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Clinical Investigations

Received: January 13, 2004

Respiration 2005;72:176–181
Accepted after revision: August 25, 2004
DOI: 10.1159/000084049

Blood Gas Analysis and Chest X-Ray

Findings in Infants and Preschool
Children with Acute Airway Obstruction
Massimo Pifferi a Davide Caramella b Angelo Pietrobelli c
Vincenzo Ragazzo a Attilio L. Boner c
Departments of a Pediatrics and b Radiology, University of Pisa, c Department of Pediatrics, University of Verona, and
Istituto Pio XII, Misurina, Italy

Key Words !80 mm Hg in association with SaO2 !95% had a posi-

Blood gas analysis W Chest X-rays W Children W tive predictive value for the diagnosis of pneumonia of
Pneumonia W Respiratory distress 90.9%. Conclusions: Our study suggests that blood gas
analysis, particularly paO2, may help in predicting the
presence of lung opacities in patients aged less than 2
Abstract years. However, chest X-rays may still be needed to
Background: The importance of SaO2 in the assessment define the actual extension of opacities as well as the
of respiratory distress in bronchial asthma has been possible concomitant presence of complications.
reported. Objectives: To evaluate the correlation be- Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

tween blood gas analysis and chest X-ray lung opacities

in young children presenting with acute respiratory
symptoms. Methods: Eighty patients (43 males and 37 Introduction
females aged 0.5–24 months; mean B SD 9.1 B 7.2
months), either with acute wheezing respiratory symp- Several studies demonstrated the importance of arteri-
toms and/or with crackles were enrolled in our study. In al oxygen saturation (SaO2) in the assessment of respirato-
all children, blood gas analysis and chest X-rays were ry distress in bronchial asthma [1–3]. Moreover SaO2 has
performed within 12 h following admission to the emer- been used in the diagnosis of pneumonia specifically in
gency department. Results: In 55 children (68.75%) chest the developing countries, where a good correlation be-
X-rays demonstrated lung opacities. Subjects with nor- tween low SaO2 levels and pulmonary opacities on chest
mal X-rays had paO2 and SaO2 higher than subjects with X-rays is observed in infants and children [4–7]. In west-
lung opacities (p ! 0.0001 and p = 0.0001, respectively). ern countries, better nutritional status and lower viral/
Children with lung opacities almost always presented bacterial inoculum are usually associated with less severe
paO2 ! 80 mm Hg. Sensitivity and specificity for the lung involvement [8, 9]. Furthermore discrete lung opaci-
presence of lung opacities of paO2 !80 mm Hg were 81 ties may be present in wheezing infants without pneumo-
and 90%, respectively, while sensitivity and specificity nia.
of SaO2 ! 95% were 92 and 40%, respectively. paO2

