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Matsapha Police Academy -2018

THE Matsapha Police Academy

Residential Address:

Matsapha Industrial Site, Matsapha Police College Rd

Postal Address:

The Royal Swaziland Police College

Private Bag No. 2


Telephone: (+268) 5184222

(+268) 5186665

(+268) 5186666

(+268) 5186669

(+268) 5184229

Fax: (+268) 5184229

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The Matsapha Police College is an institution that belongs to the Swaziland

Government and it is a department within the Royal Swaziland Police
Service. It was established in 1965. Its main function is to provide policing
training to new recruits and t offer in-service training programmes.

The College is situated in Matsapha, the biggest industrial town in

Swaziland. It is six kilometres away from the biggest city in the country,
Manzini. The College facility is fully equipped with law enforcement and
general public safety equipment and classrooms. All academic staff are
recognized law enforcement professionals and current subject matter

The Royal Swaziland Police College came into existence during the colonial
era around 1930’s. It was initially situated in Mbabane and called
Police Training School (PTS) by then.

In 1965 the Police College was moved to the present place where it is
currently situated which is Matsapha Industrial Site along Matsapha
Police College Road.


The structure of the college stands as follows;
o Commandant
o Deputy Commandant
o Officer In charge Training Wing
o Officer In charge Command Wing
o Officer in Charge Curriculum Design and Examination
(see attached organogram OF the RSPS and Police College)

Brief descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of management.

 Commandant:
The Commandant is responsible for the overall management and
administration of the Police Academy. He/she shall be the head of the

 Deputy Commandant:
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The Deputy Commandant reports directly to the Commandant and his main
duties include managing the academic and the operational affairs of the

 Officer in Charge Training Wing:

The officer in charge Training Wing reports directly to the Commandant. The
main duty of this office is to manage pre-service training and all in-service

 Officer in Charge Command Wing:

The officer in charge Command Wing reports directly to the Commandant
and the main function of this officer is to manage the overall operations of
the Management School (Command Wing).

 Officer in Charge Curriculum Design and Examinations Unit

The main task of this office is to manage the curriculum design and
development processes of all training programmes at the College. The officer
in charge reports directly to the Commandant.


The Police organisation has laid down policies and procedures that regulate
the proper functioning and management of the Police College. Some of these
policies include the Recruitment and Selection Policy, The Training Policy
and the Promotion Policy and Procedures (see annexures). All these policies
have been developed to be in line with Government Policies mainly
Government General Orders. In order to ensure the effective implementation
of these policies, the police organization has in place an internal quality
assurance unit known as the Curriculum Design and Examinations Unit.
This unit is responsible for monitoring and evaluating all the police training
initiatives and thereafter compile a detailed report to the National
Commissioner for his consideration and further directive.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The college has laid down requirements for recruitment and admission of
candidates who want to join as Police Recruits (see Recruitment and
Selection Policy Annexure.) Once the candidates have satisfied the entry
requirements they then undergo a 2 year course called the Basic Recruit
course. After successfully completing this course officers are taken into the
strength of the RSPS as permanent members of the Police Service.

Upon confirmation as a member of the RSPS and as a Civil Servant the

officer can undergo any in-service training and development course at the
Police College (see attachment for a list of all the in-service courses offered
by the Police.


All the programmes offered in the college are tailor made to meet the
training needs and requirements of the police profession.

As stated above the organisation has a fully-fledged internal quality

assurance unit called Curriculum Design and Examinations Unit(CDEU)
which is mainly responsible for the development of all training programmes
run in the Police Academy.

The main objectives of the unit include;

a) Conducting training needs analysis (TNA) of the RSPS.

b) Reviewing, designing in training courses.
c) Evaluating all training courses/programmes following
d) Training all police trainers.
e) To develop all training materials (modules).
f) Conduct class evaluation to ensure quality delivery of class sessions.
g) To offer consultancy services on training related issues to internal and
external stakeholders.

The department has qualified police officers who are responsible for the
overall curriculum design process which include conducting Training Needs
Analysis (TNA) which assist in determining the needs of the learners and the
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

policing industry which in turn informs the broad aims, objectives and the
learning outcomes of the programme to be developed. The process also
involves identification of relevant and appropriate teaching methods and
assessment criteria.

All programmes offered are consummate with the vision and mission of the
college. The focus is on training and developing all police officers that have
served more than five years in the organisation. The CDEU also ensures that
subjects are not just being added whimsically and at the discretion of
management but after a study has proven that such a course can enhance
policing skills. Moreover, the unit ensures that all subjects that will be
added in the curriculum address modern policing practices.

The Unit is also responsible for the development of training modules and
other supporting training materials for all the courses in the Police

In developing the police curriculum, CDEU uses a variety of curriculum

design models and approaches which include CUDSA, Hardens SPICES
Model-(student centred; problem based; integrated; electives(core);
systematic. However, rather than confining ourselves to one model, the
department advocates for a multi-disciplinary approach to curriculum

Currently, the following programmes are offered at the College.


The Basic Recruit Training Programme seeks to introduce newly recruited
officers to policing.


The programme covers the following areas.

