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Integrated Music Theory

LET Competencies:
1. Reflect on the totality of human experiences in formulating a human perspective that integrates all
areas of knowledge.
2. Integrate the areas of humanities in different human experiences


A. RHYTHM – is the flow of music through time.
- Beat – is a regular, recurrent pulsation that divides music into equal units of time.
- Meter – the organization of beats into regular groups.
1. Simple Meter – is division of time where the fundamental pulses subdivide into groups of
two, four, etc.
2. Compound Meter – is a division in which the fundamental pulses subdivide into groups of
three, six, twelve, etc.
3. Polymeter – is double meter to indicate that two meters are combined or there is constant
change from one meter to the other back and both.
- Time Signatures – consist of two numbers that the upper number indicates the number of
beats for every measure and the lower number indicates what kind of note receive one beat.
- Rhythmic Pattern – is the division of beats into patterns of sound. A combination of notes and
rests found in one measure of a given time signatures.
- Syncopation - is a musical process that involves adding an unexpected element to the basic
beat of a musical composition. A dislocation of the strong accents within a measure.
- Accent – stress or added emphasis given to a note.
B. TEMPO – rate or speed in music.
- Andante – moderately slow
- Allegro – fast
- Moderato – moderately
- Lento – slow
- Vivace – lively
- Presto – very fast
- Accelerando – gradually becoming faster
- Ritardando – gradually becoming slower

A. MELODY – is a series of single notes that add up to a recognizable whole. Melodic directions of
movement are going up, going down and repeated.
 Pitch – the highness or lowness of a sound.
 Key signatures – consists of sharps and flats.
 Scale - is a group of musical notes collected in ascending and descending order.
B. HARMONY – is the simultaneous sounding of a group of tones. The vertical relationship
between a melody and its accompanying chords or between melodies simultaneously played or
 Triad – consists of three notes: the root, 3rd and 5th
 Chord – a musical sonority consisting of three or more tones sounded simultaneously

A. TEXTURE – is the relationship of melodies (horizontal) and harmonic (vertical) elements in
music. Produce qualities of lightness or heaviness, thickness or thinness.
 Monophonic – single unaccompanied melodic line.
 Polyphonic - consist of two or more melodic lines.
 Homophonic – one main melody accompanied by chords.

A. DYNAMICS – the loudness and softness in music.
 Fortissimo (ff) – very loud
 Pianissimo (pp) – very soft
 Mezzo Piano (mp) – half soft
 Mezzo Forte (mf) – half loud
 Crescendo – gradually becoming louder
 Decrescendo – gradually becoming softer
B. TIMBRE – is the qualifying difference between one tone and another. The color of sound
produced by the voice and different instruments.
- Soprano
- Alto
- Tenor

St. Louis Review Center, Inc – Davao ---- Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732
- Bass
- Orchestral Instruments
- Rondalla Instruments

A. FORM – the structure or framework of a composition.
- Tone – smallest unit of a composition
- Figure – smallest characteristic group of a tone
- Motive – is a tone group that may be identified with a particular composition
- Phrase – is a succession of tones arranged in such a way as to give a musical thought
- Period – a complete musical thought consisting of two phrases in Question and Answer
- Section – a combination of periods
- Unitary – consist of one part
- Binary – consist of two parts
- Ternary – consist of three parts
- Rondo – consist of more than three parts


