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250 SERIES Parts Diagram 1

1 15




In Stock!


2x3x13 CP25233DRXXX Ductile I ron AH 13"
3X4X13 CP25343DRXXX Ductile I ron RH 13"
4x5x14 CP25454DRXXX Ductile I ron RH 14"
5x6x11 CP25561 DRXXX Ductile I ron RH 11"
5x6x14 CP25564DRXXX Ductil e I ron AH 14 "
6x8x11 CP25681DRXXX Ductil e I ron RH 11"
6x8x14 CP25684DRXXX Ductile l ron RH 14 .11
NOTE: Add tMS ro above model nvmbersfor numm, with Mechsnical Saals.


ltem Parl Qty. Approx.
No. No. Description Req'd. Wl
1 P25PED 250 Pedestal 1 165.00
2 P25SHFT 250 Shaft 1 38.00
3 P250BBH 250 Outboard Bearing Housing 1 9 .50
4 P25PG 250 Packing Gland 1 2.50
5 P2SIBBRG 250 lnboard Bearing 1 8.50
6 P25SRW 250 Slingcr Ring - Water 1 .75
7 P2SIBBC 250 lnboard Bcaring Cover 1 5.50
8 P250BBRG 250 Outboard Bearing 2 3.50
9 P250BBC 250 Outboard Bearing Cover 1 3.50
·10 • 250 Mechanical Seal 1250 Packing AssembJy 1 1.00
11 P25GABA 250 Gland Bolt Assembly 2 .25
11A P25CGB 250 Clevis Gland Bolt 2 .50
'13 ..
P25SHSLVC 250 Shafi Sleeve, Ceramic Coated
250 Stuffing Box
'15 . 250 lrnpeller
250 Housing


'15b P25CWPxxx 250 Replaceable Wear Pad
16 P25HSN 250 Housing Stud W / Nut 12 .50
· 17 P25HG 250 Housing Gaskel 1 .50
'18 P251MS 250 lrnpeller Seal / 0-Ring 1 .50
'19 P25SSS 250 Sha!t SJeeve Seal I 0-Ring 1 .50
'20 P251BBOS 250 lnboard B.earing Oil Seal 1 .50
·21 P2518BES 250 lnboard Bearing Exclusion Seal i .50
'22 P250880S 250 Outboard Bearing 011 Seal 1 .50
' 23 P251BBCG 250 lnboard Bearing Cover Gasket 1 .50
'24 P250BBHS 250 Otbd. Bearing Housing Seal J O·Ring 1 .50
'25 P250BBCS 250 Otbd. Bearing Cover Seal / 0-Ring 1 .50
26 P25BLNK 250 Bearing Lock Nut Kit 1 1.00
27 P250BBCB 250 Outboard Bearing Cover Bolt 2 .10
28 P25BHB 250 Bearing Housing Bolt 4 .15
29 P251BBCB 250 lnboard Bearin Cover Boll 2 .15
30 P258CP 250 Bearing Cover ilugs 2 .05
31 P25SBB 250 Stufl Box Bol1 1 .15
32 P2500P 250 011 Orain PJug 1 .05
33 P25ZGF 250 Zert Grease Fitting 1 .05
34 P2500S 250 Oil Olp Stick 1 .25
35 P25CK 250 Coupting Key 1 ,20
·see Options On Page 39

ltem Part Approx.

No. No. Descrlptlon Wt.
·10 P25PMSG 250 Graphile Packing Assembly 1.00
P25PMSK 250 King Packing Assembly 1.00
P25PMST 250 Teflon Packing Assembfy 1.00
P25MSXX 250 Mechanical Seal 4.00

·13 P25SB/PK 250 Stutting Bo x for Packed Pumps 42.00

P25SB/MS 250 Stuffing B o x For Mechanical Seals 42.00

·14 P25D233MRXXX 250 2x3x13 Ductlle !ron Right Hand lmpeller 21.00
P250343MRXXX 250 3x4x13 Ductile lron Right Hand I mpeller 25.00
P25D454MRXXX 250 4x5x14 Ductile lron Right Hand lmpeller 42.00
•• P25D561MRXXX 250 5x6x11 Ductile lron Right Hand I mpeller 31.00
P25D564MRXXX 250 5x6x14 Ductile !ron Right Hand lmpeller 45.00
P25D684MRXXX 250 6x8x14 Ductíle lron Right Hand lmpeller 47.00
"Nota: Use P25D561 MRXXX for 250 6x8x11 Pumps
'15 P25D233H 250 ·2x3x13 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 121.00
P25D343H 250 3x4x1 3 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 145.00
P250454H 250 4x5x14 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 183.00
P25D561H 250 5x6x11 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 215.00
P250564H 250 5x6x14 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 237.00
P25D681H 250 6x8x11 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 250.00
P25D684H 250 6x8x14 Ductile lron Right Hand Housing 257.00
'15b P25CWP343 250 F/3 X 4 X 13 casing Wear Pad 30.00
P25CWP454 250 F/4 x 5 x14 Casing Wear Pad 30.00
P25CWP561 250 F/5 x 6 x11 Casing Wear Pad 30.00
P25CWP564 250 F/5 x 6 x14 Casing Wear Pad 30.00
P25CWP681 250 F/6 x 8 x11 Casing Wear Pad 30.00
P25CWP684 250 F/ 6 x 8 x 14 Casing Wear Pad 30.00
P25CWP8104 250 F/ 8 x 10 x14 Casing Wear Pad 30.00
'18 P25FEGK 250 Fluid Gasket Kit .50

