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 DTR’S (Daily Time Record)
Episode 1:


My Learning Episode Overview

 This Episode is centered on time-tested principles of learning which when

applied will lead to effective learning. It is good to find out the matter and
the extent to which these principles are applied in the classroom.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to identify classroom practices that apply or

violate each of the principles of learning.

My Performance Criteria

 I will be rated along the following:

a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio
My Map

 To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through

these steps:

I will identify evidence of
Guided by a applications/ violations of the
questions, I will reflect principles of learning. I can cite
on my experience, more than one evidence per
write down my principles of learning.


I will review the principles I will observe a class

of learning given in “My
Learning Essentials”.
My Learning Activities

As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a

more focused observation then analyze and reflect on my observation with the
help of guide questions.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: SCIENCE Date: JAN. 25, 2016

What did the Resource Teacher do

which applies/ contradicts the
learning principles?
Principles of Learning
Non –
Application of application/
the Principle Contradiction of
the Principles

1. Effective learning begins with Teacher writes her

the setting of clear and high intended learning
expectations and learning outcome on the
outcomes. board.
2. Learning is an active process. Pupil writes letter
A instead of
Teacher writing for
3. Learning is the discovery of The teacher asks
personal meaning and the pupils about
relevance of ideas. how a mother
gave birth ad how
an animal gave
birth to their off
4. Learning is a cooperative and As the teacher
collaborative process discuss the topic,
she occasionally
as the learners
about their
experiences. She
really initiates the
learners to share
their experiences
so that they have
interaction in the
5. Learning is enhanced in an Later on, the
atmosphere of cooperation teacher gave an
and collaboration. activity in their
book to be
answered and
when it’s time for
them to check, the
learners are very
involving and
cooperative in
sharing their ideas
about their topic.
You can see it in
their eyes that
they’re really
paying attention
on the class.
My Analysis

The involvement of the principles in learning has a huge impact in the

teaching – learning process because the teacher can provide activities that can

make the class understand the lesson fast and easy. The learners will be more

engage in classroom activities and it develops not only their cognitive but also

affective and psychomotor.

The most applied principle in the discussion is the learning is a

discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas. I just really like the way

the teacher ask her learners about their experiences and connecting it to the

lesson because for me the lesson can be easily understand if you can relate to it

and you easily connect yourself to it too with the use of your experience.

For me, I agree with the principles of learning. The principles are the

teachers’ guide in giving the learners activities that is appropriate for them. It also

helps the learners in understanding the lesson easily and faster. It is really a

great help in the teaching – learning process in a way that it makes the class

more attentive and interactive in the class.

My Reflections

Based on my observation, the resource teacher really adheres the

different principles in learning. Even though some of the principles are not

properly shown or made happen the class is still very interactive and attentive.

Also, one of its factors is that the lesson itself is very interesting for the learners

liking. You can really see in the class that they are very willing to learn and very

ready to accept new information and knowledge. She is very alive and pleasing

on delivering the lesson to her learners. She may lack in the classroom

management part since the learners are quite disorganized during activities but

when it comes to teaching she really delivers the lesson loud and clear. I ca say

that the resource teacher definitely shown what a real and true teacher she is

since majority of the class understand her lesson without a doubt. I have learned

that using the principles in learning is very important in making a classroom. I

also learned that the learners learn easily if they are familiar with the topic when

they are connected in their experience. All these principles are really a great help

to improve and increase the learning of the learners.

My Learning Portfolio


1. Learning is a step – by – step process.

2. Learning is developing when its connected to the learners’


3. No two individuals learn the same way.

4. Learning is not only thinking but also feeling.

5. Learning never stops.

6. Learning has different styles.

Episode 2:

Intended Learning
Outcomes/ Lesson
Objectives as My Guiding

My Learning Episode Overview

 Intended learning outcomes/lesson objectives set the direction of the

lesson. For them to serve s guiding star they must be SMART and
formulated in accordance with time – tested principles.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to:

a) Identify the guiding principles on lesson objectives/ learning
outcomes applied in instruction.
b) Determine whether or not lesson objectives/intended learning
outcomes served as guiding star in the lessons observed.
c) Judge if lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes are SMART

My Performance Criteria

 I will be rated along the following:

a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio
My Map

 I will observe three (3) different classes

 I will reflect on the guide questions given below.
 To realize intended learning outcomes, I will follow these steps.


Read the Learning

Essentials given above


Observe at least three (3) classes with a

learning partner. I will choose one class
from each of the three groups.

Group 1 – Language / Science / Math

Group 2 – Physical Education, TLE

Group 3 – Edukasyon sa pagkatao /

Araling Panlipunan

My focus this time is on lesson or learning

objectives/intended learning outcomes.


Discuss my
observation/answers to
the questions with my


Write down my answers

to the questions

Reflect on my

My Learning Activities

1. As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more

focused observation then analyze my observations with the help of the
guide questions then reflect on my observations and answers.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 8 Subject Area: ARALING PANLIPUNAN

Date: Feb. 3, 2016

Guiding Principles Related to Teaching Behavior/s which

Lesson Objectives/Intended Prove/s Observance of the
Learning Outcomes Guiding Principle

1. Begin with an end mind 1. e.g. The Resource Teacher

began her lesson by stating her

2. Share the lesson objectives The teacher let the students’ share
with the students. their own knowledge about what a
social system is. She also ask for
examples about the social system
and how they usually operates.
3. Lesson objectives/ Intended The lesson objective provided by
Learning Outcomes Are the teacher directed the students’
Specific, Measurable, thinking into rational one. Their own
Attainable, Result – Oriented, way of describing and explaining
Time bound (SMART) was also been trained into a more
artistic way.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: ARALING PANLIPUNAN

Date: FEB. 3 2016

Guiding Principles Related to Teaching Behavior/s which

Lesson Objectives/Intended Prove/s Observance of the
Learning Outcomes Guiding Principle

1. Begin with an end mind 1. e.g. The Resource Teacher

began her lesson by stating her

2. Share the lesson objectives The resource teacher ask the

with the students. learners what they would like to be
when they grow up. She also ask
them to describe their choice and
present it to the class.

