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Hydroponically grown leek

Chapter · January 2017


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6 authors, including:

Erik van Os Peter van Weel

Wageningen University & Research 84 PUBLICATIONS   98 CITATIONS   

Margreet Bruins
Wageningen University & Research


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Hydroponically grown leek: slowly growing to
E.A. van Os1, P.A. van Weel1, J.A.M. Wilms2, M.A. Bruins1, J. Verhoeven2 and K. van Wijk2
1Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, PO Box 644, 6700 AP, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 2Wageningen
UR, PPO Arable Farming, Multifunctional Agriculture and Field Production of Vegetables, PO Box 430, 8200 AK
Lelystad, The Netherlands.

Leek traditionally grows in a sandy soil in the open field in The Netherlands.
However, the vulnerability of sandy soils to leaching of nutrients to ground- and
surface water is high. Therefore leek was chosen for experiments to be grown out of
the soil in the open field. Investigations took place to certain aspects of system
development which were reported in 2011. During the following years the research
focused on commercializing the design (supporting tubes in floating panels in a DFT
system), upscaling the system to several ponds of 200 m2, marketing the product,
solving specific problems which appear during those experiments (oxygen content of
the nutrient solution, continuous circulation, virus symptoms) and economic aspects.
The semi-commercial system developed was based on various trials at which a plant
density of more than 70 plants m-2 is needed to achieve plants of more than 200 g
which are thicker than 2.0 cm. Hydroponically grown leek should be graded before
planting on the panels. Fast growing cultivars should be chosen year round. Uniform
planting material is needed for a uniform, single date, harvest. The age of the plant is
of less importance for the quality of the harvested product. This gives flexibility in the
planting date which often depends on the harvesting date of the former crop and,
consequently the weather before. Besides the plants should be >20 g to be planted in
the 20 cm long tubes, otherwise the growth is delayed (no catchment of light inside
the tube). The cultivation period was similar to earlier trials (50-75 d). The taste of
hydroponically grown leek was comparable with leeks raised in soil. During
cultivation, symptoms of the yellow stripe virus were seen more frequent compared to
soil grown leek. Reuse of the nutrient solution during 4 crops a year saves about 50%
of the fertilizers required. Another aspect of importance in The Netherlands is the
surplus of rainfall (800 mm average year-1) during the growing season compared to
the water uptake (300-500 mm). Adaptation of the system or discharge strategy was
investigated. Hydroponically grown leek slowly grows to a mature cultivation system
by solving the topics mentioned-above, therefor it can be used by commercial growers
now. The importance of a slow upscale was proven by the appearance of several
unforeseen aspects (oxygen, rainfall, duration of irrigation), while in marketing a first
step is taken to bring hydroponically grown leek as a distinguishable product.

Keywords: deep flow technique, floating panels, nitrogen, nitrogen efficiency, water

The Government wishes to decrease emission of nitrogen to ground and surface water
in open field leek cultivation (De Haan and van Wijk, 2007), hydroponically grown leek
might be a solution. An aim of hydroponic production was to produce higher yields and
better plant quality with less water and nutrients. van Os et al. (2012a, b) showed that a
floating system with polystyrene panels and 20-cm pipes to create a white stem (market
requirement >14 cm white) looked most promising (Figure 1). Depending the weather
conditions four crop cycles year-1 with more than 80 plants m-2 and a total yield of 300 t ha-1
might be feasible. For marketing, a net plant weight of at least 200 g is required, preferably
more. A desirable aim was to avoid competition with standard produce in open field;
hydroponically-grown leeks should be marketed as a new and different product.

  Acta Hortic. 1176. ISHS 2017. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1176.11 79

Proc. ICESC2015: Hydroponics and Aquaponics at the Gold Coast
  Eds.: D. Duggan-Jones and M.A. Nichols

Figure 1. State of development hydroponic leek cultivation in 2010.

