1st Puc Accountancy Midterm Question Paper Nov 2017-Mandya PDF

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Time :3.15 hours 

ACCOUNTANCY - 30 Max. Marks: 


2) 3) 4) 1) 
: Allsub questions of Section-A should be answer. Provide working notes wherever 
necessary. 15 Minutes of Extra Time have been allotted for the candidates Figures in the right 
hand margin indicate full marks. 
to read the questions. 
Answer 2. 3. 1. 
Section - A any EIGHT of the fottowing questions, 
Each carries One 


4. 5. 6. 7. L 
has written a book called Summa in 1494. Expand : GMP. Which (a) 

of A+C 
the following (b) A is = 
correct? L-C 


= Name one type of Cash Book. 
What type of transaction is recorded in sales book? Capital account balance is a 


10. 9. 
State any one type of Error. A (a) 

bill Receipt 
of exchange (b) 

is Loan 
an acknowledgment (c) 

Debt of 

(d) Payment Who is a Drawer? Give one example 

of capital expenditure. 
Answer 11. 

15. 16. 12. 
18. 17. 
Section - B any FIVE of the following questions, 
Each carries Two marks 

x2=10 What State State What What What State What is any the are is is any is Capital 
two Accounting Concepts. rules of Debit and Credit of Assets Account. contra Entries? Bank 
Reconciliation Statement? Trial Balance? 
two causes of Depreciation. Revenue receipt? 
Section - C Answer 19. 

Classity a) b) c) d) e) f) 
any FOUR of the fotlowing questions, Each carries Six 

Cash O/s Buildings lnterest Purchases Purchases the Salary A/c foltowing on Nc A/c Nc 
lnvestment Returns 
Accounts A/c A/c in to Assets, Capital, j) g) h) i) k) l) 
Liabilities, Expenses and lncomes. ComPuter A/c Wages A/c Sales A/c Creditors A/c B/R A/c 
Debtors A/c 20. 
Enter the following transaction in Analytical petty cash book. 01-10-2017 Received cash from 
main cashier Rs. 

,000 06-10-2017 Paid for printing Rs. 400 

10-10-2017 Paid for postages Rs. 200 20-10-2017 15-10-2017 Paid Paid forTaxi for stationers 
hire Hs. 

Rs. 100 

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-2- From the following transactions, prepare purchases book. 01-09-2017 Bought goods from 
Ananda Rs. 8,000 06-09-2017 Purchased goods from Vijay Rs. 6,000 10-09-2017 Bought 
goods from Naveen Rs. 5,000 16-09-2017 Raju supplie goods to us Rs. 4,000 24-09-2017 
Bought goods from Ravi for cash Rs. 3'000 30-09-2017 Purchased goods from Kavery Rs. 
2,000 From the following padiculars, prepare a Trial Balance as on 31-3-2017' 

2l 3) 4\ 1) 
5) 6) 7\ 8) 9) 
Purchases A/c Sales A/c Bank Loan A/c Machinery A/c Cash A/c CapitalA/c Debtors A/c 
Creditors A/c Bills Receivable A/c 10) Bills payable Alc Rectify the lollowing errors assuming 
that the errors detected after the differences in Trial Balance is placed to a) b) c) d) e) f) 
suspense account. A credit purchases Rs. 1,000 received The total of sales Rs. 8,000 paid A 
credit sale of Payment of salary of Rs. 2,000 from Mahesh has been debited to his account. 
from Viiay has been credited to his account. returns book has been overcast by Fls. 1,000. to 
Kumar has been debited to his account Bs. 800. Rs. 5,000 to Arun has been credited to Arjun's 
Rs. 3,000 has been posted twice to salary account' 
Record the following transactions in simple cash book' 
Bs. 01-08-2017 Cash n 
Rs. 95,000 1,36,000 20,000 50,000 46,000 1,00,000 80,000 17,000 4,000 2,000 
06-08-2017 10-08-2017 02-08-2017 Cash Paid Bought to 

Received Mohan hand 

goods for 

Ravi 21. 
10,000 2,000 6,000 
16-08-2017 30-08-2017 20-08-2017 26-08-2017 28-08-2017 Sold Cash Paid Paid 
goods for 

interest paid stationers 

into for 

2,000 7,000 2,000 4,000 1,000 2,000 
ZS. From the following balances, prepare Trading Account for the year ended 31-3-2017' 
Rs. (a) 
Opening Stock 
2,00,000 (b) 
10,00,000 (c) 
20,00,000 (d) 
1,00,000 (e) 
Closing Stock 
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Answer 26. 
Journalise any FouR the or the rouowing 

questions,::H";;rLr" r*"ue 
marks. following Transactions in the books 
of Mr. Rahul. 
01-01-2013 Started business with cash 03-01-2013 Opened Bank A/c with Vijaya Bank 
05-01-2013 Bought goods forcash 08-01-2013 Cash sales 10-01-2013 Purchased furnitures 
from Mandya Traders 15-01-2013 Received Commission 18-01-2013 Paid cash to Mandya 
Traders in full settlement of the Account 20-01-2013 Cash Purchases 24-01-2013 Cash 
withdrawn from Bank 26-01-20'13 Paid Rent 30-01-2013 Paid Salary by cheque 27. 
Prepare two column cash book from the following transactions. 
Rs. 1,00,000 30,000 20,000 18,000 10,000 2,000 9,500 5,000 10,000 4,000 6,000 

