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This Booklet starts with the Basic exercises- over the 3
different chords of Cantaloup Island.

The Exact exercises of the video occupy the last 3 pages.

Please remember that these are just raw material to use.

As soon as possible try to memorize the triads in question
and the shapes, and play them without reading the music.

Then you can start to have fun with the rhythm, range
ariculation etc.

Hope you have a blast!

Nick Homes
‘Basic Exercises’

©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
Exact Video Exercises’

©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018
©DogsDinnerMusic 2018

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