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SESSION ENBING OcT 2016. BIOCHEMISTRY | PG-NOTES TL ee) a) ee) JAIN STATIONERY PH: 9654691327 9811982449 o\e “ber wo Covboohy dealep roche > Rantier > Cn (Hodq (n= No: 6| “atoms @ - Buk this ds qotlowed by only “Monosacharides." ao Disaceharide —+ Cr (H20)n-1 Nowadays Mew detination | Cartohydwatt £~ —* Gmipounds coh ave derived fom ely hydvery altohe! (3lyce2e!) > which hays har vreackive Grp a abehyae or Keto AMEE! Chipoy Se Aipcewol “3 a parent alcohs! Crow \ a dyeol tohicn ges Carbohydrale . Vy natere- Oror = e : a oe Raven Carbohydrate. . cro . * Hou Sr ghreewalderyte- ‘ Chin} cron ab 7 SD! gow : arycenst ahyeesalaenqde Co" goon in cacy @ (RB pagoh atundask casbolyduale In nature di“ - oem CBee Most aloundant amine ded Wr natwe Jt foo ol, c | Class akin @}_Casbahnydvalen = Giitesia doe chssiffeation cl. Gb Hydolyats_e) Carbohydrate coenpounyy el. z el. Wor 0] Monesacharide unit» 7 S06 ©T- @ Moncsacharide + 4 un of Menosacharide uz, the class iu ©D. & disothwite HX we = OL. © cryosachavite + seyo wun” » cl D — Bysachoride, + ¥ 40 untls » / SO on Y 6 aw / Monosachawidey n No- 9) ¢' Atoms > Ch (Heron ‘ % Mintmum no» of “¢ atom > ‘3* Possible in monosachamides # Max: No of “atom — 3-9" Possible tn Monosachaside Name Attose, Kelose, ‘3 “Titose, Ruyeeraldehyde, 7 Di-typdaony-acetone (Carte03) Coun) ma Tetwose Sepiheose + Sytheutase, C Ey Hey) 's Rentose. + Ribose ~ Ribulose , 4 Xylulose Cesrnepssf * MHOs® 7 + byxose, to comserporbing Prabinese dato compound: Rexose. » Glucose. Fructose: Ene) + Gaalactose. aos! * Mannose y Heptose * Gluce-heplose Sedo heptalose. “g! ie * x at Hanes® » Neutraminie acid ‘S 1 x NANA Cer acely) neusarntete ar) atic feta Farqosise ~ Zany common HK "R999 An ne baaey bao Son annes . Y%Raw [ 4 / a Aldehyde ends -t Ose ®@ ” P Kelo gp ends > lose Reeplton —» “THose (glyceraldehyde > DHA) > Pructose + Keto ap: ~enmers ~« Compounds having same chemical of motenutar qormela Cempinecal gormula) , but diferent steuctaral germuta “Gxe Klas + Isomess (sfuctaral Isomers os stesto- (somer’) 2 “Hype el tsomess » ® Aldese p Ketose tsomevisry 7 @®_ epimecs 4 ® Pysanese p favanose wgy steuckaee, 4 ® & 2B anomes ® DP he ©) Eplimese 2 Sr + Gilucose — Gualartose (_£y~ ebimmeric doren) > Glucose - Mannase (eg -epimeste dm’) VSS SHASCM HK BEE EE “(galactose -mannese CHtot epirmers)) Sok “Te co them the ebimesic. dorms . Compoand should have ding distibuhon 1 gee divierence 10, Steuclure, Faw "9 | Petco e a ‘ Gppinst Sy the asymmetric “ator Gilutese gotactose Mannose 1 Cio ‘cHo ‘cHo | \ He. —oH (Ho) Few \ ( Hote -# Hoe 7H \ \ uote —H He—ic — OF s : | Hoc OH We. 7 OH t * Gp Ce im glucose ave Ymmebsic ‘ec’ atoms P69, Cy, Cy, Cg Oe Asymmeknc “Ce atoms 4 Ble gilackase. P Mannose have difference sf oy gp 19 @ porton ( ce, ply) . 