This paper describes some of the steps which have been taken towards commercial
development and a sustainable profitable year round cultivation. In this respect, a number of
challenges had to be overcome, such as system development, pipe diameter and length vs.
production, uniformity of plant material and yield, appearing virus symptoms, quantification
of water and nutrient efficiency, influence of cultivars, taste and keepability. The aim of this
paper is to show results of various trials, executed between 2011 and 2014 answering issues
mentioned above.


All trials were executed at the experimental station in Vredepeel where three tables of
1.5×6 m were available and standing outside and later added by two ponds (1×8 m). The
upscaling to a semi-commercial scale took place at a commercial company in Kamperland (2
ponds of 200 m2) in 2013. In 2011 and 2012 subsequent trials were executed (van Os et al.,
2012a, b) to determine the relationship between plant density (40, 50, 70 and 100 plants
m-2) and the length (10 and 20 cm) and diameter (32/28 and 40/34 mm outside/inside) of
the tube to achieve the optimum yield, cultivation period and length of the white stem
(minimal 14 cm). Each table or pond received the same nutrient solution (lettuce with
recirculation; De Kreij et al., 1999) with continuous irrigation and recirculation (EC 2.5-3.0
mS cm-1; pH 5.5-6.0). Based on these results the design of a commercial system for the
floating panels, the holding device and a pond for 10-25 cm of nutrient solution could be
completed. After discussion with several companies the design of Dry Hydroponics (Figure
2) was chosen. This design was laid down in Vredepeel and later, with some minor
adaptations, also as semi-commercial upscaling in Kamperland. In 2012 research focused on
the start of the cultivation: age of the plants (10, 12 or 14 weeks plant raising before planting
in the floating panels), grading of the plants before planting, length of the roots above the
water layer (0, 1 and 2 cm) and cutting of the roots (length 1, 4 and 8 cm). Furthermore in
2013 and 2014 trials were executed to grow “continuously” in the systems in Vredepeel and
Kamperland, which meant that each 2-4 weeks, mature plants were harvested at one short
end of the pond (8×25 m) which was followed by planting a similar quantity at the other
short end of the pond. Further investigations were done to the cause of sudden symptoms of
yellowness of the leaves, the nitrogen efficiency, the effect of rainfall coming into the system
and the economy of the system.


System requirements
In a number of subsequent trials in 2011 and 2012 system requirements were laid
down (van Os et al., 2012b). As hydroponic leek was grown outside, weather conditions
influenced the cultivation period. Starting in March about 50-70 days were needed from
planting to harvest, but also for the 2nd and 3rd crop this time was needed. In 2010 and 2011

four crops per year were possible, in 2012 only three because of a cold summer. Producing
in winter is possible if during frost the water in the system is continuously pumped around.
Covering the leek, as done in soil cultivation, with a fleece is required. Regrowth in early
spring starts in February and can be continued to May (after this time plants may bolt).

Figure 2. New semi-commercial system: left details of the 20-cm black/white tubes; right
overview of the 2×200 m2 ponds.

The chosen plant densities (40, 50, 70 and 100 plants m-2; Figure 3) were much higher
compared to soil (25 plants m-2): yield crop-1 increased linearly with the number of plants.
However from 70 plants m-2 onwards the weight plant-1 remained stable or even decreased
(van Os et al., 2012b). Thus, to reach the required 200 g plant-1 the plant density should not
be higher than 70 plants m-2. In the new Dry Hydroponic system (Figure 2) there is chosen
for 64 plants m-2 and 16 plants per floating panel. The tube diameter also influences
harvested plant weight. Using tubes the leek has to be harvested at the moment the first leek
reaches that size. The 34 mm tube performed better than 28 mm tube, realizing a much
higher percentage of plants with a diameter of more than 2 cm (Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of production and diameter at various plant densities with tubes with
28 and 34 mm inner diameter and 20 cm length.
Plant density Production (t ha-1) Production (g plant-1) Diameter shaft (%)
(plants m-2) 28 mm 34 mm 28 mm 34 mm 28 mm 34 mm
40 36 81 94 203 38 98
50 43 73 87 172 40 92
70 55 103 97 163 48 94

Figure 3. Plant density (40-100 plants m-2) trials in 10 or 20 cm long tubes.

