360 Media Guide

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360Media.qxp 11/9/06 3:54 PM Page 1


Welcome to Our New 360° Media Guide Editorial Contents


t’s amazing how quickly 360° has become shorthand for the new media model, a rallying Media companies reinvent themselves in an effort to
cry for an industry that no longer defines itself based on distribution platforms but around help marketers connect with consumers in a variety of
new ways.
brand identities. With that in mind, we’ve created this 360° Media Guide, to meet the
needs of the marketplace as it moves from its traditional structure to a model that puts audi- Media agencies are knocking down their traditional
silos, such as print, TV and online, so they can help their
ences and brand missions squarely in the center. clients work across media platforms.

In the age of consumer control, it’s imperative for marketers and their agencies to figure M5 A 360° CONVERSATION
Three executives discuss the new world of marketing, its
out new ways to tell their stories. It’s no longer enough to think in terms of print, or cable or pitfalls and where it’s headed.
online. Now the focus is on the customer—and how to best reach and serve that customer, no M49 MARKETERS WANTED
DJG Marketing’s Steve Greenberger looks at the changes
matter what medium is used. Media companies need to change their own mind-sets, their busi- taking place for media buyers and planners—and what
they need to do next.
ness models and external perceptions. As one media agency executive told us, “To say that my
business is not magazines, it’s helping new mothers better care for their children—that’s a huge As the media world changes, so do the methods of meas-
paradigm shift for a lot of content companies.” urement. Here’s what research companies are looking
into now.
In this guide, you will find examples of media companies—some traditional, some not—
that are reinventing themselves to serve this 360° world. They are creating multiple platforms
360° Media Guide Directory
with a wide range of combinations to help savvy marketers thrive. Each one offers a description
of who they are and whom they reach, as well as their hottest opportunities for marketers and
whom to get in touch with to take advantage of them. In addition, you will find charts that
M8 Alloy Media+Marketing

offer a guide through the many different options each company offers. This guide will be avail- M10 AMC
able online for the next year.
M12 BET Networks
We hope you will find our 360° Media Guide useful as you, too, explore this new media
M14 Cartoon Network
world. Like any new product, it will be evolving, so we welcome your comments and sugges-
tions—as well as constructive criticism—as we work to make this guide even more relevant and M16 CMT
insightful in the future. M18 CNN
M20 Comcast Spotlight

M22 Disney ABC Unlimited

M24 Meredith 360°

Scott Donaton
Associate Publisher M26 MTV
Advertising Age
M28 The N

M30 NBC Universal

M32 Nickelodeon
Suzanne Hermalyn Kathy Haley Jeanine Dunn
Director, custom programs Wayne Karrfalt Section designer M34 The Reader’s Digest Association
Section writers
Karen Egolf Vickie Daniel
Director-editor, special projects Barry Kafka Production manager M36 Rodale Marketing Solutions
Art director
Richard K. Skews
Associate editor Gregory Cohane M38 Scripps Networks
Graphic designer
M40 Sony Pictures Television

M42 TV Guide

* If you would like to advertise in this digital magazine, please contact:

Suzanne Hermalyn / Director, custom programs / 508-497-8688 / shermalyn@crain.com
M44 VH1

M46 Yahoo!: advertising.Yahoo.com

NOVEMBER 6, 2006 M3
tabdoc.qxp 10/31/06 3:32 PM Page 1



THE NEW PUSH TO INTEGRATION By Kathy Haley Thus, when Wachovia Securities wanted to boost business in
Sarasota, Fla., it launched “What’s Your Number?” a campaign
that used print, direct mail, online, cable TV, local events, mer-
chandising displays and employee training to take the fear and
denial out of retirement planning. The campaign kicked off with
a seminar featuring author Lee Eisenberg and other financial
gurus, and netted local bank branches a long list of appoint-
ments with interested prospects. It even attracted a story in The
Wall Street Journal.
“The keyword for us is integration,” says Jim Garrity,
Wachovia’s chief marketing officer. “Our marketing wheel of
integration looks at every possible contact point.”
Although it began as a media planning tool, 360 has since
expanded to embrace the entire process of communicating with
customers and prospects. Here again, the old ways have been
abandoned, as multitasking, media-meshing consumers have
forced marketers to rethink the very ways in which they com-
municate with customers and prospects.
“If you are talking about reaching the consumer, you are
missing the point,” says Wenda Harris Millard, chief sales officer
at Yahoo! Inc. “You can reach anybody. The challenge now,
because of multitasking, is connecting with consumers.”
To do this, marketers must understand their potential cus-
tomers better, including how they tend to use media. This need
more than anything else is enlarging the role that media compa-
nies—from giants such as Disney ABC Unlimited to specialists
like Alloy Media+Marketing—play in helping marketers make
Wachovia Securities used a 360° marketing approach to reach people interested in retirement planning in Sarasota, Fla. those connections with consumers.

My Space, Google,You Tube.Video-on-demand, online gaming, viral FOCUS ON THE CONSUMER

Conglomerates such as Time Warner, Viacom and Sony Corp.
marketing. Place-based advertising, addressable advertising, word-of- have used the integration mantra for years to promote their abil-
mouth. Media choices are proliferating at an astonishing rate, leaving ity to reach out to consumers through a variety of branded touch
points. What’s changed, particularly in the last year or so, is the
marketers and their agencies racing to keep up with the most effec- emphasis companies like these are putting on the consumer.
At Meredith Corp., for example, a new marketing solutions
tive ways to reach out to potential customers in a fragmented, shift- unit launched in July specializes in connecting marketers with
ing media world. the 70 million women the company reaches each month
through magazines, TV stations, Web sites and local events. The
The answer for a growing number of marketers is to take a 360° work doesn’t end with simply plotting out an all-embracing
approach, zeroing in on a target group of consumers most likely to media plan. The company also creates materials, including
DVDs, on-demand shows, magazine inserts and TV spots.
be receptive to a certain message and surrounding them with it, using “We do creative services, customer relations marketing work and
advertising, be it for print or broadcast,” says Nancy Weber, chief
a variety of media to touch them at different points along the deci- marketing officer. “We can even create a line of books for you.”
sion-to-buy process. Continued on page M50

IAgencies React to 360° Media World By Wayne Karrfalt and Kathy Haley

Among agency executives chief activation officer—and named its former director of
exploring this new media national broadcasting, Tim Spengler, to carry it out. Mr.
world are (from left) Mary Spengler, who oversees buying on all media platforms, is now
Gerzema, North American the agency’s point person for clients; he also heads a newly
president of Universal formed Implementation Council that will meet regularly to
McCann; Rishad Tobaccowala, help integrate operations.
CEO of Denuo; and Peter Chicago-based Starcom aligned its media business into two
Gardiner, chief media officer disciplines: activation and captivation, and put three new divi-
of Deutsch Inc. sional presidents in charge: President-Chief Consumer Officer
Steve Feuling oversees consumer context planning; Chris
Boothe heads up all buying units as president-chief activation
officer; and Andrew Swinand is president-chief client officer, in
charge of accountability and what Starcom calls “ROO,” or
Silo. It’s become a four-letter word in the world of advertis- “There’s a bit of a free-for-all in the 360° media world right return on objectives. (A fourth president, Kathy Ring, was
ing, where marketers, media companies and big agencies are now,” says Rishad Tobaccowala, CEO of Denuo, an agency spe- appointed CEO of Starcom’s L.A. operations, serving Walt
working feverishly to break down the organizational struc- cializing in helping marketers make the most of emerging Disney Co.’s needs.)
tures that hold them back in a 360° media environment advertising venues. Interpublic Group’s Universal McCann collapsed its online
In taking a sledgehammer to their silos, media buying com- Media-buying companies are taking a variety of approaches and emerging media operations into a single unit. Mary
panies in particular are vying for a greater role in the process to adapt to the realities of a 360° media environment. Gerzema became the agency’s first North American president
of developing communications for marketers. Initiative North America created a new executive role— and named David Cohen, former senior VP of UM Interactive in

M4 NOVEMBER 6, 2006
tabdoc.qxp 10/31/06 3:33 PM Page 1



David Adelman, media director Richard Beaven, CEO Andrew Swinand, president-chief client officer
Johnson & Johnson Global Marketing Group Initiative North America Starcom Worldwide

The rise of digital media, with all its new forms of reaching consumers, To find out where this is all heading, along with the wrench-
ing changes the trends have wrought within companies, writer
is bringing about a change in how marketers and their agencies do Kathy Haley talked recently with David Adelman, media direc-
business. Before, marketing efforts centered around different media tor, Johnson & Johnson Global Marketing Group; Richard
Beaven, CEO, Initiative North America; and Andrew Swinand,
silos, such as print, broadcast, cable and online.Today, in a move that is president-chief client officer, Starcom Worldwide. An edited
transcript of their conversation follows.
shaking up marketing as companies are pushed to rethink—and even
restructure—their efforts, the focus is shifting to a customer-centric ¡ADVERTISING AGE: Is 360° media the approach you and
your organizations are using today?
approach: a 360° media world. DAVID ADELMAN: That’s a good enough name for it. We call
Even while some are just starting to realize they need to change, the it integrated communications.
ANDREW SWINAND: The definition has changed. Before,
definition of 360° media is expanding as the marketers and their agen- people talked about surrounding the target, and it was very much
that you would build a silo around every angle. But it was all still
cies already in this area push the boundaries and explore the shifting very isolated. The biggest thing that changed is the definition of
relationship with the consumer. Continued on page M48

New York, as U.S. director of digital communications in March. departments, their experience is similar. Making sure different ment of emerging media that might be highly appropriate for
Smaller integrated shops, such as Deutsch Inc., say their disciplines are working together is crucial, with insights people some clients’ campaigns. To experiment with venues such as
larger competitors are finally coming around to their way of providing oxygen to people providing ideas.” these, agencies and their clients must be willing to take some
doing things, putting creative development and media plan- As agencies reorganize, they are also trying to improve how calculated risks, Mr. Tobaccowala says.
ning under one roof. “We’ve been seeing for a number of they assess the effectiveness of their campaigns. Many compa- He recommends an approach he calls 95/5: “Take some of
years a growing frustration with the separateness that exists at nies are building proprietary systems and tools to measure the most interesting people in your company and, instead of
the media-only shops,” says Peter Gardiner, chief media officer how consumers come into contact with brands and which con- putting them against your biggest existing business, put them
at Deutsch. “They’ve figured out this all has to work together, tacts are most effective in building usage and loyalty. against your biggest opportunities.” Assign to these people
and they’re hiring people to rebuild themselves back into inte- Both Starcom and Mediaedge:cia are working with market 5% of the company’s budget to pursue the opportunity, leav-
grated companies.” research company Integration to build custom versions of its ing the rest of the company to deliver 100% of objectives with
Ms. Gerzema says Universal McCann is organizing itself MCA (Market Contact Audit) product. Mediaedge calls its tool 95% of budget. Do not, under any circumstances, cut the 5%
from a communications perspective, tying three “ecosystems” Connections and designed it to analyze the relative impact of of budget assigned to the experimenters, and do not require
together organically. The client relations department consists different media choices, not only in driving initial demand for them to move a single case of product.
of account directors and planners who understand the busi- a product but also in spurring consumers in the activation “By their very nature these people know your existing busi-
ness side and work with clients most directly. The insights and phase, when ad campaigns are trying to get them to buy. nesses, and they have the credibility within the company that
applications team includes researchers, media planners and By studying consumer behavior and the way different they can mess things up if they are learning,” Mr. Tobaccowala
consumer insight specialists. The operational team is the inter- media influence it, Mediaedge and other agencies are adapt- says. “And once they learn, they can incorporate their learning
nal group working behind the scenes in human resources and ing to the 360° world, says Lee Doyle, the company’s manag- into the company.”
internal communications to help optimize efficiencies across ing partner and director of client services. “We’re examining Above all, Mr. Tobaccowala says, companies must move for-
the board. Ms. Gerzema says that each group includes differ- what is the communications challenge better than we have in ward with strategies like 95/5 if they are to take full advan-
ent disciplines but that each can learn from the other. the past,” he says. tage of 360° media realities.
“One of the things I’m trying to do is share best practices,” Because tools such as Connections rely partly on consumer “You cannot learn by thinking about this,” he says. “You
Ms. Gerzema says. “Even though people may be in different interviews, however, they can’t always provide much measure- can only learn by doing.” o

NOVEMBER 6, 2006 M5
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 3:27 PM Page 6


GLANCE At AETN, we make it our business to understand
the latest consumer behavior. Then we deliver
Supported by A&E’s most ambitious
the multiplatform entertainment experiences launch campaign ever, the multiple-
that meet the needs and desires of our massive award-winning phenomenon will
be available to a new, bigger
fan bases. audience when it debuts in January
’07, with customized integration
options across our media platforms.
Our supercharged transforma- sea of more and more
235 E. 45th St. New from The History Channel:
tion from a cable TV company cable choices. Our hyper-
New York, N.Y. 10017 ON
www.aetv.com to a content powerhouse branded minisites extend
www.history.com means we are reaching highly great on-air franchises. Launched on Oct. 9, this new series
attractive consumers—every set the record as The History
Channel’s most-watched series
Peter Olsen day and on a grand scale. • The History Channel: A premiere ever. Custom-built
SVP, Sales & Solutions, unique and powerful multiplatform sponsorship
A&E and The Biography Channel opportunities can offer up a highly
AETN is home to powerful brand serving top-notch,
212-210-1431 desirable audience for advertisers.
Peter.Olsen@aetn.com brands, and our family just passionate audiences. And
keeps growing. A&E, The our sights are set on his- ON
Amy Baker
History Channel and tory everywhere. Check The History Channel’s “Modern
SVP, Ad Sales & Solutions,
The History Channel Biography serve as the foun- out our new broadband Marvels,” in partnership with the
212-210-9096 dation as we develop and player with channels such National Inventors Hall of Fame,
Amy.Baker@aetn.com brings you this national invention
launch exciting new experi- as Exploration and people destination, and you initiatives exploding onto competition. Exciting opportunities
Melinda McLaughlin ences across all the new digi- Science & Technology, won’t find another like it. the small screen, it’s clear available.
SVP, Insights & Marketing tal platforms: and interactive time lines that the AETN properties
Solutions, AETN
that take curious minds With our aggregated broad- are continuing their The eagerly awaited annual event
Melinda.McLaughlin@aetn.com • A&E: Greatest resurgence on journeys through time. band video players, our resounding splash in the has moved to its new home on
in cable TV history, blast- download-to-own offer- 360° waters—reaching out The Biography Channel, with
impactful, creative and fun
ing into the Top 10 and • Biography: On-air or across ings, new AETN mobile to consumers and fans multilevel promotion and content
on its way to Top 5 in a digital platforms, it’s the content and user-generated everywhere. o extensions, especially online.

M6 NOVEMBER 6, 2006
Project10 10/25/06 4:39 PM Page 1



Whether it’s on a 60” hi-def Plasma, a 4” PSP,

a computer monitor or mobile phone, we provide
viewers and advertisers with first-rate entertainment.

We’ve got the brands, the content and the delivery

platforms to suit your needs and to reach your targets,
whoever, and wherever they are. And you’ve got the
assurance of entertaining, high-impact environments,
meticulous stewardship and a solutions-driven
commitment to creative partnering that will insure
your ROI and power your brands.

So, remember, size doesn’t matter, it’s the content

that counts!
©2006 AETN. 1506.
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 8



NATIONAL INQUIRIES: Alloy Media+Marketing has the insights and assets to engage
Gary Thomas
consumers all day, every day, through contextually relevant
312-525-3084 environments.

Our unique surround strategy is We believe that reaching out to con-

designed to employ unavoidable sumers in the places they study, work
media that drive consumer response. and play is the most effective, target-
ed and efficient way to activate
We help clients integrate their mes- brand recognition and awareness.
sages in the everyday lives of tweens,
teens, college students, young inde- Whether in school, at social spaces,
pendents and other consumers on military bases or on the street,
nationwide. our programs are built to meet
clients’ specific targets and goals, and
Our strategies, platforms and pro- deliver results.
grams are unmatched. Out-of-home,
print, online, direct marketing, sam- Led by an experienced, knowledge-
pling and promotions, events and able team, we bring a legacy of pro-
field marketing: Our assets cut fessionalism, years of experience and
through the media clutter because well-established procedures and con-
they are fully integrated into the trols to every campaign we under-
lifestyles of consumers and can’t be take. Effective, efficient programs for
ignored. maximum ROI—that’s our goal. o


Out-of-Home Place-based signage Our leading network of 100,000-plus Tween, teen, college, young independent In-school and on-campus: backlit and edi-
location-based media boards reaches more and general market torial displays; Nightlife and Cinema: back-
than 75 million active consumers every lit and restroom displays; plus ambient
month and includes schools, campuses, media, including guerrilla and mobile mar-
movie theaters, bars, military bases and keting, and more
social spaces nationwide.