60 they ase net % Chimera : i lor Hextose oe epimers 8 net te soul charackteshicn —retose Pp Pentose= also have. - epimers cforms Hexose A laggee compounds Dib DD wD boo we eae uo wean " A oe 6 eee 9 Ryranose » dueeanese, Bing _steuchare “re Need minimum %! carbon atom cH > Gllutose I dy powder dorm will | > hoes Ken o Tee gn a HOTS ee i - = on : ~b-on —b+oy \ when jk disselwed in voater cat show “ving configuration sit Qhyeositle bord Qrcanose : Ryvanose Bing. “teanese_f ro ere ~ 7 ta eS 4 w (Heres aye hoary Reng) fe. Penarye be 4 \ etal tee 5 other than “cl atom? — (aes a gota > Prramse las] == = Tew] [Sr % | ‘ iNisdum, Bale. > Kale of oroard TAN > backward AN ace same ~* Blok at cohich careenbation | analy at each side Ol teachin ub Ging 40 be constan a FDL equttibiourn stake Con? 9] pycanose dem — 83}, ( dituto-pyranese ) dareanose gos ~ Ay. «er ans i Condensaror condensation) 3 oH GG aus SHC Oe % QGeanese) & aliogy® Phe etal orm & At eguittovum stat Redominale gurm of dpuctose Gunns gainss 21) Risinose orm ay, * oe qlutose ing —! Stas Nov nw Gj a Por Pouctese “ig == Sto} NO hom oo, 99990099 299 000 anor ow OOOH ANEEOHEBABADRYDRBAGOND tb Preresc fos He — fe ae oN st Ce on Finomesic C! atm + “C!_ atom eohith provides seackve gep a dee condensation process FO close the \ : soing structure. or : ‘el atom hich os providing cceachve group ; Aer the gormation gf guycosid’c bend (ee ohh toNl] close the Ring eR Gy fre -0H on Fnomenfc “ce! atom js above the plane al dng 1B! oem Poly on bagi the plane 4 sing gourn Muta-sotalien > Seal chavatkershicn ©] glucose solution — gtucase ft of glutose have ophical activity 9 rie! @-guese —> + ts" AL eqphibyium - <== p S2+s° Ch) Se) Inala ak gluse in + 6 oun (Fg, Lg MS Copntcad cuctivity 1112") wi gle. UE AD be LB caption sia Peal. aetthy a S2s* 4 SAE 0} Optical cuatialy [84 Predominant oem) ® Raceontc mbydere —-+ Kero optical adtiviy Raylmolas mintyre of depho tevo “oratory Combuind “Tove suger (Sucsose) ¥. Suesose —s Gilucose + Pructose =) Ophtal L \ actniy 7 4+66.5° +525° Cae cS Suovece begore hydeotyals uh + Dentro rotatory C+) bul after hydratyst's I} becomes —# Levo~ votatory ©) rh Property ho — dnwesh suger Pk qosms_o)_Feemées (Enawtiomer,) Pivot image» o 1 Rprautireate OH 1 AA fl ‘ sue + D fim QOH on Me site —> |} form \ Ho 3, ” ! ‘ O=c G7 OW \ \ Ho ~ Sp Ke, of (eta D-aper | ed Cer» D dorm) ya “84 Rastee e704 \ 7 be Sy 1 seat eee Regover"e ca fg- 4 yore \ 3 gprom ol ghuwee ‘ dot A Gluose. a 7° UDA BUDOEOEOBDEPDOADOPDAAROD YD YD . Disacharides ~ Made up | & monosacharides " Disacharides, 088 Units. ~ +S g tacrose CHR) Gita + Free Be XD -glucobyeonorgl - Bep- Gructoguranoside ~ * Trethatose CHA) Gita & Gla ea Bo sidic. " os ae a sa + hactose (6) Gilu + Gal + B-WH glycosidic bond - Cal se) & ~ . 