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

a) Train newly recruited students to become professional police

b) Introduce trainees to law and make it possible for trainees to
identify criminal offences in terms of the law, collect evidence, as
well as expose them to the procedure of bringing the offenders to
c) Introduce trainees to the various forms of drills used by police
d) Sensitize learners about the importance and advantages of physical
e) Give learners an understanding of basic police duties and
f) Provide learners with basic First Aid techniques.
g) Instil, maintain and improve the highest level of discipline and
efficiency in the organization.
h) Introduce trainees to crime prevention.
i) Sensitize trainees with Domestic Violence and Child Abuse.
j) Drill and weapon training.
k) Introduce trainees to Traffic duties.
l) Introduce trainees to self-defence (martial arts).

Subjects Offered
The basic recruit course offers a variety of subjects which are all aimed at
giving trainees an understanding of the nature of police work. These
subjects include police duties, Force Standing Orders, Law, First Aid
Weapons Training, Crime Prevention, Child Abuse and Domestic Violence,
Traffic etc.

Police Duties
This subject introduces trainees to the police organisations as whole, its
mission, structure, objectives and it also teaches recruits the basic
functions of police officers in general. This is the core of police work.
Lessons on how to effect lawful arrest, investigate criminal cases, attend
crime scenes and conduct patrols form part of Police Duties.
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Furthermore, the following policy documents are introduced, i.e. RSP

Service Charter, Human Resource Strategy, Crime Strategy. Learners are
also introduced to the various specialist branches and their functions.

Force Standing Orders

The subject enlightens trainees about the operational regulations and
procedures of the organization. It further teaches them how to record and
maintain force registers, books and forms, for example, how to compile
dockets, notebooks, and writing statements and police reports. It also
teaches students the procedure for detaining suspects, remand and safe
keeping of exhibits and found property.

Trainees are taught the various drills and formations. Drill is divided into
arms and foot drill. This subject exposes trainees to public order training,
which entails the following; riot drill. This subject also helps trainees when
they are tasked to form parades for public displays for police and national

Weapon Training
This is very important subject that gives trainees knowledge and skills on
how to use the various arms and ammunition in the organization. It is both
theoretical and practicable. Students are taken to a firing range for range
practice and testing. They are taught characteristics if firearms, safety
precautions, loading and unloading, firing (standing, kneeling, lying sitting
positions) and range discipline.

Criminal Law
Criminal law stipulates what is law. It is substantive. Trainees are first
taught the introductory part of law and then the basic principles of criminal
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

law and the last part of the lessons cover the various common law offences
in Swaziland.

Criminal Procedure and Evidence

This subject gives an insight into the operations of the criminal justice
system for it lays out the manner and procedure which police officers should
follow when bringing offenders to justice.
It covers the following lessons; prosecution at public instances, powers of
arrest, search and seizure, disposal of seized items, arrest/search with or
without warrants, bail, indictments, resisting arrest, search for stolen stock,
powers to retake on escape. Under this subject learners are also taught how
a criminal trial is conducted and the manner in which police officers should
give evidence in court.
The second part of the subject covers lessons on evidence. Trainees are
introduced to various types of evidence, rules against hearsay evidence,
similar fact evidence, character evidence, confessions, admission, pointing
out etc.

Statute Law
This subject covers the local statutory laws which are operational in
Swaziland, for example, Arms and Ammunition Act 1966 as amended by the
Crimes Act 6/1988, The crimes Act of 1899, Concealment of Birth Act No.
5/1943. The Game Act 5/1982, as amended by Act No. 11/1987, theft of
Motor Vehicles Act No. 16/1991. Liqour Licence Act No. 30/1964, The
Opium habit Forming Drug Act of 1922 and others.

Crime Prevention
Crime is offered as a subject at Basic Training. The lesson under this
subject cover the following: definition of crime prevention causes of crime,
crime prevention strategies, and benefits of crime prevention etc.

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

Traffic is taught to all officers at basic training officers. The subject covers
the maintenance of traffic books, registers, forms, traffic offences, how to
attend traffic accidents, drawing sketch plans, roadblock, systematic motor
vehicle checks, Traffic Act etc.

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

This subject has just been introduced recently. It was necessitated by rise of
domestic violence and abuse cases in the country. Trainees are taught the
various forms of abuse, their effects. The trainees are also taught how to
interview victims and how to conduct investigations of this nature.

Physical Training
Physical training is offered to officers who are doing basic recruit training
and to some in service courses. The aim of physical training is to introduce
officers to various forms of exercises and methods of keeping fit. This further
prepares the trainees for confrontational challenges with suspects on the
policing field. They are also taught self-defence techniques.

First Aid
The subject is four fold in that it covers an introductory session, major first
aid techniques, asphyxia, wound and bleeding. Major first techniques entail,
respiration, resuscitation, opening airways, mouth-to-mouth ventilation,
external chest compression, recovery position, blood and the circulation and
control of blood loss. Asphyxia covers suffocation, hanging and
strangulation, drowning, smoke inhalation, carbon monoxide poisoning,
choking, injuries, asthma, and winding. Wound and bleeding on the other
hand covers, how the body the responds to injury, minor and major internal
and external bleeding, and special forms of bleeding and scalp wounds.


Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The aim of the programme is to sensitise and introduce learners to traffic

law and other road traffic and transport related matters. It targets officers
who are in the Traffic Department. The duration is three months.


