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Rebecca Russell

Collection Development
ITEC 7134--Spring 2009
March 4, 2009

Description of Site and Learners

Robert W. Groves High School is located in Garden City, GA and has an enrollment

of 1260 students for 2008-2009 in the 9th through 12th grades. The school is accredited

by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools (SACS) and offers

College and Technical Preparation Curriculum, an Advanced Placement Program, and

the 9th Grade Academy Program. There are 119 teachers, 5 administrators, and 2

media specialists. The media center currently has 8,790 books, only 6.9 per student.

There are 1221 videos in the collection and they subscribe to approximately 50

periodicals. The media specialists recently removed the extremely outdated books

from the collection and now fall short of the 10 books per student, required by SACS.

Replenishing the collection with current print materials is a priority for the media

specialists. The media center also offers access to Galileo and World Book Encyclopedia


Groves High Student Demographics

African-American 63.1%
White 27.1%
Hispanic 5.4%
American Indian / Asian 4.4%
Economically disadvantaged 51%
Students with disabilities 10.4%
Curriculum Review

The standards reviewed are the first ten standards for the United States History

curriculum that cover the European settlement in North America through the events

leading to Reconstruction in the United States.

SSUSH1. The student will describe European settlement in North America during
the 17th century.

a. Explain Virginia’s development; include the Virginia Company, tobacco cultivation,

relationships with Native Americans such as Powhatan, development of the House of
Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development of slavery.

b. Describe the settlement of New England; include religious reasons, relations with
Native Americans (e.g., King Phillip’s War), the establishment of town meetings and
development of legislature, religious tensions that led to colonies such as Rhode Island,
the half-way covenant, Salem Witch Trials, and the loss of the Massachusetts charter.

c. Explain the development of the mid-Atlantic colonies; include the Dutch settlement of
new Amsterdam and subsequent English takeover, and the settlement of Pennsylvania.

d. Explain the reasons for French settlement of Quebec.

SSUSH2 The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British
North America developed.

a. Explain the development of mercantilism and the trans-Atlantic trade.

b. Describe the Middle Passage, growth of the African population, and African-American

c. Identify Benjamin Franklin as a symbol of social mobility and individualism.

d. Explain the significance of the Great Awakening.

SSUSH3 The student will explain the primary causes of the American Revolution.

a. Explain how the end of Anglo-French imperial competition as seen in the French and
Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris laid the groundwork for the American

b. Explain colonial response to such British actions as the Proclamation of 1763, the
Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts as seen in Sons and Daughters of Liberty and
Committees of Correspondence.
c. Explain the importance of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense to the movement for

SSUSH4 The student will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects
of the American Revolution.

a. Explain the language, organization, and intellectual sources of the Declaration of

Independence; include the writing of John Locke and Montesquieu, and the role of
Thomas Jefferson.

b. Explain the reason for and significance of the French alliance and foreign assistance
and the roles of Benjamin Franklin and Marquis de Lafayette.

c. Analyze George Washington as a military leader; include the creation of a professional

military and the life of a common soldier, and describe the significance of the crossing of
the Delaware River and Valley Forge.

d. Explain Yorktown, the role of Lord Cornwallis, and the Treaty of Paris, 1783.
SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about
the adoption and implementation of the United States Constitution.

a. Explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shay’s Rebellion
led to a call for a stronger central government.

b. Evaluate the major arguments of the anti-Federalists and Federalists during the debate
on ratification of the Constitution as put forth in the The Federalist concerning form of
government, factions, checks and balances, and the power of the executive, including the
roles of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

c. Explain the key features of the Constitution, specifically the Great Compromise,
separation of powers, limited government, and the issue of slavery.

d. Analyze how the Bill of Rights serves as a protector of individual states’ rights.

e. Explain the importance of the Presidencies of George Washington and John Adams;
include the Whiskey Rebellion, non-intervention in Europe, and the development of
political parties (Alexander Hamilton.)

SSUSH6 The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth
and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.

a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of

Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the new states.

b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and
the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark.

c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the
development of a national identity.

d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the
development of the nation’s infrastructure.

e. Describe the reasons for and the importance of the Monroe Doctrine.

SSUSH7 Students will explain the process of economic growth, its regional and
national impact in the first half of the 19th century, and the different responses to it.

a. Explain the impact of the Industrial Revolution as seen in Eli Whitney’s invention of
the cotton gin and his development of interchangeable parts for muskets.

b. Describe the westward growth of the United States; including the emerging concept of
Manifest Destiny.

c. Describe reform movements, specifically temperance, abolitionism, and public school.

d. Explain the women’s efforts to gain suffrage; include Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the
Seneca Falls Conference.

e. Explain Jacksonian Democracy, expanding suffrage, the rise of popular political

culture, and the development of American nationalism.

SSUSH8 The student will explain the relationship between growing north-south
divisions and westward expansion.

a. Explain how slavery became a significant issue in American politics; include the slave
rebellion of Nat Turner and the rise of abolitionism (William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick
Douglas, and the Grimke sisters).

b. Explain the Missouri Compromise and the issue of slavery in western states and

c. Describe the Nullification Crisis and the emergence of states’ rights ideology; include
the role of John C. Calhoun and development of sectionalism.

d. Describe the war with Mexico and the Wilmot Proviso.

e. Explain the Compromise of 1850.

SSUSH9 The student will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the
causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War.
a. Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the failure of popular sovereignty, Dred Scott case,
and John Brown’s Raid.

b. Describe President Lincoln’s efforts to preserve the Union as seen in his second
inaugural address and the Gettysburg speech and in his use of emergency powers, such as
his decision to suspend habeas corpus.

c. Describe the roles of Ulysses Grant, Robert E. Lee, “Stonewall” Jackson, William T.
Sherman, and Jefferson Davis.

d. Explain the importance of Fort Sumter, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and the
Battle for Atlanta.

e. Describe the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation.

f. Explain the importance of the growing economic disparity between the North and the
South through an examination of population, functioning railroads, and industrial output.