© 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel Massimo Pifferi, MD

ABC 0025–7931/05/0722–0176$22.00/0 Department of Pediatrics, University of Pisa
Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 Via Roma 67
E-Mail Accessible online at: IT–56126 Pisa (Italy) Tel. +39 050 992728, Fax +39 050 888622, E-Mail
We have speculated that in these conditions SaO2 eval- Microbiological Evaluation
uation may not be sensitive enough in detecting both less Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection was evaluated by
indirect immunofluorescence technique to be able to identify the
severe cases of pneumonia as well as lung opacities not
viral antigen in the nasal secretions (Abbott, Testpack RSV Diagnos-
related to pneumonia itself. In fact, due to the S-shape of tic, North Chicago, Ill., USA), enabling a rapid diagnosis. Cell culture
the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, in the flat part of using standard techniques was also performed in order to detect oth-
the curve even significant variations in partial oxygen er viruses.
pressure (paO2) may cause little variations in SaO2 [10].
Therefore, we have aimed at evaluating whether arteri-
Paired Student’s t test was used to evaluate the differences in pH,
al paO2 may be a better predictor of the presence of lung paO2, paCO2, SaO2 and respiratory rate in patients with or without
opacities in young children presenting with acute respira- lung opacities demonstrated by X-ray. The ¯2 test was used to evalu-
tory symptoms. To verify this hypothesis, we retrospec- ate the correlation between clinical signs (wheezing and crackles) and
tively analyzed data from children admitted to the emer- the presence of opacities on chest X-ray. Sensitivity and specificity of
paO2 and SaO2 values as indicators of pneumonia were evaluated
gency unit in whom both blood gas analysis and chest X-
using receiver-operating-characteristic curves. Sensitivity and speci-
ray were done routinely. ficity of paO2 ! 80 mm Hg (which is usually used to define hypox-
emia) [12, 13] and SaO2 ! 95% for the diagnosis of pneumonia were
Patients and Methods Subsequently, multiple linear regression analysis was performed
to assess the relationship of X-rays and pH, paO2, paCO2, SaO2, and
Patients respiratory rate in all subjects controlling for age and gender [14].
In the period from September to December 1999, 107 infants and Interaction with paO2 and SaO2 were tested. Results are expressed in
preschool children were admitted to our emergency room with acute the text and tables 1 and 2 as group means B SD. All statistical calcu-
respiratory symptoms. Those who had evidence of crackles and/or lations were performed using the SPSS v9.0 software package for
wheezes and were routinely submitted to both blood gas analysis and Windows (SPSS, Chicago, Ill., USA) for personal computers.
chest X-ray within 12 h following admission were therefore included
into this study. Exclusion criteria were cardiovascular, pulmonary or
neurological congenital defects, premature birth or chronic disease or
if parents did not consent to one or both of the proposed diagnostic Results
Informed consent from parents and guardians was asked for Eighty children (43 males and 37 females aged between
obtaining blood gas analysis and chest X-ray. The Hospital Ethical 0.5 and 24 months, mean B SD 9.1 B 7.2 months) were
Committee approved the study.
enrolled in the study. Their respiratory rate ranged be-
Physiological Evaluation tween 36 and 76 breaths/min (mean B SD 54.9 B 9.1).
On admission, after having measured body temperature and Arterial blood gas analysis showed pH values of 7.26–7.48
respiratory rate (observing chest wall movements over 1 min when (mean B SD 7.40 B 0.04), paO2 of 38.6–100 mm Hg
the patient was not crying) a blood gas analysis was performed on (mean B SD 74.0 B 14.2), paCO2 of 26.8–51.4 mm Hg
blood samples obtained from the radial artery in a syringe prefilled
(mean B SD 36.5 B 5.4) and SaO2 of 74.7–100% (mean
with heparin sodium (Pulsator, 3 ml; Concord Laboratories, Hythe,
UK) in the supine position [11]. EMLA cream was applied 30 min B SD 95.2 B 4.5). No significant difference was found
previously in order to reduce the pain associated with the proce- between males and females for the variables examined.
dure. Moreover, the distribution of the values obtained for each
For the blood gas analysis, the 850 Ciba Corning equipment considered variable was normal.
(Diagnostics, Medfield, Mass., USA) was used at 37 ° C, regardless of
In 55 patients (68.75%), chest X-rays showed the pres-
the patient’s body temperature since substantial controversy exists
regarding the clinical application of the correct temperature of blood ence of one or more discrete ill-defined pulmonary densi-
specimens [12]. ties due to airspace filling. When multiple, the shadows
tended to coalesce. Air bronchogram was often visible
Chest X-Rays [15]. Table 1 shows values of pH, paO2, paCO2, SaO2, and
The chest X-rays were obtained in frontal and lateral projections.
respiratory rate in infants with and without lung opacities.
For the purpose of this study, all images were reviewed by the same
radiologist who has extensive experience in pediatric radiology and As can be seen, paO2 and SaO2 were significantly higher
who was blinded to the clinical conditions of the patients. He was in subjects with normal X-rays compared with subjects
asked to focus on the presence of lung opacities having the radiologi- with lung opacities (p ! 0.0001 and p = 0.0001, respec-
cal features of pneumonia. tively). On the other hand, paCO2 was lower in subjects
with normal X-rays compared to subjects with lung opaci-
ties (p = 0.005), while pH and respiratory rate were not

Gas Analysis in Acute Respiratory Distress Respiration 2005;72:176–181 177

Fig. 1. Sensitivity and specificity of different paO2 and SaO2 values. Receiver-operating curves for paO2 (a) and SaO2
(b) as indicators of lung opacities in our population. The point closest to the upper left corner indicates the value that
would be the best indicator of pneumonia in the study population.