By the end of the programme, learners should be able to understand the

following traffic terms, concepts and terminology:

 Traffic laws
 Types of vehicles and definitions of traffic terminology
 Traffic books and forms
 Point duty
 Systematic examination of vehicles
 Rules of the road
 Traffic docket management
 Scene management and investigation of a Road Traffic Accident
 Key traffic offences
a) Roadblock and Road side checks

iii) Basic Crime Prevention Programme


The programme seeks to give enhance crime prevention issues.


The programme focuses on the following key topics.

 The nature of crime prevention.

 Causes and remedies of crime.

 Benefits of crime prevention.

 Crime prevention strategies.

 Data analysis
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 Role of crime prevention officers.

 Counselling and roles of counsellors

 Human Rights and Policing


The Nature of Crime Prevention

 Definition
 Elements
 Purpose
 Benefits

Causes of Crime
 Poverty
 Unemployment
 Urbanization
 Industrialization
 Drug Abuse
 HIV/ Aids
 Lack of support

Solutions/ Remedies to Causes of Crime

 Partnership policing
 Formation of crime prevention committees
 Patrols, following crime data analysis
 Public education e.g. mass education, group education, campaigns
and rallies
 Citizen arrest
 Formation of Income Generation Projects
 Formation of Crime Prevention Forums

Benefits of Crime Prevention

 Reduction of crime
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 Removal of fear of crime among citizens

 Improved service delivery
 Improved relationship between the RSP and the public
 The public takes a leading role in crime prevention
 Investors flock in to raise the economy
 Shared responsibilities and decision making

Crime Prevention Strategies

 Community Policing
 Definition
 Characteristics
 Service orientation
 Partnership
 Problem solving
 Empowerment
 Accountability
 Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

Crime Prevention Councils

 Committees
 Forums
 Youth forums
 Panels
 Public Awareness

Pro-Active Policing

 Definition

 Patrols

 Home/ Personal/ Cash/ Vehicle and Property security

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

Data Analysis

 Drawing of crime graphs

 Drawing of pie – charts

 Spotting types of crimes and places of prevalence

 Distribution of information to stakeholders


 Definition
 Belief in each individual
 Commitment to individual human values
 Alertness to the world
 Open-mindedness
 Understanding of self
 Professional commitment
Role of the Counsellor
 Assist client through the counselling relationship
 Conduct referrals and consultations
 Maintain high level of ethical practice
 How to conduct counselling using the DASIE model
 Develop the relationship
 Assess problem (s)
 State working goals and plan interventions
 Intervene to develop self-helping skills
 End and consolidate self-helping skills

Human Rights and Policing

 Definition

 Types of Human Rights

 Human rights and policing

 Vulnerable persons as victims or likely to be victims of crime
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 Ethical And Legal Police Conduct (Sarpcco Standards)

Duties of a Crime Prevention Officer

 Educating the public on crime prevention matters.

 Participating in the formation of crime prevention committees, panels
 Act as a resource person for the public
 Coordinate all crime prevention activities
 Maintains crime graphs


The programme seeks to give officers who are in the Domestic Violence and
Child Abuse department skills and knowledge on how to handle domestic
violence victims and investigate offences.

The programme focuses on the following;
a) Exploration of the nature of child abuse and domestic violence.
b) Child development.
c) Interviewing techniques.
d) Human trafficking
e) Public awareness


The Nature of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

 Definition of concepts

 Symptoms of Child Abuse

 Tips on how to prevent prevalence

 Human Rights issues

Child Development
 The Nature of Child Development
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

Interviewing Theories
 Investigation of child abuse cases

Domestic Violence
 Definition
 Symptoms of DV
 Trauma and its treatment
 Counselling and Guidance of victims
 Cycle of DV

Human Trafficking
 Definition
 Stages
 Interventions (local & international)
Public Awareness




To reinforce skills on acceptable police practice and legal knowledge to police

officers after policing skills and development course, with a view to balance
their knowledge of general policing and reducing the escalating crime rate
and civil claims. This programme is for officers who have served for more
than five years in the organisation.


a) Enhance learner’s skills and knowledge on police duties, Force

Standing Orders, crime prevention concepts strategies and concepts and
domestic violence issues.

b) Remind learners’ about substantive and procedural laws which include

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Evidence, Statue Law.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

c) To introduce learners to management.

d) Sharpen learner’s skills on target shooting/weapon training.

e) Give learners basic presentation skills.


The programme is made up of five core subjects which are;

 Criminal Law

 Criminal Procedure and Evidence

 Statute Law

 Police Studies(Traffic, Domestic Violence, Crime Prevention

 Human Rights

 Force Standing Orders


The programme course has been designed for police officers who are trainers
or those who have a potential of becoming trainers in the organization.

The aim of the course is to explore issues relating to the presentation of
instructional materials to a specific audience and to capacitate police
trainers with basic presentation skills. The course is three weeks.

The objectives of the course are to;

 Expose learners to the concept of conducive learning environment.

 Introduce learners to basic presentation skills.
 Provide learners with skills and knowledge for delivering
 Give learners a broad understanding of the principles and
procedures in making a presentation.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

 Give learners an understanding of some the theories and concepts

used when facilitating.
 Give learners an opportunity to make presentations.


This programme is offered to police officers who do not possess driving
license nor government authority to drive police cars.