SSUSH10 The student will identify legal, political, and social dimensions of

a. Compare and contrast Presidential Reconstruction with Radical Republican


b. Explain efforts to redistribute land in the South among the former slaves and provide
advanced education (e.g., Morehouse College) and describe the role of the Freedmen’s

c. Describe the significance of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.

d. Explain Black Codes, the Ku Klux Klan, and other forms of resistance to racial
equality during Reconstruction.

e. Explain the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in relationship to Reconstruction.

Grade Standard Concept Task / Activity Resources

9-12 SSUSH1 The Salem Witch Study the Salem 1.Books about the
Trials Witch Trials. Salem Witch
Focus on the Trials.
people involved, 2. Arthur Miller’s
the community The Crucible
and its values.
Do a dramatic
reading from
Arthur Miller’s
The Crucible to
gain a deeper
understanding of
the events.
9-12 SSUSH2 Benjamin Write an essay on 1. Benjamin
Franklin how Benjamin Franklin’s
Franklin autobiography.
represents 2. Biography of
American Benjamin
individualism. Franklin.
3. Other books
about Benjamin
9-12 SSUSH3 1763 Treaty of Look at the 1. Books on the
Paris Treaty of Paris, Treaty of Paris
discuss how it
laid the
groundwork for
the American
9-12 SSUSH4 John Locke Read John 1. Writings by
Locke’s views on John Locke.
the political
nature of man. 2. Books about
Write an essay on John Locke.
how his views are
incorporated into
the U.S. political
framework and
9-12 SSUSH5 Ratification of the Students debate 1. Books about
Constitution anti-federalist and the Constitution.
federalist views. 2. Books
concerning anti-
federalist and
federalist views.
9-12 SSUSH6 Lewis and Clark Students trace 1. Books about
Lewis and Clark’s Lewis and Clark
expedition. with maps of their
Describe how the journey.
places they
explored look
9-12 SSUSH7 The Suffrage Write an essay on 1. Books about
Movement how the suffrage the suffrage
movement movement.
flourished in the 2. Books /
19th century. Who biographies of
were the key key figures of the
figures? suffrage
9-12 SSUSH8 The Missouri Discuss the 1. Books that
Compromise Missouri discuss the
Compromise and Missouri
slavery. Compromise.
2. Books about
slavery .
9-12 SSUSH9 The Write an essay on 1. Books about
Emancipation the significance the Emancipation
Proclamation of the Proclamation.
Emancipation 2. Books about
Proclamation Abraham Lincoln.
3. Books about
the Civil War.
9-12 SSUSH10 Reconstruction Discuss how 1. Books about
former slaves Reconstruction.
were treated 2. Books / videos
during the about African-
Reconstruction American history.

Collection Evaluation

The Groves High collection of U.S. History books consists of about 200 print

books. The average copyright date of the books is 1992. The physical quality of the

books is good. They have little wear and tear. They are clearly labeled in the 973

Dewey Section. However, there is a great deal of empty space on these shelves, as

well as on all the others. As mentioned above, the collection has recently been weeded

of all extremely outdated books. Unfortunately, this was most of the books.
Two-hundred books may sound like an ample amount for one section of the collection,

but there are 25 U.S. History standards that cover a lot of material. Furthermore, most of

the books currently in this section deal with recent American history. There are few

that would be helpful when studying the early American history covered in the first ten

standards. The circulation statistics showed that of the 200 books in this section, 94 have

been checked out this year. When asked, U.S. History students at Groves High stated

that they usually cannot find what they needed for research in the print book section.

They find most of the information they need on the internet or at the public library.

Teachers look forward to the collection being replenished with new print materials when

funding allows. It will be a gradual process. The Groves High Media Center has 1221

videos. There are twenty good titles that address U.S. History topics. The media center

offers access to Galileo and World Book Encyclopedia on-line, but does not have any e-


Budget Summary

After evaluating the Groves High media center collection and investigating vendors

and reviews of sources, I needed $3,846.61 to improve the collection. The focus was on

replenishing the print sources, as these have become so greatly diminished. I did order

one video about the role of slavery in the making of America, as it was more current than

some of the other videos currently in the collection. I also ordered four e-books to

provide alternatives to the print books. The titles I chose support the topics outlined in

the first ten U.S. History standards. It would take at least another $4,000 to adequately

supply sources to support all 25 standards. The sources chosen are on the following

Follet / Title Wave list:

Follett / Title Wave

Title -- Author -- Publisher : Year

21770M5 Abraham Lincoln -- [ BR* BL SL ] {IL YA, 973.7} -- Greenhaven Press,

c2002., RL 6.1, 224p
Contains essays that examine major events in the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, with
analyses of how he handled each crisis, including the outbreak of the Civil War, the
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, the emancipation of the slaves, and
reconstruction. Includes a biographical profile of Lincoln. HRD 1 28.96

28786K0 [Multi-Volume Set] African-American culture and history : a student's guide

459.96 African-American culture and history : a student's guide -- [ BR* WM BK ] {IL
YA, 973} -- Macmillan Reference USA, c2001.
Contains 852 alphabetically arranged articles that provide information about African-
American history and culture, covering people, events, historical eras, legal cases, areas
of cultural achievement, professions, sports, and places; and includes photographs,
quotations, an index, and a list of further resources. HRD 1 459.96

22940J7 American Civil War. Almanac -- Hillstrom, Kevin, 1963- [ WM BL BR ] {IL

YA, 973.7} -- UXL, c2000., 251p
Describes and interprets the era of the Civil War with viewpoints, definitions, research
and activity ideas, chronologies, sidebars, and statistics. HRD 1 69.96

