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Class seminar on

Preparation of composite cake from corn flour and wheat flour

Presented by

Rakesh mandal

Roll No:13

Department of Food Technology

Dharan Multiple Campus

Institute of Science and Technology Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Dharan-16, Sunsari 2018

…………………………….. ……….….....................
Commentator Program coordinator

General introduction
Cake is a form of sweet dessert that is typically baked. In its oldest forms, cakes were
modifications of breads but now cover a wide range of preparation that can be simple or
elaborate and share features with other desserts such as pastries, meringues, custards and
pies. Cake normally combines some kind of flour, sweetening agents, a binding agent, fats,
flavors and some form of leavening agents. Cake is often a dessert of choice for meals at
ceremonial occasions, particularly wedding anniversaries and birthdays. There are literally
millions of cake recipe and many are centuries old. Cake making is no longer a complicated
procedure, while at one time considerable labor went into cake making; baking equipments
and direction have been simplified that even most amateur cook may bake a cake.In the
formation of cake there is a balance between the tenderizing ingredients- sugar and fat and
structural ingredients-flour and egg. In the case of high sugar cakes in which the weight of
the sugar is more than that of the flour, the proportion of other tenderizing and structural
ingredients should be adjusted such that the weight of the shortening does not exceed the
weight of the eggs . (Ghale, 2018)

Maize or corn (Zea mays L.) is an important annual cereal crop of the world belonging
to family Poaceae. Zea is an ancient Greek word which means “sustaining life” and Mays
is a word from Taino language meaning “life giver.” It is considered as a staple food in
many parts of the world. It is a third leading crop of the world after rice and wheat. Due to
its highest yield potential among the cereals it is known globally as queen of cereals. The
largest producer of maize is United States of America (USA) contributing about 35% of the
total world maize production. It is known as mother grain of Americans and it is the driver
of the US economy. Maize is generally used for animal feed. It is widely processed into
various types of products such as cornmeal, grits, starch, flour, tortillas, snacks, and
breakfast cereals (Shah et al., 2016)

Corn flour contains high levels of many important vitamins and minerals,
including potassium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B -6
and folate which helps with physiological functions, folate, that helps generating
new cells . Corn is also high in fibre, which helps you fight digestive problems like
constipation. Fibre also helps lower cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of colon
cancer and is also useful in helping to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Folic
acid present in corn is known to prevent neural tube damage.(Watson and Ramstad,

Table: Nutritive value of Corn flour

Nutrient Amount
Moisture 12.0 %
Protein 9.2 g
Fat 3.9 g
Energy 323
Minerals 1.2 g
Calcium 20 mg
Phosporous 256 mg
Iron 2.4 mg
Carotene 30.5µg

 To study the nutritional significance of the prepared product.
 To evaluate the acceptability of the product incorporated with different levels of corn
 To evaluate the cost of the product.

2 Review of literature

2.1 Origin and historical background of m

The maize (Zea mays L.) is a monoic annual plant which belongs to maideas tribe
and the grass family of gramineae, and their cells have 2n chromosomes. Is the
only cereal, which was grown systematically by American Indians. Christopher
Colombus encounters that maize was cultivated in Haiti, where it was named
"mahiz". He carried the maize from America to Europe and later was carried by
Portuguese and others Europeans to Africa and Asia, during 16th and 17th
centuries. The maize is the most domesticated and evolutioned plant of the vegetal
kingdom, however the origin and evolution of the maize is a mystery, since it has
arrived to us highly evolutioned without intermediate forms, while the cereals
from the old continent have intermediate wild varieties which are identified and
preserved by nature.(Ghimire, 2013)

Today maize is the most important grain crop in the world and is produced
throughout the world under diverse environments. Maize is the largest crop, in
terms of volume and value grown in United States. In developed countries, maize
is consumed mainly as second-cycle produce, in the form of meat, eggs and dairy
products. In developing countries, maize is consumed directly and serves as staple
diet for some 200 million people. Most people regard maize as a breakfast cereal.
However, in a processed form it is also found as fuel (ethanol) and starch. Starch
in turn involves enzymatic conversion into products such as sorbitol, dextrine,
sorbic and lactic acid, and appears in household items such as beer, ice cream,
syrup ,shoe polish, glue, fireworks, ink, batteries, mustard, cosmetics, aspirin and
paint(Jean, 2003).