Aims and Objectives

At the end of the programme, learners are expected to

 Complete a pre-driving motor vehicle check-up without assistance

and to identify a road worthy motor vehicle.
 Give signals of his/her intentions to other road users.
 Take off smoothly without jerking and over revving the engine or
inconveniencing other road users.
 Bring a vehicle to a halt safety and smoothly.
 Steer the vehicle to any desired direction.
 Change gears without over revving and crackling gearbox.
 Move uphill and downhill smoothly without endangering other road
 Drive the vehicle in reverse
 Observe, assess and react to hazards.
 Enter and exit all kinds of roads.
 Drive safely around corners or bends without endangering other
road users.
 Overtake slow moving vehicles safely without inconveniencing

The programme contains lessons on pre driving vehicle check-up, making
driving and indication signals, taking off, stopping, how to handle the
steering wheel, basic gear changing, moving off uphill and downhill,
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

reversing, side turning and turning around, usage of hazards, making turns,
how to overtake, concerning, night driving and other related driving skills.


This is a 12 weeks course intended for police officers who are new and those
who are experienced drivers. On completion of the course police officers are
awarded licenses and government authority to ride police cycles.

The objectives of the programme are to:

 Acquaint riders with skills and knowledge to use the essential bike
apparatus like, front and rear brakes, clutch, accelerator, gear
levers etc.
 Enable drivers to ride safely and skilfully.
 Make riders instructors or road users, i.e. acquainting them with
skills and knowledge on how to prevent road accidents and control
traffic flow.
 Make gradual and sharp turns, change gears up shift and
 Instil confidence into learners so that they are able to balance and
control a motor cycle.

Performing some routine of the motorcycle before riding, motorcycle control,

riding the motorcycle maneuvers, basic street riding, straight line riding,
zigzagging and stopping skills.


This programme runs for 4 weeks and is intended for police officers that
already possess drivers’ licences and authority to drive government vehicles.
This is a refresher course incorporating new driving strategies and skills,
new road signs and rules and regulations. The course is a revision of the
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

basic drivers’ course. Participants are made to undergo thorough driving

practical and driving tests.

The aim of the programme is to introduce contemporary driving techniques
and methods and also bring officers up to date with new driving signs and

At the end of the programme, learners should be able to;

 Complete a pre-driving motor vehicle check-up.

 Give signals of intention when driving.
 Demonstrate ability to move forward without jerking the motor
 Demonstrate mastery of driving by smoothly changing gears,
making smooth take off and halting.
 Demonstrate knowledge of road signs, rules and regulations.
 Drive on any road condition without endangering oneself and other
road users.
 Observe, assess and react to both moving and stationary vehicles.
 Approach a junction controlled by traffic lights and safely turn
right or left or go straight with due regard to other road users.
 Overtake slow moving vehicles without danger and with due regard
to other road users.
 Drive on any road conditions, slippery, dark and otherwise
 Drive safely around a corner or bend
 Do pre-driving vehicle check-ups.
 Safely enter roads either from the left or right.
 Driving vehicle check-up,
 usage of signals
 Driving forward and backward
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

 Gear changing, road sins, rules and regulations

 Turnings and overtaking
 Driving at night on rainy and/or misty conditions and on normal


The programme is aimed at raising the standards of police driving to ensure

that police officers are effective in their operations and also to equip
operational police officers with the art of driving, reading road signs and how
to avoid imminent road accidents and thereby protecting themselves and
other road users.

At the end of the programme learners, should be able to:

 Reduce road accidents and accidents caused by members of the

 Set a good example to the public by conducting themselves
correctly on the roads.
 Apply first aid in case of a road accident and/ or attack to a VIP.
 Be in a position to apply self-defence and also defend and
or/protect the VIP.
 Identify incendiary or explosives materials.

The course enlightens participants on vehicle maintenance commentary
driving, car system control, positioning, following positions, cornering, road
signs, overtaking, reaction time, defensive driving, introduction to
explosives, motor vehicle search, VIP Protection measures, unarmed combat,
first aid and practical driving.


Matsapha Police Academy -2018

This is an eight weeks programme aimed at improving efficiency and

effectiveness of constables and subsequently increasing efficiency. This
course is intended for constables who have passed Police Duties and Force
Standing Orders Examinations.

This is a general programme which embodies general police work. The
following areas of study are covered. How to conduct beats and patrols,
recording and maintenance of police forms, crime prevention, drill, weapon
training and other related subjects as police work demands.




The programme targets Sergeants and A/Inspectors Inspectors who have

passed Police Duties and Force Standing Orders Examinations.

The programme is aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills of the

participants in legal, managerial and general police work. The course also
updates participants with the operational and administrative policies and
procedures of the organization. The course is also aimed at developing
participants for future advancement by improving their professionalism.


The programme covers the following areas of study. Force Standing Orders,
Crime Prevention, Drill, Weapon Training, First Aid, Law, management and
Police Associated Studies.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018


The aim of this programme is to provide all officers from the rank of
sergeants with basic managerial skills and also to give them an in-depth
understanding of the law and police duties in general. The course is for first
line managers. Its duration is three months.

The programme objectives are to;
 Enhance professional competence of officers in their present ranks.
 Increase awareness of officers’ responsibilities in terms of
operational and administrative effectiveness.
 Develop capabilities of the officers and make him/her an effective
manager by; introducing the officer to new management concepts
and to provide opportunities to utilize those skills.
 Increase understanding of legal issues.
 Provide a basic understanding of contemporary issues which have
a bearing on police effectiveness.

