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#7 In Act II of The Crucible, Reverend Hale reiterates his belief in the goodness

of the system multiple times, saying, for instance, to Francis Nurse, "Let you rest upon
the justice of the court; the court will send her home. I know it" (71). How does Hale's
belief in the court and its fairness represent our modern world? Write a SHORT
ANSWER RESPONSE (5-7 sentences: direct answer thesis, fact, explain, explain,
conclusion). 5 pts
Hale has confidence that everyone in the court will act fairly and logically.
If there is any evil in this town it will be found and destroyed, if there is none then
nobody will be hurt. This compares to the modern world by people completely
trusting that everyone will act with integrity that they themselves do and trust
blindly. This compares to our modern world in a lot of ways, but the best example
I have is this. Several Catholic students were thought to be guilty of being racist
horrible, “Extremely Punchable.” as one person said, supporters of trump. The
leftist political side jumped on this as a story to attack the right and the students
were expelled from their school, relentlessly ridiculed and even threatened online.
But here is the tragedy of this story: The students never did anything wrong,
someone else instigated the entire incident and the students being “Racist.” was
really them trying to act the best they could in a very tense situation. A bunch of
innocent school boys were, like the book, tried and found guilty with no fair trial.
Someone decided they were evil, so they were witches no questions asked.

#8 In the introductory pages of The Crucible, Arthur Miller says, "When one rises
above the individual villainy displayed, one can only pity them all, just as we shall be
pitied someday" (7). This statement seems to speak to Miller's motivation for writing the
play. What could be his purpose? Write a SHORT ANSWER RESPONSE (5-7
sentences: direct answer thesis, fact, explain, explain, conclusion). 5 pts
This quote speaks of Aurthur’s quite benevolent motives for writing the
play. In his time communists where the scourge of God in America, an evil threat
to all freedom and democracy in the world that must be stopped at all cost. A
communist was not a person who supports socialism and freedom for the worker
as in reality, but to most people this horrible evil infiltrating American society
trying to destroy democracy and turn America a soviet style dictatorship. Authur
is telling everyone to not let fear dominate your decision making like that, we are
all human, more alike than different, if we reach out with understanding rather
than destroy with hate and fear we will realize that nobody is like the evil that was
previously thought. The “Communists.” were innocent Americans tried for their
political beliefs and even just refusing to name others in complete violation of
core American ideals. Aurthur wanted this to be a wakeup call to tell the country
how ridiculous they were being, and that in their attempts to save their freedom,
they were destroying it.

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