3. Lesson objectives/ Intended The teacher is very good in

Learning Outcomes Are discussing the lesson about the
Specific, Measurable, different kinds of occupation. Also,
Attainable, Result – Oriented, the learners are very attentive to
Time bound (SMART) the teacher which really proves
that the teacher is very effective in
her teaching.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: SCIENCE Date: JAN. 26, 2016

Guiding Principles Related to Lesson Teaching Behavior/s which

Objectives/Intended Learning Prove/s Observance of the
Outcomes Guiding Principle

1. Begin with an end mind 1. e.g. The Resource Teacher

began her lesson by stating her
2. Share the lesson objectives with The resource teacher let the
the students. students to discover the
instructional objectives of their
3. Lesson objectives/ Intended The teacher let the students to
Learning Outcomes Are Specific, describe how water cycle goes and
Measurable, Attainable, Result – state and explain its three
Oriented, Time bound (SMART) processes. She also gave the
opportunity for the learners to
actively participate in the group
activities provided.

My Analysis

Learning objectives should be followed and should be presented to

the learners. Learning objectives serves as a guide for teachers on how to

conduct a lesson. It is said to be objectives because it is the target goal of the

teachers for that day or term. An effective teacher should follow the stated

learning objectives to achieve a great performance to the learners. After I

observed the three different grade level with their teachers, I observed that they

are not so good in presenting the objectives of the lesson to the class. On the

first class, their subject is Araling Panlipunan, I assumed that her objectives are:

be able to define Feudalism, be able to appreciate the importance of the social

system and to be able to demonstrate the social system. On the second class,

their subject is still Araling Panlipunan, I assumed that her objectives are for the

pupils to be able to: differentiate the different kinds of occupation, appreciate the
importance of each occupation and lastly, to express skillfully the job of each

occupation. As for the third class, their subject is Science, they are discussing

about the Water Cycle. I think the objectives of the teacher is for them to be able

to: define the three processes of Water Cycle, accept the processes and to make

an experiment on how this processes works or made.

I didn’t have a chance to have a copy of each lesson plan but I think

some of the things I assumed as their objectives are right and true. Making an

objective is not easy for me since I’m only a beginner. For me, it takes time to

make one because you need to think of it thoroughly. You need to make

considerations also for the learners and it should be SMART. Even though I didn’t

have an opportunity to have my resource teachers’ lesson plan I think their

objectives are SMART.

My Reflections

Learning objectives are set of goals that the learners must cope

within a period of time. Based on my observation, the resource teachers that I

observe directed the learning to the students through the use of the objectives.

The goals are very SMART and appropriate in each topics. It made the students

more knowledgeable and equipped with the topics. The knowledge, skills and

attitudes are well developed in the set aims and objectives.

Learning objectives truly be considered as a guiding star in

developing the lesson. It is said to be excepted learning outcome of the learners.

Knowledge and learning can be controlled effectively and efficiently through

following the learning objectives. Also, the set goals will make the delivery of the

lesson be well – directed and concentrated on the established aims and goals.

Those objectives will tied up on the success or failure of gaining learning in every

presentation of the lesson.

My Learning Portfolio

Teachers plays an important role in the teaching – learning process.

It is also has an important role in molding every young minds and soul. They

serve as a model and students sometimes imitate and idolize by many. So

teachers should influences with them positivity and values. Like how learners

won’t give up on their survival in life, the teachers should not also surrender in

directing the learning of the students using the lesson objectives established.

Sometime, everything was out controlled, yet how the teacher handle with those
sufferings and problems will be the determinant of the success of their

profession, which is not merely to teach only, but to mold, lead and inspire young

minds which one day could be more successful than them.

So when the time I will be a teacher, I will bear in my mind to be a

very good and professional one. I will be very approachable and friendly to my

learners so that they will have difficulty in understanding my lessons.

Episode 3:

Organizing Content for

Meaningful Learning

My Learning Episode Overview

 Benjamin Bloom cited three (3) domains of knowledge – cognitive,

psychomotor and affective. Kendall and Marzano also gave three (3)
groups of learning – information (declarative knowledge), metacognitive
procedures (procedural knowledge) and psychomotor procedures (motor
or physical skills). This episode will focus on these domains and learning.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to:

a) Classify the lesson/s under Bloom’s Taxonomy of knowledge and
Kendall’s and Marzano’s domains of learning activities.
b) Reflect on what lesson is more meaningful and relevant based on
the domains of knowledge and learning activities.
My Performance Criteria

 I will be rated along the following:

a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and time of
submission of my portfolio
My Map
I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay close information to what the
resource teacher does to teach and what the learners do to learn.