The length of the tube is important for the shaft length (the amount of white). The
European market requires 14 cm white and it became soon clear that the white shaft is
much less than the length of the tube. A 10 cm tube realized only 6-8 cm white, whereas a
20-cm tube realized 15-17 cm white (Figure 4). For fresh leek production a 20 cm tube is
required with a diameter of approximately 34 mm, for the industrial market, where the total
amount of white is less important a 10 cm tube may be sufficient. Plants in the 10-cm tube
grew faster than those in the 20 cm tube, because more light can be collected by the young
plants giving them a faster start. This makes it also easier to have four crops per year and to
realize the 300 t ha-1 as an economic proposition.

Figure 4. Hydroponically grown leek (‘Krypton’), grown in 20 cm tubes.

Start of the cultivation

Now all plants are raised from seed at a special plant raiser. For soil cultivation 12-
week-old plants are delivered. For early plantings in March and April plant raising is
sometimes executed in Morocco or Portugal to achieve a sufficient heavy young plant and to
avoid an extreme long plant raising period. Four Bayer/Nunhem cultivars (‘Duraton’,
‘Krypton’, ‘Megaton’, ‘Roxton’) were planted (100 plants m-2) at the same date (March 20,
2012) but with an age of 10, 12 or 14 weeks (Table 2). They were harvested at the same date
(June 6, 2013, after 76 d). No bolt in either of plants was detected. The so-called fast growing
or summer cultivars ‘Megaton’ and ‘Roxton’ performed best as 10 week-old-plant,
differences for 14-week-old plants are less, compared to the slowlier growing winter
cultivars (‘Duraton’, ‘Krypton’). Also in other trials the fast growing cultivars with a long
shaft length performed best (van Os et al., 2013b). The winter types are more suitable to
stand the winter and to regrowth in early spring. Older plants on the hydroponic system
makes the crop cycle on the system shorter and, consequently, more yield m-2 is possible.

Table 2. Relation between age at planting (10, 12 or 14 weeks) and production in t ha-1 and
diameter of the shaft.
10 weeks 12 weeks 14 weeks
Cultivar Production Diameter shaft Production Diameter shaft Production Diameter shaft
(t ha-1) >2 cm (t ha-1) >2 cm (t ha-1) >2 cm
Roxton 61 6 80 16 105 16
Megaton 70 27 106 72 134 82
Duraton 46 92 86 35 108 56
Krypton 42 0 52 10 96 44
The plants coming from the plant raiser have different length of roots. In an
experiment roots of 1, 4 and 8 cm were used. It appeared that 1-cm roots are too short in
this system where plants are hanging above the water level. With longer roots, up to 4 cm,
part of the roots may reach the water immediately caring for maintenance of the plants and
a growth of new roots. Eight cm roots are folded in the tube after which early rotting takes
place and growth of new roots is delayed.
Grading of the plants eliminates the very light plants (about 10% is not planted,
weigth varies per delivery, season and variety) while the middle and heavy grade can be
planted separately in the panels. If each grade is kept together per panel the heaviest ones
can be harvested earlier, both with a higher uniformity than ungraded. The average
difference between the lightest and heaviest grade is a factor of 2-3 in weight (Table 3). At
harvest time this was still the case, uniformity increased visually, which is required in a
continuously system of harvesting and planting.

Table 3. Grading of plants to achieve a higher uniformity.