Print Specialty print platforms Our specialty print platforms provide an Tween, teen, college, young independent ROP, spreads, full page, half page, quarter
uncluttered environment for unique pro- and general market page, FSI, custom inserts, sponsored text-
grams and promotions—from college book covers and more
newspapers to elementary school book-
covers to catalogs—that reach consumers,
peers and parents.

Online Industry-leading digital assets We reach the highest concentration of Teen, college Home-page takeovers, sweepstakes, ban-
teens and college students online through ners, rich media, videos and more
integrated, social platforms with measura-
ble results.

Direct Marketing Response-driven postal and We own the most comprehensive, Teen, college Unparalleled access, reliable data including
e-mail database response-driven postal and e-mail data- age, postal address, e-mail address, active
base available: more than 25 million cur- buyer purchase history and more
rent, active young consumers and their

Sampling and Venue-based distribution Our sampling promotions rely on the Tween, teen, college, young independent Perfectly placed, highly effective and low
Promotions strength of our vast network of venue and general market cost: custom and co-op at venues nation-
partners—from schools to cinemas to wide
retail locations nationwide.

Events and Field Custom brand experiences We create custom brand experiences tai- Tween, teen, college, young independent Custom events, mobile marketing, street
Marketing lored to impact today’s consumer. We con- and general market teams, new customer acquisition, plus co-
ceive, design, manage, staff and report on op event sponsorship, including Spring
memorable events; 80-plus event pro- Break, mall tours and more
grams, 10,000-plus event days executed

M8 NOVEMBER 6, 2006
Project1 10/26/06 5:58 PM Page 1

others see
empty spaces

we see

aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 3:48 PM Page 10


GLANCE Now Playing Everywhere: The 89 million homes
Call us! Any of our representatives we reach are just the beginning of our story.
will walk you through the
multiplatform opportunities at
AMC. From small screens to wide ings blockbuster and scored (Quarterly, Fridays, 8 p.m.)
Own Friday night on AMC! Our
screens and everything in big on VOD. And, by creating entitlement crosses platforms and
Robert Marino between, we are broadening a rich, multimedia environ- delivers a customized sponsorship
VP, New York the way viewers experience ment online—showcasing of our biggest movie night for an
212-382-5020 entire quarter.
the network while remaining extensive behind-the-scenes
CHICAGO committed to smart, con- footage—“Broken Trail” was
Dodi Bashan temporary entertainment an unprecedented success for
VP, Midwest Region Ad Sales "Broken Trail" Web site: Ford multiplatform integration
312-729-9353 that endures. amctv.com and its sponsors.
anniversary of our horror access to their favorite
LOS ANGELES (Sundays, 11 a.m.)
Consider “Broken Trail.” Our In October, AMC thrilled film franchise, “Monsterfest celebrities. With star power
Kim Woods Peter Bart (Editor in Chief, Daily
VP, Western Region Ad Sales first original movie was a rat- fans everywhere for the 10th X.” The event offered cross- and production values rival- Variety) and Peter Guber (CEO,
310-998-9360 platform opportunities for ing those of on-air, Mandalay) take on Hollywood’s
A-list every week. From the Oscars
advertiser integration “Celebrity Charades 2.0” will
to Cannes, show off your brand in
Steve Wegienek including product place- be the hottest show online. the studio, on location, on TV and
VP, Detroit ment, exclusive titles on on the Web.
VOD and broadband, and These initiatives are just the
ATLANTA video syndication via beginning, as we roll out
Lee Freedman amctv.com. more rich, high-quality
Director, Southeast Region Ad Sales
770-431-6470 entertainment to more plat-
Coming next to broadband forms. So don’t miss out as (Wednesdays, 10 p.m.)
For more information, visit is “Celebrity Charades 2.0,” AMC goes into wide release, Season 3 of our smart, cinematic
sales.amctv.com original series offers custom
AMC’s star-studded original offering AMC programming
marketing partnerships including
series, produced exclusively and our partners’ brands integration to showcase your brand

“Monsterfest X”: promotional integration with the release of “The

for the Web. Visitors to across the array of technolo- in the most stylish of multiplatform
Grudge 2” amctv.com will get candid gies people live by today. o


On-air AMC Cable Network Favorite films you know every line from alongside 89 million homes and counting, boasting an One-of-a-kind marketing solutions that make
the hit movies of today. Original programming appeal that delivers both adult men and women. an inspired connection between story and
that brings the glam of cinema to the small sponsor. Opportunities abound in our success-
screen. They are all part of AMC’s distinctive ful franchises, series, branded blocks and movie
brand of enduring entertainment. events.

Branded AMC/amctv.com A chance for advertisers to become a prominent Movie and entertainment enthusiasts voraciously Your brand writ large on-air and online. It’s
Content part of the AMC experience. True partnership consuming content both on-air and off-channel. product placement taken to another level.
results in fully integrated, high-quality content Think subtle, but powerful.
that engages and activates our viewers.

Online amctv.com Web site From behind-the-scenes extras to rich-media Tech-savvy and brand-loyal, our Web audience Rich media such as games, interactive maps,
fun, amctv.com gives you 2.0 access to your consists of entertainment enthusiasts and celeb video and expandable units, as well as adverto-
favorite movies and original AMC productions. worshippers who want to play, interact and learn rial, sweepstakes and entitlements. Need we
more about AMC programming and our spon- say more?
sors online.

Emerging AMC Anywhere: For fans who want it on the go, AMC expands Entertainment and technology junkies who just The flexibility of mobile and viral marketing
Media Mobile platforms to mobile, viral and multiple media platforms have to have it now, from the latest scoop on meets AMC’s topnotch content. Advertising
with short-form video, audio and download- their favorite stars to what’s showing on AMC partners benefit from reaching consumers via
ables. tonight. the many technologies they live by today.

Broadband AMC Screening Room: From sneak peeks to “making ofs” and exclu- Insatiable TV lovers who want short-form con- Your streamed commercial units, takeovers, bill-
Online video sive trailers, our enhanced broadband offerings tent inspired by AMC’s vast on-air slate, as well boards, pre-rolls, leave-behind units, vignettes
add dimension and richness to the AMC experi- as those seeking a more interactive, high-quality and bumpers will reach viewers who are look-
ence. entertainment experience online. ing to connect with AMC and your brand.

VOD AMC Anytime: Play, pause, rewind, microwave the popcorn. Our VOD viewers want to see their favorite AMC Own it: Our VOD sponsorships—interstitials,
Originals on demand AMC makes its industry-leading originals and programming at their own pace. Reach AMC’s presenting opens, custom messaging and bill-
key movie titles available 24/7. entertainment enthusiasts via the shows and boards—allow you to form a one-on-one rela-
movies they’ve invited into their busy lives. tionship with our viewers.

Special Client access to exclu- It’s the A-list. It’s the red carpet. It’s champagne Industry insiders and movie buffs looking for an Borrow Hollywood for a night and align your
Events sive AMC Events and “It’s an honor just to be nominated.” experience that is 100% Hollywood and also brand with the biggest names in showbiz, via
Nobody covers Hollywood like AMC, from our 100% uniquely AMC. on-air/off-channel sponsorship platforms, VIP
celeb interview series to our awards season access and customized marketing programs.

HD AMC in HD As vivid as real life, as compelling as AMC. Our Entertainment purists who want the best out of Showcase your brand in a way it’s rarely seen,
HD offerings are transformative television—one- life and invest in the latest technologies to get and partner with AMC’s distinctive brand of
of-a-kind, enhanced cinematic experiences. the best out of AMC. enduring programming.

M10 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project3 10/27/06 2:05 PM Page 1


A M C ’ S N E W W E B O N L Y S E R I E S

Watch Hollywood actors acting out online

Executive Produced by Hilary Swank, Chad Lowe & Bob Balaban
©2006 AMC. All rights reserved.


©2006 AMC. All rights reserved.
0610 360 Media BET.qxp 10/31/06 5:15 PM Page 12



GLANCE BET Networks excels each day as the leading pro-
BRAND MISSION ducer of television programming geared toward
Be the pre-eminent entertainment
brand serving African-Americans
the African-American audience. From its position
and consumers of black culture on of strength in television, BET has evolved its
a global basis.
offerings into a multiplatform menu that maxi-
African-Americans ages 18-34
mizes the Internet dominance of BET.com and
ignites the cutting-edge popularity of the new
83 million homes in the U.S., BET Mobile service to fuel a total-package enter-
Canada and the Caribbean
tainment experience.
Headquarters in Washington, with
additional production facilities in
New York and Los Angeles.
Advertising sales offices in New
York, Chicago, Detroit and Los


• BET Digital Networks—BET J,
BET Gospel, BET Hip Hop
• BET.com
• BET Mobile
• BET Event Productions Singer Beyonce (left) and rap impresario Jay Z are among the mega-
• BET International stars who make the “BET Awards” one of television’s most-watched
BET Networks is the nation’s Gospel and BET Hip Hop, programs annually.
leading provider of quality attractive alternatives for
entertainment, music, news cutting-edge entertainment
Louis Carr and public affairs television tastes; BET Event
President-Advertising Media Sales programming for the Productions, a full-scale
African-American audience. event management and pro-
The primary BET channel duction company; BET
reaches more than 83 mil- Home Entertainment, a col-
lion households, according lection of BET-branded
to Nielsen media research, offerings for the home envi-
and can be seen in the U.S., ronment, including DVDs
Canada and the Caribbean. and video-on-demand; BET
BET is the dominant Mobile, a service venture
African-American consumer into the lucrative world of
brand with a diverse group ringtones, games and video
of business extensions: content for wireless devices;
BET.com, the No. 1 Internet and BET International, an
portal for African- extension of BET network BET.com, the country’s leading Web portal for African-Americans, is
loaded with specialized features and information, including a new
Americans; BET Digital programming for global dis- broadband offering, BET on Blast, with exclusive content, music and
Networks—BET J, BET tribution. o graphics for the high-end user.


BET 24-hour cable television net- The most dominant African-American brand and African-Americans ages National and local on-air advertising; branded ele-
work operated by BET cable television network providing entertain- 18-34 ment sponsorships at major televised events; in-pro-
Networks, a subsidiary of ment, music and informational programming for gram virtual advertising; grassroots marketing
Viacom Inc. and distributed to African-Americans and consumers of black cul- through consumer events; sponsored consumer col-
83 million homes in the U.S., ture worldwide lateral and product sampling; cause-related market-
Canada and the Caribbean ing and pro-social philanthropic initiatives

BET J 24-hour cable television net- The adult complement to BET, BET J is the only Primary—adults ages 25-39; Extensive opportunities for brand integration in
work reaching more than 23 network dedicated to showcasing jazz music Overall—African-Americans existing programming and original programs creat-
million homes in the U.S. and while delivering a menu of entertainment, ages 25-54 ed for advertising clients; development of multime-
Caribbean and flag offering of lifestyle and cultural programming that mixes in dia packages for comprehensive brand campaigns;
BET Digital Networks classic R&B, festive Caribbean, vintage soul and BETJ.com integration including chats, Web pages,
today’s neo soul sweepstakes and banner advertising; and national
on-air advertising.

BET.com Flagship online offering of BET A leading destination for African-American • African-American adults Banner advertising; video advertising; sponsored
Interactive, subsidiary of BET entertainment, culture and community, BET.com 18-34 content elements and applications; interactive pro-
Networks is an online property of BET Networks. In addi- • Music-oriented youth motions, contests and sweepstakes; consumer feed-
tion to extending the BET Network programming 18-24 and teens back and opinion polling
experience, BET.com offers an African-American • Mature African-Americans
perspective on music, news and everyday topics. 34-plus
Key channels include: Music, Entertainment,
Videos, News, Women, Men, Health, Careers.

BET Mobile BET-branded consumer wireless New BET wireless service marketed under the Wireless customers using Sponsored consumer interactive promotions and
service application developed BET Mobile brand, featuring popular ringtones, Cingular, T-Mobile, Alltel and sweepstakes; downloadable graphics, music, ring-
in partnership with mobile graphics, games, alerts and social networking AT&T Wireless service tones and games; sponsored consumer promotions
technology provider Motricity features providers linked to BET televised programming; customized
wireless user alerts

M12 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project10 10/25/06 4:37 PM Page 1
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 14


John O’Hara
Cartoon Network is “Always On” for kids
Senior VP-General Sales Manager with multiplatform initiatives. “Re-Animated,”
212-275-6930 a “Billy & Mandy” movie and “Ben 10” follow
LOS ANGELES a successful “Class of 3000.”
Thalia Doherty
VP-National Sales Manager
Thalia.Doherty@turner.com Cartoon Network continues the biggest stars in entertain-
310-788-6826 to push its properties across ment, so it’s the perfect prop-
multiple platforms, putting erty for this digital effort.”
Iris Lee its biggest effort yet behind
Midwest Sales Manager “Class of 3000,” the new The multiplatform effort is
series from recording super- driven by CartoonNet-
star André “3000” Benjamin work.com, one of the most
and kids TV producer Tom popular kids sites on the
Lynch. Future Cartoon Internet, with more than 5
Network events, such as the million unique users per
live-action/animation movie month attracted to its
“Re-Animated,” the animat- intense games, program-
ed movie “Billy & Mandy’s ming information and “Billy and Mandy’s Big Boogey Adventure,” an original animated movie based on one of Cartoon
Network’s most popular series, premieres in March 2007.
Big Boogey Adventure” and a streaming video. The aver-
two-week “Ben 10” event in age visitor spends 59 min- casts, games and music. Full- “My Gym Partner’s a eral sales manager at
spring 2007 will also be sup- utes on the site, and length episodes will be avail- Monkey” and “Camp Lazlo.” Cartoon Network Sales &
ported with digital content CartoonNetwork.com was able via the new Cartoon And new episodes of Marketing.
across every media platform. recently cited by Adweek Network Video broadband Cartoon Network series are
magazine in its Website Hot channel. Toonami Jetstream, available via video-on- “Moving forward, for every
“Kids are more connected List of the top 10 online per- its sister service, was demand, purchased from the major programming initia-
and technology-savvy than formers of 2006, along with launched in July and offers iTunes Store and streaming tive, such as ‘Re-Animated,’
ever before. They have YouTube and MySpace. Its streaming action-adventure on CartoonNetwork.com. All the ‘Ben 10’ mega-event
broadband Internet connec- yearlong Foster’s Big Fat and animé programming. A these digital efforts provide and our movies, we’ll offer
tions, cell phones and digital Awesome House Party game huge hit from the beginning, sponsorship opportunities. partners the custom pro-
music players, and they has attracted 5.6 million reg- it has delivered more than 35 motions and powerful mul-
expect Cartoon Network to istered users since its launch million video streams to date. “Cartoon Network has long tiplatform sponsorships
be right there with them,” in May. been a leader in the new that reach kids every-
said Jim Samples, exec VP- Major national cell phone media space, and with ‘Class where,” added Phyllis
general manager of Cartoon The “Class of 3000” site will carriers are on board with of 3000,’ we’re bringing all Ehrlich, senior VP-promo-
Network. “ ‘Class of 3000’ be home to exclusive online, show clips from “Class of our digital assets together in tions marketing at Cartoon
focuses on music and come- behind-the-scenes program- 3000” and exclusive mini- one massive effort,” said Network Sales &
dy, and comes from one of ming, downloadable pod- episodes of series such as John O’Hara, senior VP-gen- Marketing. o

In Cartoon Network’s first foray into live-action movies, the real and
animated worlds collide with the December premiere of

M14 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project3 10/20/06 4:46 PM Page 1
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 16