7 a + " “ hackubose (a) Gut ga He ny qryeostdye "body + Care ae) 7 + Maltose (2) Glu + Gly, By glitostaic. . * Tsomnaitose /@) Gilat alu Be hte glyensietve 7 © Menosachavides —p All ave “educt gg 7 A alvooys weducs Git —+ eat Cearprie) Ceatfprous ) 7 Gn Benedict solution) _ * Qisachardes —+ Some ave reusing. Some non veductng H nce of free alehyde oF dee Keto grcap ds must gor wsedueing “tendency ‘Cenmasved) a ian lecaiechaesaleiecacalecleiall lactose Gilurese ~ Galartose get glrestte bond C owe) SHC) Spemrgenihe No giring seeded. Fendengy ~ otuciny Aerdengy | bactote St ble | gluese moeity, Lectalose Fructose - galactose Bt, gheesitic. band i Hy ay spared NS voip WP RE) Gites veduing tenserny netulere Ja HE of qeuetore moelly, % Reduetgy tender} | > Giturese- Fe L \ Pra ° Olyqo cacharide 3 . sachasite —* 3710 ce monseae nb a} ghrestipi glyte-peotein x in Natuse > the: a compan’ ~ au moe ae ankyen ay Heit deg a - paatrertrese C Gia Glu- Gta) @ / @ y S =S = Limit dentin —> -to motemer 9} glucose © =3 Added fogether T SUithe branching, ibe op = A cant be digested An intestine 7 COreavdown product | Sucsose ) whith ds taken in aide a: by Pootayotte CAL membrane does not have Carbohydrates im Vs cell walls * Suaterples have Carbotydsate ; but in coy ugated dom Mot th free dorm: Cavyeo-capra, ayo" protein’) @ lysachartdes ae ee woe Home-pelysachadde Velewo~ poly stichawide — Prt individual tnenosaeharides awe same. Hy-Botarch = Made apa} Qwese? — Cér te, xs 1-G ) band: dijierent- © aiyeggen + Hucose NH, ANG Y ©)" Cetutose ~1 glucose a @). train — Practare Bue ©. Deutean -* glucose ea-G WH, VS Ge chitin — Aeaealyl Degtucssamine BUM faite Gayeogen 1 BNO Slttoges\ eg 2 pobysathanide 4 Fraime, Kingdom a, ; el oy t Starch ~ Storage fpolyy seich 3 ol Plank Kiqgdam T Ek -G Qbreesicht band , only Tt ak the Seam ag L ' a ole tn alt " T « « « © Starch — & components Amylose Aenyle en Cas.) c80}-) et PF giacogen Ga move branched ecupied less spire doe stesage 2k: Prnttopedin, je less branched, need Mere space Qe storage Celutose = cam} be digested In human Intestine aft Buy Gnitage SS cant cleaved Alt lack of Cattudase neyme: So caltulose ds used as dietary Rove Fouling - 8 1,2 Cinsutin ~ Polypeptide’) S used tn GER esktrnalion Depkan — blasma eypander —s used tn Hyporvlendc. sherk Chakin = NAG CH aeekgh B -Glteosamuine as ; ) ° neenmegenhananoeoanaoannnnnggnnnnnanan.. thee ek ee ~~ “9 ~3 — Heleso-poysachanide @ —S => Chuo potysachart des Cres) oF ghieosa: amiinegiyeane COAG) p ad <= BD Myaluronie etd = ® kepain FS @_ Heparan sulphate 4 @® chonasoitin sulphate a © Dermatan sutphate 3 © — Keratan sulphate Creratin b 2 protein’) —- Made ap 4° Kg TSO Repeating canis | uyonic aula p Amines ter oe =D i: Gnked in Unear deen ( Ne branchs branchtaft) a AE me ° BO ~< th a highly Suphated Compound: —4 _a ©) 7 They are Ber aniony (-ve charge) ~— J 9] Baphate gh fF toni auld ee ee C8042") Ceoon ge) > Pine suse ns deyived. menosachavide ple oH gp aa replace by ~ Nite a>” > 4° you > "ervonie quids “t+ Oxidized Product 4} monosachatidés + 3 2 fa : «we = CHO c ° . 