Step 1: Step 2:
Step 3:
Review selection and Observe one type of class
Organization of Content – cognitive, skill and Accomplish the
found in Principles of affective at a time. Observation Sheet
Teaching 1

Step 4: Step 5:

Write down my Reflect on my

answers to the Observation

My Learning Activities


(Language/ Araling Panlipunan/ Science/ Math)

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 8 Subject Area: ENGLISH Date: MAR. 2, 2016

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domain of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain

Domain of Knowledge of Knowledge from my Observation
(What did your Teacher teach? What
was the focus of your teacher’s
1. Cognitive Domain – Information
(Declarative Knowledge) – The teacher focuses about the Elements
Vocabulary, terms, facts, concepts, of the Short Story
principle, hypothesis, theory
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural The teacher asked the class to od a
Knowledge) script writing with their own desired
e.g. mental skills such as writing a theme and according to a movie they’ve
paragraph watched on their own.

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor – skills The teacher also had a paly lit about a

selection in the book. And after that the
audience will identify the elements on the
performing group.
4. Affective – values, attitudes The teacher asked the class about the
moral story of the play lit and how they
will going to apply it I the real life


(Physical Education, ICT, TLE)

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 10 Subject Area: Business Management Date: Feb.
24, 2016

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domain of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain

Domain of Knowledge of Knowledge from my Observation
(What did your Teacher teach? What
was the focus of your teacher’s
1. Cognitive Domain – Information
(Declarative Knowledge) – The teacher discussed about business
Vocabulary, terms. Facts, Management to the class. She presented
concepts, principle, hypothesis, the principles of business planning.
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural The teacher also discussed about the
Knowledge) planning cycle and how complicated can
e.g. mental skills such as writing a business can be. She also presented
paragraph about the business plan making.

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor – skills She let the class have a moment of

writing about their experience in
business. She let them wander in their
own thoughts for a few minutes.
4. Affective – values, attitudes She asked the class about the
importance of learning such this things
and how this will help them in the near


(Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Literature)

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 8Subject Area: Pyudalismo Date: Jan. 26, 2016

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domain of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each Domain

Domain of Knowledge of Knowledge from my Observation
(What did your Teacher teach? What
was the focus of your teacher’s
1. Cognitive Domain – Information
(Declarative Knowledge) – The teacher taught about this social
Vocabulary, terms. Facts, system called Feudalism.
concepts, principle, hypothesis,
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural
Knowledge) She starts the class with an empty mind.
e.g. mental skills such as writing a She ask for their own description on what
paragraph is feudalism.

Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor – skills She had the class a role play activity

about Feudalism
4. Affective – values, attitudes She had this discussion about the
importance of learning about the past
years in Europe and how it is important
for us to learn.

My Analysis

The lessons really focuses on the three main domains in learning.

The teacher had different ways on catching the attention of the learners. Ice

breakers and energizers are presented in a drill way so that the teacher can

automatically connect the new lesson to it. When I was observing the classes I’ve

gone, I remember my own experiences when I was my age. I’m very distracted

and talkative just like them but every time quizzes and exams are given, I can still

answer it. I might not get perfect but I had a good score just like the learners I’ve
observe. When their teacher is discussing, they are also discussing with their

friends too but in a long run they still listen to their teacher.

Every student may be better suited to learning in a particular way,

using distinctive modes for thinking, relating and creating. It is critical that

teachers use a range of teaching strategies to effectively meet the needs of

individual learners. Young learners who are both intrinsically, critically and

creatively; and in the final analysis to make use of the knowledge and skills they

have gained by becoming effective decision makers. Students should also be

given the opportunity for self-assessment and be encouraged to evaluate their

habits, attitudes, and behaviors with respect to personal health and well-being.

This can be accomplished though real-life activities or simulations in which

students can become involved in a meaningful way. Activities such as recording

eating habits and designing a plan for healthy eating, taking a classmate’s pulse,

analyzing advertisements for obvious and hidden messages, help young people

apply their understanding of concepts to everyday situations and occurrences.

My Reflection

A student-centered approach which actively engages the young

person in the learning process is critical if skills which result in healthy behaviors

are to be fostered and developed. Some of the learning strategies that could be

incorporated in a comprehensive approach include self-directed learning,

cooperative learning, role playing, behavioral rehearsal, peer education and

parent involvement. Consideration should be given to allowing students to plan

some learning experiences. They could be provided with opportunities to identify

topics or areas for further study, contribute information relevant to an issue for

study and/or make suggestions for follow-up activities.

Within the classroom, teachers need to be sensitive to value which

are promoted by family, peers, and friends, religious and cultural backgrounds.

The climate of the classroom must be such that students may speak openly while

being assured of the confidentiality, trust and respect of their classmates and

teacher. The nature of some incidents may warrant professional intervention in

which case School Board policy must be followed.

It is important, too, that the learning environment of the school be

extended to involve the home and the community for health ism so intricately

related to both. Health education will take on more meaning as partnerships with

the home, school, and community develop and grow. Throughout the teaching

and learning process instruction should be guided by the goals and objectives of

the program. Students must be actively involved and provided with the

opportunity to experience success.

My Learning Portfolio
Good teachers are full of passion, well prepared for their lesson,

have anticipatory skills and of course live with integrity. Aside from knowledge,

teachers must possess positive attitudes and admirable values. One sees these

qualities throughout the way activities are facilitated by the teacher, how the

materials are organized and prepared, and another thing is how to assessment

tools are used. This is where positive attitudes comes in. Dedication, hard work

and punctuality are also important.

All teachers must realize that part of their job is to teach their

students how to learn. I’ve learned that metacognition comes in when we focus

on learning how to learn. Teachers must also learn from their mistakes,

experiment continually with ways to improve their strategies and teaching


Episode 4:

The New Taxonomy of

Educational Objectives: the
Levels of Learning
My Learning Episode Overview

The Episode dwells on Bloom’s levels of cognitive processing and on the

new taxonomy of processing knowledge introduced by Kendall and Marzano.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to able to identify teaching practice/s in the

different levels of processing knowledge based on Bloom’s revised
cognitive taxonomy and Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy.

