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by Scott Bennie

Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Personalities of Unther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
History of the Old Empires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Culture of Unther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Lands Surrounding the Old Empires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
People and Society of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
People and Society of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Geography of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Geography of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Current Economy of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Current Economy of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Current Politics of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Current Politics of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Religion of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Laws of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Personalities of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Adventurers in Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Mercenary Companies of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Religion of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Culture of Chessenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Personalities of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Adventurers in the Old Empires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Culture of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 71
Southern Magic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technology of Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Magical Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
People and Society of Unther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Encounters in Mulhorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Geography of Unther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 New Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Religion of Unther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Editing: Mike Breault Typography: Kathleen C. MacDonald
Cartography: Diesel Cover Art: Brom
Keylining: Dee Barnett Interior Art: Valerie Valusek

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ISBN 0-88038-821-8
“The span of earthly things is as a the answer is so easy that you have to be fulfilling a quest, but discovering a ma-
dream; but a fair welcome is given he careful not to miss the forest for the jor challenge and using every resource
who has reached the South.” trees. There are two ways to use any you have, including your intelligence,
—Old Mulhorand saying RPG supplement. One is to read through to succeed.
it solely for pleasure, enjoying the work As you read through The Old Em-
The South, the ancient South, is the for its own sake. The other way is to use pires, you will find that this supplement
place where mankind first reached it as a source of background and adven- places a strong emphasis on the politics
greatness in the Forgotten Realms at ture in your campaign. and the personalities of these king-
the beginning of the age. The remnants If you are running a campaign out- doms; this book is full of strange names
of this greatness are the three king- side of the Forgotten Realms, this book and devious political factions, all schem-
doms of Mulhorand, Unther, and Ches- can still be useful. This book contains ing to achieve their ends. There are two
senta, kingdoms of mystery and ancient dozens of new spells, magical items, reasons for this.
empires. characters, and monsters that can be First, one distinguishing feature of
This book tells of the rise and fall of taken out of this supplement and used the Forgotten Realms is the number of
great realms, of god-kings and ancient in any campaign, regardless of setting. distinct and interesting characters that
magic whose power is unmatched any- Cityscapes may be redesigned for use in player characters can interact with; as
where in the Realms. This is the story of other campaigns. Adventure ideas and it says in the Source Book of the Realms
the Old Empires. rumors can be transferred to other set- (p. 17) “more than anything, these indi-
The ancient south can be termed “a tings. This is meant not just as a viduals are the Realms.” In the same
slumbering giant.” It is an extremely Forgotten Realms book, but as a source way, these characters are the essence
powerful land that wishes to be left book for any inventive Dungeon Master of the Old Empires.
alone to engage in its own self- running campaigns in any world. The second reason is the nature of
indulgent, decadent pursuits, not car- The other use, of course, is as a high-level campaigns. Many high-level
ing what goes on beyond its borders. FORGOTTEN REALMS™ game supple- campaigns collapse very quickly when
Still, many of their neighbors do not ment. If you are running characters the emphasis is solely on monster bash-
see them this way. When a plague oc- from outside the Old Empires who ing and treasure snatching. The secret
curs elsewhere in the Realms, you can travel in these reaches, please make to a successful high-level AD&D® cam-
often hear whispers of Southern magic. sure you read through the book care- paign is to get the PCs to interact with
The South is considered to be a place of fully. Any land has its customs and ta- the campaign world in ways other than
twisted power, better left untouched. boos that seem strange to outsiders, combat. There is a lot of fun in getting
Even the most reckless adventuring and the Old Empires is no exception. involved in politics, making plans and
parties give the South a wide berth. How a character deals with culture alliances, and outwitting truly clever
Yet it is rich in magic, and on occasion shock can be as interesting as how a NPCs. It isn’t easy to run a good political
outsiders venture to Mulhorand or Un- character handles a new monster, as campaign (and most players don’t want
ther and become entangled in the laby- both are unfamiliar challenges that test a campaign where the action consists
rinthine politics of their gods. his ability. only of political maneuvering), but
Many things are unique to the Old If you are running characters from when it works, it’s a real thrill.
Empires. They have strange gods. They the Old Empires, be sure that the char- If the details in the political sections
wield weird and powerful magic. And acters realize that the attitudes of their seem too trivial, you can feel free to ig-
there is a hint of the weirdest magic of homelands are often quite different nore them, but you might want to give
all—technology, a word that causes than other places in the Forgotten it a try. It can be a lot of fun. The politics
hardened sages to shudder. There are Realms. They should understand their of the Old Empires, like its characters,
strange monsters and strange men, homelands, and be able to imagine operate on a grand scale.
great treasures and unknown delights, what it was like to be a child there,
and life-ending perils. In short, nearly what they were taught, and what they
anything that an adventurer could were brought up to believe.
want. This book documents all of these. The Old Empires is known as a high-
powered area. There is lots of magic,
How to Use this Book much of it quite strange. There are also
major challenges in obtaining this
This may be the hardest section of this magic, which is how it should be. The
supplement to write, perhaps because essence of an adventure is not casually

Toward the end of the previous age, conquests. It expanded north as far as end, the orcs were either slaughtered
tribes of humans were pushed out of Yuirwood, where it warred for centu- or driven into the far north, but the
the Great Kingdoms of the southeast, ries against the elven tribes. It reached holds of Mulhorand and Unther on
which were covered in desert. Legends west as far as Chondath, swallowed their far-flung provinces were broken,
speak of a great war in which powerful most of the eastern Shaar, and even and the two empires dwindled. The
humans fought against the gods to went to war against the southern god-kings withdrew into their towers,
wrest away their power. The humans dwarves in the Great Rift. Unther creating continually reincarnating in-
won and became god-kings, but the war gained a reputation for having fierce carnations to lead their cities. Thus the
destroyed their kingdoms. These god- and ruthless warriors who were hated First Empires of Mulhorand and Un-
kings, Re and Enlil, led the shattered by those they conquered. ther ended.
remnants of their peoples into Mulho- At their peak, 1,000 years before the The lands lost by the southern em-
rand and Unther. The two god-kings start of the current age, the First Em- pires were quickly retaken, but not by
and their spouses became the leaders of pires of Mulhorand and Unther were at them. Instead, two new powers rose to
the royal houses of these two nations. a level that has never been equalled prominence after the Orcgate Wars, the
The people of Unther, who prided since. Their magic was extremely pow- powers of Narfell and Raumathar.
themselves on the purity of their race, erful, and they had learned a new These were warlike nations that coa-
warred against “barbarian” peoples and science—technology—that gave them lesced out of the migrating northern
drove them from their lands, but the greater power. tribes that were paid to fight as merce-
god-kings of Mulhorand, who were Two events brought the first great naries in the Orcgate Wars. They had
openly worshiped by these people, took Age to an end. One was the rebellion of weapons of iron (as opposed to the
them in as full citizens. Since then, the the archmage Thayd (after whom the bronze weapons that Mulhorand and
peoples of Mulhorand have primarily later-day Red Wizards named their Unther used at the time) and soon de-
been racially mixed Turami and Mulan kingdom), who challenged the might of veloped powerful magic of their own.
(the race of Unther and Mulhorand). the god-kings, along with that of many They quickly subdued large tracts of
Two thousand years before the start of the most powerful wizards of Mulho- land, replacing Mulhorandi culture
of the current age, Mulhorand and Un- rand and Unther. Thayd’s goal was to with their own.
ther began to develop huge cities in the overthrow the god-kings and unite the Unther was never able to regain its
river deltas of their lands. Magic in- empires into a single grand Overempire southern empire after the Orcgate
creased the fertility of the already rich that would be able to achieve limitless Wars, and soon its holdings in Chon-
soils and the two nations prospered. dominion over the Realms. After much dath collapsed.
Prosperity enabled the god-kings to destruction, the god-kings triumphed So proud Mulhorand and Unther
build larger states and, over the course and the wizards were slain. After that were now reduced to small kingdoms,
of centuries, large empires were estab- time, in Mulhorand, the god-kings once-great powers that were twilight
lished. The two lands clashed occasion- placed magic under their strict control, kingdoms in the brilliant shadows of
ally, but the rulers of Unther and and created a bureaucracy of priests to Narfell and Raumathar, the two new
Mulhorand both realized that warfare maintain its control. Mulhorand be- great powers.
would result in mutual destruction, so came the bureaucratic theocracy that it And, for the most part, the two na-
all conflicts were carefully limited and remains to this day. tions were content, for both still pros-
the border of the Alamber Sea kept the The people of Mulhorand and Unther pered; their rulers still built great
peace. might have rebuilt their losses, except monuments, and their peoples never
Mulhorand expanded to the north for the Orcgate Wars. Five years after starved, and wise men prophesied that
and east, conquering the Priador Pla- the deaths of the wizards, a huge gate- the fiery powers of the north would
teau (which is modern Thay), Thesk, way opened in southwestern Thay. It soon consume each other.
and beyond even into Ashanath and was a gateway from a world of orcs. The prophecy came true. Eventually,
Rashemen. Millions of orcs had come from another Narfell and Raumathar went to war. It
Lands farther north paid tribute to world, seeking a new place to live. They was a bitter and bloody struggle, full of
Mulhorand and its god-kings. At its immediately clashed with the empires the tales of great heroes: Rauthok, Jes-
peak, the Mulhorand Empire stretched of Mulhorand and Unther, and overran thren, Halduplac, and many others who
as far east as Semphar. While the em- their northern and western posses- were naught but names to the king-
pire was not the kindest of masters, it sions. The god-kings themselves stirred doms of the south.
did bring laws, culture, and magic to into battle, and orc-shamans sum- Several times, the two northern gi-
thousands of people who had not moned their pantheon in response. ants tried to convince Unther and Mul-
known these things before. Gods died, cities were laid waste, and horand to join in the war, but the lords
Unther was somewhat less kind to its entire regions were devastated. In the of the south merely shook their heads

and fortified their borders, waiting for though using the word “union” to de- in the Old Empires: Mulhorand, the old-
the inevitable. scribe Chessenta is a joke. est empire, is suffering from a recent
It came. Narfell and Raumathar held Chessenta achieved brief glory early spate of assassinations that climaxed in
one final cataclysmic battle and de- in its history under the great general the assassination of Pharaoh Akonho-
stroyed each other. Netherworld fiends Tchazzar, the war god, who was actu- rus. The assassins have not been identi-
fought against dragons, cities were ally a polymorphed red dragon. The fied and are known to use magic to
burned. One hundred and fifty years be- Chessentan Empire held sway as far charm the victims’ friends or body-
fore the founding of Cormyr, the nations west as Chondath, and even subdued guards into becoming their murderers.
of Narfell and Raumathar were dead, Unther and held it as its vassal. After The new pharaoh is Horustep III, who
their people scattered into tiny enclaves, the death of Tchazzar, the Empire is a child of 11. In most nations, this
their lands in ruins. Mulhorand and Un- broke up; Unther tore free from its in- would mean that he would be easily ma-
ther decided to pick up the pieces. fluence, and its distant outposts were nipulated by his advisors, but in Mulho-
Unther leaped across the Eastern ruined. The union’s confederation of rand it means that a Pharaoh is finally
Reach and founded cities on that body city-states swore fealty to a central young enough and energetic enough to
of water’s northern coast. Mulhorand monarch, but each city-state seemed to want to make changes. (The Fangs of
expanded northward under the mili- have a different idea about who the Set, an organization responsible for
tary leadership of Anhurtep, a vigorous monarch actually was. The union even- Akonhorus’s death, also has plans to
incarnation of the god-king Anhur, and tually deteriorated into a constantly deal with Horustep, and the priests of
founded the cities of Bezantur, Tyra- changing network of warring factions; Horus-Re are not happy about the situa-
turas, Amruthar, Delhumide, and Neth- it remains this way to this day. There tion either.)
jet. Mulhorand offered to take in the have been two Cimbar vs. Airspur There is a major confrontation brew-
survivors of the war and bring prosper- Wars, an Akanax vs. Soorenar War, an ing between the priests of Horus-Re
ity to the starving victims of the great Akanax vs. Luthcheq War, and three and the priests of Anhur in Mulhorand.
war. Mulhorand heroes slew many of Mordulkin vs. Luthcheq Wars. The priests of Horus-Re, who have been
the monsters summoned by the wiz- There has been so much warfare in the de facto rulers of Mulhorand for
ards of Narfell and Raumathar, and Chessenta that mercenaries from all centuries, are blaming Anhur for past
once again the standard of Mulhorand over the Realms have flocked to join; defeats and are trying to destroy his
flew over the battlements of the there is almost always at least one ma- priesthood by stripping its leaders of
Priador. Thus began the Second Empire jor war going on there at all times. For lands and traditional power and ap-
of Mulhorand and Unther. the last century, Chessenta has been re- pointing its greatest members to ex-
Unther, which had declined greatly, putedly one of the best places to go to tremely dangerous positions. Anhur’s
could not reach the elves of Yuirwood get mercenaries; even Mulhorand regu- followers are becoming more bitter in
with its traders or its armies. The cost larly relies on their services. their opposition to the priesthood of
of expansion bankrupted its treasury, And what of the other two lands? Horus-Re. The priests of Anhur are also
and taxes were raised. Rebellions Mulhorand kept its Second Empire to- going to embark on a private enterprise
against the taxes were ruthlessly gether for a little longer, until the Red to purge the Alamber Sea of pirates and
crushed, and harsh laws were brought Wizards rebelled four hundred years the influence of the Thayvian fleet.
down to preserve public order. Some of ago and created the nation of Thay. Unther is collapsing. The alliance of
the hardest hit by these taxes and laws Mulhorand made a half-hearted at- the bandit chief Furifax and the cult of
were adventurers, who were beginning tempt to take Thay back, failed, and de- Tiamat are plotting to overthrow the
to bring wealth from the ruins in Nar- cided to concentrate on its bitter internal government, which is extremely un-
fell and Raumathar and complained politics. Unther is even worse: Its military popular. An incarnation of Tiamat
most bitterly against the confiscation of is gutted by corruption and archaic schemes in the small town of Firetrees.
most of the fortunes that they fought so weapons and tactics, its immortal ruler Other factions are trying to align them-
hard to acquire. Some of these adven- (Gilgeam son of Enlil) has become embit- selves with whomever they believe will
turers turned to freebooting, becoming tered by misfortune and rules a small, be the winning side. Messemprar is in
pirates in the Sea of Fallen Stars. Others wasted, overtaxed tyranny, aided by revolt; the palace is under siege, and the
led rebellions in a number of cities hard greedy administrators. As a result, Un- armies of Unther have been turned
hit by the tax: Delthuntle, Laothkund, ther is on the brink of revolt. back, forcing the god-king to hire a
and Mourktar. force of Chessentan mercenaries to
Eventually a large group of cities on Current Operations crush them. There is trouble even in
the southern coast of the Wizard’s Unthalass, the capital of Unther.
Reach also broke away to form what is At this time, there are a number of no- In Chessenta, the rulers of the city of
known as the Union of Chessenta, table schemes and events taking place Luthcheq are waging a war of terror

against wizards. They have invented wit- -1081 DR Thayd and his conspirators ard’s Reach as Mulhorand
chweed to prevent magicians from oper- defeated. Thayd is exe- and Unther once again ex-
ating in their city, and they have hired cuted, but prophesies that pand northward.
mercenaries to assassinate wizards Mulhorand and Unther will 1 DR Founding of Cormyr. This
across Chessenta. Their goal is to clear never be as great again. year is 2134 on the Mulho-
Chessenta of all wizards and march in -1076 DR Orcgate opens. rand calendar.
with their army, unopposed. (This is a lu- -1075 DR First battle of the Orcgate 108 DR First Great Flood of the
dicrous notion, but the lords of Luthcheq Wars. Orcs overrun many River Alamber nearly de-
are considered to be lunatics.) northern settlements, slay- stroys Unthalass.
Cimbar is under attack by an alliance ing thousands. 202 DR Tribes of “barbarians” from
of warriors from Airspur and Soorenar, -1071 DR Battle of the Gods. Re is slain the south invade southern
who plan to destroy the city and divide by the orc-deity Gruumsh. Unther and Mulhorand.
the spoils evenly. -1069 DR Orc pantheon defeated. 205 DR Mulhorand and Unther
Orcs driven from the south. chase defeated barbarians
Timeline -1050 DR Power struggle between back to their base settlement
Osiris and Set to succeed Re. and exterminate them. A
-2488 DR The great kingdom of Set murders Osiris. dying shaman prophecies
Raurin destroyed. Exiles -1048 DR Osiris resurrected by Isis. that their empires shall soon
flee into the west, eventu- Horus-Re battles Set, casts crumble.
ally settling on the shores of him into the desert and be- 482 DR Delthuntle and Laothkund
the Alamber Sea. comes chief of the Mulho- break free of Unther.
-2135 DR The god Re founds the city rand pantheon. Set worship 504 DR Teth and Nethra declare their
of Skuld and gives it the is abolished. The tower of independence. Unther begins
name “City of Shadows”. Set in Skuld is destroyed. a long campaign against the
This is Year 1 of the Mulho- -900 DR Rise of Narfell and North Coast Cities.
rand calendar. Raumathar. 643 DR The wizard Nezram leaves
-2087 DR The god Enlil finds pearls on -734 DR Enlil decides to leave the his tower on the shores of
the west coast of the Alam- Realms. Gilgeam, son of Azulduth.
ber. He founds the city of Enlil, becomes King of Un- 679 DR Unther forced to recognize
Unthalass (“City of Gems”). ther. This is Year 1 of the Un- the independence of the
-1967 DR Unther and Mulhorand theric calendar. North Coast Cities. Unther
clash at the River of Swords. -623 DR Narfell attempts invasion of never recovers from this
The first Mulhorandi/Un- Mulhorand and Unther by long, costly, and bloody
ther War begins. sea. The two southern na- campaign. End of Second
-1961 DR Gods agree that the River of tions defeat the Narfell fleet. Untheric Empire.
Swords will be the eternal Neither northern empire at- 681 DR Nezram’s tower destroyed
boundary between Mulho- tempts to invade the Old by the green dragon, Cha-
rand and Unther. There are Empires again. thuulandroth. Nezram’s
occasional clashes, but -150 DR The great conflagration. children scattered or slain.
there is never a major war Narfell and Raumathar de- 731 DR Second Great Flood of the
between the two southern stroyed in one final battle. River Alamber devastates
powers again. Monsters and minor powers Unthalass.
-1500 DR Expansion of Unther and summoned in the last battle 823 DR Mourktar breaks free of
Mulhorand. invade the south after the Unther.
-1250 DR Unther battles against the battle ends. 922 DR Battle of Thazalhar. The Red
elves of Yuirwood and the -148 DR The god-kings’ final battle. Wizards ensure their inde-
dwarves of the Great Rift. An alliance of the Sum- pendence from Mulhorand.
Mulhorand, for the most moned is defeated and they End of Second Mulhorand
part, ignores them. are sent back to their home Empire.
-1087 DR The Thurgist Adept Thayd planes. 929 DR Alliance of Chessenta drives
rebels, along with most of -135 DR Founding of Bezantur. Unther back beyond the
the wizards in Unther and Other cities soon built on Riders to the Sky Mountains.
Mulhorand. the coastal areas of the Wiz

976 DR Mulhorand invasion of 1183 DR Paladins in the service of 1320 DR Akonhorus II becomes Phar-
Thay defeated at the River Osiris clear the River of aoh of Mulhorand. Resur-
Thazarim. Swords of werecrocodiles gence of the Cult of Set, as
1018 DR Death of King Tchazzar in and Sebek worshipers. Seti is born. The Simbul be-
battle against the sahuagin. Werecrocodiles relocate to comes Queen of Aglarond.
His body is never found. Adder River delta. 1323 DR Great Plague ends.
1030 DR Establishment of Zulkirs as 1248 DR Rehorusteb II becomes 1324 DR Luthcheq invades Mor-
ruling body of Thay. Pharaoh of Mulhorand. dulkin to take advantage of
1098 DR Thay attempts first invasion 1280 DR Thay’s second invasion at- heavy losses in the plague
of Mulhorand. Thay is de- tempt overwhelms Mulho- years. Luthcheq loses war;
feated at Sultim and with- rand. Sultim is besieged and losses a r e b l a m e d o n
draws. nearly falls before reinforce- wizard-spies in the service
1117 DR Mordulkin defies the king of ments arrive. Priests of of Mordulkin. Luthcheq be-
Cimbar, beginning the Anhur are made scapegoats. gins persecution of wizards.
break-up of Chessenta into 1301 DR First recorded resurgence of 1346 DR Cult of Tiamat summons the
squabbling city-states. the Cult of Tiamat in Unther. Dark Lady.
1154 DR Siege of Cimbar by the 1311 DR Rezim becomes vizier of 1350 DR Cult of Set gains control of
Lords of Akanax and Mulhorand. He begins to Sampranasz, though this re-
Soorenar. The king is unable persecute the church of mains hidden. Seti forms
to get assistance from his al- Anhur. Chessentan merce- the Fangs of Set.
lies and is forced to sign a naries replace Anhur wor- 1357 DR The present. Fire elemen-
pact imposing harsh limits shipers as guards of the city. tals ravage the coastal cities.
on his power. Akanax re- 1317 DR Great Plague of the Inner The Pharaoh of Mulhorand
fuses to sign, recognizing its Sea begins. Chessenta is is assassinated by the cult of
lord as the true king. decimated, Unther suffers, Set, leaving Horustep III, the
1161 DR The Kurunak clan become but Mulhorand is largely boy-king, on the throne. Ri-
the Lords of Luthcheq under unaffected. ots in Messemprar.
suspicious circumstances.

“An old neighbor is a good neighbor.” stalemated. At present, only one of the Murghom and Semphar are rivals;
—Old Mulhorand saying Zulkirs harbors an ambition to destroy they have had many territorial disputes
Mulhorand. Lauzoril, Zulkir of the and minor wars in their histories, typi-
During the course of their long history, school of Enchantment and Charm, has cally for the disputed lands between
the slumbering giants of the south have allied with the Cult of Set to assassinate the River Ghaast and the River Haqar.
interacted with many different races the incarnations of the god-king. His ac- The lands on the north shore of
and nations. This section details these tivities are not sanctioned by the other Brightstar Lake are heavily infested
nations and their current relations to schools of Red Wizardry, but they with undead and other monsters,
the Old Empires. Note that several of would not mind if he succeeded. which have spread as far north as
these powers were dealt with in more In Mulhorand, the priests of Anhur Shalhoond, “The Great Wild Wood.”
detail in FR6, Dreams of the Red Wiz- and Nephthys both actively advocate To the east of Semphar are the his-
ards; a brief description of these na- the destruction of the Red Wizards and toric eastern boundaries of the empire
tions is offered for readers who do not the seizure of Thay. The priests of of Mulhorand at its height, the
have that supplement, which is recom- Osiris are also favorable to an invasion, Godswatch Mountains. It is said that on
mended for DMs running campaigns in but they do not press their opinions. the highest peaks, it is possible to find
that corner of the Realms. More infor- The priests of Thoth are uncertain, and The Road to the Gods. None have been
mation on the eastern sections, Raurin the priests of Horus-Re and Isis are able to confirm this legend.
in particular, will be revealed in a fu- against it.
ture supplement. There is some trade between Mulho- Aleaxtis, Kingdom of the
rand and Thay, mostly in foodstuffs Sahuagin
Thay (which are sold back and forth) and
Perhaps the most predatory neighbor
slaves (which Mulhorand buys from
The land of the Red Wizards has been Thay). Neither nation trades magical of the Old Empires is Aleaxtis, the King-
the chief enemy of Mulhorand for cen- items or weapons with the other. dom of the Sahuagin.
turies, ever since the Wizards over- While the exact location of the king-
threw its control. Thay is a magocracy, Semphar and Murghom dom is unknown, it is believed to exist
ruled by powerful wizards. The nation somewhere north of The Ship of the
is divided into 11 provinces, known as To the east of Mulhorand are two na- Gods, a large volcanic island. The great-
Tharches; each Tharchion has virtually tions that have had many dealings with est concentration of sahuagin in Aleaxtis
absolute authority over his province. the great power through its history: is the city is known as Vahaxtyl, which is
Overall, the nation is governed by a Semphar and Murghom. Both nations home to about 13,000 sahuagin. The
council of Red Wizards, whose author- were part of the great Mulhorand em- ruler of Vahaxtyl is Kromes, an absolute
ity supercedes that of the Tharchions. pire long ago. They have since won a tyrant who believes in sinking any ship,
One wizard from each school of magic certain degree of autonomy. be it Mulhorandi, Untheric, or Thayvian.
(necromancy, conjuration, enchant- The people are renowned for their He also continuously raids the Unther
ment, etc.) is represented on the coun- skill with horses; they boast one of the cities of Messemprar and Mourktar. Kro-
cil. These representatives are known as most skilled cavalry forces in the mes is a sahuagin prince with 8 + 8 Hit
Zulkirs. Realms. Each nation consists of semi- Dice, 8th-level shaman ability, and many
There are two factions in Thay: Impe- autonomous farming villages ruled by a magical items.
rialists, who want to expand their terri- single chief (usually a respected elder) While the Cults of Set and Tiamat
tory (at the expense of Rashemen, known as an ataman. The atamans have approached the sahuagin for an al-
Aglarond, Mulhorand, or the nine cities gather together only in times of war, liance, the surly creatures have refused
of the coast), and the Researchers, who plague, or other catastrophes. all overtures. Certain lords of Thay
believe that a wizard should not engage Murghom is semi-independent. The have paid them regular tribute to en-
in a military enterprise unless he can god-kings of Mulhorand may demand sure that they do not bother Thayvian
gain immediate benefits. Neither fac- food from them in times of famine, and vessels, but the sahuagin do not often
tion is well organized; most political re- men and horses in times of war. Mulho- keep this bargain. The sahuagin are
sults come from the actions of rand has not demanded either in centu- widely feared even by the pirate-chiefs
individual Zulkirs. ries, leaving them in peace, and indeed and the Red Wizards.
Thay has tried to invade Mulhorand most see Murghom as a nation with no
twice, and has been soundly defeated ties to Mulhorand whatsoever. Sem- Plains of Purple Dust
on both occasions, but a Mulhorand in- phar, though claimed by Mulhorand as
its easternmost province, is entirely South of Brightstar Lake and west of
vasion of Thay in 976 DR was also de-
sovereign. the Sword Mountains is a vast, windy
feated, and the two powers are

desert that extends southward to to a mysterious land under the earth. certain lords of that plane to destroy the
Raurin. Elminster says that the forefa- This land was allegedly full of strange cities. So far, Lasdur, Taskaunt, Murbant,
thers of the god-kings of Mulhorand beasts thought long-dead. It was ruled by and Thasselen have been destroyed, and
and Unther lived here, and this once- a race of cruel lizard people, twice as tall Escalant is under siege. (For more de-
fertile land’s destruction was the pun- as normal lizard men, who wielded pow- tails, see “Fire Time” in FR6, Dreams of
ishment meted out by other deities erful magic. None have confirmed this the Red Wizards.) The future of the
after victory in the god-wars. Other legend, but the story of the Underrealm Coastal Cities is uncertain.
sages have other explanations, though has scared many a child at bedtime.
Elminster’s is likely the most credible. Aglarond
By all accounts, though, the Plains of The Coastal Cities Originally, only satyrs and sylvan elves
Purple Dust is a land as wonderful as it
When Unther expanded to the north inhabited this forest west of Thay and
is terrifying.
coast of the Wizards Reach following the north of the Nine Cities. Except for oc-
The plain floor is covered with (as one
fall of Narfell and Raumathar, they rebuilt casional skirmishes with the ancient
might guess) purple dust, which radi-
many of the cities of their previous em- Unther empire, this land had few
ates a faint magic (though no use has
pire, which had fallen in the Orcgate encounters with men. It was shielded
been found for it). This dust constantly
Wars. But Unther was not strong enough by Mulhorand and Unther during the
blows into the air, giving the sky a red-
to hold them, and, like the other mem- Orcgate Wars, though the battles with
dish tint. Many giant animal bones can
bers of Unther’s empire, the Coastal Cit- the surviving orcs of that war took their
be found on the floor of the plains. The
ies declared their independence. toll on Aglarond’s inhabitants, and evil
fierce winds howl as they whip through
These cities are Delthuntle, Nethra, monsters began to invade the depths of
these remains of the long-dead. Those
Teth, Laothkund, Hilbrand, Lasdur, Yuirwood, Aglarond’s forest.
who enter the plains must cover their
Taskaunt, Escalant, Murbant, and Thas- At the beginning of the current age,
mouths with a wet cloth in order to
selen. They have been under the con- human fishermen and pirates from the
trol of Thay at one time or another for west moved into the area, settling on
Very few creatures are native to the
most of the last 400 years, but they are the rocky shores. They began to chop
plains. Purple worms can be found bur-
currently free of Thay’s control. away at the Yuirwood, and over the
rowing through its surface, though
Each city is independent, but there is course of generations eventually made
other burrowing creatures, such as
a loose association for purposes of mu- their way into the heart of the forest.
brown dragons, dislike its composition
tual defense and some trade pacts. The Here they encountered the elves. The
and avoid it. A nomadic tribe of sludar
western cities are usually slow to re- elves had been devastated by plague
(mongrelmen) wanders the deep wastes
spond to a threat to their eastern neigh- and by monster attacks. They felt that
and barely survives in these inhospita-
bors from Thay. these humans, primarily hunters and
ble lands. Human nomads stay close to
Most of these cities are actually adventurers, were their best allies
the western border.
towns. Only Delthuntle, Laothkund, against the drow and the trolls that
There are two oases in the plains: the
Hilbrand, and Escalant have popula- threatened to destroy them. One gener-
Grinning Skull, where a large pool of
tions over 5,000 people. Delthuntle and ation later, the drow were driven un-
water is shielded by the skull of a dead
Laothkund have populations of about derground, the trolls all but eradicated,
great wyrm, and the Lonely Lake,
50,000 each, while Hilbrand and Esca- and the satyrs driven westward out of
which lies to the east of the Sword
lant have about 20,000 each. the forest, where they settled in the
Mountains. The Grinning Skull is usu-
Historically, these cities have been in Chondalwood.
ally frequented by mongrelmen, while
conflict with Chessenta, pirates, Thay, The Yuirwood is now controlled by a
the Lonely Lake is held by a family of
and each other, in that order. Until this strong and energetic tribe of half-elves.
wizards descended from the great Mul-
year, Chessenta was considered the big- Aglarond remains under half-elven
horand mage Nezram, who disap-
gest threat to the continued security of rule; its current monarch is the Simbul,
peared mysteriously centuries ago. The
the Coastal Cities. the mysterious and powerful sorceress
Nezramites, as they are called, are sus-
Recently, a plot has been hatched by who has been linked with the Harpers
picious of strangers, especially adven-
several Thayvian nobles, the Zulkirs of and who is considered the greatest en-
turing companies; their only friends
Conjuration and Summoning, and emy of the Red Wizards of Thay. The
are the human nomads that live in the
Hargid Tenslayer, Tharchion of Lapen- Simbul has been seen in Mulhorand
western section of the plains.
drar. They plan to rid Thay of competi- only once; while none know truly what
There are many stories about hidden
tion from the Nine Cities of the North her business was, many guess at an alli-
magic and wealth in the plains. The most
Coast by creating a gate into the elemen- ance between the Harpers and the
famous is the story of the traveler who
tal plane of Fire and making a deal with priests of Anhur.
came upon the Purple Stair, an entrance

Aglarond is too far from Mulhorand ered for use by the Cult of Set. Some- ship the Creation Spirit. They claim that
and Unther to trade directly, but some where in these lands is the great tower this being created the world, lives in all
of its products are shipped through of Set, in which the manifestation of the things, and is more powerful and wise
merchant sailors of the Nine Cities. most evil deity of the Mulhorandi pan- than all the other gods combined. That
The royal banner of Aglarond is three theon sits and schemes. Many who have they do not share this belief among
white stars against a blue field. entered the desert have come out trans- other peoples is a testament to their
formed into minions by his power. ability to judge the reactions of others.
Raurin The cities of Durpar are small but
The great southern desert is a vast
Durpar thriving, and they always keep a well-
defined and defended boundary with
wasteland of stone, sand, and dust. Two South of great Raurin is a much blessed
their eastern neighbor, Ulgarth. The
ages ago, it was the home of the first body of water known as the Golden Wa-
capital of Durpar is called Heldapan.
great kingdoms of Man, who grew to ter, the inland sea of the south. Sur-
such power that they challenged the rounding this long, narrow waterway
gods and triumphed. In that conflict, are a number of kingdoms, either long Veldorn
the entire region was ravaged, and the forgotten by the west, or the subject of In the far southwest corner of the
land is now virtually uninhabitable. The wild myths. Golden Water, the inland sea to the
survivors of that conflict fled to the Certainly the kingdoms of the south- south that is home to a number of king-
west, to the shores of the Alamber Sea. east are very different than those of the doms, is the nation of exiles, Veldorn.
The land is home to a number of wan- west. Veldorn is a kingdom of monsters: be-
dering tribes. Some of the sludar mon- Durpar is a nation of traders. They holders, dragons, vampires, half-orcs,
grelmen from the Plains of Purple Dust make finished goods and specialty were-creatures all dwell here.
also inhabit Raurin, as do human no- items, such as soap, spice, fine cloth, No one knows how Veldorn came to
mads. On its far western edge is the and rope, then sell it to the rest of the be. The premise behind Veldorn is that
chain of high mountains known as the Realms. The merchants of Durpar each type of creature could establish a
Giant’s Belt, a group of nearly impass- travel in large caravans, moving north large domain where they could do as
able mountains. In the center of this along the edge of Raurin, first into Mul- they pleased. Any who attempted to in-
chain is Fuirgar, home to hundreds of horand, then into Unther, and finally terfere in the affairs of one Beast-Chief-
stone giants. Two passes allow travel into Chessenta. These merchants thus tain, as the leaders became known,
through the belt—the treacherous Roll- distribute Durpar goods to the other would incur the wrath of all of the
ing Stone Gap and the supernaturally nations of the Realms. The merchants other lords of Veldorn.
cold Midwinter’s Pass (named because of Durpar charge high prices for their Several times, the peace of Veldorn
it feels like midwinter all times of the goods, and each journey has the poten- has been violated, and in all cases, the
year). tial to make a fortune, or to get every- invader has been destroyed.
To the south are the Dustwall Moun- one in the caravan killed. Chessentan The ruler of Veldorn, whose chief re-
tains, which shield Durpar and Thom- mercenaries are usually hired to guard sponsibility is to arbitrate disputes, is
mar. To the north are the Plains of the caravans on their journey. Saed, a centuries-old vampire. Saed is re-
Purple Dust. To the east are legends— The people of Durpar are a practical spected and feared by all of the other
no account yet exists of someone re- people, and they often provide Mulho- Beast-Chieftains, including the beholder-
turning from a land east of Raurin. rand and Unther with services that are twins Xaoch and Veoyh, his main rivals.
A number of creatures that origi- normally beneath the two ancient Traders come to Veldorn on the Great
nated in Raurin are known throughout powers (making soft goods). Durpar is Southern road and provide the Beast-
in the Old Empires. reputed to be impossible to make “fair” Chieftains with goods and slaves at the
Brown dragons thrive. Blue dragons bargains with (the merchant always city of Lastarr, a free city of the edge of
scour the skies near the Giant’s Belt. wins in the end), but the merchants are Veldorn. The Beast-Chieftains have di-
There is known to be at least one settle- unimpeachably honest and always pro- vided the kingdom into small city-states,
ment of efreet—in the ruins of an old duce goods of unequalled quality. each ruled by a different chieftain, with
city, whose riches they guard with ex- Durpar tends to keep its political and some enclaves of humanoids tolerated in
treme diligence. Then there are human religious structure a closely guarded se- the Bluetip Mountains and on the Beas-
and humanoid nomads. crets, even from the Chessentan mid- tlands Plateaus (home to many wild ly-
There are many ruins, some contain- dlemen. It is known that Durpar is canthropes). Saed rules the nominal
ing artifacts of great power, lost and governed by a council of merchants, capital of Veldorn, Vaelan.
forgotten in the ancient god-wars. Many that illusion magic most heavily pre-
of these magical items have been gath- dominates, and that Durparians wor-

Eastern Shaar Chathuulandroth seven centuries ago. from Chondath may pass through each
There are, of course, rumors of un- town without tax or tariff, though
West of the Golden Way is a huge ex- touched chambers in the tower’s foun- goods from other nations are subject to
panse of grassland and rolling prairie, dation that may contain Nezram’s these charges.
known as the Shaar. The Shaar has two greatest secrets. There are two major cities in Chon-
sections; the rich and fertile Western In the center of the Eastern Shaar is a dath. Hlath, the eastern port, some 130
Shaar (known simply as the Shaar), and huge rift, larger in size than Sembia and miles from the Sea of Fallen Stars, is a
the sparser Eastern Shaar, which is almost 1,000 feet below sea level at its trading city specializing in wood
more of a wasteland. The Eastern Shaar deepest point. This is Underhome, the products and lumber from the Chon-
is located directly south of Mulhorand home of the southern dwarves. This dalwood. It is heavily fortified to pro-
and Unther. When the empire of Un- very proud race lives by mining rare tect it from pirates and bandits. It has a
ther was at its height, nearly 2,500 substances from deep under ground population of 2,000.
years ago, the Eastern Shaar was under and trading them at the trading village The central government of Chondath
its control, and there were many great on the outskirts of Eartheart, a city on is in Arrabar, a city of 5,000. Its econ-
cities. Now its roads are buried under the western edge of the rift whose omy is based on the trading that occurs
grass, and its cities are dead things, thousand-foot towers rise from the in its large, open market. People come
homes for nomads and bandits. floor of the rift to loom above the cliffs. to Arrabar to buy goods from wander-
Many bandit tribes use the Eastern The dwarves raise domestic animals ing caravans from the south, and then
Shaar as a base, raiding southern Un- by the surface of the Riftlake, a large resell them to other people to the north
ther and Mulhorand or the rich farm- lake in the center of the rift. and west. Arrabar is heavily fortified
ing towns of the Shaar. The largest Their greatest city is Underhome; its and has a small town militia as its guard.
bandit tribe is the Grey Ghosts, led by gates are sealed by a strange white Each town in Chondath sends repre-
the outcast Chessentan mercenary metal called hizagkuur. None but sentatives to Arrabar, who hold a week-
Furifax (12th-level fighter). The Grey dwarves are permitted to enter Under- long meeting once each year to discuss
Ghosts have struck as far east as Dur- home. The dwarves dislike outsiders; national problems. A lottery deter-
par and as far north as Chessenta. Furi- they are cold even to the traders to mines who chairs the meeting. In times
fax has been trying to unite all the whom they sell their metals. They dis- of crisis, there are emergency meet-
bandits in the Shaar into a consolidated .
trust adventurers and dwarves from ings, and people from other nations
fighting force and launch an attack the north. They have a historic enmity (such as Turmish) are also invited.
against Unther; he has had limited suc- against Unther, due to the wars two mil- Most of Chondath is covered by a
cess, but he has attracted the attention lennia ago. The adage about dwarves dense forest called the Chondalwood. It
of the Cult of Tiamat. never forgetting or forgiving a wrong is a thick, hot section of woods, home to
Furifax’s base is a fortress south of done to them is especially true when it treants, lone druids, and satyrs. Many
Unthangol Pass; his bandit tribe num- concerns the dwarves of the Great Rift. of the satyrs that were driven from
bers at least 5,000 trained soldiers, each These days, the dwarves mine their Yuirwood settled here, and the Chon-
of whom rides one of the fine steeds mines and forge weapons and other dalwood is also known as “the Satyr
that run wild in this region. He is the de tools in peace. Occasionally, duergar na- Wood.”
facto lord of the lands between Hard- tions from deep in the earth come Recently a fiend named Yrkhetep, a
castle and Azulduth. The small trading across the tunnels of the southern powerful mage from the lower plane of
towns of this area pay tribute to him. dwarves and there is battle, but in the Hades, entered Chondath and Turmish
In the northeastern portion of the last two centuries, the dwarves have and began wreaking havoc. A number
Eastern Shaar is Azulduth, the Lake of had no enemies. of major battles have taken place, and
Salt. This place is renowned by wizards mercenaries from Chessenta have been
for its healing properties. Many have
made the journey southward to bathe
Chondath hired by several towns for defense.
See I14, Swords of the Iron Legion,
in its waters, which are said to be so Chondath is a nation west of Chessenta, for more details.
buoyant that it is impossible to sink. on the south coast of the Vilhon Reach.
This lake is the source of the River of It consists of a loosely federated
Swords that forms the border of Mul- group of towns and cities bound to-
horand and Unther. On its far north- gether in a defense and trading alliance;
eastern shore is the ruined tower of each city and town in Chondath is
Nezram, who is accounted the greatest obliged to provide men for the nation’s
Mulhorand mage of this age. The tower militia and free food and board for the
was destroyed by the green dragon army should it pass through. Goods

“Compared to all other known nations, Mulhorand’s cities and towns; the rest portant concern of the priesthoods,
Mulhorand is paradise. The gods cre- dwell in the countryside. In the cities, well, it is.)
ated Mulhorand to show the mortals of there are nearly equal numbers of slaves The pharaoh, the incarnation of
other lands what the afterlife could be and freemen, while slaves outnumber Horus-Re, sits on the throne in Skuld. He
like.” the landholders and their families in the is more of a figurehead than a ruler, and
—Old Mulhorand saying countryside by a five-to-one ratio. this is mostly by choice, for reasons ex-
In general, there are three social plained earlier. Theoretically, the priest-
The people who inhabit Mulhorand classes in Mulhorand: the nobility, the hood, mages, and bureaucrats must
come from three racial stocks. The middle class, and the slaves. obey every whim of the pharaoh, but he
rulers of Mulhorand come from the has yet to exert his authority. One nota-
tribes of ancient Raurin; they are sallow, The Nobility ble quote from the priesthood is this:
tall (almost as tall as western men), and “The pharaoh wishes to be involved in
Bureaucrats are the most mobile of
thin. They do not have much body hair. the important affairs of the land. Design
the group; it is possible to advance from
This racial type is called the Mulan. him a new temple so that he will take his
a slave to a bureaucrat if one is in a posi-
The original inhabitants of Mulho- mind off such a foolish notion.”
tion to get a good education. Bureau-
rand were a mahogany-skinned people The pharaoh is always male and al-
crats include tax-collectors, scribes,
similar to those in Turmish. They are ways an incarnation of Horus-Re [ex-
messengers, and even spies. They take
tall and muscular, with dark skin, flat cept for a brief time after the loss of
directives from the priesthood and gen-
faces, and short hair; this racial type is Thay, when an incarnation of Thoth
erally carry out the priesthood’s delib-
called the Turami. This race occupies took the throne (all of the other incar-
erately vague orders with great
positions in the upper hierarchy of sev- nations of Horus-Re were dead)].
efficiency. For example, if a priest of
eral priesthoods and is renowned for its The priesthoods are hereditary; their
Horus-Re wanted to discredit a rival,
skill in architecture, art, and stonema- members are almost always the descen-
the priest would mention aloud that it dants of incarnations of various deities,
sonry, which are considered middle-
was be fortunate for him if something which are known as the divine houses.
class skills in Mulhorand.
unpleasant happened to the rival; the The houses are usually referred to by
The third racial type is that of Amn,
bureaucrat is expected to interpret this
Tethyr, and the western nations of the their Thayvian names, as listed below:
order and carry it out without implicat-
Inner Sea. People of this racial type, House of Horus-Re: House of Helcaliant
ing his master.
which the Mulhorandi refer to as House of Thoth: House of Tholaunt
Bureaucrats enable their masters to House of Osiris: House of Osriant
Tethens, make up the bulk of Mulho-
fulfill their ambitions without getting House of Anhur: House of Ramathant
rand’s slaves, since they usually come to
their hands dirty.
Mulhorand through the slave markets
Wizardry is considered to be an hon-
of Thay. Descendants of female incarnations are
orable profession. All mages must
not given a House name, nor are de-
swear allegiance to the god-king and to
The Population of temples of Thoth and Horus-Re. They
scendants of Set incarnations.
Mulhorand is a thoroughly patriarchal
Mulhorand spend most of their time researching society. The first two sons of a House are
new magical items or examining old ar- said to be nobles; the eldest is entitled to
When a new pharaoh takes the throne, tifacts, so they stay out of the majority
typically his first act is the commission- at least 2/3 of the father’s land and slaves,
of the political affairs of Mulhorand. while the younger son can have no more
ing of a census, which takes several The priests are the major power bro-
years to complete. Since the last census than 1/3. Other sons, and all daughters,
kers in Mulhorand. They control vast must fend for themselves.
was nearly 40 years ago, the following tracts of land and thousands of slaves.
figures are only estimates. Nobles of all varieties must shave
The pharaoh allows them to deter- themselves bald, and typically paint one
There are about 900,000 sentient peo- mine the policies of the land. By far the
ple within Mulhorand, including slaves to three blue circles on their foreheads.
most powerful priesthood is that of These indicate learning, knowledge of
(who are counted as 7/10 of a person in Horus-Re, but other groups control
the census). The vast majority of these magic, and familiarity with the laws,
large areas of land and slaves. Some of customs, and religious rituals of the
people are humans, as the god-kings the more ambitious priesthoods, such
long ago discovered that demihumans land. (Very roughly, one circle means
as the priesthood of Anhur, have en- that the man is an educated freeman,
were unwilling to give their total loyalty gaged in a number of secret enterprises
to the god-kings; the god-kings thus ex- two circles mean he is a mage, and
devised to promote their visions of a
pelled them from the land. three circles mean he is a priest.)
more aggressive Mulhorand. (If it If a noble wishes to maintain his
Approximately 250,000 people live in seems as though religion is the least im- power in Mulhorand, it is almost always

necessary to have friends in the priest- working to seal the breach between the rand are bureaucratic positions. Such
hood of Horus-Re. However, as it is pos- pharaoh and that priesthood. This dis- titles as “Keeper of the Royal Comb,”
sible to strike at a priest through his mays the priests of Horus-Re, who hope “Master of the Pharaoh’s Horse,” etc.
friends and the power struggles in that to destroy the priesthood of Anhur. are the major honors and sources of
priesthood can be extremely treacher- Brathes has been a friend of Horustep’s pride; without some sort of bureau-
ous, it is best to avoid having too many since early childhood and is trusted by cratic responsibility, no matter how
close connections. On the other hand, it the pharaoh, but most believe he will trivial, a nobleman is said not to matter
is usually a good thing to help a person eventually overstep his bounds and be in Mulhorand.
rise to power. destroyed. Few follow his fortunes, but Wizards are referred to as “Lord Wiz-
Priests regularly strip or reduce the the priests of Anhur are counting heav- ards”; wizards that also belong to the
landholdings of their enemies, and in- ily on his influence. priesthood of Thoth are referred to as
crease those of their friends. • Mardikan, 10th-level priest, House “Lord High Wizards.” Priests are re-
Some of the current influential of Helcaliant. He has been the chief rival ferred to as “Lord Priests” and impor-
powers include the following: of Rezim for years. Tall, proud, and im- tant priests as “Lord High Priests.”
•Horustep III, House of Helcaliant, pulsive, Mardikan is not nearly as
Pharaoh of Mulhorand, incarnation of shrewd as Rezim, and he has a vengeful The Middle Class
Horus-Re. Horustep is only a child; he streak that has played into Rezim’s
There is a sizable middle class in Mulho-
tends to be demanding and more domi- hands many times. Mardikan has been
rand. While the middle class owns only
neering than adult incarnations of allowed to survive politically because
small tracts of land, it includes many
Horus-Re. He ascended to the throne in he draws opposition to Rezim into the
skilled craftsmen whose talents are in
the summer of this year, following the open and prevents him from being de-
throned by more devious conspirators. demand. Artists, builders, traders, mer-
assassination of his father Akonhorus.
Lately, though, Mardikan has learned cenaries, and scribes are the most
He seems determined to exercise
noted members of this class (with horse
power far more decisively than his from his mistakes and senses that Re-
groomers, navigators, and military
predecessors. zim is no longer invulnerable. He in-
commanders added to this list in times
• Rezim, House of Helcaliant, 14th- tends to gather together a majority of
of war). There are also freeman
level priest. Rezim is the vizier of Mul- priests of Horus-Re to follow him, thus
farmers who lease slaves from the
horand, its most powerful political posi- preventing Rezim from giving the phar-
church to serve as their work force.
tion, and uncle to the current pharaoh aoh to the Anhurites. It may work.
Because members of this class are of-
(Rezim is not an incarnation). He is infa- The political scene in Mulhorand is
ten wealthy, they are seen as marriage
mous for his ruthlessness and his cun- more unstable than it has been in centu-
prospects for the daughters of noble
ning. He is sometimes called “the best ries. Should Rezim be dismissed as vi-
vizier that treasures can buy,” though zier, there will be many factions rising
Adventurers, often considered to be
he values political support and loyalty from within the priesthood of Horus-Re
members of the middle class elsewhere,
above all. to take his place. It is a situation that
are treated with disdain in Mulhorand.
Lately, his recklessness has bordered may be exploited by outside forces,
Adventuring is seen as the same thing
on megalomania. His most recent pro- most notably the priests of Set and the
as grave robbing; no one honors adven-
posal would allow the direct sale of Red Wizards.
turers in Mulhorand, and few consort
slaves (who are normally leased) to noble
with known adventurers. City guards
families, who would be free to do what Noble Titles of Mulhorand and Preceptual militia keep a watchful
they willed to them without interfer-
Mulhorand does not have a formal hier- eye on all adventurers.
ence from the temples (working condi-
archy of titles that are passed on from Some craft guilds exist in Mulhorand,
tions are monitored by the priesthoods
father to son. People who are recog- of which the Scribes’ Guild is the most
on a regular basis). Rezim argues that
nized as nobles are referred to as famous. Compared to the priesthoods,
slavery would be more efficient without
“Lords,” while their spouses or chosen the guilds are honorable groups that
interference from the temples; critics
concubines are referred to as “Ladies.” fight to protect the rights and security
believe this is a gift to the wealthy land-
Provincial governors and the rulers of their members. They have a reputa-
owners who placed him in power. The
of cities are referred to as “Precepts.” tion for pushiness and making unrea-
new pharaoh does not approve; Rezim’s
Incarnations are referred to as “Divine sonable demands in an attempt to get
influence is on the decline, but he is still
Precepts.” Since the internal politics of their own way. Some craftsmen at-
a very powerful man.
Mulhorand can be volatile, these titles tempt to work independent of the
• Brathes, 11th-level fighter, body-
are not hereditary. guilds, but they are subject to the
guard of the new pharaoh. Brathes is a
The major honors given in Mulho- whims of Mulhorand politics, since one
worshiper of Anhur and is actively

needs good connections to survive resents paradise on earth—stability and ally by bowing their heads or by
without (and against) the guilds. security for all eternity. These con- turning away so as not to interfere in
Nearly all professional soldiers and cepts, in the eyes of a faithful Mulho- the priest’s journey. Priests expect these
guards in Mulhorand are Chessentan randi, cannot be challenged. shows of respect.
mercenaries. These are paid by the cit- Underlying the society, however, is a Mandatory prayers occur four times
ies and precepts in which they are sta- great deal of corruption. The priest- daily: at waking, at mid-day, at dinner
tioned. The priesthood of Anhur has hood is an object of political domination time, and at bed time. There is one holy
purchased many slaves and is training rather than religious worship, and each day each week, when all men, nobles
them to be a military force, but this is priesthood suffers from infighting, and slaves alike, are expected to congre-
not approved by the pharaoh. power struggles, and useless bickering. gate under the balconies of temples and
The unifying forces of the god-kings, listen to the priests.
Slaves tradition, and isolation from external Priests are the only ones permitted to
forces prevents Mulhorand from disin- slay cattle for the consumption of meat.
Most of the people of Mulhorand are tegrating into petty city-states, as hap- This must be done while performing
slaves, the official property of the pened in Chessenta, or into an impotent holy rites (almost always by acolytes) or
churches. Landholders are not permit- has-been, as happened to Unther. While the meat is considered to be unclean.
ted to buy slaves (yet) but may rent Mulhorandi often seem to have an ob-
Mulhorand lacks the will and the man-
them from a temple. Each temple buys power to regain its lost empire in the session with death, spending much of
its own slaves, which it trains for its near future, it still is a power to be reck- their time constructing their tombs and
own purposes. oned with in the eastern section of the preparing for the afterlife. This is not as
Slaves in Mulhorand are reasonably morbid as it sounds. Mulhorandi believe
Inner Sea.
well-treated. Food is plentiful and no Mulhorand is a land of arrogance. that the afterlife is a continuation of life,
one starves. Killing a slave is a capital The nobles of the realm consider them- not a journey to paradise or damnation.
crime, and any slave who is unfairly selves superior to the people of every Thus the people of Mulhorand do their
punished is able to make a complaint to other nation. They believe Mulhorand best to prepare for the next existence.
the priests of Osiris, who judge how to be more civilized, more prosperous,
slaves are treated in Mulhorand. Pun-
ishment for abusing a slave usually in-
more creative, and (if they were ever in- Language of
terested in conquest again) more pow-
volves forfeiture of some lands and
erful than all of the nations on the Mulhorand
possessions. Work is hard and some- outside. Of all the lands in the Realms,
times dangerous, but few masters are The Mulhorandi language comes from
they reason, only Mulhorand is ruled a language family known as Rauric.
willing to be responsible for the acci- by gods.
dental death of a slave. Only Mulhorandi and Untheric survive
They do not hide this arrogance from from this linguistic family; Mulhorandi
All slaves must take an oath to obey outsiders; even the slaves are haughty,
the gods and whatever master the gods has preserved much of the old tongue,
for they are not the property of men, while Untheric has evolved greatly over
see fit to give them. It is not uncommon but of gods. Mulhorand is hidebound in
for a master to pay his slaves when they the course of the millennia.
its belief that it will be eternal, that no Mulhorandi is an inflected language
are returned to their priesthood; this enemy will ever be able to destroy it.
often favorably impresses the priests with many verb tenses and cases; word
who own the slaves. Life as a slave in order is relatively unimportant. It often
Mulhorand is not easy or particularly Customs of sounds thick and slow compared to
other languages; some say this is due to
pleasant, but it is better than a slave’s Mulhorand the heavy influence of priestly rituals
life in other lands, especially Thay.
Mulhorand has a number of unique on everyday speech. Basic Mulhorandi
customs, which are generally adhered writing consists of complicated picture-
The Society of to by all classes. glyphs, each of which represents a dif-
Mulhorand First, beyond all other things, Mulho- ferent idea; it has become somewhat
rand is a theocratic state, ruled by the more abstracted over the course of the
Mulhorand is a lawful neutral society. It
priesthood. Mulhorandi are supposed last thousand years and consists of a vo-
believes in order and discipline, and de- to be willing to submit to the authority cabulary of tens of thousands of picto-
spises change. Each member of society of the priests in all things, and most of graphs. Most Mulhorandi know a basic
is expected to obey the law without them do so willingly. vocabulary of about 3,000 pictographs,
question, respect the authority of the while scribes, wizards, and priests
Mulhorandi always show great re-
priests without question, and honor the spect whenever a priest walks by, usu- learn a more extensive vocabulary.
gods without question. Mulhorand rep-

