighted 3 thrilled 4 appalled/noriied intriqued 6 horrified/oppalled 7 outef place 8 isolated mortified 10 humiliated regret 2 glod/notsorry 3 wish & sorry not sorry/ glad § don't regret 7 Wonly 8 a good thing If you hadn't Lent me your newspaper, I wouldn't have seen that jbad Fé be working as a security quad if hadnt applies forthe jo. If James had asked her to marry him, she'd have sai yes. If they been married, she wouldn't have moved to Australia She wouldn't be living by a beach now if she'd stayed in the UK. would have told 2 would have seen 3 wouldnt have lied would have heard 5 would have found 6 wouldn't have taken 3 4 5 6 1 4 {mother tongue 2 official language 3 first language 4 dialect 5 second language _& common language T accent 8 multilingual $ bilingual 10 regional lenguage 1 mobile hone (UKI/ cel phone [USI 2 pavement UKI/ sidewalk (US) 55 underground (UX / subway [USI & favourite [UK] favorite (US) 5 behaviour [UK] behevior [US] » 1 2 3 ‘ 5 ‘ 7 1 4 8 a 2a 3b 4b Sa 6b the banging sound of eiviliy’s bar as itis lowered another notch thay eamp in the middie ofthe sidewalk funnel down subvray stairs (Once more inte the breach perfarm something akin to interpretive dance transformed intoa Bond-like instrument of death totalkalot 2 aselish person 9 going up slowly looking angrily 5 verbally attacked wth a lot of rude language thrown with force 7 to.complain INTERVIEW Cultural difference i 2 rors Monies the Caribbean Spain 2 [es, wo: hugging and alg our owe to ndieatapuzlomont es, tenn ines and manus for vegetarians 12 FiPhoto cshows ahug] 53 FlShe doesn'thug people so much} & T 1a 2b 3b 4a 1 Ina restaurant, 2 She told a waiter she wanted to have dinner. 23 The waiterwas shocked because in that country it was very ate tchave dinner. 4 She noticed the Letter 'v'by the name of some of the food items, ‘They incicated which dishes were vegetarian, 5 She thought it was nice surprise. 6 Sometimes the restaurants tell you vhich meals are suitable {for vegetarians but on other occasions they arenct vary holpful in explaining whats suitable, and indeed will have nothing for vegetarians 7 He came out ofthe kitchen to see who was eating so late {6 She starts by saying itwas about half past nine, but atthe end she sayeit was half past te. 7 Vusual 2 sometimes 3 find 4 willhave 5 will not explain Unit 9 1 through 2 off 3 into & along throughs also possible but is neededin number) 5 onto & from Tover 8 up 9 together 1 put their stories onto 2 both are possible 3 ques along. digital cable 4 turns the fil into 5 exposes the flm onto 6 cuts the contents onto the plastic 7 prints the newspaper onto # goes into the press 9 amargesiromthe press 10 cut the sheets into 11 both are possible 12 both are possible 3 a Once thisie dane _b You remember | told you about The first thing ied And thats the whole process fe Thenext steps f explain that in a minute 19 What happens nex is 21 Balelg 4 alelg Solely 6b 74 5 1 Following that (2,40r§)_ 2 First ofall (11 3 Earlier I mentioned [6]. 4 To start of 1] 5 After that (3, 60r 5) 6 An that's i (71 7 Tobeginwith (1) I'lcame back to that later (2) 1 duties 2 supervising 3 answer/ report & task /responsibilty 5 responsibility task & manage / oversee 7 oversee/manage 8 accountable 9 charge 11 report /answer 12 responsible 7 1d 2e 3a 4h Sg bf 7c Bb 1 bolooking; main areas 2 Let's bogin 3 all; wanted; say 4 Neat; lke ta say something § it; far as; concerned 6 Let's moveon 7 OK, that's 1 2 3 10 up Td keto talk about three main things. Ive divided my tlk into three parts ‘The nex thing is its history. 4 Now let's take a look atts history 5 So, we've talked about how we play the music 111 The note gives a complete answer to questions 1, 2and 4 Ie gives an incomplete answer to questions 3's not clear if there are other responsibilities) and 7 lit doesn't say how te contact Jo, the office manager doesnt answer questions § and 6 121 detailing 2 don'thesitate 3 include 6 take you 5 you'll find & doubts pone ‘The human rights tawyer 1 General Assembly 2 SecurityCouneil 3 Court of Justice 4 Children’s § Development 1 International Court of Justice 2 General Assembly 3 Children’s Fund [UNICEF] 4 High Commission for Refugees '5 Development Programme [UNDP) & Security Council 1 lecturer [at the Unversity of Cambridge and as a barrister 2 Public International Law 3 woman judge of the iternstional Court of Justice. 4 the United Nations. 