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vvse_ IOMSC 2019 Registration forthe conference eles the delegate to confre publcabons,atendance of sessions, lunch and ¥eshmen's on all ays. of the conorece, cultural events an cnn, Faire pay he ragetaion fees wil exchde the paper fom Ihe conference [pooeadngs. Regain fees once pad wl rot be eunded under Bay oroumstances. eee etn ec ee eee crn peri a cee ee Ne Peer eee ul) ‘TKM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING “Thangal Kune Musa Colage of Enginesring is one ofthe premier Inston of nabonal mporane in igherecnical education, base indus esearcy was extatenad in 1908 a fit rant 2d Engrooring Callen thesia of Kerala be Janab A. Thangal Kanju Musa, an industilist,philativopst and a grat vsonary ‘aho played a pvt len roving tha rch tho slat’ ecoray. Stata wi oflers 8 und: graduate pograms ad 8 post - raduato programs in Engineering Management and Compute Apolcators. The Collgels sctadiodb NalonalAstessmont and Aecodaton Couns NAAC] vwithanAgradein 2017, Department of Civil Engineering ‘The Deparinent of Civ Enginearing, whch stated in the yar 1858, has caved a riche fr tsa by ofeing one af the most competent instuctonal programme tothe students, The deparment nas been nse producing graduates wno ocouy presgios postions in industrial and ecaseme el, nation to the UG Progranme, te Separen is offen MTech in Stuctrel Engineering ‘end Constucion Managemen andthe departments research centre of University of Kerala, Kerala Tecnologia Unveety (KTU} and QIP Eerie of NCTE. Th UG programma a te departments accreted by Natonal Board of Accrestaton (NBA) for 6 yeas andthe PG dor 2years 2017. DECEMBER INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELING AND SIMULATION IN CIVIL ENGINEERING ICMSE 2019 ICMSC Organized by DEPARTHENT OF VL ENGINEERING THANGAL RU MUSALIAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING LAM ~ 69105, KERALA, INDIA Caen Recont developments in th Feld of Chill Engineering, Mathematical Nodelng Pracica, Numerical Wodelng, Atal nligence aplcatons InGivl Enginoorng, Simulation and Optanzaton,Pobabilsic Assessment, Uncenty Quaniication, Sustainabily Concops “STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Design of Stucural Systems, Advances in Conc & Prostossed Concrete, Stucal Opimizaton, Srucial Rely, Numerical Modeling mn Stucual Engineering, Afi Inteligence and Exper Sysiens in StucuralEnginesng, foe Stuctues, Stucral Dynamics, Earthquake Resistant Structures, Developments in. Material Technology, Dural of Concrete, Repa Meri ard ‘Technology, Smart Struct, ghse Sulengs. Revoing end RenabatonofBuldingsand ges, SractrlHeath Montoing, Tanna Engineering, Structural Selly andDisastrPreveion 2, BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Recent Advances in Buling Tecnology, OG) Asvonces" Constrsction waters, “ Consituelion Safely Manageme! CConstucten Supply Chain Management, ‘Optmzation in Constucion Wanagemert, Innovative Ideas in. Managemen Sustainable Practices in Constucton, Green Buildings, Building Information Nodelng Risk Management 5, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING — Fm Recent Advances in Gootechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement HP Tocmiques,- Modeling. of Geotechnical | | systems, Relabilly based. Design, Foundation Engineering GIS andRemoie Sensing Applications, Geotechnical Hazards, Envrenmetal Geotacis, Sot Computing Applications, Geosynthetics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Sal Characterization and Stelnvesigton, 4, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERNNG TTaffe Flow Modeing and Sinulton, COpliizaion of Transportation Systems, Pavement Design, Flexible Pavement, Perpetual Pavements, Transprtaion Planing, Road Salty, Design of Safety umiure Highways, Rehebitain of Pavoment Systm, Mked Trac Contl andBbaviour RunwayRepalieg RecyledPavemertMatoris 65, HYDRAULICS AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Advances in Hydraulic Engineering Mathematical Modeling Practices in Hytology and Weler Resources, Hyereufe Stuur, Simulator ving GIS and Remote Sensing, Applealon of Soft Computing Techniques in Hydraulics and Water Resouces, Evoliionay Agritns fr iydrosystoms Optimization, rigation Systems, Hydr-lmatlogy, Watershed Management 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Environmental Nodoeg, Flow and Polktant BB Transport Water Quay Modeling, Design of Environmental Systems, Solia Waste Maragomenl. Hazardous Waste Disposal Recyclng of Waste Wales, Air Qualty Monitoring, ir Pollution Control Envroamentl npactAssessmet ‘The college is lcstod in a serene atmosphere at Karkode, § km fom Kalam iy, alorg the KolareMadural Natonal Fighway 744, Kollam swell conneced fo allctos in nda by road a5 well as ral, The nearest port I Tivandum Irierational Airport wichs65 long ih Natonal Highway 68. Coctinintematonel Aron is 180 km fom the ‘alee. Places of ort tres near Kalo asthe farcus Kovalam beach 70k), kala beach (40k), Pond Hl Resor (10 kn), Palarwi waters (70 kn, Thenmala ‘cciouismaee (60m) ard Kanyakura (10m) Cimlein Kalam dung the month of Decembers vr pleasant wth the temperature ranging fom 24 to 30 degre Calsus wth seer a Our Sponsors Publication Partner EB G») Tear OP Confrence Series (Gv) rota be seas. abou, ENE Ccoréates De sae Nose REE eee BEES JABAL

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