It covers the following subjects;

 Management
 Law
 Police Associated Studies
 Computer Studies

Management Content
 Introduction to management
 Planning
 Developing objectives
 Action Planning
 Reviewing procedures
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

 Organizing[delegation, responsibility, authority[

 Leading[on the job training, motivation,, communication, decision
making, problem solving]
 Controlling[staff appraisal, briefing and debriefing, deployment]
 Role of a first line manager
 Time management
 Public speaking
 Human Resource management
 Team building
 Research Project

Law Content
 Criminal Procedure and Evidence
 Criminal Law
 Statutes
 Human Rights and Policing

Police Associated Studies

To develop a better understanding of the role of a manager in the
performance of operational and management of police duties and include
the following topics; Customer care, Service charter, quality service,
deployment, inspections, discipline etc.


This programme is intended to facilitate further development of middle
managers and to prepare them for senior command.

The objectives of the programme are to;

 Enhance professional competence of middle managers

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

 Increase awareness of middle manager’s roles and responsibilities

in terms of administration and operational effectiveness.
 Develop management skills and effectiveness
 Develop legal understanding of officers.
 Enlighten officers about the operations of other public and private
organizations we liase with.
 Enhance professional and personal development of officers.

 Management
 Police Associated Studies
 Operational Management
 Law Studies
 Computer Studies

The objective of this course is to enhance professional competence of officers
for present and future ranks by developing leadership, managerial and legal
capabilities. The course is in two fold, General management and Human

General Management
Subjects include; introduction to management, management functions,
management roles, management by objectives, organizational behavior,
group dynamics, team building, communication, Public speaking, effective
report writing, TV interviews, labour relations, public relations.

Human Resource Management

Personal management, motivation, leading, grievance handling, stress
management, performance appraisal

Police Associated Studies

To provide an insight into other government and non-governmental

departments and organizations.

 Role of the military, Fire and Emergency Service, Correctional

Services, United nations
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 Security of the Sate

 International affairs
 Refugees
 Education System In Swaziland
 Immigration services
 Policing System
 Health and Welfare
 Private Security Organisations
 Visits to industries
 Human awareness

Operational Management Studies

To enlighten police officers on how to plan and manage operations effectively

in order to achieve the objective of the organization and continually improve
its performance.

 Police accountability
 Police Public Relations
 Police Powers and procedures
 Complaints against police
 Safe use of firearms and explosives
 Role of Research and Planning
 Role of OSSU
 Use of Police Flags
 Policing by Objectives
 Operations Orders
 Management of Public disorder
 Effective Project Writing
 Values and ethics in the police organization
 Visionary and strategic management
 Management of information
Matsapha Police Academy -2018



The advent of technology in business world has exposed some challenges to

employees. Employees have found themselves incorporated into computing
whereas they lacked such skills. The Royal Swaziland Police (RSP) personnel
are not excluded to the aforementioned difficulty, hence, the need to
introduce them into the world of computing. The aim of this programme is to
introduce participants to the world of computers and computing.

By the end of this programme learners should be able to:
a) Define computer
b) Appreciate the basic model of a computer system and explain the role
of each device category; i.e. Input, output, processing, networking
and storage devices.
c) Appreciate the historical background of a computer noting the
improvement in development over the years.
d) Differentiate between types of computers in terms of their
characteristics and their uses.
e) Discuss the uses of computers.
f) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
g) Observe and adhere to user safety recommendations and computer
lab rules.

 Introduction to computers
 Introduction to word processing programs, database, Power Point etc
 Special software
 Types of computers etc
 Uses of computers
 Advantages and disadvantages of computers
 Internet
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The programme seeks to sustain and improve management skills and

expertise of officers of the rank of Senior Superintendent and Senior
Superintendent for senior management.

 Change management and management of change
 Changes in Swaziland and their implications to the police service
 Stress Management
 Organisations deployment and behaviour, organizational development
approach, organizational dynamics, organizational development and
techniques, successful and unsuccessful organizational development]

Practical attachment is done for the purpose of evaluating leadership,

accountability, personal management, organizational development and other
related matters.

This is a two weeks course.


This is a programme for officers who are investigators in the Criminal
Investigation Department. The course takes three months. It covers scene of
crime management, fingerprints, interrogation and interviewing,
identification parades, interrogation and interviewing, inquest, missing
persons, investigations of specific crimes, exhibits collection and handling,
public speaking, evidence collection, preservation and presentation, tracing
techniques, informer handling and traits f a good investigator. The main
purpose of the programme is to give investigators basic investigation skills

The main objectives of the programme are as follows;
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

a) Introduce learners to the technical aspects of crime scene

b) Give learners skills and techniques of cultivating and managing
c) Give learners skills and knowledge on how to conduct effective
interviewing and interrogation.
d) Make them aware of the importance of strict adherence to the law
when dealing with suspects.
e) Expose them to the procedures for dealing with missing persons and
f) Expose trainees to armed response and target shooting.
g) Give learners skills and techniques on tracing techniques.
h) Enhance learner’s skills on docket management and investigation of
specific crimes.
i) Give learners skills on how to give evidence in court.

 Crime scene management
 Informer handling
 Interrogation and interviewing
 Human rights and policing
 Investigation of specific crimes
 Evidence
 Criminal Procedure
 Inquest
 Missing persons
 Armed response
 Investigative interviewing
 Tracing techniques
 Handling of exhibits



This programme targets officers who specialises in the investigation of

commercial crimes. The programme takes 6 weeks.