5 every state in the world 1 The decision to explore his field in a more practical sense / see International law in action 2 He did research on the conition of refugees. To investigate whether refugees enjoyed their fundamental right in countries of seylum. 4 Intwo refugee camps in Kenya, ba 71 Bt weaker 2 less 3 alotof 4 accountability c213b 4g 52 bd 70 Unit 10 1 1 discovered 2 located 3 reached 4 scanned § search for 4 detected 7 doing research nto & map 9 explore 10 found evidence of 1 uste 2 would:on 3 would: ne word necessary & is; for 5 us:to 6 would; noword necessary 7 is;for 8 would; of; to Buste 10 is:for 31 think: getting: going 2 pend: doing 3 todo; make 4 interested; learning § do; work & make; studying 1 causing: understand @ Putting; to succeed 9 challenging: facing 4 s-T'm planning to spend a year travelling around Europe. But | {also want toda something that doesnt only iavolve visiting nice places. I've been doing some research onthe intornet and think voluntary work would be an interasting thing todo. wouldn't want to spend so much time away from home without bringing something back with me, so after gaining some experience, ‘maybe organic farming isan area | could workin back home. 5 tb 2e 3a 4c 5d 61 7f Bj 99 1h © 2 Depending on who you ask 3 According to Son House's version 4 In other sources it claims that 5 his death certificate makes no mention of thie 6 All sources are in agreement that 7 Vreeto 2 freedomto/ ight to 3 option of 4 right to /freedorn to 5 obliged to 6 compulsory: to 7 expected to 8 duty to 8 1d 22 3b 4e Se 9a 10 Sentences 5 and 6 are not true. Space exploration i for economic benefit, ang a return trp tothe nearest star ta our solar system is not feasible today. 11 Suggested answers: 1 Yery popular, He seys there would be no shortage of volunteers. 2 He compares one-way space travel to people crossing aceans to discover new countries, 3 Touse the moon asa permanant base fo travel to ather places, 4 He's referring to using spacecraft with people on boord for 5 That children born on the spacecraft would have to continue the 6 Building mere powerful telescopes. 21b 223d 4a 5b bb INTERVIEW Environmental issues 2 _Liumentions changes o transportation andthe way er city tacks. [Adriana mentions energy use and production, andthe ‘environment. 21 She's been back thas times, 2 Inher hometown and the whole of China 3 Higher buleings, more cars and fewer bicycles. ' They make people's tives more convenient. 5 They have cut down the trees along an avenue where she used torride her bicyte 6 Fitty years ola or more, & I how 2 get;rather 3 usedto & broadened § all gone I working 2 reduce 3 depends 4 smaller § le 6 normally 6 IW Ziel Shel 6 ib Unit 11 1 1 getthe best cut at 7 gets; talking 3 manipulate 4 clam up 5 handle & puts; on edge 7 put;at ease 8 brings out the worst in 2 Tbeh 2dik Sac) hg 2 [C\promisgod 9 Illadmitted & (C} complained 5 challenged 6 Ul) threatened 7 IC) refused 8 (Clannounced’ 9 Il] advised 10 (C) thanked 4 1b Zab 3¢ Sac Sab bb Tab 8b 5 1 sh challenged me toa game af chess 2 told her (that I don'/did't play well / she promised not to play her best 2 a friend admitted [tl losing a book | lent him / admitted (that) he'd lost a boak | ent him 4 l apologised for my angry reaction 5 mysister announced [that she's / she was getting mercied 6 asked me to take photos at the wedding 7 asked to see my identification 8 He threatened to arrest me 6 1d 2a 34 4b 5c 6d 7 2most 3 justoverhalf 4 justundera quarter S none 6 almost none 7 nearlyall 8 four cut often 9 abouta third 10 ait 8 1 Socialists 2 Conservatives 3 Liberals 4 Greens 5 Undecided 9 J certain due 2 suggests 3 perhaps & reveal 5 lookunlicely & would soom 20 Suggested answer: The figures show the results of the final opinion pol before the September elections. ‘The frst thing that stands outis that there has been a shara increase inthe popularity ofthe Conservatives This reveals, ‘that people new see ther as the best party to laad the loca Government. Iria significant change because the percentage of ‘ers who favour the Socialists has also risen although support for them hast reached its Apt igh pont. This would seem to Indicate that Socialist voters are gradually forgetting about their financial scandals. Another dramatic change isthe fallin the numberof undecided voters. Tiss almost certainly due to the slactions being so close, 0 people have made 2 decision about who te vote for ‘As for the smaller parties, suppor forthe Greens has fallen to ‘pri levels, whereas votes forthe Liberals have gone un eighty, This is perhaps because some disenchanted Socialist voters he ware undecided in July have decided to vote forthe Liberals instead (Overall, the results show that Conservatives lock very likely to win the elections. This suggests thatthe Conservatives’ message has. ‘managed to win over the majrity of undecided voters. INTERVIEW How not to get the jot 3 1a 2b 3b 4a Sb 4 a2becadsel 5 1 Sherunsher own company. 