General Description and the Sunrise Mountains in the north, From the junction at Sekras, the river
are called the Furitep. These rugged flows northward to the Alamber. This
“Mulhorand is the gift of its rivers. No peaks are said to be impassable, though water is bitter but drinkable, and it car-
other force of nature, not even the this not quite true; one can get through ries a lot of sediments. A machine that
gods, is responsible for its greatness.” them in the summer, with the help of a pumps the river and filters the salt still
—Old Mulhorand saying donkey. operates at Sekras, though none but a
The fourth distinct region, the handful of priests of Thoth know its
Present-day Mulhorand is only a frac- Taranoth, is a series of high plains that workings. The river floods in summer
tion of the size it was when its empire rises from the sea between Skuld and time, though it is somewhat less pre-
was at its peak, but it is still a large and Sultim; this area is known for its dictable in its floods than the River of
powerful kingdom. Its northern border gloomy climate and spectacular cliffs Spears, which lies to the east. Large,
is the River of the Dawn, though it and falls. flat-bottomed boats carry cargo be-
claims the Priador and all of Thay as its Despite its arid climate, there is a tween Unther and Mulhorand settle-
rightful domain, and Mulhorand could great deal of cultivated lands in Mulho- ments on either side of the river, and a
march into Thazalhar unopposed if it so rand along the edges of the rivers and canal bypasses the pumps and allows
chose. Its eastern border is not estab- in the Great Vale. Farmland is either access to the upper river.
lished, but Mulhorand is thought to owned privately by a noble or run by Sekras is a small city. It was once the
have mastery of lands as far east as the the church. Laborers on church farms center of the cult of Sebek, but now it is
Sunrise Mountains and the River are slaves owned by the temples. infested with werecrocodiles. Paladins
Murghol, though Mulhorand has no Mulhorand usually saves its excess in the service of Osiris, with the tacit ap-
towns or outposts east of Ganathwood produce for times of famine, so it ex- proval of the priests of Horus-Re, de-
or the Fields of Ganath. The eastern ports very few crops. Crops grown in- stroyed the city and scattered the
border extends southward to the clude wheat, hay, and barley, with figs, inhabitants.
Sword Mountains, at the eastern edge dates, grapes, oranges, and other fruits Alongside the upper river are many
of the Great Vale, as far south as grown in the Great Vale. Cattle and pigs small farms. The lower river is mostly
Azulduth, the lake of salt. The western are the typical herd animals. uninhabited, except for hermits and
border extends from Azulduth along There are trees that are felled along wizards who choose to sequester them-
the River of Swords. the edge of the Sword Mountains, typi- selves from the control of the priests of
Within this expanse are desert, ruins, cally cedars and beech. One major for- Thoth. This area is known to be the
mountains, fertile fields, and cities that est, Ganathwood, lies along the border home of a number of sphinxes.
were great 2,000 years before the first of the Murghom-Mulhorand border in The River of Swords was given that
stone was place on Waterdeep, before the gap between the Sword and Sunrise name because it was here long ago that
the Zhentarim ever unleashed an evil mountains. the god-kings of Unther and Mulhorand
scheme, before Bane was even aware laid down their swords and swore an
that the Realms existed, a time when The River of Swords oath of eternal peace between the two
the world was young, even to the elves. kingdoms.
The words Mulhorand and “eternity” This long river forms the border be-
are the same in the language of the Mul- tween Mulhorand and Unther. It is di-
vided into two portions: The Lower The Great Vale
Mulhorand lies within a series of plains, Swords, which flow in two parts from The Great Vale, or Asanibis, is the
plateaus, lowlands and valleys. There are their sources to their junction by the breadbasket of Mulhorand. Here on
four distinct geographic divisions: ruins of Sekras, and the Upper Sword, great farms slavers and freeholders la-
The Menesankh, or Plain of Life, ex- which flows from Sekras to the Alam- bor to produce food to feed the cities of
tends in a crescent around the southern ber Sea. Mulhorand. The Great Vale begins in
tip of the Alamber Sea as far north as The Lower Swords are named the the shadow of the Sword Mountains,
Skuld; this is a mainly dry area of flat Blue Sword and the Green Sword. The where the god-kings and their servants
plains, irrigated by rivers, with occa- Blue Sword River lies entirely in Unther are buried in elaborate tombs on the
sional marshland. and has as its source a fresh water vale floor and on the mountainside. An-
The Asanibis is the Mulhorand name spring in the southeastern portion of cient step pyramids mix with obelisks
for the Great Vale, which is a land of that country. The Green Sword River as 3,000 years of the honored dead find
hills and plains that lies between the flows from its source in Azulduth, the housing to continue their existence in
Sword Mountains and the Menesankh. Great Salt Lake, and carries a consider- the afterlife.
The mountainous areas, which in- able amount of salt with it. The Green Ancient pumps provide continued irri-
clude the Sword Mountains in the south Sword is undrinkable. gation for these farms, and the flooding

of the River of Spears provides these southern Mulhorand, most notably Ges- The Cliffs of Leaping
farms with much-needed sediment. taniius, a great wyrm blue dragon that Horses
Priests of Osiris and priestesses of Isis has fed on the slaves working in the
travel into the Great Vale and use their Land of the Dead for well over 600 This is the horse land of Mulhorand,
magic to enhance the fertility of this years, the descendants of the wizard where great brown and white steeds
land. Slave farms are owned by the Nezram, and dracosphinxes. run along the plains; some are captured
churches, with individual faiths al- On the edge of the Sword Mountains, and used as draft animals; since the de-
lowed to build their own farms and in the Great Vale, are some of the tombs cline of the priesthood of Anhur they
compete in the selling of goods, though of the dead god-kings. The greatest are no longer taken for charioteering.
the majority of these farms belong to tomb, that of Horuseres II, was carved This is a large area of high plains, sev-
Horus-Re and are sublet to the priests out of the very mountainside and is said eral hundred feet above sea level.
of Osiris (which gives the priests of to lead into a treacherous series of natu- These plains are arid, but hardy plants
Horus-Re the threat of revoking the ral caverns where the pharaoh and his thrive here. A number of less welcome
leases on the farms if the priests of riches were entombed. None have ever beasts—hippogriffs and griffons—also
Osiris should turn against them). sacked his tomb, but several minions of use this area as hunting grounds. There
Crops grown here include wheat (em- Horus-Re (see new monsters, Divine are no major human settlements here,
mer) and barley (this is also the center Minions) guard it at all times. though some Mulhorandi have small
of Mulhorand’s ale, beer, and winemak- outposts where they capture horses.
This coastline is also dotted with a
ing); sheep, goats, pigs and cows are the River of Spears number of sea caves that serve as bases
principal animals herded in this region.
The Great Vale is primarily a dwelling This fast-flowing river has its source in for some of the pirates that roam the
place of humans. There are four towns, the Sword Mountains and its mouth at Alamber Sea.
Surbroar, Klondor, Ulzel, and Mishtan, Gheldaneth. It has two tributaries, the
each of which have between 2,000 and Mishtan and Klondor, named for the River Rauthengflow
5,000 people. Towns serve as a place of two towns nearest their sources. The
river provides water for the Great Vale North of the Cliff of Leaping Horses is
gathering during celebrations and trad- the great river Rauthenflow. It begins
ing; there are some slave farms with and its many farms. For large craft, this
river is only easily navigable near at Brightstar Lake in eastern Murghom,
more people than the towns. flows swiftly to its union with the River
Near Mishtan is the Land of the Dead, Gheldaneth, though small vessels regu-
larly race along the water near Ulzel Murghol, and then rushes into the
to which thousands of slaves and Alamber Sea at Rauthgor. These rain-
freemen are brought at flood time to and Surbroar, carrying small cargoes
and passengers. It is considered a risky bow falls are considered to be one of
help with the construction of new the most spectacular sights in all the
tombs. Transportation in this region is ride. The River of Spears floods regu-
larly in the summer, providing new soil Realms, and the area is known to be a
by horse (for nobles), by river, or by foot haven for mermaids. The Rauthenflow
(poorly tended roads lie some distance for the farmlands and moisture that
lasts most of the year; these lands are ir- is an extremely swift river, noted for its
from the river in a parallel course, and a cataracts, rapids, and whirlpools. Few
road connects Mishtan and Klondor). At rigable ten months of the year.
boats attempt to ride the rapids of
the present time, Klondor is threatened Rauthenflow; the river cannot be
by an attack of the dreaded Skriaxit (see River of Shadows
forded and the only bridge is at Rauthil,
the scenario “Rage of Dust” in the adven- This long, winding river has its source on the great Eastern Trading Road.
tures section). at a spring near the Sword Mountains. Most of the countryside around the
It does not flow as fast as the River of Rauthenflow is quite arid, inhabited
Sword Mountains Spears, but its waters are rocky and only by the most nasty of monsters.
This chain of high, allegedly impassable treacherous. It is also less predictable in This river is considered to be part of
mountains (no one in Mulhorand climbs its floods. At the delta, near Skuld, are the highland plain region called the
mountains—“because they’re there” large slave farms that raise flax and Taranoth.
has never occurred to them) separates papyrus and herd sheep. The major cit-
Mulhorand from the Plains of Purple
ies along this river are Jhalhoran, River of the Dawn
which is connected to Maerlar and Sur-
Dust; when the wind is very active on The River of the Dawn is the northern
the Plains, it blows red dust over the broar by the Great East Road, and Skuld
(City of Shadows), the capital of Mulho- border of Mulhorand, though Mulho-
mountaintops and onto the western rand still claims to rule the Priador
slopes. Within these mountains are a rand. It is from Skuld that the River gets
its name. (Thay). This river separates Mulhorand
number of fierce monsters that plague from Thazalhar, the region of Thay that

was devastated when Thay broke free avoid their notice, though Thayvian Waterdeep is the most splendid city in
of Mulhorand 400 years ago. Thay has a marines are not noted for caring who the Realms, an inhabitant of Skuld
small settlement in this region where they kill, capture, or throw into slavery. would argue heatedly with that state-
the Tharch and his bodyguard enforce This has resulted in a considerable ment. The Skuldians say that no place
Thay’s claim on this land, though Mul- number of Mulhorand fishermen being in the Realms can match the grandeur
horand regularly sends troops here to kidnapped by Thay. of the City of the Gods, the great towers
enforce its own claim. There are occa- Recently, the priests of Anhur have in which the manifestations of the gods
sional clashes, but Thay does not wish secretly built a large fleet, moored near are housed. This may be true, but the
to prod Mulhorand into a full-scale war, Sultim. They have bought many slaves rest of Skuld is squalid and decrepit, es-
so conflicts are carefully limited. and have trained them in seacraft; they pecially by comparison to the inner city.
The river is an extremely swift one, intend to sail against the Aldor and Ancient homes with patchwork repairs
even faster than the Rauthenflow. break Thayvian naval domination in the line the city streets. The markets are
There is but one bridge, which is part of Alamber Sea. The priests of Anhur small and cluttered in comparison with
the Great Eastern trading road; mer- hope to persuade the new pharaoh to those of the northern cities; even the
chants use this to bring their goods into support this enterprise, as they believe palaces of city officials are rundown.
and out of Thay. Though both nation’s Thay is now weak with internal strife And, probably most damning of all,
rulers disapprove, there is active trade and the Alamber is ripe for the taking. Skuld is not a cosmopolitan city.
between Thay and Mulhorand. The result of this battle is yet to be seen. Elves, halflings, and gnomes are for-
The priests of Horus-Re are alarmed. bidden in its streets, unless they have a
The Alamber Sea The priests of Anhur are determined to letter of entry issued by city bureau-
sail in the spring; Thayvian spies have crats or one of the temples.
This body of water is the easternmost warned the ruler of the Aldor of the at- Half-elves and dwarves may enter,
part of the Inner Sea. It serves as a bor- tack, but the administrators do not be- but they may not bear weapons or ar-
der between Mulhorand and Unther lieve that Mulhorand, “the senile giant,” mor unless a special (and expensive—
and is the home of a major sahuagin has the will to fight. ten gp and up) permit is issued by the
kingdom, the Aleaxtis, which is at best city authorities. As most half-elves and
an undependable ally of Thay. Many
trading vessels use the Alamber Sea on
Ship of the Gods dwarves who do enter Skuld come as
part of mercenary companies, this is a
the profitable trade route between the This small island in the Alamber Sea is
good revenue-generating rule.
ports of Sultim and Bezantur. Unther an active volcano. Its last eruption was
Visitors to the city are confined to ei-
and Mulhorand recognize this sea as 400 years ago, killing thousands (the is-
ther of the two merchant’s wards or the
open water, free for either nation to land was settled by Unther at the time).
shipyards, and they may not enter the
use, but neither country controls it. Now, it is used as a haven for pirates.
rest of the city. All wards are sur-
The northernmost island in this sea is The volcano has begun to come to life
rounded by high walls and heavy, well-
the Aldor, which is the Thayvian naval again, and the diviners in Skuld predict
guarded gates.
base. Currently, the dominant naval that it will issue a cloud of darkness
Trade comes in by sea or by the road
and merchant power in this area is within the next three years that will
to Maerlar. A low seawall serves as a
Thay; both Unther and Mulhorand find cover the city in ash.
break against tidal waves, natural or
it more convenient to ship their goods otherwise, and protects the city at a dis-
in Thayvian hulls and accept Thayvian Main Cities tance of three miles from shore. On the
goods than build their own ships and eastern side of the city, there is a large
find their own markets. Skuld cluster of tenements that have built up
There are also many pirates that live around the walls. This is the slave sec-
in small remote coves hidden along des- Skuld, City of Shadows, City of Eternity,
tion; though it’s outside the main wall, it
olate stretches of the coast of both Mul- is the oldest surviving city in the
is considered to be part of the main city.
horand and Unther, and on islands Forgotten Realms, with the possible ex-
Entering through the sea gate, there
south of the Aldor. They prey on ception of Underhome, the dwarven
are two shipyards: the naval yard,
smaller coastal trading vessels and oc- city in the Great Rift. In nine years, the
which contains Skuld’s fleet of 20 old
casionally surprise the crews of larger city will celebrate its 3500th anniver-
sary. It boasts that in that time no invad- and rotting ships, and the merchant
vessels who bring their ships into shore yard. Seagoing traffic docks at the mer-
or make emergency repairs. Thayvian ing army has ever breached its walls,
chant yard. Visiting crews are housed
navy crews regularly raid these pirate and that no invading army ever will, for
in inns located near the docks; this is a
bases; sometimes the pirates disguise Mulhorand is eternal.
rough-and-tumble place.
themselves as fishermen and try to While it is generally agreed that
Licensed merchants may operate busi-

nesses and store cargo in the adjacent Horus, and a large prayer tower from The city is supposed to be ruled by
warehouse district. The warehouse dis- which the god-kings make pronounce- the vizier, the strong right hand of the
trict was once accessible by draw- ments, usually once every century. pharaoh. In truth, the vizier is too busy
bridges over the River of Shadows, but The god-kings dwell in huge towering to run the city, so its affairs are handled
that gate has long been closed. palaces in the city where only priests by a high-level priest of Horus-Re; it is
The merchant district contains shops, may go. Each palace is an architectural not considered to be a very great honor.
inns, moneychangers, and stores that marvel, built thousands of years ago by The current chief administrator of
supply adventurers, except for weap- long-dead slaves. The tallest tower is the city is Ceianre of the House of
ons and arms; only priests of Horus-Re that of fallen Re, where the corpse of Horus. The captain of the guards is tra-
or Osiris are allowed to sell weaponry. his manifestation is entombed. A secret ditionally appointed by the priests of
The eastern gate leads to the road to passage connects the palace of the Anhur, but the priests of Horus-Re have
Maerlar. This is the most heavily pharaoh, incarnation of Horus-Re, with usurped that function, giving it to
guarded of the gates. A garrison of 500 that of his manifestation, and here the Teldartham (8th-level fighter), a cham-
mercenaries from Chessenta are incarnation comes for counsel. There pion of the Horus-Re priesthood. The
housed between an outer and inner are reputed to be arsenals of magic city itself has an unofficial brotherhood
gate as a precaution. The greatest within this inner city. of guardians from the priesthoods of
threat to Skuld, in the opinion of its Goods coming into the city are heavily Anhur, Osiris, and Isis: its leader is be-
leaders, comes from adventuring par- taxed, unless the merchant is chartered lieved to be Halcaunt (13th-level pala-
ties, not armies. Adventuring parties by the god-king of Mulhorand, in which din), a worshiper of Osiris. This
can find some inns and stables, but at case his goods are exempt from taxes. brotherhood believes that the cult of
inflated prices. This opens into the pal- The priests of Horus-Re control the Set has a base somewhere in Skuld,
ace district, where the wealthy of Skuld charters and line their pockets with the from which it is conspiring to destroy
live, and the palace itself, from which moneys gained from them. Guards in Mulhorand. The Brotherhood of Skuld
the vizier of Mulhorand and his bureau- the city are all mercenaries from Ches- has made some contact with famous ad-
crats rule the city and advise the phar- senta. They may not possess weapons venturing parties and personalities,
aoh. To the south of the palace district is or armor within the city unless they most notably the Simbul.
the crafts district, where goods are have a permit from the bureaucrats; Skuld has a total population of about
manufactured (often by licensed for- they may not cast spells without per- 95,000.
eigners), and the eastern merchant mission from the temple of Thoth,
ward, where more goods are bought which charges heavily to grant this Gheldaneth
and sold. right.
Gheldaneth is the second largest city in
The central ward is the people’s There are no establishments that ca-
Mulhorand. Where Skuld is a contrast
ward. Here more than 40,000 people ter to adventurers, though one can usu-
of high towers and ugly sprawl,
are housed—20,000 slaves (mostly ally find work at taverns in the
Gheldaneth is mostly sprawl. There is a
slaves to the privileged) and 20,000 merchant district as a bodyguard or
large port facility, as goods come by
freemen. The dwellings can only be de- armed escort for caravans. It is possible
ship from Unthalass and foodstuffs
scribed as a sprawling slum, with a few to join the city guard, though one must
come from the Great Vale by water or
dwellings preserving the distinctive swear total fealty to the god-king and
by land.
decorative style of Old Mulhorand. his priests.
The city is governed by the priests of
There are temples and shops inter- The punishment for crimes is often
Thoth, and the largest building is not
mixed with the dwellings in this area. death by decapitation, performed pub-
the palace but the great university
The temple of Osiris, on the southern licly in front of the temple of Horus-Re.
whose towers line the northern wall of
wall adjacent to the merchant and Capital crimes include murder, blas-
the city. It is compulsory for every citi-
warehouse districts, is the gateway to phemy, entering a forbidden area, lying
zen of Gheldaneth to learn how to read,
the catacombs, where the dead of the to a priest of Horus-Re, assault against a
write, count, and to be able to answer
city are buried. A number of monsters priest, theft from a priest, cursing a
simple questions about the history of
are known to live in the catacombs and, priest, killing a slave without due cause,
Mulhorand and its deities.
most notably several families of were- theft of a lord’s property, entry onto a
Even slaves are taught to read and
crocodiles and rakshasas. The most im- lord’s estate without permission, and
write. The very best students in Gheldan-
pressive building is the twin temples of assault against a guard.
eth may be accepted as apprentices to the
Horus-Re, whose huge pillars rise well There are trials, and sometimes the
Scribes’ Guild, which is one of the most
above the surrounding houses. Be- defendant can get off with forced ex-
prestigious positions in Mulhorand. So-
tween the temples is the gate to the City pulsion from Skuld and a bane spell (see
cial class is not a barrier to entry.
of the Gods, shaped in the symbol of new spells).

Adjacent to the university is the wiz- which is used as a supply station for the time; these temporary workers are
ards’ college, which is open only to initi- Mulhorand fishing fleet based in housed in makeshift dwellings that sur-
ates of Thoth. All new candidates for Delgora (the docks used to be in round the town.
admission to the college are magically Neldorild, but the fleet was forced out
screened to ensure that they are not of the city once it became a place for the Sampranasz
Thayvian spies trying to learn the se- wealthy). Theft is a capital offense in
crets of Thoth. All wizards in Mulho- Neldorild. This small town is important only be-
rand must travel here or to the temple Including its slaves, the population of cause it is the real center of the cult of
in Skuld to study wizardry. Set. Sampranasz has been destroyed
Neldorild is about 40,000.
Major temples in Gheldaneth are ded- three times in its history (first during
the Orcgate Wars, and twice since then
icated to Thoth, Nephthys, Horus-Re, Mishtan by natural disaster).
and Isis. The population of this city is
about 80,000. One of a number of small towns in the There are many hidden ruins within
Great Vale, Mishtan’s major claim to im- these walls; these are used by the cult
portance is that it is the gateway to the as meeting and worship places. The
Neldorild Land of the Dead, the burial grounds of town ruler is a military governor (Sa-
The fourth largest city in Mulhorand is the Pharaohs and their families. New nuet, 13th-level LE fighter) who was ap-
the coastal city of Neldorild. This is a constructions are constantly being pointed and trusted by the priests of
city of the rich, where noble families built, and the tombs of the pharaohs for Horus-Re but is secretly in the service
who wish to get away from the politics the next three generations have been of Set.
and woes of the realm come to retire. It planned; at flood time, the town teems The town is a fishing port. Its coastline
is a relatively new city and slaves and with masons, artisans, and slaves. has some marshland where papyrus can
masons still work endlessly on new Mishtan is ruled by the temple of be found in abundance. The town has a
structures. It is ruled by the priesthood Osiris, which oversees the Land of the population of 3,000; those who do not
of Nephthys. There is also a small port, Dead. It has a population of 2,000, but serve Set disappear very quickly.
Rasolind, five miles down the coast, booms to over 30,000 at construction

“Mulhorand prospers, as it has always ter by wizards throughout the Realms. Coinage
prospered, depending not on the unre- The slave farms of papyrus harvesters
liable fortunes of other powers.” in the delta of the River of Spears are Coinage in Mulhorand has been around
—Pharaoh Akonhorus II run by the temples of Thoth and for many years. Coins are primarily
Nephthys; both temples have waxed made of gold, dated and engraved with
Mulhorand is a slave-based agrarian rich from the proceeds. Flax grows in the face of the current pharaoh as a
economy. Foodstuffs are grown on the north, from which fine linen is symbol of authenticity; the edges have
slave farms in the Great Vale. There are made; this has made certain temples of demarcations to prevent further shav-
small farms that are owned by land- Anhur and Osiris quite rich. ing. There are two major coins: the pre-
owners, but the costs of slave leasing While Mulhorand imports slaves (usu- cept, a small coin worth three to five
makes them prohibitively expensive. ally from Thay), it never exports them. silvers elsewhere, and the pharaoh,
The slave farms are not an efficient sys- Selling Mulhorand citizens into slavery, worth one to two gold crowns else-
tem, but they provide more than or even selling Mulhorand slaves to for- where. The Mulhorand rate of ex-
enough food for the country’s needs. eigners in Mulhorand, is a capital of- change is six precepts to one crown.
Food grown in Mulhorand is used in fense. The general belief is that being a
Mulhorand; food exports are almost slave in Mulhorand is better than being a Only nobles and the middle class use
nonexistent, though when the north freeman in other nations. It is consid- coins. Most goods in Mulhorand are
suffers from drought some traders ered an insult to the pharaoh to assume bartered, especially among the lower
have bought grain from freeholders to that temple property can be resold to classes and slaves, who are permitted to
sell elsewhere. While Mulhorand often outsiders. This is yet another example of own property if given as gifts for good
has a food surplus, it is usually pre- Mulhorand arrogance. service (the temples are allowed to con-
served by magic for years of drought, Mulhorand does export wood to fiscate this money since technically the
which, thanks to the interference of the Thay, usually from the edges of slaves are their property and therefore
Red Wizards of Thay in the weather of Ganathwood. It is not a major business, anything that belongs to them belongs
the eastern Inner Sea, come more fre- and Mulhorand must rely on imports to the temple).
quently these days. Mulhorand is con- from the south for truly fine woods Real property in Mulhorand comes
tent to grow for its needs and does not that are finding increasing popularity from two sources, first being the own-
try to compete economically with Thay; in furnishings. ership of cattle and livestock. Meat is
this is in perfect harmony with most of Mulhorand has several major mines. considered to be a valuable commodity,
its political policies for the last three Gold is plentiful in the rivers, particu- and cattle farmers are among the most
centuries. larly in the Great Vale, and there are honored freemen. However, diseases
Each slave farm is controlled by a several gold mines in the Sword Moun- plague herds and flocks on frequent oc-
temple, and temple bureaucrats care- tains. These mines are perhaps the casions, so it is not always a stable
fully count and monitor distribution of most ancient ones ever devised by hu- source of wealth.
grain. Some temples are bribed by free- mans, using dwarven shaft-mining The second source of wealth is own-
holders to put them down as having less techniques. A good number of precious ership of land. The drawback to this
grain than they possess, thus enabling stones are mined in Mulhorand: agate, form of wealth is that the temples can
them to sell the surplus to traders and amethyst, and jasper are the most valu- confiscate land at any time. Were it not
avoid taxes. able. Granite is also plentiful; many for- for the priesthood of Osiris, which al-
Mulhorand produces papyrus, a reed eign sculptors insist on Mulhorand lows a displaced freeholder to chal-
that can be spun into a variety of granite for their works. lenge the temples in a just court, the
products including paper. Over the Mulhorand imports iron, fine timber, power of the priests of Horus-Re would
course of centuries, Mulhorand has in- silver, incense, spice, and perfume. be virtually absolute.
creased the efficiency of this process, These scarce commodities are provided
and Mulhorand paper is considered to by traders from the south.
be of extremely high quality, sought af-


“All thy affairs are sound and prosper- gods, so mortals are given tacit ap- tions in support of this include the radi-
ous; every responsible incumbent has proval for their political in-fighting. cal factions of Thoth and Osiris and the
reported to me, saying that all the Phar- Each priesthood can be roughly di- mainline and radical factions of Anhur
aoh’s affairs are sound and prosperous.” vided into three factions: conservative, and Nephthys.
—Rezim, typical report to mainline, and radical. There is often Current political issues in Mulhorand
Pharaoh Akonhorus fighting for leadership of each of the include the following:
factions of each priesthood. The con- l The Thayvian problem.

There are two forms of government in servative faction wants as little change l Rezim’s plan to sell slaves directly to

Mulhorand—a central government as possible. The radical faction believes freeholders instead of leasing them.
based in Skuld and run by the vizier that change is essential. The mainline (This has raised strong opposition from
(who may be overruled by the pharaoh, faction wants to preserve the power of the priests of Osiris, and there is grow-
but usually isn’t), and preceptual govern- its priesthood by avoiding violent dis- ing strain between those two tradition-
ments in cities and over wide areas. agreements between the conservative ally friendly priesthoods.)
There are 16 precepts in Mulhorand, and radical elements. l The sahuagin problem.

each of whom is appointed by the vizier, Each faction of each priesthood plays l The cult of Set problem.

though in areas that are controlled by a a part in determining the goals and di- l Complaints by traveling merchants

priesthood, the vizier appoints precepts rection of Mulhorand. It is not uncom- about poor road conditions and lack of
recommended by that priesthood. mon for a faction of a priesthood to protection against bandits. Rezim
The vizier is the most important indi- have more in common with a faction of wants to enact a stiff road tax (as in
vidual in Mulhorand. He is always the another priesthood than the other fac- Thay) and promises to repair the roads
most dominant priest of Horus-Re. He tions of its own priesthood. These fac- later. The merchants do not trust him.
appoints or approves of the appoint- tions can be lumped together according l Attempts by freeholders to expand

ments of all high-level bureaucrats and to their general goals, as follows: their trade and produce more items, so
all major officials. He can strip people of Status Quo: These people want to they can compete more effectively
land, titles, and freedom as he wills. He preserve the current state of Mulho- with Thay. This is supported by Rezim
is virtually a dictator, though sometimes rand and refrain from wars against for- and the church of Nephthys, but many
a vizier who is too unpopular is re- eign powers, including Thay. They be- within the church of Horus-Re see it as
moved by the pharaoh. lieve that Thay will eventually rejoin an attempt to destroy the traditional
Aside from the pharaoh, the only Mulhorand on its own volition. Factions approach to handling goods in Mulho-
challenge to the absolute authority of in this camp include the conservative rand that keeps the nation safe from
the vizier is from the justices, who are and mainline factions of Horus-Re and shortages.
chosen from the priests of Osiris. It is a Isis and the conservative factions of l Attacks by monsters on the Eastern

duty of Osirisian priests to uphold the Thoth and Osiris. Road and in the Great Vale have been in-
law, and a complainant may challenge Consolidationists: These people be- creasing, and the people are beginning
even the vizier in a court of law. The lieve that a war should be waged to demand that the dangerous areas be
burden of proof, of course, lies with the against Thay, but that now is not the cleared.
complainant. However, the judges in time to wage it. This faction wants to l Major conflicts between the priests

Mulhorand are honest and honorable build up the Mulhorand nation and of Horus-Re and Anhur are leading to
men. make careful preparations, which they increasing violence between their fol-
Because the leader of each priesthood believe will ensure that Thay falls lowers. The priests of Horus-Re have
wields a lot of political power, fighting quickly. Factions in support of this in- stripped the Anhurites of their tradi-
for the high priesthood is the source of clude the radical factions of Horus-Re tional dominions, embarrassed them at
bitter rivalry in all orders, with the ex- and Isis, the mainline factions of Thoth every opportunity, and would like to
ception of that of Osiris. Favoritism and and Osiris, and the conservative fac- destroy the priesthood outright.
political opportunism is rampant in tions of Anhur and Nephthys.
Mulhorand. The political leadership in Expansionists: This group believes The precepts in Mulhorand often
Mulhorand is often extremely ruthless; in restoring Mulhorand to the property have their own political struggles. The
there are few assassinations of person, boundaries that existed at the height of precepts are listed below and rated as
but many of character. the Second Empire. They wish to purge major, minor, or no importance in politi-
The incarnations are mostly specta- the Realms of all traces of Set, to de- cal terms:
tors to these power games. Incarna- stroy the Red Wizards, and to reclaim Aina (no): Includes the town of Aina,
tions are the religious heads of each Thay as part of Mulhorand. They want and the farms at the mouth of the River
priesthood, but they consider politics to to restore Mulhorand’s army and of Swords. Precept is Alakin (8th-level
be too mundane to be the pursuit of march on Thay as soon as possible. Fac- priest of Thoth).

Gheldaneth (major): Includes Ghel- the vizier is disappointed in him. It cur- This was typically the post held by the
daneth and the area at the mouth of the rently has no precept; one is expected high priest of Anhur, but Rezim has
River of Spears. Precept is Derlaunt to be appointed within the next six stripped the priests of Anhur of that
(13th-level priest of Thoth); Tholaunt, months, though Rezim may keep it privilege; the current precept is Kora-
Divine Precept of Thoth (his incarna- open for a while longer in case someone mon (10th-level fighter who serves
tion) can overrule Derlaunt’s decisions. disappoints him. Horus-Re).
Surbroar (no): Includes area around Rauthil (no): This position is identical Thazarim (minor): This precept has
Surbroar. Precept is Kesia (5th-level to that of Maerlar, except that this pre- one major responsibility—to ensure the
fighter who serves Isis). cept has less territory to guard. Rezim integrity of the northern border, since
Klondor (minor): Includes area likes to keep either Rauthil or Maerlar Thay has invaded twice. The precept
around Klondor and east to the Plains without a precept at all times, to have a lives in a small citadel just south of the
of Purple Dust. There are many mon- place to put his enemies. Its current River of the Dawn.
sters in this region, so there is a large precept is Ethnestus (4th-level priest of This was also traditionally an Anhur
garrison of Chessenta mercenary Horus-Re). post, but they have been stripped of
guards. Precept is Haskrayth (12th-level Rauthgor (no): This precept looks at this as well. The current precept is
fighter, chief of the mercenaries, who waterfalls all day, lives in a small iso- Mulhortep (15th-level fighter). Mulhor-
serves Assuran). lated keep, and if the pirates don’t get tep is a competent general and proba-
Ulzel (no): Serves area around Ulzel him, the sahuagin will. This position is bly the best man for the job.
and the immediate south. Precept is given to an enemy that the vizier wants Sampranasz (minor): This precept is
Nessisi (10th-level priest of Isis). to eliminate. The current precept is Bo- really in the service of Set. The precept
Mishtan (major): Serves Mishtan and kasin (10th-level fighter/6th-level priest controls the town of Sampranasz and
the Land of the Dead. Precept is respon- of Anhur). the surrounding area. The current pre-
sible for the tombs of the pharaohs and Ganath (major): This is a major post cept is Sanuet (13th-level fighter).
other important Mulhorandi. Its pre- because it is located in Murghyr, capital One may wonder whether a person
cept is Temis (12th-level priest of Osiris). of Murghom. It is mostly a diplomatic can refuse the position of precept,
Jhalhoran (minor): Serves Jhalhoran post, as the precept of Ganath is also the given the lack of honor or the certain
and lands west; responsible for road pa- Mulhorandi ambassador to Murghom. danger of various precepts. The answer
trols on the Great Eastern Trade Road. It is considered a nice place to get away is yes, but those who refuse have ru-
Precept is Ulara (13th-level priest of from the infighting of Mulhorandi poli- ined their political careers. When a per-
Nephthys). Nephita, the current incar- tics, and is typically given to old, re- son refuses the vizier, tradition has it
nation of Nephthys, also dwells here. spected priests of Horus-Re. The that he is expected to leave the bureau-
Skuld (minor): The reason the pre- current precept is Imthalos (17th-level cracy forever.
cept of Skuld is only a minor position is priest of Horus-Re). In the case of Rauthgor, where an An-
that the vizier has the ability to over- Sultim (major): This was once a minor hurite holds the post, Bokasin felt that
rule the precept on any matter, and the post, but as Sultim is the fastest grow- the priesthood needed to hold at least
precept is really only second-in- ing city in Mulhorand, the importance one precepthood to maintain a sense of
command of Skuld. The current pre- of this post is now equal to that of Ghel- honor; refusing would have been a seri-
cept is Ceianre (11th-level priest of daneth. The precept is responsible for ous blow to the integrity of the priests of
Horus-Re). the safety of Mulhorand’s largest port Anhur. To protect Bokasin, the Anhuri-
Maerlar (no): The main job of this pre- and is supposed to try to bring order to tes are spending a lot of flax money on
cept is to make sure that the crossroads the chaos of Outer Sultim. None have improving the fortifications.
are continually guarded. Attaining this come close to succeeding in the latter
position is usually considered to be the responsibility.
vizier’s way of telling a henchman that

“The justice of a god is a lack of partial- request that a tribunal be called to set- The inquiry concluded that they
ity. When you see one whom you know, tle disputes of property and marriage. were magically controlled, had no
treat him as though you know him not, They charge a rather expensive fee for awareness of their actions, and there-
and those who are close to your person this service. fore weren’t responsible. It was con-
as those who are distant from you. Do The greatest power that a judge of cluded that the cult of Set was
not avoid the petitioner, but hear his Osiris has is the ability to call an inde- responsible. In other nations, as the
case with eagerness. Be not angered pendent inquiry. If a judge views any priests of Osiris are quick to point out,
without justice. Great is justice when its political situation as suspicious, he can justice would have consisted of a sum-
justices are great; in the eyes of truth, a call up to two other judges and deter- mary execution and the real culprits
slave and a pharaoh are as one.” mine if any laws were broken. The re- would never have been discovered.
-The Code of Justice of sults of this inquiry are given to the The major threat to the system of jus-
the priests of Osiris vizier, who has the right to ignore them tice in Mulhorand is Rezim, the vizier. He
if he feels like it. eventually plans to strip the priests of
In Mulhorand, there is no uniform Magical spells and divinations are fre- Osiris of their ability to put any of his
code of justice; each precept has its quently relied on to determine the servants on trial; all crimes committed
own laws, which are for the most part truth in Mulhorandi courts. Most re- by the priests of Horus-Re would be
similar but sometimes have unusual cently, following the assassination of tried by priests of Horus-Re. Given that
variations. Akonhorus II, there was an inquiry to Rezim has enough political problems at
There are both good and bad aspects determine whether the guards who the moment, it’s not likely he’ll push this;
to Mulhorandi justice. The bad aspects killed him were responsible for their he would very much like to free himself
are that punishments are very severe. actions. of the legal yoke of the Osirisians.
They consist of banishment from
Mulhorand with a curse, imprison-
ment, or execution. Property and goods
are usually confiscated and lost forever.
There are many deaths over what ADVENTURERS IN
would elsewhere be trivial offenses.
On the other hand, the system of jus- MULHORAND
tice is very good. Justice is handled by
the priests of Osiris, who often send “Adventure? Ha! Excitement? Bah! A a priest, or saying an obscenity in a tem-
priests from town to town to hear cases Mulhorandi craves not these things!” ple, which can be interpreted as af-
and render judgments. The judges are —Yeda, high priest of Akonhorus I fronts to the temple.
genuinely fair, reasonable, and incor- Second, a Mulhorandi can be an es-
ruptible. On the other hand, the burden Mulhorandi, being residents of para- caped slave; the life of a Mulhorand
of proof is usually on the accused to dise, are scornful of the idea that pro- slave is better than a slave’s life in most
prove his innocence, not on the accuser. fessional adventuring companies can other places (especially Thay), but it still
Capital crimes include murder, killing do anything other than create chaos. isn’t that pleasant.
a slave, damaging church property, Most precepts and officials persecute Third, a Mulhorandi might be sent by
theft from a church, using a god’s name all treasure hunters and adventurers, his priesthood (especially the priest-
in vain, grave robbing, teaching with the exception of mercenaries that hood of Anhur) to make allies in the
Mulhorand magical spells to foreigners, have been specifically hired to guard or west.
assaulting a priest, building a dam on patrol the cities. The general belief is Fourth, a Mulhorandi might be in-
the River of Spears, and espionage. that adventuring companies do not fit trigued by the different lifestyles of the
Imprisonment or banishment crimes into Mulhorand society, and thus they west and wish to experience them first-
include theft, insulting a priest, assault, threaten its traditions. hand.
selling weapons to foreigners, leading There are a few ways that a PC adven- It is not recommended that a wizard
foreigners to grave sites, stating mali- turer can come from Mulhorand. of Mulhorand be allowed outside of
cious falsehoods about the nobles of the First, an adventurer might be a ban- Mulhorand. If the DM allows this, the
realm, hurting a slave, lying to a priest, ished Mulhorandi (but a wizard is killed wizard shouldn’t have access to the
cursing a priest, and wearing armor rather than banished so that he cannot new spells listed in the Appendix of this
without a permit. Wizards are never reveal the secrets of Thoth to the ene- book; player characters who want
banished. mies of Mulhorand). these spells must be very conniving and
Civil disputes are handled by a tribu- Mulhorandi might be banished for work very hard to wrest these secrets
nal of the priests of Osiris. Anyone may minor crimes like spitting in the sight of from Mulhorand.