Table 1. Different respiratory patterns in subjects with and without lung opacities

X-ray pH paO2 paCO2 SaO2 Respiratory rate

Lung opacity 7.40B0.05 68.21B10.93 37.70B5.35 94.09B4.93 57.05B8.60

Normal 7.41B0.02 86.86B12.03 34.17B4.85 97.57B2.13 50.04B8.60
p valuea NS !0.0001 0.005 0.0001 NS

Data are means B SD.

a Student’s t test, X-rays showing lung opacity vs. normal X-rays.

significantly different. The difference in age between sub- SaO2 !95% were 92 and 40%, respectively. The ¯2 test
jects showing a lung opacity and those with a normal chest showed a significant correlation between respiratory rates
X-ray was not significant (p = 0.92). Sensitivity and speci- 150 and presence of lung opacities in subjects aged !12
ficity of different paO2 and SaO2 values are presented in months (p = 0.01). On the other hand, a respiratory rate
the receiver-operating characteristic curves in figure 1. 140 was found in all subjects aged 112 months and was
The point closest to the bottom left corner, i.e. 100% sen- also associated with wheezing.
sitivity and specificity, indicate the value that would be Linear regression analysis tested the relationship of
the best indicator of pneumonia in the study population. paO2 and SaO2 with chest X-rays. Chest X-ray results
Sensitivity and specificity of paO2 !80 mm Hg (which were correlated with paO2 and SaO2 yielding a significant
is usually used to define hypoxemia) [12, 13] were 81 and model (p ! 0.0001, R2 = 0.44) (table 2). Effects of gender
90%, respectively, while sensitivity and specificity of and age were not significant. Adding respiratory rate we

178 Respiration 2005;72:176–181 Pifferi/Caramella/Pietrobelli/Ragazzo/

Table 2. X-ray regression model
Variable ßa SEß p Overall R2 SE p model

paO2 –0.03 0.005 !0.0001

SaO2 0.04 0.01 0.004
Constant –1.2 1.1 0.3 0.44 0.35 !0.0001

a ß refers to the unstandardized regression coefficient.

increased the significance of the model only by 3%, while over, the effect of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction on
paCO2 did not add any significance. In addition, interac- the reduction in the venous admixture is more pro-
tions between paO2 and SaO2 were not significant. nounced when the hypoxic segments are small and scat-
Finally, using paO2 !80 mm Hg in association with tered, as in our patients, than when an entire lobe is hyp-
SaO2 !95% for the diagnosis of pneumonia, the blood gas oxic [26]. Furthermore, in pneumonia, there are other
analysis showed positive and negative predictive values of mechanisms influencing the levels of arterial hypoxemia,
90.9 and 88.0% for lung opacities, respectively. such as the disequilibrium of alveolar to endocapillary
Wheezing was detected in 98.2% of children with lung oxygen diffusion or increased intrapulmonary parenchy-
opacities and in 100% of patients without lung opacities mal oxygen consumption [20, 22]. It could be argued that
(p = 0.68). Crackles were detected in 81.8% of children errors may arise when there is airway obstruction and sub-
with lung opacities and in 76% of patients without lung sequently reduced peripheral ventilation. However, in the
opacities (p = 0.76). microvascular gas exchange unit there is an excess capaci-
RSV was found in 41.8% of children with lung opaci- ty for gas exchange. This means that the capillary blood
ties (in 1 case associated with cytomegalovirus, CMV) and reaches equilibrium with alveolar air long before it leaves
in 44% of patients without lung opacities. Other viruses the capillary bed [27]. In diseases with airflow limitation
detected in patients with pneumonia were CMV (2 pa- there is a reduction in gas exchange but the effect on paO2
tients) and adenovirus (1 patient). In one of the patients is less evident than space-occupying processes where a
without lung opacities, CMV was cultured. No positive number of gas exchange units are completely excluded. In
culture was obtained in 52.7% of patients with lung opaci- our population paO2 was significantly lower (p ! 0.0001)
ties and in 52% of patients with normal chest X-ray. in patients with lung opacities as a result of pneumonia or
asthma/bronchiolitis. In infants with a more severe reduc-
tion in airflow, reduced collateral ventilation is associated
Discussion with the appearance of areas of atelectasis [28, 29]. When
the ventilation-perfusion ratio is reduced to a ‘critical val-
Our study suggests that arterial paO2 analysis may play ue’, in the affected gas exchange units more gas is
a role in the diagnosis of lung opacities in pediatric absorbed by the blood than it is delivered during inspira-
patients less than 2 years of age. In these conditions, lung tion. Such units are inherently unstable and may collapse.
opacities may indicate pneumonia as well as asthma/ On the other hand, in the completely developed lung,
bronchiolitis. While hypoxemia in asthma is mainly due there will be little effect on paO2 when the shunt is small,
to a disproportionate ventilation/perfusion (V̇A/Q̇) ratio but decreases in paO2 are dramatic when shunts are
[16–18], in pneumonia it is mainly due to an intrapul- 630% [30].
monary shunt (V̇A/Q̇ = 0) secondary to the perfusion of In wheezing patients, ventilation-perfusion mismatch
airspaces, which may be completely flooded by exudates is often typically reflected by a pattern in which a distinct
and cell debris [19–22]. The perfusion of airspaces not population of low ventilation-perfusion units exists inde-
involved in gas exchange is possible because there is an pendent of units with a normal ratio. Shunting (V̇A/Q̇ = 0)
insufficient capacity of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstric- is notably absent until the patients develop the most
tion [23] during acute pneumonia [20–22, 24, 25]. This is severe level of obstruction, e.g. status asthmaticus [16]. In
due to the presence of endogenous vasodilator prostaglan- the majority of the cases the correlation between airflow
dins and other as yet undefined mechanisms [22]. More- rates and V̇A/Q̇ mismatch is almost nonexistent, suggest-