2 Alot of people think about what to say but not about the Impression that they ive. 53 Looking or poor or homeless people and talking to ther to gain their tr. 4 The ability to understand and appreciate someone else's situation, 5 Because he was dressed very smartly and this suggested the woulda't be able to communicate with poor or homelaes people 4 Doing dirty and unpleasant activities on a farm, 7 Because she came tothe interview dressed very fashionably, in an extremely shart skirt and high-heoled boots 6 1b 2e 3a ke Sa Unit 12 1 Surgery 2 effect _3 Massage _& symptoms 1 5 Physiotherapy 6 illness 7 painkiller “8 medicine 9 Acupuncture 10 treatment 11 Hypnosis 12 Sideaftects > 13 remedy 14 antibiotic 15 vaccination 16 placebo 1 nonsense 2 works 3 effects (benefits alco possible here, butis needed in number 12]. nothing 5 believe lrustis also possible here, but is needed in number 9] 6 worthless 7 proof 8 tried 9 trust 11 better 12 benett 1 Wl be tying inthe sun inthe Caribbean. 2 Wal be analysing last month's sales figures. ‘ 3 Wusll be visitng the main sights ofthe city 4 ‘Wwsl be snowing when you arrive. 5 ‘Wu be passing through some turbulence 6 ‘Wu be sending you a document to translate 7 "Weal be doing some revision forthe exam. 1 experience ethat 2 evidence suggests that 3 For instance 4 always ound that 5 research suggests that & There's; evidence that 7 for example 8 Experts have shown that 9 ge youan example 10 inmyexperience 1 reject the proposal on the grounds that it would be expensive. 2 Fa strongly recommend dang itas it would be 4 Fd ule it out because not everyone would enjey it 4, Pd advise against it since it would accupy 2 whale weekend, 5 5 iff were you, 'd go fort. 1 treatment 2 health insurance 3 free a charge ‘ 4 appointment 5 chack-ups. 6 high status 7 -manner 8 openly 9 entitled 10 access 11 choice 12 people 13 in 1 information 15 out 1 Flt canbe painful, but i's good for your health) 7 2T aT 44 F(Laughtoris known to rolease chemicals that make us happy] g 14.27.93 45,6 51.6 62 10 basis 5 wie 2a 3b 4b 11 1 giggle, guifaw 2 mirth 3 aching, painful & accessible ’ Stumup 6 wanes 7 emotional 8 outer 9 fake INTERVIEW Atternative treatments 2 Tie [anna Laure 7 [He nacht had much experience of | She was sceptical bulls mare inbuthebevesinitnaw. | postive now 2 [es cc s 3 [acupanature a hemvapathie cream Z [es hes 21 InChina 2 He gidn't have much experience of alternative medicine. 3 They wanted to have a baby but couldn. 4 Because they were disappointed by the help they got from the ‘conventional doctor they went to see 5 Itwas possibly caused by stress or hormonal imbalances. 6 He felt nervous and the treatment was painfol 1 gotsick 2 medical check-ups. 3 last resort; consult 4 relate; come in. § course: treatment 1.7 2 3 FHersister made her try it] 4 F [Merhusband was bitten) 5 T 4 F [The symptoms clseppeared instantly] 5 Tinta 2 about 3on 4 to 5 to Unit 13 2aget 3 propose 4 make 5 organise 6 propose T take 8 organise 9 thrash 10 call 11 talk 12 take 1 haves word with 2 get everyone's opinion 9 calla meeting 4 make a formal complaint 5 organise a petition { organise a demonstration 7 take legal advice 8 take legal action 9 propose a compromise 10 propose analternative 11 thrash; out 12 talk; over 1 koow 2 afraid 3 besides 4 been 5 thinking & about forgetting 8 about 9 any 11 problem 2 thought 13 about 14 that 15 case 1 Myou ignore e dificult problem, it will usually ge away. 2 The anly way to deal with a dificult problem isto face up toi 3 The key toa successful relationship is learning to put up with your partner annoying habits 4 Tomake a relationship werk, is important to talk over the things that annoy you 5 Fora new company to work, yu just need to come up witha good idea, 4 You should always carry out plenty of market research before you consider setting up a new company 17 I'bet ta leave negotistions for another day if they break them ‘down, 8 For negotiations to succeed, i's Important to keep up the pressure on the other side 1 setup 2 broughtalong 3 talked it over 5 cortthem out & breakdown 7 gone on 1 gather 2 be compensated for 3 haveinmind & entitled to 5 honestly gee why & proparodto 7 afraid we cant agree to 8 propose bewiling to 10 provided MW think we can accept 12 depends on 1 No, he hasn't he can't see an easy solution. 