GLANCE No other brand reaches the American heart-
For more than 40
CMT AD SALES land like CMT, America’s No. 1 country music years, music fans
Neil Holt have congregated on the shores of
SVP, CMT Ad Sales
network, now in more than 83 million house- Lake Michigan in Milwaukee at the
212-846-5522 holds, where viewers are watching, surfing, world’s largest music festival,
Neil.holt@mtvn.com Summerfest, for concerts celebrating
downloading, texting, streaming, chatting, the best of music from all genres. In
Alex Angeledes 2006, CMT launched “CMT at
VP CMT Ad Sales
watching on demand like never before. CMT’s Summerfest,” featuring country
Los Angeles platforms are leading the way. music’s best with three one-hour
310-752-8519 concert specials. And we’re back in
Alex.angeledes@mtvstaff.com 2007 with an even hotter lineup.
CMT is on fire, launching create programming for our
John Moran The CMT hit “Trick My
VP CMT Ad Sales
new brand extensions on audience. We’ve become a Truck” is back with
Detroit more platforms that give our leader and cultural icon in our edgy teams of
248-540-4895 audience access to CMT the country music world by expert fabricators. The
John.moran@mtvstaff.com Chrome Shop Mafia completely
content on demand and creating opportunities for overhauls the interiors and exteriors of
Among CMT’s shows are (clockwise from top left): “Trick My Truck”;
Rob McCall around the clock. our viewers to interact with “Foxworthy’s Big Night Out,” with guests such as Sara Evans; and well-deserving truckers’ rigs.
VP CMT Ad Sales the music and programming “CMT Crossroads,” pairing stars such as Bon Jovi and Sugarland.
Chicago What’s the No. 1
In the last year alone, CMT they love. Our sponsors real- tainment news to wireless • “Trick My Truck” drives country music video
Rob.mccall@mtvstaff.com introduced the all-music ize that by partnering with customers on demand. traffic across all screens, this week? You’ll find
digital channel, CMT Pure CMT, they are associating • CMT touches music lovers including CMT.com and out on “CMT Top 20 Countdown,”
John Colucci a weekly show hosted by CMT’s
Director, Online Ad Sales
Country; the broadband site, themselves with the authori- across America with grass- CMT Loaded. In addition, Lance Smith. See all your old
212-846-6547 CMT Loaded, which boasts ty in country music and rely roots, in-person efforts, the hit series now lives on favorites— and discover new ones,
John.colucci@mtvstaff.com the largest country music on us to help them commu- including CMT on Tour, CMT Mobile and VOD. plus interviews and world video
premieres—every week on “CMT
Anthony Barton
video library online; CMT nicate their messaging to our featuring headliner Trace • CMT has cheerleaders Top 20 Countdown.”
VP, CMT Integrated Marketing Films, a full-service film stu- active and engaged audience. Adkins, and CMT Cross everywhere—on air, online
212-258-7932 dio; and CMT Games, mar- Country, a 53-foot interac- and on mobile. “Dallas Great music knows
Anthony.barton@cmt.com no boundaries.
rying the best of the gaming MAKING THE tive experience on wheels. Cowboys Cheerleaders: “CMT Crossroads”
world and country music. In CONNECTION: • CMT’s weekly series Making the Team” is the shows the far-reaching roots of
addition, the network con- • CMT develops program- “CMT Top 20 Count- highest-viewed content on country music by pairing country
artists with musicians from other
tinues to grow its audience ming for all screens, such as down” and “CMT Insider” CMT.com. CMT launched genres. Each episode will feature a
on CMT.com, America’s No. the made-for-broadband bring fans the latest in an innovative campaign different set of stars playing together,
1 country music Web site; series “MuzikMafia TV” music and country music allowing fans to create swapping stories and sharing their
common love of music. Past episodes
CMT Mobile; and VOD. and CMT Uncorked, which news, whether it’s on their own commercial, and have featured Kid Rock and Hank
At CMT, we don’t make pro- brings hot new country CMT.com, CMT Mobile, the winning spot will be Williams Jr., Elton John and Ryan
gramming for a screen; we music videos and enter- CMT Loaded or Urge. featured on CMT. o Adams, and Bon Jovi and Sugarland.


Linear channel CMT, America’s No. 1 country music network, car- CMT’s linear service is the launching pad for all of the CMT branded-content platforms.
ries original programming, specials and live concerts With tentpole events such as the fan-voted “CMT Music Awards,” the “100 Greatest”
and events, as well as a mix of videos by established countdown franchise or the new CMT Giants concert, CMT provides opportunities for
country music artists and cutting-edge acts. brand/product integration, custom sweepstakes and original co-produced short-form

Web site Country music’s biggest Web site, CMT.com hosts CMT’s Web site isn’t just the No. 1 country music Web site, it’s also the definitive online
news, music, exclusive album previews and more. source for all things country and your opportunity to have an immediate dialogue with
CMT.com has grown 34% in usage over the past the heartland. Maybelline discovered the power of the CMT online community through
year, and users have been, on average, spending the “Unsung Stories—Born With It” song promotion. Custom on-air elements sent view-
25% more time on the site, per visit, since the ers to CMT.com to share their life experiences. Thousands of CMT.com users interacted
launch of Loaded, the new CMT.com broadband with our Web site to submit a detailed essay about their life experience. One lucky win-
offering. ner had her life set to music by a pair of top Nashville songwriters.

Broadband CMT Loaded is the largest broadband network CMT’s broadband offering is your direct line to the high-tech heartland consumers.
designed specifically for country music lovers, with AT&T used CMT Loaded and CMT’s Studio 330 Sessions to drive awareness of its AT&T
thousands of exclusive performances and inter- Blue Room broadband music site. Using custom creative elements on-air and online, cus-
views, hosted series, original productions, plus tom sweepstakes and a first-ever content sharing model, AT&T has seen traffic (and
music videos. In October, CMT Loaded launched a clicks) increase.
new made-for-broadband series, “MuzikMafia TV,”
exclusive to Load and only found on CMT.com.

Digital channel The all-music channel in more than 16 million CMT Pure Country focuses on the music and offers sounds and images of country music
households is designed to directly connect with the in its essential form, performed by the genre’s most authentic voices. The network is a
core country audience. CMT Pure country delivers breeding ground for consumers to sample both new and established artists, enhancing
the sounds and images of country music in its their country music experience, and your brand can now take advantage of this new
essential form. CMT content platform.

Nontraditional CMT offers an impressive array of nontraditional CMT can take your brand from the big screen through retail with CMT Films. For our
media and grassroots media, which can be custom-tailored first feature film, “Broken Bridges,” starring country superstar Toby Keith, Burt Reynolds
to advertisers’ needs. and Kelly Preston, CMT joined forces with Ford. The partnership incorporated through in-
film vehicle placement, custom on-air promotion supporting the theatrical release and
retail promotions for the movie’s home video release.

M16 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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GLANCE Well before digital media rose to prominence,
Jon Diament CNN had both the vision and the ability to
Senior VP-General Manager
CNN Sales & Marketing
deliver 360° consumer experiences and 360°
212-275-6000 marketing opportunities.
jon.diament@turner.com A global integrated media salute to
extraordinary acts by ordinary people,
Joe Dugan CNN’s newsgathering commitment to the highest culminating in an important new
Senior VP resources and presentation standards of journalism to awards show, a tribute to
CNN Digital Sales & Marketing outstanding unsung heroes. Special
innovations are at the heart the innovative use of tech- components: “Impact Your World,” a
joe.dugan@turner.com of how consumers connect nology to connect people to CNN.com section that empowers the
in a 360° world. From the events as they unfold, CNN audience to have an impact on issues
Evan Messinger behind the stories; brand-specific
thousands of journalists has continually pushed back customized marketing extensions.
Senior VP
CNN Strategic Integration around the globe and the boundaries between the
CNN’s renowned
212-275-6000 individual and the world Dr. Sanjay Gupta
and given on-demand con- tackles a serious
sumers powerful 360° expe- public health issue,
CNN.com obesity in America,
riences. in a domestic
harnessing more and better idea-based marketing part- integrated media
While other media brands benefits of technology for nerships, the technology and initiative. Covering both the problem
and solutions is the hallmark of Fit
were continuing their linear our consumers and advertis- the vision to continue inno- Nation. Special component: 10-
businesses, CNN was already ers is unwavering. vating and enhancing the week, five-city tour involving
delivering 360° marketing 360° experience that is vital mayors, sponsors, schools, national
experts and celebrities with the goal
partnerships to our advertis- CNN has the content, the to today’s on-demand “now” of motivating Americans to work on
Anderson Cooper ers. Our commitment to consumer relationships, the consumers. o solutions.


The most-watched cable CNN showcases its unique ability to cover stories through- CNN is the one TV news With original, wholly owned content on every known
news network: more out its TV schedule, every day, all day. Only CNN has the brand that understands digital platform and experts in TV, digital media and
than 61 million viewers unparalleled global newsgathering and reporting today’s “now” consumer. strategic integration, CNN, the powerhouse news
in a typical month resources, and the top-notch journalists, to take viewers The “now” consumer is brand, provides advertisers with idea-based, customized
live everywhere news is happening and rapidly give need- upscale, educated, tech- multiplatform sponsorships that connect their con-
ed context to developments. Fresh, immediate, essential, savvy and has made on- sumers to their brands in ways that resonate in today’s
real-time journalism at its very best is the hallmark of demand content a part of 360° world.
CNN's television programming. daily life.

Headline News is the Beyond real news, Headline News is news for real people. Well-informed consumers Advertisers benefit from opportunities to surround con-
news network that broad- Headline News is the news network where viewers get who stay involved with the sumers with customized multiplatform marketing part-
casts the full range of what they need to know throughout the day, essential news throughout the day nerships, to own sponsorable HLN features and, with
essential news and infor- news and information, and what they want to know in and then demand engaging the evolution of HLN’s signature prime-time program-
mation in concise, direct the evening, scintillating conversations and thought-pro- discussions of the issues, the ming, to enhance relationships with HLN’s prime-time
style morning, daytime voking discussions of the day's issues. Headline News stories, the personalities that personalities and programs.
and fringe, and devotes draws on the world-class newsgathering resources of matter most to them.
prime time to conversa- CNN to provide audiences with an unparalleled array of
tions about the issues. news and information.

Top-ranked Web site The CNN.com Web site is top-ranked in share of online Affluent, tech-savvy male and Uniquely positioned to offer advertisers special online
updated 24/7/365 news and has the No. 1 home page for news on the female news enthusiasts who opportunities as well as the ability to span all known
Internet. Consumers enjoy access to up-to-the-minute check in throughout the busi- digital platforms and TV, CNN.com offers customized,
news in 18 categories, including U.S., world, technology, ness day. These "now" con- idea-based TV-Web integrated sponsorships e-mail and
entertainment, health and travel, plus in-depth special sumers trust the CNN brand to newsletter sponsorships content and vertical sponsor-
reports in all categories. keep them connected to news ships roadblocks.
and events as they happen.

Comprehensive video CNN.com Video/Broadband enhances the consumer expe- Broadband-enabled con- CNN.com Video/Broadband offers advertisers the opportu-
coverage delivering rience with exclusive video content produced expressly for sumers who want to see the nity to harness the power of video ad creatives online and
Video/ depth and breadth as the site and CNN TV content. More than on-demand, news and newsmakers for on TV. Advertisers can use video ads in fully integrated
Broadband only CNN can complete video coverage of the day's important news sto- themselves. These consumers Web and TV campaigns and/or in customized, idea-based
ries, CNN.com also offers depth and breadth of content demand the highest-quality advertising programs on the CNN digital and TV proper-
that is wide-ranging enough to include useful information video content available and ties. Content and vertical video sponsorships provide
on entertainment and technology, a full complement of will settle for nothing less enhanced environments, ensuring video ads are contextu-
fun, exciting, offbeat coverage of a multitude of news than superior production and ally relevant to targeted consumers visiting the site. Video
stories and fiery opinions. The CNN.com video offering via journalistic standards. ad roadblocks enable complete advertiser ownership of
broadband is one of the richest and most diverse on the the video player throughout a designated flighting period.
Web. Varied rich media creative/ad placements available.

CNN.com optimized for CNN is the top-ranked wireless news provider delivering “Now” consumers who CNNtoGo enables advertisers to extend TV-Web spon-
mobile devices news to those on the go, who are the hardest to reach demand the power to know sorships to the wireless platform. Messages and ideas
audience. The CNN content is accessible through all the what is happening in their surround “now” consumers in every setting where
major carriers as well as directly at m.cnn.com. Coverage world immediately, wherever these news enthusiasts seek information. As on the
with more than 59 million users in the U.S. they are. CNN site, CNNtoGo offers content and vertical sponsor-
ships. Units appear as 83 X 24 sponsorship logo.

Exclusive and repurposed CNN produces podcasts that are distributed both on Young consumers who have Podcasts extend integrated TV-Web sponsorships to the
content produced for CNN.com and on iTunes. Podcast content is a mix of tradi- an evolving relationship with on-the-go platform. Messages and ideas accompany
the portable digital tional news content, though in a raw and unedited form, CNN as a multimedia brand consumers wherever they go and appear in content
device audience plus podcast-exclusive content. The offbeat newscast, that serves their individual they deem most personally relevant. Content and verti-
Video and “The Gryst,” is an exclusive CNN podcast program. Other needs. cal sponsorships are available.
Audio exclusive portable digital device programming includes a
Podcasts behind-the-scenes look at CNN and much more.

M18 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project11 10/18/06 5:17 PM Page 1


The NOW consumer expects

the world, on-demand.
One news brand knows the
®© 2006. Cable News Network. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved. NOW consumer. www.cnn.com/NOW
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 3:10 PM Page 20




GLANCE The days when television viewing was a passive experience are long gone. real estate listings or local
job openings, for example.
Viewers are in control, and those embracing more flexibility are fueling the
incredible growth of Comcast’s VOD service, On Demand, which recently Not only do advertisers get
ONLINE… surpassed 3 billion program views since 2004. In some Comcast markets, the sight, sound and motion
more than 75% of customers have used the service platform in the past 90 of television by advertising
Make it work for you. Visit
On Demand, but also VOD This program is dedicated to
ComcastSpotlight.com days. Comcast is revolutionizing TV for most of America. improving the putt, chip and drive
to learn how or call is one of the most accurately
of golfers across America. For
866-871-8601 measured media available. advertisers, it's a chance to tee off
One reason for the populari- Comcast’s Digital Cable cus- can range from two to 30 There are a number of ways with Comcast Spotlight and The
ty of On Demand is that for tomers can seek out on- minutes, giving time to that Comcast Spotlight can Golf Channel on-air, online and On
Comcast’s Digital Cable cus- demand, 24 hours a day, engage consumers actively provide quantitative and
tomers, approximately 95% seven days a week. seeking out information qualitative data about how
of VOD content is available most relevant to them. customers are using VOD so
at no additional charge. And One new advertising medi- that advertisers can best take
in support of Comcast’s um offered by Comcast Advertisers also can place an advantage of cable's unique
commitment to offer free Spotlight is a “Showcase,” ad adjacent to pre-existing, capabilities.
VOD content, Comcast which gives advertisers a contextually relevant VOD
Spotlight, the advertising dedicated VOD channel that content. A “Sponsorship” is Comcast Spotlight also
sales division of Comcast can be populated with up to an effective way to create a offers advertisers the oppor- A year-round promotion with major
network partners to help con-
Cable, is offering an increas- 30 minutes of dynamic con- presence On Demand while tunity to extend their brands sumers on topics ranging from
ing array of advertising tent. An advertiser can use a being associated with popu- on the Internet with a pres- home improvement to purchasing
opportunities tied to this Showcase to educate viewers lar programming. It also has ence on Comcast.net, the a home and general home safety.
On-air and on-site sponsorship
platform. Innovative adver- about products and services a high probability of con- nation’s leading broadband elements.
tisers are already discovering or simply create greater necting advertisers with provider. Comcast is contin-
that it can connect them brand awareness and deepen their target audience. A vari- ually adding content and
with consumers unlike any relationships with existing ety of content is available for expanding the video experi-
other medium. customers and new sponsorship, including spe- ence on this top 20 portal,
prospects. Whatever the cial VOD programming and Spotlight is actively
For years, advertisers have objective, a Showcase gives from viewers’ favorite net- expanding cross-platform A year-round promotion with major
been using spot cable advertisers the time to have works and exclusive content advertising opportunities. network partners to help
because of its inherent abili- an in-depth conversation such as Dating On Demand, consumers maintain healthy lives.
On-air and on-site sponsorship
ty to help advertisers reach with a qualified audience Karaoke On Demand and Comcast Spotlight is dili- elements.
audiences most effectively who have opted in to view other programming with gently working with the
and efficiently. And now, their video. local appeal. country’s most forward-
with a presence in nearly 90 thinking advertisers, putting Be a
markets and approximately Another VOD advertising Because television remains the power of cable to use for Holiday
30 million owned and repre- opportunity offered by the most engaging medium them with on-air, on- Helper
sented subscribers, Comcast Comcast Spotlight is a for consumers to learn about demand and online market-
Spotlight’s dedicated sales “Feature.” It provides a products and services, ing solutions. Although the
teams are working with unique opportunity to reach Comcast Spotlight also offers media landscape is still
advertisers of all sizes to go On Demand consumers a Dynamic Publishing changing, one thing is cer- This pro-social campaign offers
beyond the 30-second spot seeking out information Platform, which allows tain—those who harness the advertisers the chance to be
and transform marketing under certain menu cate- advertisers to convert static power of these new opportu- affiliated with an array of nonprofit
organizations and leverage the
messages into compelling, gories, such as automotive ads into a video format, so nities today will be the cate- value of some of cable’s most
easily accessible content that or entertainment. A Feature Comcast customers can view gory leaders of tomorrow. o popular networks.