“The gods are content and happy- Another important concept is that of “slumbering” and “in their dotage.” It
hearted, and life is spent in glad an incarnation. The incarnation is a should be noted that Horus-Re and the
laughter.” mortal form of a deity. An incarnation is other members of this pantheon con-
—Old Mulhorand saying very powerful, equal to a high-level sider Mulhorand to be a paradise that
character, occasionally possessing mi- rarely needs the intervention of deities.
From their very beginnings, the people nor divine powers, but still capable of It will be noted more than once in this
of Mulhorand used the Egyptian pan- being slain (Tholaunt, an incarnation of text that the priests do not share their
theon as their own; the pantheons of Anhur, was slain 30 years ago by Vale- masters’ disinterest in the day-to-day af-
Mulhorand and Unther are the only rios of Pyardos, one of the Tharchions fairs of this land.
lands where worshipers venerate fami- of Thay). Incarnations compose most of The goal of a Mulhorand citizen, of
lies of deities in the Realms. The gods of a pharaoh’s royal family, but the eldest any social or economic class, is to have a
Egypt are for the most part god-kings of is always an incarnation of Horus-Re. good life and to make preparations for
Mulhorand. The pharaoh of Mulhorand An incarnation has the general temper- the afterlife. It is the belief of those who
is almost always an incarnation of the ament of a manifestation, but it is not worship the gods of Mulhorand that life
god Horus, and the other members of under the direct control of the deity after death is merely a continuation of
the royal family are incarnations of the and can be affected by mortal weak- life; when one expects to die, one must
other gods of this pantheon. nesses and foibles. prepare for a journey. This belief
To understand the gods, it is neces- A third term that is used in Mulho- shapes much of Mulhorand culture,
sary to understand a number of basic rand is the cult of a god. A cult is a art, and architecture.
concepts. The true gods of Mulhorand, group of worshipers devoted to a single Mulhorandi worship many gods, but
Egypt, and the other cultures on other god within a pantheon of deities. Thus a most of these are local cults that spring
worlds that employ this pantheon live cult of Isis recognizes all deities of the up and disappear every few genera-
in the outer planes. pantheon but focuses devotion on the tions. There are seven major deities,
However, this pantheon prefers to goddess Isis. however, who have extensive priest-
dwell physically at a holy place within Mulhorand is an absolute theocracy. hoods and influences. The following
this plane. This physical form of the de- The priests are the instruments of the section is a brief description of this pan-
ity is called a manifestation. It is immor- government of the pharaoh, who is re- theon, their names, titles, and symbols,
tal, very powerful (sometimes of sponsible only to the gods for his action. the spheres and weapons allowed their
Greater Power status), and is the mas- All land that is not privately owned be- priests, and the power of their manifes-
ter of that deity’s affairs on the plane. longs to the god-kings. All slaves are the tations and incarnations.
For most purposes, the manifestation property of the god-kings and must be
of a deity can be considered to be the rented from the church of Horus. They Central Pantheon
deity, with one essential difference. A must be treated well, for they are the
deity who leaves the plane may pass on property of the gods. All commands of
the power of his manifestation to an- the god-kings must be obeyed. This ar-
other; when the manifestation of Re rangement gives great power to the (Ramathant in Thay, Rumathep in Un-
(also known as Ra) was slain during the priesthood. ther)
Orcgate Wars, he passed on his power In spite of this, the deities of Mulho- God of War, Champion of Physical
to the manifestation of Horus, who took rand are not fanatics devoted to abso- Prowess, General of the Gods of Mulho-
the name Horus-Re. lute control over the people. Most of the rand, Supreme Marshall of All Armies
In more extreme circumstances, a de- real power in Mulhorand belongs to the
ity who clashes with another deity and priests. The gods generally believe that Status: CG, Lesser Power, Prime Mate-
who has a greater following among mortals should be in charge of most of rial Plane
mortals may demand that the rival their daily affairs. They do not believe Symbol: A cord bound with a khopesh
manifestation surrender his power; if a in exporting their worship to other na-
war deity who had a greater number of tions: in Mulhorand, one worships the Spheres: Major—All, Charm, Combat,
worshipers than Anhur arose, he might gods of Mulhorand, and in other na- Guardian, Protection; Minor—
force Anhur to surrender the power of tions, one worships the gods of that na- Divination, Elemental, Healing, Nec-
his manifestation. When a manifesta- tion. This is seen as a reasonable and romantic
tion is successfully challenged for his tolerant philosophy. The gods of Mulho- Weapons Allowed: Any (though lance is
worshipers or destroyed in combat, he rand place their trust in the priests to the only allowable polearm)
is forever banished from the plane, run the nation, intervening on very
though a gate spell might summon the rare occasions, which gives the world Special Requirements: Minimum STR
deity’s true form. the impression that the god-kings are 13, DEX 14, CON 12

Special Abilities: At 10th level, priests of Status: LN(G), Greater Power, Prime Spheres: Major—All, Animal, Charm,
Anhur get 3/2 attacks with melee Material Plane Creation, Guardian, Healing, Necro-
weapons. At 20th level, priests of mantic, Plant, Protection, Weather;
Symbol: A hawks head with a pharaoh’s
Anhur get two attacks per round. Minor—Divination
crown surrounded by a solar circle.
Ethos: Priests of Anhur are obliged to Weapons Allowed: Staff, Flail
Spheres: Major—All, Astral, Charm,
defend the territory of Mulhorand, Combat, Sun, Summoning; Minor— Special Requirements: Isis is served
out to its historic boundaries. They Creation, Divination, Elemental, only by priestesses. No men may be
are to smite the enemies of the Guardian, Animal, Healing, Necro- priests of Isis.
realm, and keep its people, high- mantic, Protection, Weather
born or slave, safe from evil. Special Abilities: At 10th level, a priestess
Weapons Allowed: Mace, Staff, Staff- of Isis gets a bonus spell: control
In the days before the Orcgate Wars, at Sling weather (as per 7th-level priest
the height of Mulhorand’s power, the spell).
Ethos: Priests of Horus must provide
god Anhur was one of the most re- leadership. They are sworn to use Ethos: Priestesses of Isis are charged to
spected in Mulhorand; he had a cult church property honestly. They are protect the heroes of Mulhorand.
that was second only to Re’s in size. Af- to guard the persons, property, and They often fashion charms for those
ter the death of Re, Anhur retained his hallowed places of Horus-Re with whose deeds have won her favor.
title of general of the gods, but he grad- their lives. They are the sworn ene-
ually fell from favor. Horus-Re is the mies of Set. While Osiris is the god of the harvest, it
god of eternity and perpetual order, is to Isis that Mulhorand prays at plant-
while Anhur is an aggressive advocate Horus-Re is the chief deity of Mulho- ing; her priestesses use their weather
of change and conflict; the two gods do rand, a fusion of the gods Horus and Re. control spells to ensure a bountiful
not get along well. Priests of Horus-Re When the manifestation of Re was slain harvest.
have blamed Anhur and his priesthood during the Orcgate Wars, he be- Isis, wife of Osiris and sister of Thoth,
for many of the losses suffered by Mul- queathed his power to the young god is the most beloved deity of the com-
horand (the priests of Horus-Re have Horus, who took the name Horus-Re. mon people. She has many aspects:
hired Chessentan mercenaries to re- Horus-Re then assumed the position wise woman, dutiful wife, joyful lover,
place the armies, as most Mulhorandi of chief deity of the Mulhorand pan- mother of children, benign rainstorm,
soldiers worship Anhur). theon, banishing the usurper Set. and nurturer of babes and harvests. Isis
Today, the cult of Anhur is small but Horus-Re is a confident deity who be- is always seen as a woman of even tem-
extremely vigorous. Priests of Anhur lieves strongly in the concept of maat per and great dedication.
have converted many of the Chessen- (justice, honor, order, and righteous- The center of Isis’s worship is in the
tan mercenaries to his worship, and the ness). Horus-Re believes that Mulho- Great Vale. There are many temples de-
priesthood is growing. The bitterness rand is eternal, and to promote eter- voted to her elsewhere, including in
between the priests of Anhur and nity, one must deny change, so Horus- Unther, where the manifestation of
Horus-Re has created more than its Re tries to discourage change. The Ishtar surrendered her power to Isis
share of conflict, and there is much manifestation of Horus-Re is said to ex- (the people of Unther worship in the
court intrigue between these two fac- ist everywhere throughout Mulhorand. name of Ishtar, but their devotion really
tions, though the priests of Anhur are The center of Horus-Re’s worship is in goes to Isis).
not yet powerful enough to openly chal- Skuld, but there are many temples
lenge Horus-Re. throughout Mulhorand devoted to him. Nephthys
The center of Anhur’s worship is Sul-
tim, though he has temples across Mul- (Nesharia in Thay, Neselthia in Unther)
horand and in Chessenta, where his Goddess of Commerce, Wealth, and the
cult is growing in popularity. (Isharia in Thay, Ishtar in Unther) Dead, the Devoted Lady, the Avenging
Goddess of Weather, Lady of the Rivers, Mother of the Gods
Horus-Re Mother of the Harvest, Lady of All Love Status: CG, Lesser Power, Prime Mate-
(Helcaliant in Thay, Hokatep in Unther) Status: NG, Lesser Power, Prime Mate- rial Plane
Lord of the Sun, Master of Vengeance, rial Plane Symbol: Horns around a lunar disk
Ruler of Mulhorand, Protector of the Symbol: Ankh and Star
Priador, Overseer of Thesk, Guardian
of Semphar, Pharaoh of the Gods.

Spheres: Major—All, Astral, Charm, The centers of Osiris’s worship are in
Creation, Healing, Necromantic, Jhalhoran and Mishtan. While there are
Sun; Minor—Divination, Guardian, not many temples elsewhere devoted to
Protection, Weather Osiris, most tombs contain shrines dedi-
cated to him, and decorations that ven-
Weapons Allowed: Staff, Flail erate him.
Special Requirements: Nephthys is only
served by priestesses. No men may Set
be priests of this cult.
(Typhon elsewhere)
Ethos: Priestesses of Nephthys are
God of Evil, the Desert, and the Night,
charged to be faithful to their hus-
Lord of Carrion, Father of Jackals,
bands and to encourage faithful-
Brother of Serpents, the Outcast of the
ness in others. Priestesses of
Gods, King of Malice
Nephthys are sworn to avenge the
death of those Mulhorandi killed by Status: LE, Lesser Power, Prime Mate-
the Red Wizards of Thay. rial Plane
Symbol: Coiled Cobra
While Isis, Nephthys’s sister, is goddess
of love, Nephthys is the goddess of de- Spheres: Major—All, Animal, Charm,
votion and trust. Her trustworthiness Combat, Elemental, Guardian, Nec-
also makes her popular with the romantic, Protection, Summoning;
wealthy, who pray to her to protect Minor—Creation, Healing, Weather
Special Requirements: WIS 15
their fortunes. Nephthys is a sworn en- Weapons Allowed: Spear, Staff, Mace,
emy of the Red Wizards of Thay, as the Special Abilities: Priests of Osiris may
Whip, Flail, Hammer, Composite
Red Wizards slew many of her fol- take an extra spell at each spell level,
lowers in the fall of the Priador. provided that it is in the Plant sphere
Thus Nephthys has assumed “the Special Requirements: Priests of Set
Ethos: Priests of Osiris are sworn to
Avenging Mother” persona, that of a must shave their heads.
judge and mediate disputes hon-
mother who will do anything to protect estly. They must use their powers to Special Abilities: At 5th level, a priest of
or avenge her children. assist in the harvest. They must live Set may create poison in the same
The center of Nephthys’s worship is by the code of maat, and perform all quantity as a create water spell. At
in Neldorild. Most housewives build a burial rituals for the dead. 10th level, he may summon one
shrine to her in their homes, and they minion of Set (as per new spell sum-
store goods for the afterlife in a chest or Osiris is a respected deity in Mulho- mon minion, once per day). At 15th
cupboard dedicated to her. rand, but his cult is small. He was slain level, any pointed weapon they
by Set but brought back to life by Isis wield is automatically poisonous
Osiris and Nephthys, so he is the god of death, (opponents’ saving throws vs. poi-
(Osriant in Thay, Ozrikotep in Unther) as opposed to Horus-Re, god of life. son suffer a -2 penalty; those who
Priests of Osiris are the justices of Mul- fail die in 1d4 rounds).
Lord of Nature, Guardian of the Dead, horand, so a high Wisdom is a required
Judge of Mulhorand Ethos: Priests of Set are charged to de-
attribute. stroy the priesthoods of Horus-Re
Status: LG, Lesser Power, Prime Mate- The priests of Osiris must follow the and Osiris, to bring Set to his right-
rial Plane concepts of maat (justice, honor, order, ful place as god-king of Mulhorand,
and righteousness). Should a priest act and to spread the cult of Set
Symbol: White Crown in a manner contrary to maat, he is throughout the Realms. They are to
Spheres: Major—All, Animal, Combat, stripped of his powers and authority sacrifice sentient creatures and
Creation, Guardian, Healing, Necro- (much as a paladin who has gone off the wealth to him.
mantic, Plant, Protection, Sun; path loses his paladinhood). Paladins
Minor—Charm, Divination, Protec- and rangers in Mulhorand are all devo- Set, brother of Osiris, is the most evil
tion, Summoning, Weather tees of Osiris. deity worshiped in Mulhorand. He is
The priests of Osiris avoid court in- said to have challenged the authority of
Weapons Allowed: Staff, Sling, Ham- trigue and adventure, preferring to
mer, Mace, Flail, Staff-Sling Re and Osiris for the leadership of the
deal with everyday concerns.

gods, slew Osiris (who was later of Thoth have been given credit for the
brought back to life by Isis), and was creation of many of Mulhorand’s
Powers of the Gods
then defeated by Horus and cast into unique magical items and its experi- In their physical forms as manifesta-
the desert. While only evil people ven- ments with technology. tions and incarnations, the gods of Mul-
erate Set, sometimes those who travel The center of Thoth’s worship is Ghel- horand have a number of special
in the desert make offerings to him to daneth, but he has temples across Mul- powers that are available only to them.
appease his wrath. horand and in some parts of Unther. These are not as powerful as the abili-
The center of Set’s worship is in Sam- The priesthood of Thoth is smaller ties available to true Powers in their
pranasz (this is a closely guarded se- than all other major deities, due to the otherworldly forms.
cret). There are many enclaves of Set difficult entry requirements. Following is a listing of these abilities.
worship, some of them outside Mulho- A number in parentheses indicates how
rand. The manifestation of Set is said to Other Deities many times each day that power may
reside in a tower somewhere in the des- be used. These are guidelines; all deities
ert Raurin. Other deities from the Egyptian pan- may not have access to all of these
theon have very small cults or centers powers.
of worship, and do not play a part in the
Thoth politics of the Old Empires, These dei- Manifestations
(Tholaunt in Thay, Thalatos in Unther) ties include the following:
All have the following abilities:
Lord of Magic, Scribe of the Gods,
Hathor (Goddess of Childbirth, NG): De-
Knower of All Secrets, King of Knowl-
picted as a woman with a cow’s head, All Divination Spells (at will)
edge, Protector of Murghom
this is the goddess venerated by moth- Planar Travel/Survival
Status: N, Greater Power, Prime Mate- ers. She is also the goddess of folk mu- Comprehend/Speak All Languages/
rial Plane sic, dance, and poetry. This goddess is Magic
worshiped in the farmlands by serfs Continual Light/Darkness (at will)
Symbol: An ibis head superimposed
and slaves, whereas Nephthys is wor- Geas (at will)
against an ankh
shiped in the cities and by the rulers. Infravision
Spheres: Major—All, Astral, Charm, Polymorph Self (at will)
Creation, Divination, Elemental, Geb (God of the Earth, N): This god is Remove Curse/Fear (at will)
Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, mostly worshiped by miners, who set Teleport (no error)
Sun; Minor—Animal, Guardian, up crude shrines; his image adorns the
Plant, Protection openings of mine shafts. Greater Powers have the following
Weapon Allowed: Staff abilities:
Sebek [God of Rivers, N(E)]: This
Special Requirements: Priests of Thoth crocodile-headed deity is worshiped in Command (three-round duration)
must have Wisdoms of 17. Before the wetlands, away from the cities. This Control Weather/Temperature (at will)
entering the priesthood, they must cult has been persecuted for several Death Spell (2)
have advanced to 5th-level wizard, centuries. All crocodiles are said to be Dispel Evil/Good/Magic/Illusion (6)
then they must switch classes. his children. Gate (2)
Ethos: Priests of Thoth are commanded Heal (2)
to research magic, to protect the se- Mask (God of Thieves, N): This is the one Holy Word/Unholy Word (1)
crets of Thoth, and to spread magic deity not native to Mulhorand who has Improved Invisibility (at will)
throughout Mulhorand. They are achieved any amount of popularity; his Polymorph Any Object (1)
commanded to protect Mulhorand following is small and limited to thieves. Polymorph Other (3)
from the traitors and necromancers Protection From Evil/Good, +3, 30’
of Thay. The priests of Thoth are to The God-Kings: These are blood rela- radius
use weaponry as little as possible, tives of the incarnations, but no divine Quest (2)
for magic is their weapon. spirits reside within them. They are Restoration (3)
mortals with exceptional god-given abil- Resurrection (1)
Thoth is the lord of magic, one of the old- ities (high stats and levels), but they do Time Stop (1)
est deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon. not possess divine power. There are True Seeing (3)
He is also one of the most vigorous. many god-kings in Mulhorand (see “Per- Wish (1)
Thoth is vizier of the gods and scribe sonalities,” page 30).
to the pharaoh Horus-Re. Incarnations

Lesser Powers have the following Incarnation DMG/ATT 3d12 + 14/3d10 + 14
abilities: MR: 75%
AC: +5 CLASSES: Fighter 19, Priest 18, Mage 19
Command (two-round duration) (2) MOVE: 15 STR 25 (+7, +14) DEX 25 CON 23 INT
Death Spell (1) HIT POINTS: 125 25 WIS 21 CHA 24
Dispel Evil/Good/Illusion/Magic (3) THAC0: 3 SA: Double Power to any magical item
Gate (1) #AT: 2 or weapon he uses: 18d6 fireball
Heal (1) DMG/ATT: 1d10 + 12/1d10 + 12 (wand), monster summoning VII, shape
Limited Wish (1) MR: 5% change, and project image (each at will),
Polymorph Others (1) CLASSES: Ranger 18, Mage 3 spear kills all shapechanged creatures
Protection From Evil/Good, +2, 20’ STR 24 (+6, +12) DEX 24 CON 22 INT (no saving throw); awe effect stuns up
radius 18 WIS 11 CHA 12 to 10HD (or levels).
Quest (1) SA: The incarnation of Anhur may SD: Immune to 1st- to 5th-level spells
Restoration (1) turn undead as an 18th level priest. when using sword. Immune to 1st- to
Summon Minion (2) Weapons: Two-handed sword, or great 7th-level illusion/phantasm spells; many
True Seeing (2) spear. spell immunities due to high Wisdom
Armor: Scale mail. score.
Incarnations Other Items: Per individual incarnation.
All have the following abilities: Incarnation
The manifestation of Anhur appears as a
Command (two-round duration) (1) muscular human, usually a heroic AC: +1
Comprehend Languages/Tongues fighter. MOVE: 15
Detect Good/Evil Dispel Magic (2) HIT POINTS: 150
Detect Lie (3) Horus-Re THAC0: 6
Know Alignment (at will) #AT: 2
Manifestation DMG/ATT: 1d6 + 12/1d6 + 12
Polymorph Self (at will)
Summon Minion (1) MR: 50%
AC: +2 CLASSES: Fighter 15, Priest 14, Mage 16
Teleport (no error) MOVE: 15, Fl 15
True Seeing (1) STR 21(+4, +9) DEX 22 CON 21 INT 21
THAC0: 2
The Gods #AT: 2 Weapon: Staff +3
Armor: None (AC 4 is natural, plus DEX
Anhur adjustment)
Other Items: Per individual incarnation
Manifestation SA: The incarnation of Horus-Re has an
awe effect, at will, that causes all crea-
AC: +5 tures up to 4HD (or levels) to be stunned
MOVE: 15, Fl 24 while in his presence.
HIT POINTS: 250 SD: High Intelligence makes him im-
THAC0: 1 mune to all illusion/phantasm spells of
#AT: 2 3d level or lower; high Wisdom grants
DMG/ATT: 6d10 + 14/6d10 + 14 him immunity to the following spells:
MR: 20% cause fear, charm person, command,
CLASSES: Ranger 20, Mage 7 friends, hypnotism, forget, hold per-
STR 25 (+7, +14) DEX 25 CON 25 INT son, ray of enfeeblement, scare.
19 WIS 12 CHA 12
SA: Special weapon (lance), negates en- The manifestation of Horus-Re appears
emy’s strongest ability (no saving as a muscular man with the head of a
throw), destroys all undead within 50 hawk. The incarnations of Horus-Re
yards. are human in appearance but have fa-
cial features that suggest a hawk (sharp
nose, glittering eyes). They may also
speak with birds at will.

Isis Nephthys Osiris
Manifestation Manifestation Manifestation

AC: +2 AC: 2 AC: +2

MOVE: 12, Fl 24 MOVE: 12, Fl 12 MOVE: 12, Fl 24
THAC0: 11 THAC0: 12 THAC0: 5
#AT: 3/2 #AT: 3/2 #AT: 2
DMG/ATT: 1d10 DMG/ATT: By weapon DMG/ATT: 3d10 + 12/3d10 + 12
MR: 90% MR: 30% MR: 70%
CLASSES: Ranger 10, Mage 20 CLASSES: Fighter 8, Priest 14, Mage 16 CLASSES: Ranger 16, Priest 20, Mage 18
STR 10 DEX 20 CON 19 INT 25 WIS 23 STR 17 (+1, +1) DEX 21 CON 20 INT 20 STR 24 (+6, +12) DEX 19 CON 23 INT
CHA 23 WIS 18 CHA 21 22 WIS 22 CHA 23
SA: May cast any spell as a 20th-level SA: Death rays (120-yard range, saving SA: Special weapon (scepter) negates all
mage, an unlimited number of times. throw vs. spell with +6 penalty); divine 4th-level or lower spells cast at him;
Magical headdress puts her in mental awe stuns 4HD or levels, or lower. awe effect stuns all creatures of 8HD or
contact with any native Mulhorandi SD: Immune to 1st- and 2nd-level levels or lower; anyone who touches his
deity. illusion/phantasm spells. body in battle must roll a successful sav-
ing throw vs. death or die; shapechange
Incarnation Incarnation at will; controls all vegetation in a 200-
yard radius, at will.
AC: +1 AC: 2 SD: Sees all invisible objects and illu-
MOVE: 12 MOVE: 12 sions for what they really are.
THAC0: 13 THAC0: 14 Incarnation
#AT: 1 #AT: 1
AC: 0
DMG/ATT: By weapon DMG/ATT: By weapon
MOVE: 12
MR: 70% MR: 15%
CLASSES: Fighter 8, Mage 18 CLASSES: Fighter 6, Priest 12, Mage 14
THAC0: 6
STR 10 DEX 19 CON 18 INT 23 WIS 22 STR 16 (+0, +1) DEX 16 CON 19 INT 19
#AT: 2
CHA 22 WIS 17 CHA 20
DMG/ATT: 1d6 + 11/1d6 + 11
SA: The incarnation of Isis may use any SA: The incarnation of Nephthys has di- MR: 65%
Weather spell at will, as an 18th-level vine awe that affects all creatures of CLASSES: Ranger 15, Mage 15, Priest 18
caster. She may, at will, stun up to 6 HD 2HD or levels or lower, at will; may cast STR 23 (+4, +10) DEX 18 CON 20 INT
or levels with her divine awe. a deathbolt, as per the manifestation, 21 WIS 19 CHA 20
SD: The incarnation of Isis is immune to once every two rounds, saving throw SA: The incarnation of Osiris may use
1st- to 5th-level illusion/phantasm spells with +3 penalty. any Plant spell at will, once per round;
and to the following spells due to her Weapons: By individual incarnation awe effect stuns all creatures of 2HD or
high Wisdom: cause fear, charm per- Armor: None levels or lower, at will.
son, command, friends, hypnotism, for- Other Items: Per individual incarnation SD: Immune to 1st- to 3rd-level illusion/
get, hold person, ray of enfeeblement, phantasm spells; immune to following
scare, fear, charm monster, confusion, The manifestation of Nephthys appears spells due to high Wisdom: cause fear,
emotion, fumble, suggestion. as a beautiful woman in royal garb. charm person, command, friends, hyp-
Weapons: Magic khopesh or mace Nephthys is the twin sister of Isis. notism.
Armor: Cloth Weapons: Typically wields a magical
Other Items: Per individual incarnation mace.
Armor: None (base AC 4, plus DEX bonus)
The manifestation of Isis appears as a Other Items: Per individual incarnation
beautiful woman, typically a sorceress.
The manifestation of Osiris appears to
be a muscular green man, dressed in re-
gal robes.

Set SD: Immune to 1st- to 4th-level illusion/ Armor: None (natural AC4, plus DEX
phantasm spells; high Wisdom gives im- bonus)
Manifestation munity to the following spells: cause Other Items: Per individual incarnation
fear, charm person, command, friends, SD: High Intelligence makes him im-
AC: +4 hypnotism, forget, hold person, ray of mune to all illusion/phantasm spells of
MOVE: 18 enfeeblement, scare, fear. 6th level or lower; high Wisdom grants
HIT POINTS: 300 Weapons: By individual incarnation him immunity to the following spells:
THAC0: 4 (typically magical spear) cause fear, charm person, command,
#AT: 2 Armor: Scaly skin (natural AC 1, plus friends, hypnotism, forget, hold per-
DMG/ATT: 7d10/7d10 DEX bonus) son, ray of enfeeblement, scare, fear,
MR: 50% Other Items: Per individual incarnation charm monster, confusion, emotion,
CLASSES: Fighter 17, Illusionist 20, fumble, suggestion, chaos, feeblemind,
Priest 15 The manifestation of Set appears as a hold monster, magic jar, quest
STR 14 DEX 20 CON 24 INT 24 WIS 23 muscular man with a jackal’s head.
CHA +2 The manifestation of Thoth appears as
SA: Touch transforms victim into min- Thoth a thin but muscular man with the head
ion of Set (saving throw vs. spell); spear of an ibis or a baboon. The incarnations
causes 7d10 points of damage; can cre- Manifestation of Thoth are human in appearance but
ate a lethal poison (saving throw at +4 have facial features that suggest an in-
AC: +3 quisitive and thoughtful mind.
penalty, those who fail die in 1d4
MOVE: 12, Fl 24
rounds) at will.
SD: Immune to 1st- to 6th-level illusion/
THAC0: 11 Special Note
phantasm spells; +3 or better weapon
required to hit; any who touch Set must #AT: 1
DMG/ATT: By weapon type +8 During the Avatar series of modules
roll successful saving throw vs. poison (Shadowdale, Tantras, Waterdeep), all
or die; has appropriate spell immunities MR: 95%
CLASSES: Fighter 5, Mage 30 of the gods of the Realms are affected
for high Wisdom. by certain events that strip them of
STR 20 (+3, +8) DEX 20 CON 24 INT 25
WIS 25 CHA 18 their abilities. This includes the gods of
Incarnation Mulhorand. All of the incarnations of
SA: All spells inflict maximum damage; the gods are in a coma while that series
AC: +3 negates any single magical spell, item, takes place, and the manifestations of
MOVE: 15 or weapon in 100-yard radius; scepter the gods are reduced to the power of
HIT POINTS: 150 has a death spell, usable by touch. their incarnations.
THAC0: 4 SD: See above. Following that series, the gods are
#AT: 2 Incarnation likely to be shaken from their compla-
DMG/ATT: By weapon cency, seeing that events elsewhere can
MR: 25% AC: 0 affect them, and that they may not be as
CLASSES: Fighter 17, Illusionist 18, MOVE: 12 eternal as they believe.
Priest 12 HIT POINTS: 140 As usual, this is a matter for the DM to
STR 14 DEX 20 CON 22 INT 22 WIS 21 THAC0: 12 decide.
CHA +2 #AT: 1
SA: The incarnation of Set has divine DMG/ATT: 1d6 +7
horror that affects all creatures of 2 HD MR: 90%
or levels or lower at will; may create CLASSES: Fighter 3, Mage 25
poison (saving throw at +4 penalty, STR 19 (+3, +7) DEX 20 CON 21 INT 24
those who fail die in 1d4 rounds) at will. WIS 23 CHA 17

The information on notable personages Derlaunt is a wrinkled old mulan who including a staff of the necromancer
presented in this section is listed in the wears wizard’s robes adorned with a (see the “New Magical Items” section)
following order: scarab of life. and a jewel of Karathoth.
Name Hodkamset’s major schemes are two-
Base of Operations The Fangs of Set fold.
Level and Class, and Title First, he intends to kidnap the boy
Alignment, Deity Served The current incarnation of Set is Seti,
pharaoh and replace him with an evil
Race, Sex who lives in disguised form in Skuld; he
shapechanger, a rakshasa in the service
is a merchant who travels the coast of
of Set. This rakshasa would create
This section details only those promi- the Alamber Sea, corrupting those he
chaos in the priesthood of Horus-Re,
nent fighters and adventurers and no- contacts. His will is primarily carried
and allow Seti to take the throne and
bles who are not involved in the center out by four noted henchmen: Hodkam-
lead Mulhorand to its rightful place as
of the political struggles in Mulhorand; set, Nekiset, Hamsetis, and Suliyar, to-
the sole power in the Realms.
the people in this section prefer action gether referred to as the Fangs of Set.
Second, Hodkamset has put together
to politics. Information on Vizier Rezim, This adventuring company exists to
a team of resourceful and powerful ser-
further the will of Set, sometimes inde-
Pharaoh Horustep III, and other politi- vants of Set. This group travels the
cally active people can be found in the pendently on minor tasks, and some-
Realms in search of lost magic; he hopes
“The Nobility” part of the “People and times as a single unified force on major
to have enough powerful artifacts at his
Society of Mulhorand” section. endeavors. Each commands a number
command that he could wage war
of high level henchmen (1-2 fighters,
against the manifestations of the gods
Derlaunt levels 7-12, 1-2 wizards, levels 7-9, and
themselves. This adventuring company
1-3 priests, levels 5-11) and six minions
is detailed later.
Gheldaneth of Set.
As one might guess, Hodkamset is
13th-level Mage, Precept of Gheldaneth
something of a megalomaniac. He is de-
N, Thoth Hodkamset termined to lead Set to glory, destroy
Human male
Wanders the priests of Horus-Re, and bring
22nd-level Necromancer, Lord of Set down the gods themselves.
Derlaunt, cousin to Tholaunt (the cur-
LE, Set Hodkamset is also extremely devious;
rent incarnation of Thoth) is the ruler
Human male he should never be underestimated. He
of the city of Gheldaneth. He is a wiz-
always travels in disguise and always
ened old man, having attained the
Hodkamset is the most powerful wiz- makes his contacts under an assumed
power he sought after many years of
ard in the service of Set. name, so that no one knows that
struggle, and now finds himself too old
Originally, his name was Sesostris; he Hodkamset really exists. He has magical
to enjoy it in the way he desired.
was one of the most powerful wizards items that prevent scrying, detection of
Derlaunt has found himself bored of
in the service of Osiris—a powerful nec- alignment, and true seeing. Hodkamset
late, and turned to alleviate his bore-
romancer in the service of the Lord of uses spells to disguise his appearance;
dom through archeology. Hundreds of
the Dead. He made enemies in the typically he travels as a little old lady,
Statues-That-Walk (see “Colossus,
priesthood of Horus-Re, who feared his leaning on her staff. In his true form, he
Stone” in the “New Monsters” section)
power and attempted to discredit him. is middle aged, with long silvery hair
dot the landscape in Mulhorand; Der-
Sesostris’s reputation was ruined, that suggests age, but he has a young
launt thought he found a way to animate
and since he received no help from his face. He is of mulan racial stock.
one of them and put it under his control.
If he had been successful, it would have own priesthood, he faked his own
given him a lot of prestige; unfortu-
death, changed his appearance and Nekiset
turned to the cult of Set. Since then he
nately the ritual backfired and all of the Wanders
has become the right hand of Seti, the
statues were animated at once. And Der- 19th-level priest, High Priestess of Set
current incarnation of Set.
launt controls none of them (see “The LE, Set
Statues That Walk” adventure). Hodkamset is an ambitious man. He Human female
Derlaunt is an easily irritated old has many contacts in Sampranasz, and
man. He is extremely snobbish toward he has spies throughout Mulhorand. He
Nekiset is a turami female of great
all but Mulhorand nobles. Any attempt has an alliance with Zhentil Keep. He
beauty and evil. She is the leader of the
to accuse him of wrongdoing will likely sends followers of Set throughout the
Fangs of Set, an adventuring party in
cause him to order the town guard to Realms in search of items of power.
Set’s service, which she controls by
throw the accusers in prison. Hodkamset has quite a few of his own,
sheer ruthlessness. She is very close to

Hodkamset; the few people who know Set were impressed by his physical wandering. He was found by Nekiset,
them both well have speculated that prowess and purchased him from his who recruited him into the worship of
they are lovers. masters. His spiteful former master de- Set.
Nekiset was raised in Sampranasz and cided to maim Hamsetis and make him Suliyar is a proud and savage crea-
spent her early days as a slave. She ter- useless to his new masters. ture; he believes that serving Set will
rorized the other children and became The priests of Set are not kind, but bring him the power and the prestige
the leader of the slave group when she they know how to handle their com- that he is due. He believes that Set has
was very young, a fact that impressed modities. Hamsetis was fully healed. influences that extend beyond the
her master. While passing through Sam- The young fighter swore vengeance Realms, and that one day he will con-
pranasz she came to the attention of against the Red Wizards, but he also quer a large dominion and rule as a ma-
Seti, incarnation of Set, who was im- swore an oath of loyalty to Set, who oc- harajah. Suliyar enjoys hunting and
pressed by her devotion and her capac- casionally allies with the lords of Thay. playing with humans, and regularly
ity for evil. Nekiset was ordered freed Hamsetis has been encouraged by Seti stalks the streets of Skuld.
from her life as a slave so that she could to pretend to help the other priest- He especially enjoys killing initiates of
join Set’s priesthood. Nekiset proved to hoods of Mulhorand against Set; they Horus-Re. He doesn’t particularly care
be extremely gifted; she rose in a re- consider him to be a good and honor- for the other members of the Fangs, but
markably short time to be one of the able man and a matchless warrior, and sometimes finds their deviousness
most powerful priests in Mulhorand. he is trusted by the vizier and other amusing.
Nekiset’s goal is the same as Hodkam- high-level bureaucrats. Suliyar is always accompanied by
set’s; to overthrow the pharaoh and the Hamsetis is an honorable man, but four rakshasa bodyguards. One of
priests of Horus-Re. She was responsible very bloodyminded in his vengeance. these rakshasas is to be used by
for organizing the assassination of Phar- He enjoys killing, especially in one-on- Hodkamset to replace the child phar-
aoh Akonhorus II, through careful use one duels, but treats worthy adversar- aoh Horustep III in his current scheme.
of charm magic on the pharaoh’s body- ies with respect. He has no political Suliyar typically disguises himself as a
guards while the pharaoh slept. There ambitions, except for a keen desire to young mercenary soldier.
are times when she wonders about destroy the Red Wizards. He belongs to
Hodkamset’s sanity, but she admires his the cult of Set out of a sense of grati- Gestaniius
brilliance and his cruelty. Eventually, she tude. He is short, muscular, and dark-
Sword Mountains
realizes that she will have to destroy skinned, seemingly a mix of rashemi
Great Wyrm Blue Dragon
Hodkamset to take her rightful place at and turami.
LE, Set (very loosely)
Set’s right hand, but she is willing to
Dragon female
work with him until they achieve domi- Hamsetis typically attacks with long
nation over Mulhorand. sword and dagger, which gives him
Nekiset is a tall, dark-skinned turami three attacks per round. Attacks with Gestaniius is the greatest of the blue
female with a bald (shaven) head. She dragons of the south. Her lair is on the
the long sword suffer a -2 penalty to the
eastern edge of the Sword Mountains.
wears dark robes with the insignia of attack roll, while attacks with the dag-
She is one of the most foul-tempered
Set. ger suffer a -4 penalty to the attack roll
beasts in the Realms; she enjoys razing
(these penalties partially cancel the
trading caravans and small villages for
Hamsetis weapon bonuses and Hamsetis’s Dex-
fun. One of her paws was crippled in
terity bonuses). In extreme circum-
Wanders combat with a brown dragon long ago,
stances, the dagger and the sword are
22nd-level fighter, Strong Arm of Set and she walks with a noticeable limp.
LE, Set What drives Gestaniius is her burning
Human male need for revenge against the brown
Suliyar dragons who murdered her children
Hamsetis is the third of Seti’s three pow- Skuld (even though the blue dragons started
erful human servants. He is probably Rakshasa Lord in the Service of Set the battle, Gestaniius still blames the
the greatest fighter in the south. He was LE, Set brown dragons for the results). She will
a slave of the Red Wizards, who used Rakshasa male do anything to get back at them. She
him as a gladiator. He constantly re- has a loose alliance with the cult of Set,
belled against their brutal treatment Suliyar is a rakshasa rajah (lord), out- but they haven’t gotten the results she
and was beaten severely. Nevertheless cast from its homeland east of Raurin. wanted.
he continued to win his fights, even He was the ruler of a great tribe of rak- Game Mechanics: Gestaniius has 95
when nearly crippled. The priests of shasas, but he was deposed and sent to hp. Use the blue dragon statistics in vol-

ume I of the Monstrous Compendium. Hethhab is the current incarnation of Knesha is a beautiful turami female
Due to her injury, her ground move- Anhur. He has disguised himself as a known for high-pitched laughter
ment is reduced to 6, and she suffers a warrior of Anhur and has distinguished (which has earned her the nickname
-3 penalty to her attack and damage himself as a slayer of monsters. To pre- “Hyena”).
rolls with her second claw attack. vent a personality cult from forming Knesha is willing to show parties of
around him, Rezim, vizier of Mulho- adventurers where these items are lo-
Halcaunt rand, has appointed Hethhab Defender cated, but her price is steep.
of the Eastern Way. This post confers
13th-level Paladin, leader of the Broth-
the responsibility to protect the eastern Shutep
sections of Mulhorand from bandits
erhood of Skuld The Great Vale
and monsters. It is a job with a very
LG, Osiris 6th-level Thief
high turnover rate due to death, as the
Human male N, Mask
monsters in the region are quite deadly.
Human male
Hethhab rides with a company of six
Halcaunt is the most tireless fighter
disguised divine minions of Anhur,
against the cult of Set in all of Mulho- There are many people who have tried
wandering the east to protect Mulho-
rand. He continually warned pharaoh to rob the graves of the god-kings. Some
rand from monsters.
Akonhorus and his servants of the That Hethhab is still alive is a source have tried to use brute force, others
threat of Set; he is something of a pa- have employed stealth. Few of these
of considerable annoyance to Rezim,
riah among the bureaucracy after his thieves have been as resourceful as
who does not suspect his true identity.
prediction came true. Nonetheless, Hal- Shutep of Jhalhoran.
Hethhab is present in the “Rage of
caunt continues to urge for Mulhorand Shutep is a confidence man. He likes
Dust” scenario. Use the statistics for the
to be purged once and for all of the in- incarnation of Anhur given in the “Reli- to manipulate parties of non-Mulho-
fluence of Set. He has formed the Broth- gion of Mulhorand” section (under randi, especially greedy adventuring
erhood of Skuld, a group of companies.
“Anhur” in “The Gods”).
adventurers, to assist in this purpose. Typically he joins up with such a
Halcaunt is known to be a grim, party, earns their trust, tells them a
overly serious individual. In many Knesha wild story that involves them breaking
ways, he’s more like a Westerner than a Sultim (outer) into a major tomb in the Land of the
Mulhorandi. 16th-level Bard Dead, then he grabs a major treasure
He is fanatically driven in his quest to N, Hathor and leaves the company stuck with the
purge Mulhorand of all traces of the Human female consequences. He’s not malevolent, just
cult of Set. greedy and somewhat cowardly.
There are other members of the Knesha was a scribe for the bureaucrats Shutep is a well-built mulan male
Brotherhood of Skuld, including Urius in Skuld when she made a mistake in cal- with curly hair and a scar on his chest.
(11th-level wizard, based in Gheldan- culating the taxes. This mistake cost the He typically passes himself off as a mer-
eth) and a number of low-level priests treasury thousands of pharaohs. chant, and is skilled at disguise.
of Osiris who see Halcaunt as a leader. Knesha was imprisoned for her error, Shutep wears a ring of dishonesty on
The main priesthood of Osiris treats but she escaped and fled to the north. one of his toes; it enables him to tell lies
Halcaunt as a fanatic, a source of em- She is considered an outlaw, but as no that seem like the truth to detect lie
barrassment. law exists in Outer Sultim, no one both- spells.
Halcaunt is a tall muscular mulan. He ers her.
wears armor that has been painted blue Knesha’s chief talent is satirical po-
and a helm shaped like the hawk- ems. Knesha’s most frequent choice is
symbol of Osiris. Rezim (of course). She is rather bored
with her life as a bard; she would
Hethhab rather go on great adventures. Knesha’s
favorite pastime is studying the places
The East Road where magical items were lost in battle
Incarnation of Anhur (secret), De-
long ago. There is no greater authority
fender of the Eastern Way
(save for the incarnation of Thoth) on
CG, Anhur
the lost relics and artifacts of the south
Human male in the entire Realms.

Mulhorand has a distinctive culture the Land of the Dead. The greatest building monuments, trying to recap-
that has developed over thousands of sculpture is the tomb of the pharaoh ture its lost glory. The new fashion,
years. There is, however, a reluctance Horuseres II, which is carved out of an which remains to the present day, con-
to experiment with new and foreign entire mountain face. The great draco- sists of tall, broad buildings of granite
styles. sphinx of Klondor is also an awesome for ornate temples.
sculpture. Monument building is as Tombs are no longer grand, but con-
The Arts constant in Mulhorand as the flooding sist of underground chambers with
of the River of Spears. elaborate interior decoration. The tem-
Paintings in Mulhorand tend to be flat While the majority of buildings in ple style of architecture, as it is called,
and well-detailed, but with very little Mulhorand are made from bricks, borrows heavily from Unther, with huge
sense of perspective. Many paintings there have been a number of monu- stone columns supporting a massive
deal with religious scenes, depicting the ments made from granite, sandstone, roof. In typical Mulhorand fashion, the
gods and their deeds. The most impres- and limestone. columns are sculpted to resemble the
sive aspect of these paintings in recent The earliest monuments were step gods, and temples are painted with huge
centuries is their sheer size; the belief is pyramids, with a central crypt con- scenes commemorating the deities.
that the gods must be portrayed as fun- cealed by tiers of granite or limestone.
damentally greater than humans or
they will be insulted.
By the time the First Empire reached its Athletics
peak, the step pyramid had been re-
Therefore, the gods are usually much Mulhorand is sometimes called the
placed by the slope pyramid, of which
taller, more handsome, more heroically Land of Feasts, and this tradition is one
the 600-foot-tall Tomb of Re in Skuld is
proportioned, than the humans in their that never stops. In Floodtime, there is a
the largest.
paintings. This tradition does give the five-day festival in which eating, drink-
Pyramid building thrived for hun-
gods a rather bland and uniform ap- ing, music, and sports are mixed in
dreds of years, even making its way
pearance; the smaller, more varied hu- great celebrations. People flock to the
into Unther. However, the First Empire
mans are usually the most interesting cities to engage in and watch athletic
was soon to come to an end following
figures in these paintings. competitions, typically running, wres-
the Orcgate Wars, and Mulhorand’s
Sculpture has been a major art form tling, and charioteering.
vigor for great projects diminished. The
in Mulhorand, though the last great Athletics have always existed in Mul-
tomb of their god was the last great
period of sculpting was hundreds of horand, but have never been as promi-
years ago. nent as they are at this time.
But centuries later, at the beginning
Stories and poetry in Mulhorand Chessentan mercenaries have
of the current age, Mulhorand had re-
have evolved from great epics about the brought the Great Games from their
established its dominance in the east-
gods at the time of the First Empire, to land, and mercenary companies com-
ern Inner Sea, and the Second Empire
household fables in the Second Empire, pete biannually in the Great Arena of
was born.
to the present-day hymns and chants of Skuld, along with Mulhorandi who
This new empire brought with it a
praise to the deities. These psalms, as have a mind to compete.
new vitality. Monuments were again
they are sometimes known, possess a The Chessentans usually win, but
constructed, including the Face of the
great deal of literary power. The latest the Mulhorandi, stung by the chal-
Gods, the previously mentioned tomb
trend is toward “realism”—mixing the lenge, are improving rapidly, espe-
of Horuseres. The main style of archi-
old fables with hymns of praise to pro- cially in wrestling.
tecture was the Untheric style, which
duce works of great diversity and emphasized obelisk building. Tall tow-
beauty. Many verses are put into song. ers rose into the air, and soon the gods Clothing
Mulhorandi music typically relies on in Skuld were building vast prayer tow- Most Mulhorandi wear simple un-
flutes and reed instruments; stringed ers to house their manifestations. adorned clothing, typically a white tu-
instruments are considered strange in Following the loss of Thay and the nic, black headdress, a belt, and
Mulhorand. end of the Second Empire, the building sandals. In colder weather more color-
of prayer towers in Mulhorand ceased. ful garments may be worn, but the
Architecture It was more important to fortify the cit- fashion in Mulhorand is for clothing to
Great monuments line the streets of ies of Mulhorand. After about 100 be plain.
Skuld, support the roofs of major tem- years, the military period was over and
ples, and stare at pharaoh's graves in Mulhorand once again went back to

Throughout its history, Mulhorand has traditionally made from bronze, but that spell effects for mortals and im-
been a tool-using culture. The invention now it is constructed from steel. mortals alike cannot go beyond the 9th.
of magic has substituted for some of the A number of other technical innova- Instead, the mages researched many
functions of tools, but magic is rare. tions occurred between the First and spells, which eventually became part of
Only the dwarves can call themselves Second Empires, notably the invention their legacy to the Old Empires. Re-
more technically advanced than the an- of the wheel and the block and tackle. cently, they have developed numerous
cient Mulhorandi. Between the First The wheel led to the invention of the new spells (see the “New Spells” sec-
and Second Empires, political stability chariot, which gave warriors additional tion), but they have altered the lan-
and a historically secure border with protection in battle and enabled them guage of their magic to make it
Unther enabled the Mulhorandi to de- to maneuver on the battlefield far more extremely difficult to teach these spells
velop new technologies. quickly. The block and tackle enabled to non-Mulhorandi. Even the mages of
At this time, the ancient khopesh be- buildings to be constructed more easily Set, who have learned these spells, do
came a sturdier, scimitar-like weapon, (the great pyramids of the First Empire not teach them to outsiders (they be-
and a number of swords were devel- were all constructed without these lieve that they are destined to rule Mul-
oped. Sages of Thoth, interested in the tools, relying instead on human horand, and they have no wish to see
development of Mulhorandi weaponry, strength and teamwork). these new spells fall into the hands of
examined the ruins of Sekras and dis- The most interesting of the technical the Red Wizards, their arch-enemies).
covered that experimentation in weap- innovations, though, was the invention
ons thrived between -700 and -200 DR. of the pressure engine. The priests of
By the beginning of the Second Empire, Thoth devised a way to use dams and
the sword had become firmly estab- engines to harness the power of Mulho-
lished as the weapon of choice for the rand’s rivers, which they used to grind
Mulhorandi armies. grain and pump water into far reaches
Furthermore, there is evidence to of the desert, fertilizing the desert soil.
suggest that trading between the A period of desert settlement followed.
dwarves of the Great Rift and Mulho- It ended when the pharaoh disap-
randi gave the humans the secrets of proved of a plan to build a huge dam on
forging steel. It was steel weapons that the River of Spears, feeling that techno-
enabled Mulhorand to carve out an em- logical innovation had gone too far. He
pire in the north. This more or less ordered all development on river and
ended Mulhorandi developments in steam technology ended.
weaponry. Meanwhile the gods, who Eventually the engines fell into disre-
were more conservative than their fol- pair, though a few steam engines, pow-
lowers, still used weapons of highly en- ered by stones of everburning, yet
chanted bronze. pump water into isolated areas. There
Most of the weapons employed in the has recently been a rebirth of interest
west, with the exception of the pike and among a small faction of Thoth priests,
other polearms, are used by warriors in known as the Technologists. They are
Mulhorand. The preferred ranged defying the ancient order against work-
weapon has always been the composite ing with steam technology and are try-
bow, which came into prominence dur- ing to rediscover the secrets of the
ing the First Empire. It played a major ancients, master them, then see what
role in the victory in the Orcgate Wars. else can be done with this weird form
Armor in Mulhorand was typically of magic.
scale mail, but has since evolved to in- The traditional form of magic contin-
clude chain and plate mail. Full plate ar- ued to thrive in Mulhorand. Even be-
mor is exceedingly rare, possessed only fore the founding of the Old Empires,
by the greatest fighters. Armor may be the mages of Raurin had discovered the
worn only by authorized guards or by existence of Great Magic—8th- and 9th-
soldiers in wartime; if others are caught level spells. Like many others, their de-
in armor, they are required to surren- scendants in Mulhorand tried for
der it immediately. If they resist, they centuries to discover 10th-level spells,
are imprisoned or exiled. Armor was but they eventually became convinced