18673U5 American creation : triumphs and tragedies at the founding of the republic --
Ellis, Joseph J. [ BL* CH KR* NY PW* ] {IL AD, 973.3} -- Knopf, 2007., 283p
Presents a historical account of the twenty-eight years between the start of the War for
Independence in 1775 and the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, focusing on significant people
and events in the founding of the American nation. HRD 1 22.90

06853U0 The American Revolution -- Davenport, John, 1960- [ HB SL ] {IL YA, 973.3}
-- Lucent Books, c2007., 104p
Focuses on the American Revolution, including its historical background and aftermath.
AR: 9.1 UG 5.0 116885EN HRD 1

33862H0 The American Revolution : writings from the War of Independence. -- [ LJ

WS ] {IL AD, 973.3} -- Library of America , Distributed to the trade in the United States
by Penguin Putnam, c2001., 878p
More than 120 writings by Revolutionary War participants from all perspectives--
Continental, British, American Loyalist, and civilian--chronicle the Revolution from Paul
Revere's ride to George Washington's resignation from command of the Continental
Army. Also includes biographical sketches, a chronology, and explanatory notes.
HRD 1 33.96

35870V6 Autobiography and other writings -- Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. {IL AD,
973.3} -- Oxford University Press, 1998, c1949., 361p
Presents the autobiography of eighteenth-century American statesman, scientist, and
writer Benjamin Franklin, along with a transcription of his 1726 journal, letters, and other
writings, explanatory notes and chronology. FBG 1 12.66

20314MX The Battle of Gettysburg -- [ BL ] {IL YA, 973.7} -- Greenhaven Press , Gale
Group/Thomson Learning, c2002., 122p
Presents seventeen essays that chronicle the events of the Battle of Gettysburg which took
place on July 1 to 3, 1863, and discusses why the South lost that battle and why Meade
failed to pursue Lee, Gen. George Pickett's fatal charge across the Union center, and
more. HRD 1 26.96

21667N2 Benjamin Franklin -- Morgan, Edmund Sears. [ CH KR LJ* NY SL PW* ] {IL

AD, 973.3} -- Yale University Press, c2002., 339p
Chronicles the life of Benjamin Franklin, discussing his many inventions, the many
contradictions in his life, his vast writings, and the impact he had on American history.
HRD 1 27.96

07590QX Benjamin Franklin : inventing America -- Gaustad, Edwin S. (Edwin Scott)

[ BL CL HB SL ] {IL YA, 973.3} -- Oxford University Press, c2004., 143p
Presents a biography of statesman, inventor, and founding father, Benjamin Franklin from
his childhood and youth in Boston, his entrance into politics and attempt to prevent war
with England, and his views on slavery and the slave trade.
AR: 9.9 MG 6.0 87998EN HRD 1 35.59

03121MX The Bill of Rights : a history in documents -- Patrick, John J., 1935- [ LM WM
HB SL WS ] {IL YA, 342.73} -- Oxford University Press, c2003., 205p
Chronicles the history and illustrates the significance of the Bill of Rights, presenting
excerpts from key cases, speeches, related letters, political cartoons, and other
HRD 1 43.15

26193K3 "Bury me not in a land of slaves" : African-Americans in the time of

Reconstruction -- Hansen, Joyce. [ NP WM BK BL SL* BR WS BC ] {IL YA, 973} -- F.
Watts, c2000., 160p
An account of African-American life in the period of Reconstruction following the Civil
War, based on first-person narratives, contemporary documents, and other historical
AR: 9.7 UG 6.0 1924EN HRD 1 17.96

37568QX Cause : Reconstruction America, 1863-1877 -- Bolden, Tonya. [ VO KR WM

BL SL* HB WS BC ] {IL YA, 973.7} -- Knopf , Distributed by Random House, c2005.,
Presents an overview of post-Civil War America, discussing the events and challenges
that marked the Reconstruction which began after the Civil War in 1863 and ended in
AR: 9.5 MG 7.0 104296EN HRD 1 16.96

DB40XXX [Set/Series] Civil War Generals (4 titles) HRD 1 125.04 24185Q1 Robert E.
Lee : first soldier of the Confederacy -- Rice, Earle. [ HB SL ] {IL YA, 973.7} -- Morgan
Reynolds Pub., c2005., RL 7.3, 176p
Presents a biography of Robert E. Lee, General of the Confederate army in the American
Civil War, from his earliest childhood experinces--poverty, and the death of his father--to
his education at West Point Military Academy, his military career, and his service to the
AR: 9.7 MG 6.0 103033EN HRD 1 31.26

07854QX There he stands : the story of Stonewall Jackson -- Brager, Bruce L., 1949-
[ VO HB SL ] {IL YA, 973.7} -- Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2005., 176p
Presents the biography of Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson, and examines his
childhood in Virginia, appointment to West Point, experiences during the Mexican War,
and loyal soldier of the Confederacy during the Civil War.
AR: 8.8 MG 5.0 103034EN HRD 1 31.26

14027Q9 Ulysses S. Grant : defender of the Union -- Rice, Earle. [ BL HB SL WS ] {IL

YA, 973.8} -- Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2005., RL 6.7, 176p
Chronicles the life of Union general Ulysses S. Grant, discussing his childhood,
schooling at the United States Military Academy, service during the Mexican War, role in
the Civil War, presidency, and other related topics.
AR: 9.9 MG 6.0 103035EN HRD 1 31.26

28158Q2 Victory in destruction : the story of William Tecumseh Sherman -- Whitelaw,

Nancy. [ VO HB ] {IL YA, 355} -- Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2005., 176p
Chronicles the life of Union general William Tecumseh Sherman, describing his
childhood in Ohio, his marriage to Ellen Ewing, his years as a banker, his military
training, the "march to the sea," and his life after the Civil War.
AR: 7.9 MG 5.0 103036EN HRD 1 31.26