My Performance Criteria

 I will be rated along the following:

a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) time of submission of my portfolio
My Map
 I will observe four (4) different classes.
 I will reflect on the guide questions given below.
 To hit my target, I will follow these steps.

Read the Learning
Observe at least four (4) classes with a learning
Essential partner.

I will chooses one class form each of the three groups:

 Group 1 – Language/ Araling

 Group 2 – Physical Education, ICT, TLE
 Group 3 – Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/

My Learning Activities


Bloom’s Levels of Processing Cognitive Activities

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: C.L. Date: Mar. 2, 2016

Bloom’s Level of processing What learning activity/ies in the classroom

cognitive activities did I observe in each level?
1. Remembering The students were asked to recall the lesson
they had last meeting.
2. Comprehending The teacher asked the class to interpret the
symbolism in the parable that she read.
3. Applying The teacher had presented scenarios where
the learners can see how a certain behavior
can affect one’s life
4. Analyzing The teacher asked the students to distinguish
the good behavior to bad behavior
5. Evaluating The students answered their books.
6. Creating Learners were asked about other behavior
that weren’t mention that are considered good
things to be done to others.


Write down instances where

Levels of processing Teacher made learners to do any of
1. Retrieval Information – Students gave
information asked.
 The teacher asked the learners
about how they help their
parents in their house.
Mental Procedures – Students
determined it information is
accurate or inaccurate
 Students also were asked the
difference of good behavior
and bad behavior.
Psychomotor procedures/ Motor or
physical skills – Student/s
executed/performed procedures.
 The teacher asked one of the
learners to demonstrate the
way they help their parents at
home, like sweeping the floor
and arranging things.
4. Comprehension Student/s constructed symbolic
representation of information
 The learners were asked to
draw the way they help their
Student/s integrated information,
paraphrased information
 The learners also elaborate
how they help their parents.
6. Analysis Student/s specified logical
consequences of information
 The teacher asked them the
consequences when they will
do things that are bad.
Student/s stated generalizations.
 The learners conclude that
doing bad things is not
acceptable to God and they
can hurt their parents.
Student/s identified factual/logical
 Learners had found out that
when they do good deeds they
will be rewarded and when
then they do bad deeds they
will be punished.
Student/s did classifying
 The learners are able classify
the good things from the bad
Student/s matched, identified
similarities and differences
 The learners are able to
compare and contrast the
cause and effects of each
deeds they’ve done.
4. Knowledge Utilization Student/s tested hypothesis
 The teacher is presenting
scenarios that corresponds to
each deeds that the learners
are doing and practicing.
Student/s experimented
 The teacher made them act
what they usually do and ask
them if it is consider bad or
Student/s solved problems given
by the teacher
 The teacher are helping them
to sort out the problem and
guiding them to their
Student/s made a decision
 The teacher is giving them
additional scenarios and events
to help them have their own
judgements and conclusion.

5. Meta-cognitive system Students specified their learning

 As what I observed, the
teacher didn’t specified the
lessons according to each
learner. She made it
wholesome and general to all
the learners.
Students monitored their own
 The teacher is always
monitoring the learners’ activity
and involvement in the class by
giving the learners’ points as
an oral recitation.
Students monitored the clarity and
accuracy of their own learning
 Through the scores the teacher
provided, she can tell if they
really learn something from the
6. Self-system Students believed in the
importance of what they learn
 The teacher really emphasizes
the importance of learning the
new topic.
Students were convinced in their
ability to learn.
 The teacher also encourage
the class to do good deeds and
avoid doing bad deeds.

Students were motivated to learn

and felt good about learning tasks
 The teacher motivated the
class in following Christ’s works
and be a good children of the
My Analysis
Bloom’s level of processing was mostly presented in the class. I can see

that the teacher is doing things according to the level of processing. She also had

the ability to make the learners’ motivated and attentive to the class. I can also

see that she is really doing her best to keep the class entertaining and enjoyable.

The most displayed level of processing cognitive information in Bloom’s

taxonomy is remembering. The teacher encourage the class to remember the

activities each learners’ are doing in their own houses and classifying them if it’s

a good deed or a bad deed. She presented lots of scenarios that are very

common to each learners and according to their level of thinking. The level of

processing cognitive information that is least used is the creating. She is more in

the remembering. As for the Kendall’s and Marzano’s level of processing

information, I think most of it are presented and used in the class. The teacher is

guiding the class in making decisions, she also presented scenarios that is very

common in each learners’ everyday life.

I think Bloom’s level of processing is very similar to Kendall’s and

Marzano’s level of processing because it focuses on the learner’s cognitive

capacity to process information. Also, in Bloom’s. It is generalize compare to

Kendall’s and Marzano’s that is specific. But all in all they are similar and familiar

with each other.

My Reflection
Analyzing the learning of level of development, I found out that having the

Bloom’s and Kendall’s and Marzano’s level of development is very helpful

because it can be our guide in delivering the proper lesson to the learners. It can

be a great help on how we are going to transfer the knowledge to the learners.

Through these level of developments given as a guide, we can trace the learners’

development and progress in learning and studying.

The teacher is the greatest contributor to a learner’s level I n processing. If

the learners’ are presented questions that are in high order thinking skills, the

learner is very much likely answer in a more critical way. And if the learner is

asked questions that is in the lower order thinking skill, of course the answer

would be the obvious things, like answering the 4 W’s questions. It’s simple as

that, that’s why the teacher have this kind of guiding principles to be able to give

out lessons that the learners can understand easily.