“How great are the Mulan, of which Un- Unlike the god-kings of Mulhorand, fallen nobles and are being restored to
ther is the purest! How great are their who are known to treat their domin- their ancestors’ status after decades of
works, how cunningly wrought! How ions with benign neglect, Gilgeam is nei- faithful service.
skilled are their minds and how mighty ther benign nor neglectful. Nobles in Unther wear the badges of
is their magic! Let all nations praise the The administrators and major land- their house and station and often paint
Mulan, of which Unther is the purest!” holders of Unther are the priests of Gil- their faces silver, especially on ceremo-
—A hymn of the priests of Gilgeam geam. Priests and prominent followers nial occasions. They once used the fore-
of Gilgeam hold every major position in head circles still displayed by nobles in
The people of Unther are divided into a the cities of Unther, in its armies, and in Mulhorand, but those fell out of fashion.
number of different racial types. The its bureaucracy. To worship another de-
most common race is the Mulan, which ity, even Ramman or Ishtar, whose wor- Noble Titles in Unther
is also the race of the god-kings of Mul- ship is (reluctantly) approved by
Titles in Unther include “Great Lord”
horand. As mentioned earlier, a race of Gilgeam, is to exile one’s self from any
(for the favorites of the King), “High
tall, slim, sallow-skinned humans possible position of political power.
Lord” (for the high priests of the King),
known as the Mulan fled the destruc- Members of the noble class live very
and “Lord” (for other Mulan nobles). The
tion of their parent civilization in luxurious lives in the Palace District of
first-born male in Unther is the heir of
Raurin and settled around the Alamber Unthalass; their every whim is satisfied
the estate and known as “Young Lord”;
Sea and the Wizard’s Reach. The Mulan by their slaves—and by the treasury of
other children are sent into the priest-
cleared their land of demihumans, hu- Unther. It is a tradition in Unther that
hood, the military, minor posts in the bu-
manoids, and the native humans, the the gods are not always kind, that life is
reaucracy, or the wizardry schools.
dark-skinned Turami. Many of the lat- hard, and that one must worship the
All nobles and their children are
ter were taken in by Mulhorand, where gods in spite of this, rather than relying
taught how to read, write, and do basic
they were responsible for most of the on their beneficence. The idea that the
great achievements of that culture. people of Unther would not appreciate
The upper classes of Unther consist al- being taxed to pay for the extravagance
most entirely of Mulans, descendants of of the nobility has not occurred to The Middle Class
the lords of all. They have bred almost them. Their attitude is: yes, the cities of The middle class in Unther consists of
exclusively within their own families the North Coast and Chessenta did low-level bureaucrats (scribes), guards
and claim to be “pure” Mulan (as op- rebel, but they were ingrates with too and military commanders, traders,
posed to those of Mulhorand). The mid- much foreign blood in their veins. The teachers, and freehold owners.
dle classes of Unther consist of words “it could never happen here” are Unlike the situation in Mulhorand, the
merchants and freeholders, whose fore- often heard in the palaces of Unthalass. government of Unther does not have a
fathers were originally traders from The number of nobles in Unther is stranglehold on its economy. It considers
many lands; they are always human, but much smaller than in other nations. operating trading companies and mining
vary greatly in racial type. The lower This is unusual, especially given the operations to be a task beneath the dig-
classes are either poorly paid servants of long history of the kingdom. Many no- nity of any civilized Mulan, so it has al-
freeholders or slaves. These can be of ble families have fallen from favor; in a lowed freeholders, who are wealthy
any race—human, demihuman, or even period of a few months a family could foreigners, to run these operations,
humanoid (enslaved ogres are some- change from being the king’s favorites which are taxed heavily. There are
times used to construct buildings). to having all of its lands confiscated and about an equal number of freehold
all family members sold into slavery. farms and temple-run farms. Due to re-
The Population of Families frequently fall from favor; cent drought conditions, Unther im-
someone must take the blame for the ports about 30% of its food from Thay,
Unther catastrophes that befall Unther (the and there are often severe shortages.
There are three social classes in blame cannot be directed at the king, as The freeholders run their operations
Unther: he is never wrong). to make money and would rather let
It is very rare for members of the un- their slaves go hungry than buy enough
The Nobility derclasses to be promoted into the no- food to give them a reasonable meal.
bility. In these cases, the new nobles Freeholders force their slaves (or hired
The chief noble of Unther is the king, were all servants of the priesthood of freemen, in times of slave shortages) to
who is currently (and has been for over Gilgeam who rose to favor (they must work hard hours for little pay. It should
a millennium) Gilgeam the Great, the also be pure-blooded Mulan). Usually be noted that there are more sensible
manifestation of an extra-planar Power. the new nobles were grandchildren of and humane managers, especially near

Shussel, but these are the exception capes) and who he belongs to. If the for the resolution of this civil strife, in
and not the rule. slave is purchased, he is branded again the hopes that they can plunder the an-
Traders are more compassionate. A below the original mark. Some slaves cient secrets of this once great land.
number of trading companies from may have as many as five or six brands.
Durpar and the far south travel They are typically bought from other Current Economy of
through Mulhorand into Unther, but nations, or are given slavery as a sen-
the expenses and risks of traveling tence for some crimes. When there is a Unther
make these goods very expensive. shortage of slaves, officials of the tem- “It is Fate that wills that slaves must la-
Most traders pay protection money to ple of Gilgeam sometimes convict peo- bor all their lives for the good of Un-
Furifax and some of the other promi- ple of nonexistent crimes and then ther. I know that it is folly for the gods
nent bandit chiefs of the Eastern Shaar. sentence them to slavery on the spot. to challenge Fate.”
There are a number of trading compan- This is known as “Gilgeam’s Justice.” —Gilgeam
ies stationed in Unthalass that buy Slaves perform nearly every function
goods from southern traders, then sell necessary for Unther to survive, from Unther is a slave-based economy that
them in Chessenta or Thay. growing food, to mining, to building produces minerals for sale, serves as a
A third middle class career is that of a monuments. trade route for southern merchants,
soldier. A livable wage can be earned and a market for foodstuffs.
as a city guard, bouncer, bodyguard, or The Society of While there are farms in the Green-
as an escort for a merchant caravan. fields that produce barley, rice, and
Most members of the Untheric mid- Unther other staples of Unther’s diet, 25% of
dle class who enter the army become In essence, the society of Unther is one the food consumed in Unther is pro-
officers, although their battle tactics of the most miserable tyrannies that the duced elsewhere. Half of the food in
and methods are considered to be old- Realms have ever known. The Overall, Unther is bought by the priests of Gil-
fashioned by the standards of the west the governing powers in Unther, are geam for their use and the use of their
(the army of Unther still uses mostly lawful evil, but many of their enforcers slaves, and the other half is bought by
bronze weapons). are chaotic evils with no respect for the freemen to feed themselves and their
The middle class is generally incapable law. Ruling this society is a once benefi- slaves. When food is in short supply, the
of prospering in Unther due to restric- cent deity who has been corrupted by slaves go hungry first.
tive taxation. Those with contacts in long years of absolute power. At his The major products produced by Un-
other lands who still see potential busi- sides are his lackeys, who have no re- ther are raw metals, most notably iron,
ness in Unther have been encouraging gard for human life and less regard for which is extremely valuable in its pure
certain idealistic adventurers to come to non-humans. The vast underclasses form, as well as some gold. It is this
Unther and fight against the govern- have no hope; their goal is not to pros- trade that allows the nation to survive.
ment, in the hopes that Gilgeam and his per but to survive. They have finally be- Although there are forests in Unther,
priests will be overthrown and a more gun to see that the only way to ensure they are too far from the trade routes
favorable regime will come to power. their survival is the one thing their an- to make lumber a profitable resource,
cestors considered unthinkable—the and there are fierce monsters that
Slaves forced removal of the god-king Gilgeam would need to be eliminated first. This
from power and the destruction of the may become a commodity for Unther at
Slaves are the lowest form of life in Un-
nobility of Unther. some later date.
ther. Unlike Mulhorand, where slaves
Thus at present Unther is an ex- The coin of Unther is the sheka, a
have the protection of the law and some-
tremely chaotic society. Each member much-debased gold piece. It is not worth
times seem to have favorable treatment
of the society is either trying to figure much to foreign merchants. True wealth
as church property, the slaves in Unther
out a way to come out on top in the new in Unther is foodstuffs and cattle, which
have no rights. If a freeman murders a
regime, or how to survive the coming can be traded for virtually anything.
slave, he may have to pay financial com-
pensation to its owner, or give him a new bloodbath. The only possible exception
slave, but the slave’s life is not consid- to this might be the king, who is so en- Politics of Unther
ered to be very important. thralled with his own personal pleasure
and so convinced that he is invincible The center of power, as it always has
Slaves may belong to either freeholds been, and as the rulers claim it always
or the temple of Gilgeam. It is a com- that he feels no force in the Realms
could topple him. Perhaps even worse shall be by the decree of Fate itself, is
mon practice to brand slaves on the the god-king, currently Gilgeam.
backs of their left arms. This identifies for Unther are the number of foreign
powers that are looking on and waiting Gilgeam is a symbol of eternity and
the person as a slave (in the event he es- constancy; even the oldest man in Un-

ther remembers Gilgeam as his king, was one, he would defeat whoever Gilgeam is destroyed.
and Gilgeam has not changed. The phi- challenged him in battle and then de- Karigulzu (4th-level cleric of Gilgeam,
losophy of Unther has always been that stroy their followers with great ease. ruler of Red Haven): Karigulzu is a mi-
life is hard, and the ability to endure He laughs at the cult of Tiamat and nor priest sent as a sacrificial lamb to
hardship is the greatest virtue, no mat- doesn’t know about the Dark Lady. He the most dangerous town in Unther. He
ter how unfair that hardship may be. It is filled with hatred for the bandit Furi- believes that he’s more clever than he
is this philosophy of life that has al- fax, whom he wishes to kill with his actually is. He sees himself as one day
lowed Gilgeam to survive as the king of bare hands. being the most powerful man in Un-
Unther for so long, and it is this philoso- His followers include the Great Lords ther, though he is too stupid to dream of
phy that makes Gilgeam so confident of the cities: being disloyal to Gilgeam.
that he can continue to survive. Gudea (13th-level fighter, ruler of Zimrilim (10th-level cleric of Gilgeam,
Since even a god cannot administer Ssintar): He knows that it is suicide to ruler of Unthalass): Zimrilim is a bril-
every affair in the entire realm, he gives tell the king the truth about how des- liant man, the right-hand of Gilgeam. He
much of his power to administrators. perate the situation is, so he’s been talk- is aware that he has a lot of rivals for his
The priests of Gilgeam are the adminis- ing in secret with Furifax and the cult of position and that he is the most likely
trators of Unther. Much of Gilgeam’s Tiamat trying to ensure his continued scapegoat for the current difficulties
time is given to pursuing personal plea- survival if Gilgeam falls. He is a natural that Unther is experiencing. Zimrilim
sures, so the priesthood does the major- pessimist who deals in worst case sce- plans to import as many Chessentan
ity of the day-to-day work, though the narios. He has no leadership ambitions. mercenaries as needed to crush all op-
king insists that every major decision be Tukulti (10th-level mage, ruler of Fire- position, and then he hopes that the
made by him. trees): Tukulti is a fool who feels that mercenaries will go away when the re-
The nation is divided into 13 fiefs, the rebellions are minor problems, bellion is crushed.
each of which has a Great Lord who mainly because he hasn’t been touched. Shuruppak (20th-level fighter, 7th-
oversees that territory. Followers of Gil- He is jealous of all the other Great level mage): Shuruppak is the execu-
geam who own large tracts of land are Lords, with good reason. He wants to tioner and assassin of Gilgeam. He
Lords, and they are expected to assist be the King’s right-hand man, but he wants to kill people. He doesn’t have
the Great Lords in the administration of hasn’t a chance. any ambitions, as long as he can kill his
the realm. Teumman (6th-level fighter, ruler of enemies. (See “Personalities of Unther”
This is the nation’s political structure Dalath): He is mostly concerned with for his statistics.)
in theory. In fact, many of the Great lining his pockets from freeholders’
Lords live in Unthalass and rely on re- money and crushing all local trouble. The Gilgeam faction controls the
ports from administrators stationed in He doesn’t care about what’s going on army, is loyal to Gilgeam, and is by far
outposts to give them reports from their elsewhere, and he has no ambitions. the richest faction in Unther.
fiefs. Great Lords often maintain resi- Annunaki (10th-level cleric of Gilgeam,
dences in each of the major towns and ruler of Messemprar): Annunaki is one of The Cult of Tiamat: This cult believes
cities of their fiefs, but they usually ig- the most brutal of all the Great Lords, as that the gods are evil and therefore the
nore them, allowing the lesser Lords to well as the most scheming and ambitious. mythological enemy of the gods, the
bully the people whenever they want. He would like the king to settle down and Dragon Queen Tiamat, must be good.
The Great Lords’ chief responsibility is leave governing Unther to him. This is a rather simplistic view, but in
to make certain that all taxes are paid. At present, he is more concerned harsh times, people tend to look at
Great Lords are notorious for charging with surviving the siege of the palace things in black and white. This cult is
even more than the recommended tax district. He is too proud to negotiate getting widespread support through-
and pocketing the difference. with the “underclasses” and will never out Unther as the only ones willing to
At present, Unther is extremely un- surrender. stand up against Gilgeam, though the
stable and may collapse. Here is a list of Ekur (8th-level cleric of Gilgeam, priests of Gilgeam do not yet realize
the major factions, the leaders of each ruler of Shussel): He is a marginally how powerful the cult is becoming, or
faction, and their intended plans for the competent but vicious ruler. Ekur is that an incarnation of Tiamat is present
future. promising concessions to the priest- in Unther. Its leadership and major al-
hood of Isis should they give the king lies are as follows:
Gilgeam: This faction includes the fol- their support in case of a rebellion. The Tiglath (14th-level cleric of Tiamat,
lowers of the deity Gilgeam, who is the priestesses of Isis are too smart to be- Firetrees): Tiglath is a rather pleasant if
traditional god of Unther. Gilgeam lieve him. He believes that a catastrophe vengeful woman. She isn’t interested in
doesn’t believe that there is a political is at hand, and he wants to ally with political power, she just wants to destroy
problem in Unther, and that if there someone who can protect him in case Gilgeam, and the cult of Tiamat is a

means to an end. (See “Personalities of The Northern Wizards: This is one of Borsipa (7th-level mage, Messem-
Unther” for more detailed information.) the two factions of wizards in Unther; prar): This apprentice, one of the most
Shudu-Ab (10th-level cleric of Tiamat, this order is based in Messemprar. His- powerful, is actually a spy for Gilgeam
Unthalass): Shudu-Ab is the leader of torically they have seen themselves as and his priesthood. She frequently
the cult of Tiamat in the city of Untha- the protectors of Messemprar. They sends messenger birds to a Gilgeam out-
lass. She is a vicious woman who sees have sworn an oath to protect it and its post, and is the Reaper’s contact in Mes-
the cult as her means to power. She citizens from those who would do them semprar. Her current duty is to help
plans to assassinate Tiglath when the harm. When the revolt started in Mes- him assassinate the Northern Wizards,
rebellion is over and take control of Un- semprar, the wizards realized that their and she has no qualms about carrying
ther as Tiamat’s regent. enemy was now the army of Unther. out that duty.
Furifax (13th-level fighter, Eastern Their goal is to keep the army out, try
Shaar): While not a servant of Tiamat, to quiet the rebellion, then negotiate The Slave Revolt: There are a number
he has allied his vast band of bandits with Gilgeam for a peaceful settlement of prominent leaders of the revolt
(2,000 elite troops with horse, plate mail and a guarantee of an increased food against the rule of the Gilgeamites.
and shield, and long sword) with the supply. Given that the Reaper is in Mes- These leaders are as follows:
cult and has already fomented revolt. semprar to hunt and kill down the mem- Dama (10th-level fighter, Messem-
(See “Personalities of Unther” for more bers of the Northern Wizards, their prar): Dama is a former gladiator from
details.) efforts are probably doomed to failure. Chessenta who was captured by Thay-
Skuthsiin (Green dragon, Methwood): There are six wizards of 10th level or vian slavers, then sold to a wealthy free-
This beast has been ordered to be higher, and about 30 apprentices of 5th- holder in Unther.
Tiglath’s mount in battle. (See “Person- 8th level. The leaders are as follows: He is a highly charismatic demagogue
alities of Unther” for more details). Shurlash (16th-level mage, Messem- (Charisma 17) with great strength
prar): Shurlash is easily the most pow- (Strength 18/84). His goal is to create as
The Priesthood of Ishtar: This priest- erful wizard of northern Unther. He is much trouble as he can and bring the
hood is based in Shussel. At present this renowned for his honor and his hon- priests of Gilgeam to their knees; he is
faction is trying to stay neutral in the esty, but tends to be blinded to the ruthless in dealing with people who
growing rebellion against Gilgeam, but wickedness of others, believing that ev- have more moderate views. He is cha-
the recent attacks against her cult by eryone is really good inside. otic neutral, with some evil tendencies.
Gilgeam’s priests have not endeared her Larsa (13th-level mage, Messemprar): Ruduk (8th-level enchanter, Messem-
to the group. The leaders of the priest- Larsa is Shurlash’s closest friend and prar): Ruduk is an agent of Lauzoril,
hood are as follows: very much like him in philosophy. one of the Red Wizards of Thay.
Ibalpiel (10th-level cleric of Ishtar, Nimrud (12th-level mage, Messem- Lauzoril wishes to destabilize Unther,
Shussel): Ibalpiel is the high priestess of prar): Unlike the other wizards, in the hopes that Thay may capture
Ishtar. She is dismayed by any prospect Nimrud is pessimistic and believes that permanent bases on the South Coast.
of bloodshed and wishes to keep the cult Gilgeam is going to butcher everyone Lauzoril does not wish, however, for
away from the fighting. She is the most he can once the rebellion is done. He be- the Red Wizards to be associated with
powerful priestess of the cult, but she lieves that Gilgeam must be overthrown the current unrest, so he has given Ru-
has lost much of her authority since she for the continued survival of Unther. duk a great deal of autonomy. Ruduk is
took an unpopular stand on this issue. Ziusudra (11th-level mage, Messem- working behind the scenes, using
Utuhegel (6th-level cleric of Ishtar, prar): A rather cowardly wizard, he charm spells to sit up unrest. Ruduk
Unthalass): She is the chief priestess of would like to leave Messemprar as soon isn’t really interested in Unther; he’s
Ishtar in Unthalass. She believes very as possible and find someplace safe. trying to advance his fortunes with the
strongly that Ishtar must oppose Gil- Asshurat (11th-level mage, Messem- Red Wizards.
geam, and is trying to rally together the prar): This sorceress believes that a
priestesses around her. peaceful solution is the only sane an- The Traders: The merchants of Unther
swer to the problems of Unther. She form the bulk of the foreigners that live
The Priesthood of Ramman: This also realizes that they should be wary in the country at the present time.
priesthood is based in the Greenfields of possible treachery. The traders wish for lower taxes and
but has a large temple in Unthalass. Tammuz (10th-level mage, Messem- tariffs, in the hopes that can buy and sell
They really don’t care about the revolt; prar): Tammuz is having fun; he thinks more goods. They have not, however,
they believe the priests of Gilgeam will that the rebellion is much more exciting taken a united stand on the current un-
crush it easily and sell the survivors to than studying spells all day. He’s child- rest. Some merchants believe the only
Thay. They are not a factor in the poli- ish, immature, and no one pays much way to make things better is to over-
tics of Unther. attention to him. throw Gilgeam; these traders are send-

ing agents to hire mercenary companies (just refusal of services), confiscation, against a noble or freeholder, the for-
from Chessenta to aid the rebels in Mes- murder (summary execution), and even eigner always loses. If, on the other
semprar. Others believe that if they sup- more hideous deeds. hand, two foreigners have a dispute in
port Gilgeam and he wins, they’ll have However, this has not always been Unther, they may both end up as slaves
greater influence in Unther. The major- the case. The ancient law of Enlil was for wasting the time of the king and his
ity, however, are taking a “wait and see” the code that Unther has followed, at servants with trivial matters.
position. Some important characters least until the last two centuries. Its Because there is no real law in Un-
among the traders are as follows: principles called for “justice, the de- ther, most freeholders and traders rely
Avid (1st-level mage, wanders): This struction of evil and wickedness so the on assassins to resolve their disputes.
young wizard is from Durpar. His fa- strong shall not oppress the weak, and These assassins are usually Chessentan
ther’s largest caravan was confiscated the land shall be enlightened.” The code mercenaries and cutthroats, many of
by the priests of Unther due to “a local of Enlil is a collection of case laws, de- whom are skilled poisoners. Some trad-
emergency.” This caused his father’s scribing all sorts of crimes and the ap- ers use mercenaries as hired muscle to
trading company to collapse and his fa- propriate punishments. threaten those who do not pay their
ther to take his own life. Avid has come Most of these punishments are of the debts on time.
to Unther for the sole reason of getting “an eye for an eye” sort. Murder is pun-
revenge on the priests of Gilgeam by en- ishable by death, in all cases. Thieves The Army of Unther
couraging the rebellion. He has been a would have a hand removed if caught
leader among the foreign traders who in an act of thievery. The code of Enlil The ultimate form of justice in Unther
want Gilgeam removed from the plain. also enforced the idea that a laborer is the army. Lately the army of Unther
Jehokim (5th-level fighter, Unthalass): was responsible for any accidents has increasingly relied on Chessentan
Jehokim is an old adventurer who found caused by the imperfections of his la- mercenaries (as does Mulhorand), but
a great treasure and retired to run sev- bors; if a house collapsed on a man be- Unther still keeps a standing army.
eral inns across Unther. (There is at least cause it was poorly constructed, the The army of Unther is considered to
one Grey Chimera inn in each major city builder would be put to death. The code be backward and poorly trained; its sol-
of Unther and Mulhorand; Jehokim is of Enlil was severe, even by the stand- diers are little better than slaves and its
the owner of each of these and rents ards of the Realms, but at least it was officers are often bullies, second and
them out to others for a share of the consistent and fair. Laws applied to all third sons from noble families who
profits.) Jehokim is the leader of the “let’s classes of society, including slaves (who were forced into a military career be-
get on Gilgeam’s good side” movement. are now far more numerous than they cause they did not stand to inherit any-
He is willing to do anything he can to im- were even in the days of the Second thing. The weapons and armor used by
prove his fortunes, including naming Empire). In the days of the Second Em- Unther are bronze swords and plate
traitors to the priests of Gilgeam. pire, slaves could be rewarded with mail; missile weapons include a com-
money, and might even borrow money posite short bow that fires flight ar-
The Enclave: This is the most power- to purchase their freedom! rows. The only cavalry units are
ful cabal of wizards in Unther; only the Justice was the province of the charioteers. There is no air cavalry.
priests of Thoth rival them in the south. priests of Enlil. Upon Enlil’s departure The standing army of Unther is
The Enclave feels that it should stay from the Realms, this duty passed to the 10,000. Of these, 2,000 are bowmen
neutral in this conflict, but not all mem- priests of Gilgeam. Regional justices and 1,000 are cavalry. The main force
bers agree. For more information, see were appointed by the king to oversee numbers 4,000 and is based in Untha-
“Personalities of Unther,” Isimud and justice and to protect the code of Enlil; lass, though recently it fought in Mes-
Esarhadden. these justices are still appointed and semprar against the Northern Wizards.
still swear an oath to uphold the code, The army is typically divided into units
but at best the judges of Unther are in- of 60; 1st- to 3rd-level fighters lead each
The Laws of Unther different to injustice, and at worst they unit. There are also 12 mages, of levels
“Justice is dead in Unther! The priests use their position to bully, steal, and 3-6, with the main force; these mages
of Gilgeam mock its corpse and, drunk murder as they will. have sworn allegiance to Gilgeam.
with blood, dance upon its grave!” If two nobles have a quarrel, they The main fleet in Unthalass was at-
—Dama the Demagogue of Messemprar take their dispute to the king, who has tacked by pirates three years ago. All
the right to decide the issue. The king but five ships were destroyed or cap-
It may seem like there are no laws in generally supports his favorite of the tured; one of the captured ships was
Unther; in practice, this is correct. Es- two nobles, though he is lenient in his one of the greatest magical relics of the
sentially nobles may do what they punishment unless he dislikes the los- realm, the Ship of the Gods.
want, including breaking agreements ing noble. If a foreigner has a dispute

live there. The Ship of the Gods, the is- tains. It is famous for its unpredictable
General Description land in the Alamber Sea, is considered floods. Near the mouth of this river are
“This land is nature’s plaything, one to belong to this chain. large farms tended by slaves owned by
lives or dies according to her whims.” The third region, which covers most the king. Dikes have been build to con-
—Saying of the priestesses of Ishtar of the realm, is the Methtir, or Northern tain floods, but at least once in every
Plains. These lowlands extend east ten years there is one flood that spills
Mighty Unther’s land holdings are now from the Riders to the Sky Mountains to over, and at least once every 50 years
only a fraction of what they used to be. the Alamber. It is an area of wild woods there is a major catastrophic flood.
Once they extended far to the west, and arid grasslands. Recently the slaves of the River Angol
north, and south. Unther was once con- There are a number of agricultural farms were freed by Furifax, who in-
sidered greater than Mulhorand, for products grown in Unther; the Turami tends to use them as part of his invasion
Unther was larger and more aggres- peoples that first inhabited the Green- force of the Greenfields.
sive. Unther still cannot be considered fields had been farmers and had
to be a small nation, but it is truly a na- farmed the Menesankh lands for thou- The Greenfields
tion in decline. sands of years before the Mulan emi-
Unther’s eastern border is the Alam- Historically, the Greenfields have been
grated from Raurin. The primary
ber Sea, which it shares with Mulho- the breadbasket of Unther, especially
grains are barley and rice (which was
rand. The border extends from the now that the fertility of its extremely
only recently introduced into Mulho-
west coast of the Alamber Sea down the rich soil is enhanced by magic. The
rand). Sesame seeds are grown and
River of Swords to Lake Azulduth, the farms in this region are generally pri-
made into oil, and flax is grown to make
Lake of Salt. West of Azulduth, Unther vately owned and tended by slaves.
cloth. There are many herd animals;
controls territory to Unthangol Pass, About 70% of Unther’s food comes
sheep (there are over 200 words in Un-
then the border turns north to the from this region.
theric to describe sheep), oxen, cattle,
Smoky Mountains and Methwood. The This region is also known for being
goats, and donkeys are all raised for do-
Winding River and Lake Meth form the the home of androsphinxes and gynos-
mestic use. Lately the fields have been
western boundary, which winds its phinxes, which occasionally raid cattle
less productive, and the Untheri have
way north to Messemprar at the mouth farms whose herds graze in this area.
been forced to buy foodstuffs from
of the River of Metals, on the edge of Large bounties are placed on the heads
Thay at high prices.
the Alamber Sea. The Riders to the Sky of sphinxes, but the moneys offered are
There are few trees in Unther, with
Mountains are claimed by both Unther so small that no one who has the power
the exception of the Methwood. None
and Chessenta, though Chessenta is not to challenge these beasts will accept the
are felled, if only because the monsters
in a condition to contest the claim. risk. Slaves are sometimes sent to hunt
of the Methwood make the practice
Topographically, Unther is divided them; few that run into a gynosphinx
highly unsafe.
into a number of different regions. The return home.
lowlands around the crescent of the This area is frequently raided by ban-
River of Swords dits, and a garrison of 1,000 militia sol-
south end of the Alamber Sea, known
as Menesankh, the Plain of Life, are This long river forms the eastern bor- diers is permanently stationed in the
shared with Mulhorand. These are fer- der of Unther. The western tributary, area. They are generally considered not
tile fields that are irrigated by the rivers the Blue Sword River, lies entirely in to have the resources to challenge the
at the southern end of the Alamber Sea, Unther, as its border extends as far east strategically superior and better armed
most notably the River of Swords and as the Green Sword River and Lake bandits.
the River Angol; this region extends as Azulduth. There are no Untheric settle- On the west side of the Greenfields is
far north as Red Haven. ments or farms on this river, aside from a group of mysterious mages known as
The second region is the Marthessel, a few small outposts. These outposts the Enclave. They have no known loyal-
the Smoky Mountains, which extends were recently captured by the bandit ties to any of the factions in Unther,
in a chain as far east as Chondath, and chief Furifax. though they have angered the king by
includes the Adder Mountains. This is For more information on the River of refusing his summons on several occa-
an area of rough hills, rugged coast, and Swords, see Mulhorand. sions and not paying their taxes. It is
active volcanoes. The mountains are said to be one of the most knowledge-
high, but are not as high as the Sword River Angol able cabals of wizards in the entire
Mountains in Mulhorand. There are Realms, but none have entered their
This swift waterway has its source in chambers or knows their true power.
frequent earthquakes in the southern the springs of the Unthangol Moun-
portion of this region, and few humans

River Alamber ing frequently. A venerable red dragon isolated settlements on this coastline as
lives on Mt. Temmikant; its name is Guy- bases. A number of fishing vessels also
This very long and swift river forms the anothaz. It is as harmless as a venerable ply the waters; at least two dozen regis-
western boundary of the Greenfields. Its red dragon can be—centuries ago, an tered craft sail the lake at peak time. The
source is a network of streams on the adventuring company known as the lake is known for its large population of
northern side of the Unthangol Moun- Dragon’s Bane attacked it, blinded it, salmon, trout, and bass. There are no
tains. It provides needed sediment for and stole most of its hoard. It guards major settlements near Methmere. The
the Greenfields, but, like the River what few gems and coins it has left and Winding River, an extremely swift and
Angol, it is unpredictable in its floods (ex- survives by eating pumice stones. It treacherous waterway, flows into
cept that its major floods usually occur knows every inch of its lair, but it is too Methmere, and the River of Metals,
in the same year as the River Angol’s). Its frightened to venture into the open. which is far slower than its western
floods are so severe that the city of Un- Mount Fussel is known to be the counterpart, flows from Methmere into
thalass has nearly been destroyed twice home of a number of flocks of dreaded the Alamber Sea at Messemprar.
by them in recorded history. pyrolisks, and it is said that salaman-
East of Alamber is the Greenfields, ders swim in its molten core. The Winding River
while west of Alamber is the desolation
known as the Black Ash Plain. There This is the longest and wildest river in
are two settlements along the Alamber
Methwood the Old Empires; even the bravest of
river: Unthalass, capital of Unther, lies This large, hot woodland is filled with navigators refuse to travel on its churn-
at its mouth, while the town of Fire- cypress, date palms, cedar, juniper, and ing white waters. The lands around the
trees is downstream. mulberry trees, with lots of vine river are desolate, home only to mon-
growth. The vegetation is very thick sters and beasts. There are rumors of
Black Ash Plain and difficult to travel through without hermits and trolls living near the water,
using a blade to cut the thick vines. In but none have confirmed this. Its
This large area extends south from the ancient times, Unther had a number of source is in the Adder Peaks.
Smoky Mountains as far as the Alamber druids and nature worshipers who
River. The region gets its name from the built great, tiered homes in the trees; River of Metals
ash spewed onto the plain by the Smoky now there are no intelligent creatures
Mountains, though “grey soot” would This river flows from Methmere into
native to these woods.
be a more appropriate name, except di- the Alamber Sea at Messemprar. It gets
Near the center of the forest are quite
rectly after an eruption, which occurs its name because there are large de-
a few groups of vicious chimerae, each
frequently. posits of metals, especially gold, within
of which guards its territory fiercely.
There are no human habitations its muddy waters. There have been at
The old green dragon Skuthosiin scours
here. Brown dragons tunnel happily least two gold rushes at various points
the edges of Methwood and beyond in
through the soot and through the rocky in the river, but few try to pan it these
search of food.
volcanic soil, and a tribe of black- days. Messemprar is its only settlement.
There are a number of elephants,
skinned stone giants (locally referred to monkeys, leopards, and other, less dan-
as ash giants) lives in the dormant gerous, creatures within the confines Cities of Unther
mountains on the eastern edge of the of this forest.
plains. The soil is not fertile, though ash It is said that within the heart of Unthalass
from these plains mixed with irrigable Methwood are the ruins of a great lost
soil has been known to increase the An age ago, Unthalass was the greatest
city of the original Turami inhabitants city in the Realms, a town of flowering
soil’s fertility. of Unther. If so, it has never been gardens, white streets, and beautiful
found, not even by the adventurers of homes. The city boasted of magnificent
The Smoky Mountains Unther at its zenith, and most dismiss vistas of the Alamber Sea. The people of
The Smoky Mountains is a chain of vol- this legend as mere fancy. the city were confident and rich,
canoes that run across Unther from dressed in bright clothing. Beneath the
west to east. There are two branches of Methmere great ziggurats of the gods, there was
these mountains. The eastern branch is This long, narrow lake has a winding neither poverty or misery.
dormant, with occasional puffs of coastline. It is a clear blue lake, backed What changes an age makes! Cer-
steam exiting its vents, but few erup- on the west by the Riders to the Sky tainly no inhabitant of the City of Gems
tions. The western branch is more ac- Mountains. Several plesiosaurs swim in at its zenith would recognize Unthalass
tive, with two volcanoes in particular, the depths of this lake, and bandits use now.
Mt. Fussel, and Mt. Temmikant, erupt-

Twice floods have nearly destroyed are the idols of Gilgeam that dot every enameled brickwork, capped by gold.
the city, and both times the city never corner. All citizens who walk the streets The edges of the ziggurat are decorated
fully recovered. The buildings are worn are obligated by law to bow their heads with floral designs and studded with
and cracked, and the paint of its ancient at his image as they pass. precious stones. The ziggurat of Gil-
decorations has long since faded. These slums were built on top of the geam rises for 16 tiers and is nearly 800
The city is divided into three districts: original city of Unthalass that was de- feet in height, one of the largest struc-
the port district, the main district, and stroyed by flood; there are legends of tures in the entire Realms. Here Gil-
the Palace. The port is sheltered by a great treasures buried in these ruins, geam lives in luxury while the rest of
sea wall that extends three miles from but the undercity is also the home of a the nation crumbles.
shore; there is one breach in the sea number of very nasty monsters, nota- The city is governed by Zimrilim
wall where ships may come through bly wererats. The undercity is said to (10th-level cleric of Gilgeam). The popu-
two at a time (depending on the size of be ruled by a tribe of lamia, led by the lation of Unthalass is about 70,000.
the ships). The wall was recently dam- lamia noble Ereshkigal. None have en-
aged by pirates, but it is now nearly as countered her and escaped alive, so the Shussel
good as new. The port district is rela- stories of the Queen of Tortures remain
tively clean and well stocked with serv- only hushed whispers that are usually Shussel is a city on the northern trade
ices for trading ships and their crew, spoken in barrooms. route of Unther. It serves as a supply
including hostels and taverns. The most spectacular section of Un- station for fishermen and other dwell-
There is, however, a heavy port tax thalass is the central mound of Gilgeam, ers by the sea. It used to be a mining
that discourages many traders from us- which is raised above the city on the ru- community, as there were large de-
ing Unthalass. ins of previous palaces. Behind the Im- posits of iron in nearby hills, but these
The main district is also known as the perial Wall are beautiful homes for the were exhausted long ago. The plains to
Great Slums. Slaves and their masters privileged, lush gardens, and the ziggu- the north were once good farmland,
alike operate in their rundown build- rat of Gilgeam itself. This structure is a but they are now desert.
ings, built on the ruins of previous tene- step pyramid whose levels are covered Shussel is a city in decline. Three cen-
ments destroyed by flood. in gold, silver, brass, bronze, and other turies ago its population was about
The only bright objects on the streets metals. At its peak is a shrine of blue- 70,000; it has now diminished to 25,000.

The city is largely slums. It is ruled by In normal times, the leader of the city years. The mines are run by freehold
Lord Ekur (8th-level cleric of Gilgeam) is Lord Annunaki (10th-level cleric of merchants who do not care for the
and a large force of Chessentan merce- Gilgeam). The population of Messem- safety of their miners. The town is
naries. There is a major temple of Ishtar prar (for now) is 30,000. chronically undersupplied; it went on
here; only their intervention prevents strike ten years ago over lack of food,
most of the inhabitants from starving. Firetrees and the freeholders brought in merce-
The port facility is small and does not naries to slaughter the miners and then
This small town is noted for the fire-
receive much traffic, but is heavily for- replaced them with more slaves.
trees, from which it takes its name.
tified to guard against the sahuagin. The town is governed by Lord Teum-
These deciduous trees have red blos- man Bloodletter (6th-level fighter), who
soms that shine at night with a natural
Messemprar phosphorescence.
serves Gilgeam but is really under the
thumb of the freeholders. The town has
This city was once the largest city in Un- Firetrees is a farming community on
a population of about 6,000.
ther and was a regular stop on a trade the edge of the Greenfields; it has ware-
route between Sultim, Bezantur, and houses where grain is stored, as well as
Mourktar. Now ships avoid the west facilities to load caravans (the River
coast of the Alamber entirely. Alamber is too fast for cargo to be This is a small trading post set up near
The city is currently in chaos. The shipped by water). The city holds feasts the edge of Methwood. The King has a
royal palace has been under siege by an and festivals where the people of the garrison of about 1,000 troops sta-
angry mob for several weeks, as a tax Greenfields may relax from their la- tioned here. These troops are here to
revolt escalated into food riots and then bors. Firetrees is also the center of the protect the coast from invasions from
a full-scale revolt. Many city guardsmen cult of Tiamat, the most powerful Methwood and to march into Shussel in
have been killed. The city is divided into group in opposition to Gilgeam. times of trouble. There are mines on
several factions: The lord and his guard The city’s ruler is Lord Tukulti (10th- the edge of Ssintar with substantial de-
control the palace district, the North- level wizard, in the service of Gilgeam). posits of copper and some iron. The
ern Wizards control the southern sec- Tukulti is not a strong ruler; most of the town is governed by Lord Gudea (13th-
tion (and the city gates to the outside), people of Firetrees ignore him and his level fighter) who is known for his
and the “non-slaves” (ex-slaves who edicts, or insult them openly. toughness but is considered the most
have renounced their freedom) control The population of Firetrees is about humane and honorable of Gilgeam’s
the dock district. 7,000. Lords.
Ships from Mourktar have been paid The population of Ssintar is about
by certain adventurers in league with Dalath 4,000.
the slaves to keep supplying the city
Dalath is a small mining town in the in-
with food. A small army from Unthalass
terior of Unther, near the eastern
Red Haven
was turned away by the wizards’ guild.
Smoky Mountains. These mountains This is a small fishing village that lies on
Gilgeam has sent his assassin, the
and the surrounding hills are rich in the trade route between Shussel and
Reaper, to kill off the wizards; he is also
metals, gold, iron, copper, and lead. Unthalass. It was once a much larger
hiring a mercenary army from Mor-
These are Unther’s largest exports; town, but recent attacks by sahuagin
dulkin to march on Messemprar. He
without the income from these miner- and pirates have decimated the popula-
does not have the money to pay the mer-
als, the economy would collapse. tion and sent many others fleeing to the
cenaries, which means the mercenaries
Dalath is a rough-and-tumble place safety of the large cities. It is ruled by
will have to exact their payment from
that distrusts strangers and despises Lord Karigulzu (4th-level cleric of Gil-
the treasures of the city. The army will
the king and his taxes. Most of Dalath’s geam), commonly referred to as “that
arrive at Messemprar in three weeks’
inhabitants are slaves or freeholders fat fop.” The population of Red Haven is
time. It is likely that the army will de-
who have left their families behind in about 1,500.
stroy the city, unless the slaves get some
the large cities to work here for several
high-level assistance and arms.

“I am All Religion, I am All Worship, Status: LE, Lesser Power, Prime Mate- and a bronze skirt that covers his lower
none may breathe in Unther without rial Plane torso and his upper legs.
blessing Me.” Symbol: A red fist backed by a gold sun The power of his manifestation is as
—Gilgeam against black follows (see the “Religions of Mul-
horand” section for the abilities of a
Spheres: Major—All, Charm, Combat,
In the beginning, the people of Unther manifestation):
Elemental, Guardian, Protection,
used the Sumerian pantheon as their Summoning, Weather; Minor—
own; these were the manifestations AC: -4
Creation, Divination, Necromantic,
claimed by the god-kings who fled the MOVE: 15
ruins of Raurin to settle in Unther. HIT POINTS: 350
Unlike Mulhorand, which cherishes Weapons Allowed: Mace, Staff, Staff- THAC0: -5
eternity and unchanging continuity, re- Sling, Flail #AT: 3
ligion in Unther experienced major Armor Allowed: Scale DMG/ATT: 2d10 + 12/2d10 + 12/2d10 + 12
changes during its history. Ethos: Priests of Gilgeam are to obey MR: 50%
The first big change occurred when their lord without question. They are CLASSES: Fighter 26, Priest 15, Mage 18
many of the Sumerian deities died in to enforce his will. They are to slay STR 24 (+16, +12) DEX 25 CON 25 INT
the Orcgate Wars. The Untheri found his enemies. They are to persecute 23 WIS 20 CHA 22
many new gods and goddesses to wor- all who will not worship him. They SA: Wrestling (causes 2d10 + 12 damage
ship, all belonging to the Babylonian are to smite the enemies of Unther. with a bear hug, with a 35% chance of
pantheon. instantly killing any opponent with a
Enlil himself retired; he appointed his Gilgeam is the supreme leader of the Strength score below 20). Awe effect vs.
son, Gilgeam, as his successor as king of gods of Unther (what few are left) and all creatures of up to 6 HD (or levels).
the gods. At first, Gilgeam was a just ruler of the land. His manifestation lives SD: Immune to 1st-to 5th-level illusion/
ruler. But sometimes even the gods can in Unthalass and has emerged from the phantasm spells. Immune to the follow-
go mad. citadel many times to smite his enemies ing spells due to high Wisdom: cause
Gilgeam was a proud god-king. As the with divine power. He is a god known fear, charm person, command, friends,
centuries passed and Unther declined for his jealousy, cruelty, and pride; he is hypnotism, forget, hold person, ray of
in prosperity and influence, as taxes covetous of wealth, taxing the people enfeeblement, scare
rose and the people’s hatred grew, Gil- heavily. Weapons: Mace +4 inflicts 2d10 points
geam became a cruel and jealous lord. Gilgeam himself is a god of physical of damage
All other deities, with the exception prowess; if a warrior of great strength Armor: None; natural armor class with-
of Ishtar and Ramman (who were too and fighting ability is captured, Gilgeam out Dexterity bonus is 2.
popular to persecute) were banished will offer him freedom if the warrior
from the plane. Limits were eventually
set on the number of worshipers that
can defeat him in a wrestling match. Ishtar
Then Gilgeam will kill him with his bare
Ishtar and Ramman could have (and hands. (Isis in Mulhorand)
their temples would turn over half of Gilgeam has no incarnations, if only Goddess of Weather, Lady of the Rivers,
their funds to Gilgeam), and all other because an incarnation of Gilgeam Mother of the Harvest, Lady of All Love
Untheri were obligated to worship Gil- might be filled with the sense of justice
geam alone. Status: NG, Lesser Power, Prime Mate-
and honor that he himself lost long ago.
However, trade with the other rial Plane
Nor does Gilgeam have any heirs,
Realms has imported a lot of foreign de- Symbol: Female hand clutching a glow-
though he enjoys the company of
ities into Unther, which are worshiped ing crystal rod
women (a son could prove to be a threat
in secret. to the security of his throne). Spheres: Major—All, Animal, Charm,
The cult of Gilgeam is the most power- Creation, Guardian, Healing, Necro-
Central Pantheon ful in Unther, if only because few other mantic, Plant, Protection, Weather;
cults are allowed. Idols to Gilgeam must Minor—Divination
Gilgeam decorate every street corner and every Weapons Allowed: Staff, Flail
home, and those who deface his image Armor Allowed: None
Master of Wars, Father of Victory, God will die. Gilgeam is a tall, handsome, very
of the Sky and the Cities, Supreme muscular man with long, golden hair Special Requirements: Ishtar is only
Ruler of Unther, Chessenta, Threskel, and beard. He typically wears kingly served by priestesses. No men may
Chondath, Turmish, the Shaar, and robes, but goes into battle with his mace be priests of Ishtar.

Special Abilities: At 15th level, a priest- son, command, friends, hypnotism, for- Greenfields. There is often confusion
ess of Ishtar gets a bonus spell: con- get, hold person, ray of enfeeblement, between Ramman and Ramatep, the
trol weather (as 7th-level priest scare, fear, charm monster, confusion, Untheric name for Anhur, but they are
spell). emotion, fumble, suggestion not the same deity (though confusion
over names has caused other deities to
Ethos: Priestesses of Ishtar are charged
to aid farmers and the common peo- Ramman merge their manifestations).
The statistics for Ramman’s incarna-
ple of Unther, to protect them from God of War, Thunder, Rain, Storms tion are as follows:
starvation. They may not directly at-
Status: N, Lesser Power, Prime Material
tack the injustices of Gilgeam, but AC: -2
may try to soften their effects. MOVE: 12, Fl 48 (A)
Symbol: Lightning bolt through a storm
cloud HIT POINTS: 150
Ishtar is the goddess of love and fertil- THAC0: 5
ity. She is the most beloved deity in Un- Spheres: Major—All, Combat, Elemen-
#AT: 2
ther, but her priesthood has little tal, Guardian, Protection, Weather;
DMG/ATT: 20/20
power. Long ago Ishtar gave the power Minor—Divination, Healing, Necro-
MR: 50% + Special
of her manifestation to the Mulhorand mantic, Summoning
CLASSES: Fighter 15, Mage 15
goddess Isis, and so the goddess wor- Weapons Allowed: Sword, lance, staff, STR 21 (+3, +8) DEX 20 CON 22 INT 19
shiped in Unther is not the real Ishtar, short bow, spear, javelin WIS 15 CHA 15
but she allows them to use her name. Armor Allowed: Chain
Ishtar has one incarnation in Shussel, SA: The incarnation of Ramman uses a
which is the site of her major temple. Special Requirements: Minimum STR mallet of lightning (it returns to him if
Gilgeam is quite jealous of Ishtar and 13, DEX 14, CON 12 thrown). This mallet always inflicts 20
her popularity. He has recently decreed Special Abilities: At 10th level, priests of points of damage per attack, even
that neither she nor Ramman may train Ramman may fire a 10d6 lightning against targets that have protection
worshipers to learn priest spells of 6th bolt, once per day. against lightning.
level or higher. The priesthood of Ishtar SD: Ramman is immune to all 1st- to
is quite upset, and is considering giving Ethos: Priests of Ramman are obliged to 4th-level spells. He is immune to the fol-
support to the growing rebellion help defend Unther against weather lowing spells due to high Wisdom:
against him. magic used by other nations (nota- cause fear, charm person, command,
Ishtar is portrayed as a beautiful fe- bly Thay). They are to protect Un- friends, hypnotism
male with golden hair and blue eyes; ther from foreign invaders and to Weapons: Typically wields a magical
her incarnation takes on this form and serve the King. mallet Armor: Scale mail +3
has the following statistics:
Ramman is a relatively new deity, intro- Tiamat
AC: -1 duced into Unther during the height of
the Second Empire. The worship of Queen of Chaos, Nemesis of the Gods
MOVE: 12
HIT POINTS: 100 Ramman complements that of Ishtar; Status: LE, Lesser Power, Prime Mate-
THAC0: 13 Ishtar is the deity of fertile soils, while rial Plane
#AT: 1 Ramman is the deity of the skies whose Symbol: Five-headed dragon
DMG/ATT: By weapon rains help crops flourish. Ramman is
Spheres: Major—All, Animal, Charm,
MR: 70% considered to be a less than caring de-
ity. Recent limits on the spells usable by Combat, Divination, Guardian, Nec-
CLASSES: Fighter 8, Mage 18 romantic, Protection, Weather;
STR 10 DEX 19 CON 18 INT 23 WIS 22 the priests of Ramman have severely
Minor—Animal, Elemental, Sum-
CHA 22 hurt the ability of Unther to defend its
crops from the Red Wizards, who are moning
SA: The incarnation of Ishtar may use using weather magic to concentrate the Weapons Allowed: All priest weapons
any weather spell at will, as an 18th- available clouds in the eastern region of Armor Allowed: Any
level caster. She may, at will, stun up to the Inner Sea over their territory.
6 HD (or levels) due to divine awe. Special Requirements: WIS 14
Ramman is portrayed as a man with a
SD: The incarnation of Ishtar is immune homely face but a massive build. His in- Special Abilities: 16th-level priests of
to 1st- to 5th-level illusion/phantasm carnations are typically farmers and Tiamat may summon a young adult
spells, and to the following spells due to soldiers, and he is worshiped in the dragon as a mount.
high Wisdom: cause fear, charm per-

Ethos: Priests of Tiamat are sworn to with 4 HD (or levels) or less. She has the Mask (God of Thieves, N): The number
destroy the power of the god-kings following spells, cast as if she is 24th of thieves in the cities of Unther is in-
of Unther, to seize the realm for level: two each of 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-, creasing rapidly (especially when the ri-
themselves, to get as much treasure 5th-, 6th-, and 7th-level wizard spells ots in Messemprar provide excellent
as possible and sacrifice it to the and one 8th-level wizard spell; and two looting opportunities). Thieves usually
Dark Lady. each of 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-level pay homage to Mask.
priest spells. Each head has the choice
Tiamat is a cult deity, born in opposition of breathing, spellcasting, or biting. Mystra (LN): This goddess of wizards is
to the god Gilgeam. The gods taught the Tiamat cannot attack with her claws, quite popular among the wizards of Un-
people that Tiamat was their major en- but can wing buffet and tail lash. ther. She is believed to be the patron of
emy, so when the gods became unpopu- Tiamat’s tail stinger can also strike one the mysterious Enclave.
lar, veneration of their greatest enemy creature; those who are struck must
grew as a protest. In Unther, people of roll successful saving throws vs. poison The Old Gods (LN, LG, NG): This cult
all alignments belong to the cult of (with a -4 penalty) or die in one round; worships gods from the golden age of
Tiamat, even people of good align- those who succeed with their saving Unther: Enlil, Marduk, Nanna-Sin, and
ments, because Gilgeam is such a tyrant throws are slowed for 2d4 days, or un- Utu. The cult of the Old Gods is mostly
they cannot see how Tiamat could be til the poison is neutralized. nostalgic; its priesthood cannot gain
worse. SD: Each head of Tiamat of has 48 hit spells beyond the 2nd level. Gilgeam
Tiamat’s manifestation in this plane points; when full damage is inflicted on does not persecute members of this cult
was destroyed long ago by the god Mar- the head, it becomes useless and cannot because he sees them as madmen with
duk (who is no longer in the Realms), attack. When two heads are immobi- no power.
but because of the summoning rituals lized, Tiamat teleports away.
performed by various priests, she has Sebek [God of Rivers, N(E)]: This
been able to send an incarnation. Her Other Deities crocodile-headed deity is worshiped in
incarnation has added power in Unther the wetlands, away from the cities. This
because of the strength of her cult. It There are a number of other deities cult has been persecuted for several
worshipped in Unther; these deities
can change form at will, and usually centuries. All crocodiles are said to be
were introduced by merchants from
poses as the Dark Lady, a sorceress his children.
the other parts of the Realms or by im-
with long, dark hair and dark robes,
who lives in Firetrees. The other form migrants. All worship of these deities is Tempus (CN): This is the chief warrior
illegal and subject to persecution. These
is a three-headed dragon (all five heads god worshiped (aside from Gilgeam of
deities are worshiped by only a small
are only available to the manifestation course) in Unther. He is a favorite
of Tiamat; the incarnation has the fraction of Unther’s population.
among the Chessentan mercenaries
heads of a red dragon, a blue dragon, that many of the freeholders have
and a green dragon). Anhur (CG): This war deity is wor- brought in to protect their farms from
shiped mainly by a few Chessentan bandits.
AC: -12 mercenaries who were converted to
Anhur worship in Mulhorand, then Umberlee (CE): Not commonly wor-
MOVE: 6, Fl 18 (C)
HIT POINTS: 192 journeyed to Unther to serve on free- shiped, pirates on the Alamber do pay
holds. This deity is not as popular homage to her, though usually their
THAC0: -7
#AT: 6 among the mercenaries as Tempus, but sacrifices consist of cargos they cannot
his following is growing fast. salvage.
DMG/ATT: 3d8 + 12/2d10 + 12/3d10 + 12/
2d8 + 12/ 1d6 + 12 (x2)
MR: 70% Bane: There are agents of the Zhen- Waukeen (N): This god is worshiped, in
tarim everywhere these days, and Un- private, by merchants who travel into
SA: Each head may breathe once every ther is no exception. A small group of Unther from abroad. A recent attempt
three rounds, and no more than one Bane worshipers have set up in Untha- to build a secret temple was foiled by the
head may breathe at a time. Breath lass, trying to extend their contacts into priests of Gilgeam, who razed the build-
weapon per head is the same as a great Mulhorand and learn the secrets of the ing in which the services were held.
wyrm of each species (24d8 + 12 for the south for Zhentil Keep, as Manshoon
Since then, there have been a great deal
blue head, 24d6 + 12 for the green has expressed an interest in learning of bitter feelings between the priests of
head, and 24d10 + 12 for the red head). southern magic and the secrets of the Waukeen and those of Gilgeam.
The dragon form of Tiamat horrifies all priest of Thoth.

