Problems Faced by Passionate But Poor Students

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Many students face financial problems at the university level. They aren’t able
to fulfil their passion without making big compromises.
These students try to get into prestigious institutes for their higher studies that
charge high tuition fees. They take student loans and spend many years just
paying them off increasing the pressure on them.
As most of them come from low-income families, they try to find casual local
part time jobs that they have to manage with their academics. This helps them
pay for daily transportation and textbooks.
To make matters worse, their cheap living arrangements are not very good for
studying and have constant distractions. They are required to share rooms
with fellow students.
All this affects their mental and physical health. They are not able to get
enough sleep every night. They get depressed and many students also get
This is how poor students pay heavily just to follow their passion whereas well
off students don’t need to worry about money and can have a stress free
student life.

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