27446B0 Collected writings -- Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809. [ LJ WS ] {IL AD, 320.5} --

Library of America, c1995., 906p
Selection of writings by British-born political leader Thomas Paine, emphasizing his
American career, and bringing together his best-known works in favor of independence,
including "Common Sense," "The American Crisis," "Rights of Man," and "The Age of
Reason," along with letters, articles and pamphlets.
HRD 1 29.75

22815N1 Colonial America : a history in documents -- Gray, Edward G., 1964- [ LM

WM CL HB SL WS ] {IL YA, 973.2} -- Oxford University Press, c2003., 191p
An illustrated collection of documents that provide insights into the lives of American
colonists, including letters, diaries, sermons, newspapers, and poems.
HRD 1 43.15

31751G4 The confessions of Nat Turner and related documents -- {IL AD, 975.5} --
Bedford/St. Martin's, c1996., 148p
Presents the confession of Nat Turner, leader of a slave rebellion in Southhampton,
Virginia, in August, 1831, as recorded by attorney Thomas Gray in the days following the
uprising, and includes selected newspaper articles, trial transcripts, and other related
essays and documents. PAP 1 15.32

23573Q8 Critical perspectives on the Industrial Revolution -- {IL YA, 330.973} -- Rosen,
2005., 176p
Contains a collection of nonfiction writings from newspapers, periodicals, letters, and
other sources, that provides critical perspectives on issues related to the Industrial
Revolution. HRD 1 23.95

27462N2 The Declaration of Independence -- {IL YA, 973.3} -- Greenhaven Press ,

Thomson/Gale, c2003., 108p
Contains thirteen primary and secondary source articles that provide various perspectives
on issues related to the Declaration of Independence, discussing Thomas Jefferson's
perception of equality, the problem of slavery, and the defense of rights.
HRD 1 26.96

38312V9 The Declaration of Independence -- {IL YA, 973.3} -- Discovery Enterprises,

c1997., RL 7.1, 64p
Contains excerpts from the works of John Locke, Thomas Paine, Richard Henry Lee,
John Dickinson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and other statesmen, that
provide insight into the changes that occurred in America with the Declaration of
RC: 12 6 Lexile: 1350 FBS 1 13.96

25038M8 The Declaration of Independence : origins and impact -- [ CH RR ] {IL YA,

973.3} -- CQ Press, c2002., 347p
Contains essays in which twelve scholars examine various aspects of the origins and
impact of the Declaration of Independence, discussing its theoretical foundations, its
relationship to the three branches of government, its significance to the women's rights
movement, and other topics.
HRD 1 114.96

32970M4 The Dred Scott case : three volumes in one. -- {IL AD, 346} -- Books for
Libraries Press, 1991.
Traces the events surrounding the Dred Scott case of 1857, discusses the legal bases of
slavery, and explores how the Supreme Court's decision affected the law and the
emerging Republican party. HRD 1 24.95
26247M2 Elizabeth Cady Stanton : the right is ours -- Sigerman, Harriet. [ VO WM BK
SL ] {IL YA, 305.42} -- Oxford University Press, c2001., 143p
A biography of one of the first leaders of the women's rights movement, whose work led
to women's right to vote. HRD 1 35.59

15714R1 The Emancipation Proclamation -- [ SL ] {IL YA, 973.7} -- Greenhaven Press ,

Thomson/Gale, c2006., 78p
Presents seven historical documents by such figures as Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson
Davis, and Horace Greeley that argue different viewpoints on the idea of emancipation
and the potential effects of emancipation during the Civil War, and four essays by
historians assessing the Emancipation Proclamation's impact. HRD 1 26.96

25271K7 Encounters in the New World : a history in documents -- [ KR SL BR KL* ]

{IL YA, 970.004} -- Oxford University Press, c2000., 175p
A collection of documents illustrating encounters between Native American peoples and
a variety of European newcomers from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Includes
maps, journals, advertisements, and letters. HRD 1 43.15

16046M0 Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in America -- Olson, James Stuart,

1946- [ CH RR BL ] {IL YA, 973} -- Greenwood Press, 2002., 313p
Contains over two hundred alphabetically arranged articles that provide information
about key individuals, technologies, inventions, court cases, companies, political
institutions, economic events, and legislation during the Industrial Revolution in the U.S.
from 1750 to 1920. HRD 1 94.99

18151PX Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark Expedition -- Woodger, Elin. [ LJ CH VO

RR LM CR* SL* WS ] {IL YA, 917.804} -- Facts On File, c2004., 438p
Contains over 360 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about the
people, places, plants, animals, tools, and ideas associated with the Lewis and Clark
Expedition initiated by President Jefferson in 1801, and includes maps, and photographs.
HRD 1 74.96

17863T7 Encyclopedia of the Middle Passage -- [ RR ] {IL YA, 306.3} -- Greenwood

Press, 2007., 426p
Contains over two hundred alphabetically arranged entries that examine topics related to
the Middle Passage, the leg of the so-called "triangular trade" during which slaves were
transported from Africa to the Americas, and includes an introduction, chronology,
selected bibliography, and index. HRD 1 80.96

12823V5 The Erie Canal : linking the Great Lakes -- McNeese, Tim. {IL YA, 386} --
Chelsea House, c2009., 133p
Explores the construction of the over 360-mile Erie Canal from New York City to the
Great Lakes in October 1826, and describes its contribution to the growth and
development of both domestic and international finance and commerce.
HRD 1 34.96
37290G2 Erie water west : a history of the Erie Canal, 1792-1854 -- Shaw, Ronald E. {IL
AD, 386} -- University Press of Kentucky, 1990., 449p
Traces the history of the Erie Canal, discussing how the canal's creation led to a bond
between the East and the growing settlements of the West. HRD 1 40.96

