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Mabiga, Mabalacat City Pampanga

Gadget addiction: Affecting the Interest in the Studies of the 11 ICT

Students of CFSI Mabiga.
A Research Presented to

Senior High School Department of Children of Fatima School, Inc.

Mabiga, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Senior High School

Information and Communication Technology


Balenton, Nuriel S.
Bondoc, Jhon Angel R.
Dela Fuente, Robelynne D.
Lavarias, Kiann Webster A.
Munoz, Rose Ann L.
Nicdao, Ryzza Laine G.
Payabyab, Mark Renz D.
Perez, Jezreel Ann V.
Resada, Justin Josh B.
Ricafort, Jhon Lyskie T.

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies


A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often

thought of as a new. Sometimes it referred to as gizmos. Gadgets form an integral part of our

everyday lives. Technology and gadgets are now absolutely necessary in our daily lives. In the

past few years carrying a smaller size of computer also known as cellular phone in a pocket has

become commonplace. Technology helps advance the human race forward and makes doing

interesting things more efficient and repeatable. Nowadays most of the students have their own

gadgets, A scenario in which students has an Internet and connected to their gadgets it is also

spread in a past decade with the belief the increased access to computer resources would result in

an increase of student learning and improvement teacher practices.

Somehow other student is addicted on what they see, like playing games or watching

using laptops, PS4 and mobile devices that can affect to their academic performance. According

to Coughlan (2015) emphasize that students are always busy sending and receiving messages

while study. As a result, they got lower score in the test and were less effective at tasks such as

note taking. This generation are might be affected by so many online distractions.

Hasanzadeh (2012) discussed that the gadget has become a basic tool for trading,

entertainment, communication, as well as education in contemporary world. Today,

communications through computer and internet is a part of life reality.

Nevertheless, despite the high speed of information flow and potential educational value

of the internet, there are several attributes of the internet which may foster addictive behavior.

These attributes include easy and flexible access 24 hours a day; provision of free and unlimited

number of social networks without geographical boundaries; greater control over one's self-

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

presentation; and provision of numerous opportunities to fulfill the need for belongingness as

well as to escape from emotional difficulties, problematic situations, and personal hardships.

Roberts JA (2014) stated that modern technological gadgets have caught the attention of

the people. The dependency of the people on technological gadgets and services give at such

level, without technological gadgets, they cannot think a step forward in the path of their growth.

Conceptual Framework

Gadget Addiction: Affecting the

Interest in the Studies of the 11 ICT
Students of CFSI Mabiga.

- Abusing cellphones
influences the nature
- Absence of rest of understudies’ rest.
- Busy sending and - Lower scores in tests
receiving text messages - Less effective at tasks
- Few hours gazing into - Addictive behavior
cellphones - Causes them to lose
- Preceding sleep time their focus
- Experience difficulty
in the following

Figure 1

This figure shows the Conceptual Framework of Gadget Addiction: Affecting the interest

in the studies of the 11 ICT students of CFSI Mabiga.

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

Review Related Literature

Advancement in technology and communication has resulted in numerous gadgets. Every

second, a new gadget is being introduced in the consumer market. People have come to a point

where they cannot live without these gadgets. As a result, gadget addiction has become a serious

problem in the world especially among the youth. Gadget addiction is enjoying a particular

activity very much such as laptops, Pods and Play Station and spending as much time as possible

doing it (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012).

In the last few years, hand phones have become an integral part of our lives. The number

of mobile cellular subscriptions is constantly increasing every year. In 2016, there were more

than seven billion users worldwide. Marty Cooper (2016) concluded that the percentage of

internet usage also increased globally 7-fold from 6.5% to 43% between 2000 and 2015 the

addiction behavior to mobile phone is also increasing. In 2012, New Time Mobility Poll (2012)

reported that 84% people “couldn't go a single day without their mobile devices.”

Kesari et al. (2014) concluded that over usage of mobile phones may cause psychological

illness such as dry eyes, computer vision syndrome, weakness of thumb and wrist, neck pain and

rigidity, delusions, auditory sleep disturbances, insomnia, hallucinations, lower self-confidence,

and mobile phone addiction disorder and the mobile phone radiation may increase the reactive

oxygen species, which plays an important role in the development of metabolic and

neurodegenerative diseases.

According to The Manila Times (2015) Excessive utilization of cell phones makes

understudies passage inadequately in basic, middle school and secondary school, not just on the

grounds that it causes them to lose their focus because of an absence of rest.

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

The Journal Paediatric Child Health care (2018) stated that parents should set the proper

example for their children to help prevent their kids from becoming addicted. This means

limiting their own use of mobile devices when kids are around. Also having screen-free

mealtimes can help instill healthy attitudes toward family relationships and smartphone use.

