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Annotated Bibliography

Aleem, Zeeshan. "How Venezuela Went from a Rich Democracy to a Dictatorship on the Brink
of Collapse." Vox. Last modified September 19, 2017.
This is a good source because it talks about the history and all of the events that led up to
the destruction of the economy of Venezuela. It covers its previous rulers and how they
contributed to the decline. This is helpful because the source does not have a strong bias
and it just lays out all of the facts of what happened.

Fisher, Max, and Amanda Taub. "How Venezuela Went from the Richest Economy in South
America to the Brink of Financial Ruin." Independent. Last modified May 21, 2017.
This is a good website that contains many important and crucial details about how
Maduro made the economy decline so dramatically. It has some bias against the
Venezuelan government, however this does work in my favor because that is the
argument I am going for.

Los Angeles Times. Last modified April 21, 2019.
This article talks about what life is like in Venezuela for the people living there today.
This is important to know so that one can see what all of the economic decline had
caused for today's world. The article is very good at giving information that is more
personal to the people living there at the moment which is important to know.

"People Turn to Crime to Escape Venezuela's Economic Crisis." Video file. Youtube. Posted by
France24, July 3, 2019.
This is a great primary source because it shows direct video clips of what it looks like to
be living in Venezuela at the moment. It shows criminals talking about why they are
doing the things they do and how bad life has gotten in Venezuela. It is terrible to have
these people feel like they have to do these acts of violence like kidnapping or stealing
but it all comes down to money for people living in Venezuela.

Rapier, Robert. "Charting the Decline of Venezuela's Oil Industry." Forbes. Last modified
January 29, 2019.
This goes into detail about the oil industry and the statistics of how the oil prices
decreased and what the government did about it. This has little to no bias because it is
just stating the statistics of what happened and how the prices of oil dropped or how
production was going.
Sarrazin, Susan. Interview by the author. Westport, CT. December 8, 2019.
This is a great primary source because Susan Sarrazin, my mom lived in Venezuela
before the economy collapsed so she was able to see how it decline first hand. And, she
experienced some of the corruption like the not letting her leave the country or how her
sister lives there right now and is constantly facing terrible problems such as no food,
water, or freedoms.

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