26536J0 Events that changed America in the eighteenth century -- [ SL BR ] {IL YA,
973} -- Greenwood Press, 1998., 209p
Offers detailed descriptions and expert analysis of important eighteenth century events in
America. Events are introduced in essays, followed by interpretations that place the
events into a broader context, and include annotated bibliographies, a glossary, and a
Lexile: 1350 HRD 1 59.40

26236L0 Events that changed America through the seventeenth century -- [ WS ] {IL YA,
973.2} -- Greenwood Press, 2000., 193p
Profiles ten extremely significant events that took place in the Americas up through the
seventeenth century, from the first encounters with the Native Americans to the Salem
Witch Trials of 1692; each profile includes an introductory survey, an interpretive essay,
an illustration, and an annotated bibliography.
Lexile: 1280 HRD 1 59.40

32426V2 The Federalist papers : Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay --
{IL YA, 342.733} -- Pocket Books, 2004., 708p
Presents a comprehensive examination of the Federalist Papers co-written by Alexander
Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay and provides a chronology of the authors' lives
and works, critical analysis, and timeline of significant events.
FBG 1 11.26

34006H2 Federalists and antifederalists : the debate over the ratification of the
Constitution -- {IL AD, 342.73} -- Madison House, 1998., 228p
Examines six issues in the debate over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1787-
1788, using documents by eighteenth-century writers, both antifederalists and federalists,
to look at the House of Representatives, the Senate, the President, the Judiciary, the Bill
of Rights, and the nature of republican government.
HRD 1 40.96

14881M4 Finding the West : explorations with Lewis and Clark -- Ronda, James P.,
1943- [ LJ KL* ] {IL AD, 917.804} -- University of New Mexico Press, c2001., 138p
James Ronda shares the reflections and impressions he has developed during the twenty
years he spent researching the lives and explorations of Lewis and Clark.
HRD 1 25.86

01740U4 For liberty and glory : Washington, Lafayette, and their revolutions -- Gaines,
James R. [ LJ CH KR BL PW* ] {IL AD, 973.4} -- W. W. Norton, c2007., 533p
Presents a comprehensive narrative that describes the complex relationship between
General George Washington and the marquis de Lafayette, discussing the developments
in both America and France that led to revolution on both continents.
HRD 1 25.46

06054L0 Founding brothers : the revolutionary generation -- Ellis, Joseph J. [ LJ CH

KR* BL PW NY WS PP ] {IL AD, 973.4} -- Knopf , Distributed by Random House,
2000., 288p
Profiles the intertwined lives of seven of America's founding fathers, including John
Adams, Aaron Burr, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, and George Washington.
AR: 12.8 UG 22.0 49821EN HRD 1 24.60

36005L7 The French-Indian War : 1754-1760 -- Marston, Daniel. {IL AD, 973.2} --
Routledge, 2002., 95p
Explains the background and military development of the British Army during the
French-Indian War 1754 to 1760 and examines the tactical and training reforms that
enabled them to defeat the French.
HRD 1 69.96

21610R2 George Washington : the founding father -- Johnson, Paul, 1928- [ BL* CH KR
PW SL WS ] {IL YA, 973.4} -- Atlas Books/HarperCollins, c2005., 126p
Presents a concise biography of George Washington, and traces his early life as a farmer
and entrepreneur, military career and leader of the American forces against the British,
first president of the U.S., and more. HRD 1 18.66

23896H5 The great experiment : George Washington and the American republic --
Rhodehamel, John H. [ UP CH BL ] {IL AD, 973.4} -- Yale University Press ,
Huntington Library, c1998., 176p
A catalogue for the Huntington Library exhibition, with text that traces the life of George
Washington as it parallels the new American republic; and reproductions of original
documents, portraits, artifacts, and personal memorabilia of Washington and his family.
HRD 1 45.36

12508Q1 His Excellency : George Washington -- Ellis, Joseph J. [ LJ BL* CH KR KL SL

PW* WS ] {IL AD, 973.4} -- Knopf , Distributed by Random House, 2004., 320p
Chronicles the life of George Washington, discussing his childhood, military years, two
terms as president, efforts to unite the country in the face of adversity, impact on
American politics, and other related topics.
AR: 12.7 UG 23.0 86485EN RC: 12 22 Lexile: 1450 HRD 1 22.90

18584Q0 A historical atlas of America's manifest destiny -- Favor, Lesli J. {IL YA,
973.4} -- Rosen Pub. Group, 2005., RL 6.2, 64p
Maps, text, and illustrations tell the story of the America's "manifest destiny," explaining
the concept and how it expanded the country's boundaries. Also includes a time line, a
glossary, and a further reading list. HRD 1 22.95

19069RX The historical atlas of New York City : a visual celebration of nearly 400 years
of New York City's history -- Homberger, Eric. [ LJ ] {IL AD, 974.7} -- H. Holt and Co.,
c2005., 192p
Text, maps, and illustrations chronicle four hundred years of history in New York City.
PAP 1 21.60

14181M6 James Madison -- Wills, Garry, 1934- [ LJ BL* KR PW NY WS ] {IL AD,

973.5} -- Times Books, 2002., 184p
Chronciles the life and political career of James Madison and examines the factors which
lead to his ineffectiveness as president, despite his successful pre- and post-war careers.
HRD 1 19.80

01820S0 James Madison and the struggle for the Bill of Rights -- Labunski, Richard E.
[ CH BL PW ] {IL AD, 342.7308} -- Oxford University Press, 2006., 336p
Traces the efforts by James Madison between 1787 and 1789 as he battled anti-Federalist
Patrick Henry to secure Virginia's ratification of the new Constitution, won the election to
the House of Representatives, and secured the creation of the Bill of Rights.
HRD 1 27.96

32029T6 The Jamestown project -- Kupperman, Karen Ordahl, 1939- [ CH BL LJ* PW ]