Episode 5:
Teaching Approaches and the K
to 12 Curriculum
My Learning Episode Overview

 The K to 12 Law made explicit the pedagogical approach for the K to 12

Curriculum. This Episode revolves around this pedagogical approach.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to:

a) Determine the teaching approach used by the Resource Teachers
b) Identify instances where the pedagogical approaches of the K to 12
Curriculum contained in the law are observed.
My Performance Criteria

 I will be rated along the following:

a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio
My Map
 I will observe at least one Resource Teacher teach, analyze and reflect on
my observation.
 To realize my Target/Intended Learning Outcomes, I will follow the
following steps:


Review the notes in the Learning Essentials


Observe one Resource Teacher


Accomplish Observation Sheet


Analyze my Observation


Reflect on my Observation
My Learning Activities

I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of an Observation sheet
for greater focus. I will analyze my observation with the help of guide questions
then reflect on my observations and analysis.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: Math Date: Mar. 7, 2016

Teacher – Centered Student – Centered

Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the
teaching – learning process? How?
Or were they mere passive recipients
of instruction?

 The teacher give lecture at  The students are involve in

the same time giving activities the discussion, like for
to the class. example, the teacher would
asked about their
Was the emphasis mastery for the Was the emphasis the student’s
lesson for the test? Prove. application of the lesson in real life?
Give proofs.

 The teacher made it clear  The learners are able to

from the beginning the understand why they need to
importance in studying the know those kinds of things
lesson and how it will affect and how it will affect them in
their lives if they try to follow the near future.
Was class atmosphere competitive? Was class atmosphere collaborative?
Why. Why?

 I can sense a bit of  The class is also collaborative

competitiveness from the at the same time. They are
Grade 2 learners. They are also helping one another to
very much engage in the answer the questions the
discussion that they want to teacher are asking to them.
answer everything on it.
Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

 The teacher put emphasis lots  The teacher had able to

of discipline in the discussion. connect it to the other lessons
She tries to connect it to the and she also gave some
other subjects so that her examples for better
discussion is variety. understanding.
What teaching-learning practice show that teaching approach was:
a) Constructivist – connected to past experiences of learners; learners
constructed new lesson meanings.

 The teacher tries to make the learners remember past experiences

and happenings and tries to connect it to the new concept that they
are able discuss that day.
b) Inquiry – Based

 The teacher pose some questions and scenarios related to the new
topic and aske the learners’ opinions and ideas about it.
c) Developmentally appropriate – learning activities fir the
developmental stage of children
 She presented examples that are appropriate and exactly for the
grade 2 learners’ cognitive capacity and concrete.
d) Reflective
 She asked the class to be in a moment of silence to reflect what have
they learned new today and how it will help them in the new future.
e) Inclusive – no learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.
 The teacher made everyone involve in learning. She made it pretty
clear that she wants everybody to pay attention to the class and she
had activities that can make everyone busy and attentive at the same
f) Collaborative – Students worked together.
 She gave activities that requires working together, like partners
g) Integrative – Lesson was multidisciplinary – e.g. In Science, Math
concepts were taught.
 She tried to connect it in other subjects to make the learners’
understand more.
My Analysis
Base on my observation the whole instruction is student – centered. The

whole time the class is going on, the students are involved and interacting in the

class. They are very attentive and alive in the discussion. They are involving

themselves in the discussion.

If the teacher is discussing purely subject matter in the classroom, I guess the

learners’ will be very intelligent academically but poor in the value integration and

social orientation. It is the responsibility of the teacher to make the learners’

healthy in all aspects. We are the one of the factors in molding the child for the

betterment of the world that’s why we need to teach them the right thing to do

and how things work.

If I will be given a chance to reteach the class, I will still do it in the student-

centered way because it is easier and appropriate to them in that kind of style.
My Reflection
For me, using both strategies maybe very difficult considering that the

learners today are very complicated and attach to the technology. We need to

choose one only and I suggested to use the student-centered way of teaching.

Using the student-centered teaching is far better than the teacher-based teaching

because you will focus more on the ability of the child’s learning and

understanding. You need to cater every aspects of that learner. Also, you need to

consider some of the aspects of the learners because not all learners learn in the

same style. Each learner has its own unique learner style that’ why we need the

student-centered approach so that the learners will understand more the

presented lesson.
My Learning Portfolio

1. A student-centered approach is very interactive. Research on at least 3

teaching-learning activities/ techniques that can be used at the beginning
or end of a lesson. Put them here.
Episode 6:

Deductive and Inductive

Methods of Teaching

My Learning Episode Overview

After a Learning Episode on Teaching – Learning Approach, the FS

students gets acquainted with methods of teaching. A teaching method is
the practical realization or application of an approach.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to:

a) Identify the teaching method used by my Resource Teachers
b) Distinguish between deductive (direct) and inductive (indirect)
method of teaching.
My Performance Criteria

 I will be rated along the following:

a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio
My Map
 I will observe two (2) different classes.
 I will reflect on the guide questions given below.
 To hit my target, I will follow these steps:


Reflect the Learning Essentials given.


Observe at least two (2) classes with a learning partner.

I will choose one class for each of the three groups.