2 I's not clear if Malcolm believes ane side is right, but he says the student gives the impression she's telling the truth. ‘The seven verbs are: insists, admits, claims, is refusing, thinkls, suspects, points out 1 insists 2 points out 3 suspects 1 She admits that she dd find information online 2. What struck me was how distressed she seems 4 She does give ths impression that she's being honest. 4 Iwas Kaitlin who brought the dispute tory attention, 5 Nat only does he think tat its contents are plagiarsed, but he also suspects it was writen by somebody else, 4 coming up with 8 it down 19 can offer INTERVIEW Negotiation styies Di 2 both 3 Andrés. 4 Di ‘Ata cable television channel in Quotemala, He wanted to intraduce planning in ciferent areas ‘They didn't lke tham and resisted them because they were use ta doing thing without planning them first He suggested that they only use planning for resources, vehicles ‘and comers. ‘They had to lst him know where they were going, what they were doing, and what equipment they needed, People started to be happier and work faster, andthe flow of production worked more smoothly. Touse planning in other areas. used 2 please 4 instead § lot's letting started big 2 generally not toagree 1 1 2 want 6 planning 1 1 3 smaller groups. 4 differant 5 seem 1 the actitask of getting things tobe decided during 2 meeting 2 the act of making decisions / finding solutions after the meeting 3 the way of negotating in Western culture {the way Western business people can seefinterpret a meeting wth Eastern business pacple 5 the fact thatthe meoting did not go as well as the Western business people had thought Unit 14 1 16 2h 3b 4g $a be Te BT 2 a Predictions 1 and 8 Predictions 3,4.and 6 3 1 by 2090.2 in about 2040 9 in the future 4 imthe tong term /by the end ofthe century 5 boore long/by the mid-2020s 6 bythe mid-2020s / before tong 77 bythe end ofthe century inthe long term 4% 1 willhave left 2 willbe living 3 "Wil be working 4 ‘Will have had 5 ‘willbe cohabiting & won'thave got 7 willbe reting 8 will have bousht 5 Possible answers: Tight have moved toa new house bythe end of next year. Tbe sleeping at midnight tonight. [nope tebe working when Im 65, [won't have stopped driving fr ecological reasons by 2020, | might have taken up 9 new hobby by this time next year | shoula be studying English in five yeers’ time Imay have had a holiday in space by 2050. Tlie tobe running my own Business inten years from now, reasons for 2 confident that 3 contributions; make hope; achieved 5 How;hancle & intend to 7 what; doing would; say 71 candidate 2 coveringletter 3 CV & experience 5 graduate 6 internchip.7 interview stage 8 newly graduated 9 main abjective 10 psychology It references. 12 salary 13 sellyoursell 14 style 15 cubmit 9 Viral pandemic, Take-over by robots 40 Thigh 28 35 4 veryhigh war bect ad 12142231 69.52 64 49 1 worst case scenario 2 widespread 3 flashpoints 4 onaclobel scale 5 setback 5 obliterated 7 burst out / erupt DOCUMENTARY The Antarctic researcher 4182 1 South Poe this answer isnt in the video! 2was 3can tive 5 driest 6 no 3 1 Poland 2 cartography 3 geography deta analyst [Magde says analysis, but this isa grammatical error} 4 [eartographical) maps, satellite images and aerial photogrephy 5 the terrain, temperature changes, changes to glaciers 4 MAGIC = Mapping and Geographic Information Centre GIS = geographic information system 15 1 It's the leading organisation doing research there land rmonitering and making observations! For mare than sixty years. Inthe [nieteen) eighties. Glaciology, geology and biology One isa research ship, the other has 2 logistics role [bringing food, equipment and clothing) ‘Skis, They allow the planes to land anywhere. penguins / penguin colonies / penguin poo where the colonies were thirty-eight penguin coloni there were some that nobody knew about took high-resolution photos ofthe colonies ‘counting the penguins 2007 wo ‘Terreturn to Antarctica in November and as many times as possible Flying aver glaciers and ice-shelves [end seeing the chenges) les her draam job f= she loves it remote» wildlife ¢ chick d unspoilt stain f resolution

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