Comcast Spotlight is a registered trademark of Comcast Corporation.

(see vod samples at comcastspotlight.com)
M20 NOVEMBER 6, 2006
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 3:15 PM Page 21



Spot Cable Linear programming Full sight and sound spots (:15s, :30s, :60s) Connect with cable's ever-growing, loyal POP/online sweepstakes, promotions, cross-
Television across inventory on 40-plus cable networks audience across more than 90 U.S. markets channel program sponsorship, events and

Adtag and Adcopy Simultaneously send tailored ads alternating Refined targeting of any conceivable demo- Zone-by-zone targeting
copy or tags, useful for multicultural market- graphic to align with advertiser research
ing or multilocation clients, such as auto

On Demand Sponsorship An exciting opportunity to place a brand On Demand tops 3 billion views—the equiva- :15 or :30 pre- and post-roll spots, as well
adjacent to pre-existing, contextually relevant lent of 10 programs watched by every person as On Demand sweepstakes integration
On Demand content in the U.S. Connect with engaged consumers
in a range of target demographics (depend-
ing on content)

Showcase or Feature A location On Demand, in which advertisers Connect with millions of On Demand cus- Up to 30 minutes of content, in multiple dis-
can highlight their products and services, pro- tomers opting in to view advertisers' informa- tinct assets
vide detailed information and deepen rela- tion
tionships with prospects or engage customers
with up to 30 minutes of compelling content

Dynamic Publishing A new advertising tool that brings classfied Dynamic Publishing delivers millions of Digital DPP categories include automotive, real
Platform (DPP) listings to life—letting advertisers convert Cable customers actively seeking out local estate, employment or retail opportunities
static print ads into video posted On Demand information for categories

Comcast.net The Fan Comcast.net’s revolutionary broadband video Videos can be targeted to categories such as :15 or :30 video avails, as well as companion
player, recipient of the People’s Choice news, sports, automotive, entertainment, banner ads
Award, averages about 3 million video down- lifestyle and kids
loads per day

Finance Channel An easy-to-use interface provides users with Customers interested in monitoring the per- Various banner ads with audio and up to 15
access to a robust set of personal finance formance of personal stock portfolios and seconds of animation
tools and a broad array of comprehensive worldwide financial market activity
financial data

Interactive Banner ad Digital Cable subscribers can access more Comcast’s millions of Digital Cable sub- Full-footprint launch, January 2007
Program Guides information on favorite TV shows, movies scribers interested in learning more about
and other entertainment venues—from the recording, or requesting information about
comfort of their couches with a click of the their favorite entertainment programs

Comcast Spotlight is a registered trademark of Comcast Corporation.


(see vod samples at comcastspotlight.com)
NOVEMBER 6, 2006 M21
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:59 PM Page 22




“Our platforms

can deliver

of any client’s


Bill Bund
Senior Vice President
Integrated Sales
Disney ABC Unlimited
77 West 66th St.
New York, N.Y. 10023-6298

© Disney

Television ABC TV Network Wide variety of TV outlets; On-air advertising, product integrations, Disney / ABC Unlimited’s reach is
10 Owned stations broadcast network, TV stations, and additional custom promotional unparalleled. Marketing opportunities
19 Cable properties high-rated diverse sports, family opportunities; ability to target audiences can be customized to reach a specific
and women’s cable networks and cross-platform integration audience such as:

• Adults (various age skews)

Web Sites 34 sites reaching more than Diverse multimedia Web sites ranging from Display advertising, behavior targeting, • Women
46 million unique users top-ranked sports and family sites to news custom promotions / content development, • Men
and entertainment sites cross-platform integration
• Kids
• Family
Digital Broadband video, podcasts, Multiple digital platforms distributing both Video and audio commercials, display • Moms
Platforms webcasts, streaming radio, original and repurposed content from advertising, cross-platform integration • Sports enthusiasts
wireless/mobile Disney ABC Unlimited brands
• News/Opinion leaders
• Technology / Innovators
Print Buena Vista, Hyperion and Experienced in book and magazine pub- Display advertising, book tours, custom • Celebrity / Style / Pop culture
ESPN Publishing lishing consisting of titles such as Family Fun publishing, cross-platform integration
and ESPN The Magazine and authors like
Mitch Albom (“Tuesdays With Morrie”)

Radio ABC Radio Network Formats include: Sports, Urban On-air advertising, custom promotions,
Syndicated Programming Contemporary, News / Talk, Young Adult, sponsorships, cross-platform integration
72 Owned stations Kids and Hispanic

Additional Theme parks, cruise lines, Provides opportunity for grassroots and Live, in-person events, product display,
Properties film and recording studios, event marketing product trial, cross-platform integration
ESPNZones, ABC SuperSign

M22 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project3 10/18/06 12:31 PM Page 1


With just one phone call.
Television Radio Online Technology Print
ABC Television Network ABC Radio Networks ABC.com Broadband Buena Vista Publishing
Daytime ABC Prime Reach ABCFamily.com ABC.com Disney Adventures
Late Night ABC Prime Access ABCNEWS.com ABC News Now FamilyFun
Kids ABC Information ABC Owned TV Websites ABC Owned TV Websites Disney Publishing
News ABC Information Weekend ABCRadio.com AETN Wondertime Magazine
Primetime ABC Young Adult ABCSports.com Disney Online Other Titles
Sports ABC FM Connection ACCTop40.com ESPN Broadband History Channel Magazine
ABC Owned TV Stations ABC Hot FM AETV.com ESPN 360 Bassmaster Magazine
10 Stations: New York, ABC Morning News Bassmaster.com ESPN Motion BassTimes
Los Angeles, Chicago, ABC Daytime Direction Biography.com E! The Vine Biography Magazine
Philadelphia, ABC News/Talk BlackAmericaWeb.com Lifetime ESPN The Magazine
San Francisco, Houston, Raleigh- ABC Advantage BobBrinker.com SOAPnet/SOAPNETIC Fishing Tackle Retailer
Durham, Fresno, Flint, Toledo ABC Urban Advantage BVEntertainment.go.com Buena Vista Television
ABC Music/24 Hour Formats Disney.com Hyperion Publishing
Digital Channels (D2) Interactive Television
Accuweather Channel (D3) ABC Hispanic Advantage DougBanks.com ESPN iTV
ABC Hispanic Midday Eonline.com Additional Properties
Buena Vista Syndication ESPN.com Podcasting
Live with Regis & Kelly ABC Radio Networks ABC SuperSign
ESPNDeportes.com ABC.com
Ebert & Roeper Specialty Divisions BV Home Entertainment
ESPNOutdoors.com ABCNews.com
Who Wants to be a Millionaire ESPN Radio Consumer Products
ESPNRadio.com ABC Radio Networks
ESPN Radio Deportes Disney Cruise Lines
Cable Properties FamilyFun.com ABC Owned TV Websites
Radio Disney Disney Interactive
A&E Geneology.com AETN
ABC Radio Networks Disney Live Family Entertainment
ABC Family Hannity.com Disney Online
Talk & Syndicated Programming ESPNZones
Biography Channel HistoryChannel.com ESPN PodCenter
Paul Harvey Hollywood Records
Disney Channel LifetimeTV.com E!
Sean Hannity Lyric Street Records
E! MichaelBaisden.com Video on Demand Miramax Films
ESPN ESPN2 Tom Joyner Miramax.com AETN
Michael Baisden Muppet Holding Company
ESPNews Movies.com Disney Channel Touchstone Entertainment
ESPN Classic Doug Banks OnFuegoRadio.com ESPN
Daddy Yankee On Fuego Walt Disney Pictures
ESPN Deportes Oscar.com E!/style. Networks Walt Disney Records
ESPN International Moneytalk w/Bob Brinker PaulHarvey.com Lifetime
The Satellite Sisters Walt Disney Theatricals
ESPN Plus SatelliteSisters.com Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
American Country Countdown Wireless
ESPN Today SOAPnet.com
w/Kix Brooks Disney Mobile
ESPNU stylenetwork.com
ESPN HD ESPN2 HD Flashback w/Bill St James Mobile Text/Video
The History Channel Decades w/Dick Bartley & ABC News, ABC ‘To Go’
The History Channel en Español Todd Pettengill Local Mobile, AETN,
Military History Channel Hispanic Morning Drive ESPN, Lifetime,
History International Owned Radio Stations Buena Vista Television
Lifetime Television 72 Stations
Lifetime Movie Network
Toon Disney
© Disney
tabdoc.qxp 10/31/06 3:50 PM Page 1


D<;@8 >L@;<

Leading brands turn to Meredith 360° when Jack Bamberger, senior vice Ms. Weber has hired
MAGAZINES challenged to inspire, engage and influence women. president at Meredith. category-marketing experts INTEGRATED MARKETING
With over 15 magazines and from a wide range of Drawing on our consumer insights,
more than 200 Special Interest editorial expertise and distribution
Publications, we reach over
As the leading media and 14 local broadcast stations, He added, “We’ve been able industries who understand
resources, we develop award-
75 million women. marketing company serving 10 branded Web sites that to partner with leading specific opportunities and winning communications programs
75 million women with reach nearly 9 million companies to create fully challenges for cross-platform that build enduring bonds.
With 10 branded Web sites,
information about what unique users monthly, 40 integrated solutions that not programs.
9 million unique users rely on our matters most to them–home, branded events across the only build brand awareness Through strategic alliances
interactive content every month. family and personal country, custom publishing, and engage consumers, but “We help brands harness and clever programming, we
extend your message to the
development–Meredith Corp. video solutions and more. move them from loyalists to the combined power of
With over 450 titles focusing on has constantly pursued new brand advocates.” content, insight and access
food, home and family, we tap innovations to connect “In just a few short months, to the nation’s largest EVENTS
into consumers’ passions. With more than 40 existing
marketers with women Meredith 360° has already “What makes Meredith audience of women,”
events, we provide marketers the
BROADCAST decision makers. developed and executed unique from other media said Ms. Weber. opportunity for consumers to
More than 10 million households innovative, custom and publishing companies experience their brand first hand.
tune in to our 14 TV stations
every day.
Earlier this year, the company experiences for leading is that we have a wide range To learn more about
launched Meredith 360°, a packaged goods, retail, of marketing capabilities in- how Meredith 360° is Pinpoint your prospects. With
VIDEO SOLUTIONS new strategic marketing unit pharmaceutical and house with the infrastructure changing the dialogue for more then 85 million unduplicated
Drawing on our editorial expertise consumers, our database connects
and rich library, we turn product
that leverages the full array of automotive clients across and experience to deliver marketers with women,
you with top prospects.
messages and content into Meredith assets including its all media vehicles and results,” said Nancy Weber, contact Jack Bamberger
entertainment. 15 women’s magazines, marketing disciplines,” said chief marketing officer. at 212-455-1482. o RESEARCH
Our in-house experts design and
execute custom research solutions
that help clients understand and
predict consumer behavior and
identify marketing opportunities.

M24 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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Sean Moran
• We partnered with Cingular, Pepsi and Secret on Virtual
360 0


EVP, MTV 360 Brand Sales
Laguna Beach and paved the way for the first ever virtual
world rooted in a television franchise.
in effect

Dan Lovinger
YOUR VIEWERS EVERY DAY. • We helped JCPenney connect with younger consumers.
We extended their brand mantra (“it’s all inside”) to a whole
SVP, MTV 360 Brand Sales Today we offer more great MTV programming
212-846-5831 new level by seamlessly linking their on-air advertising with
dan.lovinger@mtvstaff.com on more screens than ever. So now, let us share the Video Music Awards. Viewers got an all-access pass “inside”
some proven tips to thriving in a brave new to music’s hottest night of the year.
Jean Medd
VP, MTV/MTV2/mtvU multiplatform world. • We worked with Mountain Dew to extend their existing
Ad Sales, Chicago syndicated college radio band search program. MTV2 (already
312-836-0740 problem solved Television. Internet. Wireless.
jean.medd@mtvstaff.com known for showcasing emerging music) expanded the Dew
Video on Demand. It’s a challenging new world, but some
Circuit Breakout: on-air, online and off-channel. The show
John Moran things never change: you still need to connect with your FIRST EVER virtual
VP, MTV/MTV2/mtvU is now TV’s longest-running branded entertainment program, world that’s rooted in
audience in a way that's powerful, credible and memorable.
Ad Sales, Detroit having helped launch the careers of Taking Back Sunday, a television franchise
248-540-4895 And because we invest so heavily in research and frequent
Yellowcard, and more.
john.moran@mtvstaff.com focus groups, we’re able to translate that understanding into a
• Nike and MTV combined forces to ensure that the Nike
crucial benefit to our advertisers like no one else.
Gina Sheldon football campaign had maximum impact among teen males
VP, MTV/ MTV2/mtvU
through the MTV series “Two-A-Days”, which would offer
Ad Sales, LA let’s get engaged The lines between advertising and
310-752-8021 them a natural showcase for their products AND advertising
entertainment are getting blurrier by the minute, but it doesn’t
gina.sheldon@mtvstaff.com opportunities beyond linear programming. By becoming
matter how much new technology, talent, and forward thinking
Rob Brett exclusive sponsors of pre-season programming available only
you put into a marketing plan, if it doesn't engage consumers.
Director, MTV Eastern Region on MTV’s Overdrive and the prequels running on MTV and
Digital Ad Sales We’re experts at thinking of innovative ways to integrate
MTV2 linear, Nike extended their brand presence even further.
212-846-8668 creative ideas into the power of our brand and your brand
rob.brett@mtvstaff.com It became the ultimate, seamless 360 promotion.
into our programming.
Tim Carroll
Director, MTV Midwest Region
Digital Ad Sales
Alex Brough

crank yankers
ready. set. go! Jimmy Kimmel, Lil Jon, Good Charlotte,

Sarah Silverman and Dane Cook are among

let us talk to you about customized solutions on these new shows and more... the celebrities who provide voice-over talent
to the all new episodes of “Crank Yankers”. The hilarious
MTV2 series, in which puppets make crank calls, will run on
multiple platforms, including short form versions specially
dance life created for Overdrive, VOD, and broadband. M
All eyes are on Jennifer Lopez as she shares her signa-
ture dance moves. Sponsors interested in connecting o

with her bilingual fan base can reach their target with
road rules 360
customized segments created especially for MTV Tr3s, MTV’s new The competition is thick, and with a click it gets
Spanish/English channel. Original episodes of the show will appear on thicker: For the first time ever MTV’s viewers are
MTV, MTV Tr3s, and online. With an aftershow on mtv.com, and a in charge. The series will be shot the same
“move of the week,” on all three platforms, sponsorship opportunities week it airs giving viewers the opportunity to have a major
are just as sizzling. M impact on the direction and a chance to interact with cast
members as the season progresses through MTV.com, MT V’S
Overdrive and MTV Mobile. M TWO-A-DAYS
the real world denver
“The Real World” has always been about bringing view- menudo “INTROMERCIAL”
ers into the private lives of a household of strangers.
What is it like to be part of Menudo in 2006? A new
The new series takes you deeper into that world than
series featuring auditions and casting specials,
ever before, with new, original content for linear, Overdrive, VOD and
trailers, an aftershow, trivia games, text message
Mobile. Additional programming includes sneak peeks, a casting
contests, a stunt launch and finale, the history of Menudo is
special, post-show interviews, cast Web cams and playlists, video
everywhere: on MTV Tr3s, MTV, MTV.com, mobile, and VOD. M
tours of the house and local Denver hot spots, interviews with locals
who’ve met cast members, and end of season specials. M

©2006 Viacom International Inc. All rights reserved.