Opening balance: Cash Rs. Bank Rs. 03-4-2017 Bought goods for cash 06-4-2017 Received 
from Karthik by cheque 10-4-2017 
Cash deposited into Bank 12-4-2017 
Sold goods for cash 16-4-2017 PaidforTelephonecharges 20-4-2017 Paid to 
Raghu by cheque 24-4-2017 
Paid for Rent 26-4-2017 Receivedlnterest 30-4-2017 Withdrew cash for personal 
use 28. 
Enter the following transactions in proper subsidiary books. 2017 Aug. 
Rs. 30,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 40,000 2,000 3,000 2,900 10,000 2,000 

Purchased goods from Sharath Rs. 3,500 2017 20'17 2017 2017 2017 Aug. 
Aug. Aug. Aug.02 Aug. 

06 07 A4 
Sold Credit Sold Bought Fleturned goods goods sales from defective to to to Kiran Aswin 
Sundar Raju Rs. to and Rs. Kiran Rs. 4,500 Sons 4,500 4,000 
Rs. on Rs. 1,000 account, 15,000 
less 10% trade discount. 
2017 2017 Aug. 

Aug.12 16 
Returned defective goods from Sundar Rs. 1,000 
2017 Aug. 2017 Aug. 
Above line Hide when print out-InyaTrust.com 18 19 
Credit purchased from Anand Rs. 10,000 Dinesh bought goods from us on account Rs. 5,000 
Cash sales to Vinay Rs. 3,000 2Q17 

Sent a credit note to Dinesh Rs. 1,000 2017 Aug.25 Bough 15 units from 
Jayanth at Rs. 200 per unit. 29. 
c)  d)  a)  b)  From  Cheque  Bank  Bank  Dividend  the  following  charges  balance  issued,  on shares 
as debited particulars but per collected not cash in presented the of book Mr. pass by Vinod, Rs. 
the book fro 50,000 
bank payment Prepare only and Rs. credited Rs. Bank 400. 
Reconciliation in the pass book statement Rs. 8,000. 
as on March 31,2017. 

(P.r.o) Use E-Paper, 

Save Trees 
f) e) g) 
A cheque deposited into Bank, but not tnterest credited in the pass book, only lnsurance 
premium paid directly by the collected by the bank Rs. 5,000 
Rs. 500 bank understanding advice Rs. 1,000 gO. 
On 01-1 0-2017 Ramu sold goods to Shamu on credit for Rs. 1oO,OoO. 
Ramu'drew a bilt on 
Shamu for 3 months. Shamu accepted the bill. On the due date billwas duly honoured. 
Pass Journal Entries in the books of both the parties. 31. 
On was Excel 30-09-201s purchased Co. Ltd purchased on 
it purchased g0-0g-2o15lor 
machine another for Rs. 
machine Rs. go,ooo 2o0,ooo rhe for Rs. company and 10o,ooo. spent charges Rs. On 20,000 
01-01-2017 depreciation on its installation it sold at 10% the machine on on straight 01-04-204' 
which line 
machinery account and depreciation account for first 3 years. The accounts are 
closed 31st March every year. 92. 
From the following ledger balances and adjustments prepare financial Statements 
Trial Balance as on 31'03-2017 Sl.No. Name of Accounts Debit 

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 
11 12 13 14 

Opening Stock 
20,000 Purchases & Sales 
80,000 Returns 
400 Wages 
12,000 Salary 
9,000 Miscellaneous lncome Rent Drawings and Capital 
4,000 Debtors and Creditors 
12,000 Cash in hand 
6,000 lnvestments 
20,000 Buildings 
86,000 Furniture 
20,000 Salary 
12,000 6,000 80,000 14,000 
Total 2,73,20O 2,73,2OO Adiustments 
1) Closing Stock Rs.24,000 2) Depreciate Furniture and Building at 10% 3) Provision for 
bad-debts at 5% on Debtors 4) O/s Salary Rs. 1,200 
Section - 
E (Practical Oriented Questions) Answer 33. 
Write Sl.No. any the TWO Assets 
accounting of the following equation questions. and findout Each missing carries figures. 



a 2,00,000 1,20,000 ? b 1,80,000 ? 
c ? 

30,000 90,000 
34. 35. 
Draft prepare 
a specimen machinery of account lnvoice with for two immaginary years with figures. 
immaginary figures under written down value method' 
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