“Can the gods make men mad in the land geam’s service with him. He has failed shaped scar that surrounds her eyes,
where the gods themselves are mad?” only once—when he was ordered to nose, and mouth.
—Isimud, leader of the Enclave bring in the Enclave; he killed several of Tiglath is not an evil woman, which
the order before he was driven back by may eventually lead her into conflict
Isimud the most powerful wizards of that or- with her deity. For now, Tiamat is will-
der. He is currently in Messemprar try- ing to accept her service, using her ha-
Greenfields ing to put down the riots, mostly by tred to corrupt her and change her to
24th-level Mage taking hostages and executing them in Lawful Evil. She has been close friends
LG, Mystra public until the people quiet down. This with the bandit Furifax for many years
Human male strategy has not worked. and often rides to the eastern Shaar to
Shuruppak wears black robes and a coordinate his actions with that of the
Isimud is the leader of the Enclave, a hood adorned with a red skull mask cult of Tiamat.
group of wizards in the western Green-
that covers the top half of his face. It is
fields. He is an old man, nearly blind, re-
lying on magical aids to help him
said that he was horribly scarred in bat- Furifax
tle long ago, but this is untrue. He has
continue his quest for new magic. Eastern Shaar
been a figure of dread for so long that
Isimud seeks the location of certain 13th-level Fighter
he considers himself to be The Reaper.
artifacts of the Old Unther Empire and Shuruppak has been given a number LE, Tempus
wishes to recover them to prevent Half-elf male
of special powers by Gilgeam. As there
them from falling into the hands of Gil- are plenty of opportunities for player
geam, or the Cult of Tiamat, or Furifax Furifax is the most famous bandit in the
characters to encounter him, his statis-
and the bandits. He laments that there southern Realms; he is known for both
tics follow:
is no force of a more benevolent nature extreme bravery and ruthlessness.
that promises to take control of Unther. His plans are meticulous; he is an ex-
AC: -3
He would be willing to support any be- cellent leader who is respected and
nign faction that gathers public sup- loved by his followers. He is also ex-
THAC0: 1
port, but none have as yet. tremely cruel to his enemies, believing
#AT: 3
He appears as a wizened old man that the end justifies the means.
DMG/ATT: By weapon + 8
with a long, white beard and a cap with Furifax is a half-elf who strongly fa-
SA: Spells
many mystic runes. He wears strange vors the human side of his heritage; he
SD: 50% magic resistance, mirror im-
lenses on his face, and his familiar, a has no idea who his parents were, ex-
age (five images) three times per day,
talking owl named Ibuth, reads aloud cept that they were travelers slain by
immune to enchantment/charm and
for him when his eyesight fails. bandits in the eastern Shaar. He was not
slow spells.
slain but raised by the bandits and
STR 20 (+3, +8) DEX 21 CON 18 INT 16
Shuruppak WIS 17 CHA 16
eventually became their chief. On a raid
into southern Unther he was captured
Wanders and sold into slavery in the royal palace
20th-level Fighter/7th-level Mage Shuruppak typically wields a two-
in Unthalass.
NE, Gilgeam handed sword +3 and wears bracers
When he fell into disfavor with his
Human male of defense, AC 2.
master, he was slated to face Gilgeam in
the arena, but he escaped before the
Shuruppak is referred to as “The Tiglath match could take place. He vowed that
Reaper” in Unther, for his approach is Firetrees he would decide the time and place for
death. He is a great fighter-mage, clad in 14th-level Priest their contest. He returned to the east-
black robes, protected by bracers of de- N, Tiamat ern Shaar, killed several rival bandits,
fense AC 2, who wanders from city to Human female and became the leader of the largest
city, killing anyone he feels is an enemy and most successful bandit group.
of Gilgeam. Shuruppak is a psychopath Tiglath is the current high priestess of Since then, he has placed agents in
prone to fits of extreme violence, Tiamat. She was once part of Gilgeam’s every major city in Unther, inciting dis-
known to take his sword to anyone harem; she does not speak of her expe- sent and spying on royal activities. He
when he’s in a bad mood. riences there, but she is filled with ha- has begun his plan for rebellion, which
When Gilgeam orders him to kill tred and a desire for revenge against may succeed. He needs a group of high-
someone, Shuruppak takes a group of the king. Tiglath’s face has a large star- level adventurers to face the manifesta-
high-level mages and priests in Gil- tion of Gilgeam and expel it from the

plane. He has allied with the cult of looking at the example set by Thay, Thieves’ Guild in Messemprar.
Tiamat, but he feels that this is not wish to avoid politics. Esarhaddon does He is not a particularly evil vampire,
enough. have a considerable following among but if anyone really annoys him, he’ll
Furifax is tall for a half-elf, nearly the the younger apprentices. His long- kill in a slow and evil fashion.
height of an average man, slim but wiry range plan is to get control of the En- Since he remembers how poorly his
and muscular. His hair is sandy brown, clave and turn it into a political master treated him, he doesn’t create
and his eyes are auburn. He wears a instrument, but he is so impatient that other vampires. So far no one has no-
sandy brown tunic and carries a long he may decide to join in Furifax’s rebel- ticed that Shulgi is a vampire. He has
bow, a long sword +3, boots of striding lion and aid them in their battle against taken advantage of the riots to loot sev-
and springing, and a ring of armor, AC 0. Gilgeam. With the permission of the eral places of value, but he feels that the
When opponents surrender, he strips other wizards, he made contact with situation is getting so out of hand in Un-
them of most of their weapons, arms, Furifax. He has solicited a promise that ther that he may leave for Chessenta.
and treasure. He usually leaves them the Enclave’s holdings will not be Shulgi is a short, fat vampire, with
some food and sufficient weapons for touched, in exchange for a promise that pale skin (he uses make-up to make him-
them to defend themselves in danger- the Enclave will not intervene on the self appear more human) and a stutter.
ous territories. side of Gilgeam.
Esarhaddon is young and impulsive, Skuthosiin
AC: -3 brilliant but impatient. He is less inter- Methwood
HIT POINTS: 77 ested in the pursuit of knowledge than Very Old Green Dragon
THAC0: 7 politics, but his elders dismiss this as LE, Tiamat
#AT: 2 youthful exuberance. Esarhaddon is a Dragon male
DMG/ATT: By weapon +3 (x2) golden-haired Mulan with blue eyes
STR 18/06 (+1, +3) DEX 17 CON 14 INT and a somewhat homely face. Skuthosiin, nicknamed “the Venomous”
17 WIS 17 CHA 16 (for obvious reasons) is the greatest
SD: Boots of Striding and Springing Shulgi dragon alive in Unther at this time (with
Weapon: Long sword +3 (named “The Messemprar the exceptions of the incarnation of
Companion”) 5th-level Thief Tiamat and Guyanothaz, the blind red
CE, Mask dragon of Mt. Temmikant). It claims to be
Furifax has access to more powerful the offspring of the infamous Cha-
Vampire male
weaponry, but because he has had The
thuulandroth, who razed the tower of
Companion for many years, he would Shulgi was once a thief from Cormyr. He the archmage Nezram in Mulhorand, but
prefer not to have any other weapon; was searching an ancient tomb for trea- no one believes this. Skuthosiin is an ex-
he also calls it “my brother of arms.”
sure when the roof collapsed and the tremely egotistical beast that considers it-
sarcophagus opened, trapping him with self to be the most powerful creature in
Esarhaddon a vampire. The inevitable result was that Unther, though it is somewhat more
Greenfields Shulgi also became a vampire. Shulgi humble when Tiamat is around.
8th-level Mage was under his master’s influence for sev- Skuthosiin has recently been forced
LG, Mystra eral years, until an adventuring com- by the cult of Tiamat to join them in
Human male pany called the Destroyers of Ghosts their attacks; it serves as the personal
killed his master, setting Shulgi free. steed for Tiglath. This is a recent devel-
Esarhaddon is the youngest of the Fearing that he would be next on the ad- opment. The dragon and its rider are
members of the Inner Council of the venturers’ list of victims, Shulgi fled Cor- not close friends. Skuthosiin is not in-
Enclave, the wizards who live on the myr, making his way east. Eventually he terested in politics, just food and a large
edge of the Greenfields and attempt to settled in the city of Messemprar. hoard. The dragon bears a grudge
preserve Untheri magic. Esarhaddon is Shulgi poses as a retired business- against an archer from Ssintar that
Isimud’s apprentice, but he has none of man, but he still enjoys thieving. Since once pierced its armor and gave it a
his master’s patience. He is filled with freed from his master’s influence he pain that lasted for weeks; it intends to
hatred for the king and is trying to push has not partaken of human blood, but destroy every living creature in that
the Enclave into military action to over- he steals enough money using his vam- city when the time comes.
throw Gilgeam and take control of Un- piric abilities to pay for livestock, Skuthosiin is a wily creature. In battle
ther and rule it as a magocracy. whose blood he drains. Shulgi enjoys it likes to lure its victims into an unsafe
Esarhaddon is the only one who thieving even more now that he is a mountainous area, then start an ava-
wants to pursue this; the other wizards, vampire. He has begun to set up a lanche. It has destroyed several adven-
turing companies this way.

“For now, and forever, the world shall Early in its history, Unther developed to be valuable by the peoples of the
look upon the works of Unther and be the ziggurat, a step pyramid that was west. In Unther, the major treasures—
filled with wonder.” sometimes elaborately decorated with pottery, buildings, and sculpture—are
—Old Untheric saying art and enamel plates. not considered to be valuable by most
Temples were square buildings sup- people.
Unther is, despite its current low ported by columns. There were a num- There are those who admire art for
points, one of the richest cultures in the ber of obelisks, tall narrow towers its own sake, however, who consider
Realms. meant to mark important places, com- the sculptures and pottery of Unther to
In ancient Raurin, even before the memorate the gods, and serve as look- be without equal.
war against the gods, there were two out posts. Pursuit of the arts—and war—has al-
distinct nations, which scholars name Cities were built with high walls and ways been the foremost recreation of
proto-Unther and proto-Mulhorand. ramparts on hills overlooking the sea, the Untheri. In recent times, athletic
The proto-Unther culture was a more surrounded by moats of water from competitions have been introduced by
aggressive culture; it believed in achiev- nearby rivers. Chessentan mercenaries and are be-
ing absolute supremacy over its domin- Horticulture and irrigation was also coming popular in Unther. Gilgeam of-
ions. The gods of Unther have, since important to the people of Unther. ten portrays himself as a perfect athlete
their beginnings, been uncaring entities There are accounts of elaborate gar- as well as a perfect king. In Unthalass,
(as opposed to the gods of Mulhorand, dens, watered by dams on the rivers, Gilgeam has recently instituted gladia-
who are merely neglectful). The philos- which covered many square miles. torial games, in which criminals fight
ophy of Unther has always been that These arts have been lost, and the an- each other for sport. This cruel practice
life is hard and cruel, and only through cient dams were swept away by the has sickened even some of the nobility.
hard work and submission to one’s de- force of the swift rivers they tried to Clothing in Unther is similar to that in
ity can one survive. This seems to be its control. Mulhorand. Nobles do not wear as
philosophy throughout history, even For centuries, all Untheri except much jewelry, but their raiment is usu-
before the coming of Gilgeam. slaves have learned how to read and ally multicolored and displays elaborate
Yet art and culture flourished in Un- write. Poetry is especially important to patterns to reflect their high social sta-
ther, almost as well as in more- the old peoples of Unther. In Unther, tus. Nobles also wear elaborate head-
prosperous Mulhorand. Scholars debate poems are meant to be chanted, along gear. The skirt worn by both males and
how a culture whose major concern was with musical accompaniment (typical females is often frilled. Untheri males
survival could possibly produce such instruments include drum, lyre, harp). wear long, well-groomed (often
art. The answer seems to be that in The lamentation, a verse full of melan- braided) beards.
struggling to survive, the Untheri cre- choly expressions of sorrows, is an ex-
ated tools that enabled them to flourish tremely popular verse-form in Unther. Language of Unther
and develop a wealthy civilization. Another popular form of literature in
Arts that flourished in Unther include Unther is the epic poem. There are ep- The language of Unther is called Un-
ceramics, sculpture, and architecture. ics that describe the birth of the gods theric. It belongs to the same language
The Untheri were not great workers in (highly dubious in their authenticity, family as the language of Mulhorand,
metals, nor is their land rich in precious but beautifully written). The most fa- but it so greatly changed over the
stones, like Mulhorand, but in many mous epic is the Epic of Gilgeam, which course of many centuries that there are
ways the Untheri were more creative describes the life of the current king of now very few similarities between the
with their resources. Everyday objects Unther, and is required to be taught to two languages.
like jugs were decorated in beautiful all of the Untheri. The runes used by the Untheri are en-
patterns and overlaid with colorful Gilgeam’s current unpopularity has tirely different from those used by the
enamels. Walls were covered in mosaic led to a new and previously unknown Mulhorandi; these runes pre-date their
tiles. Glazed inlaid patterns of great ani- form of poetry in Unther—the satire— migration from Raurin. Early Untheric
mals adorned city gates. There were as poets secretly parody many of the fa- writing consisted of syllabic hiero-
statues in even the poorest of homes; mous passages of the Epic of Gilgeam. glyphs (runes that represent one sylla-
most of these were idols of local gods The Untheri are also noted for many ble, as opposed to the hieroglyphs of
who were worshiped in household books of proverbs and wise sayings. Mulhorand, which represent one word)
shrines. In many cultures, the works of the and seems to have had at least minor in-
For the most part, art and architec- ancients are valuable treasures. This is fluence on the alphabet of Thorass (Old
ture in Unther was smaller in scale but especially true in Mulhorand, whose Common).
more inventive than in Mulhorand. jewelry and metalwork are considered

“In Chessenta, the people are incapable and failed miserably. There is no central to be elevated into the nobility.
of living a quiet life, or allowing others council to discuss Chessentan affairs, To be a hero, one must perform great
to live quietly.” though Cimbar sends ambassadors to all deeds in battle that are witnessed by a
—Heptios the Archmage coastal cities except Luthcheq. This commander of noble rank. The title is
keeps a dialogue going among the Ches- not given out as a whim, and there is
Unther and Mulhorand are relatively sentan cities to discuss trade threats rarely more than one hero in a battle.
stable and united societies, and the so- from the North Coast cities. Heroism is sometimes given out posthu-
cial structure does not vary much from The social classes of Chessenta are as mously; the only benefit such heroes
region to region. In Chessenta, this is follows: receive is a grave in the noble burial
not the case; each city is a different soci- grounds with a marker to recognize
ety and may contain substantial differ- The Nobility their deeds.
ences in social mix, laws, and character. There are no special titles for priests
The nobles of Chessenta live in rich pal-
The peoples of Chessenta are of many or mages, which are not the most re-
aces in large cities. They can be of any
races: common humans are the Mulani spected classes in Chessenta. Both are
class, though given the large number of
(Unther/Mulhorand), Turami (Turmish), considered to be less than noble profes-
wars that plague Chessenta, they usu-
Rashemi (Rashemen), and Amnite sions, except in Cimbar, which recog-
(Amn); there are also more than a few ally belong to the warrior group.
nizes teachers and philosophers from
Whereas Mulhorand worships the di-
elves, half-elves, half-orcs, orcs, these classes as the pinnacles of human
vine, Chessenta’s obsession is with
dwarves, and halflings mixed in the cit- achievement. There is nothing particu-
physical conflict. Rulers are often re-
ies. Airspur and Mordulkin are particu- larly honorable or dignified about be-
larly well-known for their cosmopol- tired warriors who place their sons at
ing a member of these classes; it is the
the heads of the army. They typically
itan mix of races. act of teaching or philosophizing that is
rule the city and send troops out into seen as dignified in Cimbar. One must
As in the other nations of the Old Em-
the surrounding countryside to collect
pires, there are three social classes: no- also engage in public discussions and
bility, middle class, and slaves/serfs. taxes; taxes are kept and used by the debates between philosophers to gain
city, not sent to a central authority. proper recognition.
The rulers are usually Mulan humans,
To be cast out of the noble class, one
descended from those who originally
must be outlawed. The punishment of
rebelled against Unther.
banishment requires a public trial.
The Middle Class
The middle class in Chessenta bears a
The Population of Noble Titles of Chessenta greater resemblance to the tradesmen,
Chessenta There is no hierarchy of titles in Ches-
merchants, and farmers of the western
Realms, rather than the tightly con-
Chessenta is an ancient land, in many senta. The rulers of cities are generally
trolled realms of Mulhorand, Unther, or
ways the most energetic of the Old Em- known as kings; the Sceptanar of Cim-
even Thay. The middle class controls
pires. While large sections of the coun- bar uses the title Overlord or Great
most of the money in Chessenta, and
try remain unoccupied (the Adder King to signify his claim as the one true
the city governments believe that it is in
Peaks, for instance), it is estimated that ruler of Chessenta. (Of course, the
their best interest to let the middle class
the population stands at close to 1.2 mil- other kings of Chessenta do not refer to
thrive so the governments rake in the
lion sentient beings, including the Flam- the Sceptanar as the Great King.)
ing Spike orc tribe of the Akanapeaks, People who perform great deeds on The majority of farmers are freehold-
whose population is estimated at 50,000 the battlefield are officially known as
ers with serfs to help in the fields.
(though they suffered heavy losses in “Hero of...,” with the name of the battle Slaves typically fulfill household duties,
the recent wars in Chondath). Of this added to their title. This is considered while serfs are paid minimal wages and
population, about 300,000 live in the cit- to be part of their name; those given given land of their own to use while
ies and 900,000 in the countryside. this title are permitted to add heroic providing a portion of crops produced
Given its political divisiveness, there is emblems to their shields and wear a on the land to the owner. In actual prac-
no standing army to represent Ches- copper ring on the third finger of their
tice, the differences between serf and
senta as a nation. When outsiders left hand. It is possible to be a hero in slave are minimal.
threaten Chessenta, the armies of Cim- more than one battle, and heroes often The only city that places major restric-
bar and Akanax threaten each other into receive additional pay as a matter of re- tions on the merchant classes is Luth-
cooperating; so far this has only oc- spect for their deeds. Most importantly,
cheq. Businesses in that city are
curred on one occasion—when Unther a hero is considered to be part of the forbidden to use wizards, shelter wiz-
tried to reclaim Chessenta 300 years ago noble class; it thus is possible for a slave ards, or even have dealings with wizards

outside of the city. The penalties for vio- easily broken, but escapes are for the forgets, even when he does not remem-
lating this law are confiscation of all most part a very rare occurrence. ber correctly” is a common (if unfair)
property and possessions and death by Slaves may shave or cut their hair, but saying in Chessenta.
witchweed burning as a witch-friend. most masters require them to wear a One city that does not like demihu-
Merchants usually get around these re- beard, at least until they are sure the mans, as one might expect, is Luthcheq.
strictions by setting up other companies slave will not escape. While orcs, half-orcs, and half-elves are
in other cities, selling to their other com- Most slaves are kept illiterate, except tolerated, full elves are considered to be
panies, and then hiring middlemen to in the city of Cimbar, where it is com- creatures of magic; any caught in Luth-
sell to wizards. The lords of Luthcheq pulsory that all citizens and slaves be cheq are burned. Dwarves are consid-
typically persecute one merchant every able to read and write. ered to be earth magicians and also
ten years or so to demonstrate that their subject to burning.
laws may not be flouted. Then they Demihumans in Chessenta Naturally, most demihumans avoid
move on to matters of greater interest. Luthcheq, and some demihuman com-
Naturally, many traders in the Inner Sea The major enclave of nonhumans in
panies have joined in battles against
Chessenta is the Flaming Spike tribe in
are extremely nervous during their vis- Luthcheq out of vengeance, which has
western Chessenta. This tribe has a rep-
its to Luthcheq, and some merchants only deepened the prejudice of the
utation, which seems to be exagger-
avoid that city altogether. lords of Luthcheq against demihumans.
Members of the middle class in Ches- ated, for barbarism and cruelty.
senta typically dress in upper class These orcs often raid the cattle and
style, but without royal insignias or sig-
sheep herds on the north shores of the The Society of
nets of heroism. They are clean-shaven
Akanamere, but they rarely attack hu- Chessenta
and their hair is cropped short. They mans. Most battles between the Flam-
ing Spike and Chessenta have been Chessenta is generally considered to
wear short, white tunics with capes have a neutral society, subject to re-
initiated by Chessenta; the garrison at
that fall to the knees and cover the gional variations. Cimbar is probably
Rodanar is especially eager to kill them.
shoulders. Only mages and the crippled best described as lawful good, while
are permitted to carry staves. The Flaming Spike tribe is more aggres-
sive in Chondath. Akanax is lawful neutral, and Luthcheq
A number of orcs have left the tribe is lawful evil.
Slaves to become traders in Airspur, where In Chessenta, there are a number of
Slavery in Chessenta is less widespread half-orcs are fast becoming the domi- motives that drive people. The people
than in Mulhorand or Unther; farm nant members of its society. Because of of the outside see the Chessentan’s
workers are typically serfs, not slaves, this, a large dwarven mercenary com- feasts and wars and often view them as
though the differences are minimal. pany has offered its services to Cimbar, a riotous, drunken people. While it is
Slaves are often criminals who are which is currently at war with Airspur. true that Chessentans feast and fight of-
forced into service in dangerous places, For the most part, however, the orcs of ten and long, this description misses the
such as the mines, or serfs purchased Airspur have adopted human values fundamental facet of a Chessentan’s
from slave traders (some are Thayvian and compete with human traders for character-passion. Chessentans are an
in origin). business, not racial reasons. The arch- extremely energetic people who rarely
Slavery is considered part of the natu- mage Heptios says that orcs who adopt do things except to an extreme. Compe-
ral order; philosophers claim that some human values may be the greatest tition is very important to their way of
men are naturally servile, and many of threat the Realms have ever known. life, as is art. The Chessentans live for
these servile men are slaves. Work con- The second source of demihumans in today, but without the fatalism or des-
ditions among slaves vary greatly. Chessenta are the mercenaries. While peration of those who believe that the
Slaves in the mines work in a all of the peoples of the Old Empires world will soon end.
wretched, unsafe environment, but share a congenital wariness of and un- This tendency toward excess and
most slaves live hard but not unpleas- ease with all things elven, half-elves are driven behavior enables them to create
ant lives. It is considered a virtue to re- considered to be fully human and are works of beauty that cannot be found
ward slaves for hard work or jobs well rarely the object of discrimination. elsewhere in the Realms. It also encour-
done; masters can give slaves their free- Dwarves are also commonly found in ages them to engage in savage warfare
dom at any time. Slaves are not branded mercenary companies, though south- with appalling frequently. Chessenta is
as in Unther, but they are forced to ern dwarves consider Chessenta to still a land that does not believe in doing
wear a thread around their wrists to be part of Unther and thus an enemy. anything half-way.
identify them as slaves. The threads are “Even the most drunken dwarf never

“Chessenta is a mosaic of a nation that size, weight, and strength of the The Akanul
was made by ten different artists, all of pteranodons, it is doubtful that they
The Akanul is the most fertile region of
them blindfolded.” could support a human rider; either
farmland within Chessenta. Large plan-
—Heptios, mage of Cimbar larger varieties once existed or the leg-
tations of cash crops line the shores of
end is a hoax.
the Akanamere; these crops are deliv-
In physical size, the alliance of Ches- There are also the ruins of an ancient
ered by ship to Akanax and Soorenar.
senta is the largest of the Old Empires. aarakocra civilization on the slopes, but
These lands have been farmed for cen-
However, Chessenta is really a collec- this tribe was hunted to extinction a
turies; they deliver over 50% of Ches-
tion of city-states with no unity whatso- century ago for sport by mercenaries
senta’s food supply. Many of the wars
ever, though each state has ambitions from Chessenta.
that have been fought in Chessenta
(some would say delusions) toward be- The eastern portions of the Riders to
have been over these lands and access
ing the center of this virtually nonexist- the Sky have mostly been cleared,
to their crops.
ent nation. though some bandit and outlaw tribes
Historically, the border of Chessenta use them as bases to wage raids on Un-
in the west begins at the coast on the ther and Chessenta. The western por- Akanamere
edge of the Akanapeaks, the mountains tions, along the edge of the Winding This great fresh-water lake is the larg-
that border the Akanamere. This bor- River, are much wilder. There are troll est in the Old Empires. The lake is rich
der goes south to the Adder Peaks, and villages, and duergar inhabit under- in fish, and its shores are fertile. There
then runs along the Winding River, ground caverns. is also at least one active pirate vessel
Methmere, and the River of Metals to its Half-drow who were exiled from active in this area, as well as a family of
mouth on the coast of the Alamber. The Yuirwood long ago are rumored to live vodyanoi and a small community of liz-
Untheric city of Messemprar lies across among the trolls. ard men. Two small trading villages, Os-
the border on the south side of the lin and Maerduuth, are situated on the
river. Adder River southeastern coast of the lake, while
The border then shifts northward, the town of Rodanar sits on the north-
The Adder River is a wide, slow, muddy
following the coast, as far west as the ern shore. The mercenary company,
river that runs from the Adder Peaks to
city of Reth. The region between Mes- Lords of the Inner Reach, is stationed in
the Bay of Chessenta. It is known for
semprar and Mt. Thulbane, Threskel, Oslin; it has been employed by farmers
the lush vegetation that surrounds it,
considers itself to be an independent who wish to displace rival farmers and
and its deadly snakes (the king of Un-
nation, but most consider this area to take over their lands. The river Akax,
ther was once bitten by an adder while
be part of Chessenta. which runs between the Akanamere
crossing this river). It would be easy to
Chessenta has numerous geographi- and the Bay of Chessenta, is navigable
navigate, except for the Adder Swamp,
cal regions. In the west are the Akana- down its entire length by small- and
which blocks the mouth of the river.
peaks, and to the east are the Riders to medium-sized ships.
The Adder Swamp is known to be home
the Sky Mountains. Between these two
to a community of werecrocodiles, who
mountain ranges are the hills of
are very protective of their territory. Akanapeaks
Maerth, which separates the Adder
They are currently at war with a com- These are the highest peaks in Ches-
River valley to the east and the Akanul
munity of wererats. senta, with the exception of Mt.
Plains on the west. Threskel is low
plains and beaches, with the exception Thulbane. The only known passage
The Hills of Maerth through the Akanapeaks is the gap of
of the lonely mountain, Mt. Thulbane.
Reth. The western slopes of the peaks
Between Akanamere and the Adder
are home to a large orc tribe, the Flam-
The Riders to the Sky River are the Hills of Maerth. These low
ing Spike, which inhabits ancient dwar-
but rugged hills are known for their
This mountain chain is on the south- ven mines that were carved in the
rare minerals; a large number of an-
eastern border of Chessenta. These are mountains over three millennia ago. The
cient mines dot the surface of the hills.
mostly hills ranging between 3,000 and orcs raid into western Chessenta and
Recently large tracts of the hills of
5,000 feet in height. On the southern Hlath and Nun in eastern Chondath.
Maerth were purchased by the well-
end are a number of cliffs that are
known plane-wandering archmage
home to the tuuru, a race of giant bird-
Azurax Silverhawk (23rd-level mage), Bay of Chessenta
like lizards (pteranodons).
who is seeking a philosopher’s stone. This great bay is considered by many to
Legends exist that in ancient days
these huge birds were used as mounts be the best natural harbor in the east-
by the warriors of Unther. Given the ern Inner Sea region. At its northeast-

ern end is the Watcher’s Cape, on which for traffic to pass through) to protect Cimbar was built as a port by the Un-
stands a lighthouse that is nearly 800 from invasion. Being good merchants, theri 500 years before the founding of
feet high. This light, known as the the Lords of Reth wish to stay out of Cormyr. This section includes the Great
Drakelight, is lit whenever a fleet of pi- armed conflicts. The Wraith of the In- Palace, the home of the Sceptanar in the
rate ships is spotted entering the Bay. A ner Sea, a mercenary complement of shadow of an old Untheri pyramid,
garrison of 300 troops, 100 each from four large vessels, uses this port as its many libraries where books and works
Luthcheq, Soorenar, and Mordulkin, home base. The population of Reth is of art are kept, and the University, the
maintain the lighthouse and guard 35,000. largest center of learning in the Old Em-
against pirate and other attacks. This pires, larger than even the schools of
garrison is well supplied; by treaty all Airspur Thoth in Gheldaneth. Cimbarians brag
three of the cities maintain their troops that it is the largest center of learning in
here, even if the cities go to war against This trading port was once one of the
the entire Realms.
each other. most important in western Chessenta,
There are three sections to the Uni-
but has since been overtaken by Reth. It
versity. There is the college of mages,
is still a powerful presence in the region.
Mount Thulbane Airspur is known (some say infa-
where magic is studied, the college of
sages, where bestiaries and books of
This extinct volcano is the highest peak mous) for the many half-orcs that popu-
facts describe (with some contradic-
in Chessenta; it is said that the god As- late it—30% of the population of the city
tions) every known part of the Realms,
suran, patron of Chessenta, lives on this is half-orc. The city is currently in an
and the artist’s college, where poetry,
peak. At the foot of the mountain are aggressive phase, having allied with
painting, and music are taught to
the fields of Pryollus, where competi- Soorenar in its current war against
dozens of eager students. Studies also
tions are held every two years to deter- Cimbar. The city fields an army of 3,000
include mathematics and astronomy.
mine the finest athletes in Chessenta. troops, of which 500 are archers and
Cimbar boasts one of the largest liter-
These grounds are currently being 500 are cavalry. The city has a popula-
acy rates in the Realms; even slaves are
used by the king of Mourktar, who is tion of 20,000. Three notable merce-
taught to read and write.
having an athletic competition to deter- naries use Airspur as its base—the
New Cimbar is a large cluster of resi-
mine who will succeed him (see the Sailors of the Crimson Sea, the War-
dences and thriving shops. The port is
“The Name of the Game” scenario). dogs, and the Sunlords. Many of these
the largest of any in the region. On the
have fought recently in Chondath and
outskirts of the city are theaters, where
Cities of Chessenta have sustained heavy losses. The lord of
plays are performed, the hippodrome,
Airspur is Khrulis (8th-level half-orc
where horses and chariots race, and
Reth fighter), a crafty and pragmatic, though
the arena, where athletes test their
greedy, ruler.
Reth is the westernmost city of skills.
Chessenta—a fast-growing port and In spite of its tradition of arts, Cimbar
Cimbar is also a city of warriors. It has the sec-
trading center. It forms a loose alliance
with Hlath and Nun to protect each Cimbar is commonly thought of as the ond largest fleet in the eastern Inner
other from attack from the sea, though capital of Chessenta, the place set down Sea (only Thay’s is larger), and the larg-
Reth failed to protect Hlath in recent by the war god Tchazzar as the center est number of warships at any port in
battles against a powerful netherworld of his nation’s power forever (or at least the region. The main enemy of the Cim-
mage named Yrkhetep (see I14, Swords for as long as the city’s kings could pre- barian navy is not Thayvian vessels, but
of the Iron Legion). To the west of Reth vent Chessenta from deteriorating into those of the cities of the North Coast;
is the forest of Nun, which is inhabited a group of warring city-states). there have been numerous sea battles
by the Autunuk tribe of hybsil. Cimbar is known for its rich culture. between Cimbarian and North Coast
Reth is ruled by a council of mer- Participation in the arts, philosophy, and vessels as both attempt to dominate the
chants, who keep tariffs here lower music is compulsory for its citizens. The seas and the valuable trading route.
than in any other city in Chessenta, way to eternity, it is said in Cimbar, is The army of Cimbar numbers 15,000,
which makes it an extremely attractive through a sound body, an inquiring of which there are 100 air cavalry (grif-
port. Its disadvantage is its distance mind, and a creative spirit. The streets fon), 100 mage artillery (3rd to 5th
from the major production centers, are clean and the buildings are beautiful. level), 1,300 marines, 9,000 infantry,
though iron is mined in the Akana- Cimbar is the quintessential symbol of a 2,000 archers, and 2,500 cavalry. The
peaks. The city is separated from the rich, prosperous city in its golden age. population of the city is 90,000. There
rest of Chessenta by the Gap of Reth, The city is divided into two major sec- are usually at least six mercenary com-
which is spanned by a wall (with a gate tions: Old Cimbar and New Cimbar. Old panies in Cimbar as well.

The king of Cimbar is the mage of the city was destroyed ten years ago ferry service across the Akax provides
known only as the Sceptanar (15th-level in a war against Soorenar. transportation between them, as there
mage); he holds the ancient scepter and The army of Akanax numbers over are no bridges on the river. East
crown of Tchazzar and is considered to 20,000; there are at least 5,000 archers Soorenar is the smaller of the two sec-
have the best claim of all who claim to and 15,000 infantry. It has a very small tions; it contains docks, storage facili-
be king of Chessenta. He rules with ab- navy of ten warships. The ruler of ties, and amenities for adventuring
solute authority, though a senate Akanax is the absolute tyrant Hippartes parties and mercenary companies.
elected from the land-holding males of (19th-level fighter); he is considered to Most of the people in Soorenar live on
Cimbar meets frequently to make pro- be the finest soldier in the south. the western side, which is heavily
posals; the king usually at least listens to The city is currently at peace, though guarded.
their advice. it expects war with Luthcheq any time Soorenar’s attitude toward warfare is
now. Soorenar has invited Akanax to to purchase victory with money and
Akanax join in Soorenar’s attack against Cim- treasure. It likes to buy the services of
bar; Akanax is considering the pro- high-level wizards and use them to dev-
South of Cimbar is its philosophical op- posal, as well as an invasion of Soorenar astate the enemy; it is somewhat at
posite, the harsh city of Akanax. that would give Akanax control of the odds with Luthcheq over this practice.
Akanax is a city of warriors; its male River Akax. Soorenar’s standing army is 5,000, of
citizens are bonded into the military which 1,000 are cavalry, 1,000 are
and trained to be warriors; those incap-
able of fighting are slain. Men are for-
Rodanar archers, and 3,000 are infantry. The
army has been boosted to 15,000 for
bidden to marry before the age of 20 Rodanar was founded by the war god the current war against Cimbar. This
and cannot live with their wives until Tchazzar, as Chessenta needed a fort to huge increase has been accomplished
the age of 30. Akanax scorns the arts of defend itself against incursions from by forced induction of its citizens and
Cimbar but admires its fighting spirit. the orc tribes of the Akanapeaks. Two slaves, as well as the service of 5,000
The city is organized like a military centuries ago it was a large city, but a mercenaries. The lords of Soorenar are
camp. Women exist to serve the men, war against Akanax destroyed it, and Lord Thurik (10th-level fighter), Lady
who eat at a common mess and train to- the small town that was rebuilt on the Yashur (8th-level mage), and Lord
gether constantly. Buildings are simple, site is a vassal of Akanax. It serves as a Brolkchant (8th-level fighter). These are
practical structures without much or- trading center for the western interior
the representatives of the three leading
namentation. Much of the population of of Chessenta, and as a garrison loyal to noble families. Any decision regarding
Akanax lives outside of the city, in fields Akanax. It is run in stoic military style Soorenar must be unanimous.
that have been converted into military by Hyurkes (8th-level fighter).
camps. Children in Akanax are not The town’s population is 5,000, of
raised by families, but belong to the which 1,000 are in the direct service of Luthcheq
state. Throughout its history, Akanax the garrison. This “city of madness” is one of the most
has had many wars; the Akanul pays troubled and destructive in the entire
regular tribute to Akanax. Soorenar Realms. The lords of this city, the family
Maerduuth was once a large city, un- Karanok, are devotees of the strange
This large, aggressive port city is at the deity named Entropy, an entity that is
til it was nearly totally destroyed in a
mouth of the river Akax. The lords of devoted to the destruction of magic. As
war against Akanax 50 years ago.
the city are related to the Lords of Luth- priests of Entropy, the lords of Luth-
Strangers are only barely tolerated in
cheq (though without the latter’s homi- cheq feel that it is their responsibility to
Akanax, and are generally viewed with
cidal hatred of wizards). They are hunt down and slay all wizards, not
extreme suspicion. Because of this, no
currently planning a grand alliance to only within Luthcheq, but all over the
mercenary companies are based in
destroy Cimbar and unite Chessenta Realms.
under Soorenar’s rulership. Its allies in The lords of Luthcheq pay large boun-
Occasionally warriors of Akanax des-
this enterprise are Luthcheq and Air- ties for captured wizards, who they
ert to form their own mercenary com-
spur. It is trying hard to persuade burn at the stake in witchweed fires. As-
panies; many of the mercenaries in
Akanax to join the alliance, though sassins in the pay of Luthcheq are stalk-
Mulhorand are of Akanaxian origin.
many grudges remain from their last ing a number of prominent targets, most
The city has a population of 20,000;
war. notably Elminster of Shadowdale. The
this is deceptive, as many of its citizens
Soorenar is divided into two sections: lords have had secret talks with agents
live in the camps outside of the city on
East and West Soorenar, which are sep- of the Zhentarim, in which the destruc-
its southern plains. The actual number
arated by the Akax River delta. Only a tion of Elminster occupied most of the
of people in the region is 70,000. Much

discussion, though the use of magic by routes and on the battlefields, and there herdsmen of Threskel. Small mining
the Zhentarim and the Red Wizards pre- is a good deal of enmity between the two communities in the Riders to the Sky
vents (fortunately) the formation of two cities that predates the rise of the Mountains sometimes ship their goods
dangerous alliances. Karanoks in Luthcheq. to Mourktar, as it is closer than Mor-
Luthcheq is a member of the north- Mordulkin is divided into sections dulkin to the major trade centers of Be-
ern alliance with Soorenar and Airspur. which are run by guilds: The merchants’ zantur and Sultim. Troubles in Unther,
They have not yet, however, provided guild runs the merchant district, the however, have made the Sultim-
troops to the war against Cimbar; se- craft guilds organize the crafts district, Messemprar-Mourktar trade route less
cretly the lords of Luthcheq hope that and the builders’ guild runs the residen- attractive to traders in the last century.
the alliance and Cimbar will destroy tial district. There is a central mercenary There have also been major problems
each other and allow Luthcheq to take guild, and all adventuring companies with pirates and the sahuagin.
control of the north. Luthcheq claims and mercenary forces that enter Mor- Mourktar is full of traders and merce-
that it needs all of its troops to defend dulkin must register with the guild naries who hope to profit from the riots
against Mordulkin incursions; Mor- within 24 hours or face imprisonment. of Messemprar, as well as from what
dulkin is its historic enemy even from The city is wealthy and is subse- they hope will be an upcoming civil war
the days before the Karanoks obtained quently home to the largest organized in Unther.
power. thieves’ guild in the south. The second Mourktar’s population is 10,000. It
The city is divided into the Port Sec- largest port facilities in Chessenta (only has a permanent army of 500 soldiers,
tion, the Trading Section, the Palace Cimbar’s are larger) are located here. and it drafts a force of 2,000 from the
Section, the Temple of Entropy, and the Mordulkin tries to keep its relations city’s population and the surrounding
Slave Farms, where witchweed is with the North Coast cities cordial, un- region. In spite of its mercantile charac-
grown. like other Chessentan cities. The king of ter, political power in Mourktar is held
Priests of Entropy wander the streets Mordulkin is not interested in uniting by the king, who is descended from the
carrying censors filled with burning Chessenta and will not willingly join an lords who led Mourktar’s break from
witchweed to purge the city of magic. alliance against Cimbar. Unther. The current ruler of the city is
The population of Luthcheq is be- The population of Mordulkin is about king Theris (8th-level fighter). Theris is
lieved to be about 50,000; there is no ac- 35,000. The army of Mordulkin has dying without an heir, and his god has
curate counting made of the citizens 8,000 members—6,000 infantry and instructed him to call a tournament to
except for the slaves. The army of Luth- 1,000 each of archers and cavalry. decide who will be his successor (see
cheq consists of nearly 10,000 troops, For every 100 members, there is also the “The Name of the Game” scenario).
with 8,000 infantry, 1,000 archers, and one mage, level 1-5 (roll 1d6, subtract 1,
1,000 cavalry. The navy consists of 15 treat all results of “0” as a 1st-level Thamor
large warships. No mercenary compan- mage). The city has an extensive school
Thamor is a small trade city in the inte-
ies (or sane adventurers) use Luthcheq of mages, but not as large as Cimbar’s.
rior of Threskel. It was founded by
as a base; those suspected of associating The current king of Mordulkin is Her-
merchants from Mourktar and Mes-
with wizards are also burned. The cur- cubes (12th-level mage).
semprar as a free city where goods
rent lord is Maelos, high priest of En-
could be exchanged between Unther
tropy (18th-level priest). Mourktar and Mulhorand without duty or tax.
The city of Mourktar is a free city on Both Unther and Mulhorand objected,
Mordulkin the edge of the flat, sandy plains of so Thamor was forced to abide by the
This city sits on the eastern shore of the Threskel. Mourktar claims to be inde- trade laws of the two neighbors.
Bay of Chessenta. It is a family enclave, pendent of Chessenta, while the other This certainly hurt its growth, but
ruled by the Jedea ever since the rebel- cities claim that Mourktar is part of Thamor is still a sizable settlement of
lion that ousted Unther from Chessenta. Chessenta. Since the other Chessentan 3,000 people, mostly merchants trading
The city is ruled by the most powerful cities are generally too far from goods with the miners in the Riders to
mage in the Jedea family and is a haven Mourktar to threaten it, Mourktar is for the Sky Mountains and farmers in
for wizards. These things alone would all purposes an independent city. southern Threskel. The city is subject
earn it the enmity of the lords of Luth- Mourktar is a small but aggressive to controls by Mourktar. Its leader is
cheq, but the city of Mordulkin has been trading city. It has a large port facility to Leppidon (3rd-level fighter).
Luthcheq’s major enemy on the trade handle goods for the farmers and

“The fields are rich with grain and fruit, a 15% tax on all exports, which accumu- Chessenta, especially those in Cimbar,
the cattle are fat, the mines are rich, lates as traders travel from city to city. believe that great art is the highest tri-
and the traders to the North are angry.” This tax ensures revenue for the cities of umph of humanity. Sculptors in Ches-
—The Sceptanar of Cimbar Chessenta, which enables them to com- senta venerate the human form,
mission artists to make great statues—or boasting that they have “taken man and
Were Chessenta a united nation under a mercenaries to tear them down. made him as the gods.” Chessentan art-
wise king, it is said that it would easily The major imports of Chessenta in- ists receive large commissions to make
dominate the Inner Sea area through clude horses, which are used by the statues of prominent individuals and
economics. With the exception of the cavalry of various armies and merce- give them heroic qualities. Chessentan
Greenfields of Mulhorand, there is no naries. (Oddly enough, many people sculptors typically work in granite,
region of the Old Empires that is more think of Chessenta as a center of merce- which is imported from Mulhorand;
fertile than the Akanul. The hills and nary activity, so when mercenaries pass the sculptures are painted when they
mountains are teeming with valuable through to Mulhorand or Unther, they are finished.
metals—iron, silver, copper, and gold. are always thought of as “Chessentan The quality of Chessentan iron is con-
There are forests of fruit—trees and mercenaries.”) In times of shortage, sidered to be quite high. It is in demand
fields of grapevines. In short, Chessenta Chessenta purchases food from Thay. from smiths in the west. There are also
has all of the materials to be a trading Chessenta also imports slaves and occa- talented smiths in Chessenta who make
power of the first rank. sionally exports its criminals to Thay to finished products, most notably in
However, given the disunity of Ches- work there. The nobles of Chessenta Akanax and Maerduuth. Chessentan
senta, it is unlikely that this potential also import foods and products not gold and silver are major exports.
southern super-nation will ever emerge; common to their land: cheese, pork, Sheep are raised for their wool on the
even if a conqueror did unite the city- glass, and perfumes. Chessenta relies plains north of Akanamere. Olive oil is
states again as Tchazzar once did, he on other nations to supply the bulk of also a major export.
could only do so with a war that would its magical weaponry, and enchanted Chessentans rely on a network of mer-
devastate Chessenta for years to come. trinkets from Thay (such as dancing fig- chants to provide them with their goods.
There is no nationalism. Chessentans urines with musical accompaniment) Chessentan merchant companies place
pride themselves on being members of are popular among the nobles. agents in distant lands to look for new
their city-states, not of Chessenta. The Most cities have a reserve of treasure products and markets and to represent
city-states continue to fight, against consisting of a large supply of gold, sil- the Chessentan merchant guilds to their
each other as well as against their rivals ver, and jewelry from the days when nobility. There is an alliance between
on the North Coast. Unther first built the cities. This re- Chessenta and Durpar merchants; since
This independence applies not just to serve is used in emergencies and en- a journey across the Inner Sea is consid-
city-states, but to individual farmers ables the cities to pay for high-level ered to be too long even for industrious
and merchants. Farms are run by a wizards to assist them with magic in merchants, Chessentan merchants buy
freeholder, who uses slaves and serfs to times of wars. Some reserves of trea- the surplus of the Durpar merchants
perform his labors. A farm in Chessenta sure are hidden or inaccessible (see the and then resell it in Cormyr and Sembia
emphasizes quality over quantity, “The Eater of Magic” scenario for one for a large profit.
which makes the produce more valu- example).
able. Much of the foodstuffs produced Some cities have been plundered and Coinage
in Chessenta comes from the Akanul; have lost their treasure (most notably
The governments of each Chessentan
the Akanul feeds Reth, Airspur, Cimbar, Akanax). Others are spending it so
city-state mint their own coins, typi-
Soorenar, and Akanax. (Most cities keep quickly that they will likely soon run
cally from silver and gold. The silver
a reserve of magically preserved food short of funds (Luthcheq is paying large
piece is called a talent, and the gold
in case of war; this reserve can last up bounties for mages).
piece is known as a drake. The coins are
to three years.) There are farms north
usually traded by merchants; any at-
of the Akanamere, but they produce The Crafts of tempt to debase coins results in the
cattle and grapes for export, which
brings great wealth to these farmers. Chessenta merchants refusing to accept them as
payment. Coins are minted with a
Merchants form merchant compan- Chessenta has several interesting ex- ruler’s face on one side, and a divine
ies in one city, and try to ally themselves ports. The first is Chessentan wine, symbol (usually commemorating a bat-
with the merchant guilds in other cities which is said to be among the finest in tlefield victory) on the reverse.
so they may have a broader market to the Realms and is heavily in demand in
sell their goods. the west for its rich character. The sec-
Chessentan governments usually place ond is statues and art. The people of

traditional enemies, but they are not Luthcheq, and should Akanax take the
Regional Rulers currently at war. opportunity to avenge its losses in the
The land of Chessenta is controlled by Neutral means the cities have no par- last war against Soorenar, there could
the city-states, which do not accept a ticular historical hatred. well be full-scale war in Chessenta be-
central governing body or ruler; the Rival means that there is a historic tween the Northern Alliance (Airspur,
rulers of Cimbar, Akanax, and Mordul- trade competition between the two cit- Soorenar, and Luthcheq) and the Trian-
kin all claim to be the true Overlord of ies, but no significant history of military gle (Cimbar, Akanax, and Mordulkin)
Chessenta and add this to their other ti- conflict. Alliance. Most military experts believe
tles; except for the purposes of protocol Allied means that they are currently that such a war would certainly result
(where it creates strains between the allies, but not necessarily strong allies. in the defeat of the Northern Alliance
governments), this claim is meaningless. All the cities not mentioned in each and a hastening of what is viewed as an
There are no regional divisions in city’s listing are neutral to that city. inevitable conflict between the two ma-
Chessenta; city governments claim as jor powers of Akanax and Cimbar.
much territory as they can reasonably Airspur However, the city-states are not each
govern, and sometimes more. Where Allied: Luthcheq, Soorenar other’s only enemies. The cities of the
territorial claims clash, there is fre- Adversary: Reth North Coast are bitter trade rivals, but
quently war. Territories and small com- Enemy: Cimbar they have their own problems with an
munities are usually ruled by a local attack from Thayvian fire elementals
strongman or council. These territorial Akanax (see the scenario “Fire Time” in FR6,
governments sometimes offer alle- Adversary: Luthcheq, Soorenar Dreams of the Red Wizards).
giance to city governments in exchange Rival: Cimbar Unther would like to avenge the loss
for troops in times of need. In wartime, Subjugated: Maerduuth, Oslin of its territory, but the Untheric army
the territories are expected to provide also has more pressing problems.
troops to the central government, but Cimbar Should the Triangle Alliance decide to
few ever do (though they complain Enemy: Airspur, Luthcheq, Soorenar attack, they would probably defeat the
quite violently when they are neglected Rival: Akanax Northern Alliance. Such a conflict
by their parent city). would divide Chessenta into three pow-
Cities are ruled by their traditional Luthcheq erful political regions: the West Coast,
rulers, who are known as kings. The Allied: Airspur, Soorenar ruled by Cimbar, the East Coast, ruled
kings must usually listen to the advice Adversary: Akanax, Mordulkin by Mordulkin, and the Interior, ruled
of a council, which discusses the city’s Enemy: Cimbar by Akanax.
problems in a private forum. Council The following is a brief description of
members are usually elected from Mordulkin the politics of each of the city-states of
property-holding male citizens. The Adversary: Luthcheq Chessenta.
king can ignore their advice, but when Rival: Mourktar
the advice is ignored too often, that Reth
king may be ousted from power. Mourktar
Akanax and Luthcheq do not have tra- Reth is ruled by a council of merchants,
Adversary: Aleaxtis (sahuagin)
ditional councils, but they are run as ab- the leader of which is Murzig Hekka-
Rival: Mordulkin
solute tyrannies with lip-service paid tayn (3rd-level mage). There are a num-
from military subordinates (in the case ber of important issues that concern
of Akanax) and family members (in the Reth at this time:
Allied: Hlath, Nun
case of Luthcheq). Separatism: There is a groundswell of
Adversary: Airspur
The politics of the cities in Chessenta support for formal separation from
are subject to frequent change. The Chessenta to officially become part of
current relationships between the cit- Chondath. This initiative is not sup-
Allied: Airspur, Luthcheq
ies can be described using the following ported by the council, which believe
Adversary: Akanax
terms: that the status quo works and that Reth
Enemy: Cimbar
doesn’t need closer ties with Chondath.
Subjugated means that another city
has gained control over the city being Orcs: Raids from the orcs of the
The current major political question in
described. Akanapeaks are becoming more fre-
Chessenta involves the position of Mor-
Enemy means the city is at war with quent. There are a number of people
dulkin and Akanax regarding the cur-
who wish to strike back at the orcs. The
the city named. rent war. Mordulkin is strongly
Adversary means the two cities are rulers realize that Reth would be de-
tempted to attack its traditional enemy
stroyed in a war with the orcs.