2 ' onde FOPHCAgonse aed) e a} 2 ee Grows C eitucone, ati) ted elon tose aaa L outihe Cow), (arene, att) 15 1 2 , T coy Calucoronic auld ) i mes BW ar tygeoscoPle: to nature (Rey meteade vohten oh charged, WOW attra aber ) A betome sotuble %® mullifel Me chawge 1 precipitee o. ae Provides tusfidity 40 erha-cellular mabe: Ceem) © saps ave Uned “= Proin In ECM Taser Bectengtytane * MPs ave ent in ecta as protengiyane A" Fyheronic ad ly the only maps hich have — NO Sulphate Gp: ¥ & Heparin, sis having More suyphatton than hebpavag ‘suphate- - oe Keraten sulphate EA Ir (KS E Br)“ have no Uvonte aed: ~ & Pe Heparin a have dattonal & Deimatan suphale dampound —> Gauvonic auld» & Heparan sulphate Aduvote aid = AE 5! epitner o| glucoronic acid: Qhtesb rei) 4) these axe proleins hak contetn otige sachawdde chartns Cacans « covalently altached ‘fo thet por pephae, back Bones AS Mater classes _e}_guyeopreteld I= (1) Those. containing an (oe gieestsic Gnkege Tnvelide fhe Tydvory) Fide chain 4 Serine Ov Pretonine Pa mys TENS Ne acetyl 'galaclosendhe C Gat Nie - Sex Ctr} HU OGECe ”™ db & 4 wy AA (- \s ‘4 B® BA \) ae @) these containiyy an |r _gtteostaic Ununge | Trwoing the amino nites 4 aspargine a N- acetal glucosamine C ale NAc ~ Asn ) GZ) el Linked gtycoprotein \ (ghacosg) Phosphat!! Insositel ) ie aga ee ; 4 SLaticoprstain !— —Gelagan tmuain - Transyerrin , Cevuloptasmin , —Framanity — Tinmnuyegiobrali 1 histe-comparbidly Ay Cen) Hormene — neg ron) Care enryme) Receelor —7 Hormones » eagy aston Chaperons 5 Calmerin , calvelicutin + : Rakifreeze —> Plasma protein 4 Cs wales qian ss Prins specigte cabanas beste » setting” Protea yearns, these ave proterns that Contain covalentty lined gbicosa mings rreans “JF Bpdecan 1 betagyean « Segbyelg . Perlecan, aggrecan, Nevsiean, decown, byytan fibvomedutin are some dam 1 Arto} Cawbshydnake ing Pratengtyean ob Usually mech Greater than sb gound tn 4 AMeoprotein 2 may comprise, opto 8s]. of ls Wagnk . *E_Gilyeolyses. 7 St sceurs in GYrosels 7 Sete th + all ca Jogans httosts Gihytotysr's Newnes ~ Sew Rraceelte. eae 1} ca not having Oo pnts of no- mitechendalq OF nk + born, mile - Cae guae] we § A Glucose —- 2 pyruvate ete ee rec if Se, @ (se) Tote) ATP produced —v 4 2 Wee ARP ty ae 8 Creuse aM sip g pe ee) fons) Gitucose. whl Prravete KT cl siuacawinase | Heron! w 3 enymo (wan) ave Ale Grlacovinase |Hepokinase, “eed Veresersivle tiller a ® Fe [HK ier hexose Kornerase T mutase ® eter as ne ® MH Hinase Fru-6- Poy ae ace ® Pest ath are wb Ped a Case revecsible. \ Pay "Fae 1-6 Bts Poy we beh Ce 2) ens Anfale) i Shyeieryse deryeroperase | ‘DHAe Gilyceratdehyde & phosphale — f