 Group 1 – Language/Araling Panlipunan/Science/Math

 Physical Education, ICT, TLE
 Group 3 – Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/ Literature
My Learning Activities

I will observe 2 classes by using Observation sheet for greater focus then
analyze my observation with the help of guide questions. I will write down my
reflection on my observations and experiences.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 1 Subject Area: Math Date: Mar. 7, 2016

Observe how the Resource Teacher began, developed and ended her/his

Start of the Lesson

 The teacher presented the lesson directly by telling them the new
topic which is the Calendar.
Development of her Lesson
 She make use of the LED TV in the classroom for the learners to view
a video clip about the calendar. She made that as the introduction of
the lesson.
Ending of her Lesson
 She had the generalization about the calendar and she gave them an
evaluation by answering some exercises from the book.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: Araling Panlipunan Date: Mar. 2, 2016

Observe how the Resource Teacher began, developed and ended her/his

Start of the Lesson

 She had a story about her favorite cartoon character. She asked the
learners what they want to be in the future.
Development of her Lesson
 She gave examples and scenarios about the different kinds of
occupation. She also asked the learners about their parents and their
desire in life.
Ending of her Lesson:
 At the end of the lesson, she asked the class what are they discussing
based on the examples and scenarios that were given to them. She
proceeds to explain how they arrive at that certain conclusion that
they are discussing about the different types of occupation.

My Analysis

For the first class that I observed, I noticed that the teacher used the

deductive method. She told the class about their new topic of the day and she

gave examples before she had the generalization. For the second class that I

observed, the teacher used the inductive method because she presented first the

examples and scenarios before they had known the topic of the day.

I observed that the learners’ are more interacting in the deductive way of

learning because they knew what they are talking about and they know where

they going in the discussion. In the inductive method, the teacher needs greater

demand of questioning and organizing skills because you will let your learners

discover the new lesson without directly giving them the answer. You will let them

discover it on their own.

There are also instances that the teacher taught the lesson inductively while it

needs to be taught deductively. Teaching inductively is quite handful and using

the deductive method is much easier than using the inductive method.
My Reflection
Two very distinct and opposing instructional approaches are inductive and

deductive. Both approaches can offer certain advantages, but the biggest

difference is the role of the teacher. In a deductive classroom, the teacher

conducts lessons by introducing and explaining concepts to students, and then

expecting students to complete tasks to practice the concepts; this approach is

very teacher-centered. Conversely, inductive instruction is a much more student-

centered approach and makes use of a strategy known as ‘noticing’. Let’s take a

closer look at the differences between inductive and deductive instruction, and

find out how noticing can be used in the language classroom to better facilitate

student learning.
My Learning Portfolio

A deductive approach to teaching language starts by giving learners rules, then

examples, then practice. It is a teacher-centered approach to presenting new
content. This is compared with an inductive approach, which starts with
examples and asks learners to find rules, and hence is more learner-centered.


The form and use of the third conditional is explained to learners, then they have
a gap-fill exercise to complete, then prepare their own examples.
In the classroom

The deductive approach may be suitable with lower level learners who need a
clear base from which to begin with a new language item, or with learners who
are accustomed to a more traditional approach and so who lack the training to
find rules themselves.

Episode 7:

Guiding Principles in the

Selection and Use of
Teaching Methods
My Learning Episode Overview

This Learning Episode is about the guiding principles in the selections and
use of teaching method. It comes after the FS student has been introduced to
methods of teaching.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to identify the applications of some guiding

principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies.

My Performance Criteria
 I will be rated along the following:
a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio
My Map
I will observe at least three (3) Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on
my observations.
To reach my Target, I will follow the following steps:


Reflect the Learning Essentials given. Observe one Resource Teacher.


Accomplish Observation Sheet Analyze my Observations.


Reflect on my Observation.

My Learning Activities

I will observe one class by using Observation sheet for greater focus then
analyze my observation with the help of guide questions. I will write down my
reflection on my observations and experiences.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: GRADE 2 Subject Area: Math Date: Mar. 2, 2016

Guiding Principles in the Selection Teaching Behavior of the

and Use of Strategies Resource Teacher that Applies the

1. The more senses that are e.g. Teacher used video on how
involved, the more and better digestion takes place and a model of
the learning. human digestive system.

2. Learning is an active process. The teacher presented video clip

about the months in a year. In this.
She presented the learners what she
intended for them to learn and what
she intended to teach.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere Just like what I stated above, the
enhances learning. video clip makes the learners
developed their sense in listening in
recognizing the song. We all know
that we learn more with what we see
than with what we simply hear.
4. Emotion has the power to Students learn fast when they fell
increase retention and comfortable. They can absorb the
learning. lesson fast if they are at ease and at
peace. Also, if the teacher is very
friendly and approachable. As what I
observed, the teacher is friendly and
the learners love her.
5. Good teaching goes beyond The teacher asked lower order
recall of information thinking skills to higher order thinking
skills. She also asked the learners to
recall information’s and she also
asked them about comprehension.
6. Learning is meaningful when it The teacher asked the learners
is connected to student’s activities that they are doing in a
everyday life. certain day. Like for example, she
asked them the day they are going
to church, the month we celebrate
Valentine’s Day, Christmas Day and
such. She connects it to the
learner’s daily activities.
7. An integrated teaching The teacher generalize some of the
approach is far more effective things she discusses. She made it
than teaching isolated bits of somewhat related to each other so
information. that the learners won’t be confuse
and for them to understand correctly.
My Analysis
Brain – based learning is motivated by the general belief that learning can

be accelerated and improved if educators base how and what they teach on the

science of learning, rather than on past educational practices, established

conventions, or assumptions about the learning process. it was commonly

believed that intelligence is fixed characteristic that remains largely unchanged

throughout a person’s life. However, recent discoveries in cognitive science have

revealed that the human brain physically changes when it learns, and that after

practicing certain skills it becomes increasingly easier to continue learning and

improving those skills. This finding – that learning effectively improves brain

functioning, resiliency, and working intelligence – has potentially far – reaching

implications for how schools can design their academic programs and how

teachers could structure educational experiences in the classroom.

