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Teen magazines
A Look in any newsagent’s and jostling for your attention will be
at least a dozen magazines aimed at the teenage reader.
Twenty years ago there was an “age gap” in the teenage
magazine market. Twelve-year-olds and older teenagers were
well catered for, but there was little for those teenagers in
“between” who wanted a magazine to reflect their growing
independence and their widening interest. Today, that age gap
has been filled. Whatever the age there is now a magazine
designed just for teens.
B Have you ever thought that would like to work for a teenage magazine? Do not be fooled by thoughts
of a non-stop life of interviews with pop stars. Glamorous work with a pop star and make up tutorials only
make up a very small part of producing a teenage magazine.
C If you look at the foot of the contents page, you should find a list of people who
have produced that particular issue. The list shows that there are three major
departments within any magazine: editorial, advertising and
marketing. The editorial department writes and designs
each issue, the advertising department persuades
business to advertise in the magazine and the marketing
department tries all the time to attract more readers. It is
the marketing department that researches into the type of
people who read the magazine and ensures that there are
enough copies available in shop.
D Magazine work is high pressure business and to be part
of it you need to be talented and hard-working. Each issue has to be researched,
written, designed and printed. That requires efforts and sills of a whole range of people. “In some
aspects it’s a fantastic job”, says editor Bev Hillier, “but most of the time it’s very hard work and it wears
you out.”

1. After reading the text answer the following questions. /10pts

b- Which paragraph is about:
1) the departments involved in making magazines? ___
2) the amount of work involved? ___
3) the range of magazines available? ___
4) how glamorous the work is? ___
c- Why might fourteen-year-olds have been dissatisfied with teen magazines twenty
years ago?

2. Choose the most suitable alternative and write it in the blanks. /10pts
1) __________ some new songs on the guitar since he joined the band.

a) I learned b) I learnt c) I’ve learnt

2) One of the ____________ tourist attractions in London is Buckingham Palace.

a) most b) better c) best

3) My little brother really hates ___________. He gets very frightened and cries.

a) to fly b) flying c) fly

4) There are only _____________ bananas in the fridge.

a) any b) a little c) a few

5) Dr Jane Brown believes that many children are unfit because they spend _________ time
playing computer games and watching TV.
a) too more b) not enough c) too much

6) My father ______ languages at school.

a) didn’t study b) hasn’t studied c) wasn’t studying

7) Stop teasing the dog or it ___________ !

a) bites b) is biting you c) will bite you

8) -Where are my keys?? I think I ___________ them.

a) remembered b) leave c) forgot

9) We’re having ___________ lately!

a) few homework b) too much c) too many

10) Jeremy drives ___________ than you!

a) quicker b) more quickly c) quickly

3. Rewrite the sentences using the word given. /10pts

1) I’ve never read such a bad poem!

It’s ___________________________________________________________.

2) The Deathly Hollows is longer than The Sorcerer’s Stone.

The Sorcerer’s Stone ___________________________________________________.

3) Everything’s ok here! There’s nothing to report!

There ______________________________________________________________!

4) Peter is very young. He can’t leave school.

Peter ______________________________________________________________.

5) It’s 11.30 and I your report is not finished.

You ______________________________________________________________.

4. Read the descriptions and complete the words. /10

0 This is when something is boring. d ull

1 This word describes something very surprising. s _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 You don’t know where you are when you do this. l _ _ _ y _ _ _ w _ _
3 This TV programme makes you laugh. c _ _ _ _ _
4 Shopping bags and bottles are made of this material. p _ _ _ _ _ _
5 A person who watches a sports match. s _ _ c _ _ _ _ r
6 You should wear this on your head when you cycle. h _ _ _ _ t
7 This person works in a shop and takes money from you. c _ _ _ _ _ _
8 This person is not short or tall. m_____-h_____
9 To feel excited that something is going to happen. l _ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _ _ t _
10 You do this when you search for information in a dictionary or on the internet. l _ _ _ u_

5. Complete the sentences with words from the box. There are two extra words. /16pts

● find out ● confusing ● cardboard ● dining room ● touch

● sight ● leather ● awesome ● wide ● Cheer up! ● width

0 We bought a new table for our dining room.

1 Shoes, bags and coats are made of .
2 I was following Dan on my bike, but he went so fast I lost of him.
3 Tell your parents you broke the lamp before they .
4 We are moving house and we are now packing everything into boxes.
5 ! Things aren’t that bad and you will feel happier.
6 The story of the film wasn’t clear. It was very .
7 The of this room is five metres.
8 I haven’t seen Beth for ages. We’ve lost .

6. Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap. /10pts

0 I live in an apartment on London Road.

1 I to have short hair when I was at school.
2 I left my phone at school, but I was to use my friend’s phone to call my dad.
3 Mum has been cooking dinner 6.30 p.m.
4 I’d like cake.
5 Ken’s birthday cake was big that there was lots left after the party.
6 There isn’t here who can speak French.
7 Fred is going stay with his friend from school.
8 I always avoid the washing-up.
9 I haven’t made my bed . My mum will be angry.
10 Tom won’t pass his driving test he has more practice lessons.

7. Complete these sentences using the correct conditional. /10pts

1. If it’s sunny tomorrow……………………………………………………………………..

2. She’ll have to call a taxi……………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………… I wouldn’t worry about the Science test.

4. If it snows………………………………………………………………………………….

5. If the children don’t hurry …………………………………………………………………

6. My family would move to a house in the country, if we ……………………………………

7. He’ll lose his job ……………………………………………………………………………

8. We’ll stay in ……………………………………………………………………………….

9. If you study hard ……………………………………………………………………………

10. ………………………………………………………………I would spend it on a holiday to the

The local newspaper has organized a story competition which you decided to enter. Write
your story.

















Vocabulary: /6 Grammatical structure: /6

Spelling and punctuation: /6 Task achievement: /6


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