M26 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 28


GLANCE The N delivers teens everywhere they are.
The N is available in more
Nelson Boyce
As a member of the MTV The N’s audience is our net- than 52 million households
National Sales Director Networks family, The N has work. We understand who via cable, digital cable and
The N emerged as one of the top they are and deliver unique satellite television and our An interactive, fashion community-
212-846-8596 based competition that spans TV,
teen entertainment networks experiences and ways for original hit series— broadband and wireless.
and lifestyle brands. Our them to interact with our “Degrassi: The Next
The Best Years
mission is to be the authen- content. We provide teens Generation,” “South of
Dianne Noriega
National Sales Manager tic voice of teens and help with a taste of our brand Nowhere,” “Instant Star,” The site averages close to 1.8
New original series from the head
The-N.com them figure out their lives and ownership of our net- “Beyond the Break”—con- million* unique visitors per writer of “Degrassi” that highlights
212-846-3819 with relevant, topical pro- work through on-air, online, nect with teens. month and almost the same the college experience.
gramming on-air and online mobile, VOD and live number of registered users.
INTEGRATED & at www.the-n.com. events. The-N.com is an interactive, And not only do they come
Andrea Fasulo
community site where teens to the site, they stay, with an
Senior Director, Promotions hang out with their friends average time spent 23* min-
Marketing and get the latest and great- utes per visitor.
The N & The-N.com
est info on their favorite The-N.com’s broadband portable
player that features Web-exclusive
andrea.fasulo@the-n.com shows, movies, music and For partners looking to tar-
content, full episodes, cast
celebs. Constantly on the get and reach teens, The N interviews, music performances and
cutting edge of teen trends, can offer you the ability to sneak peeks.
earlier this year, we launched reach this highly desirable
our groundbreaking Video demo with custom-tailored,
Mixer; our new broadband unique marketing and pro-
player, The Click; and intro- motional programs that
duced extended elements of span multiple platforms and
social networking to the site. are sure to grab the atten-
In 2007, we’ll introduce new tion of teens everywhere. o
features and programs that
* Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst, July,
2006 Your Ultimate “Degrassi” Party, Hard Rock Café, Times Square,
will continue to build on the August, September ’06 monthly aver-
New York site’s capabilities. age


TV The N The N is a general entertainment network with a promise to Teens Custom integrated programs, on-air sponsor-
be the authentic voice of teens that reaches them on TV, ships, branded content, sweepstakes and conver-
online and beyond. The network is distributed in 52 million gent programs
homes via digital cable and satellite.

Web Site The-N.com The-N.com is the interactive and community site where teens Teens Sponsorships, convergent and custom programs,
hang out with their friends and get the latest and greatest banners, rectangles and rich media
info on their favorite shows, movies, music and celebs.

Broadband The Click The-N.com’s broadband portable player that features Web- Teens Video preroll, webisode sponsorship and integra-
exclusive content, full episodes, cast interviews, music per- tion, and custom programs
formances and sneak-peeks.

Podcasting The N’sider The-N.com’s weekly podcasts dish on everything from the lat- Teens Opportunity for audio ads in the N’sider podcast,
est bands on the music scene, to celeb gossip to the N’Sider as well as custom podcast programs
information on The N’s big Friday night premieres.

Mobile The N on Mobile The-N.com’s Mobile Storefront offers content such as ring- Teens Sweepstakes entry, texting/voting programs, ring-
tones, wallpaper and games based on The N’s favorite shows. tones, custom mobile storefront and promotional
In addition, The N has a dedicated video channel on Sprint text blasts
wireless phones.

VOD The N on VOD The N on VOD is available in about 10 million homes and Teens Billboard sponsorship within monthly VOD
allows teens to access The N at their fingertips—to catch up packages
on their favorite shows or see exclusive content such as cast
interviews, set tours or behind-the-scenes footage.

Integrated Custom promotional Custom-tailored promotional, marketing and content pro- Teens Custom programs that stretch across platforms,
Programs and content programs grams that stretch across TV, online, off-channel and other including content integration

Events and Custom N events, par- Consumers events, parties and street teams that reach teens in Teens Sponsorship, sampling, signage, interactive
On-Ground ties and street teams their leisure and school time—all while delivering The N’s and experiences
Marketing our partners’ marketing messages.

M28 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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GLANCE NBCU sales and marketing is well-positioned to
Sci Fi gives
serve clients in the rapidly changing media land- advertisers
2 broadcast networks, 13 cable full access to what critics hail as
channels, more than 25 Web sites scape. “one of the best shows on
television” with a 360° opportunity
Keith Turner that includes on-air, online, VOD,
President, Sales and Marketing New platforms, new metrics The core programming con- DVD and print.
NBCU Television Networks and new accountability tent of each NBCU network
keith.turner@nbcuni.com New look, new
require a new approach to the and cable channel has been communities,
Marianne Gambelli marketplace, and NBCU is extended online with original more
EVP, Sales and Marketing opportunities to reach women who
working with clients develop- “webisodes,” behind-the- are dynamic, smart and excited
ing the best solutions for scenes videos and blogs, Flash about the possibilities of life.
James Hoffman brands and products. games and full-episode
SVP, Network Entertainment Sales streaming, as well as other
Beginning with the 2006 interactive features. CASE STUDIES *
Shari Post upfront, NBCU introduced
VP, NBC Late Night, NBC Daytime the TV360 programming NBCU wireless offerings
and Bravo Sales
shari.post@nbcuni.com strategy, designed to engage have been expanded to Consumers interacted with
consumers with original include wireless Web, video, advertiser’s brand through
John Kelly sponsorship of NBC.com play-at-
content on multiple plat- ringtones, wallpaper and home game, exclusive mobile
SVP, NBC News Networks
john.kelly@nbcuni.com forms and provide advertis- games, in addition to live model video bios, SMS alerts and
ers with deeper integration text polling and voting. multiple in-show integrations.
Mark Miller opportunities. Video-on-demand has Advertiser
SVP, USA Network, Sci Fi Channel engaged
Sales extended promotion and
mark.miller@nbcuni.com The NBCU sales team is advertiser reach into a medi- through in-
well-versed at working with um allowing consumers show
Seth Winter integration,
SVP, Sports and Olympic Sales clients to develop these mul- more control over when and
nominated artists’ ringtones, and
seth.winter@nbc.com tiplatform opportunities. what they watch, in a pre- featured-artist segments through-
NBCU recognizes that suc- qualified ad environment. out Telemundo, Mun2 and
Tom Paredes YahooTelemundo.com
VP, Sports and Olympic Sales cessful campaigns are ones And finally, with the addi-
tom.paredes@nbcuni.com that work for both the client tion of broadband sites such
and the media company, and iVillage.com and dotcome- Advertiser
Steve Mandala received
SVP, Telemundo Network Sales most important, the view- dy.com, NBCU is able to give sponsorship
steve.mandala@nbcuni.com er/user. These campaigns advertisers greater exposure of mobile SMS and MMS cam-
need to be organic to the in some of the fastest grow- paigns, iTV voting, customized
Peter Naylor Bravotv.com features and in-show
SVP. Digital Media Sales programming concept, rele- ing consumer segments integration connecting consumers to
peter.naylor@nbcuni.com vant and timely. online. o the brand across multiple platforms.


On-Air NBC, Telemundo, MSNBC, CNBC, Bravo, Sci Fi, Entertainment, news and sports programming across Branded entertainment and customized solutions with
USA Network, Sleuth, Universal HD, two broadcast networks and 13 cable channels. in-show product placement, off-channel promotions,
Weatherplus, Mun2, Telemundo Puerto Rico, billboards, logo features and customized segments
CNBC World

TV Web Sites NBC.com, YahooTelemundo.com, MSNBC.com, Deep interactive online content such as deleted scenes, Customized sponsorships with branded integration on
CNBC.com, BravoTV.com, SciFi.com, webisodes, games, blogs from show characters and exec- show sites, including sponsor logo, display ads, preroll
USANetwork.com, SleuthChannel.com, utive producers and mash-ups from most NBCU shows. and rich media ads
UniversalHD.com, Weatherplus.com,
HolaMun2.com AccessHollywood.com,
MeganMullally.com, NBCSports.com

Broadband iVillage.com, Gurl.com, Astrology.com, User-generated video, blogs, message boards, photo Customized sponsorships with feature/site ownership
Healthology.com, GardenWeb.com, galleries, RSS feeds and podcasts on NBCU original through logo and product integration, display ads,
HealthCentersOnline.com, NBCFirstLook.com, broadband community building Web sites. preroll and rich media ads
DotComedy.com, Trio.com,
BrilliantButCancelled.com, Outzonetv.com

VOD NBC, Bravo, USA Network, Sci Fi Channel Full episodes, available after network airing Commercial units and sponsorship (lengths vary)

iTV Various shows from across NBC, Bravo, USA Remote-controlled iTV applications for voting, polling and Sponsorship, ads (varying lengths) and brochures
Network, Sci Fi Channel brochuring

Mobile NBC Mobile Wireless video, ringtones, games and wallpaper from NBC Logo and commercial integration into programming
News, NBC Late Night, “Access Hollywood,” Bravo origi- (commercial lengths vary)
nals and NBC Primetime programming

Contact your NBCU account executive for more information on case studies or visit www.nbcumarketplace.com.

M30 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project2 10/30/06 11:13 AM Page 1

Creating a unique experience

for every touchpoint.

television internet broadband wireless vod itv

At NBCU, we're taking the lead in developing and distributing content

that establishes new, distinct destinations for consumers across
all platforms.
It’s content born from a legacy of acclaimed storytelling and a full
embrace of new technologies. When you look across the new media landscape,
Content that creates unique and exciting opportunities for advertisers. we want you to see NBCU at the horizon.

aa45m00.qxp 11/1/06 10:26 AM Page 32


NICKELODEON AND Nickelodeon leads the industry in delivering a 360°
entertainment experience for kids and parents,
Jim Perry connecting them to their favorite shows and
Executive VP, 360° Brand Sales
212-258-8144 original content through countless media platforms.

Jim Tricarico Nick is the most-watched
Senior VP, National Television Sales television network by kids
Jim.Tricarico@nick.com in the U.S., and has been
basic cable’s No. 1 network
overall for the past 46 con-
Justin Nesci
VP, National Online Sales secutive quarters (in total
212-846-8124 programming day). The net-
work’s “kids first” philoso-
MAGAZINE GROUP phy continues to be a key
Noreen Rafferty factor in its business successes. SpongeBob SquarePants
VP, National Magazine Sales
Noreen.Rafferty@nick.com Nick also has built a busi- now includes TV, online, simplified by Nick’s seamless
ness that speaks directly to broadband video, maga- one-stop sales environment.
parents by recognizing the zines, video-on-demand,
most important things in mobile, recreation, con- For 27 years, Nick’s break-
their lives—their kids. sumer products and fea- through programming,
ture films. For advertisers, innovative content and
Nick is the most widely making the connection to unparalleled reach have
distributed kids network kids and parents over mul- made it home base for
worldwide. Its global reach tiple platforms has been kids—and their parents. o ’


TV Nickelodeon • No. 1 TV network for kids and tweens, No. 1 basic cable channel over- Kids 2-14 and their parents Sponsorship, integrated programs,
all for past 46 consecutive quarters (in total day) convergent campaigns, interstitials,
Nick Jr. • Popular characters and all-new shows continue to lead the pack in all custom vignettes
of commercial preschool TV
Noggin • Commercial-free educational preschool network

Nicktoons Network • The animation capital of the world, now in 41 million homes

Online Nick.com • A leading kids Web site with original gaming and content, Kids 2-14 and their parents Sponsorship, rich media, advergaming,
customization and community custom programs
NickJr.com • No. 1 site for parents of young kids offering invaluable ideas, advice,
resources and do-together activities with preschoolers
ParentsConnect.com • A new online community where parents can quickly find and easily
share advice, ideas and opinions
GoCityKids.com • The ultimate parents online city guide for family-friendly activities
and events
Neopets.com • The world’s largest and fastest-growing youth community, boasting
30 million global members in 11 languages

Broadband TurboNick • Broadband players programmed with unparalleled interactive capabili- Kids 2-14 and their parents Video advertising, preroll, custom
Video Nick Jr. Video ties featuring Nick and Nick Jr. content vignettes

Nick Jr. Parents TV • Broadband player programmed expressly for parents with user-friendly
resources and relevant content

Magazines Nick Magazine • The No. 1 humor and entertainment magazine for kids and tweens Kids 6-14 Advertorials, sponsorship, sweepstakes,
custom programs, custom publishing,
Nick Jr. Family Magazine • The magazine’s engaging features and educational ideas help parents Parents with kids under 12 sampling, retail extensions
connect with their kids in new and innovative ways

Video On Nick Jr. • The best of Nick’s video vault—new franchises, premieres and spe- Kids 2-14 Billboards, short- and long-form content
Nicktoons cials—are on whenever kids want it
Demand TEENick

Mobile Nick Mobile • Beloved Nick content—videos, ringtones, games, wallpaper and Parents of kids 6-12 Coming 2007: WAP sponsorships, banner
more—downloaded directly to cell phones advertising for text messaging, interstitials
Neopets Mobile • The first web-to-wireless virtual community Parents of kids 6-12 and on carriers’ Nick Video channels

Recreation Nick Hotel, Live Tours • Adventure calls to kids and their parents with new ways to experience Kids 2-14 and their parents Sponsorship, on-site exposure, sampling
and Theme Parks the Nickelodeon brand live and hands-on sweepstakes, retailer tie-ins

M32 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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GLANCE Fully engage consumers in every marketing channel
READER’S DIGEST through the PowerHouses of Reader’s Digest—RDA’s
Ben Madden
Publisher food, health, and home and garden products and services.

SELECCIONES If you think the Reader’s Digest home cooks, strengthens what is
Elizabeth Bradley Association is just the flagship already the largest food franchise
Publisher magazine, think again. RDA is a of any publisher. Taste of Home
full-scale media company that anchors RDA’s food assets with the
EVERY DAY WITH delivers what consumers want world’s highest-circulation food
Christine Guilfoyle
most in channels they choose magazine plus Taste of Home
Publisher every day. Integrated solutions for Cooking School shows that attract
212-850-7123 advertisers begin with RDA maga- 300,000 consumers each year.
TASTE OF HOME zines and encompass every
MEDIA GROUP medium. The cornerstone of RDA’s Home
J.P. Perkins
and Garden Group is The Family
VP-advertising director
312-540-4816 With a rate base of 10 million, and Handyman, America’s best do-it-
38 million readers, Reader’s Digest yourself magazine. And RDA has
GARDEN GROUP magazine has the word-of-mouth been a leader in the Hispanic mar-
Rick Straface power to push trends, products ket since 1971 with its Spanish-
Publisher, The Family Handyman and ideas into the mass market- language publication, Selecciones.
and American Woodworker
212-850-7114 place. Every Day with Rachael Ray
is the fastest-launching food mag- RDA magazines are the front door
azine in history, and the recent to connecting with consumers
Carl Trautmann
Senior VP-advertising sales addition of Allrecipes.com, with through print, online, direct mail,
203-662-1227 its rabid fan base of 15 million TV, radio, events and at retailers. o


Print 77 magazines world- Reader’s Digest: 38 million readers, 10 million rate base ROB advertising, inserts, advertorials, cards,
wide with a total circu- Every Day with Rachael Ray: 6.7 million audience, 1.3 million rate base gatefolds, newsstand specials and custom
lation of 36 million and Selecciones: 3 million readers, 375,000 rate base publishing such as The Family Handyman
reaching more than Taste of Home: 17.7 million audience, 3.5 million distribution New Homeowner Special Edition
100 million readers The Family Handyman: 4.4 million audience, 1.125 million rate base

Digital Combined reach of rd.com: redesigned site plus the digital edition of Reader’s Digest Customized microsites and integrated advertor-
9 million monthly rachaelraymag.com, shoprachaelray.com and rachaelray.com ial, podcast segments and commercials, stream-
unique visitors usa.selecciones.com ing video, rich media, community features,
tasteofhome.com: America’s Recipe Box online embedded keyword, feature and ingredient
thefamilyhandyman.com sponsorships, co-branded contests and sweep-
Allrecipes.com: 7 million unique visitors, 75 million page views per month stakes, consumer panels, mobile

Retail Integrated programs Reader’s Digest: In-store programs at Wal-Mart, Kroger and Rite Aid Polybag promotions, in-store exposure,
through partnerships Every Day with Rachael Ray: Custom opportunities at specialty retailers gift-with-purchase promotions, sweepstakes,
with major retailers Selecciones: Annual advertising sections with targeted retail promotions advertising in newsstand publications
Taste of Home: Newsstand publications in Wal-Mart, Kmart and grocery stores; tie-ins with
Taste of Home Cooking Schools
The Family Handyman: Special programs and “bookazines” sold in all major supermarket
chains, Wal-Mart, Target and home & garden centers
Allrecipes.com: Special publications and “bookazines” sold in major supermarket chains,
Wal-Mart, Target and cooking retailers