All that is listed in the table are brain – based teaching and learning. They

motivates and encourage the learners in learning more and expanding their

knowledge. Relating the lesson to a learner’s life is an example of this strategies.

They encourage the learners to become attentive to the class and more

Using brain – based learning makes teaching much easy and entertaining.

Catering the learners need is a must and using the brain – based strategies can


My Reflection

The best method in teaching for me, is relating the lesson to a child’s life.

Nobody can learn for us in the same way just like nobody can eat for us, nor live

for us, nor die for us. Everybody has a way of learning. Now using this as a

strategy of the learner’s to learn more is the best thing. An easy way to help

students feel personally connected to what they’re being taught is to talk about

how they can apply the material in real life. For example, when the learner learn

by interacting with their environment, they are said to be inquiring. They are

asking about something to obtain information and processing that information. As

more and more substantiations unravel they compare classify, analyze, and

evaluate collected observations. Depending on the weight and relevance of the

evidence, they formulate their own conclusion. In that sense, the learner is

learning on his/her own way through the experience.

My Portfolio
Are the pedagogical approaches to K to 12 as stipulated in the Enhanced
Basic Education Act of 2013 based on these principles of teaching-learning?
(Refer to R.A. 10533, Sec. 4 for the pedagogical approaches). Come up with a
Table like this one.

Pedagogical Approach of K to 12 Principle of Teaching

1. Constructivist 1. Good Teaching goes beyond

recall of information

2. Learning is meaningful when it

is connected to student’s
everyday life.
2. Inquiry – based 3. Good teaching goes beyond
recall of information

3. Developmentally appropriate 4. Emotions has the power to

increase retention and
4. Reflective 5. Learning is meaningful when it
is connected to student’s
everyday life.
6. An integrated approach is far
more better than teaching
isolated bits of information
5. Inclusive 7. The more senses involved in
learning, the more and the
better the learning.
8. Learning is a collaborative
6. Collaborative 9. Learning is a collaborative
10. Learning is meaningful when it
is connected to student’s
everyday life.
7. Integrative 11. Learning is meaningful when it
is connected to student’s
everyday life.
12. An integrated approach is far
more better than teaching
isolated bits of information

Episode 8:

Outcomes-Based Teaching-
Learning (OBTL) and

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode tackles lesson development, the OBTL way. The K to 12

Curriculum and teacher education curriculum are focused on the outcomes,
standards and competencies. This means that lessons must be delivered with
focus on outcomes.

My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to:
a) Trace the development of the lesson of my Resource Teacher/s
b) Determine whether or not the lesson development was in
accordance with outcomes-based teaching and learning
c) Outline a lesson in accordance with Outcome-Based Teaching-
My Performance Criteria
 I will be rated along the following:
a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio

My Map
1. I will read Learning Essentials above
2. I will observe one class of a Resource Teacher


Read Learning Essentials Observe one Resource

above. Teacher.

Accomplish Observation
Analyze My Observation Sheet


Reflect on my
My Learning Activities

I observe a class by using Observation Sheet for greater focus

then analyze my observations with the help of guide questions. I will write down
my reflections on my observation and experiences.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 2 Subject Area: Filipino Date: Mar. 8, 2016

1. Did the teacher state the learning objectives/ intended learning outcomes
(ILOs) at the beginning of the class? Did she share them with the class?
 She didn’t share her class objectives in the class. She automatically begin
her discussion without presenting her objectives, I can tell what her
objectives are based on how she asked questions to the class and based
on her discussion.

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs
help him/her attain his/her lesson objectives/ILOs? Explain your answer.

 She had a coloring activity in her class. She asked the learners to color
their book after answering the exercises in the book. I can say that see
somewhat achieved her objectives because the learners can answer her

3. What assessment task/s did Teacher employ? Is/Are these aligned to the
lesson objectives/ILOs?

 The teacher made the class answer the exercises from the book. For me,
it is aligned to her objectives because it corresponds to the lesson she is
discussing but I don’t think the coloring part is connected to her lesson
.This somewhat confused me a little.

My Analysis

If the intended learning outcome and teaching-learning activity and

amusement task are properly aligned and connected then teaching in the class is

very easy as one two three. When this three is complimenting each other, then

teaching a lesson to the learners is very harmonious and enjoyable. There are
teaching learning activities that are more appropriate than what the teacher used.

All you have to do is research more about it and you can apply it to your class,

but make sure it is appropriate and easy for the learners to do. As for the

assessment task, it’s up for the teacher what he/she will give to his/her learners

but make sure it is easy and justifies what you have discussed in the class.

I really agree that some of the teacher are confusing their very own

learnings, it’s because they didn’t made their objectives precisely and SMART.

The objectives must connected to each other and compliments each other. It

should be aligned with each other so that the learners won’t be confuse and feel


My Reflections

Mastery learning is used in order to advance an individual’s potential

for learning. Compared to traditional learning models, sufficient time, attention,

and help are afforded to each student. This paper investigates the mastery

learning model and changes that have taken place in its use as an effective

teaching strategy. It also provides a comparison of Bloom’s and Keller’s

approaches as well as a critique of both approaches using historical data. This

paper shows that by applying mastery learning as a teaching strategy, students

achieve higher learning and better academic performance.

Mastery learning is an alternative method of teaching and learning for many

students who do not respond well to traditional instruction. Traditional instruction

has not been successful for many students in schools, colleges, and universities.

Like the mastery learning theory, cooperative learning is a strategy that looks

unfavorably on competition among individual students when learning the subject

matter. In addition, it is a strategy like mastery learning that makes the students

responsible for their learning the subject. Constructivism, on the other hand, has

been described as the unifying theory of education that has succeeded in tying

together all learning theories in all academic areas.