Gas Analysis in Acute Respiratory Distress Respiration 2005;72:176–181 179

ing that bronchoconstriction does not significantly affect Moreover, in our study a respiratory rate 150/min was
the V̇A/Q̇ ratio and that gas exchange is determined by significantly associated (p = 0.01) with the presence of
events in the most peripheral airways which are poorly lung opacities only in subjects aged !12 months. How-
reflected by flow rate data [31]. As a corollary, there is ever, a respiratory rate 140/min was found in all subjects
only a weak association between severity of V̇A/Q̇ mis- 112 months. Considering all the patients together, no sig-
match and clinical severity of asthma. nificant difference in respiratory rate was observed be-
In our study, children with lung opacities presented tween the children with and without lung opacities (ta-
significantly lower SaO2 (p = 0.0001) and paO2 (p ! ble 1) since tachypnea is found in both radiologically doc-
0.0001) than patients with normal X-ray. However, while umented lung opacities and in lower airway wheezing dis-
a paO2 !80 mm Hg was sensitive (81%) and specific orders without lung opacities.
(90%), the SaO2 !95% was sensitive (92%) but not spe- In conclusion, although it has been observed that in
cific (40%). Due to the S-shape of the oxyhemoglobin dis- infants there is no single sign that could be used to exclude
sociation curve, at levels 160 mm Hg, paO2 is a sensitive pneumonia definitively [38], our results suggest that if
measure of blood oxygenation since neither percentage paO2 is 180 mm Hg the chest X-ray is unlikely to present
saturation nor oxygen content change as much as paO2 in lung opacities either due to pneumonia or severe asthma/
this range [10, 12]. However, at paO2 !60 mm Hg rela- bronchiolitis.
tively small changes in paO2 produce large changes in sat- Blood gas analysis in general reflects complications of
uration, and in this range the measurement of SaO2 is acute wheezing and respiratory distress, and our data sug-
more reliable than paO2 evaluation [32]. gest that chest X-ray is not needed if paO2 is 180 mm Hg.
Tachypnea and a history of rapid breathing have been Routine chest X-ray is not suggested in asthmatic children
identified as two suitable criteria for the diagnosis of low- [39, 40].
er respiratory tract infections [33, 34]. Specifically, respi- The utilization of minimally invasive techniques such
ratory rates over 50/min in infants and over 40/min in as the analysis of an arterialized capillary blood sample
children 12–35 months of age were found to be sensitive will provide reliable and accurate values of gas tension
and specific indicators of lower respiratory tract infec- with minimal discomfort for the children [41] and mini-
tions [35]. A respiratory rate of 40/min was found to be a mal expenses, and will present important clinical infor-
useful predictor of lower respiratory tract infections with mation, which may reduce hospitalization in these chil-
a sensitivity of 79%, according to auscultatory signs and/ dren. Very likely the presence of a paO2 180 mm Hg con-
or radiological abnormalities, even in children over 3 comitant with the absence of other biomarkers suggestive
years old [36]. In another study performed in children of an individual infection will also enable to reduce anti-
aged 1–4 years, fever higher than 38.5 ° C and a respirato- biotic treatment in these patients.
ry rate above 60/min were the best predictors of lobar con-
solidation [37]. In our series only 1 infant had fever
(38.5 ° C).


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