TV/Radio Movies, TV specials, TV Reader’s Digest: Partnerships with Lifetime, Discovery Channel and Fox Home Entertainment, TV advertising, DVD package ride-alongs,
series and radio tie-ins Healthy Living TV in-book tune-in ads and product placement,
Taste of Home: Radio tie-ins with Taste of Home Cooking Schools integrated programs on syndicated radio
The Family Handyman: Custom programs with The Family Handyman, American
Woodworker and syndicated Carey Brothers’ “On the House” radio show

Database/ Targeted marketing Reader’s Digest: Database of 65 million names in the U.S. and 100 million worldwide Mass-reach-targeted direct-mail promotions,
Direct Mail opportunities to reach Every Day with Rachael Ray: Integrated database of e-commerce customers, readers and fans in-magazine sections and custom publishing
consumers based on Selecciones: Database of 500,000 U.S. Hispanics
demographic, psycho- Taste of Home: Ride-along opportunities with Taste of Home books
graphic, geographic The Family Handyman: 4.3 million DIY-affinity database
and health criteria Allrecipes.com: Ride-along opportunities with Allrecipes.com cookbooks

Experiential High-profile opportuni- Reader’s Digest: The Reader’s Digest National Word Power Challenge Product demonstration and integration,
Marketing ties to interact directly Every Day with Rachael Ray: Sponsor of James Beard Foundation’s Taste America event sampling, on-site signage, pre-event promotion
with consumers series, regional food and wine events and retail promotional tie-ins
Selecciones: Generación Latina—Hispanic Teens Who Will Change the World, grassroots events
in Hispanic markets
Taste of Home: 300 Taste of Home Cooking Schools, Taste of Home Entertaining
Allrecipes.com: National Recipe Contest

Books/Music Largest direct-response Reader’s Digest: More than 5.6 million books and music products sold annually, including Sampling via ride-alongs, gift-with-purchase
music and bookseller in cookbooks, gardening, health and children’s books promotions
the U.S. Every Day with Rachael Ray: Tie-ins with Epic Records, cookbook publishers and
Selecciones: Spanish-language books and CDs
Taste of Home: Taste of Home cookbooks
The Family Handyman: The Family Handyman and American Woodworker DIY books
Allrecipes.com: Allrecipes.com cookbooks

Sources: Reader’s Digest and The Family Handyman: MRI Spring 2006, June 2006 ABC Statement; Every Day with Rachael Ray: MRI Spring 2006, Publisher Defined Prototype, Reader’s Digest Circulation Department; Selecciones: MRI Doublebase 2006, Publisher Defined Prototype, June 2006 ABC
Statement; Taste of Home: MRI Spring 2006, Publisher Defined Prototype, Reiman Circulation Department; Digital: Omniture SiteCatalyst 2006; Allrecipes.com: Allrecipes.com Internal Logs (HBX)

M34 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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SOLUTIONS The primary point of access to the impactful
Michelle Harmon-Madsen
media and marketing resources of Rodale Inc., Jeep Geocaching
Executive Director
In its third year, the Jeep
212-573-0268 the leading publisher of information on healthy, Geocaching program has
michelle.harmon@rodale.com A new magazine from Rodale
active lifestyles for more than 60 years. been a mainstay in Jeep’s
Custom Publishing, You24 com-
SALES DIRECTORS promotional efforts to sup-
bines the brand power and exper-
Tom Chisholm port new vehicle launches tise of 24 Hour Fitness, the health
Detroit Rodale Marketing Solutions marketing experts develops and reinforce the brand as club leader, and Rodale. Just as 24
248-637-1353 puts creativity and imagina- partnerships that are driven the forefront of authenticity Hour Fitness health clubs empower
tom.chisholm@rodale.com among adventure-seeking
tion to work, leveraging a by the need for Rodale’s con- their members to integrate fitness
consumers. Developed by into their lives, You24 is the center
Randy Holloway family of assets and the tent expertise and market
Rodale Marketing Solutions, of a powerful marketing universe—
Chicago unique ability to connect authority. Multiplied in including print, direct marketing, in-
312-696-4103 the program has gained a
with millions of passionate, print, online, at live events loyal following and provided club, place-based messaging and an
randy.holloway@rodale.com online affinity program.
healthy, active consumers to and through cross-platform for millions of contest and Print promotion across Rodale
Debra Sanders produce integrated market- media, their strategic pro- sweepstakes entries. titles announces the launch of
New York the challenge. Consumers may
ing programs. grams go beyond a great first follow Jeep travel bugs, partic-
debra.sanders@rodale.com impression. They deliver tar- ipate in a photo contest and
enter a sweepstakes at
Working hand in hand with geted solutions that surpass jeep.geocaching.com.
George Sansoucy
clients, this team of sales and their partners’ objectives. o
New York
george.sansoucy@rodale.com Lipton Live Well Challenge
Rodale Marketing Solutions’ partnership with Unilever’s Lipton Tea
invited consumers to take the Lipton
Live Well Challenge. As presenting
sponsor of Bicycling’s USA 2006,
Lipton promoted the healthy benefits
of drinking three teas a day and get-
ting active to promote a healthy Launched in October 2005,
lifestyle. Women’s Health made an immedi-
ate and powerful impact on the
Lipton’s Live Well Challenge was pro- market. The magazine’s voice is
moted via magazines, newspapers, clearly resonating with readers and
online, events, sampling and direct advertisers alike. With unprecedent-
mail promotions. ed speed, consumer demand
pushed the rate base from 400,000
The Lipton “footprint,” (far right) to 750,000. Advertisers have had a
executed at festivals and other con-
similarly enthusiastic response to the
sumer events, featured both educa-
tional and interactive elements, title, resulting in a 202% increase in
encouraging consumers to take the ad pages (‘06 first half vs. first half
Live Well Challenge. ‘05) and a 417% growth in ad rev-
enue for the same period.


Magazines The leaders in healthy, active lifestyles, Category veterans and exciting new 32 million readers who seek credi- Special sponsored sections, custom adverto-
including Backpacker, Best Life titles, including global brands pub- ble, authentic information and rials, high-impact units, supplied inserts,
Bicycling, Men’s Health, Mountain lished in more than 45 countries practical, hands-on ways to put polybags, cover wraps
Bike, Organic Gardening, Prevention, their passions into practice
Runner’s World and Women’s Health

Interactive Web sites and interactive capabilities Reliable, actionable information, con- A robust community of health and Special sections, rich media/video, custom
that extend the credibility and quality tent and tools; real-time advice from active-lifestyle enthusiasts willing products, contests/sweepstakes, consumer
of our brands well beyond the printed top experts to share their knowledge and pas- surveys, e-newsletters
page sion:
3.4 million unique visitors,
56 million impressions

Custom Publishing Award-winning, branded content, Brand-based editorial that engages Developed against brand targets Magazines, books, newsletters, direct mail,
design and distribution consumers on an emotional level and Web sites and e-newsletters, database man-
creates closer customer relationships agement and marketing, retail-based pro-
grams, loyalty and acquisition programs

Books The largest independent book publish- Source for quality nonfiction, from Active readers and consumers Book excerpt in multi- or single-page for-
er in the U.S. with both trade and health, fitness and sports, to cooking, seeking more information within mat, sponsored online community, books as
direct channels gardening, spirituality, nature and the and surrounding our subject areas premiums, author appearances, sponsored
environment author tours

Events Largest grassroots network of events Full-service, turnkey event marketing 7,500 fitness events nationwide Branding, sampling, race sponsorship, retail
targeting the healthy, active-lifestyle capabilities link brands directly to 3.6 million participants activation, event/program management and
consumer healthy, active-lifestyle consumers 7.4 million spectators execution, sales promotion, cause-related
marketing, custom-created programs

Direct Marketing Broad range of files with selectivity Timely, targeted information that helps More than 25 million healthy, Database, modeling/marketing, customer
and universes not commonly found in marketers create relevant consumer active consumers profile, postal and e-mail, retail activation,
other lists messages online sponsorships, custom-created mar-
keting programs

M36 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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GLANCE Since launching HGTV in 1994, Scripps
CABLE NETWORKS & VOD Networks has become the leader in lifestyle
91 million households
media, developing some of the most relevant
Food Network content available on television, the Internet, satel-
90 million households
DIY Network lite radio, in books and magazines, and on today’s
40 million households
Fine Living TV Network emerging media platforms. “HGTV Design Star” returns with a
39.6 million households new cast of designers, all vying for
Great American Country (GAC) Scripps Networks, a division Networks also has launched their chance at TV stardom.
39.6 million households of The E.W. Scripps Co. a dozen e-newsletters,
Jon Steinlauf
SVP Scripps Networks (NYSE:SSP), is comprised of video-on-demand, an array
212-549-2859 the favorite lifestyle of broadband channels,
jsteinlauf@scrippsnetworks.com brands—HGTV, Food mobile content and high-
INTERACTIVE & Network, DIY Network and definition channels HGTV-
HGTV.com 5.8 million average Fine Living TV Network—as HD and Food Network-
monthly unique visitors well as the country music HD. In addition, our pro-
FoodNetwork.com 7.2 million network Great American gramming is seen in more
average monthly unique visitors
Country (GAC). than 170 countries on In second-quarter ’07, Food
DIYnetwork.com 2.5 million seven continents. Network honors America’s most
average monthly unique visitors innovative culinary artists and
Today we are leading the
FineLiving.com 643,000 average inventions in the premiere of “Food
monthly unique visitors
interactive media revolu- With a stable of multiple Network Awards.”
tion. Our TV networks are lifestyle media outlets,
GACTV.com 431,000 average
monthly unique visitors complemented by compan- Scripps Networks offers a
HGTVPro.com 503,000 average ion Web sites, collectively variety of sponsorship
monthly unique visitors attracting more than 13.4 opportunities for advertisers
Jeff Meyer million* unique visitors that want to reach upscale
Food Network’s top talent prepares
SVP Scripps Networks Interactive every month, making our viewers who are passionate
415-954-8572 dishes, discovers new trends and
jmeyer@scrippsnetworks.com sites the top online destina- about and engaged in helps online users tackle everyday
* Source: Nielsen//NetRatings 1/06–9/06 average tions in their respective lifestyle programming and meal planning.
monthly unique visitors; home and work combo
panel categories. Scripps content. o


Cable HGTV Lifestyle programming that relates to Prime destination for upscale 75K+ adults • Commercial spots
Networks Food Network viewers’ interests and passions; leading 25-54 highly engaged and motivated to • Show sponsorships
DIY Network the way with a solutions-based approach act. • Short-form sponsorships
Fine Living to advertising when content provides a • National consumer promotions
Great American Country (GAC) relevant environment for advertising. • Cross-network packages
HGTV-HD • Custom content/product integration
Food Network-HD • Standard and serialized vignettes
• Show promos

Interactive HGTV.com Exciting destinations for original content, Prime destination for upscale 75K+ adults • Newsletters
FoodNetwork.com engaging video and powerful interactive 25-54 highly engaged and motivated to • 300x250, 160x600, 728x90
DIYnetwork.com tools as well as a complement to Scripps act. and preroll video ad units
FineLiving.com Networks’ leading lifestyle cable net- • Logo entitlement
GACTV.com works. • Sponsored content
• Custom opportunities such as
sweepstakes, home page takeovers,
microsites, custom online video and
integrated Web promo spots

Broadband Vertical Channels: Vertical channels are video-based, topic- Prime destination for upscale 75K+ adults • Integrated sponsor videos
HGTVPro focused online channels that provide 25-54 highly engaged and motivated to • 300x250, 728x90 and preroll
HGTV KitchenDesign take-away content and interactive tools. act. video ad units
HGTV BathDesign • Logo entitlement
DIY Woodworking • Custom opportunities
• Webisode sponsorship
Podcasts Podcasts are free, downloadable show
premieres and online series featuring
Scripps Networks’ most notable personal-

VOD HGTV On Demand Contains Scripps Networks’ highest-rated Prime destination for upscale 75K+ adults • Long-form advertising messages
Food Network On Demand and popular network series and specials, 25-54 highly engaged and motivated to up to 5 minutes
DIY Network On Demand country music videos and compilations act. • Custom video showcase
Fine Living On Demand produced exclusively for VOD. • Exclusive show ownership
Great American Country On Demand

M38 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project3 10/30/06 11:43 AM Page 1

The Power of Five

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to reach our highly engaged, strongly ad-receptive audiences.

Discover Scripps Networks powerful multi-platform advertising opportunities at scrippsnetworks.com

aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 40



GLANCE Providing outstanding opportunities in televi- advertisers some of the
most sought-after opportu-
SONY PICTURES sion and emerging new media—reaching con- INCLUDE:
TELEVISION nities on the Internet,
Advertiser Sales
sumers across all walks of life. including online extensions • 30-second spots
550 Madison Ave. of its branded TV content,
New York, N.Y. 10022
Sony Pictures Television important and more valu- digital entertainment chan-
• 10-second spots
Amy Carney Advertiser Sales is a dynam- able than ever before. Sony nels and emerging digital
Executive Vice President
• Sponsorships
ic and innovative company Pictures Television features platforms such as Grouper,
ideally positioned to help an exceptional portfolio of a video-sharing and con- • Integrations
Stuart Zimmerman advertisers achieve their syndicated programming, tent distribution site that
SVP Advertiser Sales
media goals in today’s chal- including some of the most- enables advertisers to capi- • Nontraditional
:30 Commercials lenging marketplace. With popular and best-loved pro- talize on the popularity of formats
Product Integration assets across new and tradi- grams of all time. user-generated content and
tional media, SPT viral marketing. These • High-definition
Joe Tafuri
SVP Advertiser Sales Advertiser Sales offers In fact, in February 2006, platforms allow virtual
212-833-6398 clients a variety of out- SPT’s programs were seen by communities of passionate
• Preroll
High Definition standing advertising oppor- more than 158 million consumers to form and
Product Integration • In-stream
tunities to maximize reach unique viewers—56% of all interact with your brand.
Doug Frederick and create effective, cus- persons in the U.S. SPT With its accessible user • Banners
VP Advertiser Sales tomized solutions. Advertiser Sales offers adver- interface, Grouper allows
:10 Sponsorships tisers a number of ways to advertisers to capitalize on • Paid video search
Product Integration SPT Advertiser Sales features advertise in these programs the power of viral distribu-
exceptional opportunities in including 30-second spots, tion. • Rich media
Travis Howe
VP Sales Strategy two of the most important 10-second spots, sponsor-
212-833-5783 advertising platforms: TV ships, integration and high SPT Advertiser Sales offers
• Flash games
Online Extensions, Digital and digital. definition. an array of outstanding
Channels, Cross-Platform • Branded channels
opportunities in television
TV continues to be the best As video entertainment and digital to deliver pow- • Branded video
way to reach mass audi- migrates online, SPT erful solutions for advertis- players
ences, making it more Advertiser Sales offers ers. o


:30 Commercials 30-second TV advertising in SPT programs cover all genres and dayparts, Women in daytime, young adults in Program-specific buys; 1A positioning;
SPT’s exceptional lineup of reaching virtually every audience—delivering access and fringe, men in late night exclusive national pods; shorter breaks; less
first-run and off-net syndicat- strong, consistent ratings while providing a true and families on weekend mornings clutter
ed programs alternative to broadcast and significantly outper-
forming cable

:10 Sponsorships 10-second TV advertising with Short-form ads are effective with viewers and Adults in prime access, women in Sponsorship announcements further
promotional and closed-cap- deliver exceptional value for advertisers, especially daytime, young adults in access and engage viewers and enhance positive asso-
tioning sponsorships that are when used as part of a larger media plan fringe, men in late night ciation for brands; jackpot sponsorships
embedded in program content available in “Wheel of Fortune” where
brand is integrated into game play

Online Online advertising with video Extends advertising presence in SPT programming Fans seeking to enhance their rela- Preroll advertising for “The King of
Extensions prerolls, in-stream video and online—simultaneously enhancing the experience tionship with SPT program brands, Queens” broadband clips; “The Greg
banners of existing viewers while reaching out to new new viewers who are not available Behrendt Show” player streams entire
online audiences as well to watch on TV and other online show online (ad-supported); banner place-
entertainment seekers ment on all SPT program Web sites

Product Custom segments and title Integration cuts through the clutter, circumvents Adult viewers in access, women in Integration of brands and products in
Integration sponsorships in SPT first-run commercial avoidance and engages viewers by daytime and young adults online “Wheel of Fortune” and “The Greg
TV programs and original featuring brands and products directly in the con- Behrendt Show”; verdict sponsorships in
short-form broadband content tent of the program “Judge Maria Lopez”

Digital Channels Funny Bone, AXN Online advertising opportunities in branded-video Online viewers who actively seek out Preroll, in-stream and banner advertising in
content on two genre-based, digital entertain- programming and prefer to control branded entertainment content
ment channels (comedy and action, respectively) their own entertainment experiences

Video-Sharing Grouper Multiplatform video distribution network focused Young adults who interact with Preroll, in-stream and banner advertising in
Site on watching, sharing and creating user-generated entertainment content—individuals viewer-created content that can be viewed
video—offers outstanding digital advertising who consume online video and online or downloaded, paid video search,
opportunities actively create and share their own rich media, branded Flash games, branded
as well channels and custom landing pages

Cross-Platform Custom advertising solutions Integrated marketing campaigns that employ Consumers across all walks of life Downloads, CD inserts, customized digital
Sony’s world-class portfolio of assets from TV, connecting with advertisers through campaigns, rewards programs
films, music, home entertainment and electronics Sony’s numerous touch points

High Definition INHD, “Wheel of Fortune,” INHD is the premier hi-def cable network, featur- Upscale consumers who are early- Hi-def commercials, nontraditional com-
“Jeopardy!” ing some of the best HD content 24/7—it’s the adopters, opinion-influencers as well mercial formats, product integration, spon-
ultimate product showcase for the ultimate audi- as technology and entertainment sorship opportunities, category exclusivity,
ence enthusiasts prime positioning in uncluttered environ-

M40 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project1 10/26/06 5:55 PM Page 1

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programming and digital assets offer extraordinary
advertising opportunities across multiple platforms
to deliver your message with impact.