The teacher is more of a facilitator rather than traditional controller of

the classroom. Unlike cooperative learning, the literature does not provide a

positive tie between constructivis

Episode 9:

Effective Questioning and

Reacting Techniques

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode dwells on types of questions, questioning and reacting

techniques that teachers make use of. The type of questions that teachers ask
and their manner of questioning and reacting to student responses have a
bearing on class interaction.
My Intended Learning Outcome

 In this Episode, I must able to:

a) Identify my Resource Teachers’ questioning and reacting
b) Select types of questions, questioning and reacting techniques that
promote/discourage interaction
My Performance Criteria
 I will be rated along the following:
a) Quality of my observations and documentations
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis
c) Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections,
d) Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) Time of submission of my portfolio

My Map
I will observe at least 3 Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on my
observations. To reach my Target, I will follow the following steps:


Read Learning Essentials


my 3
Resource Teachers.
My Learning Activities

I observe 3 classes by using Observation Sheets for greater

focus then analyze my observations with the help of guide questions. I will write
down my reflections on my observation and experiences.

OBSERVATION SHEET # 9.1 – Types of

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 1 Subject Area: C.L. Date: Mar. 7, 2016

Types of Questions Examples of Questions that the

Resource Teacher Asked

1. Factual/ Convergent/ Closed/  What is a Good Samaritan?

Low Level
2. Divergent/ Higher – Order/  How can you say you’re a
Open – Ended/ Conceptual Good Samaritan?
a. Evaluation  Do you like the story?
b. Comparison  How did the first passer react
upon seeing the person
beside the road?
c. Application  If you are the first passerby,
would you help the injured
d. Problem – solving  In what way will you help the
injured person?
3. Affective  How would you feel if you
had help from the least
person you’ve imagine?

OBSERVATION SHEET # 9.2 – Questioning

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 2 Subject Area: English Date: Mar. 8, 2016

Questioning Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1. Varying type of Every time she

Questions ///// - // points out
important things.
2. Asking non-directed
questions (ask the ///// - /
question first before
calling a student to
3. Calling on non- When she can see
volunteers ///// - ///// that they are not
attentive anymore.
4. Prompting by
rephrasing or by /////
providing partial
5. Probing (to seek more If she can sense
details for //// that the class is
clarification) confuse.
6. Requiring abstract
thinking (not just ///// - ///// - //
simple recall but
require HOTS)
7. Asking open-ended
questions (divergent) ///// - ///// - ////

8. Allowing sufficient
time ///// - ////

9. Involving as many as
possible EVERYTIME

OBSERVATION SHEET # 9.3 – Reacting

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 9 Subject Area: Math Date: Mar. 8, 2016

Reacting Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1. Providing acceptance /// The class is silent

2. Providing corrective //
3. Giving appropriate ///// - ///// Constantly
and sincere praise
4. Repeating the answer /////
5. Explaining the After the solving,
answer/ expanding ///// - ///// - ///// he tries to run
the answer through it again.
6. Rephrasing the
question //
7. Asking follow up /////
8. Redirecting the If the student is not
questions to other /////-///// listening.
9. Soliciting student ///// - /////
10. Encouraging through
non-verbal behavior /////
11. Criticizing respondent //
for his/her answer
12. Scolding for
misbehavior or for not ///// - ///// - //
13. Overusing
expressions such as ///// - ///// - /////
“okay”, “right”
My Analysis
The teacher should encourage the learners in answering higher order

thinking skills. The teacher should ask more HOTS rather than LOTS to develop

their critical thinking and for them to think deeply.

As I had my last observation for this FS, I observe that mostly of the

teachers are questioning LOTS rather than HOTS. They are also basing more on

the books and rather not expanding the lesson. It’s like they are not doing farther

research on the lesson.

Some of the questioning that are mostly asked are convergent

questions that requires lower thinking.

The commonly used reacting techniques are saying “okay’s” and

calling those non-volunteer learners.

My Reflection
The kinds of questions we ask determine the level of thinking we

develop. Low level questions demand low level responses. They required

responses of the simple recall or memory types of answers. High level questions

call for higher – order thinking ability. “Why” and “how” questions require analysis

of observations. The conclusion is arrived at after weighing evidence or

establishing a pattern out of a recorded tabulation of data. A question is taken as

a request for information, it is simply an inquiry about something.

Class interaction is not dependent only on teacher’s questioning

skills. It also depends on teacher’s reacting techniques. Some reacting

techniques that have been proven to be effective are: 1) providing feedback, 2)

giving appropriate praise to high quality responses, 3) following up a student’s

response, 4) explaining the question, 5) rephrasing the seemingly unclear

question, 6) showing non – verbal encouragement, 7) re – directing the question

to other students, 8) soliciting students’ questions to satisfy curiosity or to better

understand something.
My Learning Portfolio

1. Choose competencies from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide then formulate

sample questions for each question type:

Type of Question
1. Convergent Summarize our discussion today about the planets of
the Solar System
2. Divergent What are the planets in the Solar System?
3. Evaluation Is my power point presentation entertaining you?
4. Inference Among the planets on the solar system, what planet
do you like? Why?
5. Affective How are you going to show your love to Mother
6. Comparison Compare and contrast Jupiter and Saturn

2. Research on at least five (5) expressions which you must use to inspire
your students to be actively involved in class interaction. E.g. “You are on
the right track!”

Brilliant! Excellent! That’s good!

Nice Answer! Amazing!

Daily Time
Episode 1
Episode 2


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