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Examination Rules and Etiquettes

 Make sure you have all the necessary stationary and required equipments for the subject
paper concerned , with you.
 You’ll not be allowed to go outside the Exam hall during the Exam, if you need to go to
bathroom or drink water, get finished with it , before the Exam starts.
 Please take your seat according to your Name and Roll. slip pasted on the table.
 Don’t keep any kind of study material or papers with you during Exam except your own
Admit Card.
 Keep calm and relaxed once you are in the Exam hall.
 Sit straight and in proper posture on your seat.
 Don’t look here and there just concentrate on your paper.
 Keep silence in the Exam hall; Don’t talk to anyone ; Neither disturb anyone nor get
 Any kind of talking, making noise or sound or causing Disturbance to others is Strictly
 You are allowed only once to ask your teacher about your cognizable doubts and
confusions about the Questions.
 If you have any doubt or confusion simply raise your hand and say “Excuse me,Sir” the
concerned teacher will approach you and resolve your doubts about the questions.
 Don’t ask any unnecessary or silly questions from your teacher.
 Trying to ask answers from any of your teachers or students will be deemed as the Use of
Unfair means that would disqualify you for the Exam concerned.
 Read carefully each instruction above the respective questions in bold before you attempt
 After you have finished your paper,check and review it again and again.
 You can submit your finished paper and leave the Exam hall only after 75% of exam
duration has finished.
 While writing your paper keep care of Tim , as Time management is very crucial for the
completion of your paper.
 Take care of the Exam hall rules, discipline and manners.
 Behave well and maintain Exam hall etiquettes in the hall.
 Don’t violate the dignity of Exam hall or your school by your un-called for Misbehaviour or
misdemeanour as it may end up you being Expelled or Rusticated from the Exam Hall.
 Breach or Violation of the any above –mentioned rules and regulations may affect your
Exam Results or in extreme cases get you Rusticated and Expelled from the Exam Hall.
 This is not only Exam of your subject knowledge ,but also a Test of your Behaviour and
Discilpline also,so try to show best of your good behavior.
 All the best for your good performance in the exam.


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