{IL AD, 973.2} -- Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007., 380p
Describes the history of the Jamestown settlement, its first difficult years, dependence
upon local natives, and its eventual influence on later colonial settlements.
HRD 1 29.95

33382K0 Jefferson's pillow : the founding fathers and the dilemma of Black patriotism --
Wilkins, Roger W., 1932- [ CH BL NY PW* WS ] {IL AD, 973} -- Beacon Press, c2002.,
Analyzes the lives of four of America's founding fathers--George Washington, George
Mason, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson--in an attempt to discover how these men,
who were so dedicated to the freedom of the nation, could support slavery.
PAP 1 13.60

37005BX Lafayette -- Unger, Harlow G., 1931- {IL AD, 944.04} -- John Wiley & Sons,
c2002., 452p
Chronicles the life of the Marquis de Lafayette, describing his heroism in the American
Revolution, his long love story with his wife, Adrienne, his relationship with George
Washington, and the consequences--for his countrymen and family--of his attempt to
bring the same liberty to France that he helped America gain on the battlefield.
HRD 1 33.96

35945C3 The Lewis and Clark Expedition -- Fritz, Harry W., 1937- [ RR ] {IL YA,
917.8} -- Greenwood Press, 2004., 143p
Presents a brief narrative account of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and includes a
chronology, biographical sketches of people important to the endeavor, a selection of
related documents, and an annotated bibliography. HRD 1 53.95
22123T4 Locke : a biography -- Woolhouse, R. S. [ LJ CH BL ] {IL AD, 192} --
Cambridge University Press, 2007., 528p
Chronicles the life of seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke, focusing on how the
events of his life shaped his theories in the fields of medicine, science, religion,
philosophy, and economics. HRD 1 44.96

16761PX The Louisiana Purchase -- Fleming, Thomas J. [ RR ] {IL YA, 973.4} -- John
Wiley & Sons, c2003., 186p
Tells the story behind the Louisiana Purchase in which the United States gained over
eight hundred thousand square miles of land and ended France's ambitions in the New
World, and looks at some of the people who facilitated the deal between the adversarial
nations. HRD 1 16.96

29174M8 The Louisiana Purchase : emergence of an American nation -- [ CH RR ] {IL

YA, 973.4} -- CQ Press, c2002., 299p
Presents essays and documents that provide information about the Louisiana Purchase of
1803, discussing why it happened, the dispute and debate set off by the purchase, and the
changes that occurred in the United States as a result. HRD 1 114.96

17566V9 The Louisiana Purchase : growth of a nation -- McNeese, Tim. {IL YA, 973.4}
-- Chelsea House Publishers, c2009., 136p
Documents the history of the Louisiana Purchase, which expanded the United States
territories in 1803, and describes the deal made between President Jefferson and
Napoleon Bonaparte, the French and American military battles, and other related topics;
and includes a chronology and time line. HRD 1 34.96

28966T2 Manifest destiny and the expansion of America -- [ CH LM ] {IL AD, 973.5} --
ABC-CLIO, c2007., 238p
Examines ten major historical events in American history between 1800 and the Civil
War, including the Lewis and Clark expedition, the War of 1812, the Monroe Doctrine,
and the California Gold Rush. HRD 1 84.96

37215B7 The meaning of independence : John Adams, George Washington, and Thomas
Jefferson -- Morgan, Edmund Sears. [ RR ] {IL AD, 973.3} -- University of Virginia
Press, 2004, c1976., 91p
Examines the growth of American independence through the individual ideals of John
Adams, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. HRD 1 21.60

20845T0 The Monroe Doctrine : the cornerstone of American foreign policy -- Renehan,
Edward, 1956- [ WM HB ] {IL YA, 327.7304} -- Chelsea House, c2007., 122p
Documents the history and content of the Monroe Doctrine, when it was enacted and for
what purpose it came to be written, and the role the Monroe Doctrine has played in the
history of the nation. HRD 1 34.96

07118R3 Montesquieu : the French philosopher who shaped modern government --

Gordon, Susan. {IL 5-8, 848} -- Rosen Central, 2006., RL 8.6, 112p
Describes the Enlightenment period in Europe during the eighteenth century and the
works of French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu, and examines his contributions to
politics and government, his early life and works including "The Spirit of the Laws" and
"Persian Letters," and the political unrest of the French Revolution.
AR: 9.6 MG 3.0 100543EN HRD 1 24.95

10155K1 Not for ourselves alone : the story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B.
Anthony : an illustrated history -- Ward, Geoffrey C. [ NP KR BL LJ* PW* WS ] {IL YA,
305.42} -- A.A. Knopf , Distributed by Random House, 1999., 240p
Tells the behind-the-scenes story of the friendship between Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
Susan B. Anthony, comrades in the fight to win the vote for women.
HRD 1 29.75

36588N3 On the brink of Civil War : the Compromise of 1850 and how it changed the
course of American history -- Waugh, John C. {IL AD, 973.7} -- Scholarly Resources,
2003., 217p
Recounts how, in 1849-1850, a handful of senators worked together to find a way to save
the Union from the many issues that plagued it, including Texas debt claims, slavery in
new territories, fugitive slaves, and slave trade in the District of Columbia.
PAP 1 27.96

16215U0 The perils of peace : America's struggle for survival after Yorktown -- Fleming,
Thomas J. [ LJ KR* BL PW ] {IL AD, 973.3} -- Smithsonian Books/Collins, 2007., 352p
Examines the political and economic state of the new United States at the end of the
Revolutionary War and how Washington was able to hold his depleated and weary army
together until peace and independence arrived. HRD 1 23.76

03519T0 Pocahontas, Powhatan, Opechancanough : three Indian lives changed by

Jamestown -- Rountree, Helen C., 1944- [ UP CH ] {IL AD, 975.5} -- University of
Virginia Press, 2006, c2005., 292p
Presents the biographies of Pocahontas and chiefs, Powhatan and Opechancanough
examining their encounters with English settlers, the marriage of Pocahontas and John
Rolfe, warfare, and eventual loss of native sovereignty. PAP 1 16.95