Crop Grade Weight (g 100 pl-1) Production (t ha-1) Diameter shaft (%, >2 cm)
2 Light 770 30 28
Middle 1246 43 62
Heavy 1520 50 82
3 Light 1644 22 14
Middle 2791 36 57
Heavy 4667 51 90

Towards a commercial system

Based on the achieved results a design was made for a more commercial system.
Discussion took place with several companies, finally dry hydroponics
( was chosen, because of their ideas and experience with DFT. For
Vredepeel they designed and built a pond of 1×8 m with side walls which are ready for
further mechanization, floating panels according to their specific design, and a device with
bottom to avoid the plants falling through the tube into the solution. The system consisted of
floating panels with 64 plants m-2, 20 cm long white tubes, white outside and inner side
black with an inner diameter of 36 mm (Figure 2). In Kamperland, the semi-commercial
system was built with similar parts, however, the bottom of the tube was further adapted to
avoid thin plants falling into the solution. Here two ponds of 4×50 m were built (Figure 2). At
one short side the planting takes place, while harvesting takes place at the far end.
Control of the nutrient solution (EC=2.5-3 mS cm-1) took place via hand measuring
twice a week and irregular laboratory analyzing of the composition of the nutriuent solution.
In general there was no reason to adapt the basic solution used.
In the Vredepeel new pond, pH, EC, O2 and biological oxygen demand (BOD) were
measured (Figures 5 and 6). pH was around 6, EC around 2-3 mS cm-1, variations look rather
big but were influenced by the rainfall. More continuous rainfall from August onwards
reduces the EC somewhat. Between July and October 2014 O2 and BOD were measured.
There is a difference between inlet and outlet in summertime, when the temperature is

higher and requirements are also higher. During more frequent rain in September/October
differences disappear. The absolute oxygen level is good (6-8 mg L-1). However, incidental
measurements show values around 2 mg L-1 in the same pond, especially if the returning
water is not able to fall in the stock tank to take up new oxygen from the air. For BOD,
differences between inlet and outlet are very small, the average value indicates that there is
little amount of organic matter in the solution.

Figure 5. pH and EC measurements in Vredepeel.

Figure 6. BOD, O2 measurements in Vredepeel.

Nitrogen efficiency and precipitation

One of the main goals of the programme to develop a hydroponic growing method for
leek was to develop higher nitrogen efficiency compared with soil production. The
hydroponic nitrogen uptake was calculated in 12 crops and varied between 1 and 5 kg N t-1
harvested leek (average 2.9 kg) (van Os et al., 2013a); this is comparable with the figure for
soil production (3 kg). The supply of N-fertilizer in soil is 6.7 kg t-1 harvested leek (Van Wijk
et al., 2012), consequently, 6.7-3 = 3.7 kg N t-1 harvested leek is wasted; an efficiency of 45%.
In hydroponic leek the fertilizer supply is the amount taken up by the plant and the amount
left behind in the surplus solution. Continuous reuse without any discharge can realize an
efficiency of 100%. However, growers may wish to refresh their solution after each crop
cycle (3-4 year-1), when there are leakages or when the nutrient balance is disturbed. In this
DFT system there is about 200 kg N ha-1 (NO3 8 mmol L-1, 25 cm water layer, space utilization
90%). If in 4 crops 800 kg N 300 t-1 production is discharged, the efficiency is still 52%

(800/300=2.7+2.9 uptake; 2.9/5.6=52%). In Vredepeel there was no discharge during
cropping, only at the end of the year, realizing an N-efficiency of 81%.
The estimated N efficiency in hydroponic leek will be lowered if there is precipitation
which is followed by an overflow of the system. The present system will collect all
precipitation, resulting in a dilution of the EC and finally an overflow of the surplus if the
system is full. In The Netherlands the average precipitation is 800 mm and transpiration of
leek varies between 300 and 500 mm, resulting in a surplus of rainwater. Part of this surplus
can be stored in the DFT system itself, but there may be a need for further storage capacity
(estimated at 500 m3 ha-1).