© 2006 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.sonypicturestelevision.com

tabdoc.qxp 10/31/06 2:35 PM Page 1


D<;@8 >L@;<

GLANCE With proven multiplatform success for dozens of advertisers, TV Guide understands the needs of today’s
CORPORATE MARKETING marketers and can deliver strategic programs for any category.
Steve Scebelo
Senior VP, Marketing
610.293.8910 In an increasingly complex media landscape,
steven.scebelo@tvguide.com people need a resource to help them
experience the best of television as simply
MAGAZINE as possible, whether it’s analog or high-
Pete Haeffner definition, cable or broadcast, on an iPod or
Senior VP, Publisher
the Internet. Across a multitude of platforms
and built on an unmatched heritage,
TV Guide delivers the total solution. We
provide not only exclusive entertainment
content and unsurpassed guidance to
PROGRAM GUIDES engaged consumers, but also a unique and
ON DEMAND targeted environment to maximize impact
Richy Glassberg for our marketing partners.
Senior VP, Sales
212.852.7333 TV Guide’s cross-platform offerings—
Magazine, Channel, Interactive Program
Guides, On Demand, Online and Mobile—
ONLINE reach 73 million consumers weekly. This
MOBILE media powerhouse gives advertisers
Jim Hoos the strategic opportunity to surround
National Sales Director
consumers and promote their products
jim.hoos@tvguide.com across one seamless brand. The end result?
Incredible andd immediate exposure for
their message.
consumers whenever
and wherever they As television evolves, TV Guide will continue
turn for television to be at the forefront, leading the way for
entertainment viewers and marketers.


Print TV Guide Magazine Full-size, 4C weekly magazine that provides TV A25–54; Network partnerships; Targeted editorial
enthusiasts with behind-the-scenes scoop on the Total audience: 16 million 1 adjacencies; Retail promotions; Cover wraps and
most talked about shows, plus expert guidance and high-impact inserts; Consumer promotions
recommendations on the best of television.

Television TV Guide Channel Fully distributed guidance and entertainment network A18–49; Program sponsorships; Custom integrations and
that celebrates TV and helps consumers decide what Available in 80 million homes 2 branded entertainment showcases that drive tune-
to watch. Signature programs include: “Watch This,” in to specific programs; Nationally addressable ads;
“TV Watercooler,” “Idol Tonight,” “The Fashion In-grid listings banners
Team” and award show Red Carpets.

Interactive Consumer Electronics; Interactive point-of-decision guidance on digital cable A18–49; Interactive ads that can set a reminder or record
Program Digital Cable and in select TV sets. Ads available in 11 million total a program, plus click through to more program
households 3 information
Guides (IPG)

TV Guide Spot TV-focused entertainment and guidance for Early adopters; A18–49 with an urban Pre-, mid- and post-roll opportunities, plus custom
On Demand the on demand generation. One of the most widely skew; integrations and sponsorship of programs
distributed On Demand networks. Available through Available in more than 27 million homes 4
digital cable and on broadband (tvguide.com and

TVGuide.com A leading television information and entertainment A18–49; High-impact creative advertising adjacent to
Web Site destination, offering best-in-class entertainment Total audience: 4.2 million users 5 targeted editorial and user-generated content; Web
search functionality, robust community features and site sponsorships and takeovers; Custom mini-
personalized user preferences. web site design; Consumer promotions and e-mail

Mobile TV Guide Mobile Mobile listings guide and video content for on- A<30; Text-based and call-to-action messages in the Text
the-go TV fans; Mobile-specific, short-form video Total audience: 7 million registered users Message Search function
content from TV Guide Channel. (Japan and U.S.) 4

Events Annual Emmy High-profile Hollywood events Varies, depending on the event Sponsorships, co-branding, select markets,
After Party; sampling, cross-platform content coverage (requires
Red carpet premiere/ editorial approval)
finale screening parties

Sources: 1 MRI Spring 2006 Publisher’s Estimate 2 Nielsen Universe Estimate 3 Internal Estimate 4 GMST Internal Data 5 9/06 Media Metrix

M42 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

Project1 10/18/06 5:02 PM Page 1

The Premier Cross-Platform Solution.

Nobody covers TV
like TV Guide...

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TV Guide is the total solution.

TV Guide. There’s a lot in it for you.


Source: 2006 MRI Omnibus Recontact
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 44


GLANCE VH1 just posted its 17th consecutive quarter of
VH1’s weekly
Rick Beispel total viewer growth—proving that our viewers countdown of
the hottest
Senior VP
VH1 National advertising sales
can’t get enough of our music and pop culture viral videos on
212-846-7090 programming. the Internet reaches viewers across
multiple platforms at ever-increas-
Mark McIntire ing rates. The weekly series, co-
Senior VP Their strong desire goes As an early adopter in the 7.5 million people who VH1.com to determine produced with partner IFILM and
VH1 Integrated marketing beyond our linear network digital space, VH1 has the tune in to the season the winners of our “VH1 hosted by comic Patrice O’Neal, is a
212-846-7862 hit on TV, on VSPOT and on VH1
and our other channels VH1 ability—and proven track finale of “Flavor of Love.” Big in ’06 Awards.” Mobile.
Larry Gelfand Classic and VH1 Soul. Our record—to engage our view- • They can download our • They can enjoy never- VH1’s “Best
VP adult 18-49 viewers connect ers in any medium they “Best Week Ever” daily before-seen performances Week Ever”
VH1 Digital advertising sales series has
with and often shape our choose. Our advertising podcast. from VH1 Classic on VH1
212-846-4165 extended its
original content on any partners look to us to lever- • They can watch exclusive On Demand. reach through
Michael Finn screen that they want— age all our viewers’ touch “Storytellers” performances its daily podcast
Director, VH1 Classic and VH1 Soul and online destination Bestweek-
whether it’s online, on points to help create high- by the Dixie Chicks and Our viewers know and love
advertising sales ever.tv. The multiplatform
212-846-8162 mobile phones, through impact opportunities that Pearl Jam on VSPOT, that we are their music and phenomenon provides a hilarious
podcasts, on video-on- thread through all our plat- VH1’s broadband channel. pop culture authority—in review of the entertaining news and
demand or even online with forms. • They can catch up on the all ways. o pop culture developments that make
the past week the “best week ever.”
VH1 Games. funniest viral videos from
The “VH1 Rock
How many ways can viewers “Web Junk 20” on VH1 Honors”
experience VH1? Mobile. tribute concert
• They can be among the • They can vote at on all VH1
screens salutes
the groundbreaking bands of rock,
the seminal events and the influential
people who made a lasting mark on
the history of hard rock.


Television VH1, VH1 Classic, VH1 Soul Our TV screens connect adults 18-49 viewers to the entertaining VH1’s expansive variety of integration opportunities include co-
music, artists and pop culture programming that matters to them promotional show partners, such as Unilever’s platform with
most through series, specials, live events, exclusive online content “Flavor of Love 2” on VH1 to launch its Sunsilk shampoo; or
and public affairs initiatives. product integration like the Diageo ownership of VH1 Classic’s
“Turntables” or Signature Event participation such as the GM-
sponsored “VH1 Hip Hop Honors” crossover programming.

Online VH1.com, VSPOT Our Internet and broadband sites give consumers self-directed, Advertisers can be connected in an unlimited number of ways to
deep-dive experiences into the VH1 content they crave—shows, the many sponsorship, gaming and interactive options on the site.
music and original online programming. They are the critical hubs As examples, scores of users submitted freestyle raps to the T-
that keep viewers connected to the brand daily. Mobile-sponsored viral video search for the next MC, and rabid
pop culture junkies jumped to compete in the Alltel-sponsored
“World Series of Pop Culture” trivia game that allowed users to
play the hit franchise at home.

Mobile VH1 Mobile VH1 Mobile gives viewers the content they love in the palm of Advertisers can be tied to this portable franchise via streaming
their hands with streaming video, ringtones and graphics from video, SMS sweepstakes entry and gaming. Recently, VH1 Mobile
VH1’s top shows and events. VH1 Mobile also provides VH1 News users bombarded us with text messages that determined the win-
coverage of the day’s top music and pop culture happenings, as ning city for VH1’s Honda-sponsored Flashmob concert featuring
well as interview clips and music videos. Pink, where the audience was comprised of mobile winners.

Podcasts VH1 Podcasts Viewers access convenient, downloadable versions of VH1’s most Savvy advertisers can leverage their ownership of VH1 franchises
popular broadband video, including VH1’s “celebreality” program- through streaming video attachment to downloadable, portable
ming, daily “Best Week Ever” commentary, VH1 News clips offer- content, such as Intel’s pod sponsorship of “Best Week Ever,”
ing celebrity interviews and the latest news from the worlds of Nissan’s ownership of the “Best of VH1” and Cingular’s attach-
music, movies and pop culture. ment to “Best Night Ever.”

VOD VH1 On Demand Our on-demand brand extends viewers’ VH1 experiences with Advertisers can gain traction with viewers through preroll attach-
musical performances, concerts and artist interviews, as well as ment to VH1 and VH1 Classic programs that consumers are
full episodes from select VH1 series under both the VH1 and VH1 actively seeking. This rapidly growing VH1 platform is already pro-
Classic brands. Content from VH1’s series include episode sneak viding great opportunities to Toyota and Procter & Gamble.
peeks, Q&A segments with show cast members, behind-the-
scenes clips and outtakes exclusive to the VOD platform.

Video Gaming VH1 Games From VH1 Classic Arcade games from the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, to VH1-created integrations, including game sponsorship and cus-
new, original titles tied to VH1’s hit franchises, VH1 Games tom-designed game opportunities all exist on VH1.com. Smart
appeals to all audiences through a vast collection of word games, marketers such as T-Mobile and Intel are already reaching this
action games and puzzles. active, engaged audience through integrations created by VH1
specifically for these top-tier brands, incorporating brand mes-
sages as part of game play and allowing gamers to interact with
these partner brands.

M44 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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VH1 VOD VH1 .com VH1 Mobile VH1 Podcast VH1 Classic VH1 Soul
aa45m00.qxp 10/31/06 1:20 PM Page 46



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Continued from page M5

content. It’s very much more from a consumer perspective than merely an end in itself, and so people are going through the communications work.
from a media perspective. motions.We also have to recognize that things are moving at a There is a danger in that you follow ROI out the window and
RICHARD BEAVEN: I’m not sure it’s simply about surround- faster and faster pace. So there’s a lot more agility built into it, a you are so focused on the mathematics of it that you forget the
ing the consumer. That suggests that it’s very much the brand lot more evolution and thinking on the fly. To do that, you have need for ideas and understanding.
pushing down or surrounding the consumer. It’s really about to have things centered around more of a strategic thought. MR. BEAVEN: One thing we need to do is move quickly away
finding something that’s relevant to the consumer that they’re MR. ADELMAN: At Johnson & Johnson, we have a lot of dif- from a world where, certainly from a media point of view, the time
going to actually invite in. ferent agencies and a lot of different models in place. As we’ve frame is seen as the 12-month plan. There are lots of moves away
MR. SWINAND: Before, it was brand talking to consumer. shifted our thinking toward consumer-centered integrated com- from that, but we’ve got to continue that and accelerate it. When
Now, it’s a much more interactive, collaborative, optimized munications, we get to see which models work better. we focus on a period of time, we get focused on the wrong thing
experience where consumers are constantly engaging in the dia- It’s very difficult to re-engage the dialogue between creative and in terms of results.
logue with the brands and communicators are forced to adjust media at that level that the guys were just describing. It’s very dif- MR. ADELMAN: Speaking from the client’s perspective, I
accordingly. So the 360° aspect refers to that as well. ferent for the traditional creative agencies to make a full strategic don’t think a focus on ROI is exclusive to creativity and talent.
MR. ADELMAN: For us, the problem of integrating commu- seat at the table for the digital agencies. And agencies that bring new ideas are going to have no problem
nications is you really have to start with the consumer, and the being profitable.
strategy and the message, and how do we develop brand story arcs ¡AA: So what structures have worked the best? MR. SWINAND: I’m curious about that. One thing we’ve seen is
that extend across all of these channels in a meaningful way. MR. ADELMAN: There are different solutions for different busi- that as you look to cut and reduce staffing, if you look at procure-
nesses. We’ve had some success with agencies that do a little bit ment and savings, you cut out a lot of the senior talent and start
¡AA: You’re talking about the impact that 360° media is having more in-house that have solved the silo problem internally. In other driving toward efficiency and execution. It leads you down a path
on creative? cases, we’ve put digital agencies together with creative and media that is kind of counter to 360. I’d love your perspective on that.
MR. ADELMAN: Yes. The big challenge is strategic and cre- planning agencies and said you have to find a new way of working. MR. ADELMAN: I don’t know that you’ve described a sce-
ative. The media people have been ready to solve these problems nario that fits the way we treat our agencies. I can tell you we
for years. What we’re working really hard on at Johnson & ¡AA: Which silos do you most want to break down next? work very closely with our agencies as partners to make sure we
Johnson is finding new ways to tell stories in this environment. MR. SWINAND: One of the first is on the vendor side. A lot of achieve our objectives.
vendors really define their product narrowly or linearly, based on
¡AA: We hear a lot about breaking down silos these days. What what the distribution is. Before, online was its own bucket. I had ¡AA: If the CMO has a life expectancy of 18 months, how can he
are you learning from the process of breaking down silos in your my online agency, and online was unique and different. But now or she attract bright people? That’s part of the problem, isn’t it?
organizations? that all media are digital … we need to reintegrate it. MR. SWINAND: That’s not every client. I do think that
MR. SWINAND: Media agencies have typically been structured MR. BEAVEN: For me it’s a talent issue. The silos I want to recently the increased emphasis on procurement and ROI has
around the points of distribution, with a broadcast investment break down are the mental models that people have about exist- led to more turnover and more pressure to produce shorter-
group, a cable team, a print team, a digital team. The optimized ing forms of media and existing communication habits. We term results. I think the media agencies were partially to blame
approach was around how can I most efficiently buy and execute. need to get people to re-evaluate what’s the best way to connect in that they were pitching an efficiency story. In some respect, it
The biggest change is that the media agencies are restructuring how with a consumer. Unless we develop the talent in the right way, trained clients to focus on efficiency. And clients have reaped the
they go to market and how they interact with vendors and clients. then no amount of organization from a physical point of view benefits of those efficiencies, but are coming back and challeng-
Initiative and Starcom have created this activation role. It will change anything. ing agencies to come together and deliver bigger ideas.
acknowledges the fact that we need to think more holistically
about stories and about consumer engagement, and we need ¡AA: What do those mental silos get in the way of? ¡AA: Andrew [Swinand] mentioned vendors. Which ones are
individuals who can work across contact points and work across MR. BEAVEN: People have to think differently. Be open- doing a particularly good job with digital?
channels to activate these ideas. minded. Have a broad perspective on what’s happening in cul- MR. BEAVEN: I don’t want to single any out, but the best ones
MR. BEAVEN: It’s becoming extremely difficult to draw a line ture, and what’s happening from a consumer standpoint and are going back to their core product and how that relates to con-
between what you might term planning and buying. So it what’s happening in the development of digital. sumers. And they understand that what they have to offer is con-
becomes less about how different individual areas work togeth- MR. ADELMAN: The talent issue is critically important tent. They’re inventing and combining platforms and trying to
er and more about how do we put together the start and finish because the problem with integration is that you need people leverage that and working with us to get that done.
of this whole thing. leading these processes who are really capable of thinking very MR. ADELMAN: I think big media have made a lot of changes
broadly and outside the boundaries of their traditional disci- recently that are very refreshing. They’re bringing a lot of great
¡AA: How do you do that? Put people in a room together? plines. It seems as if there is a shortage of those people. ideas and products to the consumer right now and also to adver-
MR. ADELMAN: That’s what we do. We put in a lot of time and tisers. Video downloads, webisodes, mobisodes, streaming
effort with our agencies and with the leadership of our brands to ¡AA: Where do they come from? online for program sampling. Deep-background content online.
essentially reintegrate. This industry has allowed creative and MR. BEAVEN: I don’t think it’s about experience or age. It’s Going back to what the real strength is: telling stories and serv-
media to drift way too far apart since unbundling started 10 years about diversity in all its forms, whether ethnic diversity, geo- ing audiences.
ago. And the emergence of digital has forced us all to come back to graphical diversity, being in a different business or a different When you take those capabilities as well as the ability to effi-
the table together. agency type or a different discipline in an agency. ciently produce content across multiple platforms, I think they’re
So at Johnson & Johnson we’ve put together a formal process MR. ADELMAN: It’s all about diversity of thought. People going to end up leading advertisers in many ways into new places.
that brings all of the stakeholders together early on and gets align- have always thought digital is the most integrated or innovative, MR. BEAVEN: The key for me is that media companies under-
ment strategically and creatively about what our brands are about. but some of the digital people are actually some of the most nar- stand what their brand relationship is with consumers. It’s much
The idea of doing consumer-centric communications planning row-minded in terms of “not invented here” or ownership. more of a brand-marketing approach. To say that my business is
and that leading to creative production sounds painfully obvious, MR. BEAVEN: I’ll give you a huge challenge: We’re bringing not magazines, it’s helping new mothers better care for their chil-
but I think as an industry a lot of people are still producing creative people into our business and the industry in general. These peo- dren—that’s a huge paradigm shift for a lot of content companies.
first and writing media plans second. ple bring with them very fresh perspectives. Many of them are
MR. SWINAND: I think it goes beyond just getting people in a the so-called digital natives. The challenge for any of us is how ¡AA: What is the most significant challenge you will face next
room. In the past, we’d have everyone in the room and they’d do we make sure that we unlock the potential, that we tap into year?
present the TV spot and the discussion was how to distribute it. the ideas and experiences and forward-thinking of some of MR. SWINAND: Balancing the near term with the long term. In
The real significant shift is, both from a media and a creative these people we’re bringing in. our industry the pace of change is so rapid that we need to invest
standpoint, taking a much more consumer-centric view to in tomorrow; but the volume of work and execution we need to
defining what is the story, what is the approach and what is the ¡AA: Is the industry’s heavy focus on ROI and the bottom line deliver today is significant. As a business, this is something that is
source of engagement. And to the earlier point of getting every- affecting its ability to attract talent? probably pretty standard for vendors as well.
one in a room, my experience is that a lot of the creative agen- MR. ADELMAN: I can’t say that it’s not. But I don’t think it’s an MR. BEAVEN: I agree with that. We continually ask ourselves:
cies don’t like to begin from that point. either-or proposition. One of the things we talk a lot about is we Are we changing fast enough and in the right places?
MR. BEAVEN: You’ve got to recognize that the ideas now can need to expand our definition beyond ROI and talk about “ROO,” MR. ADELMAN: Keeping up with the pace of change is the
come from anywhere—junior, senior, whichever discipline is in or return on objectives. When we talk about a linear approach, to challenge. What we’ve done is put in place structures to incen-
the room. You’ve got to see that whatever process you have, that say everything is based on ROI and ROI is king really leads you to tivize marketers to take those risks and bring back that learning
process is essentially a means to an end. In a lot of places it’s a direct model. And I don’t think that’s how marketing/advertising to the corporation. o