According to (Mitchel, 2012) Students should be encouraged to develop in a

technological world. The necessity of social networking, computer games or digital habits of

them should be understood by the elders. But simultaneously the consequences of those habits

should also be studied. It is better to study the relationship between technology, child

development and the popular culture. Parents should facilitate a healthy and balanced

relationship between technology and their children helping them to use the social media


The purpose of the study this study is to know the reason behind the gadgets addiction of

the students and to suggest that the students should minimize the usage of Gadgets for achieving

good academic performance. The general idea of this research is to dig deeper on the thought of

technological gadget addiction. Thus, the researchers are schemed to conduct this research, not to

degrade, boast and mortify the data gathering process of interpolation to students as our

respondents, and analyze whether our gathered information is accurate, deft, and judicious. Also,

the researchers seek to answer the following research questions: 1.) How many students are

being addicted in Gadgets?; 2.) Which of these are the most addictive Gadgets to the ICT

Students? 2.1. Laptop/ Desktop Computer; 2.2. PS4; 2.3. Cellphone; 3.) In which way does the

most addictive gadget affect the 11 ICT students in their interest in studies? 3.1. Social media,

3.2. E-games, 3.3.Movies.

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

The following hypotheses were provided by the researchers based from the research

questions. The result of the study determines how the academic performance of the students

affected by the gadgets addiction and how many ICT students of CFSI Mabiga addicted in

gadgets. There is a significant relationship on the student’s perception on the impact of

sophisticated use of gadgets in their study habits.

The results of this study is significant to teachers students/pupils and other researcher. For

the student to serve as an eye opener of how over using gadgets affect’s one performance

especially in academic and to know their responsibility while using gadgets because many

academics and researchers believed that excessive use of the internet and other sophisticated

gadgets have the potential to become an addiction. For the teacher and school administrators to

understand how gadget obsession affects their students’ academic performance and also this is

beneficial for them to impose disciplinary action for the student who were addicted to electronic

gadgets especially for those student that grades and school performance being affected. For the

parents or guardian to realize how children and other relations are affected by obsession in

gadget. They always follow up their child on their study time and instead of using technological

gadget they spend time for sleeping or study habit.

This study will only conduct on Children of Fatima School Inc. Mabiga. It only focus on

how do the addictive Gadgets Affect the ICT Students learning progress.


Research Design

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

The researchers will use survey research design. to collect information from the

respondents. Survey research is defined as a technique of studies used to gather data from a

predefined group of respondents in order to obtain information and perspectives on different

subjects of concern. According to Bhat (2019) Surveys have different purposes and can be

conducted in many ways based on the selected methodology and the goals to be accomplished.


The researchers will use the simple random sampling. The respondents will be 99 students.

The respondents of our research will be based on the enrollment list of Grade 11 ICT. 33

respondents for each section (A, B and C) will be selected through simple random sampling.

According to Gravetter, F.J & Forzano, L.B. (2011) Simple random sampling (also referred to as

random sampling) is the purest and the most straightforward probability sampling strategy. It is

also the most popular method for choosing a sample among population for a wide range of

purposes. In simple random sampling each member of population is equally likely to be chosen

as part of the sample. It has been stated that “the logic behind simple random sampling is that it

removes bias from the selection procedure and should result in representative samples”.

Research Locale

This research study will be conducted only at Children of Fatima School Inc. Senior High

School Mabiga under the supervision of Mr. Jojit F. Tobias. Children of Fatima School, Inc.

Mabiga started in the year 2017 by Ma. Presentecion G. Pineda, Wilfredo R. Jesalva, supported

by Mr. Alejandro F. Pineda and Mrs. Victoria G. Pineda.

Research Instrument

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

The researchers will use standardized survey questionnaires in order to determine

the addiction of the ICT students affecting their academic performance. The questionnaires are

anchored from the review of related literature and from the needs of the respondents. As defined

by Westby et al. (2003), standardized questionnaires are instruments of measurement with

proven numerical accuracy and legitimacy that are empirically developed. A standardized

questionnaire is one that permits all test takers to respond in the same manner to the same items /

questions and is scored in a standard or coherent way, enabling comparison among the results

from an individual or groups of respondents.

Research Ethics

The researchers will assure the confidentiality of the information provided by the

respondents. Any answers from the respondents will be accepted and no answers will be change

in line with the interest of the researchers. The researchers will provide a permission letter to

conduct the study signed by the research coordinator and the focal person of the school.


In order for the researchers to perform the data gathering in the research entitled, “Gadget

Addiction: Affecting the Interest in the Studies of the 11 ICT Students of CFSI Mabiga” these

are the following steps that were followed: The researchers will choose a group. Selected

respondents are based on their availability and inside the school premises which were the grade

11 ICT students. The researchers will provide a set of survey questionnaires to the respondents to

gather data then, the researchers will collect the answered survey questionnaire. The data that

will be gathered from the survey questionnaire will be interpreted through frequency table.

According to Neil J. (2010) a frequency table is an organized count of items or values. In its

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

simplest form, a frequency table shows how frequently each particular value occurs in a data set.

The raw data is organized into classes and counted to show how many of each class exists in the

raw data.

Survey Questionnaires

Please read through all the alternatives responses to each question before placing a cross (x) to

the box, choose the best answer that describe you.

How many gadgets do you have?

1 only

2 gadgets

More than 3

Do you use gadgets after school?



If you answered yes to the previous question, How often do you use your gadgets after school?

10 Hours a day

7 Hours a day

5 Hours a day

Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

1 to 3 hours a day

What Gadget do you use the most?



Laptop/Desktop Computer

What do you use the most when you are using your favorite gadget?

Social Media



Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies



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Gadget Addiction Affecting the Students’ Interest in their Studies

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