Hydroponic grown leek was compared with traditional soil-grown leek. There are
several reasons which cause high investments when hydroponically growing leek:
- Capital costs for the pond, floating panels, devices, water control equipment and
planting and harvesting equipment;
- Graded plant material;
- Energy for pumping around the nutrient solution.
Fertilization, land costs and labour are lower in price for hydroponic grown leek. In
other words it can be said that hydroponically grown leek costs € 0.43-0.50 kg-1 leek, while
soil grown leek costs €0.59 kg-1 leek. This will give space for investment of € 56,000.- to
90,000.- ha-1 as the investment in the growing system will be about € 455,000.- ha-1: there is
a payback time of about 8 years.
Up till now the market price for both types of leek were kept the same. A higher price
for hydroponically grown leek can only be achieved by bringing it on the market as a new
product, by creating a niche market. For the Kamperland produce this is tried out with
special packaging and the in the Dutch language rhyming slogan “Leek, sandfree” (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Marketing hydroponic leek: sand free.

Other aspects
Since 2012 instances of sudden yellowness of plants has been observed (Figure 8).
First thoughts were lack of certain nutrients, but analysis showed this was not the case.
Symptoms appeared on different times in Vredepeel and Kamperland, while same plant
material was used. Yellow stripe virus could be detected, an old, well-known virus with minor
symptoms in soil growing. However, its origin could not be established. Currently no control
measures are available for this virus.
Another important aspect is the taste of soil grown and hydroponically grown leek.
Comparison (trained tase panel tasted boiled leek and gave ranking) between three
hydroponically grown cultivars (‘Belton’, ‘Lexton’, ‘Megaton’), one hydroponically grown at
higher EC level (‘Belton’), one grown in open field (‘Megaton’) and one bought at the
supermarket showed that there was no difference between the cultivation method, but only

minor differences between cultivars.

Figure 8. Yellow symptoms appearing to be Yellow stripe virus.

For fresh leek production in a DFT system around 70 plants m-2 is optimal to produce
more than 200 g plant-1 with a diameter of more than 2 cm. With 3-4 crop cycles a year,
yields of up to 300 t ha-1 can be achieved. Tube length (20 cm) and diameter (>30 mm inner
diameter) are of great importance to produce desirable long white shafts (>14 cm).
Young plants from the plant raiser should be as uniform as possible (with grading
required to eliminate small plants) to improve a uniform yield. Roots can be shortened up to
4 cm to realize a quick regrowth after planting. The choice of cultivars is important: only fast
growing types should be used which have a long white shaft.
An upscaling took place to a semi commercial scale at which could be continuously
harvested and planted. It gave also options to estimate a cost price and to bring leek on the
market continuously.

The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Economics for financial support of the

Literature cited
De Haan, J.J., and van Wijk, K. (2007). Teelt uit de grond, verkenning van de mogelijkheden voor het telen van
vollegrondsgroenten uit de grond. PPO rapport nr. 369, pp.46 (in Dutch),
De Kreij, C., Voogt, W., and Baas, R. (1999). Nutrient Solutions and Water Quality for Soilless Cultures. Report 196
(Naaldwijk: Research Station for Floriculture and Glasshouse Vegetables), pp.36.
van Os, E.A., Bruins, M.A., Verhoeven, J., Van Weel, P.A., Van Wijk, K., and Wilms, J. (2012a). Prei: teeltsystemen uit
de grond; onderzoek 2011. Rapport PPO-AGV 478, pp.63 (in Dutch),
van Os, E.A., Van Weel, P.A., Bruins, M.A., Wilms, J.A.M., De Haan, J.J., and Verhoeven, J. (2012b). System
development for outdoor soilless production of leek (Allium porrum). Acta Hortic. 947, 139–146
van Os, E.A., Vermeulen, T., Slootweg, C., Bruins, M.A., and Van Tuijl, B. (2013a). Ontwerp en werkwijze om emissie
uit “Teelt de grond Uit” systemen te voorkomen. Rapport Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw, nr GTB-1245.
van Os, E.A., Bruins, M.A., Verhoeven, J., Van Weel, P.A., Van Wijk, K., and Wilms, J. (2013b). Prei: teeltsystemen uit
de grond, Onderzoek 2012, Rapport Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, GTB 1247, pp.48.
Van Wijk, K., Spruijt, J., and Verhoeven, J. (2012). Perspectievennota prei. Rapport PPO-AGV, pp.46 (in Dutch).


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