Airspur: A number of traders would sacrifice. People who are vocal in their dark side of Cimbar’s enlightenment.
like Reth to ally with Cimbar against its opposition to Khrulis are sometimes The Mob members don’t see them-
old enemy, Airspur, in the current war. charmed into performing Bhaelrosian selves as a problem; instead they think
They believe that they would get a ceremonies in public. In this way Khru- everyone else is the problem. It is fairly
larger share of the merchant traffic with lis can easily discredit his enemies. So easy to manipulate them into violent
Delthuntle and Altumbel if Airspur suf- far this has worked, but there is a dan- acts, though they have a strong distrust
fered a major defeat. The council is ger that the cult of Bhaelros may be- for foreigners.
strongly against a war with Airspur, if come an acceptable opposition force The priests of Tchazzar: These
only because wars are expensive. (i.e., Khrulis may force people to join priests are proclaiming that Tchazzar
Likely Course: Reth will stay neutral the cult of Bhaelros because it provides will return soon to lead Chessenta into
in the Cimbar-Airspur conflict. They the only opposition!). All of the real a new golden age. Few people take
will not attack the orcs, though they priests of Bhaelros were killed long ago them seriously, though their dema-
will bolster their defenses. Reth will not or fled into the wilderness. goguery makes them a hero to The
join Hlath at this time, but close ties will Likely Course: Khrulis is already dis- Mob.
continue between the two cities. covering that he is not likely to win the Slavery: A number of noted philoso-
war against Cimbar. He is also starting phers have been calling for a ban on
Airspur to realize that it’s ludicrous to wage a slavery, which they view as immoral.
politically unpopular war for no gain. Most people ignore them.
This city is ruled by a military council He will probably sue for peace with Likely Course: There is no real chal-
led by the half-orc Khrulis (8th-level Cimbar, perhaps offering them military lenge to the Sceptanar’s authority, un-
fighter). The town was previously a the- assistance against the Northern Alli- less Tchazzar did come back, which is
ocracy, belonging to the priests of ance. Half-orc tension will continue to not outside the realm of possibility
Bhaelros (known as Talos in the north); grow, and refugees may flee to Reth or since he is not dead (see the “Religion”
these priests sacrificed a maiden every build a new city on the northern shores section).
month to their deity and were ex- of the Akanamere. Khrulis will likely If no one comes to their aid in the cur-
tremely unpopular. Khrulis and his survive, though certain anti-orc fac- rent war, it is quite likely that Airspur
half-orcs are actually a considerable im- tions may hire adventurers to assassi- will pull out and that Cimbar will then
provement, though there is a great deal nate him “to free Airspur from half-orc go on to crush Soorenar. The Mob and
of discontent in this city. Sources of dis- tyranny.” slavery will continue as they have done
satisfaction include the following: for many years.
The half-orcs: Many refugees of a
bloody civil war between the orc tribes
from the Akanapeaks came to live in Cimbar is one of the most stable cities in
Airspur. They are not particularly be- Chessenta, with very few internal dis- The city of tents, as it is referred to in
loved, though they hold a lot of political sents. It is led by a king known as the contempt by the victorious Soorenar, is
power. Many humans oppose the war Sceptanar (15th-level mage), who is ad- a military dictatorship. Any who dis-
with Cimbar, and believe the half-orcs vised by a large council. obey the orders of King Hippartes
are sending the humans to die in battle Despite its relative stability, Cimbar (19th-level fighter) is either executed or
so the Flaming Spike orcs can take over has a few problems: banished. Hippartes wants to stay out
the city. This is actually nonsense, but The war with the Northern Alliance: of the current conflict for as long as
human bigotry against orcs runs quite The current strategy of the Sceptanar is possible, in the hopes that Soorenar and
deep. to let the enemy come to Cimbar, use Cimbar will weaken each other. Some
The war with Cimbar: There are Cimbar’s naval advantage to keep the generals support an attack on Soorenar,
many people in Airspur who have food supplies coming in, and wait for the while a few view Cimbar as the major
friends in Cimbar, and the war is not alliance to fall apart (or for Mordulkin threat and are pushing for Akanax to
popular. So far pressure from the mili- and Akanax to join the war against the join the Northern Alliance.
tary, which is firmly controlled by Alliance). This is a good strategy but not Hippartes’s goal is to improve
Khrulis, has kept the peace. But this is a popular one, as many feel that the city Akanax’s markets and complete the re-
not a popular war. should go on the offensive. building of the city.
The priests of Bhaelros: To alleviate The Mob: This is a group of peasants Likely Course: There is no one who
his present troubles, Khrulis is using and mercenaries and young people even remotely threatens the control of
the hated priests of Bhaelros as scape- who like to get together to listen to King Hippartes; unless he should die of
goats. People opposed to his programs demagogues, shout, and occasionally a disease or in battle, Akanax will re-
are accused of being supporters of the riot, pillage, and murder. This is the main stable. Akanax will eventually join

Cimbar against Soorenar, but the two harm or kill him, the wrath of the entire Mordulkin
cities will argue over the future of that Karanok clan would fall upon them.
This is one of the most stable cities in
port. There are two possibilities: 1) Saestra (vampiress): Saestra, known
Chessenta, ruled by the mage Hercubes
Akanax allows Cimbar to control as the Lady of the Night, was locked in a
of the Jedea family (12th-level mage).
Soorenar with the condition that crypt by her brother as part of a cruel
This is a large city with powerful guilds,
Akanaxian goods pass through without joke and left there for nine days and
which makes it perhaps the most “west-
tariffs, and that Soorenar provide fi- nine nights before the crypt was
ern” of all of the cities in the entire Old
nancial assistance for the reconstruc- opened again. By the time she exited,
Empires. Politically, it wants to become
tion of Akanax or 2) Cimbar and Akanax she was a vampiress. She has success-
the largest power east of the Adder
go to war, with the winner becoming fully concealed this fact from her fam-
River and develop the region into a city
the dominant power in Chessenta for at ily even when she manipulated them
state that will rival Cimbar in wealth
least one generation. into killing her vampire master. She has
and culture. Luthcheq is seen as its ma-
two personalities—one is sweet and to-
jor enemy, and the lords of Mordulkin
Luthcheq tally innocent and loving, and the other
would love nothing better than an op-
is a savage killer. Either personality can
The city of madness has many political portunity to burn Luthcheq to the
come out at a moment’s notice, depend-
problems, all of them having to do with ground and sow its fields with salt so
ing on her hunger.
the mad Karanoks. This clan is deter- nothing could grow there again.
These are only a few of the members
mined to push their plan to destroy all There are a number of important is-
of the enchanting Karanok family. The
mages in the Realms, regardless of how sues in Mordulkin. The most important
DM can always come up with new
impossible their task may be. is the war; even though Mordulkin is
members; as one Karanok is killed, a
To understand Luthcheq, it is neces- not yet involved, the people of Mor-
new Karanok will surface to take his
sary to know the Karanoks. Here is a dulkin for the most part believe that
place, each more repulsive than the
brief summary of prominent family there can never be peace while a stone
last. There are a number of specific
members and their abilities. of Luthcheq stands.
problems that Luthcheq faces that go
Maelos (18th-level priest of Entropy): Every day, a mob of hundreds of people
beyond the Karanoks:
He is a bitter old man who sees magic march on the royal palace, chanting “We
Merchant Revolt: The taxes in Luth-
everywhere and knows only one way to want war!” King Hercubes is hoping that
cheq are quite high, and the merchants
deal with it. While he is the figurehead Luthcheq will overextend itself in its war
are tired of it. They may soon go on strike
ruler of the city, most of the affairs of against Cimbar, and then Mordulkin can
and withdraw their services unless the
the city are run by his son. strike with a decisive advantage.
Karanoks agree to lower taxes to the
Jaerios (13th-level priest of Entropy): Likely Course: Mordulkin will declare
same level as other cities in Chessenta.
Jaerios is the real ruler of Luthcheq. He war and suffer heavy losses. Luthcheq
The Magus Society: This is a group of
loves to exercise power. He is not as will be destroyed, but those Karanoks
mages and mage-friends devoted to the
driven to hate wizards as his father who escape the destruction will hire as-
destruction of the Karanoks and to the
Maelos (though he still believes in the sassins to kill the lords of Mordulkin.
destruction of the witchweed fields.
creed of the Karanoks), but he enjoys They are a secret society; unfortu-
watching them burn. He is a debauched nately they have already been discov- Mourktar
megalomaniac in the classic CE mold. ered by spies for the Karanoks. The The city-state of King Theris has been a
Naeros (12th-level fighter): Naeros is spies are planning to trap the mages, as quiet place until very recently, when
Jaerios’s son. He is arrogant beyond be- soon as they make a contact with a pow- the king announced his imminent death
lief. He loves to walk the street with his erful foreign wizard. and a tournament to replace him (see
personal guard of high-level fighters Border Disputes with Mordulkin: The the “The Name of the Game” scenario).
and priests of Entropy, watching people major enemy of Luthcheq, Mordulkin, The Tournament: The majority of the
run away. is active on the borders of its territory. guilds believe that a tournament to re-
Naeros is known as the Marker, be- This could easily escalate into full-scale place Theris is insane, as Mourktar
cause he likes to disfigure his victims war. could be stuck with a totally inept ruler
before they die. Naeros believes that it Likely Course: The Karanoks have and quickly end up as part of Unther,
is impossible for him to die, and that he made too many enemies. They will be Chessenta, or even Thay. The army,
can do anything he wants. He is an ab- killed, most likely by adventurers try- however, is fiercely loyal to Theris and
solutely evil monster who particularly ing to rescue or avenge friends. Luth- is willing to put up with the successor
hates members of adventuring parties. cheq will be conquered by Mordulkin, produced by a tournament; if he’s the
He has been badly spoiled by his father
which may destroy the city to prevent it wrong man for the job, they feel they
and his grandfather; if anyone should from bothering anyone again. can always replace him later.

The Sahuagin: The sahuagin of the Likely Course: With the war against senta, when a tyrant oppresses the peo-
kingdom of Aleaxtis are a major threat Cimbar stalled and Airspur’s support un- ple, a person who slays him is blameless.
to the continued safety of Mourktar. certain, Soorenar will hire high-level Some say this is the most enlightened
They sink trading ships and raid fishing mages to attack Cimbar itself. This will concept of justice in the Realms.
boats and coastal farms. The people (es- likely alienate Luthcheq and antagonize Unfortunately, not all of the cities in
pecially fishermen and farmers) are de- Akanax by bringing back memories of the Old Empires follow this code. Sen-
manding that the sahuagin be stopped. their own bombardment. The war will tencing in Luthcheq is decided by the
Theris knows that the city does not end in a crushing defeat for Soorenar, whims of the Karanoks. Sentencing in
have the military might to stop an at- the lords will flee, and the city will either Akanax is decided by a less-than-
tack by the sahuagin. be destroyed or occupied. Akanax and unbiased military tribunal. However in
Likely Course: Anything could hap- Cimbar may go to war over its control. Reth, Airspur, Cimbar, Soorenar, Mor-
pen with a tournament deciding the dulkin, and Mourktar, the revised Code
fate of Mourktar. A great leader could Laws of Chessenta of Enlil is applicable.
bring about a rebirth of trade with Mul- Punishments for crimes are not as
horand and Thay, resulting in renewed The legal system in Chessenta uses a re- harsh in Chessenta as in Unther; they
prosperity; a terrible leader might de- vised version of Unther’s Code of Enlil. consist of four levels: fines, imprison-
stroy the city. There is a long list of punishable of- ment, banishment, and execution. Mur-
fenses, but Chessenta adds the concept der and treason are punishable by
Soorenar that a man convicted of a capital crime execution; public troublemaking is pun-
has the right to defend himself before a ishable by banishment (starting a fight
The rulers of Soorenar are descended jury, which must render a unanimous or causing a riot are examples of trouble-
from the three founding families that verdict. According to the laws of Ches- making).
defeated the armies of Unther and
pushed them out of Chessenta.
Soorenar is an aggressive city whose
lords believe that it is destined to rule
Chessenta; it is a city of grand, unrealis-
tic designs. Its rulers view Soorenar as
the dominant power of the region due
to its recent triumphs against Akanax.
They believe that once they conquer
Cimbar, the rest of the nation will bow
to them.
Given that Airspur and Luthcheq are
willing to follow its lead, this isn’t a total
fantasy, but the lords of Soorenar have
underestimated the might of Cimbar.
They have also seriously underesti-
mates the resolve of Akanax, which
Lord Brolkchant believes is a con-
quered people who will obey their mas-
ters in Soorenar when ordered to
attack Cimbar. Fortunately for
Soorenar, the other lords are less pro-
vocative and believe that the coopera-
tion of Akanax can be acquired through
There are no major centers of inter-
nal dissent in Soorenar. There is a fam-
ily of werecrocodiles that inhabits the
sewers and comes up to eat people; so
far the werecrocodiles just eat peasants
and tradesmen, so the nobles have ig-
nored them.

“The gods forgive Chessenta, but we Symbol: A human hand, forefinger times comes to test great athletes; he
have better things to do with our time pointing upward, outlined in a never loses, but if his opponent demon-
than pray.” nimbus of blue fire strates great ability, he grants a boon.
—Hercubes of Mordulkin Lathander’s priesthood is small, but
Azuth is worshiped by mages in Cimbar many pray at his shrines.
Chessenta has no basic alignment; reli- and Mordulkin, the two centers of
gion is not as important to Chessenta as magic in Chessenta. Once every year, Tchazzar
it is to theocracies such as Unther and his worshipers sacrifice specially cre-
Father of Chessenta, the Invincible
Mulhorand. Nonetheless, religious wor- ated magical items in his honor. His
ship has its place in this society. form has only been seen once in Ches-
senta, in the company of the archmage Status: CE, Demipower, Prime Material
Anhur Heptios. The main temple of Azuth is in Plane
Cimbar. Symbol: Red dragon against a mountain
God of Might, Warrior of the South

Anhur is the same deity as in Mulho-

Entropy Tchazzar was the father of Chessenta.
He was also a polymorphed red dragon,
rand. He has been brought back into The Great Nothing, Swallower of Gods, who began an interesting experiment.
Chessenta by mercenary companies Magechill Tchazzar believed that if he were to
who have spread his worship. Mor- Status: NE, Greater Power, Unknown take on human form, unite and rule
dulkin is its center, but many of the sol- Symbol: A field of pure black Chessenta for a time, and then disap-
diers of Akanax have adopted him as pear mysteriously, a cult would be cre-
well, though he is chaotic by military Entropy is the deity of the Karanoks. It ated to worship him. It did.
standards. His Chessentan worshipers is an extremely weird entity, a gigantic Tchazzar is still alive, and he feels
portray him as a southern power, not a that the power of his followers beliefs
sphere of annihilation that no force—
Mulhorand deity, and the current per- divine, magical, or mortal—may stop. will give him god-like powers. Tchazzar
secution of the cult of Anhur in Mulho- Worship of Entropy consists of el- is a great wyrm red dragon with the
rand has bolstered his image as a non- dritch rites and human sacrifices, pref- abilities of a demipower (use the incar-
Mulhorand deity elsewhere. The nation abilities in the “Religions of Mul-
erably of wizards. Priests of Entropy
priests of Horus-Re do not like this, as it are brought up to hate magic. horand” section). Priests of Tchazzar
will be harder to displace Anhur from The only known temple in the Realms may cast only 5th-level or lower spells.
Mulhorand if he has a broad base of dedicated to Entropy is in Luthcheq; Tchazzar’s worship is concentrated in
worship. the temple is encased in a large hemi- Cimbar and Soorenar.
sphere of black glass.
Assuran Waukeen
Lord of the Three Thunders, God of Re- Lathander Merchant’s Friend, Goddess of Trade,
venge, Doombringer, Hoar Money, Protector of Traders
Morning Lord, God of Youth, Vitality,
Status: LN, Lesser Power, Nirvana Self-perfection, Athletics Status: N, Lesser Power, Concordant
Symbol: Three lightning bolts Status: NG, Greater Power, Elysium Opposition
Symbol: A wooden disk of rosy pink Symbol: A woman’s full face or profile
The worship of Assuran is an ancient hue, or a statue of two wrestlers within a circle of gold
one; he is an Untheric deity whose wor-
ship was driven from that realm by the Lathander is worshiped in Chessenta, Waukeen is the most popular deity of
priests of Ramman, but who was re- though not as the commander of crea- the middle class in Chessenta. She is
vived in Chessenta. The center of his tivity (that sphere belongs to Melith) but worshiped as the protector of traders by
popularity is Akanax, among the offi- as the perfect athlete. traveling merchants, who have spread
cers (many of the soldiers are turning to Sacrifices to Lathander begin all ath- her worship as far south as Durpar.
the worship of Anhur). letic competitions, and athletes pray to There are temples to Waukeen across
him to ensure that they perform at Chessenta; the largest is in Reth.
Azuth their best. Lathander is portrayed in
The High One, Patron of Mages statuary as a runner or a wrestler, com-
peting against great heroes. He some-
Status: LN, Demipower, Arcadia

Heptios brought the city to its supremacy in the would like to live on the sea, so she pur-
Akanamere region. But then Hippartes chased a ship, hired a crew, and be-
Cimbar became involved in politics, fell into dis- came a pirate.
17th-level Mage grace, and was banished from the city. Kreodo appears to be almost entirely
NG, Lathander He worked as an adventurer for a time human, with long, black hair and blue
Human male (a profession that he holds in contempt eyes (very rare for a half-orc). She is a
these days). cruel enemy, but usually treats her vic-
The most powerful native magician in Eventually he learned that Akanax tims with courtesy; if they surrender,
Chessenta is Heptios of Cimbar. Heptios was faring badly in its war against she’ll make certain they are treated
sees himself as a philosopher; he has Soorenar. He gathered together a small fairly until they can be returned home.
abandoned the wizard’s life to wander army and marched across Unther and
the streets of Cimbar and speak to the Chessenta to join in the battle. Therescales
crowds. Heptios believes that rational Hippartes then saved Akanax from
thought must always overcome emo- Luthcheq
being totally burned by Soorenar. The
tion, that passions lead people along ir- 3rd-level Mage/10th-level Thief
ruling council, against the advice of Hip-
responsible and dangerous paths. NE, Entropy
partes, sued for a shameful peace
Heptios is despised by the Mob (and Human male
against Soorenar; they were soon
the feeling is mutual); the Mob has tried ousted by soldiers who made Hippartes
to kill him several times but, due to his Therescales is an agent of Jaerios
their king.
cube of force, they have never been Karanok; though he is a practiced
Hippartes believes that through disci-
able to touch him. mage, he is a mage who is willing to be-
pline and courage, Akanax can become
Heptios leads a small band of philoso- tray the Mage Society for the promise
the major power in Chessenta. He is
phers, known as the Heptain. They teach of power. Therescales (pronounced
taking steps to guide Akanax to that
about the importance of rationalism and Thur-ESK-el-eez) poses as a lawful neu-
destiny over the long term. He will
philosophy over superstition. Heptios has tral mage in the society. He is urging the
bring Akanax into the Cimbar-Soorenar
been linked to a secret society known as society to bring in powerful mages
war, but not before it is to Akanax’s
the Numbers Cult, which attempts to from other nations to deal with the
maximum benefit. He would like con-
translate magic into mathematics and Karanoks (of course he’s leading them
trol of Soorenar when the war is over,
then create equations that will conquer into a trap).
but if that isn’t possible, he’d settle for
the world. Heptios has disavowed any in- Therescales enjoys betraying people
improved access to trading markets.
volvement in this cult, whose basic prem- for fun and profit; he is also a coward
Hippartes is a gruff man who tends to
ise is based on a fallacy. who will cringe and confess to anything
intimidate people. He has three sons,
Heptios lives with his friends in small if threatened with physical force. Since
Phillipus (10th-level fighter), Cassarian
homes, moving from house to house. it is likely he will meet characters in-
(8th-level fighter), and Themothys (7th-
He has his own quarters in the Univer- volved in rescuing friends from Luth-
level fighter), who serve as his chief
sity where he keeps his magical items cheq, here are his stats:
lieutenants. He is a strong man in his
and spells, but he rarely visits it; he pre- early 50s with dark red hair.
fers the company of people and inter- AC: 1
esting conversation to the isolation of HIT POINTS: 30
magic. He is a short old man, fat and
Kreodo THAC0: 16
bald; he wears brown robes and a hood. Reth #AT: 1
9th-level Fighter/6th-level Thief DMG/ATT: By weapon
Hippartes N, Assuran STR 12 DEX 17 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 11
Half-orc female CHA 12
Akanax SD: Ring of false alignment
19th-level Fighter Kreodo is the leader of the Wraith of
LN, Assuran the Inner Sea, which is essentially a Therescales wears bracers of defense,
Human male group of privateers. She began her long AC 4 and has a ring of false alignment
career as a slave of the Flaming Spike tuned to lawful neutral; this masks his
The current king of Akanax is its great- orc tribes, then escaped and fled to true alignment and makes any alignment
est warrior—Hippartes. He first distin- Reth. detection magic read lawful neutral.
guished himself in a number of wars After numerous adventures, she Therescales is a young, thin blond
against Maerduuth, and he was respon- made her way to Mordulkin and joined man (he claims to be a half-elf) with a
sible for the final victory of Akanax that the thieves’ guild. She decided that she dark cloak and a dagger at his belt.

Chessenta is famous for, among other to flee. Its captain is Sturion (10th-level Their name is an elaborate metaphor:
things, the large number of mercenary fighter) and his first mate is Perithor “the crimson sea” refers to a bloody bat-
companies that flock from across the (7th-level fighter). tlefield, and “sailors” refers to soldiers
Inner Seas to fight in its conflicts. When the Sea Queen’s fleet gets who ply their trade on that crimson sea.
Some of the mercenary companies within attack range of a vessel, they fly Their current complement is as fol-
have achieved reputations that have her colors (a black crown against a lows: 60 cavalry (F2, lance, AC 2), 20 in-
gone beyond the borders of Chessenta. blood red field) and attack. Their favor- fantry (F2, long sword, AC 4), 60
These companies are detailed here. ite tactic is to try to surround their prey infantry (F3, long sword, AC 2), and 40
from all sides, then close in for the kill. archers (F1, long bow, AC 8). Their lead-
The Wraith of ers are Lhrek Jarsyn (7th-level fighter)
the Inner Sea The Renegades and his assistant Iarnan Chall (7th-level
This is a fleet of four ships that serve as This mercenary group is formed from
The Sailors pride themselves on being
privateers along the coast of Chessenta. soldiers exiled from Akanax. It is led by
on the “right side” of the conflicts they
Their commander is the half-orc “Sea the infamous Helyos (13th-level fighter,
become involved in, though they never
Queen” Kreodo, who is documented in see the “Name of the Game” scenario
work for free.
the “Personalities” section. for his stats). The full complement of
Her ships are the following: the renegades is as follows: 70 cavalry
Sea Queen (dromond): 200 Crew, 50 (F3, lance, AC 2 with shield), 20 infantry The Society of the Sword
Marines, and eight 3rd-level mages and (F2, long sword, AC 4), and 90 archers This is the largest and most famous
five 6th-level mages. This Kreodo’s flag- (F1, long bow and broad sword, AC 8). mercenary force in Chessenta, cur-
ship, captained by Kreodo herself. The Lieutenants of the company include rently based in Cimbar. Its complement
first mate is Rutters (8th-level fighter). Pyrimestes (10th-level fighter) and includes the following: 200 cavalry (F4,
Sea Horse (dromond): 200 Crew, 30 Hamilcar (8th-level fighter). There are long sword, AC 2), 100 infantry (F4,
Marines, and five 4th-level mages and ten 1st-level mages who stay behind the long sword, AC 2), 500 infantry (F2,
one 9th-level mage. This ship is com- infantry and cast sleep spells behind a long sword, AC 2), and 200 archers (F2,
manded by Captain Morgalshym (11th- shield wall. The company uses heavy long bow, AC 7). There is also a comple-
level thief), and its first mate is Brawn warhorses. ment of five 5th-level and ten 3rd-level
(8th-level fighter). The mage is The Renegades are known for their mages, and the wizard Belvorides (11th-
Curnetheres, an outlaw of Luthcheq ruthlessness when they pillage their level illusionist). The company is led by
who decided to join the crew to get re- victims, and for demanding a high price Stilmus (13th-level fighter) and his lieu-
venge against the city. (double normal price for mercenaries). tenants Thareus (10th-level fighter) and
Sea Jewel (dromond): 200 Crew, 100 Their reputation makes them the sub- Aronidas (8th-level elven fighter/mage).
Marines, and three 5th-level mages. ject of fear throughout Chessenta. They The society’s first rule is that a good
This ship is a heavy marine support ves- have no base city; they wander Ches- mercenary should be worth twice the
sel. Its captain is Bendensar (6th-level senta in search of opportunity and price he charges. Stilmus is obsessed
thief), ex-thieves’ guild assistant of Mor- plunder. They have most recently been with honor and challenges to that honor.
dulkin, and his first mate is Lorien (5th- employed by Soorenar, though they are He is a hated enemy of Helyos, who was
level mage), a female elf who ran away currently at Mount Thulbane for the his lieutenant in one of his old merce-
from Yuirwood for a life of adventure. Mourktar tournament, where Helyos nary companies; Helyos tried to kill
Sea Quest (dromond): 200 Crew, 50 hopes to become king of Mourktar. Stilmus to gain control of that company.
Marines, and two 7th-level mages. This
is a fast attack vessel whose mages have Sailors of the Crimson Sea
gust of wind spells for the sails; the ship
This mercenary company recently saw
has a reinforced hull for ramming. This
action in Chondath at the battle of
vessel is meant to cut off a ship if it tries
Thurgabanteth and had many casualties.

“Our love of things of the mind and one-week period every two years that are built in what is known as temple-
things of beauty should not lead to ex- the Thulbanian Games take place. style: a large square roof supported by
travagance, nor to softness of the mind Competitions are always individual elaborately decorated columns. These
or body. In Chessenta, we avoid all events, as Chessentans prefer solitary buildings are typically made from mar-
excesses.” heroic figures to teams. Champions of ble or granite.
—Heptios the games are great heroes in their As Chessenta has a slightly cooler cli-
home cities; a slave can become as fa- mate than the other nations of the Old
Of all of the human nations in the mous as a noble if he performs well. Empires, its people are usually clothed
known Realms, no other nation has The most popular sport is wrestling, in long, flowing robes and tunics. Ath-
ever achieved the cultural level that which comes in two styles: traditional letes compete in the nude, which non-
Cimbar and many of the other cities in (equivalent to modern greco-roman) Chessentans believe to be very strange
Chessenta have attained. This may and the pankration, which is a combi- (this contributes to the widespread per-
seem like an outlandish claim, but even nation of wrestling and kick boxing in a ception that Chessenta is a nation of
in Waterdeep, philosophy, astronomy, fight to the finish; only biting, eye- wild men).
poetry, theater and other forms of cul- gouging, and breaking fingers is illegal.
ture seem backward compared to the Other sports that are popular are char- Language of
achievements of Chessenta. iot racing (over a grueling obstacle
The people of Chessenta are known course), boxing, running, long jumping, Chessenta
for their confidence and energy. For javelin throwing, and the discus. Dur- Chessentans once spoke Untheric, but
the most part, this energy is spent on ing the nights, poets and theater groups abandoned that language 200 years ago
useless wars, as the city-states try to entertain crowds, and there are great for the common tongue of the west (us-
avenge long-ago defeats, or fight to ac- feasts. In feasting, even the Mulhorandi ing a variation on Untheric writing in
quire access to trade routes. On the are not as adept as the Chessentans. their written records, though they have
other hand, the peoples of Chessenta, Though Chessentans are not great reduced the runes to an alphabetical
especially those of Cimbar, are filled monument builders, they are nonethe- writing scheme). Untheric is often
with a tremendous love of literature less considered the most skilled archi- known as a second language, if only to
and beautiful things, of knowledge and tects in the Realms. Their main palaces understand ancient writing.
In the west, exploring the nature of
the universe is done in a very practical
style: one travels to the outer planes,
makes observations, and then writes a
treatise to be kept in the dusty library
of a sage such as Elminster. In Ches-
senta, study of the nature of the uni-
verse is done in an abstract,
philosophical way. One need not wan-
der the planes to discover the nature of
things; one can find it in the structure
of a blade of grass.
Theater, which is not a major art form
elsewhere in the Realms, thrives in
Chessenta. Authors produce plays
(tragedies, comedies, etc.) for acting
companies, which perform for large au-
diences in the theater districts of Cim-
bar, Soorenar, and Mordulkin. Poets
read poetry in public squares, and phi-
losophers debate in the centers of busy
For warriors, the major pastime is
athletic competition, which is ex-
tremely important for the people of
Chessenta; all wars cease during the

Snake Dance of Set; she has made up this story be- The Eater of Magic
cause it seems like the only logical way
Location: This scenario takes place in a to explain what happened. She also Location: Chessenta, centering on
large city in the west. It is meant to in- changed her name, because she cannot Cimbar.
troduce the players to some of the con- see herself as having anything to do (Note: This rumor was first men-
flicts of Mulhorand. with Set.) She mentions the name tioned in the DM’s Sourcebook of the
The Rumor: There is a strange, evil Hodkamset as the leader of a company Realms, p. 43. It is dated Eleasias [Au-
southern cult making its presence of high-level adventurers in the service gust], Year of the Prince [DR 1357].)
known in the west. This group is ru- of Set. She says that they have a scheme The Rumor: The Sceptanar, self-
mored to be making contact with the to overthrow the pharaoh of Mulho- proclaimed ruler of Chessenta (his
Zhentarim and the Cult of the Dragon. rand and replace him with Set, and that home city is Cimbar), has sent an envoy
The Facts: The cult is the Cult of Set, they are looking for magical items to aid to Sembia, Cormyr, and the Dalelands,
of course. Hodkamset, leader of the them in their conquest. She also tells seeking word of those who unleashed
Fangs of Set, has sent a number of oper- the characters the location of her hid- the magic-eater in Scornubel two
atives into the west for the purpose of ing place. winters ago. The Sceptanar has a simi-
spreading the Cult of Set, and to acquire At this point, a larger party of assas- lar creature imprisoned in an ancient
magic. sins attack. Use as many as you need to globe in the Crypt Royal. He is offering
In the course of one of their thefts, engage the entire party; Mefraset will gold, magical treasures, griffins, or no-
Mefraset, a female mage, put a ring of run away during this fight. After the ble maidens of his realm to anyone who
reverse alignment on her finger, which fight, the characters can track Mefraset can safely unleash the magic-eater
suddenly transformed her to chaotic to her hide-out. without harming the people or trea-
good and filled her with loathing for the In the meantime, the Cult of Set found sures of Chessenta. He also wants it re-
Cult of Set. She knows many of Mefraset and neutralized the alignment turned to its own home plane, or
Hodkamset’s diabolical plans and in- switch. She realizes that she told the controlled to do his bidding in a certain
tends to stop them. The other cult PCs too much, and that they must die to task.
members, on the other hand, have fig- protect the cult. The Facts: The Sceptanar is less in-
ured out what happened to Mefraset When the PCs find Mefraset, she will terested in dealing with the creature
and want to capture her and reverse pose as Mefrahur, doing her very best than in luring adventurers to Cimbar,
the effect of the alignment switch. to appear convincing in the role. A where he hopes they can be persuaded
Encounter: The encounter can be member of the Cult of Set will appear to to help defend the city against its cur-
one for characters of any level; just ad- be holding a sword to her throat. She rent enemies. If he could get the magic-
just the levels of Mefraset and the pursu- casts a spell on the PCs when she feels eater under his control, though, he
ers accordingly. Low-level characters she can achieve surprise, and the rest would be very happy.
will be facing ordinary fighters and cler- of the cult joins in the ambush. The magic-eater is really a hakeashar
ics who are either in the service of the If the PCs have a recurring nemesis (see the “New Monsters” section). It is
Cult of Set or whose services have been from within the Zhentarim, then he trapped in the heart of a pyramid built
bought by the cult. High-level parties can may be substituted for the Cult of Set in the days when the city was under the
face minions of Set and a rakshasa. member as the one holding Mefraset control of Unther; the pyramid was a
The characters are walking down the “hostage.” Or, if you don’t want to em- deliberate attempt to recreate the Mul-
street when a tall, bald woman pushes ploy the nemesis here, use one of his horandi style.
them aside and runs past them. She is chief minions. The hakeashar is trapped in a glass
being chased by men who obviously This should be an extremely tough sphere that is welded to the floor; no
don’t have her continued health in mind. fight that the PCs will be very hard physical force can release the sphere.
If the player characters do nothing, pressed to win, all the more so because The sphere is directly over a con-
then they’ve blown the scenario. Move Mefraset will be using weird southern cealed plate in the floor that leads to the
onto another encounter. If the charac- magic (see the “New Spells” section). If treasure vault, which the Sceptanar
ters rescue her (and it should be an easy the PCs win, they find Mefraset’s spell would like to get into. The plate cannot
fight at this point), the woman identifies book, in a totally undecipherable lan- be opened by physical force or by
herself as Mefrahur, a mage of Mulho- guage (Mulhorandi magic, which non- magic (thanks to a wish spell)—this in-
rand, who has been gathering informa- Mulhorandi can read only with a cludes phase door and passwall spells.
tion on the activities of the Cult of Set Mulhorand read magic spell), and the There is a tiny engraved impression
outside Mulhorand. (This isn’t really ring of reverse alignment in a box. They with the coat of arms of Cimbar im-
true, but Mefraset has no idea what will also have had their first taste of the printed into the floor. The plate can
she’s doing outside Mulhorand in the south. only be opened by pressing the royal
company of someone as evil as the Cult

signet ring of Cimbar into the floor death and destruction, but is not neces- try to avenge their martyr’s death. Re-
plate (it is currently on the left hand of sarily very discriminating about what it zim will try to bribe the PCs not to fulfill
the Sceptanar). What riches and dan- kills, except that the victims should be Hethhab’s dying request; failing that,
gers lie beneath the plate are for the reasonably intelligent mammals. If the he’ll hire assassins to deal with them. If
DM to decide; they should both be very PCs were to drive a very large herd of this also fails, he will have the PCs out-
great. cattle or pigs into the heart of the storm lawed to make their words seem less
The Sceptanar would like to use the (at least 5,000 head), that would be credible. It is up to the PCs to escape
hakeashar as a weapon in the current sufficient to quiet it. with their hides and integrity intact.
war. He is also worried that the crea- Where can the PCs get this informa-
ture might fall into the hands of the tion? The priests of Thoth might know. Magic Quest
lords of Luthcheq, who hate magic and To get access to the priests of Thoth, the
would do anything to get their hands on PCs may need the assistance of Location: Outer Sultim
a creature capable of destroying magic. Hethhab, the Defender of the Eastern Rumor: A rather shady merchant
If the characters succeed in their quest, Way, a man in the service of Anhur who named Verdegond claims that he has a
they will find that the Sceptanar is a fair is very concerned about the skriaxit. spell book with translations of over a
man, but rather stingy; he would prefer Hethhab is really an incarnation of dozen Mulhorand magical spells into
to short-change the characters as op- Anhur (see the “Personalities of Mulho- the magical language of the west. He is
posed to cheating them entirely out of rand” section); as such, he can get the willing to sell this book to the highest
their reward. players access to Tholaunt, incarnation bidder. He is currently in Outer Sultim,
of Thoth, in Gheldaneth. where he plans to make the sale.
The answer is not written in the The Facts: The majority of these
Rage of Dust tomes of Thoth, but Tholaunt, incarna- spells are variation of the cantrip spell,
Location: Klondor, Mulhorand, Plains tion of Thoth, says that there is a legend which has no real value. However,
of Purple Dust that the archmage Nezram once qui- there are at least five Mulhorand magi-
The Rumor: A swirling sandstorm eted a skriaxit without being harmed; cal spells, including the extremely valu-
has formed in the heart of Raurin, the this knowledge might be known to the able read Mulhorand magic. It is worth
great desert, and is said to be heading Nezramites, the descendants of a lot.
northeast into the Plains of Purple Nezram. There are several complications. The
Dust. The storm is nearly a dozen miles The PCs would have to travel to the priests and mages of Thoth are after it,
across. Some say this is the coming of Plains of Purple Dust, where the and they are very upset. Agents of the
the dreaded skriaxit, the storm of Nezramites live, and persuade them to Thay Zulkir Lauzoril are also after the
death, and some are leaving the Great tell them how. There is one problem— book. The player characters are going
Vale for safer ground. the Nezramites don’t like strangers! It is to have to deal with them and Verde-
The Facts: The dust cloud is indeed up to the PCs to figure out a way to deal gond, who has a habit of stealing back
the skriaxit; in fact, it is a full strength with their hostility, then get enough ani- his sales and selling them twice.
skriaxit storm with 18 members. mals together to stop the skriaxit. This scenario should keep the player
The black storm has generated a Optional Complication: When the characters on their toes, as fake spell
large sandstorm around it. It is carrying PCs feed the skriaxit a herd of animals, books, angry mages, and deadly assas-
that dust with it as it heads toward the it is not enough. That is when Hethhab, sins await at every turn. Every time
Great Vale. It will strike the town of the incarnation of Anhur, reveals him- they turn around, there is someone
Klondor in a week’s time, undoubtedly self for what he truly is. He and his min- with a sword or staff pointing at them
killing everyone in the town unless it is ions ride into the heart of the storm; saying: “Okay, pal, where’s the book?” If
stopped. before he rides he asks the PCs to stay the DM desires, the chases can take on
The skriaxit has a reputation for out of the storm, but to ride to Sultim to comic overtones, but the scenario—and
slaughtering mages and warriors of ex- tell his priesthood of what happened. A the prize—is a very serious one.
treme power. The PCs should be minute after Hethhab rides into the
warned, very strongly, that the skriaxit storm, it is stilled. The deity and his Terrible Swift Sword
has been known to swallow parties of minions are dead.
extremely well-armed, high-level ad- Rezim’s spies learn what happened. Location: Shussel, Unther
venturers. If the PCs ignore that warn- Rezim worries that if the priests of Rumor: Mysterious murders have
ing, well, it is their choice to walk into Anhur learned that an incarnation of been taking place among the merchants
almost certain death. Anhur died a heroic death while on a su- in the city of Shussel. There is one re-
There is an easier way to still the icide mission that Rezim gave him, there port which claimed that a sword with-
skriaxit. The skriaxit loves to cause will be open warfare as the Anhurites out a wielder slew one of the

merchants, then flew into the shadows sailor on board who is urging them to The Facts: This rumor is absolutely
and could not be pursued. mutiny and sell the cargo to his masters accurate.
The Facts: Havell (4th-level fighter), a (the pirates or the Red Wizards). Pirates This scenario is a “friend in need” sce-
merchant from Shussel, has a fanatical might attack, sahuagin might try to nario: the PCs are friendly with a mage
hatred of travelers from other lands board the ship and capture it. This is up who has been kidnapped. The kidnap-
(such as Durpar) who exposed him as a to the DM. pers were spotted chartering a ship to
fraud and drove him out of business. He When the ship gets to Messemprar, somewhere east in the Inner Sea re-
discovered a cache of magical potions there are two Unther naval boats with gion. To rescue their friend, the PCs
that enable him to turn ethereal for 1d4 orders to board any ship that tries to must get their own ship and chase after
+1 hours. These potions also enable enter the harbor of Messemprar. They the kidnappers. They may pick up the
him to handle objects that are not ethe- are also instructed to sell the survivors trail of the kidnappers at several ports,
real as long as they remain in the Prime of its crew into slavery (the crew knows but for maximum dramatic effect the
Material plane. of this policy). The ships are too far chase should end in Luthcheq, with the
Thus Havell can wield a sword and away for the Northern Wizards to as- PCs arriving just hours before the burn-
the sword appears to be wielding itself. sist; the PCs must defeat the Unther ing is to take place. The PCs then have
Merchants may hire player charac- vessels on their own. to sneak into the castle where the wiz-
ters to serve as bodyguards. The char- If the ship makes it into Messemprar, ards are being held captive, free them,
acters will be hard-pressed to defeat a the PCs find that they are already too and escape.
sword whose wielder is ethereal, late. The food riots have escalated into a Aggressive PCs might want to slay the
whom they cannot harm except from full-scale revolt; the authorities of the royal family of Luthcheq, which will
the Ethereal plane (give Havell a +4 at- city are either dead or under siege in create a rather large vacuum in the pol-
tack roll bonus with the sword while the palace district. The hungry towns- itics of Chessenta. But this wouldn’t be
he’s ethereal). people try to seize the ship, distribute the first time that adventurers changed
They might talk to relatives of the its cargo, and impound the vessel. the destiny of a nation, and it would be
sword’s victims, who would likely name Any resistance results in the player hard for any new ruling family to be
Havell (among others) as someone who characters becoming hunted by the worse than the old one.
held a grudge against the victims. A rebels. The player characters might
search of Havell's quarters uncovers find sanctuary with the Northern Wiz- The Name of the
the potions. ards’ Guild, but then maybe the elders
of the guild are murdered one by one. Game
City on the Edge of The PCs are (naturally) the prime sus- Location: Mourktar, Threskel, Mt.
pects. Can they clear their names? Can Thulbane
Oblivion they escape the madness of Messem- Rumor: Theris, king of Mourktar, is
Location: Messemprar, Unther prar? These questions can only be an- dying and he has no heir. On the in-
Rumor: There is trouble in Messem- swered by the ingenuity (or lack of it) of structions of his god, Assuran of the
prar, one of the major ports in Unther, your players during the campaign. Three Thunders, he is leaving his
due to severe food shortages. Ships “City On The Edge of Oblivion” is in- throne to the most worthy successor.
bearing food to Messemprar can make tended as a novel-sized adventure for To find this successor, he is holding a
a big fortune, if they can get past the sa- the characters. tournament of athletic skills at the base
huagin and the pirates and make it into of Mount Thulbane. This tournament is
port. The Weed That Kills open to any who choose to participate.
The Facts: This scenario can begin at The winner of this tournament will be
any coastal city on the Inner Sea, such Location: Luthcheq, Chessenta the new king.
as Selgaunt, Suzail, Procampur, or Rumor: The lords of the city of Luth- The Facts: There is indeed a tourna-
Telflamm. The player characters could cheq in Chessenta are mad (in Ches- ment to be held by the slopes of Mt.
purchase a ship, buy lots of grain and senta this is not considered to be rumor, Thulbane. It is open to both human and
other foodstuffs, and then make the but fact). Their goal is the destruction half-elven men and women; women are
perilous voyage to Messemprar. Or the of all magic, and the painful deaths of forbidden to compete in boxing and
player characters might sign on for all who wield magic. wrestling and thus labor under a handi-
Their agents are suspected of kidnap- cap. To qualify, one’s Strength and Dex-
such a voyage with a merchant captain.
During the voyage, the player charac- ping some of the most powerful mages terity must both be 14 or better; each
ters have to deal with the dangers of the in the Realms, intending to burn them competing character must also roll a
Inner Sea. The crew could have an evil to death in a big bonfire. Strength check and a Dexterity check