2.2 Scientific classification of corn

The scientific classification of whole maize

Kingdom Plantae
Subkingdom Spermatophyta
Division Magnoliophyta
Class Liliopsida
Subclass Commenlinidae
Order Cyperales
Family Poaceae
Subfamily Panicoideae
Tribe Andropogoneae
Genus Zea
Species Zea mays

Source: (Shah et al., 2016)

2.3 Health benefits of corn

Corn provides many health benefits due to the presence of quality nutrients within. Besides
being a delicious addition to any meal, it is rich in phytochemicals and provides protection
against a number of chronic diseases. The well-researched and widespread health benefits of
corn are listed below. (Anonymous, 2018)

 Its high fiber content ensures that it plays a significant role in the prevention of
digestive ailments like constipation, hemorrhoids, and colorectal cancer.
 The antioxidants present in it also act as anti-carcinogenic agents and prevent
Alzheimer’s disease.
 Corn is rich in vitamin B constituents, especially thiamin and niacin. Thiamin is
essential for maintaining nerve health and cognitive function
 Corn is also a good source of pantothenic acid, which is an essential vitamin for
carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism in the body.
 It is a rich source of a phenolic compound called ferulic acid, an anti-carcinogenic
agent that has been shown to be effective in fighting tumors that lead to breast and
liver cancer
 It is rich in phytochemicals and provides protection against a number of chronic

2.4 History of cake making
Cake is a term with a long history (the word is of Viking origin, from the Old Norse kaka) and
denotes a baked flour confection sweetened with sugar or honey; it is mixed with eggs and
often, but not invariably, with milk and fat; and it has a porous texture from the mixture rising
during cooking. It is not surprising that the frontiers between cake and bread, biscuit and bun
are indistinct. Certain Roman breads, enriched with eggs and butter, must have achieved a
cake like consistency and thus approached one of these indistinct frontiers. Europe and places
such as North America where European influence is strong have always been the center of
cakes.The western tradition of cakes applies little in Asia. In some countries western-style
cakes have been adopted on a small scale, for example the small sponge cakes called kasutera
in Japan. But the 'cakes' which are important in Asian are quite different from anything
occidental for examples, see moon cakes and rice cakes of the Philippines. During the 19th
century, technology made the cake-baker's life much easier. The chemical raising agent
bicarbonate of soda, introduced in the 1840's, followed by baking powder (a dry mixture of
bicarbonate of soda with a mild acid), replaced yeast, providing a greater leavening power
with less effort. Another technology breakthrough was more accurate temperature controlled

2.5 Earliest technology of cake making and improvement

The origin of cake baking is last in antiquity cake was first baked and eaten in some crude form
long before man learned to record the event. For centuries religious have used cake as a sacred
symbol (Peterson, 1974). The Egyptian developed the first ovens. The earliest known examples
are cylindrical vessels made of nileday. Toppered at the top to give dome shaped and divided
inside by a horizontal shelf like partitions. The lower section is the fire box and the upper section
is the baking chamber. The piece of batter is placed in the baking chamber through a hole
provided in the top. Greek culture made few improvements in cake baking most of their cake
was in the form of fat (Encyclopedia Britanica).