M48 NOVEMBER 6, 2006

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IMarketers Wanted
The media buying and planning role is changing dramatically. In fact, that role might be
better described with a new title By Steve Greenberger/DJG Marketing

message and its rele- where and when they the advertisement is in media plans must be in packages into their cam-
vance to each selected can be reached most suc- the first place. total sync with any other paign before starting to
media vehicle. They need cessfully and how to fol- Agency marketers group building a portion plan.
a sense of how engaged low them through the need more ad-testing of the plan. Digital or Above all, agency mar-
the audience will be with various stages of the pur- results across media to “new” media are often keters must start with an
this message and of how chase cycle. get a handle on which planned separately from organizing idea that
to take advantage of the The problem, unfortu- media work best, where, traditional media. This meets a client’s brand
asset pool of each media nately, is that these mar- when and how often. creates havoc for media objectives and can be
There is little doubt that company they approach. keters work at a disad- ROI is not just a post- companies looking to sell clearly conveyed to a
the idea of building a Their goal is to build rel- vantage. Since most analysis measure. It a cross-media package, media vendor.
media plan with a good evant, effective and effi- media and full-service requires plenty of pre- and it may also produce The marketer’s role is
demo, a budget, an cient package deals while agencies eliminated their planning study and a much less integrated highly complex. It is likely
objective and a nice opti- delivering a very attrac- market research staffs analysis, too. plan, or an “off-key” to evolve into a very
mization tool is a thing tive return on investment years ago, much of the Marketers also need to component, to an other- attractive one, too, as
of the past. for the advertiser. analysis that agency mar- be armed with better wise solid campaign. agency structures and phi-
Today, media planners Needless to say, the keters need currently research on who the con- Cross-media packages, losophy change to incor-
and buyers must be thor- role of today’s media only goes past the desks sumer is. They cannot be in fact, are critical in a porate it over time. o
oughly versed in the pro- planners and buyers is of “media” research peo- satisfied with just finding 360° marketing world.
liferation of new media changing dramatically. In ple. This means that all a demographic target to Marketers must maintain Steve Greenberger is sen-
alternatives. They also fact, their role might bet- of those metrics for reach. They must have a a very clear understand- ior VP-chief strategic
need to understand the ter be described with a effectiveness and “affec- clear understanding of ing of the broad asset marketing officer at DJG
limits of the research new title: marketer. tiveness” get interpreted the consumer’s DNA, pool of the media com- Marketing, a full-service
they are using and have After all, these individ- by a media-skewed eye. lifestyle, mind-set and panies that they are marketing service firm
some insight into how uals must be able to go This is one reason the mind-style (how they see looking to utilize. They that provides media com-
their target consumers way beyond selecting subject of engagement themselves) to successful- must look at these assets panies with strategic
use the media they select. and buying impressions has gotten so tiring, with ly home in on the media for their relevance as positioning, research, ad
But their task doesn’t and to understand who its measures mired in the they will be involved well as their reach deliv- sales development and
end there. Media plan- the consumers of a prod- question of how engag- with and influenced by. ery, and they should communications. He can
ners and buyers must uct or service really are, ing each media vehicle is What’s more, mar- determine how to incor- be reached at steveg@
understand the creative what will motivate them, instead of how engaging keters who are building porate these potential djgmarketing.com.


Researchers wait for a single measurement currency to help compare and
contrast different media By Wayne Karrfalt
The idea of comparing usage data across different types of setting out to measure video on multiple devices, including PCs, sumers—is seen as a step in the right direction.
media has been a dream of media researchers for years. Lately, iPods, cell phones and out-of-home TV.
however, the goal, once called “fusion research,” has become a “Nielsen’s philosophy of following the video is absolutely PRIORITY ISSUES
moving target. right,” says Susan Nathan, research director at Universal McCann. The issue now seems to be one of prioritization. With viable
“It’s just so difficult to compare across different media types,” “IPods need to be measured alongside TV viewing because broad- methods arising to measure newer platforms and more accurate
says David Ernst, exec VP-director of futures and technologies at cast networks are allowing access to their content on the Web, and tools being tested to measure the older ones, they must be stud-
Initiative. “Silos of information exist that focus precisely on one we need to know how many people will actually be watching this.” ied, perfected and accepted before the data they produce can be
medium, and there are precious few resources that bring them Meanwhile, other companies already have products out there synthesized, says Debbie Solomon, senior partner and group
together in an agreed-upon fashion.” in the market that do some of the things that Nielsen is prom- research director at MindShare.
Zenith Optimedia uses Simmons behavioral graphics in con- ising. Buzz Metrics measures blogs and other consumer-gener- “Trying to measure these new media has become a bigger
junction with Nielsen household databases and a third-party ated content. M: Metrics measures mobile content consump- topic,” she says. “We have to figure out how to measure them
processor in an effort to get beyond simple age, sex and other tion. Erin Media, TNS Media Intelligence, Everstream and first, then we’ll figure out how to combine them later.”
basic demographics. “The biggest obstacle now is that it can get Rentrack pull data from set-top boxes to study exact program- Nielsen is focused on just this at the moment. In mid-October
really expensive,” says Bruce Goerlich, the company’s exec VP- ming and commercial behavior patterns. the company announced the rosters of A2/M2 client advisory
director of strategic resources. “Hopefully as it’s done more and Researchers say these products offer interesting insights, and committees to study electronic measurement in local markets,
more, costs will come down.” their existence in the marketplace will help spur Nielsen along. measurement of out-of-home viewing and measurement of
The evolution from active to passive, single screen to mul- viewing on personal video devices, plus another to begin looking
NEW INITIATIVES tiscreen, impression to impact is most likely to occur if these at the integration of TV and Internet measurement.
There are reasons to be optimistic that more sophisticated tools companies work together, researchers say. For instance, “The next two steps are to expand the number of local peo-
will be made available to the general media market as major Project Apollo—a collaboration announced in January ple-meter markets and expand upon how we measure digital
research firms try to step up to the plate. Nielsen’s ambitious between Arbitron, VNU and six national advertisers to collect coming into the home in a mobile society,” said Nielsen
Anytime, Anywhere Media Measurement initiative, or A2/M2, is multimedia purchase data from a common sample of con- spokesman Jack Loftus. o

NOVEMBER 6, 2006 M49

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Because media brands now connect with consumers
via many different outlets—from TV, radio and
print to online, wireless and local events—they can
offer advertisers the ability to reach out at different
times during the day. “Brands want to create connection
points with consumers in as many points in the day as possi-
ble,” says Alan Cohen, chief marketing officer at TV Guide,
where options now include online, print, a TV channel and
an electronic video-on-demand guide. “Not every consumer
will want to utilize your brand the same way,” he says, not-
ing that marketers, by advertising on different outlets, can
reach different groups of consumers.
Continued from page M4
It’s not surprising that media brands are helping marketers er 100% of your media objectives with our lineup of assets,” says CartoonNetwork.com’s broadband video player.
with creative, says Chris Guilfoyle, publisher of Every Day with Bill Bund, senior VP-integrated sales.
Rachael Ray magazine. “After all,” she says, “who knows our NEW MEDIA GATEWAY
readers better than we do?” MULTIPLE CONNECTION POINTS Often the task at hand includes helping marketers experiment
The bottom line for advertisers in all this is insight into their Because media brands now connect with consumers via many with newer media. Alloy Media+Marketing, which specializes in
customers and how they use media, says Mel Berning, exec VP- different outlets—from TV, radio and print to online, wireless reaching the under-29-year-old set through nontraditional
advertising sales at A&E Television Networks. “It’s no longer and local events—they can offer advertisers the ability to reach media, consults marketers and also offers advertising opportu-
acceptable to just put up an ad,” he says. “Instead, you have to out at different times during the day. “Brands want to create nities on an array of outlets. “Young people don’t know a world
understand your consumer’s lifestyle so you can begin to reach connection points with consumers in as many points in the day without total media control,” says Samantha Skee, senior VP-
them at different places and at different times when they are as possible,” says Alan Cohen, chief marketing officer at TV strategic marketing at Alloy. “That’s a new type of consumer for
looking for information.” Guide, where options now include online, print, a TV channel many advertisers.”
Media companies are spending significantly more on and an electronic video-on-demand guide. “Not every con- Traditional media companies also find themselves helping
research than they used to in order to help advertisers under- sumer will want to utilize your brand the same way,” he says, marketers try newer media. Along with distributing syndicated
stand their target audiences and how well they are engaged in noting that marketers, by advertising on different outlets, can fare such as “Seinfeld,” and “Judge Hatchett,” Sony Pictures
the content at hand, Mr. Berning says. reach different groups of consumers. Television operates digital platforms like InHD, AXN and the
Understanding the different ways that consumers interact One thing advertisers and media executives are learning Funny Bone Channel, as well as Grouper, a user-generated-
with a media brand is critically important, says Linda Schupack, through all this exploration is the extraordinary benefit of com- video site. “As our content migrates into a 360° environment,
senior VP-marketing at AMC. “Those experiences can be dis- bining online with other media, adds Steve Gigliotti, exec VP- we’re finding solutions that allow our advertisers to come
crete and play off of one another,” she says. advertising sales at Scripps Networks. If done right, such combi- along,” says Amy Carney, exec VP-sales and operations.
nations add the sought-after advantage of a one-to-one connec- At Comcast Spotlight, much of the focus these days lies in
CLIENT-CENTERED SALES tion with consumers. helping clients experiment with video-on-demand. BMW,
This all-embracing approach, in which media companies help A recent sweepstakes Food Network created for General Home Depot, Panasonic, Wal-Mart Stores, Lexus, Toyota
marketers plot not only what outlets to use but also how the Electric Co., for example, targeted people redesigning their Motor Sales USA, Reebok and a long list of other advertisers
message will be crafted, came about as part of a more intense kitchens and netted 1 million entries, with 30% of them saying have tested Comcast’s VOD platform, while early adopters,
focus on the client, says MaryAnn Bekkedahl, exec VP-group they’d be interested in more information from GE. “Whenever such as General Motors Corp., are significantly expanding
publisher at Rodale. “We’ve really prioritized our integrated we ran a 20-second promo for the sweepstakes on one of our TV their presence.
sales effort so that the publishers and sales staff are focused on channels, unique visitors would skyrocket on the sweepstakes “It’s a testament to GM’s success in the medium that they are
identifying what the marketer is looking for,” Ms. Bekkedahl microsite,” Mr. Gigliotti says. doing it on a much grander scale, in many more markets and
says. “We want to understand their challenges and what they are The kitchen redesign sweepstakes is a good example of the with many more nameplates,” says Vicki Lins, VP-marketing and
trying to do.” kind of idea-driven campaign many advertisers are trying to communications at Comcast Spotlight.
Similar sounds are emanating from CNN, where the integrat- achieve in a 360° media world, says John O’Hara, senior VP-gen- The drive to test such new solutions has often come from
ed sales team is built around people with creative, brand man- eral manager of ad sales and marketing for Cartoon Network. marketers “They want to find new ways to engage their con-
agement and design backgrounds. “We’re not acting as the ad “Advertisers don’t just want to buy from a menu,” he says. “They sumers,” Sony’s Ms. Carney says.
agency, but we want to understand how an agency operates so are really interested in an idea that threads through each one of What’s interesting about 360° media, she adds, is the flexibil-
we can come up with better ideas for our clients,” says Greg the media outlets.” ity it gives content companies to respond to marketers’ needs.
D’Alba, chief operating officer of CNN Advertising Sales and For Sony Playstation, this meant sponsoring “Class of 3000,” “The marketplace is changing,” she says, “and we want to be able
Marketing. a new Cartoon Network series that will be launched this month, to change with it.”
Ditto at Disney ABC Unlimited, where a team of executives right around the time Playstation 3 hits store shelves. As part of Every Day with Rachael Ray’s Ms. Guilfoyle agrees. “If you get
specializes in giving advertisers and their agencies one-stop the campaign, Playstation created Thrillville, an online game 360° right, it allows you to build upon it. It enhances the rela-
access to the company’s vast stable of media networks, consumer housed on a mini-Web site connected to CartoonNetwork.com. tionship you have with an advertiser, and the advertiser with the
products, theatrical films, and parks and resorts. “We can deliv- It will also sponsor a sneak peak at the new series on consumer.” o

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