(roll 1d20 for each). If either roll fails, the points for that position). Running: Characters must make a
the character fails to qualify. If no PCs are entered in the competi- long distance running check. Highest
The events in the tournament are tion, then it really doesn’t matter who DS wins.
wrestling, discus-throwing, running, wins (unless the PCs know someone in Note: Unless a runner is protected by
chess, boxing, swimming, jumping, rid- the contest). Just give the players the im- his comrades, friends of one of the
ing, archery, and charioteering. pression of exciting contests and many other competitors will try to cheat, giv-
Whoever gets first place in each deeds of skill and valor, then just make ing a -5 penalty to the unprotected char-
event receives five points, whoever gets up a winner and move on to things the acter’s roll.
second place gets two points, and who- players are more interested in. Chess: This contest is a straight gam-
ever finishes third gets one point. Magical aids are forbidden in this con- ing proficiency check (1d20 vs. each
The two competitors with the highest test. All contestants are forbidden from character’s Charisma).
point total must then meet in a duel to having magical assistance. If such is dis- Boxing: This contest uses the nonle-
decide the winner. covered, the character is disqualified. thal combat rules on pages 97 and 98 of
The winners of these events are usu- All characters are inspected for magic the 2nd Edition Player’s Handbook. The
ally judged by rolls against their profi- before the contest (with a weapon or object is to knock the opponent uncon-
ciency scores. A failed skill roll means wand that has the detect magic ability); scious. This event is done tournament-
that the character loses the event. If the if magic is detected, the character is dis- style, with winners fighting winners
character succeeds with his roll, he re- qualified. until the final round, and a consolation
cords how much he exceeded what he match between the two semifinalists.
needed to roll. If, for instance, Sir Rules for Competition The losers in the first round are elimi-
Jheaol needed a 16 to make his Cha- nated from the rest of the tournament.
Wrestling: This contest is resolved us- Swimming: Those competitors with-
rioteering proficiency, and he rolls a 5,
ing the nonlethal combat system (2nd out the swimming proficiency cannot
he made his roll by 11. If no other per-
Edition Player’s Handbook, pages 97 compete. Each contestant makes two
son made his roll by more than 11, Sir
and 98). swimming proficiency checks; if either
Jheaol would win the contest.
These matches are of a very brutal fails, the character is out of this event.
Throughout the event descriptions,
style called the pankration. When an The two DS’s are added together to de-
the term “Difference Score” (DS) will be
opponent is knocked unconscious, the termine the winner.
used to mean the difference between
match is over. All damage sustained is Jumping: Competitors are perform-
the score needed to succeed and the ac-
healed by priests. ing a running broad jump (see the jump-
tual roll of a successful check. In the
This event is done tournament-style, ing proficiency in the 2nd Edition
preceding example, Sir Jheaol’s DS is 11.
with winners fighting winners until the Player’s Handbook, page 61). Highest
Some characters have no proficiency
final round, and a consolation match jump wins. Characters without this
with the skill in question. In this case,
between the two semifinalists. The proficiency cannot win.
take the appropriate ability score and
losers in the first round of the wrestling Riding: This is a long-distance event;
halve it (round fractions down) to get
match are eliminated from the entire characters must ride bareback and un-
such a character’s score in the profi-
tournament. armored. They may provide their own
ciency. For example, a chess player
An optional rule: One round after be- horse, or ride steeds provided by the
needs the gaming proficiency. Tendros
ing put in a hold, a character may break Mourktarians. There is an assassination
doesn’t have it. He has an Intelligence
out of it by rolling a Strength vs. attempt against the current top two
(the necessary attribute) of 15. His pro-
Strength check. Both competitors must leaders of the competition. They must
ficiency score is therefore 7.
roll Strength checks; if the person in fight against the assassins, and suffer a
Since there should be 64 competitors
the hold succeeds and his DS exceeds -1 penalty to their proficiency check
(including any PCs who are in the con-
his opponent’s, the hold is broken. for each round they spend in battle.
test; see the “Running the Tournament”
Discus-Throwing: This is purely a All except those prominent charac-
section) entered in each event, this roll-
Strength check. There are three ters who are designated as cheaters
ing could get very tedious. As an alter-
throws; any who fail even one check have a -3 penalty to their riding check;
native, assume that each PC entered
are out of this event (any who fail two highest DS wins.
has a 2% chance of finishing in each
checks are out of the competition en- Archery: This competition uses the
scoring position (i.e., roll percentile
tirely). If all three checks are successful, composite long bow (appropriate non-
dice; a roll of 01-02 means that PC came
the Difference Scores are added to- proficiency penalties apply).
in first, 03-04 means he came in second,
gether, plus the character’s level if he is Characters must hit AC -4 to score a
and 05-06 means he came in third. If
a member of the fighter class. The high- bull’s eye; the character with the most
more than one PC ends up in a particu-
est score wins. bull’s eyes in 20 shots wins.
lar scoring position, just give each PC

Charioteering: The eight highest scor- #3. If there are already three chariots in If two or more chariots are tied for a
ing contestants qualify for the final row #3, Milfur cannot advance (by the position, the inside chariot wins.
event—the chariot race. It can be re- same token, if a chariot loses ground The Final Duel: This is meant to test
solved by making charioteering checks but the row it is supposed to fall back to the combatants’ ability in a real fight.
and seeing who has the highest DS, or it is filled, it does not fall back). Both contestants must agree before-
may be resolved using a more compli- Charioteering checks are made in or- hand that the loser’s body will be
cated system. der from the front of the pack to the burned and placed in an anti-magic
The DM uses a copy of the chariot back (i.e., the lead contestant rolls first field so he can never be resurrected;
race oval provided on the back of the and moves, then the second-place con- this fight is to the death. A contestant
cover. Place figures or other pieces to testant, etc.). may back out of the duel beforehand
represent each rider and position them Contestants can advance beyond row and forfeit his claim. Theris, king of
on spaces 1 to 8 (starting positions go by #1 and they can fall behind row #8. Mourktar, believes that the crown
DS score totals coming into this event— If two chariots are in adjacent lanes, should be worth the ultimate risk, and
highest total in position 1, etc.). they may attack each other after all that anyone who wants it must be will-
There are ten laps; after each lap, each contestants have rolled their cha- ing to accept that risk.
chariot’s position changes as follows: rioteering checks for that lap. The only If one of the contestants forfeits, the
weapons available are whips, which are character who is in third place may
Successful Charioteering Checks * supposed to be used on horses. Due to challenge.
the difficulty of the attack (chariots
DS * * Position Change
12+ Gain 3 Rows
bumping, opponents also attacking, Running the Tournament
having to steer, etc.), the targets of whip
7-11 Gain 2 Rows DMing a tournament of this size is a ma-
attacks are considered to be AC 0). If an
3-6 Gain 1 Row jor undertaking. A DM must have a ros-
attack is successful, the victim must roll
0-2 No change ter of at least some of the major
a successful charioteering check to pre-
Failed Charioteering Checks * contenders for the tournament; exam-
vent the chariot from crashing.
ples of four of these competitors with all
Roll Failed By Position Change Example: Murzul of Thay is in Posi-
necessary information is provided be-
1-2 Lose 1 Row tion 1, Lane 1. Milfur of Chondath is Po-
3-4 Lose 2 Rows sition 1, Lane 2. They may attack each
Allow 64 competitors to compete in
5-6 Lose 3 Rows other. Naturally, they both do. Milfur
the tournament at the start. At least 32
7+ Crash! misses but Murzul hits. Milfur rolls a
will be eliminated in the wrestling, and
successful charioteering check and
another 16 in the boxing. A list of at
* A roll of “20” always fails and always avoids crashing.
least 16 contenders, including PCs, will
loses at least three rows (and may cause A charioteer, if he wishes, may volun-
be useful. When running the first two
the chariot to crash, if a roll of 20 indi- tarily reduce any gains made on his cha-
rounds of boxing and wrestling for the
cates failure by 7 or more). A roll of “1” rioteering check or even move back one
PCs, use the following table. After that,
always advances the contestant three row to make an attack against another
roll randomly and fill out the final 16
rows. charioteer. For the chariot to voluntarily
* * This is the DS for this lap’s roll only. move back, it must be able to fall back to
the position directly behind it, staying in
01-60 Easy opponent (1st- to 3rd-level
For example, Milfur of Chondath has a the same lane, to make the attack.
fighter, Strength 14-15). Should
Dexterity of 13, which (with the cha- It is possible for someone in lane 1
be a victory.
rioteering proficiency’s +2 modifier) and someone in lane 3 to both attack
61-85 Tough opponent (4th- to 6th-
gives him a charioteering proficiency of someone in lane 2.
level fighter, Strength 16-17). A
15. He is in 5th place at the start, which If a chariot crashes, the charioteer
tough fight.
means his marker is on the #5 space. Af- suffers 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d8
86-00 Major opponent. Roll ran-
ter the first lap, he rolls a 4, for a DS of points if there is a chariot in the lane di-
domly on the list of tough guys.
11. Checking the above chart, Milfur rectly behind him.
advances two rows, to the row of posi- If all but one contestant are out of the
If the DM trims down the list to an elite
tion 3. race before the last lap, the last remain-
of 16 competitors, it should be less cum-
Up to three chariots can be in each ing contestant is the winner. The last
bersome to score the tournament, and
row, one per lane. If there is another contestant eliminated would come in
easier for each competitor to come
chariot already in lane 1 of row #3, then second place, and the next to last to be
across as a distinctive personality.
Milfur can move to lane 2 or 3 of row eliminated would end up in third place.

It should be noted that this need not be 16 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 16 CHA 17, hp dom once again, and he sent one of his
the only thing happening during the 79, THAC0 12, NWP: Riding 19, Cha- finest champions. Nebuseddar’s high
tournament. Players who are not in- rioteering 18, Swimming 17, Etiquette characteristics are a divine gift. LE, STR
volved can make deals with other non- 17, Riding (airborne) 14. No missile 19 (+3, +7) DEX 18 CON 17 INT 14 WIS
competitors, make friends, place bets on weapons. Will not cheat. 10 CHA 13, hp 104, THAC0 10, SA +2 to
the competition, pick pockets, or watch Helyos (Chessenta, Akanax, 13th-level attack roll with all wrestling moves, -2
out for sneaky plots. The throne of fighter): Helyos is a mercenary for hire. on initiatives for wrestling, NWP: Cha-
Mourktar is at stake, and there are a lot He is considered one of the toughest rioteering 20, Riding 13, Swimming 19.
of people who will do anything to get it. fighters in Chessenta, and one of the Is not proficient with composite long
The tournament is an opportunity for meanest too. Under his rule, Mourktar bow. Will cheat.
the DM to introduce new friends and would become a haven for pirates. N, Sorn (Thay, 14th-level fighter):
enemies to the player characters. Let STR 18/70 (+2, +4) DEX 14 CON 17 INT Though he is posing as a simple trader,
the characters role play and interact 10 WIS 12 CHA 14, hp 89, THAC0 8, Sorn is really a servant of Lauzoril, a
with other characters. NWP: Riding 15, Charioteering 16, Zulkir (Red Wizard) of Thay. His orders
Prominent Contestants: The follow- Swimming 18, Blind-fighting, Gaming are to win the crown or assassinate the
ing are men who are major contenders 10 (with chess). Weapon specialist in winner. CE, STR 18/55 (+2, +4) DEX 16
for the crown: long sword, proficient with composite CON 15 INT 10 WIS 12 CHA 15, hp 74,
Theriheb (Mulhorand, 9th-level pala- long bow. Will cheat. THAC0 7, NWP: Charioteering 18, Rid-
din): He is cousin to the current incar- Nebuseddar (Unther, 11th-level ing 14, Swimming 18. He is proficient
nation of Osiris. He is an extremely fighter): While Gilgeam didn’t wish to with composite longbow. Will definitely
honorable man, if aloof, and a fierce leave his kingdom, he welcomed the op- cheat.
competitor. LG, STR 17 (+1, +1) DEX portunity to add Mourktar to his king-

“Magic is the essence of life” Ladder Thunderball Duration: 2 rounds/level
—Saying of the priests of Thoth Ward Tumble Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10' radius
Spells from southern nations, such as Level 3 Level 4 Saving Throw: None
Thay, Mulhorand, and Unther, have al- Foothold Agitate Wounds
ways been a source of dread and super- Prot./Telekinesis Comm. Elemental This spell enables the caster to create a
stition to the peoples of the north. The Target Dune magical barrier that protects him from
reasons for this fear are clear. Southern Witchweed Slumber damage. This barrier is a magical wall
magic is strange and powerful; north- that surrounds the wizard in a ten-foot
erners who battle a party of southern Level 5 Level 6 radius. This wall can withstand 5 points
mages should be ready to face spells Deathguard Enfeeble of damage per level of the caster, to a
they have never seen before. Etherealness Javelin maximum of 25 points, before it goes
There is one fundamental difference Mummy Reverse Missile down and attacks may go through. The
between the magic of the south and Sandstorm Worship wizard may not cast spells that cause
that of the north: its writing system, hit point damage through the barrier,
known as the Thoth mage-script. Level 7 Level 8 nor may he physically attack through
Following the rebellion of the Red Resist Injury Bombard the barrier.
Wizards of Thay, the priest-mages of Time Loop Deathbolt The barrier is considered to have the
Thoth decided to create a new magical Trick Devastate caster’s Armor Class, but it does not get
script with which to write their spells. a saving throw against spells—it auto-
This writing was meant to prevent the Level 9 matically suffers full damage from
Red Wizards from learning the priests’ Army spells. (But, if a spell knocks down the
secrets. Call barrier, the wizard within is entitled to
This writing is undecipherable to a Soul Shift a saving throw vs. the excess damage.)
standard read magic spell. A read The material component for this spell is
southern magic spell is required to per- Priest Spells a piece of jade or amethyst worth 50 gp
form this function; these can be learned or more; this is consumed in the casting.
Level 1 Level 2
only from southern mages. Since the
Beckon Inscribe Breathe (Alteration)
creation of mage-script, it has spread
Cleanse Omen
and been adopted as a standard by all Range: 0
Stumble Stormvoice
mages of Mulhorand and Unther, and Components: V,S,M
by some in Chessenta. While southern Level 3 Level 4 Duration: 2 rounds/level
mages also have standard read magic Detect Ambush Animal Vision Casting Time: 1
spells, these are rarely used. Detect Curse Thunderstroke Area of Effect: The caster
Southern mages have all spells listed Chill Weapon Immunity Saving Throw: None
in the Player’s Handbook, but none
listed in the Magister or other Level 5 Level 6 This spell enables the creature touched
FORGOTTEN REALMS™ modules. Major Curse Dying Curse to breathe normally in places where it
Southern mages have developed Summon Minion Resist Magic would normally suffocate (in water, un-
many spells that are not known else- der an avalanche, while buried by a
where in the Realms. Most of these Level 7 sandstorm, etc.).
spells were devised by the priest-mages Bane The material component for this spell
of Thoth during the reign of the Mulho- Timewarp is a cloth that must be held over the
rand Pharaoh Thothibistep II, following caster’s mouth during the casting of the
the loss of Thay to the Red Wizards. Italicized spells are reversible. spell.
Some of these spells are described in
the following section: Wizard Spells Ignite Flame (Evocation)

Wizard Spells First-Level Spells Range: 10 yards

Components: V, S
Level 1 Level 2 Barrier (Abjuration) Duration: 3 rounds or less
Barrier Damage Mirror Casting Time: 1
Breathe Move Object Range: Special Area of Effect: Special
Ignite Flame Run Components: V,S,M Saving Throw: Negates

With this spell, a wizard can create a a strong compulsion to turn back and Move Object (Alteration)
small area of hot flame, typically a not pass through again (a successful
three-inch-square area. If cast on ex- saving throw vs. spell is required to Range: 10 yards
posed flesh, this causes 1d3 points of avoid retreat). Creatures of 5 Hit Dice Component: S
damage per round for three rounds be- (or levels) or more are unaffected. Duration: Special
fore being extinguished. The victim Anyone with magical protection from Casting Time: 2
may put out the flames by spending one fear may pass through without having Area of Effect: 1 object
round smothering them (he receives to roll a saving throw. This spell does Saving Throw: None
damage for that round, but the flames not affect undead of any level.
are automatically put out). The material components are the This spell enables the caster to point to a
If this spell is cast on flammable mate- feathers of a vulture. single small object and move it. The wiz-
rial, it grows into a small fire, automati- ard may move an object weighing up to
cally destroying flammable materials Second-Level Spells two pounds per level. He cannot per-
such as paper, causing exposed flasks of form complex movements with this spell
Damage Mirror (Alteration) (he can pull a dagger from its sheath,
oil to explode, and creating a bonfire.
These targets still receive a saving provided that it is not chained, but he
Range: 0 cannot unbuckle and unloop a belt). A
Components: V,S,M wizard can use this spell to activate le-
The fire produced by an ignite flame
Duration: 1 turn/level + Special vers from a safe distance. This spell can-
spell is considered to be normal, not
Casting Time: 2 not be used to animate weapons and
magical, fire.
Area of Effect: 10’ radius make them attack from a distance.
Saving Throw: None
Ladder (Alteration)
Run (Alteration)
This spell is the bane of those who like
Range: 20 yards
to melee wizards. If a damage mirror Range: 60 yards
Components: V,S,M
spell is active, the wizard is not pro- Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 turn
tected against attack, but if the wizard Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
is struck by a weapon, every creature Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
within a ten-foot radius of the wizard Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
suffers an identical amount of damage. Saving Throw: None
Thus an archer firing at range against a
By means of this spell, the caster cre-
wizard is not be affected, but a swords- This spell causes a single creature to
ates a firmly anchored ladder of force,
man ten feet away from the wizard is. run at triple ground movement. Thus a
one foot wide, and ten feet long, + ten
This spell affects all creatures within creature with a normal running move-
feet per level of the caster, to a maxi-
that ten-foot radius, including the ment of 12 will have a ground move-
mum length of 60 feet. This ladder is
caster. The spell is canceled once it has ment of 36 while under the effect of
easy to climb (no Dexterity check is re-
been triggered; if the opponent has this spell. This spell can affect any crea-
quired). This ladder may be used to
multiple attacks in that melee round, ture, including horses and summoned
climb walls and pits, or it may be laid
only the first successful attack triggers creatures, but it is not cumulative with
horizontally and used to cross chasms.
the damage mirror spell. This spell is haste spells.
The material component for this spell
not affected by spells or magical at- Creatures moving at their maximum
is a knot of wood.
tacks, except for dispel magic, which movement gain a -2 bonus to their Ar-
has a normal chance of negating it. mor Class while under the effect of this
Ward (Enchantment)
If the caster is somehow immobilized spell. This spell does not affect other
and then assassinated by an instant kill movement rates, including flight, bur-
Range: 0
attack (e.g., slitting his throat), the as- rowing, swimming, and climbing.
Components: V,S,M
sassin is also affected (he will kill him- The material component is a rabbit’s
Duration: 2 rounds/level
self as well as the wizard), but he may foot.
Casting Time: 1
roll a Dexterity check to avoid killing
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube
the wizard when he realizes what is Thunderball (Evocation)
Saving Throw: Negates
The material component for this spell Range: 10 yards/level
This spell enables the caster to set up an
is crushed glass from a broken mirror. Components: V,S,M
area with an invisible magical barrier.
Those who enter the warded area have Duration: Special

Casting Time: 2 A foothold spell causes stony hands to This spell enables the wizard to affect a
Area of Effect: 20’ radius appear from the ground. These try to single target. If the victim fails his sav-
Saving Throw: Special grab the legs of all creatures in a 30’ by ing throw, he becomes marked so that
30’ area or 90’ by 10’ area (depending all missile attacks, including arrows,
The thunderball spell is an explosive on the desire of the caster). Creatures bolts, javelins, and ballistae attacks gain
burst of lightning accompanied by a successfully held by this spell cannot a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
clap of thunder. This spell causes 1d6 + move, but they may attack normally against him.
1 points of damage to all creatures and cast spells. Characters trapped by
within its area of effect (no saving this spell are considered to have an ef- Witchweed (Evocation)
throw) and all within its area of effect fective Dexterity of 1.
must roll successful saving throws vs. The foothold spell cannot affect air- Range: 50 yards +10 yards/level
spell or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. In borne or invisible creatures. A success- Components: V,S,M
addition, the caster may elect to target ful saving throw negates the effects of Duration: 1 round/level
this spell against a single creature. This this spell on a target, but a new saving Casting Time: 3
creature is automatically deafened, and throw must be rolled every round the Area of Effect: 40’ radius
it must roll a successful saving throw target is in the area of effect. Saving Throw: None
vs. spell or suffer double damage. The material component for this spell
The material component for this spell is a vulture’s claw. This spell creates a cloud of smoke that
is an amber rod. is utterly inhospitable to wizards. All
Protection From Telekinesis wizards caught in this cloud cannot cast
Tumble (Enchantment/Charm) (Abjuration) spells; they also suffer 2 points of dam-
age per round they remain in the cloud.
Range: 10 yards/level Range: Touch The cloud is stationary; once in place, it
Components: V,S,M Components: V,S,M may only be moved by a gust of wind
Duration: 3 rounds +1 round/level Duration: 1 turn/level spell.
Casting Time: 2 Casting Time: 3 The material component for this spell
Area of Effect: 1 creature Area of Effect: 1 creature is burning tobacco (or some other nox-
Saving Throw: Negates Saving Throw: None ious, fume-producing plant).

This spell causes a single creature to This spell protects the target against Fourth-Level Spells
trip and fall to the ground. The victim magic that moves its physical form,
Agitate Wounds (Necromancy)
continues to tumble and roll about for most notably levitate, repulsion, and
the duration of the spell. The target telekinesis spells, but not reverse grav-
Range: 10 yards/level
cannot attack or cast spells while under ity, which is a fundamental alteration of
Components: V,S,M
the influence of this spell. The target re- the laws of nature. This spell adds a +4
Duration: Special
tains all Dexterity bonuses to his Armor bonus to any saving throws involving
Casting Time: 4
Class. The victim is allowed a new sav- these kinds of magic, or allows a normal
Area of Effect: 1 creature
ing throw each round; a successful sav- saving throw against attacks that have
Saving Throw: Special
ing throw negates the spell. none, such as repulsion. This does not
The material component for this spell protect individuals from spells that in-
By means of this spell, the caster can af-
is grease, which is consumed in the volve teleportation.
fect a creature that has been wounded
casting. The material component is a block of
by an edged weapon. This spell reopens
black granite.
bound wounds (or causes unbound
Third-Level Spells wounds to bleed severely), inflicting
Target (Alteration)
Foothold (Alteration) 2d6 points of damage. Those who roll
successful saving throws vs. spell suffer
Range: 50 yards + 10 yards/level
Range: 10 yards/level no further damage from this spell. If
Components: V,S
Components: V,S,M the saving throw fails, however, the vic-
Duration: 1 rounds/level
Duration: 1 turn/level tim suffers 1d3 additional points of
Casting Time: 3
Casting Time: 3 damage per round until the wound is
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Area of Effect: 900 square feet dressed and bound (or bound again, as
Saving Throw: Negates
Saving Throw: Negates in the case of reopened wounds).

Creatures without blood, such as Slumber (Enchantment/Charm) The character does not suffer any
skeletons, are unaffected by this spell, damage from the attack that would
as are those with regeneration abilities Range: 60 yards have killed him, be it damage from fall-
and those under the effects of a periapt Components: V,S,M ing from a cliff, dragon breath, or a
of wound closure. Duration: 5 rounds/level weapon strike. Note that if the attack
The material component for this spell Casting Time: 4 doesn’t bring the character to zero hit
is a pinch of salt. Area of Effect: Special points or below, the character takes full
Saving Throw: None damage (the guardian prevents only le-
Command Elementals thal blows).
(Enchantment/Charm) When a wizard casts a slumber spell, he
causes a comatose sleep to come upon Etherealness (Alteration)
Range: 40 yards + 10 yards/level one or more creatures (other than un-
Components: V,S dead and certain other creatures with Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level immunity to sleep effects). All creatures Components: V,S,M
to be affected must be within 50 feet of Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature each other. Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: Negates The number of creatures that can be Area of Effect: 1 creature
affected is a function of Hit Dice or Saving Throw: Negates
This spell enables the caster to com- levels. This spell affects 4d10 Hit Dice (or This spell temporarily sends one crea-
mand (or wrest command of) a single levels) of monsters. Monsters from other
ture into the Ethereal plane.
creature from one of the elemental or planes of existence and monsters with The target must remain in the Ethe-
para-elemental planes. more than 9 Hit Dice are unaffected. real plane during the duration of the
The target is permitted a saving The center of the spell is determined spell; any attempt to return to the
throw, but elementals of low intelli- by the spellcaster. Creatures with the Prime Material plane will fail, except by
gence or lower suffer at -4 penalty to least Hit Dice in the area of effect are af- the intervention of Powers or a wish
the roll. If the saving throw is failed, the fected first; creatures that would be spell. If the wizard attempts to shift the
wizard can maintain his control over only partially affected are not affected target into the Ethereal against its will,
the elemental for the duration of the at all. the target is entitled to a saving throw.
spell, overriding all other controls on The material component is a pinch of
The material component for this spell
that elemental, including other com- dust. is a drop of oil of etherealness, or oil
mand elemental spells. from a creature native to the Ethereal
Fifth-Level Spells plane.
Dune (Conjuration)
(Abjuration/Necromancy) Mummy (Necromancy)
Range: Touch
Components: V,S Range: 50 yards
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/level Components: V,S,M
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 4 Duration: 1 turn/level
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Special Casting Time: 5
Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard cre-
ates a magical sand dune that can carry With this spell, the mage can animate
This spell creates a guardian spirit that up to one corpse per four levels of expe-
one man-sized creature per two levels
protects the character from attacks rience he possesses (all fractions are
of experience of the caster (e.g., 3 crea-
from the Ethereal plane. rounded down). These corpses have all
tures at 6th and 7th level, 4 creatures at
The guardian has one function: of the abilities, including hit points, of a
8th and 9th level, etc.) through any
Should any attack reduce the hit points mummy (see volume I of the Monstrous
sandy area with a movement rate of 4
of the creature it has been assigned to Compendium).
per level of the spellcaster. This dune
guard to zero or below, the guardian in- When the spell has run its course, or
can move only through sandy areas.
tervenes and suffers the damage in- when the mummies are slain, the
The material component for this spell
stead of the character, saving the corpses crumble to dust.
is a pinch of sand.
character from death. Once the guard- The material component is mummy
ian saves its master’s life, it is destroyed. dust.

Sandstorm (Evocation)

Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 60’ radius
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the caster cre-

ates a vortex of violently churning
sand. All creatures within the area of
effect suffer 3d10 points of damage.
The sand also blinds creatures while
they are within its area of effect, and
there is a 50% probability that any crea-
ture trying to move in the area falls Javelin (Evocation) tacks (but excluding non-missile ranged
down. attacks, such as fireball and disinte-
The sandstorm also extinguishes Range: 80 yards + 10 yards/level grate spells). The missile returns to
torches and small fires. Components: V,S,M strike the person who fired it, as long as
The material component for this spell Duration: Instantaneous that person is within the range of the
is a fistful of sand. Casting Time: 6 spell (if he is beyond range, then the
Area of Effect: 1 creature missile drops to the ground upon reach-
Sixth-Level Spells Saving Throw: ½ ing the range limit). All reflected mis-
Enfeeble (Necromancy) siles automatically strike their targets
This spell causes a javelin to become (no attack roll is needed) and always in-
Range: Touch filled with deadly energy. The caster flict double damage.
Components: V,S,M may hurl this bolt at any creature
Duration: Permanent within range of this spell. The javelin Worship (Enchantment/Charm)
Casting Time: 6 strikes without error and inflicts 1d10
Area of Effect: 1 creature points of damage for every two levels of Range: 0
Saving Throw: None experience of the caster, to a maximum Components: V,S
of 10d10 at 20th level. The target is enti- Duration: 2 rounds/level
This spell enables a wizard to weaken tled to a saving throw vs. spell with a -3 Casting Time: 7
the physical characteristics of his tar- penalty; success indicates that the tar- Area of Effect: Special
get, making him weaker and less agile. get suffers only half damage. Saving Throw: Special
The wizard must touch the victim The material component of this spell
within three rounds of casting the spell. is a javelin. The worship spell raises the effective
If he connects, the victim loses 1 point Charisma of the caster to 22. Charac-
each of Strength and Dexterity, perma- Reverse Missile (Abjuration) ters of 3 Hit Dice (or levels) or less who
nently. Characters with exceptional are in clear view of the caster automati-
Strengths have their Strengths reduced Range: 80 yards + 10 yards/level cally fall to their knees and praise the
to 18. One point of Strength or Dexter- Components: V,S caster. Creatures of 4-6 Hit Dice (or
ity may be restored by a restoration, Duration: 3 rounds/level levels) get a saving throw to avoid the
limited wish, or wish spell. Characters Casting Time: 6 effect. Creatures above 6 Hit Dice are
who have either characteristic reduced Area of Effect: The caster unaffected. Unwilling victims of this
to 0 become shadows. Saving Throw: None spell roll a reaction check when the
The material component for this spell spell is finished, with a +8 penalty to
is essence of shadow. This spell reflects attacks from all mis- the roll.
sile weapons, including spells such as Using this spell to impersonate a
magic missile and Melf’s acid arrow, Power is very dangerous.
and large missiles such as ballistae at-

Seventh-Level Spells The material component for this spell four levels of the caster, rounded down
is a powder of crushed diamond, ruby, (thus a bombardment from a 16th-
Resist Injury (Abjuration) emerald, and sapphire dust, with each through 19th-level wizard lasts four
crushed stone being of at least 100 gp rounds, a bombardment from a 20th-
Range: 0 value. through 23rd-level wizard lasts five
Components: V,S,M rounds, etc.). Each new bombardment
Duration: 2 rounds/level Trick (Alteration/Illusion) strikes before any other actions take
Casting Time: 7 place in the round.
Area of Effect: The caster Range: 80 yards + 10 yards/level The spell is ended if the target moves
Saving Throw: None Components: V,S,M out of range. A successful dispel magic
Duration: 1 turn/level spell cast on the target also negates this
This spell protects the caster from in- Casting Time: 7 spell. A creature with magic resistance
jury, so that all attacks cause only half Area of Effect: Special checks this each round—a successful
damage against him (rounded down). Saving Throw: None magic resistance roll ends the spell; this
For instance, if a warrior inflicts 13 check is rolled before the damage for
points of damage with an attack against This powerful illusion enables the wiz- the round is rolled.
a wizard who has an active resist injury ard to exchange his appearance and po- The material component for this spell
spell, the attack is reduced to 6 points of sition with that of any target within is a piece of meteoric iron.
damage. (Attacks that already get a sav- range. The wizard and the target are
ing throw, such as a fireball spell or both teleported to each other’s posi- Deathbolt (Necromancy)
dragon breath, inflict half damage if the tions. To others, the target and the
saving throw fails, or one-quarter dam- caster seem to have the voice and physi- Range: 10 yards/level
age if it succeeds). cal appearance of the other; in effect, Components: V,S,M
This spell does not help the caster none knows that a switch occurs unless Duration: Instantaneous
against attacks that charm, drain life the caster has warned them before- Casting Time: 8
levels, or totally destroy (such as death hand. A true seeing spell will detect Area of Effect: 1 creature
or disintegration spells). this. Note that the teleport is not with- Saving Throw: Special
The material component for this spell out error, and thus this spell entails
is an amethyst or jade pendent, which some risk on the part of the caster and This spell causes a bolt of death energy
must be worn for the duration of the the target. to strike its target, which may be any
spell. The material component for this spell living Prime Material creature. When
is a ball of wax. this bolt strikes, the target dies unless it
Time Loop (Alteration) rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell.
Range: 0
Eighth-Level Spells Even if the roll succeeds, the victim suf-
fers 10d6 points of damage.
Components: V,S,M Bombard (Evocation) The material component for this spell
Duration: 1 round/level is vampire ichor.
Casting Time: 7 Range: 10 yards/level
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube Components: V,S,M Devastate (Alteration)
Saving Throw: Special Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Range: 0
This spell creates an area within which Area of Effect: 1 creature Components: V,S,M
the flow of time repeats itself contin- Saving Throw: ½ Duration: 1 round/level
ually, until the duration of the spell (as Casting Time: 8
timed in the outside world) expires. When this spell is cast upon a single Area of Effect: The caster
Creatures caught in the time loop see creature within spell range, giant Saving Throw: None
the world as flickering chaos, and are stones appear and bombard the target,
unable to affect it in any way. Characters inflicting 10d6 points of damage per This spell causes all of the caster’s spells
outside the loop perceive those trapped round. A successful saving throw vs. to strike with devastating effect. All tar-
as endlessly repeating one set of actions; spell reduces the damage by half. Each gets suffer a -5 penalty to saving throws
those outside may affect the characters successive round, a new bombardment against the caster’s spells, and all dam-
within the time loop with ranged spells strikes the target, causing 10d6 points age done by the caster’s spells is in-
and attacks, but if they physically enter of damage. creased by +2 per die (but the total
the loop, they too are trapped. This spell lasts one round for every damage cannot exceed the maximum

possible rolled damage without the This spell is a variant of the gate spell. It point of Constitution, which is sacri-
bonus—e.g., a fireball spell cannot attracts the attention of a single native ficed in the transfer. The necromancer
cause more than the 60 points of dam- of the Prime Material plane. The caster retains the knowledge of all of the spells
age that is the maximum possible to roll calls the name of the being, who be- he knew prior to transfer. This transfer
on the fireball spell’s limit of 10d6). comes aware that someone wants him is one-way; he cannot return back to his
The material component for this spell to appear. That individual is free to ac- former body.
is a solid gold pendant with the insignia cept or reject the call. If the offer is ac- The material component for this spell
of the caster, which must be worn cepted, the being is instantly teleported is a crushed ruby of at least 1,000 gp
around the caster’s neck for the dura- without error to a spot of the caster’s value.
tion of the spell. choosing, within 200 feet of the caster.
If the offer is rejected, the call is si- Priest Spells
Ninth-Level Spells lenced, and no teleportation takes
place. A demand spell may be used First-Level Spells
Army prior to this spell to persuade the target
(Conjuration/Summoning) Beckon (Conjuration/Charm)
to accept.
The target need not be known to the Sphere: Animal
Range: 500 yards caster, but his exact location must be;
Components: V,S,M Range: 1-mile radius
this spell does not provide the caster Components: V,M
Duration: 2 turns/level with that information. A call can only
Casting Time: 9 Duration: Instantaneous
affect Prime Material creatures on the Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special Prime Material planes. (It can reach par-
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: 1 creature
allel Prime Material worlds, but cannot Saving Throw: None
reach into the Ethereal, Astral, or other
By means of this spell, the caster is able planes of existence.)
to create an instant army, which rises This spell affects one creature of semi-
The material component is a minia- intelligence or lower. This creature
from the ground in the form of earth, ture wax statue of the target.
stone, or sand soldiers. These soldiers must either be able to be affected by an
are AC 4, have a movement rate of 3, animal friendship spell, or be a domesti-
Soul Shift (Necromancy) cated pet of the caster. When a beckon
have 2 Hit Dice each (THAC0 19), have
one attack per round, inflict 1d6 + 2 spell is cast, the creature hears the
Range: 10 miles caster calling and rushes to his side as
points of damage per hit, and have 20% Components: V,S,M
magic resistance. They are immune to fast as possible. If the creature is far-
Duration: 1 turn/level ther than one mile from the caster, it
all enchantment/charm spells, and they Casting Time: 9
serve only the summoner. It requires a will not come.
Area of Effect: Special The material component is a piece of
+1 or better weapon to affect them. Saving Throw: Special
The caster can summon one unit of ten food that is favored by the pet.
soldiers for every four levels he pos- This extremely powerful spell will
sesses (round all fractions down). The Cleanse (Alteration)
transfer the soul of the necromancer
units must appear within a 250-yard ra- from his own body into a previously
dius, placed as the caster sees fit. When Sphere: All
prepared corpse. This corpse must be Range: 0
the spell duration expires, the units within the area of effect of the spell and
vanish. Components: V,S,M
be unmarred by disease, wounds, or in- Duration: Instantaneous
The material component of this spell jury. At any time during this spell’s du-
is a diamond of at least 5,000 gp value, Casting Time: 1
ration, the necromancer may choose to Area of Effect: The caster
which must be crushed in the casting. abandon his body and travel into the Saving Throw: None
corpse. The necromancer’s true body
Call (Conjuration/Summoning) remains alive, but in a soulless, zombie- This spell causes all grime, dirt and
like state. stains to be removed from the caster
Range: Special When the necromancer’s soul
Components: V,S,M and his vestments, enabling the priest
reaches its new home, he must immedi- to present himself to his congregation
Duration: Instantaneous ately roll for resurrection survival; he
Casting Time: 1 round in immaculate condition. All clothing
dies if he fails. If the necromancer suc- that the caster wears is restored to its
Area of Effect: 1 creature ceeds, his new body is restored as it was
Saving Throw: None original color. If the caster was exposed
before death, except for the loss of 1

to any minor, incidental diseases, the Note: In Mulhorand, this spell may be deafened for 1d4 rounds and be
diseases are cured, provided they had used only by the priests of Thoth who knocked from their feet.
not already reached a noticeable level. are appointed to be scribes.
This does not affect diseases such as Third-Level Spells
mummy rot, rat bites, or lycanthropy. Omen (Divination)
Detect Ambush (Abjuration)
Even wounds are cleansed and infec-
Sphere: Divination Reversible
tions are purified (healing 1 point of
damage, if no cure wounds spells had Range: Special
Sphere: Divination
been applied previously). Components: V,S,M
Range: 50 yards +10 yards/level
The material component for this spell Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V,S,M
is a piece of soap. Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 3
Stumble (Charm) Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
Sphere: Combat When a priest casts this spell, he is ask-
Range: 20 yards ing for the approval of his deity regard-
This spell detects people of hostile in-
Components: V,S,M ing an action. This does not tell the
Duration: 1 round/level caster whether the character is in dan- tent who mean to do harm to the caster
by lying in ambush. It doesn’t detect
Casting Time: 4 ger, merely if the deity approves of him
performing the action. For instance, a traps that will surprise the caster, or in-
Area of Effect: 1 creature
dividuals who might do harm to the
Saving Throw: Negates good character may want to know if
bribing a government official into adju- caster if they were encountered; the
target of this spell must be expecting
This spell causes one creature within its dicating a land dispute in his temple’s
favor meets with his god’s approval. the caster to come and be lying in wait
area of effect to stumble. While the vic-
to harm him.
tim is affected by a stumble spell, he The deity disapproves of bribery, so the
answer is “no.” The target gets a saving throw, modi-
suffers a -4 penalty to his attack rolls,
The caster has a chance equal to 60% fied by the caster’s Wisdom bonus; for
his movement rate is halved, and he
instance, if the caster has an 18 Wis-
loses all bonuses due to Dexterity. If the + 2%/level of getting a correct answer.
dom, the target suffers a -4 penalty to
target roll a successful saving throw vs. The answer is an obvious “yes” or “no,”
though it is likely to be expressed by a his saving throw.
spell, he is completely unaffected.
The reverse of this spell, undetect-
The material component for this spell symbol; seven swans flying overhead
may mean “yes,” while a clap of thunder able ambush, makes a person waiting in
is a drop of oil.
ambush proof against this spell.
in a clear sky may mean “no.”
The material component for this spell
Second-Level Spells The material component of this spell
is a possession taken from an enemy
is a gem of at least 100 gp value, which
Inscribe (Alteration/Conjuration) (not necessarily the one who is lying in
must be sacrificed to the deity in the
Sphere: All
Range: 10 feet Stormvoice (Alteration) Detect Curse (Divination)
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 round/level Sphere: Divination
Sphere: Weather
Casting Time: 1 round Range: Special Range: 10 yards
Area of Effect: Special Components: V,S
Components: V,S
Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 round Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Casting Time: 2
This spell enables the words of the Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: 1 object
caster to be directly etched on a piece of Saving Throw: Special Saving Throw: None
paper, vellum, or papyrus. All the
caster need do is speak the words, and This spell enables the caster to magi-
This spell enables the caster to speak
they are inscribed in the appropriate cally examine an item or creature to see
with the voice of a storm. The caster
language on any appropriate writing can be heard clearly at ten times nor- if it has been subject to a curse spell. At
surface within ten feet. mal distance. All creatures within a 20- 12th level, the caster is able to deter-
The material components for this mine if the spell is bestow curse, major
foot radius of the caster must roll
spell are squid ink, a hawk's feather, curse, dying curse, or bane. This spell
successful saving throws vs. spell or be
and papyrus.

does not detect magical items that are where the animal goes (unless he em- spells. Only one weapon immunity
designed for malign effects, such as a ploys other spells for this purpose), and may be active at a time.
necklace of strangulation, which was he suffers no damage if the creature is The material component for this spell is
designed to have a lethal effect. killed. a piece of amethyst, jade, or lapis lazuli.
The material component for this spell
Chill (Alteration/Evocation) is a morsel that is desired by the animal Fifth-Level Spells
(e.g., if it is a cat, then catnip is a suitable
Sphere: Combat component). Major Curse (Abjuration)
Range: 50 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V,S,M Thunderstroke (Evocation)
Sphere: Protection
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5 Spheres: Combat, Weather Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Special Components: V,S
Range: 40 yards + 10 yards/level
Duration: Permanent until dispelled
Saving Throw: ½ Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 7
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates a 30-foot-radius area Area of Effect: 1 creature or item
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special
of cold air. The caster can center the Area of Effect: 1 creature
coldness on one creature in that area, Saving Throw: ½
causing 1 point of damage per caster This spell is similar to the third-level re-
level, to a maximum of 10 points. A suc- This spell enables the priest to call upon move curse, except the spell effect is
cessful saving throw vs. spell reduces the wrath of his deity and summon a permanent. The curse can have one of
the following effects (roll percentile
damage by ½. bolt of lightning to strike a single target.
Each succeeding round, the caster This bolt causes 2 points of damage dice):
can continue inflicting 1 point/level of per level of the cleric, to a maximum of 01-50 Reduces one ability score to 3
damage to any creature that is still 40 points. If the target rolls a successful (the DM determines which
within the area of effect. If all creatures saving throw vs. spell, the damage is randomly)
leave the original area of effect, this halved. 51-75 -4 penalty to victim’s attack
spell is negated. The material component for this spell and saving throw rolls
The material component for this spell is the priest’s holy symbol, which is not 76-00 Makes victim 50% likely to
is a feather. destroyed in the casting. drop whatever he is holding
(or do nothing in the case of
Fourth-Level Spells Weapon Immunity (Abjuration) creatures that don’t use
tools); roll each round.
Animal Vision (Alteration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0 If the victim fails a saving throw vs.
Sphere: Animal
Components: V,S,M spell, the curse becomes permanent; if
Range: 100 yards + 20 yards/level
Duration: 2 rounds/level the saving throw is successful, the
Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 7 curse lasts only one turn per level of the
Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: The caster priest who cast it.
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None The spell can be cast on an item, typi-
Area of Effect: The caster cally in a tomb where the item is not to
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the priest to become be disturbed. Those who touch it fall
immune to one particular weapon. victim to the curse.
This spell links the vision of the priest to
This may include such weapons as The reverse of this spell, remove ma-
that of a single animal, be it mammal, jor curse, removes the effects of a ma-
long swords, bastard swords, maces,
reptile, or insect. Typically, the animal jor curse or bestow curse spell.
or heavy crossbow bolts; it must be a
is one sacred to the priest’s religion, but
specific weapon.
it need not be.
When the priest is struck by that Summon Minion
As long as the animal remains within
weapon, it will do no damage to him. (Conjuration/Summoning)
the range of the spell, the caster can see
This protects the priest even from
through its eyes, using whatever spe-
magical weapons. Monster attacks, Spheres: All, Summoning
cial visions it possesses. There is no
such as claws and fangs, are not in- Range: 10 yards
other link between the caster and the
cluded in the effect of this spell, nor Components: V,S,M
animal: The priest has no control over are magical attacks, such as fireball Duration: 1 turn/level

Casting Time: 1 round Resist Magic (Abjuration) move curse spell (if cast by a Power), or a
Area of Effect: Special reverse bane or a wish can remove. If
Saving Throw: None Sphere: Guardian the saving throw fails, the victim suffers
Range: 0 the following effects: a -5 penalty to all
This spell enables the caster to summon Components: V,S attack and damage rolls, while oppo-
one divine minion (see the “New Mon- Duration: 2 rounds/level nents receive +5 bonus to their attack
sters” section for a description of divine Casting Time: 8 rolls against the victim; the victim fails all
minions). The divine minion serves the Area of Effect: The caster saving throws, and all attacks against
priest faithfully, performing any com- Saving Throw: None him cause maximum damage.
mand that does not violate the dictates The reverse of this spell, reverse
of its deity; this includes giving up its This spell grants the priest 2% magic re- bane, removes the effect of any curse
life in combat. Only one minion may sistance per level of the priest, to a max- spell, except for instantaneous curse ef-
serve a priest at a time. imum of 40%. This magic resistance fects (e.g., it won’t teleport the party
The material components for this functions identically to the magic resist- back to the dungeon after they’ve
spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a ance possessed by certain monsters and opened the cursed scroll).
large gem of at least 1,000 gp value, bestowed by certain powerful artifacts
which must be sacrificed to the deity in and relics. This spell effect can be cast Timewarp (Alteration/Divination)
the casting. only upon the priest, not upon others.
Sphere: Divination
Sixth-Level Spells Seventh-Level Spells Range: 0
Components: V,S
Dying Curse (Abjuration) Bane (Abjuration) Duration: Instantaneous
Reversible Casting Time: 4
Sphere: Protection Area of Effect: 1 creature
Range: Unlimited Sphere: Protection Saving Throw: None
Components: V,S Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent until dispelled Components: V,S This spell enables the priest to send a
Casting Time: 2 turns Duration: Permanent until dispelled being back in time. The timewarp has a
Area of Effect: Special Casting Time: 9 maximum range of two minutes, which
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: 1 creature enables the character to go back to an
Saving Throw: Special action he made in the previous round
When the priest casts a dying curse and negate it. It also grants new saving
spell, he is avenging himself against fu- When a priest casts a bane spell, he be- throws, attack and damage rolls, and
ture death. Anyone who kills the priest, stows an extremely powerful curse on forces opponents to make similar rolls.
even if the priest is later resurrected, the target. Note that this affects only those directly
becomes the victim of a major curse, After casting the spell, the priest must
involved with the target; it does not give
with no saving throw. Only a wish or a touch the intended target within one
everyone in melee new rolls, just the
remove bane spell can remove this turn, or the spell expires. If he makes target and those attacking him. This
curse. contact, the target gets a saving throw. If spell ages the caster one year.
the saving throw is successful, the victim The material component is sand.
receives a major curse, which only a re-