ff woinere Presi Hs) Pysuvale ( norte) : Spentaneow convertion: CTiatomert sahion ) ® Rrruwale ( Ketetit:) germ EP Sratre Joon of Pysuvate ck formed I glycolysis i Ketohic gost calf ge to qasthes biochemucal sens. * GAluokinase » Rexokinwe ave > {so ervepn Stouetereally 1 diferente oo Ridcrernteal dand > same ~ they coll catalyse same Liochenuical ran £ : - 7h. 2 Glucose ———>__ DHAP » Alycewaldehyde ms . Lolll Ocawss once In Cyrose- one by DHA P Dune p gereevakdehyde ——" 4 Prete ( 1 By givceratéehy oceyss @ Hote Ea ee Q es hewy \ation ~*~ © 13 epq = Bre Cust substeate ee Phosphorylation i stb By, eogyne > GRAB we > apr are r»e & PEP Wee pyruvate (204 SH) + Moe oa 2.0 ADH 2 ; Rraedic Ree - L + aere 2 spre Zeso PP *oll pea —> gare tn ety smane SOP Nek agreTe ep aruite > 3 ATP oh a there sno transpocter ef NADH in mitochendetal memb- NADA ssitl enter In milo: Hrrough — Shultte + Shutlte, — Sek of ‘blochemutcal HAns fe art vst Ain Matale- dsbartale shute TH Gilyeerale Phosphate Shuttle, a aaa & NAOH 2 Pape v v 2K Qe Are AALS ATE Ba Sit = 3Ate é aomeraae 4 Capen 82) +S (om NADH) = 3 ny = 3-2 > @ iJ Gr? shuttle 43 total 4+ ne = #820) sett HLEAY > Benet, Myer, Kidney A Prey Rave Malate aspartate Shute, ~ Gaga, Grain > Skeletal muscles have 6-0 - Shuttle. oct a an artrobtc gricchm's Rycuvate - Jo fackase Soul Fuxpose A > edlaiiniay NAD to coohinug ene aD) Caeyorynis) pry PPPPP Pree ft DPAPAPE Poe PP? > a mm >” i - Rruvale as eredueed™ “+o gorm — backabe 3 by hon Pyrynale =——> hactate. Fe bastate votlt ge to + River Convert tb Into —+ Qutcose by gy giao -neegeneats 2 Costs gde Gala yet or a ge Finaettot cent - 2 lactate, Cire MORE) e Brood Grlurose - alanine cle. [ Canin ele, noe a Jest a 4 J Ae. <— Grew ney Tn mausde . Nis, Alanine ¢—— Manbhe; Blood Ditlerence blus Guyotinare PF Hero nase. Ge He = o Hype: 4 Bo-enayme \ @® _ Giwense -@ Poy Ro etear Peed base c Nucleas va lecabion’ en tk © ‘ seTes © CBins = GK dina rtein) mo Giuose _ Set) @ ony 6 - Gale 6 0 i. \ - Frust -@- Por « JW Frue-6 poy send” x hom o/tosol ~to nucleus to become in bind goo C Gwar) ™ 4k ss an tmpCattostertc ¢ nae 3 major mean? Covalent madificakion, Pilosterte modification 4 + Ya pasttealar gh (00) Eragjmes aes regaled 'ej BD attakes to ENYTRE closteric modi fren have Ye covalent bona achive Silt A altostene 2s seneve substrate will bind A product wil former v + Amt a] ackivily 4s eae! tel Ave alllestene ror + they fh the aakivity of BW jpain achive a = Ve alestente factor 1 they 4 actly L {main active HE shows : BAe Covalent emgyne tPF seamen | cAerssty cn a) aa He Bok dpe tuning of ality ws Posstole 1: when ue we dllpsita’e madiftcarion PPk-t Ructose - 6- 0} tvs \¥ commited Step a A ghyerpsits Fructose 4,6 @rs phesphate. a ong 1 7 er Kd - | Ae allostnic fator -1 fructose 2. 