The programme covers the following areas.

 Search and seizure operation (cybercrime environment)

 Commercial crime investigation

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

 Financial investigation
 Disputed documents
 Credit/Electronic card fraud
 Intellectual property crime investigation
 Docket management and administration
 Financial investigation
 Interviewing techniques
 Arrest , search and seizure
 Nigeria advance fraud
 Fraud relevant statute
 Trial phase commercial crime case
 Witness testimony
 Money laundering
 Asset forfeiture
 Banking systems
 Procurement fraud
 Facial features imposters
 Commercial crime prevention measures
 Forensic handwriting examination
 Transnational investigation
 Competition commission Act 2007
 Introduction to cyber crime
 Types and examples of cyber crimes
 Interventions to cyber crime
 Networks and cyber crime
 Internet and cyber crime
 Cybercrime investigation and presentation of digital evidence
 Detention of exhibits and application for court orders
 Computer hardware, Networking and Internet
 Mock court



This programme targets investigation officers who are in the Car Theft
Department. Its duration is 4 weeks. The programme seeks to give
investigators in this department skills and knowledge on how to handle
motor vehicle crimes.

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The programme covers the following areas.

 Investigation of motor vehicle theft

 Data Dot
 Docket management
 Overview of organized crime
 Money laundering
 Vehicle investigation
 Etch theory
 Crime scene management
 Containerization
 Investigative interviewing
 Over view of organized crime
 Mock court



The programme targets officers who are in the Drug enforcement

department. The programme’s duration is 4 weeks.


The programme main objective is to enhance drug investigators with basic

drug investigation skills and techniques.


 Drug overview
 Identification of drugs
 Field testing
 Chemical monitoring
 Drug investigation
 Passenger and route profiling
 Human rights and policing
 Handling of informers
 Opium Habit Forming Drug Act
 Pharmacy Act
 False Compartments
 Controlled Delivery
 Raid planning
 Money laundering and Asset forfeiture
 Effects of drug
 Clandestine laboratories
 Mock court
Matsapha Police Academy -2018



This is a 6 weeks programme which seeks to capacitate Scenes of Crime

Officers (SOCO) with scientific methods and techniques of managing scenes
of crimes and incidents.


The objectives of the programme are addressed by the content listed below.


 Crime scene management

 Preliminary investigation
 Collection, packaging and sealing instrument
 Storage of forensic exhibits
 Foot wear marks casting
 Vehicle at crime scene
 Sketch plan drawing
 Bodies at the scene
 Photography introduction
 Photography (camera handling)
 Photography (camera and film structure)
 Crime scene Photography
 Docket maintenance
 Scene report writing
 Covering letter writing
 Fingerprints introduction and history
 Fingerprints and powders
 Fingerprints as evidence
 Handling and packaging articles for examination
 Bomb scenes
 Moot court



This is a 4 weeks programme that seeks to train police officers on how to

properly investigate stock theft crimes. The course targets officers who are in
the Stock Theft department.

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The objectives of the programme are addressed by the areas of study listed


 Information sharing on stock theft

 Crime scene management
 Livestock traceability
 Stock disease Act and stock identification Act
 Pounds Act and Slaughter Act
 Docket management
 Investigation of stock theft
 Handling of initial report and statement taking
 Stock theft Act
 Organized stock theft operation
 Informer handling
 Game Act
 Dealing with stray stock
 Preventative strategies



This is a 6 weeks programme that seeks to sensitise officers about the

nature of terrorism and give them skills on how to monitor and investigate
terrorist activities. The programme targets police officers under the Terrorist
Department and all officers.


The objectives of the programme are summarised by the areas of study

listed below which form the programme content.


 Introduction of terrorism
 Overview of the history of terrorism
 Trends and development at international and regional levels
 Types of terrorism
 Tactics and targets
 Legal aspects of terrorism international and regional frame work
 Role of intelligence and intelligence cycle
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

 Counter intelligence
 Surveillance and operational dynamics
 Intelligence coordination and international cooperation
 Border control search and control procedures
 Border control documents verifications
 Border control effective profiling
 International crime
 Operational response
 Explosives and weapons of mass destruction
 Investigation of terrorist incidents- financing terrorist
 Investigation of terrorist incidents- crime scene management
 Investigation of terrorist incidents- case management
 Investigation of terrorist incidents- investigative techniques
 Investigation of terrorist incidents- investigative interviewing


This is a new programme that the College intends to introduce in

partnership with the University of Swaziland (UNISWA) following the signing
of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions. The
programme will be a three year Diploma in Police Science Programme.(see
attachment of the MOU-and the description of the programme).

The partnership between the Police Academy and the University of

Swaziland will greatly enhance the quality of the courses offered by the
Police Academy since UNISWA has been in the academic sector for so many
years-since 1982.

The target group for the Police Academy is Law enforcement officials who
meet the entry requirements as stipulated in the programme. The course is
voluntary and targets officers who are keen to empower themselves in the
field of policing.

Since the policing environment is dynamic, programmes are continually

introduced at the College depending on operational challenges and demands
of the policing profession.


Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The Police college has modern training facilities which include, lecture
rooms, a fully-fledged computer laboratory, a dining hall, a clinic, sporting
fields, tennis and volleyball courts, canteen(wet and dry), tuck shop, a
library and comfortable accommodation facilities. A list of the facilities is
tabulated below. The Police College can accommodate about 500 trainees. It
also has adequate staff houses to accommodate its teaching staff.

The main facilities are tabulated below.

Facility Quantity
Administration Blocks 1
Lecture Rooms 10
Registry room 1
Guard House 1
Tea Rooms 5
Conference Rooms 3
Staff rooms 6
Clinic 1
Officers Mess 1
Dry Mess 1
Dormitories 7
Ablution Facilities 30
Computer Laboratory 2
Library 1
Tennis Court 1
Volleyball Court 1
Sport Fields 2
Motor Transport Section 1
Ceremonial parade ground/regular 1
parade ground
Internet facilities 3

Administration Block
The College has on main administration block. The other departments
within the College have their own administration blocks with offices.

Lecture Blocks
The College has 10 lecture blocks which can accommodate about 600
students. Training officers also have their staff rooms and there is also a
Registry office which keeps students records and is also used for
photocopying and for typing purposes.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

All officers attending training are accommodated at the college. All courses
are residential. Course participants are provided with rooms on sharing
basis. The College accommodates about 500 recruits and 24 also rooms for
management programmes.

The college has a catering department run and contracted by a catering
company. Meals are provided free of charge for in service courses and are
subsidized for recruits. The meals are provided in a modern kitchen which
has a multipurpose hall.

Sports and Recreational Facilities

The college has well maintained sports facilities that include a soccer and
athletics sports field, volleyball court, lawn tennis, athletics club, choral
music, rifle club and other activities. Sporting and recreational activities are
beneficial to police work because they help officers manage stress, keep
them fit and healthy. The college encourages every police officer to partake
in the variety of the available sporting activities.

The college also has a wet canteen, which is fitted with pool/snooker and a
TV. It also has a shop, which sells basic groceries.

Library Facilities
The college has a library, which is situated at the Command Wing. The
library contains valuable contemporary sources of information covering a
wide spectrum of fields of study. For example, law, management, police
studies social science, fiction, and others. All officers can borrow books from
the library. The library also has local newspapers, periodicals, magazines
and other publications.

The library has an inter loan arrangement with other local libraries in the
country, e.g. the University of Swaziland, national libraries, British Council
and other houses of information.

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

The college has a fully-fledged clinic which acts as a Voluntary Testing and
Counselling Centre (VCT). A Medical Doctor, qualified police nurses and a
resident psychologist who provide services to police officers, families and
members of the community at a very low fee.

To beef up the current infrastructure strength of the college there is an

ongoing project of building more lecture rooms in preparation for the Police
Science Programme.

Since the Police College has signed a MOU with the University of Swaziland,
there is an agreement between the two institutions to share some of the
facilities if a need arises.


The College has about 5 administration officers, 49 training officers and 20

non-academic staff members. The staffing requirements of the Police
Academy are defined by the organisational structure and filling of positions
will be determined by the positions available at a particular time. Only
candidates who possess necessary qualifications and who satisfy the
requirements of each job as advertised will be considered for employment in
the Police Academy.

A fair and transparent recruitment and selection policy will be followed to

employ qualifying candidates for all available positions in the Police
Academy for both academic and non-academic staff.

For the Police Science programme since some lecturers will be drawn from
the University of Swaziland, relevant minimum academic qualifications shall
be considered for each subject area to ensure that the Police Academy
satisfies students’ needs and impacts correct knowledge. In addition, a
certification skills examination shall be conducted by Royal Swaziland Police
Academy in partnership with the University of Swaziland.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

It is essential that the Police Academy clearly specifies the relevant skills
and knowledge necessary for each module before a lecturer is selected to
lecture in a particular class.

The staffing needs and demands of the Police Academy will be determined by
availability of vacancies and the growth of the Academy from time to time.

At the moment, the Police College has lecturers who hold various
qualifications in different academic fields.

Through the RSPS Training Policy police lecturers and all staff are
encouraged to develop themselves academically and the college does create
opportunities for the staff to attend various courses in different fields of
study locally and internationally. For example in 2015 a total of 424 police
officers were trained in local institutions. (see RSPS Annual Report 2015).

The college infrastructure and resource needs are catered for by the Royal
Swaziland Police central budget.


Student recruitment, selection and admissions is regulated by different

policies and procedures depending on the type of the programme students
wish to enrol for.

For the Basic Recruit Training Programme (recruits training), admissions

will be regulated by the Recruitment and Selection Policy. When the need for
recruitment arises an advertisement will be circulated in the local media
inviting interested Swazi Nationals candidates to apply. Those who meet the
basic requirements will first write an aptitude test which is managed by the
Ministry of Education. After passing the test there will then undergo a
physical fitness test which will be followed by a final Board Interview.