“An item of great utility is one to be into a ten-foot-radius sphere, at a range This ring is a simple silver circle, and
cherished into eternity.” of 30 feet. When it is cast, those who is another creation of the incarnations
—A saying on the tomb of Pharaoh are caught in its area of effect must roll of Thoth.
Ramenhorus III in the Great Vale successful saving throws vs. spell or XP Value: 1,000
they pursue their actions mindlessly. If
Potions they fail the saving throw and are in Ring of Protection From Undead:
combat, they do not care who they at- This charged magical item is a band of
While not renowned for their skill in al- tack, even if it one of their comrades; white gold, with the insignia of Horus-
chemy, the mages of Mulhorand and they continue to attack the nearest tar- Re on its front. When any undead tries
Unther have long experimented with get for 4 + 3d4 rounds. to touch the wearer, the wearer has the
devising potions, oils, and other similar If the target is eating or drinking, he option of using one charge to prevent
products. Here are a few of them: continues that activity for the duration contact. Use of a charge must be de-
of this oil’s influence, even to the point clared before the undead rolls its attack
Oil of Agelessness: This oil is made of eating or drinking other people’s bev- against the wearer. Each charge pre-
from the nectar of roses from the gar- erages, not stopping even if attacked. vents the wearer from being struck by
dens of Ishtar in Unther. When one vial XP Value: 500 any undead in that round (if the wearer
of this oil is applied to the body of a hu- is being attacked by two wights, one
man or demihuman, the normal aging charge prevents contact from both of
process halts for six months.
Rings them).
Continued applications, therefore, Rings are a common decoration among This does not protect the character
can keep one young indefinitely. The se- the nobles of Mulhorand, and most when he is surprised. The ring contains
cret of this oil is known only to the wear at least one magical ring. Rings 25 + 3d10 charges.
priestesses of Ishtar. It is one of the are often handed down from genera- XP Value: 2,500
most eagerly sought secrets of south- tion to generation as a token of remem-
ern magic. brance, though in Mulhorand many of Ring of Strength: This ring, made
XP Value: 800 the most powerful magical rings are from the finger bone of a stone giant,
buried with nobles at death. gives its wearer exceptional strength.
Oil of Armor: This thin, nearly invisi- Those who wear a ring of strength gain
ble oil is applied to skin to give it the Ring of Dizziness: This cursed magi- the following Strength (depending on
toughness of armor. Each application cal item is sometimes found in the which ring they have):
lasts 6 + 1d6 hours. Its base AC is 4, tombs of Mulhorand, placed there to
modified by Dexterity and rings of pro- punish grave robbers. This appears to D100 Roll Strength XP Value
tection. There are no cumulative ef- be a normal magical ring, perhaps a 01-35 18 (00) 1,500
fects with armor. ring of protection. When used in an ac- 36-65 19 2,000
Oil of armor is used in Unther, where tual combat where the wearer may be 66-80 20 2,500
certain priesthoods forbid the wearing hurt, the wearer becomes violently 81-00 Cursed! —
of armor. dizzy. The wearer must roll a success-
XP Value: 400 ful saving throw vs. spell or be unable A ring of strength may be worn by all
to attack. Even if the saving throw is classes. A cursed ring has the equiva-
Oil of Beauty: This oil, a mixture of ol- successful, all of the victim’s attacks suf- lent Strength of 21, but if the wearer is
ive oil, crushed pearl, and ash from the fer a -4 penalty to the attack roll, and all in melee, he sees his friends as his ene-
Purple Plains, is used by the priestesses attacks against him gain a +4 bonus to mies (and vice versa) and attacks his
the attack roll. friends. A ring of strength is not cumu-
of Ishtar. When this is placed on their
XP Value: None lative with other forms of Strength en-
bodies, their Charisma increases by 1d4
points for 1 + 1d3 turns. This does not hancers (girdles, gauntlets, etc.)
ensure that those who view them will Ring of Immunity: When this ring is
fall madly in love with them, but it does worn, the wearer becomes immune to Ring of Thunder: This charged magi-
all diseases and infections. This includes cal item was a gift to Jurnail, a high
enable them to make a good impression.
XP Value: 400 magical diseases, such as lycanthropy priest of Anhur, from his friends in the
and mummy rot. The character regains priesthood of Thoth several centuries
the maximum number of hit points per ago. It was almost certainly crafted by
Powder of Obsession: This pink pow-
day (3 hit points) from rest, as he need Azonthoth, an incarnation of Thoth.
der is used as a defense by the priest-
not be bothered by fever or infection, The ring is silver with a lion’s face en-
esses of Isis, though only on rare
regardless of his level of activity. graved in gold with a topaz mane.
occasions. This magical powder is cast

This ring is a powerful defensive and Staff of Fury: This staff is used in con-
offensive weapon. It can emit a bolt of junction with a wizard's normal arsenal
lightning that inflicts 10d6 points of of spells. When a wizard casts spells
damage (successful saving throw vs. and holds this device, all spells add +1
spell cuts this damage in half) per round to their casting time, but become devas-
to all creatures in a ten-foot radius ex- tatingly powerful. Damage spells gain
cept the ring wearer. Each charge lasts +1 per die, even exceeding maximums.
one turn; a ring of thunder typically has All saving throws against the wizard’s
25 + 6d6 charges. spells suffer a -2 penalty. Each time this
XP Value: 4,000 function is used, it drains the staff of a
Ring of Windwarding: When this ring This staff can also be used as a defen-
is worn, a ten-foot-radius area around sive weapon. In this case, the caster
the bearer is protected from all winds. cannot perform any offensive action
All within its area of effect are shielded that round, but he may use the staff to
from wind storms, gust of wind spells, block up to three successful attacks
attacks by air elementals, etc. If the each round, be it with a weapon in me-
wearer is caught in the middle of a sand- lee, or at range with a missile weapon.
storm or a blizzard, this ring prevents Each block drains the staff of one
the wearer from being affected. charge; the wizard must specify how
XP Value: 1,000 many potential attacks he is blocking at
the start of the round. The staff is re-
Rods, Staves, and chargeable.
XP Value: 8,000
The staff was the original symbol of au- Staff of the Necromancer: This staff
thority in the Old Empires, so it is not belongs to Hodkamset, the most power-
surprising that many of these items ful mage in the service of the god Set
were first developed in this part of the (with the exception of his incarnations).
Realms. Hodkamset made this alabaster staff
There a number of new and deadly from the spine bones of a dragon.
staves, rods, and wands that have re- Hodkamset pursued the art of necro-
cently seen use: mancy and built this item to aid in his
spellcasting. It was stolen from him by
Rod of Generalship: This magical rod the priests of Osiris in battle two years
is a two-foot-long scepter of pure gold, ago, but assassins of Set retrieved it be-
decorated with rubies, diamonds, and fore the priests could destroy it, and
pearls. When this rod is raised in battle, once again Hodkamset wields it.
the troops commanded by the general It has a maximum of 25 charges, and
gain a +2 bonus to their attack and absorbs magic as a staff of the magi. In
damage rolls and morale, and a -2 bo- addition, it has the following powers,
nus to their Armor Class. which cost no charges: detect magic,
This effect lasts 3d4 turns and may be speak with dead, protection from good.
used only once per day. This rod may be The following powers cost one
used once per day; it has a 200-yard- charge per use: animate dead, darkness
radius area of effect. It is a favored bat- 15’ radius, dispel magic, hold person.
tlefield item of the priests of Assuran of The following powers cost two
the Three Thunders. It has also been charges per use: command undead, en-
used by the priests of Horus-Re and feeble, feeblemind, life level drain *.
Anhur. Three of these items are known * This attack drains one life level, has
to exist. a 100-foot range, and automatically
XP Value: 5,000 strikes one target within that range, no
saving throw.
XP Value: 13,000

Wand of Salt: This evil wand is used by Miscellaneous Magic it may slash at an opponent, causing
the followers of the Cult of Tiamat. 1d6 points of damage; if it inflicts maxi-
This item produces powerful cramps As one might expect, miscellaneous mum damage on any attack, it grabs the
and thirst pangs in any who are struck magical items of new and unusual types target around the throat and causes
by its beam, so they suffer 2d6 points of are plentiful in the south. Here are only 2d10 points of damage per round until
damage per round (half if a saving a few examples: the target is dead. Second, it may grab
throw vs. wand is successful, with a Amulet of Protection From Align- at a target’s weapon hand, negating one
new saving throw applicable each ment Change: This magical talisman attack each melee round (e.g., if a victim
round). This continues until they spend has a ruby as its centerpiece. This amu- has 3/2 attacks, he loses his first-round
one full round drinking water, in which let protects the wearer against the ef- attack and one of his second-round at-
case the cramps stop. This wand can fects of magic designed to tacks). The claw is AC 0. If 50 points of
also render a 50’ by 50’ section of land fundamentally alter a person’s align- sharp-edged damage is done to it, it
infertile. This wand is made of saltsteel, ment. While this does not protect a stops attacking for 24 hours; 200 points
a magically hardened salt whose mak- character from spells that charm the of such damage completely destroys it.
ing is known only to the mages of Un- character into actions that he wouldn’t The claw is intelligent; any new mas-
ther. The surface is overlain with sand normally do, it does prevent the effects ter trying to control it must battle
to give it a sparkling appearance. Only of a helm of opposite alignment and against a neutral alignment, 12 Int, and
two of these cruel weapons are known similar items. It cannot stop the align- 16 Ego (as per intelligent swords). The
to exist. ment reversal process of an artifact or hand glows red if rubies (other than the
XP Value: 5,000 relic, but may (at the DM’s option) slow ones embedded on the hand) are within
it down. 50 feet.
Wand of Sleep: This wand is con- XP Value: 3,000 Nezram is known to have constructed
structed from green willow vines from at least five claws, one of which is in the
Ganathwood that are entwined and en- Book of Thoth: This is not one of the possession of Hodkamset, the most
chanted to become hard as stone. three famed tomes of the god Thoth, powerful wizard of the Cult of Set.
When the command word is spoken, but rather a tome written by his incar- XP Value: 3,750
the wand emits an 80-foot-long cone of nation. It is a large, worn, leather-
sleeping gas, ten feet wide at its base bound brown volume without a title, Dice of Chancelessness: This insidi-
and 30 feet wide at its end. All caught in fixed with a lock in the shape of a ba- ous magical item was created by Huriot,
this cone must roll successful saving boon’s head. Once per day, it can per- an enterprising follower of Mask and
throws vs. wand or fall asleep for 3d4 form a legend lore spell on any item the greatest Prince of Thieves that
rounds. that is placed on its cover; when this oc- Skuld has ever known. Five centuries
Creatures with immunities to sleep curs, the book opens and turns to a ago, he was captured, convicted of
have their normal resistance against page where the legend of the item is de- grave robbing, and brought to the phar-
the effect of this wand. This wand may scribed. The book closes once the entry aoh for his final justice. Huriot per-
be used only by a wizard. is read and locks itself. Should the book suaded the pharaoh to let a game of
XP Value: 4,000 be forced open, the caster finds that all chance decide his fate: If he won, he
pages are blank, and the book is never would be sold into slavery, and if he
Wand of Water-Finding: This useful useful again. lost, he would be executed. He brought
item has saved many travelers in the XP Value: 3,000 out a pair of dice.
desert heat. If this wand is activated These dice were magical, created by a
within 50 miles of any source of drink- The Claw of Nezram: The great wiz- great wizard. They would roll any num-
ing water, the wand begins to vibrate; ard Nezram made a number of unique ber that the owner desired; in the
the closer the wand is to water, the magical items before he left the Realms hands of the owner, they would roll
stronger the wand vibrates. If water for parts unknown. One of the most un- what he wanted, while in the hands of
lies beneath the surface at a depth of usual is the claw of Nezram. It is a rep- another, they would roll as the original
500 feet or less, the wand shoots a beam lica of a humanoid hand made from owner desired. The pharaoh detected
into the earth that draws water to the ivory, studded with rubies, with sharp the magic, discovered what they were,
surface. The water found by this wand claws instead of fingers. and used his divine powers to reverse
is always drinkable; it may not be pure, The claw has several functions. Its the effect.
but it generally does not adversely af- mundane function causes it to scratch Huriot had planned to lose the game,
fect the health of the character. any part of the wielder’s body on com- gambling that a display of honesty might
XP Value: 2,000 mand, to relieve an itch. If ordered into earn a pardon from a magnanimous
combat, the claw has two options. First, pharaoh. He won instead and was placed

in slavery for the rest of his days. moned out of the jewel at a time; a new D100 Roll Armor Class XP Value
No one ever heard of Huriot again, ex- duplicate cannot be summoned until 48 01-05 6 2,000
cept for an inscription in that pharaoh’s hours have passed. When a duplicate 06-15 5 2,500
tomb: “Huriot was here.” disappears or is killed, all of his magical 16-35 4 3,000
XP Value: 500 items disappear. 36-50 3 3,500
The effects of all spells cast by the du- 51-70 2 4,000
Gloves of Lightning: This magical plicate disappear with the duplicate, ex- 71-85 1 5,000
item, usable by all classes, is a powerful cluding spells with an instantaneous 86-00 0 6,000
weapon. Once every three rounds (up effect (the effects of a duplicate’s fire-
to three times a day), the wearer may ball spell do not disappear, but the ef- Only members of the priest class may
point at a single target and fire a strong fects of his haste spell do). A duplicate is wear these robes. They are almost
burst of electricity that automatically also forbidden to use any sort of crea- never seen outside of Mulhorand.
strikes. This burst inflicts 8d6 points of tion magic, including wishes.
damage (a successful saving throw vs. The jewel is typically one of the more Scarab of Life: This is a jeweled beetle
wand cuts this in half). valuable gemstones (no specific variety inset on an ankh. When this is worn on
Gloves of lightning cannot be worn is needed), and when one glances into the brow of a priest, it enables him to
with gauntlets; both gloves are neces- it, one can see the faint impression of an cure critical wounds, once per day, and
sary to fire the lightning. ibis, Thoth’s symbol. raise dead once per week. Any use of
XP Value: 2,000 XP Value: 5,000 this item has a 10% chance of rendering
it inoperative; command words are nec-
Horn of Command: This horn ampli- Necklace of Protection Against essary to use either function.
fies the sound of one’s voice so that it Charm: This beautiful item is worn by XP Value: 3,000
can be heard three times farther than the Precepts of Mulhorand. It is a gold
normal. collar that hangs down to the chest, Scarab of Venom: This is a scarab-
The greatest ability of this item, how- studded with gems. It provides a +4 bo- shaped gem, much favored by warriors
ever, is its suggestion power. Once each nus to all saving throws against charm/ in the service of Set. When placed on
day, a person using the horn can issue a enchantment magic. Furthermore, by the hilt of their swords, it coats the
suggestion to all within a 60-foot radius. looking into the gems of this necklace, blade with a poison, up to two times per
A successful saving throw vs. spell ne- the wearer is aware of the identity and day (wielder decides when). This poison
gates this effect (but only for that indi- location of the spellcaster. Protections causes an extra 3d4 points of damage
vidual). The person using the horn may against scrying prevent this effect. immediately (no saving throw), and the
direct the command at a single being XP Value: 2,000 victim must also roll a successful saving
(giving a penalty of -3 to the saving throw vs. poison or die in 1d4 rounds.
throw) or at all of the beings within the Robes of Protection: These robes This poison lasts 1d4 rounds on the
radius (each gets a saving throw). The were typically worn only by the priests blade, then evaporates.
suggestion must be in a language the af- of Horus-Re, but they are now worn by XP Value: 2,000
fected beings understand. priests of many different religions.
XP Value: 2,000 They are said to be sewn by priestesses Stone of Everburning: This stone is
of Nephthys. unremarkable, except that it radiates
Jewel of Karathoth: This powerful These robes, soft to wear but solid searing heat at all times. If a stone of
item, one of the greatest creations of the against the blows of the enemy, are em- everburning contacts exposed flesh, it
incarnations of Thoth, is a jewel with blazoned with the symbol of the appro- inflicts 1d3 points of damage for each
1d3 + 4 facets. Activating this jewel cre- priate deity. They provide protection round of contact. The stone’s most re-
ates an exact duplicate of the activating for Mulhorand priests in battle and in markable property is its longevity;
character, which under the character’s places where it is not acceptable to some have stayed hot over 3,000 years,
complete control. This duplicate fights, wear armor. Roll on the following table even when continuously immersed in
casts spells, and uses magical items as to determine the Armor Class protec- water. These items are used in the
the user wills. This duplicate lasts for 3 tion of a particular robe: steam engines of Mulhorand.
+ 1d4 turns, then vanishes. XP Value: 500
Once a duplicate is killed, or once he
disappears, one facet of the jewel Talisman of the Beast: This item was
cracks and cannot be used again. Once created by the Beast-cults, which were
all facets are cracked, the gem is use- quite popular in Mulhorand and Un-
less. Only one character can be sum- ther at the height of their second em-

pires (circa 1 DR), but have since been age per round for one turn before they him instantly. Furthermore, it remains
forgotten. become inactive for 24 hours. They can in the wound and continues to inflict
These talismans have two functions: be stopped with the proper command 1d4 + 2 points of damage each round,
first, they enable their wearers to com- word, or a successful dispel magic spell until it is pulled free (an 18 or greater
municate with animals at will, and sec- cast against 12th-level magic (which Strength is required to pull it from the
ond, they enable the wearers to change also neutralizes them for 24 hours). No wound; the action takes one round).
into the form of an animal three times weapon can touch them in combat and For each round it is in the wound, roll
per day. These animals cannot be mon- they appear to be indestructible. 1d20; if a 19 or 20 is ever rolled, it has
sters or giant-sized animals, simply nor- XP Value: 3,000 found a vital organ and killed its target.
mal beasts, from the size of a fly to that The number of daggers of Set that ex-
of an elephant, bear, or tiger. Weed of the Witch (Witchweed): The ist is unknown.
While in animal form, the character foul fumes of this weed affect all wiz- XP Value: 2,000
has the hit points and Armor Class of his ards. When burned, it produces a 30-
human form, but all the special abilities foot-radius vaporous cloud. Any wizard The Bladeless Sword: This sword was
of the beast that he has transformed within its vapors begins to cough vio- created by the smith Holin. It has a hilt
himself into. The wearer must revert lently, is unable to cast spells, and suf- of solid silver (a much rarer metal in the
into his human form (or demihuman or fers 2 points of damage per round. The south than gold) and is encrusted with
humanoid form) before taking on the weed burns for 10 + 1d6 rounds. opals. The blade itself is magical; it is in-
characteristics of an animal again. This long green weed is grown and visible and intangible, seemingly with-
The talisman is a string of multi- used frequently in Luthcheq, a city in out existence. The blade is really in the
colored beads strung on papyrus reeds, Chessenta where wizards are forbid- Ethereal plane; it harms only those
which spin to form animal pictures. den. When burned, it produces a foul creatures that require magical weapons
Only two of these talismans are known stench similar to burning tobacco. to strike them.
to exist. Witchweed is typically bundled in It causes double damage to any crea-
XP Value: 2,500 shipments of 13 stalks. ture affected only by magic, and it in-
XP Value: 1,000 flicts triple damage to undead. For the
Talisman of Tongues: This medallion purposes of calculating damage, it is
enables an individual to understand all Swords, Daggers, considered to be a khopesh sword +4.
languages and their writings, as per a XP Value: 4,000
tongues or comprehend languages Miscellaneous
spell. The talisman of tongues also en- Weapons, and Armor Staff of Osiris: This staff is made out of
ables the wearer to speak these lan- dark brown mahogany and is covered
While the people of the Old Empire are with painted hieroglyphs. It is a quar-
guages. Furthermore, it enables the
powerful mages, they are not re- terstaff +3. It is a favored weapon of
wearer to read magic and read Mulho-
nowned for creating weapons of might. the priests of Osiris; at least 20 are
rand magic, at will.
Nonetheless, a number of noteworthy known to still exist today.
Only one of these talismans is known
weapons have been produced in Mul- In addition to its attacks, the staff
to exist, since the priests of Thoth have
horand over the course of time.
been hunting them down and destroy- blocks one successful attack each
ing them to prevent foreigners from be- round; the first successful melee attack
Armor of Horus: This armor is scale against the wielder is automatically ne-
ing able to decipher the secrets of
mail +4. It is the equivalent of AC 2, gated. This does not prevent ranged at-
Mulhorandi magic.
and also gives the wearer resistance to tacks, such as missile weapons and
XP Value: 3,500
all fire and lightning attacks (fire and spells, from causing damage but it does
lightning attacks automatically inflict stop sword thrusts, other staves, dag-
Talons of the Danse Macabre: These
only ½ damage, ¼ damage if the appro- gers, and other melee weapons.
items were created by the priests of
priate saving throw is successful). In spite of its name, a staff of Osiris
Hoar/Assuran in Chessenta; eight pairs
XP: 3,500 may be used by any priesthood, includ-
are known to exist, most scattered
among treasure hoards across the ing Set's.
Dagger of Set: This horrible, snake- XP Value: 1,500
Realms. These magical items appear to
shaped blade is a throwing dagger used
be eagle’s talons, plated in a dull silver
by warriors in the service of Set.
that resembles pewter. When two of Staff of Stunning: This is a quarter-
It is a dagger +2, with a typical range. staff +3, with the added benefit that,
them are thrown down, and the proper
Should it roll a natural 19 or 20, it has on a natural roll of 18-20, a blow from
command word is given, they immedi-
found a vital organ of its victim and kills this quarterstaff knocks the opponent
ately attack, causing 2d4 points of dam-

unconscious (no saving throw) for 3d4 magic still in active use in Mulhorand. life in Mulhorand at the height of its
rounds. If a natural 18-20 is not a suc- Legend speaks of it being constructed power. To return home, one must find
cessful attack against the opponent, the by a god named Ptah, who has never one’s way to the font at the time of the
staff has no effect. been worshiped in the Realms, even in new moon, when it is possible to look
These staves are typically made from the old days of Mulhorand. back at one’s self, and return to one’s
yew; many of them are used by sailors The Chariot of Re is constructed from own form.
on the Alamber Sea. gold, emblazoned with Re’s solar disc
XP Value: 1,000 against an ankh. The chariot can move, Galley of the Gods: This ship was used
without horses, at a speed of up to 96; by the people of Unther in several naval
any who fight from it receive a bonus of battles, most notably in the defeat of
Artifacts and Relics -4 to their Armor Class, and those at- the Narfell Armada. It is said to have
There are many artifacts and relics na- tacking them receive a -4 penalty to been constructed by a deity named
tive to the Old Empires; this entire book their attack and damage rolls. Those Enki, though he has never been actively
could easily be filled with these items. who ride in the chariot are 75% magic worshiped in the Realms. This galley is
Here are only a few of the most famous resistant. Anyone struck by an attack 200 feet long, 30 feet wide, and requires
ones: from the chariot has to roll a successful 150 oarsmen. It has a cargo capacity of
saving throw vs. spell or suffer blind- 250 tons and can support up to 300 ma-
Ankh of Life: This powerful symbol of ness for 2d4 turns. The chariot also rines for an extended trip.
divinity was lost millennia ago in the grants a +4 bonus to the morale rating The ship has a 95% seaworthiness
Orcgate Wars. It was the holy symbol of of all friendly troops within a 200-yard rating, and a movement of 15 mph
the manifestation of Re. It is a worn and radius, and it gives a -4 morale penalty when fully crewed (450 yards per
dirty rod of birch wood, without any to enemy troops within that radius. round), or 25 mph at emergency speed
ornamentation, one foot long, in the (750 yards per round). In extreme
shape of an ankh. Font of Time: This powerful artifact is emergencies, the ship can sprout
It has the following powers: resurrec- located somewhere in eastern Mulho- dragon wings and lift off the water at
tion (2/day), restoration (3/day), regen- rand. Little is known about it, except emergency speed.
erate (3/day), destroy undead, 30’ for a few words in the Unique This flight lasts a maximum of one
radius (3/day), continual light (at will). Mageries, a book of spells belonging to turn. At least 120 oarsmen are required
The destroy undead power slays all the wizard Nezram: for the ship to fly.
undead of less than 7 HD (or levels), and “Of all the artifacts created by the an- The ship has a dragon prow with mul-
inflicts 12d8 points of damage (no sav- cients, the most marvelous and terrify- tiple heads chained together (the symbol
ing throw) to all undead of 7 Hit Dice or ing was the great Font. This was a of the ancient gods’ victory over Tiamat).
higher. pearl-white pool, contained in a milk- The prow is magical; it can shoot a 6d6
If used by a mortal, the ankh drains colored crystal that appeared in a mi- lightning ball (20-foot diameter) up to
one level of experience each time a rage in the eastern wastes. The waters 400 yards, once per turn. The lightning
power is used (and only a wish directly were too bitter to drink. But if one ball can be fired only when the prow is
granted from a deity can restore the looked into the font in the light of a full facing its target. Those caught in its area
lost level). moon, one could see scenes from the an- of effect can roll saving throws vs. spell;
This relic is sought after by the priests tiquity of Mulhorand that one would success means that the victim suffered
of Horus-Re and Osiris, as they wish to swear were real. And indeed they are. only ½ damage.
place it with the mummified body of the For if one concentrates on that image— The ship and those within the ship are
manifestation of Re in the Tower of Eter- ...but I shall say no more, in hopes that immune to fire and lightning. The ship
nity in Skuld. Any who present it to an none shall follow where I have traveled.” itself has a 35% magic resistance. In
incarnation or manifestation of either No knowledge exists about the origin times of war it is armed with four ballis-
god would be richly rewarded. of the font, except in the archives of tae (two on each side) and a rear cata-
Thoth. The font of time can enable any pult. The Lords of Unther have used this
Chariot of Re: There were originally who look into it, during a full moon as a military and a cargo vessel.
three of these artifacts, the chariots of only, to see images of Mulhorand in the Recently, this vessel has been stolen
the gods Re, Horus, and Osiris, in the days of its original empire. It is possible from its berth in Unthalass by pirates. It
days before the Orcgate Wars. Only one to possess the body of an individual is believed to be hidden somewhere in
is known to still exist; the Chariot of Re from that image, and thus experience the waters near the Ship of the Gods.
is the oldest of the artifacts of great

Roll 1d8 and 1d12 and add the results to determine the creature encountered on the
appropriate random encounter table.

Civilized (Day) Great Vale

Roll Creature(s) Encountered Roll Creature(s) Encountered
2 Minions, divine 2 Dragon, brown
3 Rake 3 Dracosphinx
4 Noble or official 4 Wraith, desert (night only)
5 Snake, poisonous 5 NPC, notable
6 NPC, notable 6 Lions
7 Rat 7 Merchants
8 City guard 8 Rats
9 Merchant 9 Laborer
10 Tradesman 10 Herd animals
11 Tradesmen (2d4) 11 Herd animals
12 Laborer 12 Pilgrims
13 Pilgrims 13 Slaves
14 Priest 14 Minions, divine
15 Ruffians 15 Rats, giant
16 NPC party 16 Scorpions, large
17 Thieves 17 Mummy
18 Gentlemen 18 Colossus, stone (10% chance of
19 DM special being active)
20 DM special 19 DM special
20 DM special
Civilized (Night)
Roll Creature(s) Encountered
2 Vampire Roll Creature(s) Encountered
3 Rakshasa 2 Efreeti
4 Press gang 3 Dragon, blue
5 NPC, notable 4 Dracosphinx
6 Courtesan 5 NPC, notable
7 Minions, divine 6 Jackals
8 Mercenary 7 Minions, divine
9 Drunk 8 Mercenary
10 City watch 9 Snakes, poisonous
11 City watch 10 Patrol
12 Carousers * 11 Dogs, wild
13 Thieves 12 Scorpions, huge
14 Bandits 13 Sahuagin (coastal only)
15 Jackals 14 Bandits (slavers)
16 Assassins 15 Rats, giant
17 Wererats 16 Gynosphinx
18 Mummy 17 Scorpions, giant
19 DM special 18 Dragon, brown
20 DM special 19 DM special
* 3d4 men (0th- to 2nd-level fighters) who are in- 20 DM special
terested in a good time and will not bother people
unless provoked.

Colossus, Stone
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any/Outdoors Combat: The colossus is similar to a stone golem, except that it
FREQUENCY: Rare is larger and cannot cast a slow spell. A colossus is programmed
ORGANIZATION: Solitary only to attack with its fists; it never uses a weapon. It has a
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any Strength of 23 for the purposes of breaking or throwing things.
DIET: Nil A + 2 or better weapon is needed to harm a colossus. A rock to
INTELLIGENCE: Non- (0) mud spell slows them for 2d6 rounds. Its reverse, mud to rock,
TREASURE: Nil heals all damage inflicted upon the colossus. A flesh to stone spell
ALIGNMENT: Nil does not harm a colossus, but it render the colossus vulnerable to
(RF) normal attacks in the following round. All other magic has no ef-
fect against it.
The stone colossus has one special attack form. Its march is so
terrifying that all creatures of less than 3 Hit Dice immediately
flee for 2d6 rounds, dropping whatever they have in their hands,
while those between 3 Hit Dice and 5 Hit Dice must roll successful
HIT DICE: 22 (100 hp)
saving throws vs. wand to resist this fear. Any creature above 5
THAC0: 5
Hit Dice (or levels) is automatically immune.
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fear Habitat/Society: A colossus is an automaton, artificially cre-
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below ated and under the direct control of whomever is able to manipu-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below late the runes of its creation. Once it is activated, a colossus tries
SIZE: H (18’ diameter sphere) to destroy any edifices it discovers that were not constructed by
MORALE: Fearless (19-20) its creators; this is part of its programming. Its programming may
XP VALUE: 18,000 be altered, but none have discovered the ritual as yet. To stop it
when it is on a rampage requires a ritual that takes days to per-
Long before the coming of the lizard folk, a race of giants walked form and glyphs to be drawn on every single colossus, active or
the Realms. They were destroyed by a great plague, but during inactive.
their days of glory they built many magical marvels, among
which were magical warriors that fought their battles for them. Ecology: Colossi are not natural creatures. Thus they play no
These warriors would defend their monuments, of which they part in the ecology of the world. They neither eat, sleep, nor re-
were extremely proud, so that no creature who came after them ally live. They perform their assigned tasks until they are de-
could destroy the memory of their race. stroyed, deactivated, or the tasks are completed.
Of the magical warriors, the only ones that survive are the
Statues-That-Walk, also known as stone colossi. Each colossus is
really an extremely powerful stone golem.
Dragon, Brown
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any arid/Desert
FREQUENCY: Very rare
ORGANIZATION: Solitary or clan
DIET: Special
INTELLIGENCE: Highly (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)

NO. APPEARING: 1 (2-5)

ARMOR CLASS: 2 (base)
MOVEMENT: 12, Br 24
HIT DICE: 14 (base)
THAC0: 7
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/3-30
SIZE: G (54' base)
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18)
XP VALUE: Variable

Age Category Body Lgt. (‘) Tail Lgt (‘) AC Breath Weapon Spells (Wizard) MR Treasure Type XP Value
1 Hatchling 7-19 6-16 5 2d6 + 2 Nil Nil Nil 1,400
2 Very Young 20-31 17-28 4 4d6 + 4 Nil Nil Nil 3,000
3 Young 32-43 29-38 3 6d6 + 6 Nil Nil Nil 5,000
4 Juvenile 44-55 39-50 2 8d6 + 8 1 Nil Nil 7,000
5 Young Adult 56-67 51-60 1 10d6 + 10 2 20% ½H 9,000
6 Adult 68-80 61-70 0 12d6 + 12 3 25% H 10,000
7 Mature Adult 81-93 71-84 -1 14d6 + 14 31 30% H 11,000
8 Old 94-106 85-95 -2 16d6 + 16 32 35% H 15,000
9 Very Old 107-120 96-108 -3 18d6 + 18 33 40% Hx2 17,000
10 Venerable 121-134 109-120 -4 2 0d6 + 20 331 45% Hx2 18,000
11 Wyrm 135-148 121-133 -5 22d6 + 22 332 50% Hx2 19,000
12 Great Wyrm 149-162 134-146 -6 24d6 + 24 3321 55% Hx3 20,000

Brown dragons, also known as great desert dragons, migrated When absolutely still, they have a 9 in 10 chance of hearing a
from the desert Raurin and now frequent much of the wastes in man-sized creature’s footsteps on the desert sands, even from a
Eastern Mulhorand. Brown dragons prefer to tunnel deep into depth of 500 feet below the surface.
the desert sands, where they sleep in a burrow at night, surfac- When they breach the desert sand, they do so with incredible
ing to attack prey. While they can survive indefinitely on a diet of silence, imposing a -5 penalty to opponents’ surprise rolls. Older
rock and sand, live meat is their preferred game. brown dragons use illusions, or even invisibility spells to conceal
Brown dragons are ferocious beasts; while they are intelligent, themselves from unwitting prey.
they view human beings as food, and they believe that it is When brown dragons grab their prey, they hold it in their jaws,
strange to talk with one’s meal. taking it to their lairs to be eaten when it is most convenient.
Brown dragons do not have wings and cannot fly. The brown dragon’s breath weapon is a powerful acid, which it
Brown dragons have a coloration similar to that of desert spews in a five-foot-wide spray that extends in a 60-foot-long
sands, ranging from dim brown at hatchling stage to almost straight line from the dragon’s head. All creatures caught in this
white at great wyrm stage. They have small, webbed claws that spray can roll a saving throw vs. breath weapon for half damage.
are well developed for digging, and very large, long mouths. A brown dragon will use this spray against large numbers of in-
Their scales are leathery and not as hard as other dragon armors. dividuals, but not against mounted foes, since it knows that
Brown dragons have their own tongue, and they speak that and horses are good eating and don’t put up as much struggle as hu-
the language of blue dragons. They have a 5% chance per age cat- mans. Brown dragons cast spells as 8th-level wizards.
egory of being able to communicate with any intelligent creature. Brown dragons are born immune to acid and the effects of the
desert heat. They may survive in airless environments nearly in-
Combat: Brown dragons prefer to dig deep trenches in the definitely.
sand, waiting for prey to appear so they may ambush them.
Dragon, Brown

As they age, brown dragons gain the following abilities: The brown dragon mates and raises a family for only a short
period of time; all parents encountered are in the mature adult
Age Abilities stage of development. Many brown dragons do not mate, but live
Young Cast create sand to cover up their burrows their lives in solitude.
Juvenile Cast create water once per day Man is the main enemy of brown dragons. Humans hunt them
Adult Cast sandstorm, as per the Mulhorandi spell, once for their hide and treasure. Blue dragons, which like to burrow
per day into the desert sand, also attack brown dragons.
Venerable Can summon a 12-HD earth elemental Battles between brown and blue dragons are legendary for
Great wyrm Cast disintegrate once per day their ferocity. The people of the desert have a curious respect for
the brown dragon, so these tales often make the blue dragons
Habitat/Society: Brown dragons are found in deserts, often look more evil than the brown.
close to settled areas. They are fierce and savage creatures, who
equate their own cruelty with that of the desert heat. They typi- Ecology: Brown dragons are able to digest sand and other min-
cally dwell in deep burrows nearly 1,000 feet beneath the sand, eral materials to sustain themselves over long periods of time.
where they carve out vast chambers, often looting ancient However, meat is their preferred diet, with horseflesh being a
forgotten treasures for their hoards. During the day, they tunnel particular favorite.
upward, listening silently for hours, waiting for food to come.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Alternate Prime Material Plane
DIET: Magic
INTELLIGENCE: Highly (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral

THAC0: 11
SIZE: L (12’ diameter sphere)
MORALE: Elite (16)
XP VALUE: 2,000

A hakeashar, also known as an eater-of-magic, appears as a bright for 1d4 rounds after contact ends. If a potion or scroll is used
red sphere. Their bodies pulse and glow as they drift about. They while in contact with a hakeashar, it does not take effect until 1d4
can seep through finger-width cracks with great ease. rounds after the contact is broken.
Hakeashar are relatives of the nishruu. These weird, thank- Spellcasters of all classes who are enveloped by a hakeashar
fully rare creatures are believed to come from an alternate Prime lose one memorized spell, determined randomly, at first contact,
Material plane. Within the red mist comprising the body of a ha- and one per round after.
keashar are hundreds of grasping hands, probing eyes, and gap- Each time a loss occurs, the spellcaster must roll a successful
ing hungry mouths. saving throw vs. breath weapon or become feebleminded.
When a hakeashar is slain, its body dissipates, losing luminos-
Combat: Hakeashar have no attacks. Fire and physical attacks ity and hue, seeming to sink to the ground. Any magical item
affect them normally; those who are wrapped in a hakeashar are within its body area when it is slain, or any magical weapon
automatically hit by these attack forms. slaying it, even if no longer in contact with the body, receives a
Hakeashar can sense magic within a 600-foot radius; they al- magical bonus of 1d6 additional charges, or a second use in the
ways move toward the greatest concentration of magic within case of a one-shot item, such as a scroll or an arrow. Potions,
that area. Hakeashar move fearlessly and relentlessly toward memorized spells, artifacts, and items that do not have charges
sources of magic, taking full damage from physical attacks. Mind are not augmented.
control spells and illusions have no effect on them.
Spells cast at a hakeashar are absorbed by it, having no effect Habitat/Society: Hakeashar are not native to this Prime Mate-
except to give the creature hit points of life energy equal to the rial plane.
damage the spell normally does. A non-damaging spell gives a ha- They are solitary creatures.
keashar extra hit points equal to the spells level. A hakeashar has the ability to give 20% of the number of spells
Chargeable magical items are drained of 1d4 charges upon con- or charges absorbed to a person. This is done very unwillingly,
tact with a hakeashar. If contact is continued, the 1d4 drain oc- usually in exchange for being brought to this Prime Material
curs at the end of every second round. plane.
All magical items and artifacts are nonoperational while in con-
tact with a hakeashar. Artifacts do not function for one round af- Ecology: Hakeashar feed on magic. Their life spans are mea-
ter such contact ceases; magical items have their powers negated sured in centuries.
Lycanthrope, Werecrocodiles
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Desert/swamp Combat: In combat, werecrocodiles prefer to assume their hu-
FREQUENCY: Rare man form. They try to trick their prey into assuming they are
ORGANIZATION: Pack harmless. Werecrocodiles are infamous for playing on people’s
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day sympathy by pretending to be grieving. Once the prey is in close
DIET: Carnivore range, they change to crocodile form and attack. They can bite
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) with their huge jaws and sharp teeth for 2-12 points of damage,
TREASURE: Nil and lash out with their tails for 1-8 points of damage.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil Werecrocodiles have an 18 Strength. They use this to some-
times grab their opponents, drag them deep underwater, change
to crocodile form, and attempt to drown them. Every point of
damage received from a werecrocodile bite equals a 1% chance
of turning into a werecrocodile at the next full moon (if a victim
MOVEMENT: 3, Sw 12
takes 20 points of damage, there is a 20% chance of contracting
THAC0: 15
Werecrocodiles are able to summon 1d3 regular crocodiles,
which obey their every command.
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Infection, Control 1d3 crocodiles
Habitat/Society: Werecrocodiles live in small family groups.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hit only by silver and magical
The mother is usually the leader of the family pack.
Mating occurs within their own kind, and werecrocodiles are
born live from the mother’s womb; they attain the ability to trans-
SIZE: M-L (6’ human, 8-12’ long croco-
form into a crocodile at the onset of puberty.
Werecrocodiles live in mud shacks by the edge of rivers or in
MORALE: Very Steady (13-14)
swamps. They usually assume crocodile form to find prey, then
assume human form at night to sleep. They are very territorial
Priest, 1st-4th 975
and attack any human, demihuman, or humanoid that enters
Priest, 5th 1,400
their territory, though they will try to be as subtle as possible be-
fore springing their trap.
Werecrocodiles are the creations of Sebek, a crocodile-headed
Werecrocodiles worship the god Sebek. Clerics of Sebek can ad-
minor deity in the Mulhorandi pantheon. Very few Sebek-spawn
vance to 5th level as priests; they receive 1d4 extra hit points per
remain in Mulhorand, having been driven off by the servants of
the god-kings five centuries ago, but they thrive in Chessenta’s
Werecrocodiles do not collect treasure or possessions. They
stay away from populated human settlements. They do not par-
In their human form, werecrocodiles are tall, thin creatures
ticularly enjoy killing humans, but humans are too tasty to resist.
with sharp features, a long nose and chin, and a thin face with a
noticeable overbite. In their crocodile-form, they are very long,
Ecology: Werecrocodiles are biologically identical to humans,
big, and powerful monsters. They speak Mulhorandi and the
except for the curse of lycanthropy. They prey on both warm-
common tongue, and can speak with crocodiles at will.
blooded creatures and fish native to the swamps. They eat any
wererats native to the swamps. No one preys on werecrocodiles
except humans, so werecrocodiles try to have as little conflict
with large bands of humans as possible.
Minions, Divine
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any/Desert, arid, or cities Form Move #AT Dmg SA
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Baboon 12 1 1-4 + 1 Nil
ORGANIZATION: Group Bear 12 3 1-6/1-6/1-8 Hug
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any Crocodile 6, Sw 12 2 2-8/1-12 Nil
DIET: Carnivore Hawk 3, Fl 24 3 1-3/1-3/2-8 swoop
INTELLIGENCE: Highly (13-14) Ibis Sw 6, Fl 12 1 1-3 Nil
TREASURE: Nil Jackal 15 1 1-2 Nil
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil Lion 12 3 1-4/1-4/1-8 Rear claws
Scorpion 12 3 1-8/1-8/1-4 Sting
Snake 15 1 1-3 Venom
All minions roll their attacks and saving throws as 10th-level
fighters; this is reflected in the THAC0 stat above.
MOVEMENT: 12 or see below
HIT DICE: 6 (25 hp) The minions of each deity in the Mulhorandi pantheon can as-
THAC0: 11 (15)
sume a number of different forms, as follows:
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or see below
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12 or see below
Anhur: Lion
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Polymorph self
Horus-Re: Hawk, Lion
Isis: Hawk
Nephthys: Hawk, Crocodile
SIZE: Variable, M (6½' tall)
Osiris: Hawk, Bear
MORALE: Elite (16)
Set (any 3): Bear, Jackal, Snake, Scorpion, Crocodile
XP VALUE: 1,400
Thoth: Ibis, Baboon
Each divinity of the Mulhorandi pantheon has a number of magi-
Habitat/Society: Divine minions are creatures touched by di-
cal servitors, known as minions. Each minion is a fanatical fol-
vine power. They serve the deities or me Mulhorandi pantheon;
lower of the deity and serves his ends at all costs.
hundreds live in the deities’ towers in Skuld. With the exception
Divine minions serve as messengers of the deities. In the case of
of Set, all minions are willing volunteers to divine service; they
the minions of Set, they also serve as assassins and as military as- forfeit life in return for the honor of working for their deity
sistance for his mortal worshipers. They appear as great war-
throughout eternity.
riors, well over six feet tall and quite broad, in bronze plate
Set’s volunteers are less willing, as his touch can transform its
armor that is decorated with the symbol of their deity.
victim into a minion of Set. These lawful evil creatures are by far
the most active divine minions, as the others prefer not to be no-
Combat: Divine minions are capable of taking a number of dif-
ticed by mortals unless specially called by magic.
ferent forms. Armor Class, Hit Dice, and hit points remain the
same, while they acquire the movement rate, attacks, and special
Ecology: Divine minions are supernatural creatures; they need
attacks of each form. The stats of these forms are as follows:
not eat or drink.
Their armor and all possessions disappear when slain, and they
carry no treasures.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subtropical/Desert Combat: Skriaxits move by creating a large vortex of wind that
FREQUENCY: Very Rare propels them at tremendous speed. If there are one to six skriax-
ORGANIZATION: Pack its together, their speed is 12; if there are seven to 12 skriaxits,
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any their speed is 18, and if there are 13 or more skriaxit, their speed
DIET: Destruction is 24. The skriaxit vortex creates a sandstorm in a 200-yard radius
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (15-16) around them; those caught in this storm suffer 1 point of damage
TREASURE: Nil per round per skriaxit (thus if there are 12 skriaxits, those caught
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil in its whirlwind receive 12 points of damage per round).
Within the confines of this sandstorm, the skriaxit group con-
tinuously dispels magic, as a 16th-level wizard.
Each skriaxit can form its winds into a razor sharp lash, inflict-
ARMOR CLASS: -5 ing 2d10 points of damage on a successful strike.
MOVEMENT: 12, 18, or 24 (see below)
Though skriaxits were originally summoned from the elemen-
HIT DICE: 16+16 tal plane of Air, the Prime Material is now considered to be their
THAC0: 5
home and they cannot be dispelled.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-20/2-20
Habitat/Society: Skriaxits are a society of highly intelligent,
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Sandstorm, dispel magic
but extremely evil, air elementals. They feed on causing destruc-
SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 2 or better weapon to hit, im-
tion and terror; once they have caused enough catastrophe, they
mune to slow, acid, fire, light- sleep for 1d3 centuries. While asleep, they have removed them-
selves from the confines of existence and not even the gods can
affect them. They reawaken when hungry. They view humans,
SIZE: L (10’ tall)
demihumans, and humanoids as playthings, with the same sadis-
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18)
tic attitude as a human child playing with a fly. They hate nothing
and fear nothing; they just delight in destruction. They may
16 + 16 HD: 16,000
amuse themselves by listening to humans bargain with them, but
24 + 24 HD: 24,000 humans have nothing to offer them of interest. The skriaxit pack
is ruled by the Great Skriax.
Skriaxits, the blackstorms, the living sandstorms, are the most
feared creatures in the deserts of the east. When the ancient gods
Ecology: Skriaxits are creatures of magic, now considered to
were defeated by those lords of Raurin who would later become be native to the Prime Material plane. They feed on the feelings of
the god-kings of Mulhorand, the ancient gods summoned spirits
superiority they gain by destroying and killing. No known magic
of retribution that destroyed all that had not been demolished in
is has been able to control them, though they are susceptible to
the war. When the god-kings fled Raurin, these spirits took the
wards against air elementals.
land as their own domain, with each pack stirring from slumber
every century to wreak havoc on all that oppose them.
The Great Skriax
Skriaxits are powerful and intelligent air elementals that take
the sand and dust of the desert and whirl it to create their ten-
The leader of the skriaxit pack is the Great Skriax. It has 24 + 24
foot-tall forms. It is as a pack that they create their greatest ter-
Hit Dice and attacks with a +4 bonus to all attack and damage
ror, generating huge winds and a fierce sandstorm that can
rolls. The Great Skriax is considered the most evil of the pack.
render a human fleshless in minutes. They speak the tongue of
air elementals and their own language, a howling, shrieking
tongue that frightens most humans who hear it.
Sphinx, Draco-
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Genius (17-18)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil

MOVEMENT: 9, F1 24 (MC C)
HIT DICE: 11+11
THAC0: 9
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-12/3-12/5-20
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, spells
SIZE: H (9’ tall)
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18)
XP VALUE: 12,000

The dracosphinx is native to the desert highlands, where it com- Habitat/Society: Dracosphinxes live solitary existences on
petes with the more numerous hieracosphinx for territory. This bleak cliff sides. They spend their days looking for prey and lying
fierce, sly predator scours the wilderness for prey, be it small in the sun.
game or humans. Each dracosphinx carves out a territory of approximately five
The dracosphinx has a lion’s body, a red dragon’s head, and a miles in diameter. It does its best to keep out major predators
mane of colorful feathers. Its long paws have very sharp dragon from that territory: dragons, men, hieracosphinxes, and the oc-
claws. The dracosphinx speaks the language of red dragons, to casional wyvern. Its philosophical ideas include “only the strong-
whom it is distantly related. est deserve to survive” and “the weak get what they deserve.”
Dracosphinxes know that humans like to seek them out, talk to
Combat: A dracosphinx attacks with its large claws and its them, then slay them; they enjoy tricking humans with riddle
teeth, causing 3d4 points of damage with a successful claw strike contests and conversation that leave the humans unaware for a
and 5d4 points of damage with their fangs. They have a breath sudden attack. Dracosphinxes pride themselves on their cun-
weapon that they can use once per turn; this spews forth flaming ning. Like dragons, they like to hoard coins, jewels, and other
gas in a 100-foot-long cone that is 20 feet wide at its far end. This valuables.
gas inflicts damage equal to the number of hit points possessed
by the dracosphinx when it is uninjured (e.g., a dracosphinx with Ecology: Dracosphinxes are egg-laying mammals. They mate
an uninjured total of 65 hit points inflicts 65 points of damage once in a lifetime, with the female flying away to raise a clutch of
with its breath weapon, regardless of its current hit point total). three to five large, brown eggs. The eggs are laid in separate ar-
A successful saving throw vs. dragon breath cuts this damage in eas and buried, since hatchlings are likely to eat each other. The
half. hatchlings are one foot long at birth and are capable of hunting
Dracosphinxes are excellent wizards, specializing in illusions; small game. They grow to nearly full size within a year. They
they have the spells of a 9th-level wizard but cast as 12th-level have life spans of about 60 years. Dracosphinxes cannot be tamed
spellcasters. except through magical means.
They like to use their illusions to fool prey into a false sense of
security, then strike when it is least expected.
Wraith, Desert
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subtropical/Desert Combat: The desert wraith shifts between its two forms as it
FREQUENCY: Rare sees fit; it uses its jackal form to charge at its prey, then trans-
ORGANIZATION: Solitary or Group forms itself into human form to attack. The human form inflicts
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night 1d4 points of damage on a touch and drains the victim of one life
DIET: Life energy level (no saving throw allowed), as per a wraith, with appropriate
INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-7) reductions in hit points, spell abilities, etc.
TREASURE: Nil A desert wraith is undead and can be turned, on the same
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil column as a spectre. Daylight destroys them utterly, and holy wa-
ter inflicts 2d4 points of damage per vial.
While they have only low intelligence, they are capable of cun-
ning (e.g., burying themselves in the sand, then attacking their
prey by surprise).
MOVEMENT: 9 (18 in jackal form)
They can see in total darkness as if it were noon.
THAC0: 13
Habitat/Society: A desert wraith is totally evil. It lives only to
feed off the life forces of others. Desert wraiths dig barrows for
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 (in human form) or 1-6 (in
themselves in the sand; they retreat to these during the day.
jackal form)
Ecology: Desert wraiths feed off life force energy. No creatures
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to hit
exist that prey on them. Creatures brought to 0 life levels by a
desert wraith are transformed into zombies within 48 hours,
even if raised, unless their bodies are washed in holy water.
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: 2,000

Creatures killed by skriaxits are animated three days later as des-

ert wraiths, malevolent spirits of the sands.
These creatures have two forms—that of a human and that of a
jackal. Their goal is to destroy any living creature that they

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