A 13thcentury writer named several varities of cake varying in shape, flouring preparation
methods and quality of meal used and build regulations of strictly governed size and quality.
Ten years later consumer tests pacakaged ginger bread made by P. Duff and sons and found a
decay caused by World War II, but the following years witnessed a tremendous increase in their
use. In the national chain of stores the sales volume of cake mixer in 1950 was 749 percent of
that in 1946.Cake is largely influenced by (i) the ingredients used (ii) accuracy in measuring the
ingredients (iii) method of mixing (iv) proper baking. Cake of desired quality have satisfactory
volume and a fine grained appearance. They are light and have a soft moist velvety texture
(Terrel E. Margaret. 1971). Cakes those are made from original ingredients are compared in
quality amd prices. Time is saved by using a mix commercial mixes, home- made mixes
ingredients Vs mixes (Griswold, 1962)

2.5 Varieties of cake
Cakes are broadly divided into several categories based primarily on ingredients and
cooking techniques

2.5.1 Yeast cakes

These are the oldest, and are very similar to yeast breads. Such cakes are often very traditional
in form, and include pastries such as babka and stollen.

2.5.2 Cheese cakes

It is a sweet dessert consisting of one or more layers. The main, and the thickest layer, consists
of a mixture of soft, fresh cheese (typically cream cheese or ricotta), eggs and sugar; if there is
a bottom layer it often consists of a crust or base made from crushed cookies, graham crackers,
pastry or sponge cake. It may be baked or unbaked (usually refrigerated). Cheese cake is usually
sweetened with sugar and may be flavored or topped with fruit, whipped cream, nuts, cookies,
fruit sauce, and/or chocolate syrup.

2 5.3 Sponge cakes

It is a cake based on flour (usually wheat flour), sugar, butter and eggs, and is sometimes
leavened with baking powder. It has a firm, yet well aerated structure similar to a sea sponge.
The sponge cake is thought to be one of the first of the non-yeasted cakes and rely primarily on
trapped air in a protein matrix (generally of beaten eggs) to provide leavening, sometimes with
a bit of baking powder or other chemical leaven added as insurance. 2.12.4 Butter cakes

A butter cake is a cake in which one of the main ingredients is butter. Butter cake is baked with
basic ingredients: butter, sugar, eggs, flour and leavening agents such as baking powder. It is
considered as one of the quintessential cakes in American baking. Butter cake originated from
the English pound cake, which traditionally used equal amounts of butter, flour, sugar, and eggs
to bake a heavy, rich cake.

Cakes may be small and intended for individual consumption (for example madeleines and
cupcakes). Larger cakes may be made with the intention of being sliced and served as part of a
meal or social functions. The cutting of a wedding cake constitutes a social ceremony in some
cultures.(Anon, 2007).

2.6 Cake mixing methods

The various methods may be summarized as follows:

i. Sugar batter

ii. Flour batter
iii. Sugar/ flour batter
iv. Dry crumbly batter
v. Blending
a) Crumbling at stage I
b) Pasting at stage II
vi. Continuous
vii. All in high speed
Source:Bennion (1983)

2.7 Ingredients used in cake preparation

 Wheat flour
 Corn flour
 Sugar
 Baking powder
 Egg
 Fat
 Milk powder
 Water


Anonymous. (2018). Impressive Benefits Of Corn. Retrieved from

Davidson, A. The history of cakes. Retrieved from

Ghale, A. (2018). Preparation and Quality Evaluation Of Malted Finger Millet Cake. B.Tech
Dissertation. Tribhuwan University, Nepal.

Ghimire, A. (2013). Preparation and quality evaluation of nixtamalized corn flakes

Griswold, M. Ruth, 1962; The experimental study of foods. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. New
York, Atlanta, Geneva, I 11, Dallas, Paloaltao

B.Tech Dissertation. Tribhuwan university,

Peterson, J. (1974): Encyclopedia of Food Technology, The AVI Publishing Company, INC

Shah, T. R., Prasad, K. and Kumar.P. (2016). Maize-a potential source of human nutrition and
heallth. Food Science and Technology. 1-9.

Watson, S. A. and Ramstad, P. E. (1987). " Structure and composition In Corn ". American Association
of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, Minnesota. [0913250481].


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