1. It refers to the dislocation of the strong accents within the measure.

A. Rhythm C. Tempo
B. Pulse D. Syncopation
2. It consists of two numbers that tells the number of beats in every measure and the kind of notes
received one beat.
A. Key Signature C. Time Signature
B. Scale D. Key
3. The vertical relationship between a melody and its accompanying chords or between melodies
simultaneously played or sung.
A. Trio C. Harmony
B. Triad D. Chord
4. It is a succession of eight consecutive tones arranged in whole and half step.
A. Melody C. Phrase
B. Scale D. Octave
5. It is composed of soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
A. Mixed Choir C. Children’s Choir
6. What becomes of the tone when a perfect interval is lowered half step?
A. Minor C. Augmented
B. Diminished D. Major
7. How many notes are needed to form a diatonic scale?
A. 3 B. 7 C. 5 D. 9
8. Which of the following elements is applied when a musical sign that indicates the speed of a song
composition has to be sung or played?
A. Sonority C. Monophonic
B. Register D. Tempo
9. What chord is fa la do in the key of F?
A. Diminished C. Augmented
B. Minor D. Major
10. The relative loudness or softness of tonal effect is determined by the size of vibrations of the sound
waves. What do you call this numerical effect?
A. Dynamics C. Intensity
B. Timbre D. Duration
11. What do you call the grouping of beats into measure?
A. Tempo C. Rhythm
B. Pulse D. Meter
12. What do you call the scale consists of five notes?
A. Diatonic Scale C. Pentatonic Scale
B. Chromatic Scale D. Minor Scale
13. What is the scale composed of seven tones – each is whole tone from its nearest neighbor?
A. Major Scale C. Minor Scale
B. Whole Tone Scale D. Chromatic Scale
14. The succession of related single tones expressing an idea.
A. Timbre C. Harmony
B. Texture D. Melody
15. The highest female voice.
A. Alto C. Tenor
B. Bass D. Soprano
16. The color of sound produced by the voice and different instruments.
A. Timbre C. Harmony
St. Louis Review Center, Inc – Davao ---- Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732
B. Texture D. Melody
17. Produce qualities of lightness or heaviness, thickness or thinness.
A. Timbre C. Harmony
B. Texture D. Melody
18. What chord is do mi so in the key of C?
A. Diminished C. Augmented
B. Minor D. Major
19. Re Fa# La is what chord?
A. Diminished C. Augmented
B. Minor D. Major
20. Where is the location of Do in the staff in the key of E flat?
A. 2nd line C. 5th line
B. 1 line
D. 3rd line
21. Where is the location of Re sharp in the staff in the key of F sharp?
A. 3rd space C. below the first line
B. below the first line first ledger line D. first space
22. Banduria, Octavina, Guitar and Bajo De Arco are what group of instruments?
A. Rondalla Instruments C. Ethnic Instruments
B. Orchestral Instruments D. Band Instruments
23. Woodwind, Stringed, Brass and Percussion Instruments are what group of instruments?
A. Rondalla Instruments C. Ethnic Instruments
B. Orchestral Instruments D. Band Instruments
24. When a perfect interval is raised half step, it becomes __________?
A. Major C. Minor
B. Augmented D. Diminished
25. It is a group of tones of different pitches which are vertically arranged.
A. Minor C. Chord
B. Major D. Augmented


1. The flow of music through time.

A. Melody C. Rhythm
B. Form D. Tempo
2. The complete musical thought consisting of two phrases in Question and Answer.
A. Period C. Section
B. Tone D. Motive
3. It is a tone group that may be identified with a particular composition.
A. Period C. Section
B. Tone D. Motive
4. Organization of beats into groups of two’s three’s or larger units.
A. Beat C. Rhythm
B. Meter D. Melody
5. Distance between two notes.
A. Semitone C. Interval
D. Microtone D. Whole Tone
6. Passage from one key or mode into another.
A. Modulation C. Transposition
B. Tonality D. Progression
7. Notation or performance of a composition in a different key from the one in which it was originally written.
A. Modulation C. Transposition
B. Tonality D. Progression
8. The advance from one tone to another or from one chord to another.
A. Modulation C. Transposition
B. Tonality D. Progression
9. Two notes of the same pitch but different pitch names.
A. Movable Do C. Enharmonic Tones
B. Sol-fa syllables names D. Fixed Do
10. The distance between the lowest and highest tones.
A. Tessitura C. Range
B. Pitch Progression D. Interval
11. What is single unaccompanied melodic line?
A. Polyphonic C. Texture
B. Monophonic D. Homophonic
12. Consist of two or more melodic lines.
A. Polyphonic C. Texture
B. Monophonic D. Homophonic
13. One main melody accompanied by chords.
A. Polyphonic C. Texture
B. Monophonic D. Homophonic
St. Louis Review Center, Inc – Davao ---- Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732
14. A direction to perform the passage in a smooth and connected manner, with no break between the
A. Legato C. Portato
B. Staccato D. Trill
15. Detached, separated, a style in which the notes played or sung are more or less abruptly disconnected.
A. Legato C. Portato
B. Staccato D. Trill
16. What is the interval between E# to F#?
A. Half step C. Whole step
B. 3rd step D. 4th step
17. The time signature of the song Kundansoy is _______?
A. 4 C. 2
4 4
B. 3 D. 6
4 8
18. Lupang Hinirang is in _______ time signature.
A. 5 C. 2
4 4
B. 3 D. 6
4 8
19. In finding the pitch of do in the key of ____, sing do and call it so and go down to do.
A. Key of C C. Key of F
B. Key of G D. Key of D
20. In the key of ____, to find the pitch of do, sing do and go down to re and call it do.
A. Key of C C. Key of F
B. Key of G D. Key of D
21. What is the interval between A to B?
A. Half step C. Whole step
B. 3rd step D. 4th step
22. What is the enharmonics of C?
A. B# - D double flat C. B – A#
B. F flat – D double sharp D. F# - G flat
23. What is the relative minor key of F# major?
A. c# C. d#
B. a D. e
24. The relative minor key of G major is
A. c# minor C. d# minor
B. a minor D. e minor
25. What is the relative major key of a minor?
A. C# C. C flat
B. C D. A

St. Louis Review Center, Inc – Davao ---- Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732

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