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Bimbingan Belajar Marwell Education

7. Jika Andreas berjalan ke sekolah, rata-rata ia
EASY ENGLISH melangkah 90 kali per menit, tiap langkah panjangnya
& 75 cm. Ia perlu 16 menit untuk sampai di sekolahnya.
Kakaknya, Michael yang pergi ke sekolah yang sama
MATH melalui rute yang sama, melangkah 100 kali per menit,
1. Although the children have . . . food to eat, they tetapi panjang langkahnya hanya 60 cm. Berapa menit
are willing to share with the other children. diperlukan Michael untuk sampai ke sekolah?
A. So few D. So a few A. 14 4
D. 20
B. Very few E. Very little 2
B. 15 E. 22
C. So a little 4
C. 18
2. Marwell Education, . . . in South Tangerang, was
founded by Maria Wella Manurung. 8. Misalkan k bilangan bulat. Nilai dari 4k+1 . 5k-1 sama
A. Was the first course dengan ….
B. The first course was A. x 20k D. 202K
C. It was the first course
D. The first course 4
B. x 202k E. 20k-1
E. It’s been the first course
3. The building needs . . . because it has been very old.
C. x 20k-1
A. Renovated D. Renovated
B. To renovate E. Renovating 9. Jika 2004 dibagi ke dalam tiga bagian dengan
C. Renovate perbandingan 2 : 3 : 5, bagian terkecil = …
A. 350,8 D. 550,8
4. The population of the earth is increasing at a B. 450,8 E. 650,8
tremendous rate and . . . out of control. C. 400,8
A. They have become
B. Are soon going to be 10. Did the car in the parking area bought by the rich man
C. Soon will be A B
D. Why it will be who is now heading a meeting in the building?
E. Why they are going to be C D

5. . . . with about fifteen times its weight in air does

gasoline allow the carburetor to run smoothly. Brave yourself to STRUGGLE,
A. It is mixed D. When being mixed God will not give you the DREAM
B. To mix it E. Only when mixed If you don’t know how to bring it to PASS!
C. When mixed -Marwell92-

6. Last week, Maria and Wella were honoured at a

luncheon for their part in rescuing a child who . . . into
an icy pond.
A. Falls D. Has been fallen
B. Would fall E. Had fallen
C. Has fallen


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