04983HX The presidency of John Adams -- Brown, Ralph A. {IL YA, 973.4} --
University Press of Kansas, 1975., 248p
A critical study of the administration of John Adams. HRD 1 43.15

13333S4 Revolutionary characters : what made the founders different -- Wood, Gordon S.
[ LJ CH BL LJ* PW NY SL ] {IL AD, 973.3092} -- Penguin Press, 2006., 321p
In 10 essays from previously published articles, the author presents miniature portraits of
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, and
others known as the founding fathers. HRD 1 22.06

26974Q0 Runaway America : Benjamin Franklin, slavery, and the American Revolution
-- Waldstreicher, David. [ LJ CH PW ] {IL AD, 973.3} -- Hill and Wang, 2004., 315p
Examines how Benjamin Franklin's years as an indentured servant impacted his morals
and future achievements and in turn influenced the formation of the United States.
HRD 1 21.25

26766U0 The Salem witch trials : a reference guide -- Goss, K. David, 1952- [ LM BL ]
{IL YA, 133.4} -- Greenwood Press, 2008., 189p
Offers a broad overview of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, providing information on the
factors that led to the trials, their impact on American history, early interpretations of the
trials, and other related topics. HRD 1 59.40

21786Y3 Selected Political Writings of John Locke Texts, Background Selections,

Sources, Interpretations -- Locke, John. {IL AD, 320.51} -- Norton, 1999., 404p
PAP 1 10.16

35696C6 Shapers of the great debate on Jacksonian democracy : a biographical

dictionary -- Doutrich, Paul E. [ RR LM ] {IL YA, 973.5} -- Greenwood Press, 2004.,
Alphabetically arranged entries provide brief biographical profiles of important historical
figures who shaped the debates over government during the Jacksonian era.
HRD 1 89.59

38592S6 A short and remarkable history of New York City -- Mushabac, Jane. {IL AD,
974.7} -- Fordham University Press, 2002, c1999., 158p
Presents an illustrated timeline that traces the history of New York City from its
foundations in 1524 through 1998. PAP 1 16.10

04623Q9 Slavery and the making of America -- Horton, James Oliver. [ LJ CH MR BL

PW SL WS ] {IL AD, 973} -- Oxford University Press, c2005., 254p
Presents a history of slavery in America from the early seventeenth century to the end of
Reconstruction and describes the horrors of slavery through the stories of those who
witnessed it such as Dred Scott and William H. Carney, who won the Congressional
Medal of Honor for bravery at Fort Wagner during the Civil War.
AR: 11.1 UG 17.0 88056EN HRD 1 37.95

31239CX The Stamp Act crisis : prologue to revolution -- Morgan, Edmund Sears. {IL
AD, 973.3} -- Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture by the
University of North Carolina Press, c1995., 327p
Examines the issues and events that led to the Stamp Act and discusses how it affected
American history. PAP 1 25.86

04842R3 Thomas Jefferson : author of America -- Hitchens, Christopher. [ CH RR KR

BL PW NY ] {IL YA, 973.4} -- HarperCollins, c2005., 188p
Presents a biography of Thomas Jefferson, examining aspects of his public and private
life, with a focus on his role as designer of America and the person responsible for
expanding the country's borders with the Louisiana Purchase.
HRD 1 18.66
06170T5 Thomas Jefferson : draftsman of a nation -- Bober, Natalie. [ UP VO SL WS ]
{IL AD, 973.4} -- University of Virginia Press, 2007., 360p
Presents a comprehensive biography of inventor, statesman, and third President of the
United States, Thomas Jefferson, that examines his sometimes controversial personal and
professional life in the context of eighteenth-century America. HRD 1 26.96

19187G3 Thomas Paine : apostle of freedom -- Fruchtman, Jack. [ LJ CH RR PW ] {IL

AD, 320.5} -- Four Walls Eight Windows, c1994., 557p
Biography of political activist Thomas Paine, craftsman turned statesman, whose thinking
and writing were influential in the American and French revolutions.
HRD 1 25.50 25.50 11297K1 Thomas Paine : firebrand of the Revolution -- Kaye,
Harvey J. [ LJ NP BL SL BR ] {IL YA, 320.51} -- Oxford University Press, c2000., 157p
A biography of the political writer, with an emphasis on his contributions to the struggles
of his day and their continuing relevance to modern questions. HRD 1 35.59

14027R7 The Treaty of Paris, 1783 : a primary source examination of the treaty that
recognized American Independence -- Jedson, Lee. {IL YA, 973.3} -- Rosen Central
Primary Source, 2006., 64p
Presents an overview of the history of Treaty of Paris, using primary source materials,
with background on the American Revolution, the British decision to surrender and
withdraw troops from the former colonies, and the peace negotiations which led to the
formal recognition of American independence in 1783.
AR: 8.4 MG 2.0 101789EN HRD 1 21.95

10576T7 The Treaty of Paris : the precursor to a new nation -- Renehan, Edward, 1956-
[ WM HB SL ] {IL YA, 973.3} -- Chelsea House, c2007., 121p
An examination of the Treaty of Paris that discusses the prominent figures involved in its
drafting, confrontations between British and American representatives, debates,
ramifications, and other related topics. HRD 1 34.96

34586H0 The Union at risk : Jacksonian democracy, states' rights, and the nullification
crisis -- Ellis, Richard E. {IL AD, 973.5} -- Oxford University Press, 1989, c1987., 267p
Presents a study of the Nullification Crisis which occurred in the early nineteenth century,
when South Carolina refused to recognized the tariffs imposed on the state by the federal
government and threatened to secede from the Union, focusing on how President Andrew
Jackson, in general a supporter of state's rights, responded to the action.
PAP 1 53.96

