How To Describe A Picture

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How to describe a picture

Where ?
 in the background
 In the foreground
 On the left
 On the right
 In the middle
 Between/ behind / next to
 Indoor /outdoor
 In the street/ in a square / in a park/ in the countryside
 At the beach
 In a shop /cinema/ theatre/ cafè
 They are at home/ school/ work
 A very modern/ old building
 The scene is taking place during the _____ in winter / spring
 The weather is_________________________________
 I think it’s quite ________________ because people are wearing
Who ?
There are 2 person in the ____________ a man and a woman. They look___________
and they are ____________________. He is wearing _______________________
and he has got _______________________. He’s tall, fat …….
They are both young. The woman has got long brown______________ and she is
wearing _________________
Making guesses
They look / seem very/quite happy / sad
They look/ seem a bit worried/ tired/ bored
I think they are happy because they are both smiling
It looks as if they are having a good time
They could be friends or brothers
He is probably a tour guide because
Maybe they are
Why are these two person here ? what will they do next?
Are they the same nationality? what are they holding and why?
Who took the photo? what is their relationship?

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