6 bisphasbhale ”\ \ B st fre Pre A : ve allosterte factor ATP, Cfeale » Protons ay \ LK Prstose 26 bisphasphale is producti fom fivélose 6 - Poy cohen preg ai acting In thik “Process - pavapneryae qructose 2 8 bis phosphate, ae Bructase- 6 por a NG Fructose, 2.6 biphosphatase | C phosphoytana ) got wt wwe Frachse-G- phosphate: oe Derive fF) insti Gavel ve preg wit T Cate a! dephosphoryiate stake) Mean as ies) € bevel o_ £29 Brmonbab toll) Aehve lt Serprssrwrd P fructose 26 b'sphosphatase totl| J CPnosbheyioie si Kat Bed lord J grustese ©, G llspnestnale | PeY + wil) ate Cave allosteric effedt) p ghielyrs twtt! continue. & wohen, Glucagon eottl act “+ peKELoIll be Phosphonttated CSnactive ) Bo fructose 2 6 Bisphasphale coill vy, AL the _tnee a} kor Hee ow 3 aa em AN cols cotll sleco door) KAN Kinases veqyive My ts a C- factor *® dead end metobolie ' glyolysis —> Lactate. Chor byruvott. > je Tt qurher= preaues Prebyt CoA dor Crebs gy) S PEK-R aakivity p Rructose 2.4 Bisphosphatae are @® Zeample 9} Bigunehonal entyme« tnt In same polypeplide- art = thee Yeed call depend pon & io ee Conalenk status of poly pepride d PPR, u bond: P-2-6 Bfase- S Inhibitors Rreskyats. 4 > ® Pluie —S> Enolase. 4 7 @_ stodo -acetate. C Gulf hydey) group o| Compounds) a eons ae 7 © Peesenite sae 22 S. ae QGP Ke onalale) -tnk in else BARBIE? ae 4 ewe Send bicod dor test 4 Jor Quows analysis + Heparin syringe, 2 “Todo - acetate a ~~ @ a Giljeeraldehy de 3-P dehydrogenase Lia P 7a Arsenile A jto ennyme ie aptected 7 Ft wil] not Step glyeelyar’s = CO Nok @ tue @ af glreotysis —-5 " St veduees the ATP bsoduchon in Gdteolyar's 4 : —S V Mmeve dk Loss of Q ATP | In ance of Arsenite in glycolysis - 2 _spent Coane 7 ens — ee pst ge SE yt 4 Preseno 13 ore, ute. Seay rep 4 Pyruvate. 2 ep tne hee - NAOH vied Genedeogetaue Pee a Gaye 3~ Oy ab ante | tnidbochorty iq PON tomplen NAoH Cog Aleetyt Go (2c) Rrrwvale- poten aerport gpkem Pyruvate enters the wiltochondatal Marine Hrrughy os QaovaL - > PDH-Compiex Move eraymes similar fo Por-eomplen ANS H% Benw,s w-er Berne ones © Cmtmyme” >: © Pow comple ¢ © Prravate clebyarogensse. Ke © &-KG dehyawsa tnase Complex sunset © vivyaee-Upoyl @® Branched chain x Ketoatid Nensup ctransferase dehydrogenase enayme- compen “Transacetylase Che ediveny ta) @ OihyaroUipoy! " PDL cemmpten = ak igh venulatea, att dehycragenas e, faa “Qulation 9} PDH enzyme 5 Co-tnrymes othey 2 compteses ave not vegulated- ® -hiamine (8) Lipoic acid #8 POH emyme a adtive fn oe y 3 Aephesphorytaied Yorm:. So acive @) cofrsy COs) ir aNce ol “Ihsulin- @ Pap tiem Be) bw - Minase. G nap Chom @s) Poy PDH dephospho pilated_CArttve) Phespherstated CSnachive hosphaleae ¢/, —es teeatin_/ © cath ase 1 EMYMES Which hve. Slinnukioy effest on © AcetyleA @ Navy &) ATP 7 Te tenere nA Roe » YY y YoU if / / / y f U3) Risuvate ZY Acetyl com Cec List Hawt gee) ae Ne urea yd Comithine