·21 P250SK 250 011 Sea! Kit .75

'24 P25PEGK 250 Power End Gasket Kit .50
Note: See lmpefler Size Code On Pa.oe 8
250 Centrifuga/ Pump Features

MCM Mechanical Seals

MCM félkes p¡idr in carrying one of the
MCM �"""9 � Pedest�I ñnest mechanical ,eals on lhe markel,
MCM pridesltself in manu wtiether itbe tungsten-tungstfíl,
facturing a heavy-duty tungsten-sillcone or silicone carblde. They come wilh a highly poli1hed
frame lo withstand high sealing face and withviton hcl!ows and stainless steel springs
piping loarls. The frame Is
rnanufdoured írorn tast
lron for high strengtli anrl MCM Pump Bearings
durabiliry. MCM use; nothing but the oest and the finest american SKF
beartngs In its pumps. lhc outboard bearing asscmbly
consist of a pair of angula, comact bearings with �
MCMCasing high thrust load ratings and zero ffld play. The heavy � )
lhe MCM pump housing has been
du�; lnboard beanngs is a doublr row ball beJring -�-
betfad up In cr\ocal wrori areas ror
extra n:e. lh, <oncent1 c housiRg with hlgh féldial load f<ltlngs to compen,ate !or the
ellminatrs 11ibration. tulbu'ence larger 1izc impellers ,md hcavy duty applications.
alld ca,¡i;auon ano reduct'S
oea,ing IOJd ar,d shail defuaioo.
MCM Labyrinlh Seals (Op1ional)
MCM lnsta!ls labyrtmh sea Is by customer re<Juest
MCM lmpeller (Open Vane Design) in ali its pumps to isotate thc bearings 1mm
MU,\ Open Vane lm13<1la De�gn Is e•1glneered to harrnful contaminan� while keepiflt] beartng
reduce tuibulence, ciiminatc rcórculation, Jowc, lubm:ated.
racial and thms; loads andprovflle a smooih fiow
offluldtnroilgh thc pump.
l he MCM shah Is rrnnulactu1ed
from the h1g�cst quallry alloy steel
Designed¡o nansm t 1he
MCM lmpeller (Semi-Open Vane) maximum torquc w th mlnlmum
MCM also <ariles ><ffi'·open vane lrn¡retl¡¡s In shafi del1eaion. MCM Shalt Sleeve
the Sx6,6x8and 8x lOsizes. fhe MQ,1 shah sleeve Is manu'.,Clured
from •116 staln'cs, st� and cetamlc
MCM Wear Pads coaied for extra life. Tne slee•1e is
llle MCM houslng comes w lth rep!ace­ dcs1gncd to pmtcct lhc shan rro!ll
able wcar pacls in siles from 3 t 4 x 13 ,brasi•,e fl:1icls.
lncht'S thru 8 x 10 x 14 loches fnis
fN,u1c ,e<Juces 1he 111<1lmenance costs
of housing 1epl3cemellt r,.¡ merely
repla:lng lhe w1:ar pads. MCM Stuífing Box
MCM Stuflin9 Box cover is desigoed to combine the functions of tlle
wear platc and smffi™J box of convcntiooal pumps mto onc piecc
MCM Shearlng Rlng replaceable unil. Tlte 5lUlling box cover is
MCM offeJS a shearing a•1ailable in two styles: for mecharncal
ring option to COfi'INl a ,e.ils 01 tor regular packing.
regula, 250 senes JlllffiP
m a shearing p,1mp for
mu(l app:icatlons.
Dimensional Outline

NI M··.,i\
e s.
(\) (/J

>--H�J 1.A-�

-HOOas•1J11 ·111, r·----K----'

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SIZE A 8 e D E F G H J K M N o�
SUction IJ;st�arse
SJ¡,e Sl2e ..

2x3x13 83/• 33/4 33 7 10V. 17 1/a 3 1h 157/to 2!\',. 19 '-/a 9 9 13 6 3 2 430

93/a 41/, 335/a sS/, 10"4 17 /a 3''2 15 7/,0 19 0/a 9 9 6 4 3
3x4x13 25/,s 13 440
4x5x14 103/4 535 6 1/a 11 19 3'1� 1
15 /1� 25/·6 195/a 9 9 14 7 5 4 490
Sx6x11 12''•• 5"1, 1 36�8 6 ,, 177/0 3 1h 157/16 25/16 195/a 9 9 11 8 6 5 520
Sx6x14 l
12'l,6 53{, 36Jle 6 11 21 31/� 1s 1i.
25/,. 19 °/a 9 9 14 10 6 5 550
6x8x11 131/, 6:V• 371h 83/a 14 20 3''2 1s /,s
2 s1 • 19 5/e 9 9 11 8 8 6 610
6x8x14 131/• •/�
6'1'4 37 8:J/a 14 23 1
3 '2 1
15 /1� 2'/;¡, 19 °/a 9 9 14 10 8 6 630
1 1

1.0. o.o. e.e. HOLES HOLES
2 43/, 3{4 o/a
2 761 2 4
3 3 1 6 4 3/, o/,
4 4 9 11
2 8 3/, '5f1s
1 5/,
5 5 10 aV2 8 7/
a a
6 6 11 9''2 8 7/a 1
112 7/
8 8 13 113{4 8 a 11/a

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