37888C4 The War of 1812 -- Benn, Carl, 1953- {IL AD, 973.5} -- Routledge, c2003., 95p
Examines the causes of The War of 1812 through 1815, and assesses the three years of
fighting both on land and on sea, including the impact of battles such as Lake Erie and
Lake Champlain, and contains maps and pictures. HRD 1 69.96

21925N9 War of 1812 -- Greenblatt, Miriam. [ WM HB WS ] {IL YA, 973.5} -- Facts On

File, c2003., 166p
A revised account of the events surrounding the War of 1812 between the newly
established United States and Great Britain. HRD 1 34.96

33362K8 The War of 1812 -- Heidler, David Stephen, 1955- [ RR WS ] {IL YA, 973.5} --
Greenwood Press, 2002., 217p
Provides an overview of the causes of the War of 1812, looks at various aspects of the
conflict, including Thomas Jefferson's attempts to use sanctions as a diplomatic tool,
U.S.-Indian relations, the struggles of the U.S. to fight and bankroll the war, and the
Treaty of Ghent which ended the war, and includes biographies, a time line, and primary
source documents. HRD 1 56.10

23416P8 Washington's crossing -- Fischer, David Hackett, 1935- [ LJ BL* CH KR* NY

PW* WS PP ] {IL AD, 973.3} -- Oxford University Press, 2004., 564p
Chronicles the events of December 25, 1776 through January 3, 1777, when George
Washington led American troops across the Delaware River and launched an attack on the
British Army that marked a turning point in the battle for independence.
AR: 9.4 UG 26.0 103345EN HRD 1 34.96

17423S1 The Whiskey Rebellion : George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and the
frontier rebels who challenged America's newfound sovereignty -- Hogeland, William.
[ KR BL PW ] {IL AD, 973.4} -- Scribner, c2006., 302p
Examines the rebellion of angry, armed settlers across the Appalachians, who banded
together in 1791 to challenge George Washington and Secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton to protest the first federal tax on whiskey. HRD 1 22.90

28109PX Witch-hunt : mysteries of the Salem witch trials -- Aronson, Marc. [ KR* BK
BL SL* NY HB PW* WS ] {IL YA, 133.4} -- Atheneum Books for Young Readers,
c2003., 272p
Presents information for young people on what really happened in Salem, Massachusetts
in 1692 when a group of girls and young women accused certain people in the village of
witchcraft, leading to the executions of innocent men and women.
AR: 8.8 MG 8.0 74603EN RC: 10 11 Lexile: 1180 HRD 1 16.99

18716M9 Writings -- Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804. [ LJ NY ] {IL AD, 973.4} --

Library of America , Distributed to the trade in the United States by Penguin Putnam,
c2001., 1108p
A collection of more than 170 letters, speeches, pamphlets, essays, reports, and
memoranda written by Alexander Hamilton between 1769 and 1804.
HRD 1 33.96

11727K4 Writings -- Madison, James, 1751-1836. [ LJ RR ] {IL AD, 973.5} -- Library of

America, c1999., 966p
Presents 197 essays, addresses, speeches, private memoranda, and letters written by
American founding father James Madison between 1772 and 1836, including documents
that highlight his role in the creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and
writings from his term as president. HRD 1 33.96
P x
F B r t
Q 1
L E-books n i e
t s
R Title -- Author -- Publisher : Year d c n
y t
# e d

5 African American southerners in slavery, Civil War, and E 1 4 4

0 Reconstruction -- Nolen, Claude H. [ CH ] {IL YA, 975} -- B 5 5
0 McFarland, c2001., 223p K . .
1 Examines the firsthand accounts of African-Americans, as well as 0 0
3 other period sources, to present overviews of African-American 0 0
I daily life and culture during the last decades of slavery and during
4 Reconstruction, including a special section on the Civil War.

5 Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark Expedition -- Woodger, Elin. E 1 8 8

1 [ LJ CH VO RR LM CR* SL* WS ] {IL YA, 917.804} -- Facts On B 4 4
7 File, c2004. K . .
1 Contains over 360 alphabetically arranged entries that provide 0 0
5 information about the people, places, plants, animals, tools, and 0 0
Y ideas associated with the Lewis and Clark Expedition initiated by
2 President Jefferson in 1801, and includes maps, and photographs.

5 George Washington the founding father -- Johnson, Paul, 1928- E 1 9 9

1 [ BL* CH KR PW SL WS ] {IL YA, 973.4} -- Atlas B . .
0 Books/HarperCollins, c2005. K 9 9
9 Presents a concise biography of George Washington, and traces his 5 5
3 early life as a farmer and entrepreneur, military career and leader
Y of the American forces against the British, first president of the
0 U.S., and more.

5 Thomas Jefferson author of America -- Hitchens, Christopher. E 1 1 1

1 [ CH RR KR BL PW NY ] {IL YA, 973.4} -- HarperCollins, B 5 5
1 c2005., 188p K . .
0 Presents a biography of Thomas Jefferson, examining aspects of 9 9
8 his public and private life, with a focus on his role as designer of 5 5
C America and the person responsible for expanding the country's
5 borders with the Louisiana Purchase.
P x
F F Q r t
L Audio Visual m t i e
R Title--Author--Publisher--Year t y c n
# e d

4 Slavery and the making of America [videorecording] -- [ BL VL D 1 7 7

6 SL ] {IL YA, 973} -- Ambrose DVD , Distributed by Ambrose V 9 9
0 Video, New York : c2005. D . .
0 Uses dramatic re-enactments to document the history of slavery in 9 9
F the United States and to examine the impact of slavery on the 9 9
D development of the North and South.

Total Books (Qty.) 3,621.7
Total eBooks (Qty.) 4 (4)
Total A/V titles (Qty.) 1 (1) $ 79.99

Grand total 3,846.6

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