For Basic Recruit Training Programme the entry requirements are as

Matsapha Police Academy -2018

Applications are opened to every person who is Swazi, whether male or

female, who meets the laid down minimum requirements for being a police
officer, is free to join the organization.


i) He must be a Swazi citizen

ii) Between the ages 18-30
iii) Not less 1.68 m in height
iv) Must have passed all the appropriate entry examinations
 Have a Form V certificate with a minimum of three credits
including a pass or better in English
 Have passed an aptitude test
 Have passed all regional interviews
 Have successfully completed physical fitness test
 Have passed an interview conducted by the Central
recruitment Board
v) Have normal vision without spectacles

vi) Have been declared medically fit by a qualified doctor

ix) Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or clear from any

political involvement


i) She must be a Swazi citizen

ii) Between the ages 18-30
iii) Not less 1.60 m in height
iv) She must not weigh less than 50 kg
v) Have a minimum of 34 inches(deflate0 with expansion of 2
vi) Must have passed all the appropriate entry examinations:
a. Have a Form V certificate with a minimum of three credits
including a pass or better in English
b. Have passed an aptitude test
c. Have passed all regional interviews
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

d. Have successfully completed physical fitness test

e. Have passed an interview conducted by the Central
recruitment Board
vii) Have normal vision without spectacles

viii) Have been declared medically fit by a qualified doctor

ix) Must be of good character

x) Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or clear from any

political involvement

Selection for training in any other in-service training will be determined by

the RSPS’s Training Policy (see attachment) and other internal guidelines
which are specific to each programme. The admissions process of candidates
to any in-service training courses is determined by heads of sections, station
commanders, training needs of the police departments and the performance
appraisal of the officer. The administration may also use other selection
criteria to identify performance deficiencies of that individual.

For candidates who wish to pursue the Diploma in Police Science

programme, entry requirements are as follows;

They should have a minimum of three credits and three passes including
English Language. The candidate should also have a minimum of five years
policing service. The University of Swaziland’s Mature Age Entry Scheme will
also be considered.


For Basic Recruit Training and all the in-service programmes at the College
teaching is through face to face contact. Lessons are on daily bases guided
by a weekly structured time table or training programmes.(attach copies of
time tables).
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

Teaching is conducted by qualified trainers who hold qualifications in

various fields of study (see attachment). Classes are conducted in a
conducive learning environment which encourages class participation and
involvement in classroom activities. The College advocates for student
centred methods of learning. For practical subjects students are taken for
field training, moot courts and range practice.

To enhance students learning and absorption of learning materials, students

are given modules and have access to internet and library facility.

All training sessions are regularly evaluated by qualified training officers

from the quality assurance department which works in partnership with the
Heads of the training departments. This is done by visiting class sessions
while in progress and students are also involved through completion of
structured questions all centred around improving quality of learning and
teaching.(see class evaluation form).

All training programmes are evaluated upon completion. Evaluation reports

are then submitted to the relevant office for implementation of
recommendations.(copy of programme evaluation form).

For the entire Police College programmes, students write tests and
assignments for continuous assessment purposes. The nature of
assessment is determined by the type and length of the programme.
Continuous assessment for each programme is determined by examinations
guidelines and rules for the programme. Final examinations are written for
all the courses.

With regard to the Diploma in Police Science, examinations will be

administered in conjunction with UNISWA as per the Examinations Rules
and Regulations of the University.


Matsapha Police Academy -2018

Most programmes in the college are short; less than a year. The only course
that will be three years long is the proposed Police Science Diploma Course.

The Basic Recruit Programme which is 12 months classroom learning and

12 months practical training has three levels of examinations which are
First Stage; Second Stage and the Final Stage. Once a student passes all the
examinations he/she precedes to the practical part of training (OJT). Under
this programme, new officers are attached to tutors who provide coaching
and mentoring.

The other courses are examined through tests, practicals and examination
that are taken internally and are not accredited to any Examination Council.

Under the proposed three year Police Science Diploma Course progression
will be through passing annual examinations that will be written under the
University of Swaziland Examinations Regulations.

The Police College has a well defined system for supporting students who
may have challenges of progressing from year to year. For an example, a
student may be invited for a one-to-one interview with a class co-ordinator,
or they may be referred to the head of training.

The College has a fully-fledged Clinic with a qualified Psychologist to offer

psychological support. It also has nurses who are on call for 24 hours.


All the in-service courses in the Police Academy are government sponsored.
The only course that candidates will have to pay tuition for is the Diploma in
Police Science programme. All income generated by the Police Academy will
be collected and deposited in an already existing account. In addition to the
generation of income from the tuition fees that will be charged to students
who undertake studies in the Diploma in Police Science programme
independent sponsors will be engaged to solicit funds to sustain the
operations of the programme.
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

As a secondary source of income, the college offers security training services

to stakeholders at a fee. Currently, as an additional source of income the
Police College has a wet canteen and a tuck shop that is open to police
officers and members of the public.

Since the Police Academy is a Government institution, it receives funding

from the Central Police Headquarters to run most of its operations. The
budget requirements of the Academy are catered for in the central budget.
Any subvention received from Police Headquarters is audited by Government
Auditors. The Police organisation also has its own internal auditors who
conduct surprise audit checks of all the financial management systems. The
Police Academy has qualified financial managers who manage the finances
of the institution.


The College does not have a Research Department. Research is taught as a

subject and students are encouraged to do mini research projects which are
not published.


Currently, there is no computer based information management system in

place to manage enrolment, admissions, students, tuition fees payment,
assignments, grades and library of the institution. The College has a manual
system and it uses spreadsheet to capture data for students. The Police
College has a fully-fledged IT section that is staffed with highly qualified IT
specialists who have the capacity to manage and monitor any computer
Matsapha Police Academy -2018

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