eye! I Jor ATP dd predueed- “Ten cycle CKreb's cycle, citrate cycle) © Tetat » No aL ATP produced fm 4 melecule | Jlucore by Cerobic. oxidation S+s5+20 > (2 Aeetyt con) Aevatk —~ By POH: com comple CAFE 2 ately gre) Net ATP + 44S4¢20-= a2 Ten-eyde a Be st gavsteate, ot substrate ase exteale oge\\ wo Ty HOW Oralo-acelale Cue) aie i Ctteate (6c) Acetg! CoP (20) a. e o wratatt Cte) acantiany ames Poe Leis: Aeanilak] (60) Paarndrenre O18 Frome. succinate (SD? Aronita® Clenqureginase PRD Succinate, CAEY —teo-citate (6¢) ang) ccf succinate OM strate) “Tse cibeate i? endowing’ cehyaegenee GO gst Cteoy oH mies Saccingh oh roe [oxatosucsinate](eed get atth 10. cot ol Keto, aot gate 2 Coxidative cleawbonylapion) tse] corte) eu A dthydrogenase fn “Ten -cycle oS oO _ BBecthate dehy chogenase ® ke Keto glatarate dehyasagenase ® — seccainate dehy dvogenase ® moy *S only SOW tsitl consume PAO” P produce Poe al other 2 dehydwogenase Use NADt » produce NADH % Only suceinate deby doogenase fs tnt fn inner Mito memby , ail other enrymes tnd i matt o mito ** “wal FTP production ace fbierea Noy = ahs Are 2 PROM sae A&A ATPL A Are year? To ATP (ews) coe) Aathwoay Neto _cateatation Old_calaation tah are = * Alytotysts. g c easel oC ame CRewbie) seve Gare + POH Complex sae eArPe hare + ren ele. Qo ATP Pier -tolas er? 3H ATP ho are fet AIP Beare 88 ATP Le rensttons ave _hreversiie in TeA cycle @ OD eiteate synthase @® & Kei dehydrogenase Cornbex = PA othes vans ace Tevesstble “Most el the Teversible suns are- am of gtycolysts » “rh cydle Gre used in Gece “neegenests - wes. 4 “ren cde ee * Pudkveelats —»’Acomttare 5 Hone compebitive © AS Ste Arsenite —> Kor - Dehydrogenase, Malena —r sep (competitive © _) “Te _cydle vegulation Ria wi. Engymes stye_Altoster eS : «ATP S25 Gente synthase ape NAOH Ss + Sussingl Co® del iy + Fatty augl of ale = leo ADE + Are Ry + eqrt NADH Ry» Rs We + kG “Git ow Ris + Gere + NAOH We + Surry @ fr Tsukin = B® gheohsis ¢ € Glace ~ neogenests ¢ € * © gluco-neogeneste € ¢ Gate que, — avoideh by our seputalon| yak a nsukin in Carbohydeate metabolism + c D | Qeotys’s in cls (Main tm Kivery e By gluco -nengeneats Cuver) e- ® Fes aptave ef guucose be] some ceyy Ss ~> Skeletah muse & 1 Adipose cells Ss . r> Heait muyseles mae oS Alt ance of Qur- (.ghtose-uprake ‘Aranuperter <4) o oo + alr are ant in CYtosol of cals a Insulin srecuit Hub GROTH hom bttose) -to the. gli Surneace ©} cel Se that he can ciptave glucose - el QQ AG Mes Bhreqqenests (on Giver P sretetal muscle) el We glyeogenchysts (an Ger atone) ~~ nests —* Synthesis o| Glucose spom Non- Carbohydrate subilance ee CaesENS m A ®+ Prnino acias Clean a lysin wit not dorm glucose) Rest 1B can gorin glucore @ Phrewae (80 imp An —» planine®~ Cahill eyele © fawtate GY cove aye ane AAAS / FEA ® Galytero} © Pamarate Butyl Con can Never form guuose Ceven erain Paty acre) few ww @ 04a chain gay Ak Ge caw protuce propioryl con (ac ©) i ‘e con form Glucese- eo kat G@iurose aoe a weer jen Giutose-G~ POy pn? cl PRT Pructes e- 6 Poy aaa 4 = awe bo G, BieenO [eres “ wt tite Ms Fou , d d d une GER BAderde 8 POY tT Toentagtioe i 13 BPG ae J PG etnOse BPG A rnuyase 204, q enolase. PEP a & ae wale He \ Aysuvate Kimmie Na Pywunakt Cenott) Ryravate Crete) ® * Rysavte ———» pep. ? How PEP is deemed tom Pypsuate to Feeeonenzenesis 9 F Reuvale enters in mata en WEI Phrase A bevel ol Realy) cof IN Mahia a mito: will decite the gate 4 Rovere (30) & Prawerie | \ pon-come sayculh, or guetnee | YS ee tea Aarion OAA Cue) i a a AY Reetyl CoA oh _ ; ; Adequate I mabet ee i 58 POW. Compler Loltt be ae : : Tnibitee F By deity acid or Brondation : BHirnulate Pyrwvat AUSe~ Acetyl CON , cohich will Stinnulale Carboy ase Pyocuvate - Lovboxylase Acelyl- Co + +VE allosteric THedrfier of PY- canberylte, So gee gluonengenesis from A Geely! CoM (produced chrom daltty acta B- oxidation ) 3s needed pet ) Preetat toh —> quel 9) fatty aud & ~oxidation: cok 83) Pont Wines® J ona Cue ORAL) arate’ \ oe _ apo ete sort rans sypory m nh Modale (Ht) <—+— Matate Gary ¢ a € > * Gluconengenes's is a energy Consuming process Steps 9} glycolysis , where ATP ave produced , * Swiee skeps in gluconegges’s cohen Teverse Loi! consume ATP - Bub steps of glycobys’s where ATP: ave Consumed ‘smilar skps in qluconeazenesis coll not Produce frtp Enesyy thpenditee + clurig Yonation of 4 glucose == RATE ( P caroorylers) ass Hare a ain te Qare ( Pa Kinase) 7 * ae RaTP— PEP carbory Kinase “iy tg BAADH > detarbeny dehyaingenase. ta Wy 2 + Ryrwvaie Cacbonylase > Regulated by acetyt GA bl, ~insatin vepresses (Oar own tee) w., xu = FER Caxbory Kinase ——* Ger P a vegulatory Trolerule- Ms : t . a F & 6 4,6. bisphosphatase -* insulin lll © its ack es i Pee Beco Ba tered — | Pile Bis fase. 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Prraplerotiemen — CAiuing wan) = mimo “travels carbene yt * Rresenane sets 9] btocherutol Yan, whith converts a Non- Tea intermediate to “TeA intermediates - awe < collectively jas Catay Ana plerohic tn. ples van C ‘Repay xan) < t ; ‘rans which Involves “Teh inkermediates tN othes Ans patheogys Pasteur eed Annibitey eter ge O2 on glycolysis ts Klas fasteus eHect , “Ak a alt hed Ame ]ATPrratio. AMP has +ve eHeck on f PRA B® So thea level a} AMP causes © 4] glyentysi’s + CRABTREE flea = —~ Relative anaerobfosts Produced cohen giteose conc? a A Red in constant supply o{ O02, A Cy production of lactate ov cet) » (Rapport -heubering qydle, | Rk shunt BF ony cat conere Hrd ofcle owur # —* RBC) QB BPG A produced \y Het produchon of Ate, till be Zero C gor that glutere) 2,8 6m —ve_allosterle yreaifier of Ho orygenation *

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